How Vera Brezhneva changed: an honest look at herself

New shoot of Vera Brezhneva for HELLO! took place in Italy, the singer’s favorite country. In an interview, Vera talked about what worried her before and how she sees herself today.

Faith is like splashes of sunshine. Always light, sparkling, warming with inner light. But in addition to boundless femininity and softness, she feels an iron inner core and elemental strength, which, however, has to be fed from time to time.

The process of exchanging energy with the public, in fact, has already begun: in January, Vera presented a new song “You are my man”, receiving thousands of reviews, and in the coming days the premiere of a video for this composition will take place, which her subscribers will see on social networks and official channels are looking forward to it.

How much enthusiasm, gratitude and good mood I received from you from all over the world! It's so cool! I see from the hashtags how you sing and dance with me! It's a blessing that we are on the same page, even though we are all so different! - the singer shares her emotions.

Now Vera is absolutely confident in herself and in what she is doing. But it turns out that this was not always the case: at the beginning of my career there were doubts and attempts to quit everything before even starting.

It’s no secret that I’m from a small town, from a large family, and I had neither connections nor any financial opportunities to break into show business,” the singer recalls. - I came to the first casting of the VIA Gra group in my life; there were about 450 people on the list, and I was at the very end. At first, while I was listening to everyone singing, I was full of enthusiasm, and then this enthusiasm disappeared somewhere...

Vera, were you really unsure of your own abilities?

When I went to the casting, I was absolutely confident in myself. And as soon as it all started, my confidence waned. But when it was my turn, I still pulled myself together and showed my best. There were two producers, they chose me, but did not finally confirm their choice. Auditions continued, other candidates were looked at. 

A few days later there was a second casting, which brought even more worries. 

I was given a month's probationary period, they assigned vocal and dance teachers - I had to choreograph. And they announced: “We’ll see in a month: if there is progress and we see a fighter in you, then we will take you. If not, then we will put you on the same train on which you arrived.” ( Laughs.) Do you understand how stressed I was this whole month? Do you know the expression “there is asphalt”? So I worked eight hours a day on myself to prove: I am worthy to stay, worthy to take an empty place in the group.

Have you had this kind of determination since childhood?

I think yes. I don’t remember being different, I always wanted to achieve something - and I achieved it. My parents told me that when I was only two years old, I approached vacationers on the beach and saw them sitting and eating, say, watermelon. I also wanted a piece, I stood next to it and looked at the watermelon, at the people - and they gave me this watermelon. Of course, now I don’t do that anymore, because to imagine Vera Brezhneva standing on the beach and looking at people... at a watermelon... at people... although that would be funny. ( Laughs.)

Has it ever happened that the goal was not achieved? Have there been any serious defeats?

I am trying to avoid global defeats in my life. I usually have everything under control - I always try to keep my finger on the pulse. But there were situations when it was very difficult for me - I was left alone with two children... And somehow work was not going well. In general, a very suspended state on many points. First of all, moral. Although, of course, my family tried to support me all this time, but...

Did you find this story difficult?

Very hard. It would seem that you have already made a decision, weighed everything and are full of strength to move on, and then one day - and life shows that this is all much harder than you imagined. Fortunately, I was quickly brought to my senses. Adam Sandler's casting director from Hollywood called me and offered to act in a movie. I thought: "Wow!" - and perked up a little. You know, when you feel that no one needs you and the ground is lost under your feet, such calls can change everything overnight. And even though what was planned then didn’t happen in the end, because I didn’t meet the deadlines, didn’t have a work visa, and so on, it gave me faith in myself. Or rather, it brought her back.

Vera, you also walked a rather difficult road to your current position - as a woman, as a mother. Did it require a certain wisdom, patience?

