First aid kit: description and composition. What should a first aid kit be like in an organization?



A children's first aid kit should be in every home where there are children!

Medicines from grandma's medicine cabinet - only for grandma!

Dear Parents!

Children are the flowers of life, they bring joy and happiness to our home.

But sometimes it happens that children get sick, fall, hit themselves. Wounds and abrasions are possible. Our task is to console them and provide first aid.

For this, we need a first aid kit with special medications suitable specifically for children.
This will give us the opportunity to provide assistance quickly and safely for the child’s health.

You can assemble the first aid kit yourself and in advance. With the help of drugs from this
list, you yourself can provide your child with first aid for bites
insects, injuries, bruises, wounds, burns, acute poisoning, common forms of ARVI, etc.

Attention! After rendering emergency care the child needs to consult a doctor!!!

So, our first aid kit should have:

1. Scissors - when you need to quickly cut off a piece of bandage or adhesive plaster.

2. Tweezers – for removing small objects from children’s noses and ears, removing splinters.

3. Disposable syringes - they are convenient for unsoldering infant(drop on the cheek)
give liquid medicine, you can put some drops in your nose. It is advisable to have 2 ml syringes. and 5 ml. 2 pcs.

We use syringes without a needle!

4. Sterile disposable gloves - 2-3 pairs. Wounds should be treated with clean hands.

5. Cooling packs - used for injuries, insect bites, heat or
sunstroke. Easier to use than a piece of frozen chicken from the freezer.

6. Sterile bandages and napkins are needed different sizes 1 piece each Can be used for hygiene, applying solutions to the skin and treating wounds.

7. Adhesive plaster - we buy bactericidal and roll plaster in different sizes. It is desirable that the patch is waterproof.

8. Saline solution(, Aqua-Maris or regular saline) - for rinsing and
moistening the nose. Before 1 year we drip, after 1 year we irrigate with a spray.

9. - only for treating wound edges!

10. - disinfectant solution for treating wounds, abrasions, scratches (ask the pharmacy for a solution suitable for children).

11. - (antibacterial ointment). We use it for second degree burns after opening the blisters, for bite wounds and purulent wounds.

12. - necessary for burns. It is forbidden to lubricate burns with vegetable or other fats! Is it dangerous! Panthenol (or analogues) is the best anti-inflammatory,
antibacterial, wound healing and analgesic for burns in children and adults!

Attention! First aid for 1st and 2nd degree burns:
Immediately remove clothes, clearing the burn area.
Cool the burn site as quickly as possible with cold (but not icy!) running water.
Water temperature 12 - 18 C, cooling time 15 -20 minutes.
Cover the burn area with a damp, clean cloth.
We give the child painkillers (or).
We treat with Panthenol.
If necessary, call a doctor.

13. Oral rehydration products (Humana Electrolyte, Regidol, etc.)
We dilute it in water according to the instructions and feed the child at elevated temperature, poisoning, overheating, diarrhea and vomiting, burns and hypothermia. The best remedy For
restoration of fluid loss in the body.

14. Enterosorbents - (Atoxyl, Activated carbon, Enteros-gel sweet, etc.) – for poisoning, allergies, intestinal infections, non-infectious diarrhea. Take 2 hours before or 2 hours after other medications (minimum 1 hour).

Attention! Dose Activated carbon at acute poisoning for a child weighing 10 kg –
10 g of coal, i.e. 20 tab. (if 1 tablet contains 0.5 g) or 40 tablets. (if 1 tablet contains 0.25 g).

15. Paracetamol and Ibuprofen are antipyretic and
painkillers. It is advisable to have both drugs in the first aid kit and in candles and

16. Antiallergic drugs local action- use according to indications for moderate allergies.

It’s also good to have Hydrocortisone ointment 1% in your first aid kit - for emergency care after insect bites or for acute allergic reactions on the skin. Quickly reduces itching and swelling of the skin.

17. (in syrup) or (in drops) – these are antiallergic drugs, also used for acute reactions to insect bites.

