The long head of the biceps brachii muscle hurts. Biceps tendonitis. Tendinitis of the long head of the biceps brachii

5–7% of the population suffers from pain in the shoulder area, and the prevalence of such complaints triples after reaching 60 years of age. The reason for this is various diseases of the osteoarticular and muscular-ligamentous systems, but tendonitis is of greatest importance.

Muscle tendons, despite their strength, are a rather vulnerable structure of the shoulder. With prolonged exposure to unfavorable factors, pathological processes develop in the connective tissue, which disrupts the function of the entire joint. Therefore, shoulder tendonitis requires a quick and adequate response not only from the patient, but also from the doctor.

Causes and mechanism of development

The shoulder joint performs a vital function in a person's daily life. It provides a wide range of movements, without which it is difficult to imagine professional, sports and everyday activities. Because of this, a significant part of the load falls on the shoulder.

Long-term exposure to a mechanical factor causes microtraumatization of the tendons running in fairly narrow channels and the development of an inflammatory process, which is the basis of tendinitis.

Athletes are primarily susceptible to this influence: javelin (discus, shot) throwers, tennis players, weightlifters. A similar condition is often observed among representatives of blue-collar professions (builders, painters).

But the disease may also have a completely different development mechanism, in which inflammation is of secondary importance. Degenerative-dystrophic processes that begin to develop after the age of 40 often come to the fore. This is facilitated by metabolic-endocrine, vascular disorders, as well as age-related changes in the body. Therefore, in addition to injuries, the following conditions should be considered as possible factors for the development of tendonitis:

  • Gout.
  • Diabetes.
  • Reactive arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Infectious diseases.

In most cases, there is a combination of several factors. But no matter which of them causes tendon damage, the further development of the disease is subject to the same mechanisms.

Tendinitis should be considered as a multifactorial disease, the development of which is associated with increased loads on the shoulder.


To make a correct diagnosis, the doctor conducts a clinical examination of the patient. First, he finds out the complaints, the circumstances of the pathology, and then examines the place of possible damage. This will help identify the characteristic features of the disease.

The function of the shoulder joint is provided by various muscles, the tendons of which can become inflamed. Certain symptoms will depend on their involvement in the pathological process. But you should still note the general signs of tendinitis:

  • Pain in the shoulder area.
  • Clicking or crunching in the joint.
  • Limitation of some movements.

Pain first occurs during exercise, and then bothers you even at rest and at night. They can be sharp or dull, monotonous. Upon examination, you can see some signs of inflammation: swelling, redness. However, this will not always be the case. Sometimes it is possible to determine pain at the site of the damaged tendon. Special tests are of great importance, during which the doctor prevents the patient from performing active movements. The appearance of pain at this moment will indicate damage to one or another muscle.

Chronic tendonitis can lead to tendon ruptures. They appear not only under significant load, but even when performing simple movements.

Rotator cuff injury

The first area to consider is rotator cuff tendonitis. It is formed by the supraspinatus, teres minor, infraspinatus and subscapularis muscles, playing an important role in stabilizing the joint during various upward movements of the arm. In this case, pain in the outer upper part of the shoulder joint is characteristic, which can spread to the elbow. They often occur due to unusual loads, especially when working for long periods with raised arms.

Isolated damage to specific structures of the rotator cuff may occur. The most common injury to the supraspinatus muscle is due to its special vulnerability. The disease is initiated by compression of the tendon between the head of the humerus and the acromial arch. As a result, pain appears in the middle of the upper part of the joint. The shoulder abduction resistance test is positive, confirming damage to the supraspinatus muscle.

If the pathology affects the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles, then a test with resistance to external rotation of the shoulder should be performed. A patient with tendinitis may find it difficult to comb their hair or make similar movements. When the subscapularis tendon becomes inflamed, the test with resistance to internal rotation of the shoulder becomes positive.

Biceps injury

The biceps tendon is also damaged. Tendinitis of the long head of the biceps is characterized by the appearance of pain along the anterior superior surface of the shoulder joint. As a rule, they occur after lifting weights. A test with resistance to outward rotation of the hand (supination) helps to identify the disease. In addition, there is palpation pain at the site of the tendon - the intertubercular groove, located along the anterior surface of the humerus at its upper edge.

Tendinitis of the biceps and rotator cuff requires differential diagnosis with other pathologies that cause pain in the shoulder joint: arthritis, arthrosis, injuries.


To confirm damage to the muscle tendons in the shoulder area, it is necessary to use additional means. As a rule, they include instrumental visualization methods that allow you to see a clear picture of the changes taking place. These include the following:

  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Ultrasound of the joint.
  • Radiography.

To identify disturbances in the body's metabolic processes, a biochemical blood test should be performed. In addition, consultation with a traumatologist is required.


A comprehensive approach to the pathology helps to effectively treat shoulder tendonitis. In this process, not only medical manipulations are important, but also a deep understanding by the patient of the essence of the disease. As a rule, a variety of treatment methods are used:

  • Drug therapy.
  • Physiotherapy.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics.
  • Massage.
  • Operation.

The choice of one method or another is based on the characteristics of the disease and the properties of the body. Therefore, the therapeutic program is developed individually for each patient. In this case, special attention is paid to unloading the affected shoulder and creating peace. Factors that provoke pain should be eliminated as much as possible, including wearing a scarf. However, long-term immobilization of the joint is not recommended.

Treatment of tendinitis is based not only on the effects of certain drugs, but also requires the active participation of the patient.

Drug therapy

Without the use of medications, it is difficult to imagine the treatment of any pathology, including tendinitis. The drugs are used to reduce inflammation, relieve pain and swelling, eliminate muscle tension and improve the function of the shoulder joint. Considering the great importance of degenerative processes in the development of the disease, one should also include those medications that will improve metabolic processes in the tendon itself, promoting its healing. Thus, it is recommended to use the following medications:

  • Anti-inflammatory (Artrosan, Dicloberl).
  • Muscle relaxants (Mydocalm).
  • Chondroprotectors (Artra, Dona).
  • Vascular (Solcoseryl).
  • Vitamins and microelements.
  • Hormones (Diprospan, Kenalog).
  • Local anesthetics (Novocaine).

The last two groups of drugs are used exclusively for topical use. They are injected into the area of ​​the affected tendon to eliminate pain. Various anti-inflammatory ointments (Dolobene, Diklak) are used as local therapy.

Medicines must be used as prescribed by the doctor. Self-administration of medications is strictly prohibited due to the possibility of developing unexpected reactions.


For shoulder tendinitis, physical methods of influence are actively used. They have an additional positive effect in combination with medications. To make the acute symptoms of the disease go away more quickly, you can use the following procedures:

  • Electro- and phonophoresis of novocaine, lidase.
  • UHF therapy.
  • Ultraviolet irradiation.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Wave therapy.
  • Mud and paraffin therapy.
  • Magnetotherapy.

The course of treatment may consist of several procedures, but it must be completed in full. This will make it possible to obtain a lasting therapeutic effect.


If the shoulder tendons are damaged, physical therapy is required. Without it, it is difficult to ensure restoration of joint function to the same extent, since it is movements that should contribute to the functioning of the muscular-ligamentous system. The following exercises may be prescribed:

  • Throwing a towel over the bar, grab its ends and pull down with your healthy hand, while lifting the patient.
  • Holding a gymnastic stick in front of you, describe a circle with it.
  • Place the palm of the affected hand on the opposite shoulder and lift your elbow up, helping with your healthy hand.
  • Squeezing your hands into a lock, raise your arms in front of you.
  • Swing the sore arm back and forth and to the sides like a pendulum.

It must be remembered that gymnastics can be performed only during the period of remission, when there are no acute signs of the disease. In addition, you should not overload the joint with intense exercise - you need to develop your shoulder gradually so as not to cause pain and worsening of the condition.

The effectiveness of therapeutic exercises largely depends on the patient’s persistence and his desire to get a good result.


Don't forget about shoulder massage. It is also performed after the pain has been eliminated. Thanks to massage techniques, muscles relax, the delivery of nutrients to the affected area improves, which helps to activate recovery processes. As a rule, it is recommended to undergo 10–15 sessions.


If conservative therapy does not show the desired effect or a tendon rupture occurs, then tendonitis must be treated surgically. They mainly perform arthroscopic operations, which are considered minimally invasive and minimally traumatic. With their help, excision of altered tissues, plastic surgery and fixation of the tendon are carried out. After this, rehabilitation treatment is required, which consists of the above-mentioned conservative techniques.

If tendonitis in the shoulder area is suspected, it is necessary to first determine which muscle is affected. Based on the results of the diagnostic examination, the doctor determines further treatment, in which the patient himself must take an active part.

Tenosynovitis of the joint (ankle, knee): symptoms and treatment

Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the joint synovium surrounding the tendon. The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms.

Tenosynovitis develops under the influence of such factors:

  1. Injuries. If a joint has been damaged and a person has some kind of infection in the body, the risk that he will develop tenosynovitis is very high. Treatment will be more difficult and lengthy if the bursa vaginalis of the joint has been torn, completely or partially.
  2. Malfunction of the immune system.
  3. Arthritis of rheumatoid nature.
  4. Dystrophic-degenerative changes in the joint. In an advanced form, changes also spread to nearby tendons.
  5. Infection with certain bacteria and viruses.
  6. Age-related changes when joint tissues wear out and receive insufficient nutrition.
  7. Constant loads. Tenosynovitis of the knee or ankle joint can develop even in those people who are inactive, but at the same time, due to professional activity or habit, constantly load the same joint.

Symptoms of tenosynovitis occur in people of any age, but older people are more likely to suffer from this disease.

Classification of tenosynovitis

The following types of this pathology are distinguished:

  • Stenosing tenosynovitis. This form of the disease is often called tenodovaginitis of the elbow, ankle, knee or hip joint. The most common inflammation of those tendons that are responsible for abducting the big toe to the side is observed. In parallel, the extensor digitorum brevis may be affected. As a result, the mobility of the thumb is greatly limited. If acute treatment is not carried out, the disease becomes chronic. Scars form on the tendons and ligaments, and over time the joint becomes completely blocked. This type of tenosynovitis mainly affects women;
  • Tuberculous tenosynovitis. This form of pathology develops if the tuberculosis bacillus is introduced into the patient’s body. The vaginal cavities of the tendons of the hands are affected. The limb swells greatly, but there is no pain;
  • Chronic tenosynovitis of an inflammatory nature. The clinical picture of this form of the disease is very similar to the course of tuberculous tenosynovitis. Rheumatoid arthritis often develops against the background of this disease. An accurate diagnosis can only be made based on the results of studies of effusion from the joint cavity - they will show which bacteria caused the inflammation.

In addition, the disease is classified by location. There are tenosynovitis of the ankle, knee, elbow, hip, wrist joint and head of the biceps.

Symptoms of the disease

The pathology develops slowly, at the initial stage the symptoms are very mild. Therefore, with the first complaints, the patient consults a doctor already in case of serious damage to the tendon, when long-term, complex treatment is required.

