Vision. William Bates "Improving vision without glasses using the Bates method" download. Vision test iKulist for iOS

Check your eyes and train them.


A healthy person blinks on average more than 30,000 times a day, but imagine how much this figure decreases when you sit at a computer or smartphone/tablet. After all, it has long been proven that a person simply forgets to blink when looking at a monitor screen, thereby exposing his eyes to overload, and as a result, vision deterioration. The “” application contains a good set of exercises and tests that will help you relax your eyes, as well as check your vision for some deviations. Attention! This application is for informational purposes only and in any case, even if the test shows you something, you still need to consult an ophthalmologist.


The main screen is greeted with 4 sections:
1. Tests - contains an impressive number of tests that doctors also conduct in order to determine some deviations.
2. Trainings are excellent exercises for the eye that will help you relax it and even train it a little.
3. Status - shows your statistics on tests passed and exercises completed.
4. All about vision - interesting articles that in one way or another relate to the topic of vision.
Each test or training has an excellent description in Russian, so understanding it will not be difficult.


There are no settings in the application; no problems, crashes or glitches were noticed with reading text. Let's summarize: “” is a great way to remember to take a little break for yourself in order to give “your hard-working” eyes a rest. Enjoy!

As a child, I noticed that my grandparents often complained about farsightedness. And this was a clue: if vision declines in youth, then over time it will level out just to normal. Therefore, you don’t have to worry and continue to sit in front of the TV or monitor. But as years have shown, the scheme does not work. :)

Poor vision isn't just an inconvenience. You lose communication, simply not recognizing old acquaintances from a distance of two meters. Some people take such cases to heart and, willy-nilly, classify you as arrogant, and sometimes even send you to a social ban. Moreover, vision problems limit information flow and learning. It is not always possible to occupy the first rows at children's party or a seminar, because of which you do not receive enough emotions or knowledge.

It would seem that getting out of the situation is quite simple: glasses and lenses are sold on every corner, and they have long since become popular among the masses. But no matter what you prefer, you still shouldn’t let your eye health take its course. Any ophthalmologist will tell you this. By the way, in development mobile application“Vision+” also involves ophthalmologists.

How “Vision+” heals your eyes

The creators of the application offer a simple but effective chain: check your eyesight at least once every six months, do not forget about exercises, learn as much as possible about eye health. They will help you in all three areas. But first, you will be asked to indicate your gender, age, race and any eye problems. Based on this information, they will create a basic health program for you, which is called basic training.

Basic training is available immediately. In my case, it is intended to strengthen the eye muscles and prepare for prolonged visual stress. As you understand, we are talking about the fight against myopia.

Additional trainings will be opened only for experience points. They are received by all those who complete tasks on time and set higher goals for themselves, that is, devote more than three minutes to training a day. Bonuses are also awarded for unscheduled activities and games. The latter are not just entertainment, but stimulation of vision and brain.

The application also has a training section, which contains:

  • Tips and facts about the eyes. Problems with the eyes cause headaches, and the retina perceives the world as a set of upside-down images. Expanding our horizons.
  • Recipes. Orange prevents cataracts, dry eyes and macular degeneration. Why not include it in your diet more often? Recipes are included.
  • Doctor's advice. Certified specialists answer the most common questions. Find your case.

And it’s a shame that the training section is almost empty and is still under development. The second serious note about “Vision+” is regular flights without apparent reason. As a rule, the application is minimized upon completion of the exercise, although it has happened during the exercise. It's very stressful.

But overall, Vision+ looks very practical. The application contains over 50 exercises to preserve and restore vision. It motivates, entertains usefully and reminds you of classes. Try it and write about your impressions in the comments.

You can choose and download for free any of the 33 books on vision restoration that can help you.

Mirzakarim Norbekov "The experience of a fool, or the path to insight" download

This is not just a manual for accelerated learning to restore vision, not just a treatise on philosophy for a chronically ill loser, but rather a guide to action.

