Ready-made forfeits for a fun company. Game "forfeits"

Forfeits are a well-known and beloved game not only for children, but also for adults. Its rules are so simple that even the youngest participants in a New Year's party can come up with tasks and play the game. The popularity of forfeits lies in the fact that this game is suitable for absolutely any society. Be sure, no matter what company you are in, be it friends, colleagues or relatives, you will spend the New Year 2019 unforgettable.

Reference! Forfeits were played several centuries ago. In some countries, this game was the most central event of any holiday. From German the word “fanta” is translated as “deposit”.

You can play forfeits in different ways:
1.With the help of the presenter. All participants in the game give the person chosen to play the role of the leader any of their things, preferably small in size. All items will be placed in a bag or hat. The presenter's assistant takes turns pulling objects out of the hat, and the presenter, without seeing this object, comes up with a task for the owner of the forfeit. If the owner of the item has completed the task, then his item is returned to him.
2.Using cards. You can play forfeits without a leader. To do this, all members of the exciting show write tasks on pieces of paper. Then the leaves are placed in an opaque bag or bag. They take out forfeits one by one. The one who takes the leaf out of the bag is the phantom. Tasks should be moderately easy and unusual, quickly executable. Don't come up with tasks that are too intimate or dangerous.

By the way! If the fan does not cope with the task, then a fine should be provided for him in this case. Which one is decided jointly. You can, for example, drink a glass of strong drink or pay a monetary “fine” to the general treasury. At the end of the game, the money will go to the most creative player.

3.By drawing lots. First, all participants come up with a task together, and the one who will carry it out will be decided by drawing lots. The lot can be a burning match, which is passed around in a circle. If this method is too dangerous for you, you can use a nursery rhyme.

  • Fanta for a group of children
  • Fanta for friends
  • Fanta on the street
  • New Year's forfeits with jokes
  • Fanta for colleagues

Fanta for a group of children

You can make your children's New Year's holiday original and memorable with the help of the game "forfeits". As you already know, there are many options for building a game, but for children it is better to choose the simplest one - where there is an adult leader who will draw forfeits and assign tasks. Children will highly appreciate the game where you need to give your item to the presenter and wait with rapture for the personal item to appear from the hat. In addition, this version of forfeits is made easier by the fact that there is no need to require children to come up with tasks and write them down on pieces of paper. Children's tasks are not always feasible, and therefore it is better not to take risks with children's imagination.

Advice! You can use another way of playing for a group of children: cards with the names of the participants are placed in one container, and with tasks in another. The leader first determines who will do the task, and then the task for him.

The main thing in the game of forfeits for children is to designate tasks that are suitable for the age of the participants. This game is not for difficult actions. Everything should happen quickly so that all participants have time to play and no one gets bored.
List of funny tasks for a noisy children's company:
1.Draw a portrait of one of the guests without using your hands (holding a pencil in your hands).
2.Tell about yourself from an immodest side. In this case, you need to look in the mirror.
3. Depict the animal in a funny situation. For example, a pig near a trough or a cow at a watering hole.
4. Depict objects that make sounds (a boiling kettle, the whistle of a steam locomotive or ship).
5. Show some well-known scene using pantomime.
6.Draw a mirror: you need to repeat the actions of one of the game participants for a minute;
7.Depict six emotions - fear, joy, grief, fright, surprise, resentment.
8. Describe each team member.

