Toning vitamins for men. The best sports vitamin complexes for men

All existing vitamins and minerals are necessary for both males and females, since the physiological processes occurring in the organisms are the same. But their frequency and intensity are different. Accordingly, the need for vitamins that are involved in these reactions is not the same for men and women. Many pharmacological companies take this important point into account and produce separate vitamin complexes, the composition of which is designed taking into account the physiological needs of the male body. How to choose an optimally balanced product among a wide range of products? Our rating of vitamins for men will help you make your choice.

The best vitamins for men

The best vitamins for men must contain the following beneficial compounds.

  • B vitamins. Participate in the absorption of protein foods and the construction of the muscle frame, the synthesis of sex hormones. Folic acid (vitamin B9) has a beneficial effect on the ability to conceive.
  • Vitamins A and E. Activate the production of the male sex hormone testosterone and, accordingly, maintain potency. They are powerful antioxidants and slow down the aging process.
  • Vitamin C. Another antioxidant that protects cells from the negative effects of free radicals. Vitamin C also eliminates fragility and increases the elasticity of vascular walls, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, heart and vascular diseases. In addition, ascorbic acid improves immunity and prevents frequent respiratory viral infections.
  • Vitamin H (biotin). Responsible for maintaining male beauty - ensures healthy skin and nails, prevents baldness.
  • Lipoic acid (vitamin N). Helps maintain liver health, necessary primarily for men who smoke and those who occasionally drink alcohol.
  • Vitamin D. In a young body, it is synthesized independently, but with age, the production of the vitamin decreases, which is why calcium and phosphorus are less absorbed. The result can be the development of osteoporosis and rapid tooth decay. Complex vitamins for men, which include vitamin D, will help fill vitamin D deficiency and prevent unwanted problems.

Rating of the best vitamins for men

Rating#1 #2 #3
Price532 RUR421 RUR1442 RUR
Complex composition
Effective action Ease of reception Popularity manufacturer Availability in the pharmacy network

The capsules contain:

  • 13 vitamins (A, E, C, D, H, H1, PP, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12);
  • 9 minerals (iodine, copper and manganese, chromium and selenium, iron, magnesium, silicon and zinc);
  • amino acids arginine and methionine;
  • carotenoid betacarotene;
  • bioflavonoids;
  • extracts of ginseng roots and dried garlic.

The therapeutic effect of Wellman vitamins for men is complex. The product is recommended for increased physical and mental stress, deterioration of concentration and memory, and fatigue. The complex also accelerates the body’s recovery after serious illnesses and chemotherapy, helps eliminate dizziness, headaches, tinnitus and other unpleasant symptoms that arise from cerebrovascular accidents (especially in older people).

It is contraindicated to take vitamins in case of increased excitability of the nervous system and sleep disorders, excessive content of vitamins or minerals in the body that are part of the product and hypersensitivity to the components, under the age of 18 years. You cannot take the complex simultaneously with drugs that have a stimulating effect on the nervous system and other vitamins. Rarely, allergic reactions may develop during the use of the product.

Dosage: one capsule per day during or immediately after meals for 20–30 days. If necessary, the course is repeated no earlier than after 1–3 months.

There are no completely similar complexes with identical composition on the pharmaceutical market.

  • An effective multi-component complex - increases performance (easier to wake up in the morning, less fatigue in the evening, activity and vigor throughout the day), helps to recover from severe fatigue, and keeps athletes in good shape.
  • Helps normalize blood pressure during hypotension.
  • The first positive changes are noted within a week after starting treatment.
  • Convenient to take - once a day.
  • Not all patients notice the increase in performance promised by the manufacturer.
  • May cause pressure surges and dizziness.
  • Some people experience nausea and stomach pain, even if taken as directed - with meals.
  • High price - 620 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).

Duovit for men

One of the vitamin complexes for men from a Slovenian pharmaceutical company. The product contains vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12, D, iodine, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese. The drug helps replenish the deficiency of missing vitamins and minerals in the body.

In case of individual intolerance to the components and under the age of 10 years, the drug is contraindicated. In rare cases, hypersensitivity reactions may develop while taking the drug.

Dosage: one tablet per day with meals for a month.

  • Some patients did not feel the surge of energy and the positive effect of the vitamin complex on their well-being.
  • Large tablet size, hard to swallow.
  • Dyes included.

The complex for men contains:

  • 13 vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, E, D, K, H, PP);
  • 9 minerals (magnesium and manganese, iron and copper, zinc, iodine and selenium, chromium, calcium);
  • carotenoids;
  • organic acids;
  • Eleutherococcus extract.

A complex of vitamins and minerals stimulates mental and physical activity, helps maintain normal functioning of the reproductive system.

In case of individual intolerance to the components, hyperfunction of the thyroid gland, increased nervous excitability and sleep disorders, arterial hypertension, the drug should not be taken. In rare cases (in case of intolerance to one of the components), allergic reactions may occur while taking vitamins.