William Bates "Improving vision without glasses using the Bates method" download

Cook David "100% vision without glasses and contacts in 7 minutes a day" download

Are you sure you know how to use your eyes correctly? Use your visual potential to 100%? By the way, did you know that headaches, irritability, apathy and even depression can be caused by ordinary eye fatigue? Does your performance, ability to perceive and remember information depend on the condition of your eyes? And that by giving yourself just 7 minutes a day, you can learn not only to see perfectly with lateral (peripheral) vision, accurately determine the distance to objects, orientate well in the dark, but also to completely get rid of glasses and contact lenses if you are already using them.

Ramanantata "Yoga exercises for the eyes" download

The author tells how simple exercises yoga restore and support good vision throughout life. About the most complex problems, related to the eyes, the book is told in a language that everyone can understand, and several exercises that need to be done daily will not require much time or a special training room. Don't miss the chance to provide effective assistance vision.

Harry Benjamin "Excellent vision without glasses" download

More than half a century ago, Harry Benjamin's book " Excellent vision without glasses." The book immediately became popular. Since then it has been republished many times and translated into several languages. Readers are still looking for it. The fact is that the author of the book, having experienced the horror of impending blindness in his youth, challenged fate : he not only did not accept the doctors' verdict, but also created his own original system for improving vision... Some time passed - and he took off his glasses completely.

Oremus E. A., Shikunov A. Yu. “How to restore your vision yourself: practical tips and exercises” download

The book is intended for self-correction vision. It is based on the developments of the famous American ophthalmologist W. Bates, successfully supplemented and tested by his own experience by the popular naturopath G. Benjamin; A system for improving vision by the equally famous Australian doctor P. Bragg, developed by him for his daughter, who became blind after a car accident and restored her vision, is also given. The appendix lists the most common folk recipes treatment of major eye diseases using medicinal plants(herbal medicine).

Pankov Oleg "Killer Glasses" download

Despite the terrifying title, this book is not about a new weapon for killers, spies and terrorists. It's just the opposite. The book you are holding in your hands is the result of long thoughts, creative impulses and amazing generalizations of many years of experience practical work ophthalmologist, researcher who dedicated his life to the cause of vision protection.

Zhdanov V.G. "Get Your Sight Back" download

A book recorded from video lectures by Professor G. Zhdanov - Restoring vision using the Shichko-Bates method. Unique course natural recovery vision and eye health are intended for those who wear glasses, who read with glasses, whose eyes are tired and sore, and children who have poor vision. Find out why vision defects are so common, why glasses are harmful, how the eye works, and much more. Make sure to restore your vision within short term is quite real. All you need is patience and a desire to get results.

Troitskaya S.I. "Improving your vision yourself" download

Svetlana Troitskaya, practical psychologist and the author of the book, offers a unique approach to restoring eye health, based on foreign and domestic methods of drug-free vision restoration, tested in practice and proven to be effective. The approach is based on the methods of the famous American ophthalmologist W.G. Bates and the Leningrad scientist-physiologist G.A. Shichko. The author of the book brought non-standard psychological techniques and forms of training. Thanks to the author's methods, mastering the difficult recommendations of scientists becomes easy, exciting and effective.

Zhou Yi "Eye Qigong" download

This qigong complex, compiled by master Zhou Yi, is intended for the prevention and treatment of eyes with various diseases such as myopia, farsightedness, strabismus, various kinds weakened vision, astigmatism and others, actively protects the eyes from cataracts and glaucoma. In addition, if you continue training for a long time, it will have positive effect not only to protect the eyes and increase the power of vision, but also to improve memory, mental abilities, restore appetite and sleep, to increase the overall resistance of the entire body to disease and significantly improve health.

Galustyan A.V. "Effective methods for restoring eye health" download

Demirchoglyan G.G. "Effective exercises to improve vision" download

This book describes the entire preventive and health complex, including proper nutrition, daily exercises for the external and internal muscles of the eye, self-massage and water treatments, eye solarization and auto-training, choosing the right workplace lighting and rules for using TV and computer.

Corbett Margaret D. "How to get good vision without glasses" download

Most people suffer from one or another visual impairment, but do not know how to get rid of them, because they do not know that their basis (if the eye is organically healthy) is tension. There are several types of tension: physical, associated with muscles; mental related nervous system, and emotional associated with the violation physical rhythms. All these types of stress have an impact on the eyes, which are a kind of barometer of a person’s condition - both good and bad. You can learn to relax and release these tensions.