During a detailed interview, the patient recalls exactly when he first felt discomfort in the area of ​​the elbow, ankle or knee joint - if treatment had been started during this period, it would have been shorter and the prognosis would have been favorable. In an advanced stage, the joint becomes blocked and it is impossible to restore its full functionality.

The disease can be recognized by the following signs:

  1. Enlargement and swelling of the joints when palpated.
  2. Limitation of mobility.
  3. Severe redness of the skin in the area of ​​the affected tendon.
  4. Pain that occurs when stress is placed on the muscles located next to the inflamed tendon.

Symptoms may vary depending on the location of the inflammation.

Ankle joint injury

In terms of external signs, in case of ankle joint disease, the tendon is no different from a healthy one. But the tissues around it are filled with fluid.

Lesions in this area of ​​the lower limb develop against the background of rheumatoid arthritis or after mechanical damage to the limb. Very rarely, the cause of ankle tenosynovitis is flat feet.

Pain in this case can occur in any part of the foot, or can cover its entirety. The discomfort intensifies after standing for a long time or long walks.

Sometimes pain occurs when stretching the leg or lifting it up with muscle tension - this indicates that the inflammatory process also affects the spine.

Knee joint damage

The main symptom of knee tenosynovitis is an enlarged kneecap. Swelling and edema of the knee joint are explained by the accumulation of fluid in the synovial bursa, the amount of which increases sharply with loads and movements of the knee joint.

This fluid is the cause of inflammation. The patient usually does not complain of sharp pain - severe pain is a concern only during exacerbation of knee tenosynovitis.

Damage to the long head of the biceps

Swimmers and tennis players suffer from this form of the disease, that is, athletes involved in those sports in which repeated movements of the arm are made above the head.

The cause of inflammation is constant tension of the biceps muscle, its focus is in the antebrachial upper limb. If treatment is not carried out in a timely manner, the inflammation spreads to the elbow joint.

De Quervain's disease

The causes of inflammation in this case are heavy loads on the tendon of the thumb and wrist. De Quervain's syndrome usually develops in people who perform monotonous movements for many years - typesetters, musicians, cutters, seamstresses. It is often diagnosed in hardworking housewives and summer residents.

If the cause is an injury while doing housework, the disease develops very quickly and the patient does not postpone visiting the doctor. The problem is that the wrong treatment is often prescribed, aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the bruise, while the tendon is affected and tenosynovitis develops.

In the chronic course of de Quervain's disease, examination and diagnosis are carried out, as a rule, in the later stages, when the joint is almost completely blocked. Therefore, treatment is also not always successful.

The pain is localized in the thumb, wrist and along the edge of the wrist joint. Sometimes the pain syndrome covers the elbow joint or the entire limb.

Diagnosis and proper treatment are also complicated by the fact that the pain can be of different types: for some it is aching, for others it is sharp, arising during movements and stress.

How is the treatment carried out?

Treatment for inflammation of the tendon of the knee, ankle or hip joint is selected depending on its shape and location. For example, puncture (the most radical method of treatment for this disease) is most often required for lesions of the knee joint.

When medications and physical therapy fail, fluid from the joint cavity is pumped out, then medication is injected into the cavity. Sometimes this is an antiseptic solution; in severe cases, hormonal drugs are administered. Such methods make it possible to stop the inflammatory process and begin measures to restore joint function.

But if the patient promptly noticed suspicious pain and swelling in the area of ​​the wrist, shoulder or knee joints, treatment may be limited to a course of certain medications and physiotherapeutic procedures.

  • Medicines should act in three directions: relieve swelling, eliminate pain and inflammation. Usually, drugs of local and systemic action are selected.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures are aimed at activating metabolic processes in the affected joint, while the effect of medications is enhanced. Electrophoresis, magnetic and laser therapy, ultraviolet irradiation, and ultrasound are used. In some cases, a course of therapeutic massage is prescribed.

It is important to choose the right different techniques and, if necessary, adjust the therapy program in order to achieve success. Ignoring the doctor’s recommendations and self-medication can lead to the saddest complication of tenosynovitis - complete blockade of the affected joint.

​If painful sensations appear constantly, then it would be wiser to refuse work or movements that cause them.​

Causes of tendinitis

​Tendonitis of the long head of the biceps tendon is accompanied by pain in the upper anterior portions of the shoulder girdle. As a rule, such pain occurs due to overstrain of the biceps muscle after lifting weights. In this case, shoulder abduction and rotation are not impaired. During the diagnostic process, a test of resistance to active supination of the hand is performed. Patients with chronic tendonitis are usually examined using nuclear magnetic resonance. This study reveals areas with abnormal impulses, indicating degenerative changes in the tendons.​

  • ​D.Nobel​
  • ​The most common disease of the shoulder joint that is not associated with injury is tendinitis of the tendons of the muscles that form the muscle capsule. The tendons of these four muscles attach to the greater and lesser tuberosities of the humerus. The tendon of the long head of the biceps muscle passes through the intertubercular groove, starting from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula.
  • ​Exercise #5.​
  • ​For what diseases is the Kuznetsov applicator used? Indications for the use of the Kuznetsov applicator can be found in this article.​
  • ​This is inevitable if, after the disappearance of the first symptoms of acute tendinitis, a strong load on the tendon immediately resumes, since it is very sensitive to sprains and other damage for another 1.5-2 months.​

​The cause is damage to the muscle capsule by the coracoacromial ligament, the anterior edge of the acromion or the acromioclavicular joint, which leads to degeneration, inflammation and thinning of the tendon.​

  • ​Stage II requires supplementing treatment with injections into the joint cavity (lidocaine, bupivacaine in combination with triamcinolone). Short-acting anesthetics are used in the diagnosis of pathology; long-acting drugs are used for therapeutic effect. Muscle relaxants are used only for severe pain and in rare cases (lots of side effects).​
  • ​Inflammation of the tendons of the shoulder joint develops in waves with a gradual deterioration of the condition.​
  • ​curvature of the spine;​
  • ​Shoulder tendonitis is a common inflammatory and degenerative pathology of the shoulder joint, not directly related to acute shoulder injury. Prolonged high loads on the shoulder cause microtrauma to the muscle tendons that form the capsule of the shoulder joint, their inflammation and subsequent degeneration.​
  • ​At rest there is usually no pain​
  • ​"Tendinitis of the shoulder joint" and other articles from the section Diseases of the joints​
  • ​When the muscle capsule ruptures, the supraspinatus tendon is primarily damaged. Almost always, tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon develops first, then the inflammation gradually spreads to the entire muscle capsule, subacromial bursa, joint capsule and other structures, ultimately leading to ankylosis of the joint.​
  • ​Lean forward in front of the back of a chair or wall. Use your healthy hand to rest on the surface. Allow the affected limb to hang freely. Next, you begin to swing it from side to side. If you stand by a chair, you can also rock back and forth. Gradually increase the amplitude of the pendulum.​
  • ​What to do if a nerve is pinched in the back? Find out from this material.​

The mechanism of tendonitis

​It causes a lot of discomfort, as it is impossible to perform simple physical exercises.​

​Supraspinatus tendonitis can lead to ankylosis of the joint if it spreads to the entire capsule and other structures.​

Shoulder tendonitis: symptoms

Pain syndrome


Low-intensity aching pain occurs only periodically with sudden movements. No changes in the joint are recorded on the x-ray.​ ​thyroid gland pathology, diabetes mellitus.​

Limited movement

​Social groups most susceptible to shoulder tendinitis:​

  • ​Treatment of shoulder tendonitis, first of all, involves ensuring complete rest of the affected area.​
  • The tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle passes inside the shoulder joint, adjacent to the tendons of the rotator cuff muscles, and, rising under the acromion, is attached to the upper edge of the glenoid cavity of the scapula. Thus, the same compression in the subacromial space that causes rotator cuff syndrome can cause tendonitis of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Another cause of tendonitis is dislocation of the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle from the intertubercular groove, which happens when the transverse ligament of the humerus holding the tendon is torn.
  • ​The cause of supraspinatus tendonitis is damage to the muscle capsule by the anterior edge of the acromion, the coracoacromial ligament and, sometimes, the acromioclavicular joint; this leads to inflammation, degeneration and thinning of the tendon. As a result, the thinned tendon ruptures; the tendons of the infraspinatus muscle and the long head of the biceps muscle may also rupture.
  • ​Exercise #6.​

​What are the symptoms of spinal cord damage? The answer is here.​

Inflammatory reaction

Tendinitis develops in three main stages:

Degeneration of joint tissue

With this disease, palpation of the anterior edge of the acromion and intertubercular groove is painful.

Features of the development of shoulder tendinitis

​Injections with corticosteroids can reduce collagen production, thereby reducing the elasticity of the tendons. Therefore, hormonal treatment is carried out only in the acute period with an interval of 2-3 weeks. Not recommended for biceps tendinitis.​

I degree

Painful sensations are more pronounced, limited active movements appear. X-ray reveals signs of osteosclerosis and periostitis, the formation of osteophytes located on the tubercles of the humerus is recorded.

II degree

The capsule of the shoulder joint is formed by 5 muscles: supraspinatus, teres minor, infraspinatus, subscapularis (forms the rotator cuff) and biceps major (biceps). Since the socket of the shoulder joint only partially covers the head of the humerus, the load when holding it in the correct position and during movements falls on the muscle tendons.​

III degree

​people 40-60 years old (this is due to an age-related decrease in the elasticity of tendons);​


For this purpose, special splints, splints or dressings are used. Primary treatment for shoulder ligament injuries includes:​

  • ​Regardless of the immediate cause of biceps tendonitis, its clinical picture is the same. The pain is limited to the anterior surface of the shoulder joint and the upper part of the shoulder and intensifies with external rotation of the arm bent at the elbow against the doctor’s force. It can occur when assessing the strength of the forearm flexors (when the patient bends the arm in the forearm, overcoming the doctor’s resistance), as well as during direct palpation of the inflamed tendon. Pain during external rotation of a flexed forearm held by a physician (Ergason's sign) indicates displacement of the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle from the intertubercular groove.​
  • Over time, tendinitis usually improves, so conservative treatment is sufficient.
  • Raise your hands straight in front of you. Place your right hand on your left elbow, and your left hand on your right. So you begin to swing your arms from side to side.​
  • ​The main task in treating shoulder tendonitis is to restore proper motor activity, relieve inflammation from the tendon and reduce pain.​
  • At the initial stage, the patient practically does not feel any specific symptoms of the disease. With sudden movements in the joint, short-term, mild aching pain may occur.​

Treatment of tendonitis

​This type of disease is also called “tendinitis of the long head of the biceps” - the tendon that connects the upper part of the biceps muscle and the shoulder becomes inflamed.