Application: one tablet in the morning, afternoon and evening. The interval between doses should be 4–6 hours. The packaging is designed for a full course of use (20 days).

There are no complete structural analogues.

  • The beneficial components are divided into three different tablets and do not change each other’s bioavailability.
  • Small tablet size.
  • Acceptable cost – 350–370 rubles.
  • Most men did not notice any changes in their well-being after taking it.
  • It’s not very convenient to take - 3 tablets a day.
  • Some people feel nauseous.


The plant-based product contains extracts of maral antlers, eurycoma, yohimbe, ginger, as well as vitamin E, nicotinamide and zinc. The combination of active components stimulates the production of testosterone, improves reproductive function and increases potency. Recommended only for adult men, available in the form of liquid concentrate and capsules.

The only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. In rare cases, allergic reactions may occur while taking the drug.

Application: a dessert spoon of liquid concentrate or a capsule per day for 15 days. The liquid concentrate is diluted in a glass of any liquid (juice, tea, coffee, water). The medicine is taken with meals.

There are no structural analogues.


Significantly improves male sexual function and increases testosterone levels.

  • May cause increased heart rate, confusion, tremors, and increases blood pressure.
  • There was a review that after taking the drug, the patient’s blood pressure suddenly and strongly increased, they had to call an ambulance, and the doctors diagnosed a mini-stroke.
  • High cost - 500–550 rubles (pack of 15 capsules).

Vitamin-mineral complex contains:

  • vitamins – A, E, C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D, K, H;
  • minerals - magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, magnesium, iodine, calcium, selenium, nickel, copper, chromium, molybdenum, nickel, boron, silicon, vanadium.

The product is recommended for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis in men over 50 years of age, after severe long-term infections and complex treatment of chronic diseases. The vitamin complex helps strengthen the immune system, helps prevent the development of age-related diseases - diabetes, osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, heart attack, stroke.

It is contraindicated to take the product if you are intolerant of the components included in the composition. In rare cases, it has side effects, manifested by allergic reactions.

Application: one tablet per day for a month.

There are no complete structural analogues.


  • Improves overall well-being and increases performance.
  • Does not cause adverse reactions.
  • Convenient to use - one tablet per day.


  • Not available everywhere.
  • High cost - about 650 rubles (pack of 30 capsules).


When choosing a vitamin complex, you must take into account your individual needs and characteristics.

  • Age. A young male body (up to 40 years old) needs vitamins A and E, group B. If you have bad habits, you need to pay attention to the presence of lipoic acid in the composition. For men over 40 years old, it is important that the complex, in addition to other vitamins, contains biotin, which supports male beauty and prevents baldness. Those who have celebrated their fiftieth birthday need to buy a product that necessarily contains vitamins B12 and D, since the first is less easily absorbed with age, and the second is synthesized more slowly.
  • Nutritional features. If your diet includes healthy and varied foods, you can choose vitamin complexes with a lower content of vitamins - after all, some of the beneficial compounds enter the body with food. For those who have an unbalanced diet, it is better to give preference to complexes with the maximum content of nutrients.
  • Lifestyle. For athletes, men who lead an active lifestyle or experience constant heavy physical activity, large doses of nutrients are needed.
  • Male characteristics. Men do not require large amounts of iron - an excess of the mineral negatively affects the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. It is better to choose vitamins with the lowest dose of this element. But the need for vitamin E, zinc and selenium in men is higher than in women. These active components increase testosterone production, thereby normalizing reproductive function. In addition, regular intake of these substances helps prevent prostate development.

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of vitamin complexes developed taking into account the physiological characteristics and needs of the male body. Each drug has its own purpose: it increases immunity, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, and increases mental and physical performance. Some drugs can cause tachycardia, increase blood pressure and cause other adverse reactions. Therefore, before purchasing the drug, it is better to consult a general practitioner.

With the modern dynamic rhythm of life, it is very important to maintain an optimal balance of vitamins and minerals in the human body. It is believed that with proper and balanced nutrition, all necessary substances are absorbed, turning into vital energy.

But, in fact, a polluted environment, water, constant snacking and stressful situations take their toll, so it is very important for men to maintain their own health within normal limits. And in autumn and spring, men need vitamins doubly. For this purpose, special vitamin complexes have been developed.

Why are vitamins needed?

Before you start directly choosing a drug, it is important to understand what tasks and problems it should cope with.

There are multivitamins for men that will help eliminate constant fatigue, give energy, improve general condition, affect brain function, help gain muscle mass or cope with sexual problems.

Most often, the composition is based on vitamin B6, which is considered the main source of men's health. It participates in almost all metabolic processes of the body, regulates the functioning of the nervous system, and participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin and all enzyme systems. There is practically no vitamin B6 in plants, which is why vegetarians often experience serious deficiency.

Further, depending on the focus, complex vitamins contain different components that affect the functioning of the body as a whole, improving its performance and level of resistance to viruses and infections.