Dontsov D. "How to preserve vision when working on a computer" download

The problem of visual impairment in people who work at a computer is so global that a new term has appeared in ophthalmology - “computer vision syndrome” (CVS). This syndrome occurs due to constant visual fatigue. You should type texts correctly, rest properly, do correct exercises for the eyes and use the right training programs. He will tell you how to do all this, as well as much more, to preserve your vision. this book. After reading it, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of becoming a client of an ophthalmologist after several years of working at a computer.

Yochum Inka "Therapeutic gymnastics. Qigong for the eyes" download

According to Eastern philosophy, poor vision is most often the result of a blockage in the energy flow in your body or a mismatch between the yin and yang energies. Qigong gymnastics is a technique that can be used to restore energy balance in the body and significantly correct or completely eliminate visual impairment. The exercises presented here for prevention and correction eye diseases do not require special training - they can be performed by anyone, anytime, anywhere. The book also includes simple recommendations on every day.

Huxley Aldous "How to Correct Your Vision" download

To everyone who suffers various disorders vision, but wants to get rid of them himself and protect his children, this book will become a valuable help and guide to action. In it, the famous English writer Aldous Huxley vividly and fascinatingly talks about how he struggled with impending blindness, following the methods of the American ophthalmologist Dr. W. G. Bates.

Mukhina M.V. "Be sighted without glasses!" download

The author of this book is a teacher of vision correction and an instructor-methodologist for complex human hardening. At eighty years old, Menuara Vafovna Mukhina reads and writes without glasses, still goes hiking, actively communicates with people - in a word, lives life to the fullest. And most importantly, it helps others regain their lost vision. The effectiveness of the tips and exercises described here is proven by: own example author. Her recommendations are specific and accessible to everyone. Their implementation will allow you to restore your vision without expensive medications and surgery.

Schneider Doris "Vision training for computer workers" download

This book offers simple and very effective exercises with which you can train your vision and relieve tension from the eye muscles in order to promptly prevent vision deterioration and general well-being. The book is equipped with drawings and photographs, which greatly facilitates the assimilation of the material. Help your eyes by taking preventive measures!

Shankman Steve "Is it possible to live without glasses?" download

Vision is a derivative of lifestyle. Every living creature has the vision it needs to survive. In predators, for example, powerful central vision necessary to find prey. Those being pursued, on the contrary, have poor central vision; they don’t really need it, but they have an unusually wide field of vision, which helps them detect danger in advance.

Basinsky S.N. "Clinical lectures on ophthalmology" download

This manual presents clinical lectures in all areas of ophthalmology that deal with modern views on the etiology, pathogenesis, classification of the most common eye diseases. They are described clinical manifestations, complications and criteria for assessing the severity of pathology and are shown modern methods diagnosis and treatment (conservative, laser, surgical) of these diseases, starting with assistance at the pre-medical stage.

William Bates "How to get good eyesight without glasses" download

The teachings and discoveries of Dr. William Bates in the field of ophthalmology, although dating back to the mid-20th century, are more relevant today than ever. The load on our vision has increased many times over - television, computers, videos... Simple and clear recommendations and exercise systems given in this book will allow you not only to preserve your vision but also improve it, and give up glasses, and learn how to relieve fatigue. Dr. Margaret Corbett also made a significant contribution to ophthalmology, whose techniques (discussed in the second part of this book) make it possible to forget about eye diseases.

Mironov A.A. "William Bates. Treatment of poor vision without glasses" download

Myopia, farsightedness, senile visual impairment, strabismus, glaucoma, astigmatism - all these diseases can be cured with the help of exercises according to Dr. Bates' method! The book gives Full description unique method Dr. Bates, and practical recommendations some of his followers.

Brofman Martin "Improve Your Vision" download

An original method of vision restoration is proposed, aimed at combating not only purely ophthalmological problems, but also stress as their main cause, as well as more full disclosure a person's own potentials. For wide range readers seeking clarity in all areas of their personal lives.

Demirchoglyan G.G., Yankulin V.I. "Gymnastics for the eyes" download

The illustrated brochure provides special exercises to train the muscular system of the eyes for myopia and other visual impairments, as well as to improve blood supply and functioning of the brain, and, consequently, vision.