​Physiotherapy procedures accelerate recovery: electro- and phonophoresis, magnetic currents, cryotherapy, laser treatment, ultrasound and paraffin baths.​

Painful attacks last up to 8 hours. Pain occurs even at rest. X-ray: the gap between the head of the humerus and the acromion is narrowed, the upper subluxation and erosion on the anterior edge of the acromion are recorded. Tendon tissue is capable of regeneration. The tension that arises from heavy workload disappears during the period of rest. The lack of respite after hard work leads to microtrauma (the appearance of microcracks) in the ligamentous apparatus of the shoulder and the development of inflammation. Most often, ligaments are damaged at the point of attachment to the bone, then inflammation affects the entire muscle capsule and other periarticular structures. With continued exposure to the irritating factor, adhesions with ossification elements occur in the tendons. Possible rupture of the muscle capsule due to significant degenerative thinning of the tendons.​

​athletes (weightlifters, tennis players, swimmers, baseball players);​

​Protecting the shoulder joint from stress.​

​If biceps tendonitis is caused by impingement of the biceps tendon in the subacromial space, its treatment is similar to that of rotator cuff syndrome. Treatment of tendinitis caused by tendon dislocation begins with restricting the movement of the arm in the shoulder joint and prescribing NSAIDs, after which gradual development of the shoulder joint begins. It is useful to strengthen the synergistic muscles of the biceps brachii muscle. Pain relief is possible after the introduction of glucocorticoids into the tendon sheath of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle, but the danger of such a procedure is that if glucocorticoids accidentally enter the tendon, they contribute to its degeneration. If conservative therapy does not produce results, fixation of the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle directly to the humerus is indicated. Some experts believe that improvement occurs in all cases, regardless of treatment, while others insist on the need for glucocorticoid injections into the affected structures - as in arthritis of the shoulder joint, as well as with damage to tendons, tendon sheaths and synovial bursae.​

A number of folk remedies are also used in the treatment of tendinitis:

​Depending on the stage of the disease, different types of recovery are used.​


​At the second stage, the patient begins to feel pain after physical activity. The sensations are more pronounced.​

​Pain appears in the upper anterior part of the shoulder. Due to overstrain of the biceps muscle, it is impossible to lift heavy objects.​

​At stage III, with the above treatment, resection of the anterior part of the acromion process is performed. Surgical removal of scar tissue and partial excision of tendon aponeuroses is indicated when conservative measures fail and narrowing of blood vessels develops.​

​The diagnosis of “tendonitis” is established on the basis of characteristic clinical signs and motor tests (limitation of certain movements). To confirm the diagnosis, the treating specialist may prescribe:

The onset of tendonitis is associated with the sudden onset of acute or dull aching pain. The pain intensifies when you try to lift your arm up (take a cup from a high shelf, put on a sweater, etc.). Often, increased pain at night leads to insomnia. Palpation of the damaged tendon is accompanied by pain.​

​people whose work involves an excessive load on the shoulder (painters, builders, loaders, etc.);​

  • ​Immobilization.​​Recovery from fixation of the long head of the biceps tendon to the humerus takes a long time, and complete recovery usually does not occur.​
  • ​Periarthritis is a collective term that describes inflammation of the tissues around the shoulder joint and combines a number of similar syndromes, which result in contracture. Most experts agree that active treatment tactics are necessary to prevent contracture.​ ​Sarsaparilla root and ginger.​

Supraspinatus muscle

​More than 90% of people suffering from tendinitis need a fairly simple treatment - physical exercise.​

​At the third stage, prolonged attacks of pain appear; they can last for 6-8 hours. Unpleasant sensations occur even at rest.​

Swimmers and tennis players often suffer.

Biceps muscle

​In order to prevent the development of tendonitis, you should avoid prolonged heavy loads on the shoulder and combine hard work with short rest. You should not test your body’s strength; hard work should be preceded by a warm-up, and it is advisable to increase the load gradually (by 10% during physical exercise).​

​Ultrasound (detection of hypoechoic areas of irregular shape);​


Rotator cuff

​lovers of working on the land, gardeners;​

​The main methods of secondary therapy include:​

Shoulder tendonitis is a pathology that affects people, regardless of their age, gender and professional activity. However, most often this disease affects patients over forty years of age, as well as people actively involved in sports or physical labor, loading the same area.​


​Tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon and tendovaginitis of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle can lead to inflammation of other tendons, bursae, joint capsule, cartilage, bones and surrounding muscles.​

​The combination of these two ingredients is used to treat inflammation of the tendons and joints. To prepare, you need to take 1 teaspoon of a mixture of ginger and sarsaparilla, first chop it, pour boiling water and drink it instead of tea. Apply twice a day.​

​It is important not to load the damaged joint, but to develop it, that is, to increase the range of motion.​


​The basis for diagnosis is a physical examination, patient complaints, and medical history.​

​Also occurs due to severe bruises, overexertion, infection.​

If the slightest pain occurs, a short rest is necessary. The effectiveness of tendinitis treatment depends on the patient’s compliance with all medical recommendations and the correct implementation of special therapeutic exercises.​


​radiography, Raman arthrography (x-ray with the injection of a contrast agent into the joint);​

​Unlike arthritis, in which the pain is constant and diffuse, with tendonitis the pain is localized, occurs only when performing certain movements and disappears at rest.​

​women during menopause (hormonal changes weaken the tendons).​

Stages of disease development


  • The most common tendinitis in clinical practice is the supraspinatus tendon.
  • ​Tendinitis of the supraspinatus tendon (even when other parts of the muscle capsule are involved) and tendovaginitis of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle do not affect the range of passive movements in the shoulder joint. Restricted mobility can be caused by inflammation of the joint capsule (adhesive arthritis), synovial bursae and muscles.​
  • ​Curcumin​

​You can perform the following set of exercises:​

​During the examination, the doctor:​

  • Metabolism in the tendons of the rotator cuff is disrupted, which leads to pathological changes (tendinitis). The tendon increases in volume and becomes very thick (about 2 mm on the affected side).​
  • ​Tissue inflammation begins around calcium deposits.​

​MRI of the shoulder joint (tendon ruptures and degenerative areas are determined);​

  • ​Passive movements are usually not limited. Depending on the location of inflammation, characteristic signs are present:
  • ​Factors that provoke shoulder tendinitis:​
  • ​LFC.​
  • ​Long-term physical activity on the shoulder joint.​
  • ​Sudden sharp or dull pain in the shoulder, a symptom of a pain arc. Pain on palpation of the anterior edge of the acromion and intertubercular groove. The diagnosis is confirmed if the pain resolves when a short-acting local anesthetic is injected under the acromion.​
​is another effective remedy for tendonitis. It eliminates the main symptom of the disease – pain. It also works great against inflammation. Curcumin should be used as a seasoning for food. You should consume approximately 0.5 grams per day.​

​Exercise #1.​

​checks the possibility of active and passive (when the doctor himself lifts the patient’s limb) movements of the patient;​

​An ultrasound examination clearly reveals hypoechoic areas of irregular shape.​

​Perhaps the development of the disease is facilitated by tendon wear, tears and low oxygen supply to tissues.​

Physical therapy and exercise


Shoulder cuff tendinitis - pain spreads along the upper outer surface of the shoulder with possible irradiation to the elbow;

​excessive long-term loads on the shoulder;​

  • ​Analgesia and anti-inflammatory therapy.​​Infectious diseases.​
  • ​Stage I: normal​​Cherry fruits.​
  • ​You need to take a fairly long towel and throw it over the bar (for example, for a shower curtain). Next, grab the ends of the towel with your hands. Use your healthy limb to pull the fabric down. At the same time raising the sore arm up. After you feel a slight pain, fix the position for three seconds, then very slowly lower your hand.​ ​checks the sensitivity of the muscles in problem areas. To determine the range of motion, it is necessary to move the limb in all directions. Patients with tendinitis can only perform limited passive and active movements.​
  • Shoulder tendinitis includes a whole group of diseases: inflammation of the infraspinatus and teres minor muscles, the supraspinatus tendon, and the subscapularis muscle. Calcific tendinitis is characterized by pain when lifting the limb upward, the discomfort increases sharply at night.
  • ​blockade in the area of ​​the rotator cuff (the introduction of anesthetics in combination with corticosteroids for tendinitis reduces pain).​ ​Teres minor tendinitis - a positive resistance reaction to active external rotation of the shoulder;​
  • ​shoulder injuries;​​Clinicians note positive dynamics in the treatment of tendinitis with corticosteroid injections directly into the lesion. These drugs quickly eliminate pain and help to attenuate the inflammatory process.​

Video: a set of exercises for the shoulder joint

Folk remedies

​Pathologies of a rheumatic nature (arthritis or gout).​

  • ​Stage II: osteosclerosis, periostitis, cysts; osteophytes of the tubercles of the humerus​Indispensable in the treatment of tendinitis. Their juice contains tannins. These substances, combined with anthocyanins, have an anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect. Pour 3 tablespoons of fresh berries into a glass of boiling water. Use 2-3 times a day.​
  • ​Exercise #2.​​In order to exclude an error in diagnosis, the doctor may prescribe:
  • ​Shoulder tendinitis is characterized by severe pain in the joint area, and the area may become slightly swollen.​ ​There are two types of calcific tendinitis:​
  • ​Therapeutic measures for shoulder tendonitis depend on the stage of the pathology.​​inflammation of the subscapularis muscle - a positive resistance reaction to active internal rotation of the shoulder;​

​rheumatoid joint diseases (gout, arthritis);​

​Note: However, corticosteroid injections do not provide a complete cure, and they can also increase the rate of collagen degradation and reduce its synthesis, which reduces the tensile strength of the tendon and leads to its rupture. Therefore, such treatment of shoulder tendinitis is justified only in the acute period (once every 2-3 weeks).​

​Anatomical features of the body structure.​

Shoulder tendinitis

​Stage III: narrowing of the space between the acromion and the head of the humerus, superior subluxation of the shoulder, erosion of the anterior edge of the acromion.​

​Carrying out local procedures.​

​A gymnastics stick is required. Place it at arm's length, and, holding it in an upright position, use the affected limb to describe a large circle with the stick.​

​MRI - as part of this examination, pictures of the internal structure of the body are taken;​

​Severe pain occurs when lifting heavy objects.​

​Degenerative calcification. ​

​At the first stage of tendinitis development, it is enough to temporarily eliminate the load on the shoulder and limit its mobility (immobilization). Pain-causing movements should be avoided for 2-3 weeks. Therapeutic exercises to strengthen the shoulder muscles and increase mobility are carried out with a gradual increase in load.​

​biceps tendonitis - pain spreads along the upper anterior surface of the shoulder, rotation and abduction are not impaired.​

Clinical picture

​inadequate rehabilitation treatment after operations and injuries, cervical osteochondrosis (adhesions form in the tendons of the shoulder);​


  • ​Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (for internal use) have proven themselves to be quite effective. However, their long-term use is recommended only for chronic conditions of overexertion. Also, to relieve pain in the shoulder area, patients are prescribed simple analgesics and muscle relaxants. With the development of muscular-tonic syndrome, it is recommended to use muscle relaxants that reduce pathological muscle tension and reduce the severity of pain. A fairly effective treatment method is local therapy using gels and ointments that contain NSAIDs. If necessary, these drugs can replace systemic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. As a complement to the main course of treatment, the patient is prescribed physiotherapeutic procedures. Ultrasound treatment has proven itself well, as well as laser and magnetic therapy. In the case of the development of a severe inflammatory process and if standard treatment is ineffective, patients are indicated for treatment with antibiotics. Surgery is recommended only when all conservative methods and a program of physical therapy procedures have failed, and also if the patient shows signs of stenosing tendonitis (which is characterized by narrowing of blood vessels) or Osgood-Schlatter disease. During surgery, tendon aponeuroses and scar tissue are dissected or partially excised. This operation requires two or three months of rehabilitation, which includes the gradual use of exercise therapy exercises for stretching and strength development.​
  • ​Improper development or weakening of tendons.​
  • ​X-ray contrast examination reveals a rupture of the muscle capsule and communication between the subacromial bursa and the joint cavity.​

​It is necessary to apply cold to the affected limb on the first day, and heat on the following days. Applying a fixing bandage to the joint.