Top 10 vitamin complexes for men

In order to choose the best vitamins for men, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rating of drugs that are most often chosen by representatives of the stronger sex and recommended by experts:


The company produces many different complexes aimed at improving health and maintaining it. The series for men differs from the rest in that it contains Siberian ginseng and L-carnitine. Thanks to the ideally selected proportions and the principle of separate use of beneficial substances, the likelihood of allergic reactions is reduced to zero.
The drug contains 13 vitamins and minerals, which are especially necessary for men. You need to take 3 capsules per day. It turns out that one package of multivitamins will last for 20 days.
If you take the drug systematically, the following changes will be noticeable:

  1. the body will become more resilient and will be in good shape all the time, which has a positive effect on mood in general;
  2. this is an excellent protection against the negative effects of polluted air, water, harmful products and other factors that do not have the best effect on the human body;
  3. Performance increases significantly, and the desire to work even more appears.


Suitable for men who constantly lead an active lifestyle and take care of themselves. The drug activates all metabolic processes that occur in the body, improves metabolism, increases performance, resistance to stressful situations and harmful environmental influences. In addition, it will relieve fatigue, improve mood and protect the man’s body from the effects of free radicals.

In addition, the optimal selection of the composition guarantees not only an increase in endurance in everyday life, but also the launch of cell regeneration, which will help avoid premature aging.

Also, a complex of vitamins for men will help eliminate malfunctions of the heart and blood vessels, prevent baldness and problems with nails.

The package contains 60 capsules, which are taken 3 times a day.

Vitrum Life

Vitrum Life does not produce a separate complex for the stronger sex, but judging by the reviews of many men, it is quite effective. The preparation contains as many natural nutrients as a young and active person needs for normal life.

In addition, Vitrum Life will help athletes build muscle mass and will have a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, making them flexible and elastic. And according to the latest research in 2017, these multivitamins even prevent the appearance and proliferation of cancer cells.


Refers to the best vitamins, which are based exclusively on natural raw materials. Some experts even classify them as dietary supplements, which are recommended to be taken to improve sexual life and the normal functioning of the male reproductive system.

Thanks to their perfectly selected composition, they contribute to the fact that the body begins to actively secrete the most important hormone - testosterone.

Parity is produced in the form of tablets and drops, so each representative of the stronger sex will be able to choose in which form it is better and more convenient to take the complex.


According to customer reviews, it can be called the best complex, which is used in the off-season: spring and autumn. It perfectly fights asthenia, psychological disorders due to constant stress, relieves headaches and migraines, memory impairment, dizziness and tinnitus.


Good reviews are constantly appearing about Complivit, which has already managed to positively establish itself in the country’s pharmaceutical market.

With constant use of the drug, the following changes are observed:

  • Immunity is significantly improved, which means you will get sick less often;
  • stress and other psychological stress will now be perceived several times easier;
  • if you have vision problems at the initial stage, Complivit will help get rid of them;
  • Multivitamins are also useful for diabetics, since blood sugar levels gradually normalize;
  • the substances that are included in the composition actively combat problems in the intimate sphere and disruptions in reproductive functions.


VIPER is a high-quality effective vitamin complex for men. Vitamins are completely absorbed by the body. They have a beneficial effect on the growth of libido, erection, orgasm, as well as mental and physical abilities in general. Just one tablet a day - and you will be at your best!

VIPER also has a beneficial effect on mental abilities. The remedy is indicated for physical and intellectual fatigue.

Men's Formula

Men's Formula is also one of the drugs that men often choose. This dietary supplement actively affects the speed of metabolic processes, since it contains the ideal proportion of vitamins and minerals.

Men's Formula is intended specifically for men, as it significantly increases potency, sexual desire and enhances sensations during sex.

Pharmamed, the manufacturer of Mens Formula, also produces a complex of useful substances that perfectly calms an overexcited nervous system, increases heart rate, and helps with hypertension. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on sleep, allowing you to get enough sleep.

These vitamins for men are the best for constant recurring headaches and mental stress. We can say that Farmamed is perfect for all office workers, of which there are many in our country.

Penis Kraft Dragees

The new Penis Kraft Dragees complex, consisting of carefully selected natural substances and vital vitamins, minerals and amino acids, is fully adapted to the male body. As a result of taking the drug, sex becomes possible and acquires special brightness (if there are complaints of reduced erection).

Mega Man

GNC "Mega Men" vitamins are suitable for those who are actively involved in sports, they charge you with vivacity and energy, strengthen the body and increase performance. Vitamins support the brain under stress and strain. Supports men's health and improves reproductive function. Contains minerals and antioxidants for heart and vascular health.

There are 120 tablets in a package.


Centrum contains 24 beneficial substances that improve the functioning of the nervous system and also affect the heart and blood vessels. When taken systematically, the immune system is strengthened and vision is normalized.

The package contains 30 tablets.