Shanti Nathini "Yoga therapy for vision restoration" download

The book suggests complete system yogic methods of improving vision, as well as ways to achieve excellent health and performance in cases where restoring vision is unrealistic. This guide is how to use your own eyes, regardless of their condition at this moment, represents the union scientific approach with the practice of yoga, outlined by ophthalmologists and yoga therapists. Developing inner vision, regardless of improving vision, will reduce your dependence on the eyes and allow you to live full life without fear of the future. Confidence that with good and poor eyesight you can see equally, it will allow you to relax, which is the main condition for restoring vision.

Troitskaya S.I. "Get rid of killer glasses forever!" download

"Who is guilty? What to do? Where is my glasses?" - three questions of a modern intellectual. The permanent director of the center, Svetlana Troitskaya, with her book wants to help all those who are not able to come or attend courses, independently solve health problems and restore their vision. Her unique author's program is designed for a modern, busy, working person. Any reader will get the maximum benefit from the program with minimal time and effort.

Troitskaya S.I. "Vision correction in children. Practical course" download

Has the doctor prescribed glasses for your child? Do your classmates tease your daughter or son about his glasses? Is your child's vision rapidly deteriorating due to school stress? The vision correction course for children, developed by Svetlana Troitskaya, is happy childhood without glasses, increased academic performance, lasting improvement in vision for life and general health improvement after the first lessons.

Troitskaya S.I. "Practical course in vision correction" download

The course of vision correction by Svetlana Troitskaya means getting rid of glasses in a week, a lasting improvement in vision in a month and general improvement after the first lessons. Sleep and blood pressure are normalized, weight is reduced, in diabetics blood sugar is reduced to normal, in asthmatics the need for inhalers is reduced... A miracle? No, just a modest list of the most typical achievements of graduates of the center for natural healing and eye health.

Grushnikov Igor Anatolyevich "Vision" download

A special scientific development based on the laws of physics, optics, physiology, psychology, etc. The method of vision correction is patented.

Hubel D. "Eye, brain, vision" download

In the book of the famous American neurophysiologist, laureate Nobel Prize, generalized modern ideas about how neural structures are arranged visual system, including the cerebral cortex, and how they process visual information. With a high scientific level of presentation, the book is written in simple, clear language and beautifully illustrated. She can serve teaching aid in physiology of vision and visual perception.

Martin Sussman "Vision Improvement Program" download

The vision improvement program offers a revolutionary approach to solving this problem. You will learn how the body, mind and emotions can work together to improve vision without glasses or contact lenses. The vision improvement program is a comprehensive system that combines eye exercises, muscle exercises, relaxation techniques and guided visualization. The proposed complexes are easy to learn and take only a few minutes a day. The vision improvement program contains tips regarding proper nutrition, use of glasses and contacts, and eye care throughout the day.

Vadim Volya "About vision. Or how to get rid of glasses in 7 days!" download

You are holding in your hands a sensational book, the author of which independently got rid of myopia without resorting to expensive means and tedious exercises. The technique he developed is based on a habitual movement - blinking - and is the shortest way to restore vision, as it takes only 7 days! The system will help everyone who has any vision problems; it is absolutely harmless and easy to implement. In addition, the book is written in an easy, entertaining form and energizes positive attitude, with which any difficulties are easily solved.

G. G. Demirchoglyan, A. G. Demirchoglyan "Improving vision (a book-simulator for preserving children's vision)" download

This book is addressed primarily to parents. It contains useful tips and exercises to prevent diseases of the visual organs in children (mainly myopia). Parents can and should do everything possible to normal development children's vision the most beautiful gift of nature, allowing us to know and see the world around us. Preventive and health-improving exercises from renowned ophthalmologists and useful tips for children and schoolchildren will help you preserve and improve your vision. In the book you will also find a special album-set of exercises for improving and preserving children's vision, developed by candidate of pedagogical sciences A.G. Demirchoglyan, and for the little ones exercises accompanied by poetry.

"Vision +"- application for mobile phones and tablets based on Android. Designed for comprehensive monitoring, testing, and improvement of your vision. Passing such tests is very useful for all patients with distorted and blurred vision, for people with chronic headaches and constant fatigue eye, office workers, which are constantly in front of the computer monitor. Also, they can be used in for preventive purposes, to check the visual acuity of children or people who still doubt the appropriateness and necessity of visiting a doctor. Download the “Vision +” application for Android You can absolutely free on our website.