​Exercise #3.​

​Anesthetic injection into the bursa (in the area of ​​the rotator cuff). If the pain decreases, this confirms the diagnosis of tendinitis;​

​This disease occurs due to insufficient blood supply to the tendon due to increased load.​

​The main cause of degenerative calcification is the wear and tear process of aging, as the blood supply to the tendons decreases and they weaken. Microtears of fibers occur. and reactive calcification.​


Biceps tendonitis - SportWiki encyclopedia

Clinical picture

​The patient is able to raise his arm only 90º, holding even a small load becomes problematic, throwing his arm behind his back is impossible.​

​congenital anomalies of the shoulder joint;​

Treatment of biceps tendonitis

​Note: treatment of shoulder tendinitis will be effective only if the patient follows all the specialist’s recommendations without exception regarding keeping the inflamed limb at rest. If you continue to do your usual work, the disease will only progress in the future.​


​Failure to maintain correct posture.​

Tendonitis of the shoulder joint - clinical picture of the disease

​Stage I: rest with a gradual increase in load; immobilization is contraindicated due to the risk of adhesive arthritis; Exercise therapy to strengthen muscles and increase joint mobility; aspirin and other NSAIDs.​



  1. ​Place the hand of the affected limb on the healthy shoulder. Lift it up. With your healthy hand, carefully begin to lift your bent elbow up. Next, lower your elbow. Maximize your allowable amplitude every day.​
  2. ​X-ray;​
  3. ​The most common disease among professional athletes. Characterized by acute pain.​
  4. ​Reactive calcification.​
  5. ​Prolonged immobilization increases the risk of developing adhesive arthritis.​
  6. ​Inflammation of the shoulder tendons leads to thickening of the joint capsule. On the affected side, thickening can reach 2 mm. A local inflammatory reaction is characteristic: slight swelling, redness and local hyperthermia. Sometimes an effusion forms in the vagina of the damaged tendon, followed by suppuration.

Characteristic symptoms

​bacterial infections (gonorrhea);​

Rotator cuff tendonitis

In order to prevent the development of the pathological process, you should, if possible, avoid work that requires holding your arms in a raised position for a long time, and you should also avoid monotonous movements in the joint for a long time. Before performing any physical activity, it is recommended to do a short warm-up. The pace of the load should increase gradually.​

Inflammation of the long head of the biceps

​In the case when a patient is diagnosed with shoulder tendinitis, the most characteristic symptoms of this pathology are limited mobility and the occurrence of long-lasting pain at the site of inflammation and in nearby areas. In some cases, pain may increase gradually as the inflammatory process develops. Patients often complain of a creaking sound (crepitus) that occurs when moving a limb. It can be heard even from a distance. The inflamed area is hyperemic, local body temperature is increased. In some cases, tendinitis is complicated by the deposition of calcium salts in the shoulder joint, which leads to weakening of the tendon and joint capsule. In a passive state, there is often no pain, but painful sensations begin to increase towards night. Due to the forced position of the body and the severity of the pain syndrome, patients experience sleep disturbances. There are also difficulties when rotating the hand. Typically, the pain begins at the top of the shoulder and ends in the brachialis major muscle on the back. Most often, the inflammatory process is localized in the rotator cuff, wrist extensor muscles and biceps tendons.​

​Stage II: the same as stage I, plus injections of local anesthetics and glucocorticoids, for example 3 ml of 1% lidocaine, 3 ml of 0.5% bupivacaine or 20 mg of triamcinolone (as a long-acting drug); A short-acting local anesthetic is used for diagnosis, a long-acting anesthetic and a glucocorticoid provide a therapeutic effect.​


​Physiotherapy procedures are very effective in treatment.​​Exercise #4.​

  • ​Arthroscopy;​
  • ​In case of post-traumatic tendinitis, it is important to pay special attention to treatment and prevention and in no case should you load the limb until the tendon has fully recovered.​

The mechanism of occurrence has not been precisely established. It develops in three stages. At the initial stage, the changes occurring in the tendons contribute to the formation of calcifications; calcium crystals are deposited in the tendons; during this period, the calcifications are reabsorbed by the body. It is at this moment that pain is most likely to occur. In the next period, the tendon is restored, then the mechanism of absorption of calcifications (which is not yet fully understood) is launched, and the tissue regenerates. The pain subsequently disappears completely.​

  • ​NSAIDs are also indicated orally for up to 5 days and topically. Local therapy with NSAIDs is carried out for 2 weeks. during the acute period. If the course is prolonged, ointments that improve blood flow (with capsaicin, etc.) are effective.
  • ​Tendinitis is often accompanied by calcification of the tendons. At the site of micro-tears, rough adhesions are formed, which reduce the range of both active and passive movements of the shoulder. Calcific tendinitis (tendinosis) is characterized by the prevalence of symptoms of tendon degeneration and ossification. When listening to the joint with a phonendoscope, and often at a distance, crepitus (creaking, crunching) is heard. The development of degeneration leads to thinning of the tendons, limb weakness, and possible rupture of the joint capsule.​
  • ​allergy to drug therapy;​

With lesions of the cuff muscles, patients complain of pain arising in the upper outer part of the shoulder, radiating to the elbow. Pain syndrome appears after unusual physical activity (working with arms raised high). In case of damage to the teres minor muscle, a positive test of resistance to active external rotation of the shoulder is noted during a diagnostic examination. If the subscapularis muscle is affected, an active internal rotation resistance test is positive. Such tests are performed when supraspinatus tendonitis is suspected.​

​Stage III: the same as for stages I and II, plus resection of the anterior part of the acromion.​

​There are a sufficient number of methods.​


​Lower your arms in front of you, interlace your fingers. Lift the folded limbs upward. The maximum load is on the healthy hand - it drags the sick one.​

​CT arthrography (x-ray examination with the introduction of a contrast agent into the joint).​

​This type of disease appears due to repeated damage to tendons and muscles.​

​Treatment of tendinitis is a rather lengthy process. It can take from 2 to 6 weeks, and after surgery, rehabilitation lasts from 2 to 6 months. People suffering from this disease are advised to limit physical activity and reduce its intensity. Modern medicine has a large arsenal of tools to combat various types of tendinitis. Therefore, strict adherence to the regimen and patient implementation of all doctor’s recommendations are the key to successful treatment of this disease.​

​Shoulder tendinitis​

​Surgical intervention is urgently used when a tendon ruptures. It is important to have surgery within two weeks of the rupture. The postoperative rehabilitation period is at least two months, complete recovery is at least three to four months from the date of the operation.​

The triceps muscle occupies more than half of the entire shoulder joint. Many sports equipment and exercises are aimed specifically at its development to make the arms more massive. The triceps is attached to the ulna bone by the triceps tendon.​

​Experts talk about the possible occurrence of shoulder instability if the head of the humerus is constantly forced to make repeated movements in the shoulder socket (for example: an athlete sharply throws or hits a ball, intensively waves his arms while swimming). So, the prerequisite for manifestations of shoulder instability should be long-term excessive loads on soft tissues, which provide the head of the humerus with a stable position in the socket.​

The shoulder joint in the shoulder structure includes the biceps ligament, which performs a kind of stabilizing function. The inflammatory process in the tendon of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle and in the biceps brachii muscle connecting to it is designated by the term tendinitis, and with the functional location of the tendon and muscles, the developing inflammatory process is biceps tendinitis. Inflammatory processes are activated by the unstable position of the head of the humerus during movement, which disrupts the overall function of the shoulder joint.​

Causes of the disease

​2014 - took part in the V All-Russian Congress of the Society of Hand Surgeons, Kazan.​

  1. ​To prevent the onset of the disease, it is recommended to avoid heavy physical exertion on the joint. If work involves prolonged raising of hands, then short breaks should be taken.​
  2. ​ultrasound treatment;​
  3. ​With a sharp throw of the arm, simulating throwing a javelin, the pain becomes sharp. During sleep, when the position of the hand changes, the pain intensifies. Swelling and redness may be observed in the affected area.​
  4. ​Long-term wearing of plaster.​
  5. A pathological condition that is accompanied by inflammation of the tendons and other soft tissues of the shoulder joint is called tendonitis.
  6. ​is also typical for athletes, but can also occur in people whose professional activities involve stress on the shoulder joint. The symptoms are the same - pain of varying intensity, swelling and redness of the affected area.
  7. ​Good health to you!​
  8. ​With repeated contraction of the triceps muscles, as during pull-ups or push-ups, the main load falls on the tendons, then all the conditions may arise for the occurrence of such an unpleasant disease as triceps tendinitis, which occurs due to wear and tear of the triceps tendon. Older athletes are at risk, since mineral metabolism slows down with age.
  9. ​When the shoulder is dislocated, the so-called labrum (upper lip) can be torn where it attaches to the joint, and then nothing can stop the head of the humerus from moving in the socket, even if this movement is not necessary. As a result of such uncontrolled movement of the humerus, nearby tendons can be damaged, and then signs of biceps tendinitis may appear.​
  10. ​biceps tendonitis
  11. ​2014 - Advanced training "Application of arthroscopy in traumatology and orthopedics"​
  12. ​Before serious sports training that requires a lot of stress, it is necessary to warm up. Increased stress on muscles and joints should occur gradually.​
  13. ​electrophoresis;​
  14. If the disease is advanced, then pain syndrome occurs even with the slightest movements not related to the use of the shoulder joint. This could be an ordinary handshake or squeezing an object.​
  15. ​Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.​

Classification of inflammation

​The supraspinatus tendon, biceps tendon, and joint capsule may be involved in this process.​

Symptoms of the disease

​Tears in the rotator cuff most often occur due to age-related changes in the body. And in this case, the head of the humerus moves freely in the shoulder socket, regardless of the will of the person, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the biceps tendon, weakening it and inevitably causing inflammation. ​

