An interesting way to find out the color of your aura. How to find out what color a person's aura is. The meaning of aura colors. Test

How to check your aura?

Aura is an invisible thin shell located around a person. It radiates energy and can be of a certain color, by which one can judge a person’s personality, his thoughts and feelings, lifestyle, and state of health.

There are techniques that help a person check both his aura and the state of the energy field of other people and objects.

Sit so that you are comfortable, relax. It is better to sit near a wall or lean your back on something. Choose a moment when you will not be distracted. If you are testing the technique indoors, it is necessary that there is complete silence there, and if you are in nature, move away from the road. Close your eyes and sit quietly inhaling and exhaling air through your nose.

Open your eyes and unfocus your vision. If you have at least once tried to discern a stereometric image, when the eyes concentrate on one point and the image begins to double, then you should succeed.

This may be difficult for you. Do the exercise a couple of times. If it doesn't work out, don't be upset. This is quite normal, because you need to practice in every new task.

Take colored paper, preferably dark green. Move it 50 centimeters away from your face. Make sure there is a black background behind the paper. With a defocused gaze, peer at it, zooming in and out of the image.

Try to look as if through a piece of paper. If you do everything as described above, you will find a soft glow around the paper piece. This will be the first layer of the aura, the so-called etheric body of the object, which plants, animals and people have. The next step for you will be the ability to examine the aura itself.

Study the person’s aura from the head, because the most energy is collected there. You can practice looking at it in the subway on an escalator. There people drive motionless, so it will be easy for you to fix your gaze on someone. With proper training, you will be able to see a glow around a person’s head. By the dominance of a certain color, one can tell about a person’s emotional state or physical health.

How to learn to see the aura?

The aura is a human energy field that extends beyond the body. The size of the aura can determine the physical and psychological state, and the color determines the character and inclinations. The ability to see such a field can be developed through various exercises.

To see the aura, you need to stand in front of a uniform black surface. Place your hand with your palm in front of you, stand opposite the background. Spread your fingers and look between them, without blinking. After a few seconds you will see a special haze around your fingers. If you continue to look at the same point, you will notice that the glow will begin to appear even more clearly. Move your hand and you will notice that the aura moves with your palm.

Place your partner in front of a solid-colored wall; if necessary, you can hang a matte screen. Try to focus your gaze on the area around your partner's head and shoulders. Let the person begin to sway and gradually you will begin to see some background distortion around the head and body.

At the very beginning of training, the aura will be colorless, thin and not always noticeable, but over time the haze will begin to acquire colors, and you will be able to figure out the person’s thoughts and state of mind. If the glow is black, then the person is full of envy or has evil thoughts. Gray color is melancholy and depression, and brown is the color of pride. People with sexual intentions are highlighted in scarlet, people with strong will are highlighted in red. Pink is a sign of softness, orange is openness, yellow is the ability to communicate. Blue symbolizes some thoughtfulness or bad mood, and people with a healthy and stable psyche burn with silver. The meaning of colors may vary. You can make your own list of colors based on your own observations.

Don't stop in your training, look at passers-by, look at plants and animals. You need to exercise regularly, at least an hour a day. You can develop your abilities anywhere and in a short time master the skill of seeing the aura, which all people possess, but few people improve it.

The aura is a thin, invisible shell that surrounds every physical body. It contains information regarding the characteristics of a person’s personality, his life habits, state of health, characteristic features of the mental and sensory sphere.

Many people who are interested in bioenergy are worried about the question: “How to find out the color of your aura?” Read about it in the next post.

Interesting information about the human aura

  1. The aura tends to constantly vary in its color variations, but despite this, each person has a specific color that is characteristic only of him.
  2. All changes in your condition are immediately displayed on the color of the biofield.
  3. The process that is quite difficult to explain is the interaction of the auras of different people with each other. Each time they come into contact, the energy shells tend to lighten or darken. No contact remains unmarked on the human biofield.

