Visual gymnastics for primary schoolchildren. Simple sets of exercises for the eyes. Exercises to improve vision for farsightedness and myopia

During the first ten years of life baby is coming intensive development of his visual organs. During this period, the eyes are especially susceptible negative influence numerous factors such as increased loads(computer, reading, TV), injuries, infections, unfavorable environment, and many others.

How can you help an emerging children's body resist such influence external environment and prevent deterioration of the baby’s vision?

Do eye exercises with your child regularly

Visual gymnastics is one of the effective preventive measures. Like any other prevention, it requires regular exercise and compliance with all prescribed rules. Exercises for children's eyes should be performed for 7-8 minutes before and after classes or working at the computer. Exercises for relaxing the eyes will be given below.


Sit up straight, relax. Cover your eyes in this way: the middle of the palm of your right hand should be opposite your right eye, the same with your left hand. The palms should lie softly, there is no need to press them forcefully to the face. The fingers can cross on the forehead, they can be located side by side - as is more convenient for you. The main thing is that there are no “slits” that let light through. When you are sure of this, lower your eyelids. The result is that your eyes are closed and, in addition, covered with the palms of your hands.
Now place your elbows on the table. The main thing is that the neck and spine are almost in one straight line. Check that your body is not tense, and your arms, back, and neck should be relaxed. Breathing should be calm. The exercise can be done while studying, for example, during breaks between lessons. Even 10-15 seconds will give your child's eyes time to rest a little. But, of course, it will be better if he does the exercise longer. After completing the exercise (especially if you have been doing it for quite a long time), gradually open your palms, let eyes closed get used to the light a little, and only then open them.

"Writing with your nose"

This exercise is aimed at both relaxing your eye muscles and relaxing your neck. Tension in this area disrupts proper nutrition eyes (in other words, the blood supply process slows down).
The exercise can be performed lying down or standing, but is best done while sitting. Relax. Close your eyes. Imagine that the tip of your nose is a pen with which you can write (or imagine that a long pointer-pen continues the line of your nose - it all depends on what is more convenient for you, the main thing is that you and your eyes do not strain). Now write (or draw) in the air with your pen. What exactly is not important. Write different letters, names of cities and countries, a short letter to your loved one. Draw a house with smoke from a chimney (the same as you drew in childhood), just a circle or square.

Basic set of exercises for the eyes

Before performing the complex, sit in comfortable position(it’s good if you can sit on your heels on a gymnastics mat, but you can also sit on a chair). Straighten your spine.

Exercise No. 1

Inhaling deeply and slowly (preferably from the stomach), look between the eyebrows and hold your eyes in this position for a few seconds. Exhaling slowly, return your eyes to their original position and close for a few seconds. Over time, gradually (not earlier than after 2-3 weeks), the delay in the upper position can be increased (after six months to several minutes).

Exercise No. 2

Inhaling deeply, look at the tip of your nose. Hold for a few seconds and, exhaling, return your eyes to their original position. Close your eyes for a short time.

Exercise No. 3

As you inhale, slowly turn your eyes to the right (“all the way”, but without much tension). Without pausing, as you exhale, return your eyes to their original position. Turn your eyes to the left in the same way.
Do one cycle to start, then two (after two to three weeks), and eventually three cycles. After completing the exercise, close your eyes for a few seconds.

Exercise #4

As you inhale, look to the upper right corner (approximately 45° from the vertical) and, without pausing, return your eyes to their original position. On your next inhalation, look to the lower left corner and return your eyes to the starting position as you exit.
Do one cycle to start, then two (after two to three weeks), and eventually three cycles. After completing the exercise, close your eyes for a few seconds. Repeat the exercises, starting from the upper left corner.

