Herbs that calm the nervous system. Calming herbs for healing. Herb that calms the nervous system The most comprehensive list of calming herbs

Everyone is familiar with the state of stress. During this period, the body seems completely exhausted, fatigue sets in, anxiety appears, and this condition is often accompanied by headaches and insomnia. The tension is rapidly growing. In some cases, digestive activity is weakened, leading to abdominal pain and diarrhea. Something needs to be done urgently. But what can you do if you don’t want to seek help from medications? Herbs will help relieve stress.

1. Melissa

This plant exhibits a powerful sedative effect without causing addiction. Melissa is considered completely safe and is widely used to relieve anxiety. It treats insomnia, reduces anxiety and eliminates stress.

On a note! If you combine lemon balm and valerian in one drink, then such a tandem can replace medications for stress!

Soothing tea

To prepare tea that will help relieve nervous tension you need:

  • Place 60 g of dry herb in a thermos;
  • add a couple of glasses of boiling water;
  • Close tightly and leave for 2.5 hours.

The finished drink is filtered and taken three times a day, 100-120 ml.

2. Valerian

This herb will come to your aid when you cannot sleep as a result of stress. In addition, it is often used for severe anxiety, when an important event is approaching, for example, speaking in front of a large audience or an exam.

Valerian can be consumed both during the day and immediately before going to bed.

Admission rules

As a rule, valerian root is started with small doses, which are gradually increased if necessary.

  • For insomnia that occurs due to stress, drink valerian root extract in an amount of about 400 mg.
  • If you want to use this herb as a sedative, then the dose of the extract should be approximately 200 mg.

The result will not be long in coming - the effect occurs half an hour after administration.

3. St. John's wort

St. John's wort in the form of a tincture is used not only for stress, but for depressive conditions. It perfectly relieves the symptoms of nervous system disorders and can be indicated for use during menopause and premenstrual syndrome.

On a note! This herb rarely exhibits side effects!

Preparation of herbal antidepressant

In order for St. John's wort to help get rid of stress, it should be infused only with an alcohol base. This can be either medical alcohol or vodka. Only the alcohol is pre-diluted to a strength of 40°.

In a glass container, combine 40 g of herbs and a couple of glasses of vodka. Leave for 14 days, then filter. The finished product is taken twice a day, 20 drops.

4. Chamomile

Dried chamomile is famous for its powerful sedative effect. It relieves well the anxiety that arose after a stressful situation.

Chamomile tea

To prepare a healing drink, dried inflorescences in the amount of 1-1.5 teaspoons are steamed in a cup of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour. Then filter and let cool a little more.

You should take this natural remedy half a glass three times a day, preferably before meals. No sugar is added to the drink. The course should be no more than three weeks.

5. Mint

This herb contains menthol, limonene, caryophyllene, alpha-pinene, carvone and other chemical compounds that work together and help relieve the effects of stress. Peppermint tea perfectly relaxes, reduces anxiety and relieves irritability.

Taking advantage of mint tea is quite simple: add a tablespoon of herb to a glass of boiling water and leave covered for a quarter of an hour. If desired, the drink can be strained and taken three times a day, half a glass.

6. Ginseng

Ginseng is an excellent helper in the fight against stress, which was caused by increased mental activity. It is one of the best stimulants of the nervous system and tones the body. Often this herb is indicated for use by people with a tendency to neurosis and depression, which are accompanied by a feeling of fear.

How to take ginseng?

For stress, take ginseng tincture daily for a month, 20 drops twice a day.

As a result of taking ginseng, the mood improves, the person becomes balanced and gets rid of the feeling of chronic fatigue.

7. Eleutherococcus

This herb is an analogue of ginseng, but it is much more effective. For this reason, it is usually used in small doses. Eleutherococcus has a very mild effect on the nervous system, and is taken in the form of tea.

Tonic drink

  1. You can prepare an excellent anti-stress drink from harvested leaves and roots: add a glass of boiling water to a tablespoon of raw material and simmer everything in a water bath for just over half an hour. The decoction can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days.
  2. Eleutherococcus tea is brewed with filtered water; it is advisable to choose porcelain dishes for this. Infuse as usual and drink after 10 minutes.

8. Hops

It is customary to brew hop cones in situations where a person is unable to cope with stress on his own. This plant copes well with emotional stress and relieves excitability.