Vitiron Suscaps

Our list ends with the Vitiron Suscaps complex, which is not as widely known as the drugs described above. But this does not mean that it is less effective. It includes 11 vitamins, 10 minerals and 3 trace elements. The peculiarity of Vitiron is that all its components are perfectly absorbed by the body and almost never cause allergies.

Vitamins are prescribed for constant stress, vitamin deficiency, systematic severe physical activity and decreased performance, as well as after treatment with antibiotics, to replenish lost strength.

By taking Vitiron Suscaps, you will improve the functioning of your immune system, which means you will get sick less often; The tone of the whole body and mood will increase.

Now, based on the information received, you can easily understand which vitamins are best suited to solve your main problems, and what to pay attention to first.

But, although such complexes are of great benefit, when choosing, it is better to consult a doctor.

It is believed that good nutrition fully compensates for the human body’s need for all essential vitamins. But there are situations when you cannot do without vitamin preparations to replenish valuable elements in the body. The best vitamins for men - the 2016 rating, compiled for our readers, will help the stronger sex choose the optimal complex of valuable elements.

We remind you that the information offered to readers in the article is for informational purposes only. There are many vitamins on the market. To choose the right vitamin complex, you need to consult a doctor.

Price 3500 rubles

"Lamin Vision" consists of natural ingredients. This vitamin complex includes L-carnitine, Paraguayan tea leaves, Eleutherococcus root, pollen and vitamin C.

This is one of the best vitamin complexes developed for the stronger sex. It stimulates physical and mental abilities and helps to cope with stressful situations.

A significant drawback is the high price.

The average price of the complex (60 gelatin capsules) is 3,500 rubles.

Price 2300 rubles

Orange Triad Controlled Labs– in 9th place in the list of the best vitamins for men. The drug is aimed at strengthening the immune system, improving digestion, increasing tone and supporting joints.

The vitamin complex includes all the necessary vitamins and microelements in optimal proportions.

The average cost of the drug (270 tablets) is 2,300 rubles.

Price 550-600 rubles

Vitamins Wellman "capsules"– in 8th place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men in 2016. "Velmen" contains 9 vitamins and 10 minerals. The complex stimulates mental and physical activity, improves metabolism, increases body tone and resistance to colds.

The average price of the drug (30 capsules) is 550-600 rubles.

Price 270-350 rubles

It is in 7th place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men. The daily dose of the drug completely satisfies the body in vitamins and microelements. "Oligovit" is used to strengthen and maintain the immune system during periods of heavy physical and mental stress, and with regular exercise. There is no special “male” version of the Oligovit vitamin complex.

The average price of the drug (30 tablets) is 270-350 rubles.

Price 1500 rubles

In 6th place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men in 2016 is. The drug includes 11 vitamins, 10 minerals and 3 microelements. The peculiarity of this vitamin complex is the high digestibility of its components.

"Vitiron Suscaps" is indicated for severe stress, vitamin deficiency, increased physical activity, decreased performance, during the period of convalescence and after treatment with antibiotics. The complex of vitamins improves tone and helps to successfully resist colds.

"Vitiron Suscaps" is available in a package containing 30 capsules.

The cost of the drug is 1500 rubles.

Price 570 rubles

Taking 5th place in the ranking is one of the most popular vitamin complexes for men. It contains 24 vitamins and minerals. The drug improves the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, strengthens the immune system and helps normalize vision.

The average price of the drug (30 capsules) is 570 rubles.

Price 450 rubles

– one of the popular vitamin complexes. It is not produced specifically for men, but among the variety of multivitamin complexes from the manufacturer, you can choose a drug that brings maximum effect. Thus, “Vitrum Superstress” will help protect the body during psycho-emotional stress, “Vitrum Life” provides the daily norm of nutrients for young men actively involved in sports, and “Vitrum Memory” is aimed at improving memory and stimulating brain activity in older representatives of the stronger sex.

The average price of the drug (30 tablets) is 450 rubles.

Price 400 rubles

In 3rd place in the ranking of the best vitamins for men in 2016 is. This is a popular complex of useful elements containing the daily requirement of essential minerals and vitamins. "Duovit" helps reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis and anemia, maintains hair, nails and skin in good condition.

The vitamin complex helps in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, prevents premature hair loss, protects against stress, infections and adverse environmental influences.

The average cost of the drug (30 tablets) is 400 rubles.

Man’s formula More than a multivitamin Price 420-500 rubles

Man's formula "More than a multivitamin" from the Pharmamed company - in 2nd place in the ranking of the best vitamin complexes for the stronger sex. It contains 20 vitamins, 11 minerals and 4 medicinal plant extracts.

Man’s formula promotes health, improves immunity and improves vitality. The drug is used for increased physical and mental stress, decreased performance, and frequent colds.

The average price of the drug (30 tablets) is 420-500 rubles.

Price 350-450 rubles

– one of the best and popular vitamin complexes for men. The drug contains all the minerals and vitamins necessary for the male body. It also contains: taurine, carotenoids, L-carnitine and Siberian ginseng.