Undoubtedly. While we are young, life seems completely different, it is more filled with drama. We are all 20-25 years old maximalists and egoists. If something happens, immediately - oh my God! I had to learn to live with people, learn to get along with them. Even in my parents’ family, I was more of a wild wolf cub, I always somehow kept to myself. She wasn’t too eager to share her inner experiences with her loved ones. But then, when my first child was born, I began to understand that family is a lot of work that requires a lot of internal work on oneself. And what I have now come to is the firm belief that you need to live only according to your heart. This is the only way to choose people, work, and make decisions. Because the mind can sometimes deceive you and lead you down the wrong path. There is no need to think about who will say what, or pay attention to stereotypes. This is your life, you have one, and you want to live it to the fullest. With maximum benefit for yourself and others.

You kept your private life in the strictest confidence for quite a long time, but one day you made an exception for Channel One, agreeing to take part in the program together with your husband Konstantin Meladze.

I still maintain the same closed position. (Smiles.) Then, in the program, we did not plan to discuss personal things. It was a TV show about me as an artist, and Konstantin was invited as a producer. The rest is Andrei Malakhov’s initiative: to say on air what he considered necessary. I am still opposed to such things.

Please tell us about your daughters: how do they live now?

Vera's youngest daughter, Sarah Kiperman, turned eight years old in December. She enjoys music and drawing

Sonya, the eldest, takes her studies very seriously. And I’m glad that she realizes that this is necessary for herself. Previously, before I was 14, she was more likely to do me a favor. Around that age, she and I had the following conversation: “You don’t have to study, if you study, just to make me feel calmer. I don’t need it. You are free to do whatever you want - it’s your life, you’re already an adult. You don’t want to study - don’t study, but this and that will follow.” She sat down, thought about it and realized: in order to achieve her goal, she needed to get an education.

And what goal did she set for herself?

He wants to connect his life with cinema. She has far-reaching plans - she studies at an American school and intends to go to university there.

Do you support her in this?

Yes, sure. I help her to realize herself. Even if her vision changes over time, she will still receive a good background and will be able to choose a profession to her liking.

Is the youngest, Sarah, already showing an inclination towards something?

Sarah turned eight years old in December, but she is still too young for self-determination. Sarah plays music, draws, and has fun. For her now, the most important world is her mother.

Do you spend a lot of time with your daughter or was this trip to Italy a rare opportunity to be together?

More likely the second. Unfortunately, we do not communicate as often as we would like. Even though I'm homemade. And in the evenings, if I haven’t flown away somewhere, I’m always at home. And I try to spend quality time that we have with Sarah, even if it’s a little. We play and find interesting things to do.

How is your vocal career developing?

Successful, thank God. I think you can see this yourself. I fulfill my mission in music and enjoy it. I occupy a niche in which I am one of a kind. Sometimes you want radical changes, but when I tried to experiment, I realized: the viewer loves me exactly as I am, feels my positive energy and reciprocates. I am also glad that every year my career takes on more and more new facets. These ten years have been incredibly eventful, and I believe this is just the beginning. People often ask me: “How do you manage to combine the roles of singer, actress, presenter, UN Goodwill Ambassador, mother, wife?!” And they still don’t know that in retirement I will become a writer and publish adventure stories from the “Notes of a Band Man” series. (Laughs.)

In your video for the new song “You are my man,” how will you appear? Tell us about it.

I will be different, while remaining myself. Let the rest be intrigue for now - until the premiere.

Do you go on tour as actively as before?

I would say even more active. It is clear that I try not to devote all 30 days a month to traveling - the feeling of home is very important to me. But, of course, I am pleased that in different parts of the world they are waiting for me, accepting me, singing my songs, and sometimes with a very unusual pronunciation: just the other day I received a very sincere message from India... If you put icons on the map in those places, where I have already been, it will look very ambitious! I can say with complete confidence: now I am in absolute harmony with my creativity. I am very happy that I am loved by the public, and this is mutual between us. Therefore, I want to confess my love to each reader and boldly say: “You are my man.”

Makeup and hair: Anna Korn

Vera Brezhneva has been recognized more than once as the most beautiful and sexy woman. She is successful, attractive, loved. Now the singer has everything you could dream of - children, a beloved husband, a job that brings pleasure, loyal fans (today Vera’s Instagram page is followed by more than 9 and a half million followers). Life is good! But it was not always so. We invite you to remember what Vera Brezhneva was like before the most significant period in her life - during the time of VIA Gra - and how the artist changed after leaving the group.