9. It’s funny to “tell fortunes” to a person you choose yourself.
10.Eat a piece of cake without using your hands.
11. Burst the balloon with your butt.
12.Stay for a minute with a serious expression on your face while other children try to make you laugh in every possible way.
13.Sing a verse of a famous song, only grunt or hum instead of words.
14.Eat a lemon and don’t wince.
15.Gather all the guests, seat them in imaginary carriages and transport them throughout the apartment.
16. Fulfill your neighbor's wish.
17. Find an object hidden in the room by other party participants.
18. Play the role of Santa Claus - with an adult male bass voice, taking a stick that acts as a staff, congratulate the children on the New Year.
19.Draw a New Year tree with balls and garlands while blindfolded.
20. Make your friends laugh with your causeless laughter.
21. Show a poem with your hands, which will be read by one of the company members.
22. For a while, list fairy tales, cartoons and films on the New Year theme.
23.Show the Snow Maiden or Snowman, who began to melt with the arrival of spring.
24.Make yourself a New Year's costume from improvised materials.
25.Sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” in rap style.
26. Come up with funny nicknames for your friends and call them that throughout the game.
27.Say the players' names backwards.
28.Take a funny photo of the entire company gathered.
29.Show the robot.
30.Call with affectionate words such fairy-tale characters as Baba Yaga, Kikimora, Leshy, Vodyanoy, Koschey the Immortal.

Funny forfeits for drunken company

In the midst of New Year's Eve, when the decibels of noise and laughter reach their limit, it's time to play the game "forfeits". This harmless and, on occasion, very funny game will help guests take a little break from the bustle of New Year's Eve and laugh heartily at the stupid and ridiculous, and sometimes vulgar tasks that the participants of the game diligently perform.
For a group of adult friends, playing with cards is a good option. Guests write funny (and not difficult) tasks on scraps of paper in advance, then put all the cards in a bag. The presenter brings the bag to each member of the game in turn, and he takes out the first piece of paper he comes across without looking, thereby assigning himself a task.

By the way! You can play this game in pairs. All guests are divided into pairs and jointly complete tasks that are determined either by the host or by drawing lots. Tasks for couples may be more complex, but in no case dangerous, compromising or time consuming.

List of funny tasks for a group of adults:
1. If the player is a man, take a saucepan and spoons, approach a lonely girl, drum and in a regular voice confess your sympathy to her.
2.Pester all the guests with stupid conversations, pretending to be an annoying fly. This can make an unpleasant buzzing sound. One of the guests might slap you.
3. To come up with a fairy tale in a modern way, you can have the main characters being friends gathered at the table.
4.Using your hands and facial expressions, show one of the guests.
5. Show poses of seven different animals that are doing something at that moment. For example, a butterfly flies, a caterpillar crawls, a cow drinks water, a dog chews a bone.
6. Make a forfeit with the transition of the move. If such a forfeit falls to the driver, then he can give it to any participant.
7.Using voice and posture, show the mating games of animals (growling, biting the withers, excitement of monkeys, ostriches, etc.).
8. Dress up as a woman if a man is playing (and vice versa) and seduce a guest of the opposite sex.
9. Dress up as Father Frost or Snow Maiden and congratulate your roommates.
10. Make a New Year's toast and drink a shot.

11.Draw a statue, while dressing up in a canopy (you can use a sheet). Take a photo with each member of the game, while changing your pose.
12.Have a drink with your neighbor at the Brudershaft, and kiss at the end. Guests kiss regardless of gender.
13.Place nuts or candies on your cheeks and at the same time pronounce a few tongue twisters that the guests will remember.
14. Depict how a chicken lays an egg.
15.Choose a participant and give him New Year’s makeup.
Cool forfeits with erotic overtones:
1.Massage the buttocks of the neighbor on the right.
2.If performed by a couple: hold an apple between their bellies and, without using your hands, roll it to your mouth and eat it.
3.Draw a pose from above. In this case, a person is selected as a partner by drawing lots.
4.Tell about your five wildest desires.
5. The person completing the task becomes the slave of his partner for five minutes (in this case, the “master” should not come up with humiliating or difficult to fulfill desires).
6.Tell all members of the game about what role-playing game you would play.
7.Fulfill the wishes of each player.
8. Without using your hands, burst the balloon that is on the lap of your neighbor at the table.
9. Depict how a rooster takes care of a hen.
10. Answer honestly which option you will choose: hard BDSM or sex in a public place.
11.Play truth or lie: honestly answer frank questions from the participants in the game. If you don’t want to answer, you’ll have to carry out a stupid assignment.
12.Massage the neighbor on the left on the part of the body that he points to.
13. Dress as a doctor and cure a patient using erotic actions.
14.Take off your toilet item.
15.Voice your orgasm.