Exercise #5

Inhaling, lower your eyes down and then slowly turn them clockwise, stopping at the highest point (at 12 o'clock). Without pausing, start exhaling and continue turning your eyes clockwise downwards (up to 6 o’clock). To begin with, one circle is enough, gradually you can increase their number to three circles (in two to three weeks). In this case, you need to immediately start the second without delaying after the first circle. After completing the exercise, close your eyes for a few seconds.
Then do this exercise by turning your eyes counterclockwise. To complete the complex you need to do palming (3-5 minutes)

Exercises to relieve eye strain:

  1. Stand freely, arms along your body. Raise your shoulders as high as possible. Keeping them in this position, move them back as far as possible and return to their original position. Make circular movements with your shoulders quickly enough. Repeat the exercises 10 times.
  2. The same as in exercise 1, but in the opposite direction. Raise your shoulders as high as possible and move them back, then move them forward, lower them, returning to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  3. Lower your chin to your chest, relax your neck, then lift your head and throw it back as far as possible. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.
  4. In a sitting position. Lower your chin to your chest, then smoothly turn your head to the left, tilt it back, and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times in one direction and 5-6 times in the other.
  5. In a sitting position. Turn your head as far as possible to the left, return to the starting position. Turn your head as far to the right as possible, return to the starting position. Repeat the turns 5-6 times at a slow pace.

Repeat all the exercises regularly, preferably in the morning!

The eyes are the organ of vision that allows us to fully study and perceive. the world, admire the beauty and enjoy modern technologies. Most of the inhabitants of the Earth, and especially children, take vision for granted and do not pay due attention to it. To the main factors, causing problems vision is not only related to hereditary diseases And congenital pathologies, but also significant visual loads. In the age of modern technology, gadgets and computers captivate schoolchildren, and they play, forgetting about rest.

Children's vision

Children spend most of their personal time playing games on a tablet, phone, computer, and at the same time long time directed at an object located in close proximity. The need to look around and into the distance practically disappears and structural changes begin. To reduce the load, parents should limit playing time and watching TV shows that require fixation of vision at one point at the same distance. And be sure to do gymnastics after this to relieve tension from the organ of vision.

As a preventive measure for eye diseases and their treatment in complex therapy ophthalmologists recommend using gymnastics for schoolchildren for the eyes, which will help relax muscles after prolonged exercise, improve blood circulation and help strengthen muscle fibers. There are practically no contraindications for preventive exercises and this can be done starting in kindergarten, gradually making them a habit. You can do gymnastics in game form using rhymes or jokes.

Currently, ophthalmologists have recorded a significant increase in eye diseases in young and middle-aged children. school age, which were previously observed only in older people. This is primarily due to an increase in the load on fragile eye muscles. The main problems include the development of astigmatism, strabismus, myopia, myopia and other diseases.

Eye gymnastics for schoolchildren should be performed at least 2-3 times a day. Systematic exercises will help the student relieve tension and fatigue from the organ of vision, improve blood circulation and strengthen muscles. For the most part, they are aimed at preventing eye diseases, but can be used in treatment, in the absence of contraindications. The duration of classes should not exceed 10 minutes. At the initial stage, it is recommended to start with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load and introducing new ones.

All gymnastics are performed in a comfortable sitting position. If the child is of primary school age, they can be combined with outdoor games, then the procedure will not be tiring for him, and he will be involved in the gameplay with interest. For children visiting educational establishments, it is recommended to perform the complex at school, during any of the breaks. You should start training by performing each exercise 2-3 times, gradually increasing the number of repetitions to 6-8.

  1. Blind Man's Bluff. The child closes his eyes with effort for 3-4 seconds. Then he opens them for the same time. It has a relaxing effect while strengthening muscles.
  2. Blinking. Without tension, the child blinks quickly, easily, without straining the muscles of the eyelids. Duration up to 1 minute. Blood circulation and blood supply improves.
  3. Traffic light. In turn, you need to close your right or left eye, imitating the blinking of a traffic light. Except obvious benefit for the eyes, we develop coordination and orientation.
  4. Pendulum. The gaze slowly moves from left to right and back, depicting the ticking of a pendulum. In this case, the head should not change its position.
  5. Floor ceiling. Without turning your head, we look down and up. Subsequently, it can be complicated by combining it with the fourth.
  6. Peepers. The exercise is performed in pairs. Two sit opposite each other and look intently into the eyes; whoever blinks first closes his eyes and pretends to be sleeping. After rest we repeat.
  7. Watch. Slowly, without turning your head, make a circle with your eyes, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.
  8. Crosses. We draw an impromptu cross for the eyes, moving our gaze: up and to the right, then left and down, and in the reverse order.
  9. Far close. The exercise can be done in a room, on the street or near a window. The most distant object is selected and the child is asked to carefully examine it for 10-15 seconds, and then move his gaze to a very close object: a finger, a toy, a table, located at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes.
  10. Eyelid massage. Gently massage without pressing with your fingers upper eyelid from the inner to the outer edge, and the bottom - vice versa. Execution time is no more than 1 minute.