18. Vasoconstrictor drops into the nose - to reduce swelling of the mucous membrane and the amount of mucus (the result of application is restored nasal breathing, swelling of the auditory tube decreases).
Phenylephrine (valid for 4-6 hours: Baby, Vibrocil, etc.). We use it for a normal runny nose according to indications (when the nose does not breathe, but no longer than 3-5 days, maximum 7).

20.Suppositories with glycerin and for example (microenemas) - used for constipation. Safely!

We buy glycerin suppositories in children's dosages. If there are no children, for small children we divide the suppository in the children's dosage into 4 parts and administer 1/4 of the suppository according to indications.

None of us are immune from emergency situations or attacks of pain that indicate the onset of the disease or normal fatigue. Therefore, a first aid kit should always be present: at work, at home or while traveling.

What should be in a first aid kit, how to assemble it correctly, as well as what requirements apply to its contents, you will find out by reading our article.

General requirements

First aid kit medical care consists of medications and materials for dressing, with the help of which emergency care is provided in emergency situations. Despite the fact that the basic content of the kits is almost the same, the number and types of drugs included in them are different. They depend on the purpose of the kit.

The minimum list of equipment that must be present in a universal first aid kit:

  1. Gauze bandages (sterile and non-sterile) at least 3 pieces. Used to stop and protect against infection.
  2. Gauze napkins. Used in combination with other dressing devices to stop blood loss.
  3. Elastic bandages for fixation during and.
  4. to stop heavy bleeding.
  5. Scissors.
  6. Cotton wool and adhesive plaster.
  7. Tweezers for pulling ticks or small objects out of an open wound.
  8. Hyperthermic packs are used to apply cold to the damaged area;
  9. Disposable gloves.
  10. Antiseptic drugs (iodine, peroxide, brilliant green) are used for disinfection.
  11. Potassium permanganate can be used for disinfection damaged skin after or other wounds, and also as a means of washing the stomach during.
  12. and antipyretic medications. Their list is extensive, but most often they put Nurofen, Aspirin, Paracetamol, and Analgin in the first aid kit.
  13. Agents that reduce inflammation.
  14. Antibacterial drugs.
  15. Ammonia is used when providing first aid in a state of
  16. Antiseptic drops used for...
  17. To relieve the symptoms of poisoning or to replenish the lack of fluid in the body, rehydration solutions are used;
  18. Activated carbon is used for gastrointestinal infections and poisoning.
  19. Antihistamines, relievers. These include Loratadine and Cetirizine.
  20. Nitroglycerin and valerian infusion are needed to relieve the manifestations of diseases.

It should be noted that this composition of a first aid kit may vary depending on the place of its use.

First aid at work

Every enterprise has a production first aid kit. Moreover, the list medicines located in it, approved by order of the Ministry of Health.

Filling a first aid kit in production facilities is subject to the following rules:

  • It is forbidden to replace medications, approved by order, on similar means, reduce their number;
  • After certain drugs have been used or their shelf life has expired, the first aid kit must be replenished with new products;
  • First aid equipment can only be used in the configuration provided for by the relevant health decree.

When providing first aid, you should strictly adhere to the rules prescribed in the instructions:

  • Emergency assistance can only be provided while wearing gloves;
  • At primary signs of an infectious disease in a victim, the person providing assistance must wear;
  • At heavy bleeding A tourniquet is used, into which a note included in the kit is inserted.
  • A pocket mask is used for artificial ventilation lungs;
  • If the victim’s biological fluid comes into contact with an employee’s skin, it is wiped with an antiseptic;
  • Industrial kits also include a special blanket, which is used in case of hypothermia.

Despite the fact that the first aid kit has a strictly regulated composition, it may differ depending on the main activity of the enterprise.

Medicines in the car

A car first aid kit is a thing that is mandatory must be in any car. In its absence, the driver is subject to a fine of 500 rubles. Moreover, when passing a technical inspection, checking the quantity and quality of the medicines included in its composition is carried out as carefully as technical condition car.