Fanta for friends

If a group of close friends (usually family) has gathered on New Year’s Eve, then the game of forfeits will exclude the erotic component, so as not to inadvertently compromise the participants when performing ambiguous tasks. More often, in a friendly company, tasks are simple, without intimate or negative connotations.
List of forfeits for friends:
1.A man should stroke his belly, imagining that there is a child there. At the same time, talk to the baby and anticipate the imminent birth.
2. Make the player on the left laugh with grimaces.
3.Draw a mad gopher.
4.Choose three girls and dance “Cancan” with him.
5. In a minute, remember 10 films about the New Year.
6.Eat a sausage with your partner without your hands.
7.Draw a mustache and walk like this for the rest of the evening.
8.Bow to three players using different poses.
9.Make delicious cocktails for the players and make them drink.
10.Drink a glass without using your hands.

11. Pretend to be a beggar. Walk with your arm outstretched until you collect 100 rubles.
12.Recognize by touch 10 different objects hidden in the bag.
13.Sing a popular song in another language.
14. Depict any profession using gestures. The rest must guess.
15.Guess the item asked by the guests using leading questions.
16.Talk about the life of penguins for one minute.
17.Draw a portrait of your wife (spouse) without looking at the canvas.
18.Call an unfamiliar number and wish Happy New Year.
19.Praise yourself as if you are trying to be your wife (husband).
20. Answer players’ questions for three minutes, but you cannot answer with clear words “yes” or “no”.
21.Tell your biography in five sentences.
22.Lapping an alcohol-containing drink from a saucer like a kitten.
23.Sing a children's New Year's song, leaving only vowel sounds in the words.
24. Explain to those present how to fry eggs. This must be done without the help of words.
25. Make a Caucasian toast.
26. Do now what you have wanted for a long time.
27.Talk about your main shortcoming and tell how you fight it.
28.Name a certain number of New Year’s words starting with the letter C.
29.Sneeze until one of the guests says: “Be healthy.”
30. Show any trick (for example, how you drink a glass of vodka without hands).

Fanta on the street

The game moves to another level when completely strangers become its participants. At the same time, the phantomers are all those participants in the New Year’s celebration. And random passers-by usually serve as the “object” of the action. Harmless desires with simple jokes are suitable for forfeits on the street.

Important! Before you choose to perform the actions of a stranger, make sure that he is not against your tomfoolery.

List of possible tasks:
1. Give a complex riddle to three random passers-by.
2. Congratulate all passers-by on the New Year.
3.Organize a round dance of strangers around the Christmas tree in the city square.
4.Drink a glass of champagne with passers-by.
5.Stand under the Christmas tree and loudly congratulate all the people present in the square in a presidential manner.
6. Pretend to be a fortune teller. Pester all passersby to tell their fortunes.
7.Give out sparklers to strangers. At the same time, kiss them on the cheek.
8. Meet 10 passers-by of different genders.
9. Pretend to be a pig (symbol of 2019), circle around the Christmas tree and grunt loudly.
10.Treat all children you meet with candy.
11.Receive compliments from 10 passersby of the opposite sex.
12. Dress up as Santa Claus and take various nonsense out of the bag, giving away (matches, toilet paper, candy) to passers-by.