To achieve results and make such gymnastics a habit, classes must be regular and completed on time. Unfortunately, not only children, but also parents can forget about fun game for the eyes, then you can use the organizer as a reminder mobile phone or other device, as well as a regular alarm clock.

Currently, a significant number of techniques have been developed for the treatment of eye diseases that can correct the situation in the shortest possible time, but many of them are associated with risks and give short-term results. Physiotherapy for the eyes refers to traditional method treatment and prevention and is recommended for use in complex therapy. Like any procedure, eye exercises should be done after consultation with a doctor. Some exercises have contraindications. Not applicable gymnastic techniques with retinal detachment and during the recovery period after eye surgery.

The eyes are most relaxed when looking into the distance. You need to be in nature more often, take your mind off gadgets and the computer - this is the most best gymnastics for eyes.

Nowadays there are many children with various disorders vision. This includes myopia, farsightedness, and strabismus. It is important for parents to pay Special attention a regime of alternating tension and rest for the eyes. Every day you need to do eye exercises. Such gymnastics works not only as a preventive measure against vision deterioration, but also as a restoration of vision. Gymnastics for the eyes, as a rule, is given in a playful manner, and children do not understand that they are training their eyes; for them it is just a game.

We receive 90% of information through our eyes. This is especially important for young children, because this is how they learn about the world. For them this is something huge and unknown. And their eyes help them see it and understand it. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, every fourth child experiences difficulties with vision.

Causes of visual impairment

The causes of visual impairment can be different:

  • hereditary factor (if one parent has poor eyesight);
  • long visual loads (TV, computer, tablet);
  • long and frequent illnesses child;
  • eye injuries.

In most cases, vision deviation is observed in children immediately. This innate factor speaks for itself. The disease and genes are directly related here. If one of the parents has poor eyesight, then the child may also have poor eyesight. But this doesn't always happen. It happens that one of the parents has vision problems, but the child does not.

Frequent illnesses undermine the child’s health and immunity. The eyes need active oxygen consumption. Antibiotics that are used to treat a child reduce the supply of oxygen to the eyes. Because of this, the child’s vision can also deteriorate.

Prevention of visual impairment in children

First of all, parents need to understand that uncontrolled watching of TV or cartoons on YouTube affects not only the child’s psyche, but also his vision. When a person, whether it is a child or an adult, looks at the screen, blinking becomes less frequent. Oxygen does not reach the eyes as actively, and they become overstrained. This leads to poor vision.

Second preventive factor- This correct posture. The child should not “stick” his nose into a notebook or book; the distance between his face and the notebook should be sufficient.

And the third, most important preventive measure is eye exercises. It helps to rest the child’s eyes, strengthen the eye muscles and increase their tone. All this affects visual acuity in better side. Teachers and doctors say with confidence that eye exercises for children are an excellent prevention of vision problems.

Eye gymnastics for children 3 years old

In order for children to enjoy doing exercises, it is necessary special approach. Eye gymnastics should take into account the characteristics of a preschool child. Therefore, it is recommended to carry it out in a playroom, interesting form, where children could show their activity. The eye gymnastics complex contains 3 parts: warm-up, main part and final part.

Part 1 – Warm-up

It is necessary for the child to move his eyes up and down, left and right, then he needs to close his eyes and count together to ten. Repeat this 1-2 more times.

Part 2 – Main

Game of Pinocchio. You need to look at the tip of your nose and imagine how it grows and then shrinks, while you need to follow this imaginary process with your eyes.

Faces. You need to turn into various animals, actively working with your eyes - look at different sides, we squint our eyes, make circular movements, protrude our eyes. Here you can connect the limitless imagination of the child.