Important! Hop decoction should not be overused, as this can lead to such negative consequences as nausea, vomiting, migraines, dizziness and pain in the heart!

Brewing correctly

  1. To five parts of a mixture of hop cones and motherwort herb, add one part of a mixture of lemon balm and mint. 6 tablespoons of raw materials are poured with a liter of boiling water. After 10 hours, you can drink the drink: half a glass three times a day before meals.
  2. Add 250 ml of boiling water to a tablespoon of hop cones and drink the brewed tea before bed.

9. Oregano

Not only oregano decoctions, but also simply the aroma of fresh herbs will help calm and relieve tension. It shows good results in convulsive conditions, irritability and neuroses. It can be recommended for women whose premenstrual syndrome is quite difficult.

Uses of oregano herb

  1. Infusion: steam 6 teaspoons of the dried plant in half a liter of boiling water. Cover and leave for half an hour. Filter and take a tablespoon after meals.
  2. Baths: pour 100-200g of dry raw materials with 3-5 liters of boiling water, leave for 2-3 hours, filter and pour into a bath, the water temperature in which should be no more than 37°. We take a bath for about a quarter of an hour.

10. Ivan-tea

This plant exhibits a very mild sedative effect, protects against stress and exhibits an anticonvulsant effect. A drink made from fireweed tea will help you not only eliminate anxiety, but will also give your body the ability to withstand the influence of factors that cause stress in the future. You'll fall asleep quickly every night and sleep soundly throughout the night.

Fireweed tea

  1. Brew a teaspoon of fireweed leaves in half a liter of water and keep on low heat for about 5 minutes. Filter and drink before meals.
  2. The amount of raw material can be increased while reducing the volume of water. The finished product is taken an hour after it has been infused, a tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Today people often suffer from various mental disorders. There are many reasons for this condition: polluted environment, overtime work, rhythm of life, eating on the go. The body simply cannot withstand such a load, as a result of which a person becomes restless, tired, irritated, and sleep disturbance occurs. Sometimes it is very difficult to get out of this state on your own and requires the help of a specialist.

To combat stress, you need to change your lifestyle. Pay more attention to relaxation, sports, walks in the fresh air, and establish proper nutrition. Calming herbs can be of great help in treatment. Tinctures are prepared from them, medicines are produced, and used for water procedures.

It is known that any pharmaceutical product, even one based on plants, contains other elements that can negatively affect the body.

Therefore, it is worth considering the use of sedative herbs that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system, normalize sleep, and relieve feelings of fatigue and irritability.


Science has not yet sufficiently studied the mechanism of action of drugs based on medicinal herbs. However, it has been proven that sedatives can restore the functioning of the central nervous system and reduce its excitability. Compared to chemical drugs, these drugs do not affect skeletal muscles and do not cause ataxia. In addition, sedative medications, even when used for a long time, do not cause dependence on them.

Most often, sedatives based on medicinal herbs are used to treat nervous disorders: motherwort, valerian, passionflower, peony, etc. Their pharmacological actions are quite extensive. For example, valerian has not only a calming effect, but also an antispasmodic and choleretic effect. This plant also improves heart function, normalizes its rhythm and blood circulation.

Peony is used as an anticonvulsant, and lemon balm is endowed with properties such as antipruritic, antiarrhythmic, and antispasmodic. The list of beneficial effects of lemon balm is wide. It has a choleretic effect, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, lowers temperature, improves the functioning of the gonads, and relieves toxicosis of pregnant women.

Indications for use

Herbal sedatives are used for a wide variety of indications related to mental disorders.

The most serious indications include the following factors:

  • Severe irritability.
  • Anger and aggression directed at other people.
  • Inability to relax due to frequent pain and itching.
  • Loss of sleep over a long period of time.
  • Loss of complete control over emotions.

Some nervous disorders are accompanied by a specific skin rash. Sedatives are often used in the treatment of eczema caused by strong emotions and stress. The use of sedatives in this case helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system and remove dermatosis.

Admission rules

In order for medications to bring maximum benefit to the patient, it is necessary to follow certain rules for taking them. Medicines must be taken in a minimum dose. If you consume them in the evening 2-3 hours before going to bed, they will bring the greatest benefit to the body. In case of advanced disease, the doctor prescribes sedatives several times a day.