13. Organize a mass flash mob around the Christmas tree, involving passers-by and children.
14. Build a snowman in 3 minutes.
15. Ride down the hill like a train with your friends.
16. Shout to the whole street: “People, stop drinking! The New Year has already arrived!”
17.Run naked into the street and ask a passerby for salt.
18. Portray a drunken Santa Claus. For ambiance, you can put lipstick on your nose.
19. Go around to all the neighbors in the entrance and congratulate them on the New Year.
20. Pretend to be a conductor. Waving your arms with feeling, leading the performers of the song “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” consisting of friends and random passers-by.
21. Organize a mass snowball fight.
22.Take phone numbers from 10 people of the opposite sex.
23.Interview passers-by, asking questions about their dreams and future.
24. Stop the car and congratulate the driver on the holiday.
25.Make a butterfly in the snow.
26. Throw yourself on the neck of the first person you meet, and then, as if nothing had happened, say: “Oh, I made a mistake.”
27. Sing a New Year's song at the top of your lungs. Maybe with some foreign accent.
28.Pretend to be a speculator. Stealthily offer to buy something, while hiding something under the jacket. Don’t forget to then admit to the passerby that you played a prank on him.
29. Pretend to be a foreigner and address passers-by, asking for directions to the embassy.
30.If a man is phantoming, then he should hug as many girls as possible at once. If you are a girl, you need to hug men. In this task you need to be smart.

New Year's forfeits with jokes

This is a selection of tasks for a group of different ages that are easy to complete and at the same time “not fall on your face.” Simple, childishly naive and funny forfeits will amuse any guest not only on the New Year, but also on any other holiday.
Tasks for forfeits for the New Year:
1.Recite a famous poem as if you were a rapper.
2.Sing a New Year's song as if you were very drunk.
3. Show fireworks or sparklers using pantomime.
4.Use mayonnaise or ketchup to draw a portrait of a person sitting at the table.
5.Take a group photo, putting those posing in funny poses.
6. Let all the girls at the table paint your face with gouache.
7.Drink an alcoholic cocktail that the guests “collected” for you.
8.Predict the future for each member of the game.
9. Show with gestures what you do at your workplace.
10.Blindfolded, identify your wife (husband). You can make it more difficult: guess each person.
11. It’s funny to characterize all the guests using only positive qualities.
12.Dance a striptease while removing three items of clothing.
13. Count down the time remaining until the New Year. It is advisable to announce the time every 10 minutes.

14.Kiss the player opposite, wherever you want.
15. Stick your head out the window and shout loudly: “There it is, Turkey!”
16. Confess your love to yourself as convincingly as possible, while looking in the mirror with a serious face.
17. Play the role of a waiter: throw a towel over your hand, stand in the appropriate position and offer everyone coffee and tea. Prepare drinks for everyone who agrees.
18. For 10 minutes, pretend that you are a patient in a psychiatric clinic: constantly look around and repeat in a conspiratorial whisper: “Hush, hush, otherwise the doctor will wake up and we’ll have hell.”
19.Draw a bee collecting nectar from flowers.
20.Depict a student on the last day before the session.
21. Perform a belly dance while wearing the appropriate paraphernalia.
22.Depict one of the players, while the others must guess who they are talking about.
23.Tell everyone that you are not wearing underwear. Explain your action with a serious and calm look.
24.Dance a slow dance with the neighbor on the right, while the neighbor on the left chooses the music.
25. Show your childhood dream using gestures. Everyone must guess.
26. Spoon-feed three men, talking to them like little children.
27. Conduct a master class on erotic banana eating.
28. Portray a capricious child for whom they did not buy a toy. You can cry, be hysterical, ram your feet and hands.
29. Write a fine to any guest, at the same time come up with a punishment and dress like a policeman.
30. Propose to the neighbor on the right. Only instead of the phrase “Marry me,” you need to ask for legs, kidneys, a piece of liver.

Note! Make a bonus: let everyone present praise the person phantoming or name his best qualities.

Fanta for colleagues

For a corporate party for the New Year 2019, forfeits with jokes are suitable. True, these jokes should be neutral in nature and not affect the honor of employees. Usually a hired presenter works at corporate events. He collects small items from the guests that will serve as forfeits and begins the game.

Fact! This game is ideal for a group of unfamiliar people. It has been noticed that it liberates the participants and makes them closer and more friendly.