Figures. You need to mentally draw geometric shapes along the contour with your eyes: circle, square, rectangle.

Part 3 – Final

Draw a nose. It is necessary for the child to draw various pictures or figures with his nose in the air, maybe his favorite toy or a funny fairy-tale animal. If it is difficult for him to do this, then you can show the picture. Then the baby will be able to circle her nose from a distance.

This complex is very simple and any child can perform it under the supervision of an adult.

Eye gymnastics for children 4 years old is no different. You can increase the time of the main and final parts.

Eye gymnastics for children 5 years old

Eye gymnastics for children 5 years old is somewhat different. The child already understands well what is happening, he can already count. The child is more assiduous, so the complex is designed for several repetitions of each exercise. Gymnastics for this age includes the following exercises:

  1. We blink often. Then we close our eyes and count to 5. Repeat the exercise 5 times.
  2. We close our eyes tightly and count to 3. Then we open our eyes and look into the distance, counting to 5. We repeat this 4 times.
  3. Pull it out right hand forward. Slowly move your index finger left and right, up and down. At the same time, we follow him with our eyes, but keep our head in place. 4 repetitions are enough.
  4. Pull it out left hand forward, slightly bending it at the elbow. Let's look first at forefinger hands four counts, and then we look into the distance and look at six counts. Repeat 4 times.
  5. We make circular movements with our eyes 3 times to the right, then the same amount to the left. Then we look into the distance and count to 6. Repeat 1 more time.

As you can see, this complex contains enough exercises to relax the muscles of the eye (when we look into the distance). This is due to the fact that a five-year-old child’s eye strain increases, and he needs to give his eyes more rest.

Vitamins for eyes

An excellent addition to eye exercises would be to select foods that contain vitamins necessary for the eyes.

Vitamin C. It improves blood circulation in the eye area. Products with high content vitamin C: orange, kiwi, beets, green pea, spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, apples.

Vitamin A. Capable of preventing the so-called night blindness and improves visual acuity at dusk. Foods high in vitamin A: carrots, papaya, melon, avocado, apricot, peach.

Vitamin E. Just like vitamin C, it improves blood circulation around the eyes. Products containing a large number of vitamin E: milk, spinach, almonds, sunflower oil, walnuts, peanuts.

Vitamin B1. Improves the light sensitivity of the retina. Foods high in vitamin B1: broccoli, rice, honey.

Vitamin B2. It also affects the ability of the retina to perceive light. Products containing large amounts of vitamin B2: apples, rice, milk.

Vitamin B6. Improves light penetration through the retina. Foods rich in vitamin B6: cabbage, wheat grains.

Vitamin B12. Improves the light sensitivity of the retina. His need daily norm- only 3 mg. Products containing vitamin B12: grapes, blueberries, dates, prunes, apricots.

As you can see, not only blueberries can help your eyes see better. Especially important for children balanced diet where vegetables and fruits predominate. In addition, it is possible to carry out vitamin treatment. But which vitamins are best to buy, your doctor should advise you. But remember that the main thing is preventive measures and eye exercises for children, which will help overcome vision problems.

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Simple gymnastics for the eyes is effective way maintaining your child's health. Exercise daily to improve vision in children.

As soon as you close your eyes for a moment, a frightening darkness immediately spreads around. The world seems to cease to exist – it becomes faceless and uninformative. Disappear vivid images, rich colors, volume. A person loses the ability to see and navigate in space. At such moments you realize how important it is to have good vision and treat it with care from the very beginning early age. And the first step to health should be accessible and simple children’s eye exercises, the effectiveness of which is recognized by ophthalmology.

Why does visual acuity decrease?

A little person who has just come into our world has all the prerequisites for developing 100% vision. But modern life makes adjustments to the laws of nature. Reading books, electronic gadgets, even the space limited by the walls of the apartment. They force the child's eye, adapted to look into the distance, to examine objects at a very close distance. This load, as well as hereditary factors, injuries and reduced immunity have a detrimental effect on visual acuity and muscle tone, causing diseases such as:

  • myopia;
  • farsightedness;
  • astigmatism;
  • strabismus;
  • early glaucoma;
  • retinal pathologies.