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The evolution of Vera Brezhneva

Now Vera Brezhneva speaks more calmly about her childhood, which was not easy. The future star was born in Dneprodzerzhinsk in an ordinary family. Vera's father was disabled after a car accident, and her mother worked as a cleaner, so the family could barely make ends meet. At a fairly early age, Vera and her sisters had to go to work in order to somehow help their parents. At one time, Vera even worked as a dishwasher in a cafe.

“It was arranged under the patronage, my older sister Galya worked there at first. I studied at school in the 11th grade. Work was from 3 pm to 11 pm. I managed to go to school, from where I went to a cafe, the Dune cafe. I don’t know if it exists now; I haven’t been to that neighborhood for a long time. I came after school and did my homework there while none of the visitors were there. Then people came. The most unpleasant and difficult thing was the ashtrays. That’s why they press sung into ashtrays, and also “chewing gum,” Vera recalled about that time in an interview with Secular Life.

It was also difficult to call the singer a beauty at that time. Vera Galushka (the singer's real name) wore glasses, cut her hair short, and because of complexes associated with small breasts, wore baggy, shapeless clothes. It is not surprising that at school classmates teased the future star.

“Vera came to our school as part of the established team. It was fifth or sixth grade. The awkward ugly duckling. The girls called her names: bespectacled, frog-happy. There were 20 girls and only 6 boys in the class. None of us defended her. She took the blow herself. Sometimes there were even fights in the yard. And after that the girls were late for class, and Vera came disheveled and crying. But I always fought. They treated her cruelly - once they stuck a piece of paper on her back on which was written “Ugly,” a classmate of Vera Brezhneva said in an interview.

And then there was VIA Gra, which radically changed her life. In November 2002, Vera came to the casting. Even a small child (at that time the singer’s first daughter Sonya was only one year old) did not prevent her from taking the first step towards success. And already in January 2003, the singer was part of the sexiest group in the country, replacing singer Alena Vinnitskaya. During this period, Vera changed beyond recognition. The girl grew her hair, had eye surgery, got rid of glasses, became sexy, relaxed and confident. Even her classmates at first did not recognize the singer as the same Vera Galushka, whom they bullied at school.

Vera was in the group for more than 4 years, and during this time she managed to gain the status of one of the sexiest women in the country. And it’s not surprising, because in the videos the singer danced in seductive mini-dresses and even a bikini. But even at social events she did not change the style of the team. Filming for men's glossies, candid videos, concerts, tours - Vera's life turned around.

Vera Brezhneva starred in candid photo shoots

However, in 2007, unexpectedly for many, Vera announced her departure from the team. And a year later she established herself as a solo singer, releasing her first video, “I Don’t Play.” This was followed by the “Nirvana” video, filming in the film “Love in the City” and the birth of her second child - she gave birth to a daughter, Sarah, to her husband, Ukrainian businessman Mikhail Kiperman. Now the singer dressed more restrainedly, the videos did not contain the open sexuality that the artist demonstrated in VIA Gre, and she learned to conquer listeners with her femininity.

Vera Brezhneva in the video "Nirvana"

Vera Brezhneva in the video “Love will save the world”, 2010

Over time, the singer learned to combine different styles; she is not afraid to experiment with her appearance, trying on wigs with dark hair. Vera Brezhnev can be different today - in sportswear, in casual style, in sexy dresses, in discreet feminine outfits. And she can dress up even simple jeans and a T-shirt and look stylish at the same time!

If you, like Vera Brezhneva, are not afraid to experiment with your style, value quality, originality and a sense of childhood in your soul, T-shirts with Adventure Time cartoon characters are your ideal companions in conquering the world!

T-shirts with cartoon characters “Adventure Time”

In 2015, another important event took place in the singer’s life - she secretly married Konstantin Meladze. The wedding took place in Italy surrounded by the closest people. And although after this the singer’s style became even more feminine, she still does not miss the opportunity to emphasize her sexuality and rebellion in her soul.