The doctor also prescribes a special course of treatment with sedative medications. For them to be most effective, they must be taken for 3 weeks. Then the patient should rest for 2 weeks, after which treatment is resumed.

It is better to take sedatives to eliminate mental problems on the recommendation of a specialist. Otherwise, the drug may be harmful to health, as it has some contraindications. Therefore, you need to be very careful when using sedatives on your own, which can also cause allergic reactions.

Soothing herbs: list of healing herbs

Herbs with sedative effects are the safest to use. Such tinctures have a much gentler effect on the body than pharmaceutical chemicals. In addition, sedative herbs are not addictive. And their therapeutic effects are not inferior even to strong drugs. It is worth noting that you should not expect a quick effect from the use of sedatives with natural ingredients. If you take the medications correctly, improvement will come after some time.

List of medicinal herbs

Medicinal herbs should be collected from environmentally friendly places or grown in your garden. In any case, you can always buy ready-made raw materials at the pharmacy. The list of herbs that have a sedative effect is huge.

But there are plants that are most often used for nervous system disorders:

  • St. John's wort. Useful to relieve anxiety.
  • Chamomile. Calms the nervous system and relieves muscle tension.
  • Motherwort. Has strong sedative properties. It is not recommended to use the herb if you have low blood pressure.
  • Sagebrush. With the help of this herb you can get rid of insomnia, as well as a hysterical state.
  • Valerian. Able to relieve nervousness and eliminate anxiety. A high dose of the drug can have a stimulating effect on a person.
  • creeping thyme. Used to calm nerves and for better sleep.
  • Adonis. A herb with a sedative effect can increase tone and normalize the patient’s emotional background.

What are possible during pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman is often in a state of nervous imbalance. Her mood changes can change constantly. The reason for this phenomenon is hormonal changes in the body. At this moment, not only the woman feels bad, but also the baby in the womb, which depends on her mood.

In order for a child’s mental development to proceed correctly and to maintain his health, it is necessary to take sedatives. The best option in this case is herbal teas. However, they should be consumed only after the advice of a doctor.

For the expectant mother and her child, you can use teas from the following herbs: chamomile, motherwort, lemon balm, jasmine. During pregnancy, you can also prepare a drink from valerian. However, it should be used in small doses and not for a long time.

Herbal alcohol infusions with a sedative effect should not be taken during pregnancy. It is better to prepare your own infusion of water or herbal tea. Such teas will calm the nervous system of the expectant mother, as well as relieve unnecessary worry, anxiety and improve the quality of sleep.

For small children

Young children especially need peace and quality sleep. Every day their brain perceives a lot of impressions and knowledge, which their growing body has difficulty coping with. As a result, the child sleeps poorly, refuses to eat, and is often capricious.

In this case, sedative herbs will help. To do this, you can brew light teas or use a bath with herbs. In this case, it is necessary to prepare a herbal infusion in advance. Sometimes scented candles based on medicinal plants are used. The doctor may also advise using these methods in combination.

For children, you can use the following herbs with a calming effect: chamomile, calendula, thyme, mint, motherwort. Most often, a series is used to bathe a baby. This plant not only perfectly relaxes, but also helps against diathesis and diaper rash. All of the herbs described above are able to calm the nervous system, fight harmful bacteria on the skin, and reduce inflammation. Calming herbs are used both for bathing and for oral administration.

Pharmacy products

Herbal medicines have safe properties compared to chemical analogues. They have virtually no side effects, and also do not affect the liver and digestive organs. Some herbal tinctures are prepared with alcohol, due to which the medicine is absorbed by the body much faster. Basically, plants such as valerian, motherwort, and hawthorn are used for this.

Many of the modern herbal sedatives may include: mint, chamomile, peony. Each plant has a powerful calming effect. Today, manufacturers produce many medications for the treatment of nervous disorders. There are herbal medicines that contain chemical elements. These include the following combination drugs: Novo-passit, Persen.

Sedative herbs: recipes and preparation methods

The human nervous system is often overloaded with stress and anxiety, and therefore malfunctions.

Over time, nervous exhaustion and a number of diseases develop. Experts recommend paying attention to this problem in a timely manner. At the initial stage, good spirits can be restored with the help of medicinal plants. They have a beneficial effect on the body and do not harm it.