It is for this reason that some people evoke sympathy in us on a subconscious level, while others, on the contrary, are antipathetic - it’s all about the similarity (or dissimilarity) of our auras. When the sound of two auras is harmonious, such people are attracted to each other and easily find a common understanding.

  1. Each person has his own unique body odor, which is determined by hormonal levels and many other indicators. Smell is a true characteristic of a person’s essence, just like the aura. It cannot be that a person with good energy smells bad or, on the contrary, that an evil person smells fragrant.

How to determine the color of your aura

When sunlight interacts with a person’s energy shell, new shades are formed that most directly affect our destiny! Each person’s aura has its own primary color - red, blue, green, this is as real as the division into blood groups is real.

Next we will tell you how to recognize your aura. A very simple experiment will help you with this. For it you will need to stock up on ordinary oil dyes in tubes of different colors. The main colors will be yellow, blue and red. They cannot be created by mixing other tones, but using them it is possible to obtain absolutely any shade.

The degree of color saturation correlates with the amount of a person’s internal energy. So, for example, choleric and melancholic people are very “bright” in their temperament. Such people by nature do not have a very balanced nervous system, so at the subconscious level they try to avoid overly bright, saturated color variations, because the latter can cause a surge of emotions in them.

On the contrary, cold and reserved people feel very comfortable with bright colors - they warm them emotionally thanks to their inner warmth.

Having familiarized yourself with the theory, you can begin practical actions.

  • Place one tube of yellow, red and blue dye in front of you;
  • Put your thoughts in order - calm down and harmonize your consciousness;
  • Squeeze as much paint as you wish onto a piece of paper from each tube and mix the dyes. Your task is to create a picture that will give you a feeling of inner warmth and comfort;

Now you will need to establish which shade your inner “I” is associated with. This information will help you learn more about your own inclinations and even predict your future to some extent.

  • Cover your eyes with a light-blocking blindfold. But you cannot fix it too tightly - otherwise, in case of increased compression of the skin receptors, you risk getting an unreliable result.
  • Without seeing anything, you need to mix the tubes with yellow, red and blue dye. Make sure the tube caps are tightly closed.
  • Continue moving the palms of both hands over the tubes until you begin to feel warmth from them. Using your intuition, choose the paint that seems the warmest to you.
  • Remove the bandage and squeeze out as much dye as you want from the selected tube onto the previously obtained color spot.
  • Now it is important to mix the shades evenly and you can begin to interpret the final result.

What do the different aura colors mean?

To ensure the reliability of the experiment, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what experts in the field of color therapy think about a particular tone.

  1. If you get more red, you are undoubtedly a bright, easily impressed person who often suffers from increased emotionality and expressiveness. But pronounced artistic abilities help you achieve harmony with the surrounding reality.

You are exactly the person without whom it would be very boring; you always create the atmosphere of the show wherever you appear. Among people with a red aura there are a lot of celebrities who live by the principle of “it’s hit or miss” and often take risks.

The color red is associated with the fire element, so most often “red” individuals emerge victorious in different life situations.

  1. The blue biofield is characteristic of individuals who are more controlled by sound logic rather than by feelings. They often become scouts and rescuers - they choose those areas where an iron will is needed.

Carriers of the blue energy shell are distinguished by good taste and a desire for perfectionism. They enjoy going to museums and attending sporting events.

For example, owners of a lemon aura have a depressed consciousness.

Those whose biofield correlates with saffron or orange shades have a sharp mind, are quick-witted and have a penchant for precise disciplines, but at the same time they show excessive meticulousness in everything, making them a little “boring”.

  1. The brown tone is obtained by combining red, blue and yellow dyes. Brown tones combine the passion of red, as well as the coldness of blue and the sharp intelligence of yellow.

It turns out to be a very interesting option - an excellent communicator who can easily find a common language with anyone. An excellent salesman who negotiates at the highest level with the ability to solve even very complicated life situations.