Vera Brezhneva with children

In the summer of 2017, the singer decided to make dramatic changes in her appearance - for the first time in many years, she cut her hair. But it was not the short and plain haircut that she had in her youth. Now Vera got a stylish hairstyle, and soon after that everyone agreed that the new look suits her very well. Now Vera chooses the most stylish outfits, follows trends in the fashion world and boldly experiments with her wardrobe. And, I must say, she does it very well!

The singer revealed the secrets of her beauty and style

After Vera BREZHNEVA’s school photographs appeared on the Internet, fans of the blond pop diva started a heated discussion: how did the artist manage to turn from a “gray mouse” into a dazzling beauty? From her youth, Vera managed to change dramatically and achieve success in all areas. True, the artist’s personal life is not so simple: Brezhnev so far refuses to comment on the recently emerged news about her divorce. But she willingly shares her beauty and style.

In this photo Vera is 17 years old

After photos of Vera Brezhneva from her school days surfaced (at that time her last name was Galushka), many assumed that the singer had resorted to the help of plastic surgeons. However, Vera denies this fact. According to the artist, after graduation she simply decided to take her appearance seriously: she began to play sports, and thanks to this she lost a lot of weight.

It turned out that I naturally have a good figure, I didn’t even suspect it,” Brezhneva admits in an interview with Glamor magazine. - In addition, I changed my diet: if before I at least sometimes wanted something nasty, now only healthy foods cause my appetite: cereals, vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms. No cakes, no cookies, no sweets... I took off my glasses, changed my hairstyle and learned to wear makeup.
The girl’s inner attitude played a significant role in working on herself.
“At school I was just a scared girl, but now I’m a confident woman, an accomplished person, a mother,” she says.
As for clothes, Brezhnev always knows how she wants to look. If she doesn’t have the right outfit in her closet, she turns to the help of professional stylists. They bring her a certain number of items to choose from, and the singer chooses what best suits the event she is attending.

In general, I sew sixty percent of things to go out. I come to designers - famous and not so well-known,” says Brezhneva, “And together we create dresses that no one will have for sure.”
At the same time, one of the most beautiful stars of national show business told Glamor magazine that she does not wear clothes that do not suit her, even if they are very fashionable and expensive. The most important thing for her is comfort: “So that it doesn’t prick or sting, so that you don’t have to pull down your dress.” And if there is an opportunity not to wear heels, the singer will definitely take advantage of it.

Let us remind you that recently there was a rumor in the press that Vera Brezhneva was free again. The artist herself does not comment on this news. Rumor has it that Mikhail Kiperman is tired of his wife, who is always on tour, who prefers to sing on stage half-naked than sit at home and raise children. The artist’s marriage to one of the richest people in Ukraine, the son of the general director of the Optima Telecom telephone company, lasted five years. Mikhail became a foster father for Vera's eldest daughter Sonechka. And two years ago the couple had another daughter, Sarah. Brezhneva always emphasized that family is above all else for her, and that home is her reliable fortress.

December 04, 2017

The singer was once again suspected of being pregnant.

Photo: Global Look Press

Vera Brezhneva took part in the filming of the New Year's vocal show "Song of the Year", where the star performed the composition "Close People". However, the singer’s fans at first didn’t even realize that their idol was singing in front of them - the singer’s face had changed so much. Some even decided that this was due to the fact that Vera was expecting her third child. However, behind the scenes it turned out that poor lighting played a cruel joke on the star, and Vera herself still looks luxurious and stunning.

The singer is well aware of how insidious the wrong light can be, so when communicating with journalists, she herself showed from which angle it was better to shoot her, and asked to publish only those photographs where she turned out well.

When asked if she was expecting a child, Vera joked that she was suspected of this every year, but she couldn’t give birth all the time.

The singer also spoke about her plans for the New Year. She admitted that for eight years now she has been celebrating this magical holiday with her family and is very happy about it, since being a member of the VIA Gra girl band, she did not have such an opportunity due to planned performances. And now the singer makes her own schedule, the site writes