Funny forfeits for a corporate feast:
1.You are a tangerine addict. Admit how withdrawal goes and how you cope with this problem.
2.Hug everyone present.
3.Imagine that you are a wizard. It is necessary to fulfill the wish of one of the guests.
4.Make players laugh using grimaces.
5.Eat two incompatible foods on the table at the same time.
6.Say a New Year's toast in the style of the President of Russia. Have a drink with everyone for the New Year.
7.Participants take turns calling words that come to their mind. The task is to come up with a rhyme for each word.
8.Sing Verka Serduchka’s song. In this case, you need to dress appropriately.
9.Draw a portrait of the player on the right, holding the pencil between your teeth.
10.Wish each player their wishes come true in the new year.
11.Blow kisses to all guests in different ways.
12. Conduct a master class on washing socks. At the same time, it is necessary to explain the entire technology of a difficult task.
13. Come up with a short New Year’s story where all words begin with the letter P.
14.Tell everyone about your election campaign. Don’t forget, you are running for the post of deputy of the Ecumenical Duma.
15. Tell fortunes by the head of the neighbor on the right.
16.Tell a joke.
17.Until the next move, clap your hands, killing invisible mosquitoes.
18. Convince everyone present to vote for you in the next presidential elections.
19.Sit angry for a minute. At the same time, the other players should make you laugh. If you give in, take the forfeit.
20.Say any stupid phrase at random for 20 minutes. For example: “I am a talking bird. I’m distinguished by my intelligence and intelligence.”

21. In Drozdov’s voice, tell about the mating season of penguins.
22. Tell any poem on a New Year’s theme in the form of a tongue twister.
23. Show the pose of the phrases “I’m boiling.” Participants must guess. If you couldn’t, take a forfeit.
24.Capture New Year’s greetings on your phone camera as a souvenir for all players.
25.Imagine yourself as a doctor. Listen to the heartbeat of all participants in the game by pressing your ear.
26.Play a little counting game with the player to your left. The winner can refuse to perform his forfeit and the turn will pass to another player.
27. Show how the fish congratulate each other on the New Year.

Funny, not vulgar, tasks for playing for forfeits. Find the best ones for yourself and don’t forget to bookmark them. Forfeits is a well-known game that is suitable for a large and cheerful company. Its roots go deep into history, and its name is translated from German as “pledge.”

The essence of the game is to complete the so-called tasks for forfeits. But none of the participants can guess what kind of assignment he will receive.

It is a mistake to believe that this is a game only for children. It is also interesting to play for adults of different ages. And this is a fact already proven by time.

3 Types of Games for Fanta

  • With the help of the leader. Players give the presenter any of their things, for example, jewelry, a mobile phone, keys. The presenter puts everything in a special bag, which can be used as an ordinary hat. Now the players take turns taking something out of there and asking: “What should Fanta do?” The presenter comes up with a task for everyone for their forfeit. After finishing the game and completing all tasks, the item can go to its real owner.
  • The second version of the game is using cards. All players come up with any funny tasks for forfeits and write them on small pieces of paper. Then everything is mixed and placed in a bag. They take turns and do what is written. When coming up with tasks, do not forget that you can also get on your own card. Therefore, it is better to write what you could do yourself. But you also don’t need to come up with very easy and basic desires, for example, to jump on one leg ten times. This will make the game as uninteresting as possible.
  • Forfeits using matches. This type of game is unsafe, so you should not play this way with children. But still it takes place. The players light a regular match and pass it around to each other. The person who puts out the match must complete the task.

As you can see, you can play this game in different ways. The main condition for a good party is good and slightly noisy company.

But how can you come up with tasks for forfeits if nothing comes to mind?

This article will come to your aid. We have selected only the most interesting and funny forfeit tasks that you and your loved ones can easily use and not bother.