Among the tests presented in the application you can find the following:

  • Test for Astigmatism and Visual Acuity;
  • Color test;
  • Visual Field Test;
  • Contrast Sensitivity Test;
  • Two-color test;
  • Arrangement of Flowers;
  • Optic Nerve Test

Special exercises that are indicated in the utility will help you significantly improve your vision by relaxing the eye muscles. You make them stronger, and also significantly improve blood circulation and quickly reduce overall fatigue. You can independently set up a personal training schedule; for example, it will be enough to devote 3-5 minutes to such exercises. In addition to trainings and tests in the utility, there is a special diet developed to improve your vision and nutritional advice. Daily tips and reminders will help you take better care of your eyes every day.

Screenshots of Vision + for Android:

Features of the “Vision +” application include:

  • graphics are designed to avoid repeated tests and voice prompts for them;
  • intuitive interface with animated pictures;
  • Table E;
  • Snellen table;
  • Golovin-Sivtsev table;
  • LogMAR table;
  • Landolt Table C;
  • First aid tips;
  • Report anatomy of the eyes.

Thousands of people have already downloaded this application to their smartphones and are actively taking care of their eyes and improving their vision, monitoring the vision of their relatives and loved ones. Download “Vision +” for Android You can on our website, absolutely free and without registration. You will definitely be satisfied with this utility; never forget that the eyes are an equally important and multifunctional organ that needs complete care, like the rest of the body.

In the program you will find a description of the method itself, a reference book of exercises, tips and recommendations, contraindications.

This technique allows you to return perfect vision for almost any eye condition. Say no to glasses and lenses! 100% vision without surgery. Perfect vision for everyone is the goal of this program.

We offer you effective exercises, various recommendations, tips for 100% vision, based primarily on the method of William Bates, and his follower V.G. Zhdanova. In the program you will find a description of the method itself, a reference book of exercises, tips and recommendations, contraindications. In the "exercise directory" you will find full list basic exercises for eye training. In "Tips and Tricks" you will find basic tips and tricks for full recovery vision, its prevention and improvement, as well as additional exercises for eye training. In the “complex” section, we offer you several sets of measures for vision correction, consisting of effective eye exercises, recommendations and tips, and drug treatment. The author of the method, Professor Zhdanov and Bates, are confident that vision in almost all cases can be restored up to 100% and even improved even further. We hope that by performing all the exercises systematically and efficiently, strictly following all the recommendations and advice, helping your eyes with vitamins and with good motivation, you will restore your vision to 100+% very quickly.

Considering how actively we live, and what kind of stress our eyes receive, there is interest in the topic of restoring and preserving vision without using medical supplies And operational methods huge. Constant reading of books, paper and electronic, hours spent in front of a computer or TV screen, nervous tension- all this has a bad effect on your vision. Therefore, the course founded by Bates, taught by Professor Zhdanov, “Get Your Sight Back,” will be useful to almost everyone to modern man. Bates created a unique system of exercises to restore vision, in which the healing effect was achieved through relaxation/tension of certain oculomotor muscles. And although Bates’s theory and the description of the exercises he proposed were translated into Russian and even published as a separate book, Bates’ method was not widely used. Perhaps the reason was that it is not profitable for companies involved in the production and sale of glasses and lenses - given the size of this market, it is not so difficult to allocate some money to combat the spread of information.

The essence of the Bates method is to increase visual acuity by training the eye muscles that perform focusing. If there are muscles in the eye, then they can be trained by analogy with exercises in gym. The same is true with eye muscles: some people train them by doing eye exercises, changing the visual mode, while others look at the monitor screen all day, not allowing their eyes to work “in different modes”, depriving them of natural exercise. Comparing the eye exercises used in the Bates Method with exercise in the gym is quite appropriate: the exercises should be done on a regular basis.
Download the percentage of vision program according to Bates, Zhdanov for Android you can follow the link below.

Developer: Gold Tenor Apps
Platform: Android 4.0.1 and higher
Interface language: Russian
Status: Free
Root: Not needed