Urological reception center. Clinic of Urology and Andrology. Our phone numbers for registration

Basic principles of work of the urology clinic "Logon - As"

The Logon-As Urology Clinic is based on the following principles:

1. High quality and reliable. You receive treatment using modern and reliable diagnostic methods: ultrasound, laboratory diagnostics, DNA diagnostics.
2. Safe. You receive treatment from doctors of the highest category, who annually improve their qualifications in the best training centers in Russia and Europe.

3. Individual approach. You have a free consultation with specialists and receive an accurate diagnosis. You will be given an individual comprehensive treatment plan, which includes successive stages of getting rid of the disease, time and financial costs to obtain an excellent result.

4. Honest and open.

You are offered not only competent and effective treatment, but also the most economical one. No unnecessary tests and studies, no expensive treatment without good reason.

Making an appointment at our urology clinic is the right decision

Why is it correct? If such a thought arises, then there are reasons for it. In most cases, contacting a urologist is not done immediately, but with a delay. And in vain, because prolonging the disease threatens complications. Even in the case when the suspicions were not justified, it turns out that you worried for a long time in vain.

In addition, all concerns and fears will quickly dissipate as soon as you talk to your doctor. After all, today there are many modern ways to treat any disease, the main thing is to come and find out everything. At the Logon-As urology clinic, accurate DNA diagnostics are performed, our doctors conduct examinations and treat patients quickly, painlessly and with very good results. Urologists at our Logon-As clinic have the necessary experience and qualifications to treat all urological diseases - both male and female.

Urology clinic "Logon - As" will relieve any urological diseases:

Acute and chronic diseases of the urinary system

We treat both male and female urological diseases, as well as general ones (urolithiasis, renal colic). Treatment of urological diseases in men is one of the key areas of work at the Logon Clinic. Treatment of all diseases is carried out according to the best methods recommended over the years and experience using the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods.

Male diseases associated with urology with a guarantee of a positive result. These are diseases such as:

  • sexually transmitted diseases (result guarantee)
  • prostatitis, prostate adenoma (prostate gland)
  • urethritis (urethra)
  • cystitis (bladder)
  • balanoposthitis (head and inner layer of foreskin)
  • orchitis (testicle)
  • epididymitis (epididymis)
  • male infertility
  • restoration of potency
  • male infertility (couple management)
  • sexology and sexopathology (solving problems of sexual disorders) anonymously.

Female urological diseases:

  • vaginitis (vaginal mucosa)
  • cystitis (bladder)
  • urethritis (urethra)

Don't hesitate to worry about your own health! Of course, treatment of urological diseases is carried out anonymously. Get started with a free phone consultation or schedule an appointment. The examination will not take much time, and we are ready to agree on a schedule convenient for you. A professional approach, attentive doctors and cozy rooms will make your treatment not only effective, but also as comfortable as possible.

Urology Clinic "Logon-As" is a professional approach to the treatment of urological diseases

How is an appointment at the Logon-As urology clinic:

Step 1. Initial consultation.The doctor will listen carefully to all your complaints, you will get a general idea of ​​your disease, and find out exactly what tests you need to take to make an accurate diagnosis.

Step 2. Every diagnosis is proven.Your diagnosis will be made on the basis of the most modern and accurate diagnostic methods: ultrasound, laboratory tests, etc. as necessary.

Step 3.Individual treatment plan.After receiving the research results, you will be informed in detail about the disease and an effective treatment plan will be outlined. Every step on the path to health you will go through under the sensitive and attentive supervision of your doctor.

Step 4. Preventive examination.Having completed treatment according to plan, you will be convinced of the final recovery from the disease, and will receive recommendations on maintaining a positive result and preventive measures.

A doctor who diagnoses, treats and prevents diseases of the urinary system of men and women, as well as the male reproductive system.


A specialist combining two medical profiles. She treats the genitourinary and reproductive systems in men.


A urologist surgeon performs surgical operations on boys and men, such as circumcision of the foreskin, frenuloplasty for congenital malformations, penis enlargement, removal of foreign bodies, removal of benign tumors and foreign bodies of the external genitalia, genital warts, etc.

On our portal you can choose a urologist, urologist-andrologist from the best clinics in Moscow and make an appointment with him via the Internet or by phone. Doctors' profiles with information about their work experience, education, as well as patient reviews will help you find a good doctor.