So, friends, here are the 50 best fantasy tasks:

  1. Show some action without words, for example, what you do at school or work.
  2. Take a photo with all the players, but a mandatory condition is to put everyone in some original poses.
  3. Stuff your mouth full of corn pops, popcorn or candy. And then say some funny phrase. This is a good task for forfeits, but be careful!
  4. Approach any person and wish them happiness, love and health. But you need to do this only on your hands! You can ask friends for help.
  5. Pretend to be very drunk and start pestering everyone, and then demonstratively lose consciousness.
  6. Put on a robe and sunglasses and go to the store. Ask the seller for a fly swatter and a pinch of salt. This is one of the best Fanta tasks in the summer, preferably in the evening.

    Game for forfeits - find your task

  7. Draw or glue cute mustaches and walk like this until the end of the game.
  8. Go outside or onto the balcony and shout: “People, I adore you all!”
  9. Show an athlete, animal, plant, stripper, Harry Potter, famous politician or singer, etc.
  10. Give free rein to your imagination and make delicious cocktails for your players.
  11. for an hour, inform all players, every five minutes, that five minutes have passed. If you forget even once, start again.
  12. Give any player a nice haircut or massage.
  13. Play a prank on someone on the phone.
  14. Tell us the most ridiculous incident in your life that you are ashamed of.
  15. In the winter season, bring a snow woman from the street into the house. Possibly in parts.
  16. Make a special medal for each player. From what and for what exactly - you decide for yourself.
  17. Spoon feed the players.
  18. Pretend to be a foreigner for 10 minutes. Speak any language, even your own.
  19. Say non-funny jokes for 10 minutes.
  20. Drink something using a pierced straw. If you pierce it well, it will be very difficult to do.
  21. Give yourself a bright evening make-up. Continue like this until the end of the game.
  22. Juggle eggs. Be sure to clean up after yourself.
  23. For 20 minutes, turn into a fairy-tale or cartoon creature.
  24. Exchange clothes with one of the players.
  25. Drink something from a glass, but only without your hands. A good Fanta task, especially in a company where alcoholic beverages are drunk.
  26. Write your phone number in lipstick on a napkin and toss it to someone when everyone has forgotten about this task. If a person notices, he has the right to throw a napkin to someone else. The one who ends up with it must kiss any of the players.
  27. Act out a scene with the help of other players. For example, about how my husband returned early from a business trip.
  28. Perform a performance called “Blue Light”. Assign roles to other players yourself.
  29. Kiss your neighbor's knee.
  30. Pretend that you are a hereditary fortune teller and predict the fate of each of the players.
  31. Think of the best way to escape from prison. Don't be trivial.
  32. Confess and repent to all players about your three worst sins over the past couple of years.
  33. Tell me 10 times how great you are in different voices and intonations.
  34. Draw a baby.
  35. Eat food that doesn't go together at all. For example, herring with sugar. Be careful what you choose.
  36. Pop the balloon using your own buttocks.
  37. Imagine that you are running for president. Give your campaign speech.
  38. Do a dance, such as the cancan, while holding a glass of water in your hands.
  39. Beg until you collect 100 rubles.
  40. Draw what they tell you, holding the pen in your teeth.
  41. Imagine that you are a reporter. Spread “yellow” and false news about people sitting near you.
  42. For half an hour, call absolutely all the players by the same name, for example, Gennady will be perfect.
  43. Propose marriage to the neighbor on the right. Do it beautifully and as romantic as possible.
  44. Place the tights on your head. Wear this hat with ears for the rest of the evening.
  45. Imagine that you are now graduating from high school. Give a heartbreaking speech.
  46. Recognize 5 different objects by touch, blindfolded, of course.
  47. Sing a popular song, but only pronounce the vowels. It's fun.
  48. Talk in Dzhigurda style for 5 minutes.
  49. Draw a full eyebrow on yourself and sit there for the rest of the evening.
  50. Invite five people for a group slow dance. Do it as beautifully and sensually as possible.

Have you already tried all the games? Forfeits are what will help you out.

You can play forfeits indefinitely; fun tasks only fuel the excitement. The age of the players is not limited: adults can also join the children's company, and this will only make the game more fun.