In 2010, new requirements for the configuration of first aid kits were introduced, which remain unchanged to this day.

Taking into account the specifics of car accidents, when creating a new first aid kit, the main emphasis was placed on dressings and hemostatic materials.

What is included in the motorist medical kit:

  • Tourniquet – 1;
  • Non-sterile bandages 5 and 10 centimeters wide and 5 meters long - 2 each;
  • Non-sterile bandage 14 centimeters wide and 7 meters long - 1;
  • Sterile bandages 7 and 10 centimeters wide and 5 meters long - 2 each;
  • Sterile bandage 14 centimeters wide and 7 meters long - 1;
  • Sterile dressing bag – 1;
  • Sterile medical wipes – 1 pack;
  • Bactericidal patch 4/10 cm – 2;
  • Bactericidal patch 1.9/7.2 cm – 10;
  • Rolled plaster – 1 package;
  • Lung resuscitator;
  • Scissors – 1;
  • Disposable gloves – 1 pair.

Other first aid supplies in the form of medications or antiseptics are not required in a motorist’s kit. However, drivers can supplement their first-aid kits with them individually.

You can use a car first aid kit for no more than 4.5 years. After this period it should be replaced

Storage rules

Since any first aid kit contains medications, there are important requirements for its storage:

  • Drugs are periodically checked for compliance with expiration dates;
  • Keep the kit out of the reach of children;
  • For a home first aid kit, both ready-made containers with medicines and improvised means in the form of boxes or boxes are suitable;
  • Store medications away from moisture, light and high temperatures places;
  • All medications on fat based stored in the refrigerator.

Whatever storage methods are chosen, it is important to remember that before using any medication, you need to check the expiration dates. Taking expired medications can lead to poisoning and serious health problems.

11. Emergency kit

This first aid kit contains medications that are used in emergency situations requiring immediate response.

This first aid kit can be either part of a group or individual.

If it is part of a group, then it is stored in an easily accessible place and in an emergency should be removed in a matter of seconds.

In connection with the purpose, it can include:

Cardiovascular drugs (validol, nitroglycerin)

Dressings and hemostatic agents (bandages, PPI, adhesive plaster, gauze wipes, hemostatic wipes, collagen sponges and so on.). If it’s part of a group one, then you don’t need to transfer everything from the group first aid kit, there should only be a small part here.

Antiseptic and disinfectant external action. If the part is group, then you can only use something like hydrogen peroxide (note that it loses its properties, especially in the light. Periodic replacement is necessary).

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1.9. First aid kit There must be medications for chronic diseases. It is advisable to include instructions for the use of all medications in the first aid kit. If you wear glasses, put a spare one with the first aid kit. Even if you don’t take a normal first aid kit, take it with you

For the purpose of implementation Article 223 Labor Code Russian Federation (Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, No. 1, Art. 3; 2006, No. 27, Art. 2878; 2009, No. 48, Art. 5717) and in accordance with paragraph Regulations on the Ministry of Health and social development Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 30, 2004 No. 321 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2004, No. 28, Art. 2898; 2005, No. 2, Art. 162; 2006, No. 19, Art. 2080; 2008, No. 11, Art. 1036; No. 15, Art. 1555; No. 23, Art. 2713; No. 42, Art. 4825; No. 46, Art. 5337; No. 48, Art. 5618; 2009, No. 2, Art. 244; No. 3, Art. 378; No. 6, Art. 738; No. 12, Art. 1427; Art. 1434; No. 33, Art. 4083, Art. 4088; No. 43, Art. 5064; No. 45, Art. 5350; 2010, No. 4, Art. 394; No. 11, Art. 1225; No. 25, Art. 3167; No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 31, Art. 4251; No. 35, Art. 4574; No. 52, Art. 7104 ; 2011, No. 2, Art. 339)


1. Approve the requirements for equipping first aid kits with medical products to provide first aid to workers in accordance with the appendix.
2. This order comes into force on January 1, 2012.