People with a brown aura easily feel and reveal the intrigues of others due to the fact that their biofield hides another color - green, which is formed by mixing blue and yellow dyes.

  1. Green color symbolizes eternal youth, love of life and youthful fervor. People with a green aura tend to accept the surrounding reality exactly as it is and adhere to the orders established by others. Thanks to this quality, they can easily find positive moments in any, even the most bleak situation.

These are very optimistic individuals. This is not to say that they always think soberly, but they certainly cannot be taken away from their originality and fun. The Greens are distinguished by almost childlike sincerity and gullibility. But they rarely suffer from deception, because they are very good, loyal and devoted friends.

Communication with them is a pleasure, but sometimes those around them may suffer a little from their “cute pranks.”

  1. Purple is the color of successful people. People with a violet biofield live by the principle: “First do the job, and then walk boldly.”

They prefer to live by their own rules, which they also have the courage to dictate to others. And if you break them, you will have a very hard time. “Violet” people can be tough, but it is uncharacteristic for them to be offended by someone for a long time.

They love to philosophize, so they often occupy positions of government officials, scientists, or (at the lowest level of development) - become cunning and deceivers.

The violet biofield simultaneously gives its owner both passion and composure and this is due to the complex combination of energetic red with the vibrations of aristocratic blue.

Knowing the color of your energy shell and the characteristics inherent in it, it will be easier for you to understand yourself and your behavior in a given situation. Perhaps in this way you will open your eyes to certain points that previously caused you surprise or indignation.

A person’s biofield is his energy shell, which is formed by a combination of different physical fields of a person’s energy structure. Determining the value of the biofield is sometimes simply vital: by this parameter one can determine human illnesses and various energetically negative effects on him - the evil eye, damage, etc.

The size of a person’s biofield can be determined by several methods.

How to determine the size of a person’s biofield using clairvoyance

In general, every person can learn to see and determine the size of the biofield if they put in the effort. This will require several trainings: on defocusing your vision, the skill of looking at one point and concentrating at the same time. First of all, try to look at an object or picture not directly, but as if with upper or lateral vision. Those. you don’t need to peer your pupils directly at the object, you need to try to see it by stopping your pupils on the side of the object or above/below the object itself. In this case, you will, as it were, cover the entire picture in 3D format, and if you look directly at the object, the image of the object will turn out flat. Then look at people in this way. A person has the greatest amount of energy in his head, look at the head and the entire appearance of a person with defocused vision, fortunately there are places and times to do such training - in public transport. Over time, you will be able to determine a person’s biofield, as well as determine his emotional, psychological and physical state by the color of the biofield.

How to determine the size of a person’s biofield using the dowsing method or frames

You can also determine the size of a person’s biofield using metal frames. Take 2 frames in your hands and mentally set yourself the task of determining the size of a person’s biofield. Then slowly approach the person and see where the frames turn and meet at their ends. This usually occurs at a distance of 40-80 cm from the human body. This distance will indicate the size of a person’s biofield at the moment.

How to determine the value of a person’s biofield using a pendulum

It is also easy to determine the value of a person’s biofield using a pendulum. Take a pendulum that suits you, draw or print an image of a person’s silhouette. Draw a coordinate plane on it. Then attach a photo of this person to the sheet or write his first and last name. Mentally tell the pendulum that vertical oscillations will indicate the magnitude of the human biofield. After this, begin the process of determining the human biofield. From afar, bring the pendulum to the silhouette. At first it will swing horizontally. But as soon as the edge of a given person’s biofield appears, the pendulum will swing vertically. Move the pendulum to the center of the image; it will show the maximum biople height. Then move it left and right. The pendulum will swing with less amplitude. Draw the result on the same image.

How to determine the size of a person’s biofield using special instruments

There is also a hardware method that allows you to determine the value of the biofield using instruments. This is a Kirlian photo and the Voll method.