​- constant excessive loads on the tendon cause degenerative disorders in its tissues, which leads to a decrease and loss of the strong properties of the continuous fibrous structures of the tendon and can lead to its rupture; performs a restraining function of the biceps tendon, and it comes out of the bicipital recess, causing its irritation; - repeated movements of the head of the humerus lead to instability of the shoulder and unstable position of the head of the humerus due to the load on the soft tissues; - changes in the anatomical position of the humerus joint (dislocation) causes damage to the tendon or compression in the subacromial space; - damage to the rotator cuff causes weakening of the biceps tendon; - reactive and degenerative calcification of the tendons; - entrapment of the soft tissues located between the head of the humerus and the upper part of the scapula.​

​Rotator cuff tendonitis is a pathological condition in which inflammation of the soft tissue structures surrounding the shoulder joint occurs. This could be: the joint capsule, the biceps brachii tendon, the supraspinatus muscle, or all of them combined. This inflammation causes limited movement and pain in the shoulder joint. ​

​When treating tendinitis, you should strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations and prescriptions.​

​Local therapy using ointments and gels has a quick positive effect. These drugs are applied externally to a previously washed skin surface. It is recommended to rub in gels and ointments 2-3 times a day.​

​In the later stages of the disease, the pain becomes constant even at rest. Sometimes it echoes in the elbow joint. As a rule, neither swelling nor increased temperature of the shoulder joint area is observed.​

Treatment methods

​The following forms of tendonitis are distinguished:​​The disease is very common among the adult population and among athletes who once suffered an injury to the shoulder joint.​ ​Biceps tendinitis and​

The causes of the disease may be:

​Old back or neck injuries​

​A dull pain most often appears in the upper or anterior part of the shoulder, but sometimes it spreads lower, involving the area where the biceps muscle is located. The pain may increase with raising the arm and decrease with rest. Bending the elbow and turning the forearm cause a feeling of weakness. If a patient complains of a feeling of blocking or sliding, the doctor may suspect that the transverse humeral ligament has been torn.​

​Inflammatory process​

The anatomy of the shoulder joint is as follows: it consists of two bones, the humerus (namely the head of the humerus), the scapula (namely, the articular process of the scapula). Surrounded by a fibrous capsule, which consists of ligaments.​

​A mandatory requirement is to stop work that involves heavy loads on the shoulder joint​

​If there are no positive results from using the above methods, the patient may be prescribed antibiotic treatment.​

The inflammatory process (bicipital tendinitis) can also occur in the presence of other pathologies present in the shoulder joint and its structures involved in connecting the muscle to the bone. The inflammatory process of the biceps brachii tendon may involve the joint capsule and surrounding tissues. The development of inflammation can occur gradually, as part of the aging process, or appear suddenly, as a result of injuries and stress factors. Often combined with disorders of the rotator functions of the shoulder joint. It can appear with equal frequency in both men and women during adolescence and to a greater extent in the period from 25 to 40 years.​

​These ligaments perform a very complex function - they hold the humerus in the glenoid cavity of the scapula quite firmly and at the same time allow the arm to perform an incredibly wide range of movements.​


​How to identify and treat spondyloarthrosis of the cervical spine. You can find out what the danger of the disease is in our article.​


​The main goal of treatment for tendinitis of the shoulder joint​

  1. - inflammation of tendons and soft tissues occurs around calcium deposits. The development of the disease is also facilitated by wear and tear of the tendons and lack of oxygen in the tissues. Excessive and frequent loads on the same area can cause microcracks and, as a result, the occurrence of the disease.
  2. ​most often affects tennis players. The first type affects the tendon that connects the biceps muscle to the shoulder joint. The second is also called “tennis elbow” and it affects the tendons that connect the brachioradialis muscle and the flexor and extensor muscles of the wrist to the bone. The risk group also includes golfers, table tennis players, badminton players and other infectious diseases of surrounding tissues;
  3. ​disturbed metabolism​​It is not always possible to choose the right treatment solely based on X-ray results. Therefore, the patient should be prepared to undergo an MRI, an opportunity that will give the doctor a basis to judge the presence (absence) of an inflammatory change in the tendon, damage to the labrum, or tears of the rotator cuff.​
  4. ​Risk groups include people involved in:​​Incorrect treatment of the shoulder joint after injury or surgery;​

Possible complications

Spondylodesis is a surgical technique that allows you to completely immobilize one or more vertebrae. When is the procedure necessary?​

​comes down to reducing pain, relieving inflammation from the tendon and restoring motor functions of the shoulder joint​

Preventive measures


There are many reasons that can provoke this disease. In order to begin proper treatment, it is necessary to find out what caused the disease. These include:​

​Temporal tendinitis​


​calcium metabolism disorders;​ ​Symptoms:​​To identify or, conversely, exclude the presence of other shoulder problems in the patient, the surgeon may also prescribe diagnostic arthroscopy. This examination method gives the specialist the opportunity to see with his own eyes the lambrum, rotator cuff and even the intra-articular part of the biceps tendon and assess their condition.​

​sports and professions in which frequently repeated pushing and rotational movements are performed, the load of which falls on the places where the muscles attach to the bones in the shoulder girdle.​

Treatment of shoulder tendonitis, arthroscopy of the shoulder joint, anatomy of the shoulder joint

Long-term immobilization (plaster, bandage);

​Moscow, st. Berzarina 17 bldg. 2, Oktyabrskoye Pole metro station

Treatment of shoulder tendonitis with folk remedies has a positive effect:


​is damage to the muscle capsule by the acromioclavicular joint or coracoacromial ligament. These disorders lead to inflammation, thinning and degeneration of the tendon.​

​People whose activities involve heavy loads on their arms are at risk of developing shoulder tendonitis. These include painters and plasterers, athletes, and vehicle drivers who often have to drive.​

- This is a lesion of the tendons that attach the masticatory muscles to the jaw bones. This type is not difficult to confuse with a toothache or headache. The pain may also radiate to the neck.​

​age-related changes in the tissues of muscles, joints and tendons.​

The disease is accompanied by pain in the back of the elbow, which intensifies with repetitive stress associated with constant bending of the elbows (pull-ups, bench press, or even regular hand washing). In advanced cases, swelling of the back of the elbow may occur as a result of inflammation. The pain can become acute when the triceps muscles are tense or the elbow comes into contact with a hard surface. You may experience a feeling of weakness when straightening the affected joint.​

​Biceps tendinitis is mainly treated with a conservative method, which is characterized by the following prescriptions:​

​Description of pain: Pain can be in the form of mild or severe manifestations, quite long-lasting. Increased pain is observed as the inflammatory process develops, which at the beginning of the process may not have any manifestations and the pain may be short-lived. As the process moves to the next stage, pain will appear after physical activity and will be more pronounced. With prolonged attacks of pain, even at rest from 6-8 hours, a severe course of the process begins. Lolizatiya pain: Pain passes along the upper surface of the shoulder, along the lower anterior region of the biceps muscle, with increasing intensity at night, during exercise associated with lifting heavy loads, performing pulling, rotating movements, while lying on the sore side of the shoulder joint. Tenderness may be felt at the junction of the biceps and biceps muscles. Activation of the inflammatory process can cause local redness of the skin. There may be a clicking sound in the joint. The hand may be in a forced position, with limited movement. The upper part of the biceps, which is in a constrained position, may indicate possible damage to its transverse ligament. If one of the biceps tendons ruptures, swelling may occur.​

​Cervical osteochondrosis;​

​Moscow, st. Koktebelskaya 2, bldg. 1, metro station Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard


​The therapy process is carried out on an outpatient basis. Great importance is given to physical exercises aimed at gradually increasing the range of motion.​


Anatomy of the shoulder joint

​Microtraumas that can be obtained as a result of strong physical activity.​

​Temporal tendonitis can be triggered by simply chewing nuts with your teeth.​

Causes of shoulder tendonitis

  • ​Based on the cause that caused the disease, namely the presence or absence of an infectious component, two main types can be distinguished:
  • ​First of all, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and self-medication. Only a doctor can correctly determine triceps tendonitis after examination or laboratory tests. The doctor pays attention to the appearance of the arm in the tendon area (possible swelling and redness). If necessary, radiography may be prescribed to exclude possible damage to bone tissue. They may also prescribe an MRI, the procedure of which will help the doctor examine not only the condition of the bone, but also the triceps tendon itself and determine the extent of its damage, if any, of course.
  • - take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), which will reduce pain and relieve inflammation (steroid injections are prescribed very limitedly due to the fact that they weaken the tendon to an even greater extent); ​
  • ​A diagnostic determination is available by palpating the painful points of the inflamed tendon. A positive Ergason sign may indicate a displaced position of the biceps tendon. X-ray will rule out other pathologies of the shoulder joint. Detection of shoulder ligament rupture is possible using computer visualization of changes in magnetic waves.​
  • ​Injuries, intense physical activity;​

​Moscow, Bolshoy Vlasyevsky lane 9, Smolenskaya metro station​

Symptoms of shoulder tendinitis

​effectively relieves pain and inflammation. It is used as a seasoning for food.​

  • There is a whole range of exercises aimed at restoring the performance of the tendons and muscles of the shoulder joint. But under no circumstances should you overload your shoulder.
  • - inflammation occurs in the tendon that holds the shoulder and upper biceps together. Tennis players and swimmers often suffer from this type of tendonitis, since these sports involve sharp swings of the arm with a large amplitude.​
  • ​Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, rheumatism.​

Diagnosis of shoulder tendinitis

​Despite the variety of types of tendinitis, the symptoms of this disease are almost always the same. As mentioned above, the main symptom is pain of varying severity. The skin at the site of inflammation is hyperemic, swollen and has an elevated temperature. Another characteristic symptom is crepitus - the occurrence of a crunching sound during movement.

​Infectious tendinosis;​

​Preventing a disease is always easier and more logical than treating it later. The following measures can be taken to prevent triceps tendinitis:

- eliminate stress on the tendon and ensure its rest;

​Treatment of the inflammatory process of the biceps is long-term (several months). Providing rest to the shoulder joint reduces pain. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs acts to reduce the inflammation process. Pain relief is achieved by administering glucocorticoids. It is produced into the tendon from the protrusion of the supraglenoid tubercle of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Subsequently, complex exercises are performed for the shoulder joint, with a gradual increase in the range of motion. In rare cases, when a satisfactory therapeutic effect is not achieved with conservative treatment methods, surgical intervention is recommended.​

​Diabetes mellitus and thyroid disease are risk factors for the development of this disease.​

Causes of development of the inflammatory process caused by biceps tendinitis

​Make an appointment​​Cherry fruits​

At the initial stage of the disease, conservative treatment is not required. It is enough just to ease the load and apply cold to the sore spot.​

​Shoulder cuffs​

Risk groups include

​Acquired or congenital pathology of tendons.​ Due to severe pain, the mobility of the affected joint or limb is limited. In acute tendinitis, as well as in the first stages of the disease, pain occurs only when the joint or limb is loaded and increases gradually. With chronic tendonitis, pain can occur spontaneously, can be triggered by changes in weather, and can also intensify in the evening, leading to sleep disturbances.​

​Non-infectious (aseptic) tendinitis.​

Diagnostic definition

​Do a preliminary warm-up before each physical activity or workout​

Treatment of biceps inflammation

- undergo physical therapy (to reduce inflammation) and exercise therapy (to restore muscle strength). ​

​Complications: appear during the chronic course of the disease - atrophy of the biceps and deltoid muscles.​

​The disease affects 1 in 50 adults at some stage in their lives, most often occurring between the ages of 40 and 60. Women suffer more often than men due to hormonal changes during menopause.​​Education:​

Biceps tendinitis - Encyclopedia

​For severe pain, injections of drugs from the group of glucocorticoids, anesthetics, and platelet-rich plasma are prescribed.​

About the causes of biceps tendonitis

- can occur as a result of overexertion, infection or injury in the form of a bruise. The tendon becomes greatly thickened and increases in volume.​

​Improper posture.​

​In the initial stages of the disease, when pain occurs infrequently and its intensity is not so great, people often do not think about seeking the help of a specialist. But, over time, if you start the process, the pain becomes truly unbearable and then, willy-nilly, a person asks the question: how to treat tendonitis?