In this, sedative herbs have a significant advantage over pharmaceutical chemicals.

Recipes and cooking methods

There are many different recipes for preparing herbal infusions and teas. The plant world of medicinal herbs is large, so they can be changed every week. For serious mental disorders, a collection of 3-5 medicinal plants is used. Each of them performs its own functions and also complements each other perfectly.

The most popular sedative is mint or lemon balm tea. To prepare this drink, 1 tsp. raw materials are poured with 1 cup of boiling water and left for several minutes. The tea turns out aromatic and calms the nerves well.

A soothing decoction of mint and St. John's wort with the addition of fireweed. This combination of herbs is suitable for people who are constantly under stress. The decoction calms and helps not to react to conflicts. To prepare the drink, take 1 tsp of herbs. each and mix in a bowl. Now add 1 liter of hot boiled water. You need to leave until it cools completely. This infusion should be drunk daily for one week.

Herbal infusion: mint, lemon balm, chamomile, fireweed, and hop cones. Mix all ingredients 1 tsp. The drink can be infused in a thermos: per serving of the mixture - 250 ml of boiling water. Leave for about 2 hours, and then strain the liquid. Take 50 ml infusion before meals up to 5 times a day. The course of treatment is 10 days.

If it is not possible to collect medicinal herbs yourself, you can always purchase them at the pharmacy. They are sold individually or as ready-made kits. Each sedative comes with instructions on how to prepare the drug.

Sedative herbs are often used for water procedures. To calm the nervous system, it is useful to add 2-3 drops of mint, rosemary or lemongrass oil to a bath of warm water. The procedure should last 15-20 minutes. An olive-citrus bath is very soothing. 1 lemon and 1 tbsp are enough. olive oil. Cut the citrus and add warm water to infuse. Then pour the infusion into the bath along with the oil.

Tea, tincture

In nature, there are many plants that can stop the inflammatory processes of the nervous system. Experts recommend preparing teas and tinctures from them. To do this, you can use the following herbs: chamomile, lavender, mint, motherwort, linden, fireweed, etc. Such sedative teas affect the body only after some time with constant use.

All herbs that are recommended for making drinks have a powerful sedative effect. Before taking them, you should visit your doctor for consultation. The fact is that even such useful medicinal herbs have their contraindications. In addition, incorrect dosage can lead to side effects.


Sedatives in the form of syrup for adults and children can be bought at the pharmacy. This form of medication is available without a prescription. In addition to active ingredients from medicinal herbs, they contain vitamins C and B6 and flavored additives. Mostly soothing syrups are intended for children. The product is used in 2 tsp. after meals 4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 15 to 30 days.

Hello dear readers. Stress, depression and nervous tension are constant companions of modern society. Surely you have heard a fairly common phrase: “Stress and nerves are the beginning of a variety of diseases.” This expression is quite logical and fair. Scientists have proven that if humanity could get rid of stress in everyday life, then 90% of patients would be cured of chronic illnesses. However, our dreams remain just dreams, and reality poses a new challenge in the form of psychosomatic diseases. What can we do to counter them? Try to protect your nerves from worries, support them, and, if necessary, treat them. Medicinal sedative herbs cope well with this task.

All plants act in a complex manner - this is undoubtedly their advantage. Each leaf contains a myriad of “benefits” - vitamins and minerals.

All this has a positive effect on the organs and systems of our body. It is worth noting that all substances interact peacefully and do not conflict, according to the law of synergy, only reinforcing and complementing each other.

Calming herbs. 10 Effective Herbs for the Nervous System

Sedative herbs serve as a reliable barrier to the stress pressure that a person is exposed to on a daily basis.

The ten recipes you will read below will come to your aid from nature itself. They are aimed at healing the body, finding peace and harmony. Calming herbs are more effective for the nervous system, plus they promote good sleep.

1. Almighty motherwort

If you take motherwort regularly, you will protect yourself from many diseases. Because, in addition to the calming effect, the plant helps with diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

And having another property, such as reducing blood glucose levels, its use also extends to people with excess blood sugar.

To prepare the decoction , for a glass of boiling water, take 2 tbsp. spoons of motherwort, brew, cool and pass through a sieve. Drink motherwort infusion 3 times a day, one tablespoon.