  • increases the body's endurance and tone;
  • protects against adverse environmental influences;
  • helps improve performance.

AlfaVit contains 13 vitamins and minerals.

The daily dose of the vitamin complex is three tablets. The morning and daily doses of the drug contain tonic additives, and it is not advisable to take them in the evening.

The average price of the drug (60 tablets) is 350-450 rubles.

In modern life, we are subject to frequent stress, which has a negative impact on many processes and events occurring in our lives. For the normal functioning of a man’s body, he needs vitamins and minerals. Unfortunately, they are not supplied with food in full and do not replenish the required supply. That is why every man must take vitamin complexes that are designed taking into account all the needs of his body.

What is the best vitamin complex for men?

  • B vitamins are directly involved in energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system; provide all organs with useful substances; improve testosterone production;
  • vitamin A vital for the functioning of the pelvic organs. Its insufficient amount can lead to pathologies such as male infertility;
  • vitamin C improves the overall volume and quality of a man's sperm, and also affects sperm motility and activity. Its deficiency or complete absence leads to weakened functioning of the genital organs;
  • vitamin E– the so-called vitamin of youth. Rejuvenates a man’s body, strengthens the immune system and prevents the development of pathologies. It also makes the walls of blood vessels stronger, participates in the release of testosterone, promotes the active functioning of the sex glands and improves the level of quality.

Vitamins for men in various situations

In pharmacies you can buy functional vitamin complexes designed exclusively for men. They contain a valuable set of vitamins that are indispensable for solving a specific problem.

  1. Vitamins for sports and physiological stress. Sports vitamins are not suitable for everyone. If physical training lasts several hours a day or a man performs heavy physical work, he should take multivitamins, which promote metabolism and better absorption of nutrients by the body. As a rule, sports vitamins are prescribed for complaints of fatigue, rapid loss of strength during sports or physical work, metabolic disorders and during intense training.
  2. Vitamins for conception. Since a man’s body wears out with age (this is influenced by factors such as natural aging of the body, bad habits, diseases), the ability to conceive weakens. It is for this reason that almost every man is recommended to take special vitamin complexes when planning to conceive. This list includes the following vitamins:
    Vitamin E. improves erection, motility and activity of sperm, prevents their damage;
    Folic acid(vitamin B9). Involved in the formation of sperm cells, promotes better activity and quality of sperm, and also increases the total volume of sperm.
    Ascorbic acid(or vitamin C). Increases immunity, promotes the body's resistance to various colds and infectious diseases, participates in the production of testosterone and is responsible for the quality of seminal fluid.
    Vitamin B 11 increases the total sperm count, treats infertility in men.
    Zinc. Improves prostate functioning and sperm activity. Normalizes potency.
    Selenium. Improves male sexual function, takes part in the production of testosterone. Essential for older men.
  3. Vitamins for fatigue. Fatigue can be either temporary or permanent. A temporary loss of strength can be caused by factors such as a viral disease, a stressful situation, worries, a busy pace of life, and more. In this case, to restore strength, you need to start taking B vitamins, zinc, magnesium, potassium and drugs containing Omega 3 and Omega 6.
  4. Vitamins for energy and vitality. Vitamins for restoring energy are recommended for fatigue and loss of strength. For a boost of energy, take vitamins C, H, B vitamins, as well as magnesium and iron.
  5. Vitamins for metabolic processes. Add omega 3 fatty acids, folic acid, chromium, calcium and B vitamins to your diet.
  6. Vitamins to improve sexual potency. First of all, vitamin E is recommended for you, which
    improves potency, participates in the production of testosterone and normalizes hormonal levels. It is followed by vitamins from group B, as well as C and D, which enhances libido and improves sperm quality.
  7. Vitamins against hair loss. To restore the hair follicle are prescribed
    B vitamins, especially B5. But the most important vitamin that restores hair thickness and growth in men is vitamin H, which ensures the normal rate of metabolic processes in a man’s body and regulates the functioning of the glands that secrete fatty lubricants. If there is a lack of it, the hair first becomes greasy, and then begins to fall out intensively.

The best vitamin and mineral complex for men of all ages

All multivitamins can be divided into several groups:

  • to strengthen bone structure, disease resistance, immunity;
  • to support the cardiovascular system;
  • with hormonal imbalance;
  • to normalize sexual function;
  • for the ability to perform large physiological loads and achieve achievements in sports (help build muscle mass).

Vitamins for men after 30

The male body needs specific vitamins. After 30 years, you need to start monitoring its normal functioning. In particular, it is necessary to maintain hormonal balance and prostate function.

For men over 30, vitamins are prescribed as a preventive measure for various ailments, such as cardiovascular or sexual diseases, and to preserve men’s health.


The main component of the vitamin complex should be B vitamins, because they are simply indispensable for the complete absorption of protein, sperm production and muscle development.