T.A. Golikova

to the order of the Ministry
health and
social development
Russian Federation
dated March 5, 2011 No. 169n

Requirements for equipping first aid kits with medical products to provide first aid to workers

No.Product name
medical purposes
Regulatory documentRelease form
(pieces, packages)
1 Medical products for temporarily stopping external bleeding and dressing wounds
1.1 Hemostatic tourniquetGOST R ISO 10993-99 * (1) 1 PC.
1.2 GOST 1172-93 * (2)5 m x 5 cm1 PC.
1.3 Non-sterile medical gauze bandageGOST 1172-935 m x 10 cm1 PC.
1.4 Non-sterile medical gauze bandageGOST 1172-937 m x 14 cm1 PC.
1.5 GOST 1172-935 m x 7 cm1 PC.
1.6 Medical gauze bandage sterileGOST 1172-935 m x 10 cm2 pcs.
1.7 Medical gauze bandage sterileGOST 1172-937 m x 14 cm2 pcs.
1.8 Individual sterile medical dressing bag with a sealed shellGOST 1179-93 * (3) 1 PC.
1.9 Sterile medical gauze wipesGOST 16427-93 * (4)At least 16 x 14 cm No. 101 pack
1.10 Bactericidal adhesive plasterGOST R ISO 10993-99At least 4 cm x 10 cm2 pcs.
1.11 Bactericidal adhesive plasterGOST R ISO 10993-99At least 1.9 cm x 7.2 cm10 pieces.
1.12 Rolled adhesive plasterGOST R ISO 10993-99At least 1 cm x 250 cm1 PC.
2 Medical products for cardiopulmonary resuscitation
2.1 Device for carrying out artificial respiration"Mouth-Device-Mouth" or pocket mask for artificial lung ventilation "Mouth-mask"GOST R ISO 10993-99 1 PC.
3 Other medical products
3.1 Lister bandage scissorsGOST 21239-93 (ISO 7741-86) * (5) 1 PC.
3.2 Antiseptic wipes made of paper textile-like material, sterile alcoholGOST R ISO 10993-99At least 12.5 cm x 11.0 cm5 pieces.
3.3 Medical non-sterile gloves, examinationGOST R ISO 10993-99
GOST R 52238-2004 * (6)
GOST R 52239-2004 * (7)
GOST 3-88 * (8)
Size no less than MTwo pairs
3.4 Non-sterile medical mask, 3-layer, made of non-woven material with elastic bands or tiesGOST R ISO 10993-99 2 pcs.
3.5 Isothermal rescue blanketGOST R ISO 10993-99, GOST R 50444-92
At least 160 cm x 210 cm1 PC.
4 Other means
4.1 Steel safety pins with spiralGOST 9389-75 * (9)not less than 38 mm3 pcs.
4.2 Recommendations with pictograms for the use of medical products and first aid kits for providing first aid to workers 1 PC.
4.3 Case or sanitary bag 1 PC.
4.4 Tear-off notepad for notesGOST 18510-87 * (10)format no less than A71 PC.
4.5 PenGOST 28937-91 * (11) 1 PC.

* (1) GOST R ISO 10993-99 "Medical products. Evaluation biological action medical products". Adopted and put into effect by the Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated December 29, 1999 No. 862-st. Standards Publishing House, 1999.

* (2) GOST 1172-93 "Medical gauze bandages. General technical conditions." Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification on October 21, 1993. By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated June 2, 1994 No. 160, the interstate standard GOST 1172-93 was put into effect directly as state standard Russian Federation since January 1, 1995. Standards Publishing House, 1995.

* (3) GOST 1179-93 "Medical dressing bags. Technical conditions". Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification on October 21, 1993. By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated June 2, 1994 No. 160, the interstate standard GOST 1179-93 was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from 1 January 1995 Standards Publishing House, 1995.

* (4) GOST 16427-93 "Medical napkins and gauze cuts. Technical conditions." Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification on October 21, 1993. By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated June 2, 1994 No. 160, the interstate standard GOST 16427-93 was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from 1 January 1995 Standards Publishing House, 1995.