You can also purchase alcohol in a pharmacy and use it according to the instructions.

2. Minty freshness and vigor

Menthol, which is present in mint, when taken in small doses, calms, and in large doses, it tones the body.

Fragrant mint tea stimulates the heart muscle and speeds up metabolism. When cold, this drink is a wonderful cooling agent, and when hot it helps you sweat.

Prepare the infusion like this: 1 tablespoon of fresh or dry mint leaves, pour 150 ml of boiling water, leave to brew for 20 minutes.

To cheer up, take a cup of infusion after meals, drinking warm tea at night will calm your nerves.

3. St. John's wort heals

St. John's wort has long been widely used in folk medicine. For several centuries, this herb has consistently helped restore the nervous system. Modern medicine also values ​​St. John's wort as before.

Doctors believe that she copes with depression as well as pills. Healing decoctions of St. John's wort are used for gastritis, ulcers, neurosis, and heart failure. The herb St. John's wort is an excellent mild remedy for unreasonable anxiety and fear.

To prepare a decoction of St. John's wort , you will need 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs, which is poured with boiling water (about 300 ml). Then we insist and filter the St. John's wort decoction, take it 30 minutes before meals. We recommend doing this 3 times a day.

4. Hops for neurology

Young hop shoots are a storehouse of medicinal substances. It reduces irritability, calms the nerves, and treats neuralgia. Hop cones were used for treatment in ancient Rome, and in the Middle Ages they were used to cleanse the blood.

How to make an infusion? Take 2 tbsp. spoons of hop cones, half a liter of boiling water and, using a thermos, brew this mixture for 6 hours. Then we filter and take 150 ml of this drink warm before meals 2-3 times a day.

5. Valerian for restful sleep

The most common way to cope with agitated nerves, fatigue, migraines and insomnia is to take a decoction of valerian.

Decoctions prepared at home are more effective than pharmacy infusions and tablets. Their administration takes longer than ready-made medications.

You need to take 1 tbsp. spoon of the roots of this plant, 200 ml of water, and boil over low heat for 30 minutes and leave for two hours. Take 1 tablespoon orally 3 times a day.

6. Hawthorn fruits

Hawthorn is our plant protector. The lifespan of the shrub is up to 300 years, and it has been used by people since the 16th century.

The fruits and leaves of hawthorn have a beneficial effect and heal the heart. In addition, it helps with hypertension problems and prevents the appearance of plaques on blood vessels. It calms and stabilizes sleep.

How to brew hawthorn? There are different ways to brew berries, depending on the disease.

Let's look at the “classic method”, when we have dried berries, purchased at a pharmacy or collected with our own hands. Take 1 tablespoon of dry berries and brew with 1 glass of boiling water, cook on fire and let it brew.

7. Melissa will drive away stress

If you are irritable and cannot calm down for a long time, or suffer from insomnia, try lemon balm tea.

Melissa reduces heart rate, relieves nervousness, and lowers blood pressure.

To make lemon balm tea you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of flowers filled with 200 ml of boiling water. After steeping for about 40 minutes, strain. In the future, take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day before meals.

8. Silver lily of the valley

A detailed study of the composition of various parts of lily of the valley showed that it contains active substances that are very similar in pharmacological action to cardiac glycoside.

Lily of the valley also has an increased calming effect. Lily of the valley tincture is recommended for the treatment of neuroses with cardiovascular disorders.

It can be taken either separately or mixed with motherwort, hawthorn, peony, valerian or belladonna. Be careful: lily of the valley is poisonous! Therefore, use only pharmacy tincture.

9. Lavender bath

Lavender essential oil is a well-known sedative. For peace and quick sleep, prepare a bath and add 5 drops of lavender oil, immerse yourself in the pleasant floral aroma and relax.

The lavender infusion is prepared as follows: Brew five dried flowers in one liter of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes. For nervous tension, take 100 ml 3-4 times a day before meals.

10. Black algae

This herb gently soothes frayed nerves and fights insomnia associated with overexertion and exhaustion of the body. The herb helps with apathy and improves mood.

How to brew? Take 20 g of cinnamon, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for a couple of hours. Take the herb 4 times a day, 100 g.

Treatment is especially effective when neurosis and depression have entered the initial stage.