​The disease most often affects those tendons that experience regular and uniform physical activity. Especially if this load is monotonous and often repeated. Therefore, athletes who experience regular stress on their joints are at risk for tendinitis. Depending on the location of the source of inflammation, the disease is classified as follows:

​Increase the load on the triceps gradually. Try to avoid sudden loads.​

​Sometimes the doctor will recommend that the patient change his or her field of activity if there is a risk of shoulder instability or rotator cuff tear in the current field. In this way, pain and inflammation can be significantly reduced, which will allow a person to live a full life.​

​Shoulder tendonitis occurs when the joint capsule becomes inflamed, thickens, and the surrounding tissue is involved in the process. These processes dramatically affect the range of motion in the shoulder joint due to severe pain. If the patient limits his movements for a long time, adhesions form in the capsule and even if the inflammation subsides, it is very difficult to develop a normal range of movements. This is why physical therapy is so important during the phase of inflammation and pain. There is wide variation in the severity and duration of symptoms. Some types of periarthritis can develop as a result of scarring after injury or surgery. Which can quite dramatically limit movement.​

About the symptoms of biceps tendinitis and its diagnosis

​In 2009 he graduated from the Yaroslavl State Medical Academy with a degree in general medicine.​

​Walnut partitions​

​They quickly eliminate painful symptoms and relieve the inflammatory process. In some cases, the doctor may prescribe wearing a tight bandage or bandage.​


About conservative and surgical methods of treating biceps tendinitis

​Infectious diseases associated with pathogenic flora.​

The following methods are used to treat tendinitis:

​knee joint;​

If any discomfort occurs, and especially pain in the back of the elbow during a load localized in the triceps tendon area, immediately reduce the load or take a break. No need for fanaticism.​

​Surgical treatment of biceps tendinitis is prescribed if there is no effect from conservative treatment or if some other problems are identified in the patient’s shoulder. ​

​When performing movements of the shoulder joint, it is necessary to give complete rest to the muscles.​

​The main symptom of shoulder tendinitis in patients is limited movement in the shoulder joint in everyday life: it is difficult to get a cup out of the cabinet, take something from the shelf, sometimes pain occurs when putting on clothes, taking a shower, and, most unpleasantly, during sleep.​

​From 2009 to 2011, he completed a clinical residency in traumatology and orthopedics at the Clinical Emergency Hospital named after. N.V. Solovyov in Yaroslavl.​

About rehabilitation in the postoperative period

​infuse on vodka for 20 days. The resulting infusion is taken orally, 30 drops before meals.

​At the third stage of the disease, resection of part of the acromion is possible. Such a surgical intervention will require further long-term rehabilitation and temporary loss of ability to work.​

- consists of a number of diseases and manifests itself as severe pain in the joint area. Increased pain occurs when lifting weights.

​Depressive and stressful conditions.​


​Immobilization – that is, ensuring the immobility of a joint or limb. Special bandages, splints, elastic bandages are designed for this, and immobilizing bandages are applied. Usually, restoring the affected limb significantly alleviates the patient’s condition.​


​Refrain, if possible, from long-term work involving monotonous movements of the same joint.​

  1. For biceps tendinitis (especially in the presence of shoulder impingement), acromioplasty is most often performed. During the operation, performed using arthroscopy, the anterior part of the acromion is removed, thereby increasing the distance between it and the head of the humerus. In this way, pressure on the tendon and other tissues is reduced. Sometimes it is necessary to reattach the deltoid muscle to the acromion.​
  2. ​This entry was published in the section Shoulder joint.​
  3. Due to the development of contracture of the shoulder joint (limitation of movements), the amplitude of passive movements decreases. That is, during an examination, the doctor cannot raise the patient’s relaxed arm. This is already a rather serious stage (advanced), which is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to cure completely. The patient cannot independently place his arm behind his back or raise it more than 90 degrees. The deltoid muscle and biceps slowly begin to atrophy.
  4. ​Professional activities:​

​Ginger and sarsaparilla root​

Physiotherapeutic procedures have a good effect:

How can you tell if you have triceps tendinitis?



​Allergies to certain groups of medications.​

  1. ​Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These are drugs that reduce the production of inflammatory mediators and, as a result, relieve the symptoms of inflammation, including pain. They can be taken orally, by injection to quickly relieve severe pain, or externally in the form of ointments, gels and creams. It should be noted that continuous use of such drugs should not exceed two weeks, therefore such therapy is symptomatic and alleviates the patient’s condition at first. Long-term use of drugs in this group can lead to serious damage to the gastric mucosa, including the development of ulcers.​
  2. ​tendinitis.​
  3. ​First of all, you should immediately stop activities that cause pain and involve constant stress on the triceps tendon. If you do not provide complete rest to the damaged tendon, then any most effective treatment method turns out to be meaningless. There are several effective treatments for triceps tendinitis:​
  4. ​In the presence of severe degenerative damage to the tendon, biceps tenodesis is indicated. In this procedure, often using arthroscopy, the upper end of the biceps tendon is reattached to a new location. Unfortunately, the results of biceps tenodesis are not very durable, but if the tendon is severely damaged, this method of surgical treatment remains relevant.​


This disease is an inflammation of the biceps muscle, which is part of the tendon that attaches the biceps muscle to the shoulder. Injury, excessive physical activity, or natural wear and tear of a muscle are the main causes of muscle inflammation.​

  1. ​Pain in the shoulder joint. Dull, aching, but can become acute with irradiation (movement) along the shoulder to the elbow joint.​
  2. ​From 2011 to 2012, he worked as a traumatologist-orthopedist at Emergency Hospital No. 2 in Rostov-on-Don.​
  3. ​in combination with each other have an anti-inflammatory effect on tendons and tissues.​
  4. ​magnetic therapy;​

- occurs as a result of insufficient blood supply to the tendon. This is a very common type of disease among people who constantly engage in sports. Until complete recovery occurs after the injury, under no circumstances should you overload the joint.​

​Joint dysplasia.​

Tendinitis: treatment, symptoms and types

For infectious tendinitis, in addition to NSAIDs, antibacterial agents, including antibiotics, are also prescribed. They can only be prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication in this situation is unacceptable.​

Types of tendinitis

​Knee tendinitis​

​What we can do ourselves is to apply a fixator for maximum immobilization (elastic bandage, splint, etc.), frequently apply cold to the damaged joint.​

  • ​Usually, rehabilitation after surgical treatment of biceps tendinitis takes 6–8 weeks. Much depends on the positive attitude of the patient himself, his attitude towards life.​
  • ​It takes quite a long time for the biceps tendon tissue to regenerate. If a person, while performing his professional duties or playing sports (in particular, tennis, basketball, swimming), acts very intensely and at the same time performs monotonous movements with his arms above his head countless times, the tendon constantly bears excessive load, and full regeneration in it is simply not possible. manages to happen.
  • ​The diagnosis of shoulder tendinitis is usually made based on the patient's complaints, medical history, and physical examination. The doctor will gently move the shoulder in all directions to determine whether passive movement is limited or painful. The range of motion when someone moves their shoulder is called "passive motion." The physician should compare this to the range of motion the patient can perform—the “active range of motion.” Patients with tendinitis have limited both active and passive motion.​
  • ​Currently works at the Medline-Service clinic and at the Moscow Doctor clinic in Moscow.​

If the illness is a consequence of an injury, then on the first day a cold compress should be applied to the injured area. In the following days, on the contrary, you will need a warming compress.​

  • ​paraffin applications;​
  • ​Chronic​

​Congenital defects of body structure (different limb lengths).​

  • Physiotherapeutic procedures usually give a remarkable effect. This therapy is indicated after the acute symptoms of the disease have resolved. Physiotherapeutic procedures include UHF, microwave therapy, ultrasound therapy, etc.
  • ​, or “jumper’s knee,” is accompanied by pain in the kneecap area. At first, pain occurs only during physical activity, and it develops progressively. Over time, pain may also appear when walking.​
  • ​The use of physical therapy such as: magnetic laser, shock wave. Often this treatment method brings the greatest results. Prescribed independently or in combination with basic drug treatment.​

​Patients are not recommended to “lie back” after the operation; it is better to begin to carefully perform movements soon after the operation. A physical therapy specialist will monitor the patient’s efforts aimed at strengthening the muscles in the shoulder and forearm. Already after 2 to 4 weeks after surgery, these efforts can and should become very active. If the biceps tendon wears out, degeneration of its tissue begins, the condition of the collagen fibers that form the tendon is disrupted - they can become tangled and even tear. Obviously, degeneration robs the tendon of strength and leads to inflammation, and can also cause it to rupture.


Under no circumstances should the disease be left to chance. The chronic phase of the pathology is fraught with atrophy of connective tissues, and subsequently – complete immobilization of the joint.​ ​laser therapy;​

- occurs from regular damage to muscles and tendons.​Weakened immunity.​

​Therapeutic exercise. Having tendinitis does not at all preclude playing sports, but their intensity and focus must be changed. Stretching exercises are recommended, yoga classes have an excellent effect. Acute tendinitis of the knee can be confused with a sprain, but if pain occurs regularly, you will need the help of a specialist to make an accurate diagnosis. To diagnose this disease, doctors use methods such as ultrasound, x-ray, MRI, etc. Drug treatment is prescribed only by a doctor when the inflammatory process develops. Anti-inflammatory drugs such as diclofenac and ibuprofen are usually used. In more severe cases of inflammation, antibiotics may be prescribed.​

​Physiotherapy is prescribed to accelerate regenerative processes in the tendon and other tissues.​​Injury to the shoulder from a fall and a strong blow to its upper part is very likely. In this case, the transverse humeral ligament, which holds the biceps tendon in a special (so-called bicipital) notch near the top of the humerus, may rupture. A rupture of this ligament causes the biceps tendon to unhinderedly jump out of the bicipital notch, cause irritation and the onset of an inflammatory process.​

​If the examination suggests that the limitation of only active movements is a secondary symptom, there may have been damage to the rotator cuff (the shoulder abductor muscles that raise the arm above 90 degrees). One of the key signs that helps distinguish periarthritis from rotator cuff injury is the range of active movements of the shoulder. In the absence of evidence of an injury (which the patient may not remember) or surgery, an MRI is prescribed, which can reveal thickening of the capsule, tendon sheaths, and compression of the rotator cuff between the acromion process of the scapula and the head of the humerus.​

Tendinitis: main symptoms

​2012 – training course in Foot Surgery, Paris (France). Correction of forefoot deformities, minimally invasive surgeries for plantar fasciitis (heel spur).​

​At an advanced stage of the disease, conservative treatment methods do not give the desired effect. Therefore, we have to resort to surgical intervention.