According to World Organization Health 19 million children have some form of visual impairment. Moreover, for the most part the problems are reversible, provided proper treatment which includes systematically performing simple eye exercises.

The principle of action and significance of gymnastics

The acuity of a child's visual perception largely depends on the condition of the muscles that support the eyeball.

Properly selected exercises are nothing more than training and restoration of performance eye muscles, as a result of which the child’s vision significantly improves. In addition, gymnastics:

  • helps to correct metabolic processes and blood supply;
  • quickly relieves fatigue;
  • develops coordination of movements, which is especially important for strabismus;
  • stimulates the parts of the brain responsible for visual perception information.

Besides this the best remedy prevention of eye fatigue and the development of myopia and farsightedness in children.

It is important to remember that such complexes are contraindicated in cases of retinal detachment and myopia greater than -6 diopters.

For the little ones

Already at 1-2 years old, a child can perform basic visual gymnastics. Of course, classes should take the form of an exciting game and correspond age characteristics.

At 2-3 years old, it is good to add a thematic rhyme to the exercises - it will make gymnastics more understandable, interesting and easy to remember.

This is a watch-eye
They tick back and forth.
They go left, they go right
And they will never subside.

Thus, children get used to doing exercises, which for now seem like fun to them, but already bring great benefit health.

Visual exercises for preschoolers

At 3-4 years old, many children begin to go to junior group kindergarten, and their lives change radically. Now the kids spend quite a lot of time doing activities. To reduce the workload, experienced teachers in mandatory alternate training with exercise therapy and eye gymnastics.

Each complex should consist of 5 exercises and last no longer than 3 to 5 minutes.

The most effective sets of exercises for preschoolers in verse still remain:

“It suddenly became very dark - we need to close our eyes. The day has come, and here we go again - we need to open our eyes. We count to 5 and close our eyes again.”

At the end of the exercise, invite the children to relax and massage their eyelids with their fingertips.

Mom can also come up with exciting games to improve vision: suggest batting your eyelashes like a butterfly’s wings, or catching a running sunbeam with your eyes. It’s good if you can find a funny verse or drawing that illustrates the movements.

Getting ready for school

In the middle (4-5 years old) and senior (5-6 years old) groups of kindergarten, intensive preparation for school takes place. The child must attend fairly long classes in reading, writing, mathematics, modeling and drawing. The load on a fragile body increases sharply. Gymnastics for the eyes is simply necessary for children of this age, and the complexes are becoming more and more complex.

As before, all classes should be conducted in a playful manner, be understandable and easy to implement. Modern multimedia tools provide wide choose exercises for vision in the form of cartoons, animations, accompanied by rhythmic music or poems that set an additional pace for movements. You can use such programs in kindergarten and at home.

In primary school

At the age of 6-7 years, children, as a rule, go to first grade. School classes, homework, small print in textbooks, poor quality paper, poor lighting cause enormous stress on the visual apparatus baby. There is practically no rest for the eyes - after school, children are mainly busy with the computer or watching television programs. It is not surprising that 4% of first-graders are forced to wear glasses.

In this regard, physical training based on exercises from the card index visual gymnastics, becomes very valuable for schoolchildren.

Useful exercises should be performed daily, starting with 3 minutes a day and gradually increasing the load. Patience, persistence and consistency will lead to the fact that your student will one day say: “Mom, I don’t need glasses anymore.”

Modern specialists have developed many methods aimed at significantly improving vision in myopia and farsightedness, as well as correcting or reducing astigmatism if these two anomalies are not very pronounced (unfortunately, with their high degree, only surgery). How to do exercises to improve vision yourself and teach them to your child, says ophthalmologist Marina Ilyinskaya.

IMPORTANT! If at the time of the start of treatment your child was already wearing glasses, then for any type of visual gymnastics, use glasses with lenses one or two diopters weaker than those that were prescribed for him. If their strength initially does not exceed 1 diopter, all exercises must be performed without glasses!

Method 1. “Step gymnastics”

Quickly turns on active work accommodative apparatus, trains all its elements and thereby significantly improves vision in short time. How is it done?