Tasks for forfeits can be distributed in several ways

The classic way is that each participant gives the presenter some small item: a scarf, a pencil, a brooch, a key. All the things are collected in a bag. The presenter’s assistant takes things out of the bag one at a time, and the presenter himself says: “This phantom should do this.”

In this case, the presenter stands with his back to his assistant and does not see whose item is in his hands. And the responsibility to come up with fun tasks for forfeits lies with the presenter.

For a children's group, this option will be difficult. Not every child has some small accessory with him. Not every child will easily come up with witty and fun tasks on the fly. Therefore, it is better to use another method.

The names of the participants are written on the cards and placed in a bag. Cards with tasks for forfeits are placed in another bag.
The host pulls out the player's name, and then a task for him.

Tasks can be written not on cards, but on narrow strips of colored paper, and each strip can be folded into stars. This will add charm to the game and fuel the intrigue, because to find out what is destined for you, you will first have to unwrap the star.

How to make stars from strips of paper: video

How to come up with fun tasks for forfeits

The main rule of a successful game: tasks for forfeits for children must correspond to the age of the players, be friendly and interesting. There should be no tasks with mockery, humiliating overtones or “adult” humor.

We offer you a ready-made list of funny tasks for forfeits for a fun company.

  • Draw a self-portrait holding a pencil in your teeth.
  • Looking in the mirror for a minute, tell me how good, smart and the best I am, without laughing.
  • Sit on a balloon so that it bursts
  • Say 5 sentences starting with the words “I want that...”
  • Using pantomime, tell about an event known to everyone present.
  • The fant must depict a boiling kettle, a moving train, a flying plane, etc.
  • The phantom must crawl under the table.
  • Eating an apple hanging on a rope without using your hands
  • Pretend to be a kitten and lap up a saucer of milk
  • Draw a mirror and copy the facial expressions and movements of the one who looks at you.
  • Draw seven different emotions on your face.
  • Say a tongue twister quickly. For example: “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass. Don’t chop wood at the edge of the yard.”
  • Play a fortune teller and predict something funny for the neighbor on the right.
  • Move the coin with your nose across the table to a specific target.
  • Play the melody of any song with your finger on your lip.
  • Sit for exactly a minute with an angry face, and the rest at this time should try to cheer him up by any means.
  • While the presenter reads a well-known and simple poem, the fant duplicates it using sign language translation.
  • Sing a well-known song, and instead of words say only “oink-oink”, “bee-bee”, “quack-quack”, etc.
  • Stuff your mouth with sweets and repeat the phrase “fat-cheeked sweet tooth” five times without laughing.
  • You can depict an animal’s activity, for example, how a cat catches a fly, or how a chicken lays an egg.
  • Jump on one leg, actively wave your arms and seriously shout “I am a butterfly.”
  • There is a lemon and very seriously, without grimacing, talk about how delicious it is.

Any birthday celebration is a ritual, and this especially applies to children. They always look forward to this holiday, prepare for it, order gifts, invite friends to visit, and help set the table. But how can you ensure that your child is not disappointed in the event he was so looking forward to? So that the holiday leaves only the most vivid memories? After all, a birthday is always an active, noisy and fun pastime, at which dancing, competitions and games must certainly be organized. Playing forfeits for children's birthdays is one of the best options.

Old version. The word phant itself is borrowed from the German language and literally means “collateral.” This wonderful game was first mentioned in the 19th century (for example, Anna Petrovna Kern wrote about it in her memoirs), and its essence is as follows: each participant puts on a plate (or in a bag, whichever is more convenient for you) some small object that belongs to him. This could be a chain with a pendant or a hair clip, lipstick, keys, a small notebook, a keychain, and so on. The presenter must turn away at this moment: he is not supposed to know who owns what item. Then the presenter takes these items one by one, shows them to everyone, and assigns a task that the owner who appears must complete in order to get his property back.