Take care of your body more often, because health is not subject to money, live for yourself and the people you love.

Try not to worry about every little thing and look for the positive in everything. Use recipes for soothing herbal infusions - this is an additional means of relaxation that will help you return to normal without interrupting your daily life.

Be healthy, cheerful and beautiful!

Sedative(from lat. sedatio- calming) are called means that reduce irritability and mental stress. In modern conditions, when the intensity of the rhythm of life increases, the intensity of stressful and traumatic situations increases, the need for such drugs increases. Let us consider at the beginning of the article their general pharmacological features.
the products are represented by three groups, namely bromides (sodium and potassium salts), numerous single- and multicomponent preparations of plant origin, as well as preparations of a combined composition (Corvalol, Corvaldin, Corvaltab, Valocordin, Valordin, Corvalol N, Valocormid, Corvalment, Validol, etc. .) A number of combined drugs - the first five listed - contain small amounts of phenobarbital; valocormide contains sodium bromide. Phenobarbital in low doses (20 drops of Corvalol about 7-8 mg) provides a mild and non-hypnotic effect, which requires about 100 mg of barbiturate.
Unlike tranquilizers, sedatives have a less profound calming effect, have little effect on anxiety and fear, and do not cause muscle relaxation or drug dependence. Due to their calming effect, they facilitate the onset of sleep. They enhance the effects of sleeping pills, tranquilizing, anticonvulsants, and analgesics.
Main localization of action of sedatives- cerebral cortex (individual components of herbal and combined preparations also affect subcortical structures). Bromides promote the development of internal (conditioned) inhibition, concentrate inhibition in areas of excitation and prevent the irradiation of the latter, causing the development of parabiosis. The effects of bromides are more pronounced in neuroses. Their effect is more pronounced with pronounced excitation of the central nervous system, therefore, with a weak type of higher nervous activity, sensitivity to them is higher, and smaller doses of drugs are required. In case of neuroses, as I.P. Pavlov showed, the sedative effect of bromides is enhanced by caffeine. This may be due to the fact that the excitation caused by caffeine creates favorable conditions for the induction of inhibition inherent in bromides. On the other hand, from the point of view of chronomedicine, neuroses develop on the basis of desynchronosis - mismatch of the body’s biorhythms, and the combination of the opposite effects of bromides and caffeine contributes to the “loosening” of the pathologically altered biorhythm and the normalization of the mental state, nervous and endocrine mechanisms of regulation of physiological functions.
However, long-term use of bromides is limited by chronic intoxication (bromism), and phenobarbital causes drug dependence.
Restriction of NaCl in the diet enhances, and excess - weakens all the effects of bromides. In high doses they exhibit relatively weak anticonvulsant and antiepileptic effects.
Also, due to possible drowsiness associated with a tendency to material accumulation, irritation of the skin up to acne and mucous membranes (cough, runny nose, conjunctivitis) due to excretion through the glands, bromides are gradually losing popularity. Interest in sedatives of plant origin, the effect of which is quite mild, is growing everywhere.

Herbal sedatives weaken the processes of excitation in the central nervous system, especially when it prevails over inhibition. Like bromides, herbal medicines have a distinct effect on the cerebral cortex, as well as on the subcortical centers of the brain. The effect of herbal remedies, which are total aqueous or alcoholic extracts from medicinal raw materials, is determined by the composition of the active substances. Of particular importance are esters, essential oils, organic acids and alkaloids. Sedative herbal medicines can also have an antispasmodic effect on smooth muscle organs.
Calming drugs are indicated in psychologically difficult situations for practically healthy people to reduce irritability, for neuroses, neurosis-like disorders, autonomic dysfunction in conditions of pathological menopause, and as a mild sleeping pill for sleep disorders. As auxiliary agents, they can be used for epilepsy (especially with frequent dysphoria), in the initial stages of psychosomatic diseases (hypertension, peptic ulcer), and for spasms of the gastrointestinal tract.
Herbal sedatives are generally well tolerated. In patients with hypersensitivity, they can cause lethargy, drowsiness, and slight dizziness.