First, do the exercise yourself so that you can then explain in detail to your child the technique of doing it.

  1. Move 1 meter away from the window.
  2. Stretch one hand forward, palm facing you, and carefully examine the pattern of the skin on the palm.
  3. Now turn your gaze to the window frame and just as carefully examine its small details.
  4. Next, look outside the window, but at a distance of no more than 50 meters. If there is a tree there, take a good look at its branches.
  5. Then move your gaze 100 meters into the distance. If there is a house there, consider its windows and balconies.
  6. And only after that, look far into the sky - as if you were looking beyond the horizon, into infinity.
  7. Gradually return your gaze to your palm, looking in reverse order at the house, tree, frame.

Repeat the exercise: palm, frame, tree, house, sky. And back: sky, house, tree, frame, palm. Each time, fix your gaze on the object for 5-10 seconds, forcing the accommodative apparatus to turn on at the required distance. Then they “jumped through the step”: palm - tree, frame - house, sky - tree, house - frame and back. The eyes move smoothly along the “steps” for 3 minutes, and the eyes should move spasmodically through the “steps” for approximately the same amount of time. But it is necessary to finish the gymnastics smoothly: sky, house, tree, frame, palm.

To obtain a lasting effect of improving vision, the exercise must be done every hour during prolonged visual stress, for example, doing homework or working with a computer.

Gymnastics is coming for children from five years old. But what younger child, the more help he will need from an adult to master the exercise. For older children, it is enough to explain that the exercise will help improve their vision and allow them to never wear glasses again, and then by example show how gymnastics is performed.

Method 2. “Digital gymnastics”

To begin, actively rub your palms against each other until you feel that they are well heated. Next, close both eyes with either one palm or two (it doesn’t matter to achieve the result). Covering your eyes with your eyelids and without removing your palms, begin to draw numbers from 1 to 10 and back in space with your eyes, and the range of movements eyeballs should be maximum.

In total, such gymnastics will take no more than 2 minutes. But after its completion, removing your palms from your face and opening your eyes, you will be pleasantly surprised at how clear, contrasting and colorful the world around you has become.

Once you have mastered the exercise, explain to your child how to do it correctly. At first, I advise you to do gymnastics with your child, and then it will be enough just to remind you of it.

“Digital gymnastics” is necessary primarily in the presence of large visual loads, especially for schoolchildren with eye problems. For example, if you sit for many hours studying in the evenings, you need to do the exercise every hour. For adults, I will add: due to the fact that “Digital Gymnastics” significantly improves blood supply to the eyes, it is very useful for cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal diseases as part of complex therapy. And in combination with “Step Gymnastics” it perfectly relieves the so-called computer vision syndrome.

Method 3. “Acupressure exercises”

Aimed at improving visual acuity.

Take a regular sheet of paper and, with a sharpened black pencil, draw 10 black dots on one line with intervals of about 5 mm between them. At very poor eyesight the interval can be increased to 7 mm, but no more. Place the sheet in front of your eyes at a distance of 40 cm. You should clearly see all the points and be able to count them. Now ask your assistant to slowly move the sheet of dots away from your eyes, stopping every 20 cm. Once you can no longer clearly see all the dots and they have merged into a solid line, there is no need to move the sheet further. Measure the distance from your eyes to a piece of paper and write it down. After this, move the sheet with dots for some time, either closer or further from your eyes, but do not exceed the recorded distance for now. It is useful to perform gymnastics for 3-5 minutes at least 3-4 times daily.

This exercise in complex therapy effectively and quickly improves visual acuity.

Teach your child correct execution exercises and add it to the list of required ones. It must be done at least three times a day. The distance from the eyes to the merging of the points into one solid line should be measured no more than once every 7-10 days, noting achievements.

“Acupressure exercises” also help improve near vision for all people over 40 years of age who have difficulty reading. The technique is the same, but you need to start counting the dots not from a distance of 40 cm from the face, but from the one at which you can see them (say, 50-70 cm). Next, try to count the points at a distance smaller than the one at which you saw them clearly at the beginning of the exercise. Gradually, you will notice that you no longer get tired when working with regular text.