* (5) GOST 21239-93 (ISO 7741-86) "Surgical instruments. Scissors." Adopted by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification on October 21, 1993. By Resolution of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Standardization, Metrology and Certification dated June 2, 1994 No. 160, the interstate standard GOST 21239-93 was put into effect directly as a state standard of the Russian Federation from 1 January 1995 Standards Publishing House, 1995.

* (6) GOST R 52238-2004 (ISO 10282:2002) “Sterile disposable surgical gloves made of rubber latex.” Approved and put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated March 9, 2004 No. 103-st. Standards Publishing House, 2004.

* (7) GOST R 52239-2004 (ISO 11193-1:2002) “Disposable medical diagnostic gloves.” Approved and put into effect by Decree of the State Standard of Russia dated March 9, 2004 No. 104-st. Standards Publishing House, 2004.

* (8) GOST 3-88 "Surgical rubber gloves". Approved and put into effect by resolution State Committee USSR according to standards of July 19, 1988 No. 2688. Standards Publishing House, 1988.

* (9) GOST 9389-75 "Spring carbon steel wire". Approved and put into effect by Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated July 17, 1975 No. 1830. Standards Publishing House, 1975.

* (10) GOST 18510-87 "Writing paper. Technical conditions". Approved and put into effect by Resolution of the State Committee of Standards of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated September 23, 1987 No. 3628. Standards Publishing House, 1985.

* (11) GOST 28937-91 "Automatic ballpoint pens. General technical requirements and test methods." Approved and put into effect by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Product Quality Management and Standards dated March 20, 1991 No. 295. Standards Publishing House, 1991.


1. Medical products included in the first aid kit for providing first aid to employees (hereinafter referred to as the Composition of the First Aid Kit) cannot be replaced.

2. Upon expiration of the expiration dates of medical products included in the first aid kit, or if they are used, the first aid kit must be replenished.

3. A first aid kit for providing first aid to employees must be equipped with medical products registered in the prescribed manner on the territory of the Russian Federation.

4. Recommendations with pictograms for the use of medical products in a first aid kit to provide first aid to workers (clause 4.2 Contents of a first aid kit) should include a description (image) of the following actions:

a) when providing first aid, perform all manipulations wearing medical gloves (clause 3.3 of the first aid kit). If there is a threat of spread infectious diseases use a medical mask (clause 3.4 of the first aid kit);

b) when arterial bleeding from a large (main) artery, press the vessel with your fingers at the points of pressure, apply a hemostatic tourniquet (clause 1.1 of the composition of the first aid kit) above the site of injury, indicating in a note (clauses 4.4-4.5 of the composition of the first aid kit) the time of application of the tourniquet, apply pressure (tight) to the wound bandage (clauses 1.2-1.12 of the first aid kit);

c) in the absence of the person receiving first aid, spontaneous breathing carry out artificial respiration using a device for artificial respiration "Mouth-Device-Mouth" or a pocket mask for artificial ventilation of the lungs "Mouth-mask" (clause 2.1 of the first aid kit);

d) if there is a wound, apply a pressure (tight) bandage using sterile napkins (clause 1.9 of the first aid kit) and bandages (clause 1.2-1.7 of the first aid kit) or using a sterile dressing bag (clause 1.8 of the first aid kit). In the absence of bleeding from the wound and the possibility of applying pressure bandage apply a sterile napkin to the wound (clause 1.9 of the first aid kit) and secure it with an adhesive plaster (clause 1.12 of the first aid kit). For microtraumas, use a bactericidal adhesive plaster (clause 1.10-1.11 of the first aid kit);

e) if biological fluids of persons receiving first aid come into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, use antiseptic wipes made of paper textile-like material, sterile alcohol (clause 3.2 of the composition of the first aid kit);

f) spread an isothermal rescue blanket (clause 3.5 of the composition of the first aid kit) (silver side towards the body to protect against hypothermia; golden side towards the body to protect against overheating), leave the face open, bend the end of the blanket and secure it.