Tendinitis: treatment

​ultraviolet irradiation;​

​With tendinitis, the patient is haunted by pain in the shoulder area. They occur when performing certain movements associated with raising and extending a hand.​

  • ​Endocrine diseases.​
  • ​Sometimes conservative methods (physiotherapy, drug therapy) do not help cure the disease. Treatment in this case will be reduced to surgical methods. The operation involves excision of the affected tendon.​
  • ​For basketball players, cyclists, runners, etc. characteristic tendinosis of the knee joint. Treatment of the disease is carried out using conservative or surgical methods, which will be mentioned below.​
  • ​Treatment using traditional methods
  • ​If you follow all the recommendations of doctors and persistently perform the exercises, it will take 3 to 4 months to fully restore the functions of the shoulder and forearm.​
  • ​When talking about the causes of biceps tendonitis, it is necessary to explain problems such as shoulder instability, shoulder impingement and rotator cuff tears.​


Many people are familiar with the concept of a muscle or ligament sprain. But next to these anatomical elements there are tendons, which can also be stretched, torn, or damaged. Often, damage to the ligaments or muscles is accompanied by simultaneous damage to the tendons. But every disease has its own name. Today everything will be discussed about tenosynovitis on

What is tenosynovitis?

There are two concepts: tenosynovitis and tenosynovitis. Sometimes they are not distinguished, since we are talking about inflammation of the synovial membrane of the tendons, which consists of connective tissue. Why were two names invented for the same disease? Because we are talking about inflammation of the various layers of the synovial membrane. Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane of the tendon from the inside. What is tenosynovitis? This is an inflammation of the paratendon, that is, the synovial membrane of the tendon on the outside.

Tenosynovitis has the following types:

  1. It comes in form:
    • Sharp;
    • Chronic.
  2. For development reasons:
    • Aseptic – neurological disorders, injuries, allergies, endocrine disorders. Divided into types:
  • Traumatic;
  • Diabetic;
  • Allergic;
  • Immunodeficient;
  • Endocrine, etc.
  • Infectious - occurs in a purulent form. There are types:
  • Bacterial;
  • Viral;
  • Fungal;
  • Specific;
  • Non-specific.
  1. Common types of tendon inflammation:
  • Stenosing – damage to a specific joint:
    • Extensor thumb.
    • Long head of the biceps (biceps muscle);
    • Ankle;
    • Knee;
    • Elbow;
    • Brushes;
    • Hip;
    • Radiocarpal (de Quervain's tenosynovitis).
  • Tuberculous - refers to a group of specific tenosynovitis that develop against the background of tuberculosis.
  • Inflammatory chronic - develops as a result of rheumatic diseases.
  1. By expression:
  • Minimum;
  • Moderate;
  • Expressed.

go to top What are the causes of tenosynovitis of the tendon synovium?

What are the main causes and factors for the development of tenosynovitis of the tendon synovium?

  • Tendon wounds and injuries. If it occurs without infection entering the injury, then the wound heals faster and the disease passes easily. If an infection gets inside, then it delays the healing process, requiring medication. For a while, a person loses the ability to fully move the affected limb as before. But if you recover, functionality will return.
  • Rheumatic diseases.
  • Low immunity, which could not overcome the infection that penetrated the synovial membrane.
  • Joint degeneration. A condition such as bursitis often affects tendons.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Other infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis, HIV, syphilis, herpes, etc. Here, the infection spreads throughout the body through the blood.
  • Old age, which is marked by the fact that the nutrition of the joints becomes worse with age.
  • Load and overfatigue of the tendon. Typically, in professional activities, a person must perform the same actions, that is, load a specific muscle group, while the rest are little involved. The lack of variety in movements gives a greater load, which develops tenosynovitis. This applies not only to people who actively lead their lives, but also to those who have a sedentary job.

go to top Symptoms and signs

General symptoms and signs of tenosynovitis develop gradually. It all starts with mild discomfort in a specific joint. Adults usually do not pay attention to this because they believe that it is temporary. And indeed: acute tenosynovitis will soon turn into chronic, which is just a matter of time. Therefore, at the first such signs, contact a rheumatologist for help:

  • The pain is sharp, dull, aching, long-lasting or otherwise.
  • Swelling that can be seen and felt.
  • Some immobility of the joint, no ability to move freely.
  • Redness in the area of ​​the affected tendon.
  • The pain intensifies with movement.

Let's look at the symptoms at the site of inflammation:

  1. Ankle joint:
    • Fluid accumulation;
    • Pain throughout or only in one part of the foot;
    • The pain increases with prolonged walking or standing, as with arthritis;
    • Forced change in gait.
  2. Knee-joint:
  • Swelling of the knee, increasing in size;
  • Blunt pain;
  • Inability to move the affected knee;
  • Acute pain during exacerbation.
    1. Long head of biceps:
  • Pain in the biceps that can spread to the shoulder girdle.
    1. De Quervain's tenosynovitis:
  • Pain at the edge of the thumb or radial carpus;
  • The pain may extend to the elbow or shoulder;
  • The pain is aching in nature, becoming acute with movement.

go to top Tenosynovitis in a child

Is it possible for a child to develop tenosynovitis? Perhaps, but often due to a penetrating wound that has become infected. Other reasons that were discussed in this article are more typical for adults.

go to top Tenosynovitis in adults

Tenosynovitis is common in adults. Infectious types appear at any age, such as traumatic or allergic. However, there is a special type of tenosynovitis that develops in men and women in old age due to loss of elasticity, tension and strength.

go to top Diagnostics

Diagnosis of tenosynovitis is made through a general examination, blood tests, and x-rays to rule out osteomyelitis, bursitis, or arthritis.

go to top Treatment

Treatment of tenosynovitis is carried out in three directions: medication, physiotherapy and surgery. Let's look at them in more detail.

How to treat tenosynovitis? Initially, with the help of medication:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Antibiotics for the infectious nature of the disease: clindamycin, cefotetam, penicillin;
  • Immune drugs to enhance immunity;
  • Medicines that normalize metabolism;
  • Analgesics;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Painkillers;
  • Colchicine and NSAIDs in the development of the disease as a result of gout.

go to top How else is tenosynovitis treated?

Thanks to physiotherapeutic procedures:

  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Ultrasound;
  • Electrophoresis;
  • Cold and heat applications;
  • Ultraviolet;
  • Therapeutic massage of the affected joint.

Surgical treatment involves puncture of a joint that is otherwise not healing. The doctor removes the fluid accumulated in the joint, as well as the exudate of the inflammatory process. Administers hormonal medications to relieve inflammation.

Everything is accompanied by immobilization of the affected part of the body so as not to provoke pain. The limb is fixed with plaster, bandages or splints. Crutches are also used to avoid putting additional stress on the tendons.

At the recovery stage, the immobilizing bandages are removed in order to prescribe a course of physical therapy, which the patient can do at home. The treatment itself is carried out only in a hospital setting. You can recover at home. Here it is allowed to use folk remedies that help warm and cool the affected area. Any traditional methods should be agreed with your doctor.

go to top Diet

Should I follow a special diet? There are no hard and fast recommendations here. You can only increase the intake of foods that are rich in vitamins and proteins, which will strengthen the immune system and help tendons heal.

go to top Life forecast

Tenosynovitis gives a favorable prognosis for life if treated in a timely manner. Patients recover within a month. How long do they live without treatment? The disease does not affect life expectancy, but can make a person disabled if not treated. Soon the muscles of the affected area atrophy, making the limb incapacitated (non-functional).

Tenosynovitis tendon– inflammation of the outer layer of the synovial membrane of the tendon sheath. This disease occurs in an acute form and, without timely treatment, becomes chronic, which can lead to disability. Most often, the tendons of the long head of the biceps brachii, popliteus and foot muscles become inflamed, since the longest tendons are located on the limbs.

Tenosynovitis of the long head of the biceps

This is a fairly common disease among tennis, swimmers and basketball players, since these sports require repeated movements of the arm or both arms above the athlete's head. This disease is also called tenosyvitis of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle. Its appearance is associated with overstrain of this muscle and is located in the upper part of the shoulder and tends to move to the tendons of the elbow joint. It manifests itself as severe pain on palpation and impaired mobility of the entire joint. The disease progresses quite slowly, but when the first symptoms appear, proper treatment must be started.

Treatment of tenosynovitis of the long head of the biceps tendon

In the early stages of the disease, treatment is carried out using a course of medications:

  • painkillers;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • topical medications that relieve swelling.

Usually, tablets and ointments of the NSAID group cope well with these three tasks:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Dolobene;
  • Naproxen et al.

After relief of pain and inflammatory symptoms, physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed:

  • electrophoresis;
  • magnetic and laser therapy;
  • ultrasound;
  • massotherapy.

Tenosynovitis of the extensor tendons of the foot and popliteus muscle

With prolonged physical activity or trauma to the lower extremities, tenosynovitis of the extensor tendons of the foot and/or tenosynovitis of the popliteus tendon may develop. The symptoms of this disease are similar to those of the previous disease. Pain manifests itself on palpation; there is swelling at the site of inflammation. Along with the pain symptom, there is a feeling of tingling and discomfort. Movement of the foot and lower leg is limited.

With tenosynovitis of the popliteus tendon, the kneecap visually enlarges. This indicates the presence of fluid in the synovial bursa and the onset of the inflammatory process.

It is important to start therapy on time to avoid the disease becoming chronic. You should follow all doctor’s orders and not self-medicate to avoid complications.

Many people are familiar with the concept of sprained ligaments and muscles. Next to these elements are tendons, which are also subject to stretching. Often, damage to ligaments or muscles is accompanied by stretching of the tendons, and an inflammatory process gradually develops, preventing the victim from living a normal life.

Each disease has its own name; inflammation of the tendons is called tenosynovitis. The pathology occurs in acute or chronic form, the patient experiences severe pain. How to identify the disease, what are the favorite areas of localization of the pathology, effective methods of treating the disease? Knowing these aspects, you can easily determine the onset of tenosynovitis and prevent a lot of complications.

general information

Some consider tenosynovitis and tenosynovitis to be identical ailments. They are not distinguished because we are talking about the inflammatory process in the tendons. Why did they come up with two names for one disease? Due to the fact that we are talking about a pathological process in different layers of the synovial membrane. Tenosynovitis is an inflammation of the synovial membrane inside the tendon, tenosynovitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the paratendon (outside the synovial membrane).