When planning to conceive a healthy baby, future parents are advised to take folic acid. Multivitamins for men must necessarily contain vitamins A, E and F. They are important for normal potency and stimulation of testosterone synthesis. Men who smoke are recommended to take additional lipoic acid.

When choosing a vitamin for men over 30, you should take into account your state of health, existing diseases and the purpose for which they are purchased. For some diseases, for example, problems with blood vessels, the composition should include vitamin C. Indicators such as active hair loss and brittle nails indicate that a person has a lack of vitamin H. If we talk about zinc, it is indispensable for various types of sexual dysfunctions.

Duovit and Velmen are considered the best multivitamins for men over 30.

Vitamins for men after 40 years

Since in such years great changes occur in the male body, caused by changes in hormones, some representatives of the stronger sex begin to notice that they get tired faster. For this reason, doctors recommend that men over 40 years of age take complexes that contain a certain composition of vitamins.


First of all, men over 40 need to choose vitamin complexes that contain vitamin E, which is responsible for normal erection, strengthens blood vessels, stops the aging of the body, improves endurance and gives a surge of strength. No wonder it is called the vitamin of youth.

Vitamin A will be an excellent prevention against cancer. It also improves male libido. Will become indispensable for a man vitamin C, which promotes the renewal of all cells of the body, normalizes blood pressure and lowers the level of bad cholesterol; B vitamins, which give a man a surge of strength and energy, activate brain cells and normalize hormonal levels; vitamin H– a beauty vitamin that helps strengthen hair and nails; vitamin D, necessary for the body to absorb calcium. This is very important, since in men over 40, the bone structure begins to lose its strength.

No less important than vitamins are acids: folic and lipoic, which complement them.

The best multivitamins for men over 40 years old, which have received good reviews from specialists and men who regularly take them, are: Velmen, Alphabet, Duovit, Paritet and Vitrum “Life”.

Vitamins for men after 50 years

After 50, the body increasingly reminds us of its age. This affects your overall well-being. Somehow, increased fatigue, problems with potency and weakening immunity. All this points to one thing: the body needs support in the form of vitamins and minerals. You can compensate for their deficiency with the help of specialized food supplements and multivitamins.


Vitamins for the stronger sex after 50 compensate for their deficiency in case of hypovitaminosis, as they contain the necessary trace elements and minerals. What makes the situation worse is the fact that these important substances are poorly absorbed through food. That is why it is necessary to compensate for their lack in the body with the help of drugs.

After 50 years, most men experience andropause, the syndrome of which is a disruption in the hormonal system and a reduction in testosterone levels. Moreover, for a 50-year-old man, if he often does hard physical work, leads an energetic lifestyle, plays sports and is subject to mental stress, it makes sense to improve his tone and get additional energy by taking vitamin complexes. For general weakening of the body, during the treatment of infectious diseases or for protracted illnesses, medications with vitamins B, A, E, C, D are prescribed.

Names of vitamins for men over 50: Gerovital, Alphabet 50+, Gerimax, VITRUM® CENTURY, Centrum Silver.

The most popular and sought-after vitamins for men's health:

  • Gerimaks Energy– is a dietary supplement. Recommended for therapy and for prevention purposes in cases of vitamin deficiency. The drug should be taken during heavy mental and physiological stress, fatigue, and for the general resistance of the male body during illness.
  • Duovit for men- This is a storehouse of minerals and vitamins necessary for health. The complex improves potency and is prescribed for chronic prostatitis. Duovit is prescribed for various types of loads.
  • Complivit– a source of invaluable vitamins A, C, E and F for health, as well as group B, which are indispensable for men involved in professional sports and leading an energetic lifestyle. A large number of minerals included in it help accelerate metabolic processes, improve hematopoietic functions, and are responsible for the normal functionality of the entire central nervous system. Vitamin series Complivit consists of complexes:

  • Vitrum– supplies the body with all the vitamins it needs, improving its physical capabilities. This complex improves metabolic processes, promotes a surge of strength and vigor, and improves the body’s resistance to all kinds of infections.
  • Vitrum Performance improves attention and memory, ability to concentrate. Relieves stress and fatigue. The drug is prescribed for asthenic syndrome, large physical volumes of work, chronic fatigue, and for recovery after illness.
  • Alphabet for men. Designed with the needs of an adult man in mind. The composition of the medicine includes extracts from medicinal herbs, vitamins and minerals. In general, Alphabet helps maintain male potency, has a general tonic effect on the entire body and helps to better cope with mental and physical stress. In addition, the drug is recommended for maintaining immunity and replenishes the daily need of the male body for vital vitamins.
  • Vitamins Wellmen for men recommended for replenishing the reserves of essential substances in the male body. The drug contains macro and microelements that help maintain the body's performance and its resistance to various diseases. Wellmen vitamins are prescribed during periods of high mental and physical stress, improve the condition of blood vessels and increase their tone, normalize sexual function, improve mobility of joints and the entire musculoskeletal system. This vitamin complex is prescribed during periods of vitamin deficiency, during high emotional stress, overwork, to achieve high performance in sports, to compensate for the lack of vitamins, macro and microelements due to poor nutrition, to recover from illnesses and surgical interventions, and during treatment with antibiotics.