Kirlian photos are taken with a special device, which ultimately shows a photo of the person himself with the biofield around him. They also take photos of the biofield of plants, objects, etc.

The Voll method is based on the electromagnetic values ​​of acupuncture points. Those. Using a metal stylus connected to a Voll device, the voltage value in bioactive points on the hand is determined. And after that, based on the values, the computer program produces a drawing of the human biofield.

TaroTaro wishes you success and prosperity.

The influence of bioenergy fields on a person can be described in the form of nine gaps, which are a reflection of the Cosmos in our body. Each of the gaps, in turn, has a set of auras. The presence of certain gaps and corresponding auras in the human body can be determined using numerological calculations based on a person’s date of birth, which makes it possible to establish the dominant traits of his character.

The calculation of auras in gaps is carried out as follows: take the date of birth, break it down into numbers and add up these numbers. We also decompose the resulting two-digit number into numbers and add them to obtain a single number. Next, we count the number of each digit. This will be the number of auras in the gap corresponding to the figure.

Example: A person was born on 02/19/1974

We make calculations


Accordingly we have:

gap 1 has 2 auras (two twos in calculations)

Lacuna 2 – 1 aura

Lacuna 3 – 2 auras

Lacuna 4 – 1 aura

Lacuna 5 – 0 aura

Lacuna 6 – 1 aura

Lacuna 7 – 1 aura

Lacuna 8 – 0 aura

Lacuna 9 – 2 auras

Description of the gaps

GAP 1: Biofield

If gap 1 has no auras, then this is a sign of a lack of bioenergy in a person. Owners of empty lacuna 1 are naturally educated, treat others well, and respect the team.

One aura - there is enough bioenergy for life, but to replenish it you need to exercise.

Two auras – there is enough bioenergy, but it doesn’t hurt to replenish it.

Three auras – enough bioenergy for yourself

Four auras – weak psychic. These people are loved by individuals of the opposite sex.


No auras - a very neat and punctual person who stands out from those around him with his speech.

One aura - the disorder in your surroundings does not bother you. If I need to - I do it, if I don’t want to - it will be so, this is the order.

Two auras - a penchant for natural sciences, enhancing communication skills.

Three auras – a penchant for science. If one does not realize oneself in science, then pedantry develops.

Four auras – attractiveness to members of the opposite sex.

GAP 3: Space communication

This lacuna is a symbol of the divine essence of the world, the Christian Trinity. A strong cosmic connection (many auras) determines a penchant for science. In the absence of auras in gap 5, this gap feeds the latter in extreme situations.

GAP 4: Health, self-criticism

No auras – a person is often and severely ill (especially if there are many auras in gap 1)

one aura – a person with poor health. In old age, you will get sick like everyone else.

Three auras - the same thing, but with doubled energy

GAP 5: Guardian Angel

There are no auras - a person strives to start something, proves something, always thinks, hesitates. Makes a lot of mistakes.

one aura - these people make fewer mistakes. They are protected from harmful forces.

Two auras – highly developed intuition: investigators, lawyers, scientists

Three auras - almost clairvoyant, they don’t make mistakes, they know exactly what they are doing

Four auras - everything that happens around them is clear to them. Almost soothsayers.

GAP 6: Intuition or groundedness

No auras - a person needs physical labor, but he does not like it

One aura - a person is closed within himself. It requires physical labor.

Two auras - a very reserved person with highly developed intuition. Doesn't like physical work.

Three auras – the sign of “Satan” – 666. A very attractive person with a high temperament. The partner with whom he lives must have a large number of auras in gap 1.

Four gaps - a very reserved person, works a lot. For such people there is no hard physical labor.

GAP 7. Talent

There are no auras - for such people, the only way to make their way into life is through suffering. They have a hard life, often leading to religion.

One aura - a person has talent, but it is not clearly expressed. Lives for a few years.

Two auras - a musical person, has artistic taste, can draw. He succeeds in everything - both good and bad.