Only an experienced specialist can determine the course of tenosynovitis after conducting some research. It is prohibited to independently select a treatment method. Taking medications incorrectly can aggravate the situation and lead to complications.


Tenosynovitis develops due to many reasons; experts identify several main negative factors:

  • injuries and tendon injuries. If the damage occurs without infection, then the wound heals quickly, leaving no trace behind. The presence of infection leads to a delay in the recovery process, pathogenic microorganisms contribute to the development of inflammation, and it is impossible to cope with the disease without medical help. In some cases, a person temporarily loses motor activity of the affected limb, but after recovery the function returns;
  • weakened immunity. Insufficiently strong body defenses are not able to protect it from infection, which leads to increased inflammation in the tendons;
  • degenerative changes in joints. Tenosynovitis often occurs against the background of rheumatoid arthritis and bursitis. The components of musculoskeletal tissue are closely related to each other. The course of a pathological process in one area can provoke damage in other areas;
  • course of other infectious diseases. Tuberculosis, syphilis, HIV infection, herpes. Pathogenic microorganisms spread throughout the body through the blood, affecting ever new “territories”;
  • old age. Tenosynovitis affects people of all ages, but most often the disease is diagnosed in older patients. Over time, the nutrition of bone and muscle tissue is disrupted, blood flow decreases, which makes them weak, any negative factor can lead to an inflammatory process;
  • genetic predisposition. Experts insist that the disease can be transmitted by heredity. If you have relatives with this disease, carefully monitor your health and follow preventive rules;
  • overwork, tendon overload. In most cases, a person performs the same movements every day. The remaining muscle groups are not involved in any way. It is those tendons that are constantly under tension that are more susceptible to the development of tenosynovitis than others. This aspect applies not only to people leading an active lifestyle, professionally involved in sports, but also to patients who have a sedentary job.

Before starting therapy, it is important to identify the provoking negative factor and get rid of it. After all, it is impossible to overcome tenosynovitis that occurs against the background of an infection without getting rid of pathogenic microorganisms. The doctor will tell you the right path to recovery; to get quick results, strictly follow the doctor’s instructions.

Check out a selection of effective methods for treating arthritis with folk remedies at home.

Read about the healing properties of bay leaves for joints and methods of use at this address.


Doctors divide all tendon inflammatory processes into several types:

  • stenosing. The disease is often localized in the area of ​​large joints (elbow, knee, hip, ankle). The tendons that are responsible for abducting the fingers to the side are often affected. As a result, movement of the affected area is severely limited. If the pathology becomes chronic, scars form on the tendons and joints. In the absence of medical assistance, joint movements are completely blocked; tenosynovitis of this type is often observed in females;
  • tuberculous tenosynovitis. It is formed against the background of damage to the patient’s body by the tuberculosis bacillus. The form of pathology often affects the synovial sheaths of the carpal tendons. The hand swells noticeably and the mobility of the fingers decreases. Oddly enough, pain in this form of pathology is not pronounced; the disease is often asymptomatic, which makes timely diagnosis and treatment difficult. In most cases, such tenosynovitis is diagnosed in patients over 18 years of age;
  • inflammatory chronic form of pathology. The course is similar to the tuberculous form of tenosynovitis. The consequence of this disease is often rheumatoid arthritis. An accurate diagnosis can only be made by carefully studying the patient’s blood test (for the presence of bacterial microflora).

Important! Depending on the type of tenosynovitis, the doctor prescribes a different treatment regimen. Only the correct course of therapy will give a positive result and will return lost motor abilities to the patient.

Signs and symptoms

Often the disease proceeds unnoticed by the patient, slowly. Many people do not pay attention to discomfort in the limbs and visit the doctor only in advanced cases. Experts recommend visiting a doctor at the onset of unpleasant symptoms; the sooner you start treating tenosynovitis, the greater the chance of fully returning motor abilities and avoiding negative consequences. If treatment is not started in time, the damaged joint can become blocked, leaving the person permanently disabled.

Tenosynovitis has a characteristic clinical picture:

  • inability to move the sore spot;
  • pain when working with a damaged muscle or tendon;
  • redness of the inflamed tendon;
  • Palpation can reveal swelling of the tendons.

What to do if your little toe is broken? Learn about first aid and further treatment.

Read about therapeutic exercises and exercises for piriformis syndrome at this address.

Specific symptoms depend on the location of the disease:

  • inflammation of the knee joint. The first sign of the disease is a sharp increase in the size of the knee. If you notice such a sign, immediately visit a doctor. The sign is observed when the synovial membrane becomes inflamed; the joint capsule fills with fluid, which provokes an increase in the size of the knee. Often the pain is dull in nature; if the pathology is in the acute phase, then the discomfort cannot be tolerated and urgent use of analgesics is required;
  • pathology of the ankle joint. The tendons themselves do not change their usual shape and color, but a lot of fluid accumulates inside the tissues that surround them. Often the ankle joint is affected due to rheumatoid arthritis or a serious injury to this area. The patient complains of pain in the back or front of the foot; advanced cases are characterized by discomfort throughout the entire plane. If the pain is burning and has a strong color, we are talking about a neurogenic nature, the discomfort intensifies when the sore leg is straightened;
  • de Quervain's disease. Occurs due to overload of the wrist or thumb. The inflammatory process starts due to regular physical activity or one-time, but great force. There are also injuries to this area. The disease does not reveal itself for a long time, only the pathology, which develops against the background of a serious injury, is characterized by severe pain and sharply unpleasant sensations;
  • damage to the long head of the biceps. Some call the pathology triceps tenosynovitis. People who constantly move their arm behind their head or to the side (for example, tennis players) suffer from this type of disease. The inflammation is localized in the upper anterior section of the biceps, sometimes spreading to the elbow joint. The patient feels sharp pain when raising his arm up and during other movements. At rest, tenosynovitis may not manifest itself in any way.

To identify the disease, radiography, CT and MRI are performed. If necessary, a bacteriological analysis is prescribed to identify the causative agent of the disease. Based on the results obtained, the necessary course of therapy is prescribed.

Approximate treatment plan

A doctor will help you choose the right treatment. You will not be able to cope with the inflammatory process on your own. To eliminate tenosynovitis in various parts, the following treatment regimen will help:

  • drug therapy. Includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They relieve inflammation, pain, and quickly improve the patient’s well-being. Analgesics and multivitamin preparations are used. Specific medications are prescribed by a doctor;
  • physiotherapy(use of laser, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy and other methods) is aimed at restoring motor function, starting blood circulation, and relieving pain. All manipulations are performed by an experienced specialist;
  • joint puncture. Used for chronic tenosynovitis. The doctor removes excess fluid from the synovial cavity, disinfecting it with special preparations. The operation allows you to cope with inflammation and stop its further spread.

Doctors recommend preventing the development of the disease with the help of useful tips:

  • take care of your body: avoid heavy exercise, exercise regularly at a moderate pace;
  • If you notice the first symptoms of the disease, consult a doctor. Advanced cases lead to pinching of the joint and complete loss of its motor activity.

Tenosynovitis is treatable, take timely treatment, refuse self-medication. Take care of your health, follow preventive recommendations.

Learn more about de Quervin's tenosynovitis in the following video:

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People attribute painful sensations in the inner part of the arm above the elbow to a sprain. The real cause of the pain may be biceps tendonitis, a rare disease that occurs in athletes or people who have subjected the tendon to heavy load. If you do not start treatment on time, you will not be able to fully recover.

Etiology and pathogenesis

Tendonitis is an inflammation of tendon tissue that can develop in any joint. The risk of developing the disease is higher in people actively involved in sports, elderly patients and women during the period of hormonal changes. The tissues wear out in those whose work constantly loads the biceps. This category includes loaders, builders, and gardeners. Tendinitis of the long head of the biceps brachii muscle occurs when the same movements in the shoulder joint are repeated monotonously. Due to constant microtraumas, cells do not have time to recover and a focus of inflammation is formed. Over time, the tendon becomes depleted, degenerative processes begin, and the structure of the tissue changes. Without treatment, these processes lead to tendon separation.

Biceps tendonitis is caused by the following factors:

  • fall injury;
  • infectious lesions;
  • congenital pathologies;
  • reaction to primary injuries of the shoulder joint;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • neuropathy;
  • decreased immunity.

Tendinitis develops gradually and its pathogenesis is conventionally divided into three stages. In the first stage, pain appears from sudden movements or heavy exertion. Pathological changes in the tendon are not visible on x-ray. Then the condition worsens, the pain intensifies and appears even at rest, and the first signs of inflammation are noticeable in the tissues. At the last stage, the pain syndrome resembles an attack, lasting up to 9 hours. An x-ray shows narrowing between the parts of the shoulder joint, the appearance of erosions and dislocations.

Symptoms of biceps tendonitis

The primary manifestation of tendon inflammation is pain. The pain is usually sharp or aching, localized along the biceps muscle from the shoulder to the elbow. When you try to raise your hand and do something, it intensifies and goes away with rest. The motor ability of the arm is not completely impaired: adduction/abduction of the arm and an attempt to rotate it are painless. External symptoms of tendonitis: the appearance of thickening, swelling and increased temperature at the site of inflammation. If there is no therapy, microtraumas heal on their own, but in their place hard tissue forms, limiting mobility.

Tendinitis of the biceps tendon can develop into tenosynovitis - inflammation of the tendon and one or more synovial sheaths.

Diagnostic methods

Pain, stiffness when moving, swelling and temperature are one of the symptoms of tendonitis.

First, the doctor interviews the patient and records in detail complaints about the type of pain and its duration, conducts a palpation examination and asks to perform some hand movements to determine the disease. Tendonitis of the long head of the biceps tendon can easily be confused with another condition. Of the instrumental methods, X-rays are the first to be prescribed, but they are not very informative because they do not show the condition of the ligaments, muscles and tendons. The best option is magnetic resonance therapy (MRI). Arthroscopy is used to see the inside of the joint. A special device with a camera penetrates the skin into the tissue and assesses the degree of tendon destruction.

Treatment of the disease

At first, any degree of tendonitis is tried to be treated conservatively, but this does not apply to tendon rupture. The patient should temporarily stop training or work and immobilize the limb. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs help relieve pain. Intra-articular injections of hormones are prescribed with caution, as they sometimes worsen the condition of the tissues. Physiotherapeutic procedures are used to speed up recovery, and exercise therapy helps improve mobility.

The operation is performed if other methods are not effective.

If after 3-4 months of conservative therapy the patient’s condition has not improved, the only option is surgery. Acromioplasty is used - part of the growth of the acromial process is removed to reduce pressure on the tendon, and therefore relieve pain and swelling. At the same time, inflamed tissue is removed. Arthroscopy is not only used for diagnosis, it is used to perform surgery: it requires several small incisions that heal quickly, and the recovery period is reduced. In the final stages of the disease, tenodesis is used, in which the tendon is completely cut off and re-fixed in a new place.