We are so designed that we begin to treat diseases after they have made themselves felt. But this is fundamentally wrong. In order to always stay fit and healthy, you need to prevent diseases and prevent their progression. That is why, depending on the situation, to support the body’s strength and immunity, you need to take specialized vitamin complexes in advance. But how to make a rational choice and which multivitamins are suitable in each specific case?


For preventive purposes, you can choose multivitamin complexes for men, which are available without a doctor’s prescription in almost any pharmacy. In any case, before purchasing a multivitamin complex, you should carefully read the instructions included with it and take into account all contraindications and possible side effects of the drug.

A highly specialized complex affects:
strengthening the bone skeleton;
building muscle mass;
improvement of sexual function;
improving the functionality of blood vessels and the heart;
increased immune strength;
strengthening the tone of the body.

In addition to the highly specialized complex, various complexes for prevention, which should contain:
zinc and selenium;
B vitamins;
calcium and magnesium;
vitamins C, F, D and E.

Every man over 18 years of age should take vitamins for preventive purposes. In this case, compliance with the dosage of the drug is very important, since uncontrolled use can have negative consequences on a man’s health. This is especially true for older men, who often complain of deteriorating health.

In addition to the fact that vitamins must combine everything that is most valuable for the body’s needs, their precise dosage must be observed. Vitamins are essential for a man’s body, but a significant overdose of them can cause irreversible consequences. To prevent this from happening, read the instructions and do not exceed the permissible daily intake of vitamins.

It is known that when taking vitamin C in excess of the norm, bleeding can occur, as it reduces blood clotting. Excessive amounts of vitamin D increase the likelihood of developing kidney stones. Excess vitamin E is fraught with possible problems with the cardiovascular system and can cause disruptions in the entire gastrointestinal tract. Excessive dosage of vitamin A manifests itself through nausea and increased fatigue. An excess of vitamins of the group can cause severe dehydration, cause impaired coordination of movements and cause a chain of allergic reactions.

Cost of drugs:

  • Velmen - from 560 rubles;
  • Alphabet - from 375 rubles;
  • Vitrum - from 464 rubles;
  • Complivit - from 125 rubles;
  • Duovit – from 423 rubles;
  • Oligovit – from 110 rub.

When choosing the best option, you should focus not on the cost of the drug, but on the content of valuable mineral and plant components in it.

The price of the drug is determined based on the popularity of the brand and includes the costs of advertising, delivery and storage. Based on this, one should take into account not the prices of vitamins for men, but the likely benefits that they provide. That is, its effect on sexual function, minimal side effects, the presence of contraindications, the ability to restore physical strength, etc.

What foods should be included in a man's diet?

Products included in a man’s diet must necessarily contain:

glucose, which is required for sperm motility. Glucose is found in bee products and sweet fruits;
zinc, which prevents the occurrence and development of tumors and protects the prostate gland from inflammatory processes. Zinc is found in large quantities in seafood and fish oil;
androsterone, which enhances libido and is responsible for normal potency. Androsterone is found in greens (spinach, watercress, cilantro, arugula);
plays an indispensable role for the male body cellulose, which increases intestinal motor function, thereby improving blood supply to the pelvic organs, namely, the prostate and testicles, which in turn affects the secretion of the hormone testosterone and sperm production. This substance is found in excess in porridges such as rice, buckwheat, pearl barley and millet;
cholesterol in small quantities. This substance is necessary for the production of testosterone. Good cholesterol is found in egg yolks, cottage cheese and pasteurized milk.

Men don't think about their health as long as everything is fine with them. But in vain, because they are much more likely than women to develop pathological conditions such as heart attack and stroke.

This is due not only to lifestyle and increased stress, but also to the structural features of the male body.

Vitamins will help prevent various diseases and painful conditions. Read on to find out what multivitamins men need at different ages and what vitamin complexes to choose.

The role of multivitamin complexes for men

There are a lot of factors that can undermine men's health. However, there are also physiological reasons that explain the fact that women live much longer than men.

Estrogens, which are produced by the female body, increase the elasticity of blood vessels and strengthen their walls, which reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases several times.

The male hormone testosterone does not have this property, which is why representatives of the stronger half of humanity so often suffer from arterial hypertension and heart disease.

To prevent the occurrence of such problems, it is recommended to use and, which have a healing effect on blood vessels and the hematopoietic system, and prevent the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques.

It is not always possible to provide the body with all the necessary vitamins from food alone. Often, a man’s daily diet is rich in proteins and fats, but there are very few minerals and vitamin elements in it. In this case, it makes sense to think about choosing a synthetic multivitamin complex for men.