Method 4. “Visual arc”

This technique is suitable not only for school-age children, but also for adults. It helps with accommodation spasms, increases visual acuity, and relieves computer syndrome.

Doing this exercise is quite simple. Sit on a chair in front of the window. Lower your gaze to your knees, look at them carefully, and begin to slowly raise your eyes upward, fixing with your gaze and looking for a few seconds at all the interesting objects that you notice, including those located outside the window: houses, trees, clouds, sky. Shift your gaze to the top of the window frame and the cornice. After this, just as gradually lower your eyes, examining all the objects that come your way and, if possible, clearly recording their details. Repeat the arcing eye movement three times in a row. After finishing the exercise, close your eyes three times and open them wide. Then explain to your child how to do the gymnastics, sitting him on a chair next to you.

This gymnastics is perfect for people who work for many hours at the computer and suffer from severe visual fatigue. After all, at the end of the day spent in front of the monitor, you probably noticed that in the evening your vision becomes blurred, blurred, and it becomes more difficult for you to see clearly into the distance. “Visual Arc” along with “Step Gymnastics” and “Digital Gymnastics” helps eliminate this problem in a short time.

The exercise must be repeated several times a day, especially with regular, long-term eye strain.

Comment on the article "Vision restoration in children: 4 effective exercises"

Strabismus is a position of the eyes in which the visual axes do not converge on the object in question. Outwardly, this is manifested by the fact that the eye deviates in one direction or another (to the right or left, less often up or down, and various combined options are also found). If the eye is brought to the nose, the strabismus is called convergent (more common), and if it is brought to the temple - divergent. One eye or both may squint. Most often, parents turn to a pediatric ophthalmologist after noticing that the child’s eyes...

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In my childhood parental home sleep was put above all else. My brothers and sisters and I were not particularly limited in anything - we went to bed whenever we wanted, we could optionally eat microwaved food in front of the TV (this was in the 1980s) and play video games as much as we wanted. But there was one iron rule: you cannot wake up an adult or another child when he is sleeping. Then I grew up and went to Big world, where I found out that adult society does not welcome naps...

Parents try to monitor the growth of the child from childhood, paying special attention to him during the period adolescence. It is during this period that one of the growth spurts in children occurs. As a rule, a child continues to grow until the age of twenty, but despite this, it is very difficult to predict this process, since it is influenced by many factors: energetic and intrauterine. It often happens that the child’s desired growth rate slows down, in this case it is necessary to contact...

please participate Survey from user Jasmin Does your child have vision problems? no myopia farsightedness astigmatism others Do you (at least one of your parents) have vision problems? no yes, congenital yes, acquired If the child has vision problems, at what age were they discovered? up to 5 years from 5 to 10 years from 10 to 12 years from 12 to 15 years over 15 years What about you? V preschool age(up to 7 years) in primary school(7-10 years old)...

Restoring vision in children: 4 effective exercises. Gymnastics for the eyes, vision correction, exercises for myopia, farsightedness, eye fatigue.


Like your daughter, I was diagnosed with myopia in the 2nd or 3rd grade. My parents are also not short-sighted; I’m the only one who wasn’t born. My vision dropped by 1 diopter per year, but I grew very quickly, and when the growth stopped, it stopped at -6. Now I wear lenses and don’t experience any problems. I agree with the authors below - not the most terrible disease, don't worry so much. You are great for taking it up, do it. About full recovery I’ve never heard of vision, I heard about operations that a large percentage are unsuccessful. Don't dwell on it. My advice to you is this - let your daughter be seated on desk 1-2, and if she sees what is written on the board, under no circumstances DO NOT WEAR GLASSES! I had classmates who, with the same vision as me, managed without glasses just fine, but I couldn’t. This is a habit, and a bad one at that. As long as she can do without them, she doesn't need glasses. When he can’t, let him put it on for a while, you don’t need to wear it all the time!
Good luck! Let this be her only and most terrible illness.
Water sports are good if the eyes can tolerate chlorine normally or in pools with another method of disinfection.

Sports involving heavy lifting and head concussions (boxing, for example) are definitely not suitable; those involving sudden changes in height (diving, diving) are not very suitable. artistic gymnastics, acrobatics).