Let's take a closer look at calming medicinal plants. The most widely known are, of course, (infusion of rhizomes with roots, tincture, thick extract) and (infusion of herbs, tincture). Despite its popularity, valerian should nevertheless be used with caution in those with physical dependence due to the risk of developing a withdrawal syndrome similar to benzodiazepine withdrawal. It is recommended to refrain from consuming valerian on the eve of surgery, during pregnancy, lactation, and for children under 12 years of age. There is also evidence of the hepatotoxicity of this plant.

Speaking about dangerous plants with sedative properties, we cannot ignore the kava pepper (kava-kava, intoxicating pepper, or mesticum, Piper methysticum) from the Pepper family. This plant contains kava-lactones. It is dangerous to use kava for more than 3 months due to the risk of addiction. The plant is contraindicated for liver and kidney diseases, mental illness, and pregnancy. Due to the toxic effect on the liver (concentrated extracts obtained using organic solvents are especially dangerous), the use of kava for medical purposes is prohibited in a number of countries (as part of both dietary supplements and medicines). Concerns about kava's harm to the liver and subsequent legal restrictions in some countries have arisen due to the use of the plant's branches and leaves (which contain toxins), as opposed to the traditional use of only the roots. Moreover, alcoholic or acetone extracts were used, not just aqueous ones.
In November 2008, the European Union lifted a trade ban on kava kava that was imposed due to allegations of liver toxicity, which has since been refuted by more modern scientific research.
In Russia, intoxicating pepper (kava-kava) is included in the “list of potent and toxic substances”; its use as part of biologically active food additives is prohibited. That is, purchasing an extract from the roots of this plant on the Internet will currently be considered a criminal offense in Russia under the article “Smuggling.”
Since 2003, intoxicating pepper in the composition of both dietary supplements and medicines has been prohibited in Ukraine by decision of the State Pharmacological Center.

List of plants with sedative properties, much wider. In addition to the above-mentioned species, the “Encyclopedic Dictionary of Medicinal Plants and Products of Animal Origin” (author team of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the St. Petersburg Chemical-Pharmaceutical Academy) provides the following, far from complete list.

Aletris powdery

Straight shoe

Fluffy raven
Crow's eye
Hyssop officinalis
Kanskora cruciform

Laurel cherry pharmaceutical

Lallemancia Royle
Wild lettuce
Lettuce salad
Chinese clematis
Daurian moonseed


Perilla bush

Roman chamomile
blue cyanosis
Stefania nude

Centranthus red

In some of the listed species (for example, common heather, meadowsweet, linden, stephania glabra, blue cyanosis, etc.), the calming properties are only a component of the spectrum of pharmacological activity. In others, such as passionflower incarnate, the action is leading. Let's take a closer look at this interesting plant and its medicinal properties.

Passionflower incarnate

Passionflower incarnate(passion flower incarnate, cavalry star, Passiflora incarnata L.) is a fast-growing perennial vine of the Passifloraceae family - Passifloraceae. The name comes from the Latin words passio ("I suffer", which goes back to the "passion of Christ"), flos - "flower" and incarnatus (a, um) - "incarnate", i.e. "a flower that embodies the suffering of Christ." The origin of the name is interesting. In 1610, an image of the plant fell into the hands of the Italian historian and religious figure J. Bosio, who published a report “Della Trionfante e Gloriosa Croce” describing the passionflower flower as a visual embodiment of the suffering of Christ. The three stigmas of the pestle symbolized the nails with which the feet and hands of Christ were nailed to the cross. The outer crown of the perianth represented the crown of thorns, the stamens represented the five wounds. The 72 coronal threads of the inner crown were taken to be the number of thorns on the crown of thorns. The spear-shaped leaves indicated the lance that pierced Christ. And the pieces of iron on the reverse side of the sheet were supposed to mean thirty pieces of silver received for betrayal by Judas. This comparison gave rise to the name of the plant.