Three auras are a special sign. These people came to Earth for a short time. If they live in abundance, then in old age they may experience paralysis.

Four auras are the sign of an Angel. These people die as infants, and if they live, their lives are in mortal danger (catastrophe).

GAP 8. Rock, Will

No auras - a person has a habit of taking from others, but is in no hurry to give

One aura – a person has a heightened sense of responsibility

Two auras - a person is obliging, always ready to help others.

Three auras - a sign of service to the people, great responsibilities

Four auras - children are born with parapsychological abilities or with a penchant for exact sciences.


One aura - a person must develop his mental abilities

Two auras - a rational head from birth, but has no special desire to learn

Three auras – a person is intelligent by nature. Everything comes easy to him.

Four auras - a very reasonable person, often unmerciful due to a lack of understanding of others, less gifted.

Aura is a reflection of our inner state of soul. This is an invisible energy field that reflects our mood, feelings, thoughts, emotions. By the aura you can determine the essence of a person, his secret desires, his past, present and future. It’s not for nothing that many psychics, during their sessions with their eyes closed, move their palm in front of a person’s face - in this way they try to see the aura.

Everyone’s aura is different: different colors, shapes, sizes and densities. All these parameters depend on the degree of human development. The ideal aura is shaped like an oval. This means that a person is in harmony with himself and the world around him. A shapeless and asymmetrical aura is a sign of internal weakness and instability. The size of the aura depends on the spiritual development of a person and the richness of his inner world. The density of the aura indicates the ambition and activity of a person. A low density aura indicates depression and lack of vitality.

The colors of the aura can change depending on the internal state of a person. But, as a rule, the human energy field always comes to its constant color, which is determined by the individual characteristics of the person.

To find out the color of the aura, it is not at all necessary to have psychic abilities. Basic mathematical knowledge is sufficient. This method was invented by numerologist and parapsychologist Richard Webster, who by adding the numbers of the date, month and year of birth received a number corresponding to a certain color. The calculation system is based on the date of birth. Richard was born on 05/15/1955 = 1+5+0+5+1+9+5+5 = 31 = 3+1 = 4. We get the numerological number 4. It corresponds to a specific color in the Webster table, which will be the color of your aura.

Number 1- this is red. An aura of this color means activity and love of life. People with such an aura are most often optimists, endowed with ambition and determination.

Number 2- it's orange. People with an orange aura are distinguished by decency, good nature and sensitivity. They have a strong connection with the people around them and are able to show mercy and free help.

Number 3- yellow color. People with a yellow tint aura have a vibrant intellect. As a rule, these people are creative and sociable. It is important for them to do what they love and benefit society.

Number 4- green. People with a green aura are sympathetic, good-natured and friendly. They quickly adapt to changes and new conditions. People are drawn to them, because their aura radiates kindness and warmth.

Number 5- indigo. People with an aura of this color are intellectuals striving to gain new knowledge. They have excellent creative abilities, a rich imagination, but a complex character.

Number 6- blue. A blue aura speaks of nobility and philanthropy. People with this aura love to help and be useful to others. They feel responsible for their loved ones and will never leave them in trouble.

Number 7- violet. This color symbolizes intuition and divination abilities. Sometimes people with such an aura become misunderstood in society and withdraw into themselves. They should strengthen their gift and not be afraid to ask for help.

Number 8- pink color. People with a pink aura are very hardworking. Their desires are often limited to material values. They are always firm in their convictions and never deviate from their intended path.

Number 9- bronze color. An aura of this color testifies to sacrifice and love for all living things. Often people with such an aura do not spare themselves and give all their achievements to other people whom they consider worthy of it.

Anyone can calculate the simplest numerology of their birth date. It is much more difficult to create a numerology that will also take into account the place of birth and the specific time of day. This is called complete birth date numerology. You can calculate it with our help.

Tell us in the comments what color your aura is and how it affects your life.