Popular questions about urologist

What is urology?

Urology is a field of medicine that combines several borderline specializations. In modern medicine, a urologist is often a specialist in related disciplines - andrology, gynecology, pediatrics. By specialty, urology is divided into male, female, pediatric and geriatric (for elderly patients).

Male urology (andrology) specializes in the treatment of diseases such as male infertility, inflammation of the prostate gland (prostatitis), inflammation of the bladder, kidneys, urethra, urolithiasis, as well as sexually transmitted infections (ureaplasmosis, genital herpes, mycoplasma, gardnerellosis , chlamydia, etc.).

Female urology (urogynecology) deals with the diagnosis and treatment of inflammation of the external and internal genital organs, bladder, kidneys, urethra, urolithiasis, as well as sexually transmitted diseases (mycoplasma, genital herpes, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, gardnerellosis, etc.).

When is it necessary to consult a urologist?

Adults can suffer from almost any of the diseases and abnormalities listed above, including cryptorchidism, if these problems were not resolved in childhood. An adult should visit a urologist in case of painful sensations when urinating, too frequent feeling of a full bladder even with a small amount of accumulated urine, frequently repeated urinary retention, cloudy or sharply changed color urine, any foreign discharge during urination, if prostatitis is suspected, pain in lower abdomen.

Where to find a good urologist (where do urologists work)?

I am looking for a urologist, please recommend a professional in Moscow.

You can look at patient reviews of urologists and choose the right doctor. It is also worth paying attention to the education and work experience of the doctor indicated in the application form.

I need a specialist, tell me which urologist to contact (where to go)?

If you need a good urologist, look for a doctor on the site. Choose a doctor based on the rating, and also read reviews from verified patients.

Which urology clinic should I go to?

Choosing a good clinic is as difficult as choosing a specialist. On our website you can find the best urology center based on patient reviews and clinic ratings.

What is included in an appointment with a urologist?

Consultation with a specialist necessarily includes the collection of complaints and anamnesis (medical history) for pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract. Next, a visual examination, palpation (feeling), percussion (tapping) for pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract, and general thermometry are carried out.

How to prepare for an appointment with a urologist?

Preparing for a consultation with a urologist is somewhat different for men and women.

For the female sex, it is necessary to perform all the manipulations that are performed when visiting a gynecologist, plus exclude douching and sexual intercourse.

For men, an appointment with a urologist involves palpation of the prostate through the rectum, so in addition to hygiene of the external genitalia, you should give a cleansing enema or take a laxative, and also avoid sexual intercourse 2 days before visiting the doctor.

For both men and women, 2 hours before visiting the doctor you should refrain from urinating - this will allow, if necessary, to take the necessary tests and conduct an ultrasound of the bladder.

How does recording via DocDoc work?

You can make an appointment with a urologist online or by phone. You can find information and reviews about doctors on the DocDoc website or check the necessary information with the operator over the phone.

Note! The information on the page is provided for informational purposes only. To prescribe treatment, consult your doctor.