The climbing stem of passionflower reaches several meters in length. The leaves are on a long petiole, deeply tripartite; long tendrils develop in their axils, with the help of which the vine is held on the substrate. A beautiful large flower with a double perianth. The purple corolla is formed by five petals and two rings of filiform fimbriae. Passionflower fruit is an orange berry rich in ascorbic acid and carotenoids.
Passionflower comes from the subtropics of North America. It is cultivated in a number of countries with a subtropical climate; sometimes, due to its high decorative value, it is found in indoor culture.
In scientific medicine, passionflower was first introduced as a medicinal plant by L. S. Fares in 1839 based on the results of treating patients suffering from epilepsy. Currently, this plant is used in many countries in the form of various dosage forms. Medicinal raw materials are herbs that are harvested during flowering or the beginning of fruiting and dried at a temperature of 50–60°C. Passionflower herb contains a small amount (0.04–0.05%) of indole alkaloids - harmine, harmol, harmane (passiflorine), which can inhibit the enzyme monoamine oxidase. In addition, medicinal raw materials contain a number of flavonoids (quercetin, apigenin, luteolin, vitexin, which have vasodilatory and cardiotrophic properties), coumarins, and quinones. The combination of biologically active substances of passionflower determines its pronounced mild anti-anxiety and hypnotic effect without depression after awakening. In addition, passionflower has anticonvulsant properties and has a beneficial effect on mood during. The mild action of this plant allows it to be used to treat neuroses in children over 3 years of age.
The antispasmodic activity of passionflower is useful for, among other things, spasms of smooth muscles. Passionflower extract provides positive results in Meniere's disease, reducing the frequency and duration of dizziness.
The calming effect of passionflower is beneficial in pathological menopause, when blood pressure rises, hot flashes, nervousness, mood swings, increased fatigue, and sleep disorders are a concern. Passion flower preparations can also be recommended for premenstrual syndrome.
The sedative properties of passionflower can be used in the treatment of substance dependence. The International Olympic Committee does not prohibit the use of preparations from this plant when preparing athletes for competitions.

Alora – passionflower preparation

One of the modern passionflower preparations, which exhibits all the considered pharmacological properties of the plant, is the drug Alora from NOBEL PHARMA. This drug is available in two dosage forms: syrup containing 694.444 mg of liquid passionflower extract per 5 ml (1 teaspoon), and tablets containing 100 mg of dry extract of passionflower herb.

In both dosage forms, Alora is used as a sedative in stress-sensitive patients, with neurasthenia, depression, anxiety, irritability, and sleep disorders. Indications also include emotional disorders in the menopausal and premenopausal periods, autonomic disorders in neurocirculatory dystonia, hypertension, cerebral vascular crises, as well as post-infectious asthenia syndrome.
Alora syrup is convenient in pediatric practice: it is approved for use in children from 3 years of age. The usual dosage in adults to achieve a sedative effect is 5-10 ml (1-2 teaspoons) 3 times a day before meals, for insomnia - 10 ml (2 teaspoons) before bedtime. Children are prescribed syrup 2.5 ml (0.5 teaspoon) 2–3 times a day. The duration of treatment is determined individually depending on the nature of the disorders and clinical effectiveness.
Alora tablets can be used from 12 years of age. Dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age: 1 tablet 3 times a day before meals to achieve a sedative effect. For sleep disorders, a higher dose is indicated - 2-3 tablets 1 time an hour before bedtime.
When taking the drug Alora, drug dependence does not develop.
Alora contains only one plant component; therefore, the risk of developing an allergic reaction is lower than when using multicomponent drugs.
Alora is well tolerated and highly safe (available without a prescription), so the only contraindications to taking the drug are individual hypersensitivity and children under 3 years of age (syrup) and under 12 years of age (tablets). Caution is required when using this drug in patients with severe diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, who may have a nonspecific irritant effect.
As prescribed by a doctor, take medications with passionflower for cardiac arrhythmia and angina pectoris. Since passionflower can slightly reduce blood pressure, if you are prone to arterial hypotension, long-term use of preparations from this plant is not recommended, especially in children. During treatment, as when using any sedative, you should avoid driving and working with potentially dangerous mechanisms.
The possibility of prescribing passionflower to pregnant and lactating women is determined by the doctor, comparing the benefits and risks.
When characterizing possible drug interactions of the drug Alora, it should be noted that when used simultaneously with depressants (barbiturates, tranquilizers, etc.) and ethyl alcohol, the sedative and hypnotic effects are enhanced.

The use of passionflower preparations - a beautiful plant with an unusual name and a unique composition of biologically active substances - is one of the ways of rational pharmacotherapy for disorders that require sedation.

S.Yu. Shtygol, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor National Pharmaceutical University
D.V. Shtrygol, Ph.D., Associate Professor Kharkov National University of Internal Affairs