These tasks, as a rule, are simple and humorous, but you can find some benefit in them: the child learns not to be shy about speaking in front of an audience and at the same time develops some of his skills, for example, singing, dancing, reading poetry, and so on.

Second option. This version of the game - the very first, original one - has survived to this day, but others have appeared where neither the leader nor the items pledged are needed. For example: the participants in the game come up with assignments themselves, write them down on pieces of paper, and then the pieces of paper are mixed in a bag, and everyone pulls out an assignment, a “fanta.”

There is another version of the game- for the most desperate, perhaps. In it, participants cast lots, for example, tossing a die, and the one who gets the smallest number must complete the tasks of all other participants in the game. In the next round, accordingly, this person no longer casts lots.

There are a huge number of options for playing forfeits: for children and adults, comic and serious, simple and complex, more or less popular and some especially interesting and unusual ones. Let's look at the options that will be most successful at celebrating a child's birthday.

Is it worth buying the game?

Of course, if there is no time, opportunity and desire, then there is nothing wrong with buying a ready-made game and selecting acceptable forfeits from it. But it is much more interesting to do those tasks that are suitable for the age of the children. You can make them according to the theme of your holiday: on one side there is a picture of Angry Birds, Batman or the princess from Frozen, on the other side there is a task. You can decorate them with stickers or design them as pirate birthday scrolls, or wrap them in lucky stars. There are endless possibilities when you make them yourself.

And the tasks that I may have prepared for you.

Print themed forfeits

I have prepared several of the most popular heroic forfeits among children: ninjago, batman, ninja turtles forfeits. You can save and print them for free. On one side of the sheet you print the “cover”, on the other side of the task. Don't forget to uncheck the "image to frame size" checkbox when sending for printing. Pictures enlarge by clicking. You can print it on thick paper or plain paper, and then stick it on cardboard for strength if necessary.

Funny and cheerful forfeits

When coming up with funny forfeits for participants, it is important not to go too far: no one should leave offended or upset that others laughed at him. If a child refuses to complete some task, do not insist and choose another “forfeit” for him.

So, what funny and fun tasks can you ask participants to do?

Crow loudly (meow, bark, grunt - there are a lot of options);
jump around the table holding a balloon between your knees;
also with a balloon: sit on it so that it bursts;
do ten squats while holding your ears with your fingers and sticking out your tongue;
pronounce your name backwards (for example, Polina - Anilop, Maxim - Miskam);
talk like a robot for five minutes, answering questions from other players;
portray a capricious baby who begs his mother for candy in a supermarket;
hide somewhere (under a table, in a closet, etc.) and sit there for five minutes.

Creative forfeits

Their presence will be especially useful if children are gathered around the table, studying in some creative circles and studios, dreaming of becoming artists, musicians, singers or painters. After all, not everyone dreams of becoming an astronaut and a veterinarian, right?

Options for creative forfeits:

Sing a song (ideally, if it is the birthday boy’s favorite song);
dance, in the middle of the dance inviting the birthday boy to dance;
recite a poem by heart;
draw a portrait of the birthday boy (or one of the other guests);
make up a fairy tale on the fly and tell it
the same thing, only you need to compose a poem.

Developmental forfeits

Combine business with pleasure: some forfeits may well be not only funny, but also educational. Here are some examples:

Depict some mysterious object without words (based on the principle of the game “Crocodile”);
tell us a little about yourself (like at an interview);
tell a little about each of the players, paying special attention to their good qualities;
pronounce a tongue twister three times in a row quickly and without errors;
pick up any item in the room and “sell” it to the birthday person, praising its beneficial properties and positive qualities;
interview the hero of the occasion.

This, of course, is only a small part of the tasks that can be used to play forfeits. You can come up with tasks and write them down on cards in advance, or you can make them up as you go along. The larger and more creative the company is, the more interesting and unusual tasks they can come up with, and the more exciting the holiday will be.

If you know any other interesting options for tasks, share them in the comments.