21.03.19 17:15:55

+2.0 Excellent

Dear readers of the site, this year I turned 79 years old. Until 2017, I did not suffer from any serious illnesses, except for seasonal acute respiratory infections (occasionally) and minor injuries. Therefore, I also visited clinics only occasionally on an “outpatient basis” (in connection with industrial medical examinations, dressing injuries or dental treatment). But in the winter of 2017, I began to experience shortness of breath, and in May 2018, a general analysis showed a hemoglobin level in the blood of 54 g/l (with the norm being 130-160 g/l), which could be a manifestation of dangerous (3rd) degree iron deficiency anemia. By taking iron supplements and following an appropriate diet, I managed to increase my hemoglobin level to 102 g/l by August 10, 2018; the shortness of breath disappeared, but then its level began to fall again, dropping to 77 g/l by December 13, 2018. Attacks of constipation, vomiting, diarrhea and dizziness began. During the next attack on the evening of 01/07/2019, in a semi-fainting state, an ambulance took me to the Naberezhnye Chelny emergency hospital (at my place of residence), which works around the clock. After an X-ray and MRI, the surgeons of the diagnostic department suggested that I had cancer in the right-sided ascending and transverse branches of the large intestine (colon) and in the sigmoid part of its left-sided descending branch. I was offered immediate (the very next day) extensive surgery to remove these sections of the colon. Having contacted my son in Moscow via cell phone, I decided to undergo this operation in the capital. In the morning he flew to Naberezhnye Chelny. I was discharged from the emergency hospital, and in the evening we were already at his house (in Moscow). 01/09/2019 we contacted the University Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. Sechenov I.M. in KKMH, in which I (with a clinical picture of intestinal obstruction) was hospitalized in the coloproctology department for examination and treatment. My attending physician was an oncologist surgeon of the highest category in minimally invasive surgery (with 21 years of experience) Valery Mikhailovich Nekoval. He, primarily to relieve pain and temporarily improve intestinal patency, after the necessary examinations, proposed a bloodless operation to stent a tumor in the sigmoid colon. Starting from this operation under general anesthesia on January 11, 2019, my suffering stopped and all further treatment at Clinical Hospital No. 2 was quite comfortable (according to my feelings). Taking into account my advanced age, a council of doctors decided on the need to hospitalize me on January 16, 2019 “to the cardiology department for examination of a cardiac disease in order to assess the probable risks from the cardiovascular system.” After thorough laboratory and high-tech examinations, according to the conclusion dated January 23, 2019, by cardiologists (attending physician A. A. Timofeeva and M. R. Skhirtladze, head of the department) “... there are no absolute contraindications for the operation from the cardiac condition...”; “...a repeated oncological consultation was held and a decision was made to perform radical surgical treatment.” As stated in the discharge summary: “Operation was performed: 02/08/2019 combined laparoscopic-assisted intervention: anterior rectal resection with LAE D 3, right hemicolectomy with LAE D 3...” That is, the colon affected by cancer (2/3 of the total length) was removed (including its right ascending and sigmoid left descending parts); the remaining healthy parts are connected in series to the end of the small intestine, to each other and to the rectum. (This scheme allows you to maintain the normal functioning of the entire human gastrointestinal tract without installing any artificial channels or openings for feces removal). This treatment regimen for colon cancer has been known in the world for decades. But only the use of the most modern high-tech medical equipment, the golden hands and scientific knowledge of the most experienced surgeons of the Department of Coloproctology and Minimally Invasive Surgery of the Moscow State Medical University clinic named after. Sechenov allows her team of operating personnel to carry out such a complex (more than three-hour) operation through just a five-centimeter vertical incision above the belly button and four small punctures that completely disappear after healing. This method, compared to traditional opening of the abdominal cavity, allows (by orders of magnitude) to reduce blood loss, the risk of fatal inflammation of the abdominal organs (peritonitis), eliminate pain during the patient’s recovery period and the aesthetics of the skin of his abdomen after treatment. As stated above, such a minimally invasive operation was performed on me on 02/08/2019. And already on 03/08/2019 I celebrated with my family (at my son’s house) with subsequent discharge after the holiday in order to “... further treatment... continue on an outpatient basis under the supervision of an oncologist, a cardiologist at a local clinic...” (in Naberezhnye Chelny). It goes without saying that what is described (in my amateurish understanding) in this review is the highest modern level of medical care and treatment of patients in the clinic of coloproctology and minimally invasive surgery of Clinical Hospital No. 2 of the First Moscow State Medical University. Sechenov I.M. was achieved and is constantly increasing thanks to the true devotion to the Hippocratic Oath of the Founding Fathers of the University and all generations of their followers. Therefore, I feel a sense of admiration, deepest respect and love for all the scientists, doctors and medical staff who saved me and are saving other patients of KKMH from deadly diseases with their dedicated work, talent, professional skill and highly scientific knowledge. I am eternally grateful to those who performed a unique high-tech, three-hour, complex, minimally invasive operation on me: my attending oncologist of the highest category, Valery Mikhailovich Nekoval; K. M. N, Associate Professor of the Department of Surgery of the MPF, Head. Department of Minimally Invasive Oncology Surgery Sergei Konstantinovich Efetov; K. M. N., associate professor of the department of anesthesiology and resuscitation, head. department of anesthesiology and resuscitation to Vitaly Ivanovich Stamov; to all medical staff of the teams of surgical and anesthesia and intensive care departments.