Additional intake of vitamins for men is indicated in the following cases:

The main indication for taking additional vitamins for men is increased physical activity.

  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • poor and monotonous diet;
  • rehabilitation period after injuries and illnesses;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • working with hazardous substances;
  • elderly age;
  • pregnancy planning;
  • stress and emotional tension;
  • signs of deficiency of vitamins or macro- and microelements.

To choose the right multivitamins for men, you need to know for which vital processes certain vitamin elements are responsible:

Vitamin A (retinol acetate). Necessary for the full synthesis of male sex hormones, as well as for maintaining the optimal condition of the sperm ducts. Ensures the health of the oral mucosa. Normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs, supports the functioning of the bladder.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Helps increase tone, strengthens muscle and connective tissue. Helps the functioning of the thyroid gland and pituitary gland, and also has a positive effect on the condition of the genital organs.

(ascorbic acid). Helps fight loss of strength, weakness and increased fatigue. Increases immunity and improves performance, allowing you to cope with increased physical activity.

Essential for the health of the heart and blood vessels, it is part of complex preventive therapy for certain diseases, for example, prostate adenoma.

It is an excellent means of preventing malignant tumors (cancer) of the prostate.

(calciferol). Helps calcium to be better absorbed in the body, thereby ensuring normal growth and functioning of bone tissue and muscle fibers.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine). Ensures the conduction of nerve impulses and good functioning of the heart muscle. Helps maintain vascular health for a long time. Necessary for good erection and increased sexual desire.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin). Just like thiamine, it is responsible for a man’s sexual activity and ensures good functioning of the genital organs.

(pyridoxine). Increases testosterone levels, normalizes testicular and prostate function.

(cyanocobalamin). Increases desire, promotes energy production and maintains the required level of energy reserves.

Vitamins for men at a young age

Young men under 35 need to get all the nutrients when playing sports and planning pregnancy

Before buying multivitamins for young men, you need to consider several factors: lifestyle, dietary habits, and purposes of use.

For men involved in sports, as well as those working in heavy or hazardous industries, it is best to choose a drug that covers the required amount of vitamins and minerals by 85-100 percent.

It is worth paying attention to the iron content in the complex. This is very important, since an excess of this element can affect the functioning of the heart muscle and even lead to a heart attack and tremors of the limbs (which is fraught with the appearance of a convulsive syndrome).

Men aged 18 to 35 years who plan to have children in the near future should also be very responsible about providing the body with all the necessary elements.

For these purposes, men are prescribed medications that necessarily contain vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin C and zinc.

Multivitamins for men containing zinc ensure good testosterone production, increase the chemical parameters of sperm and increase its quantity. In addition, zinc helps preserve sperm, making them more stable and “tenacious”.

Folic acid is prescribed to both men and women when planning pregnancy. It is necessary to start taking folic acid supplements six months before the expected fertilization.

Multivitamins from 18 to 35 years:

The peculiarity of the AlfaVit for men complex is that it contains L-carotene and ginseng extract

  1. . Contains L-carotene and ginseng (root), they can increase performance, improve overall well-being and increase vitality. They also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive system, increasing sexual activity. All useful elements in this drug are divided into three tablets, which are taken separately from each other.
  2. "Duovit for men." Designed for those who play sports and lead an active lifestyle. Increases performance, promotes the formation and synthesis of energy, and also regulates metabolic processes. The complex contains only the most essential vitamins and minerals for men's health, allowing you to maintain tone and vitality for a long time.
  3. "Vitrum Life". Although this drug does not contain the mark “for men,” it contains exactly as many active ingredients as young men need to maintain health and strengthen the immune system. Thanks to the amino acid content, the drug promotes the development of muscle tissue. In addition, the balanced formula prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors, atherosclerosis and prevents the aging process in the body.

Multivitamins for older men

With age, the body's ability to synthesize and absorb vitamins decreases significantly, so taking special medications becomes a necessary measure to maintain men's health in men over 50 years of age.

In addition, with age-related changes, the sexual activity of men also weakens. This phenomenon is explained by several reasons:

  • general health;
  • presence of urological diseases;
  • stress and nervous tension;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • bad habits.

At the age of 50 years and older, pharmacy vitamins for men are a necessity

Of course, the main factor in maintaining health, including in intimate terms, is a nutritious and varied diet, as well as giving up smoking and drinking alcohol.

But, unfortunately, in the conditions of modern life, not everyone can eat properly and variedly, which is why natural deficiencies of vitamins and minerals are so common in old age.

In such conditions, vitamin preparations are much more than just multivitamins. This is a means to maintain vitality, increase tone and maintain libido at any age.

When choosing a complex for older men, you should pay attention to the presence of a macronutrient such as zinc in the composition of the drug. It is responsible for the quality of intimate life and can significantly improve it, ensuring the preservation of an erection and sexual attraction to the female sex.

Medicines for men over 50 years of age:

Even with a varied diet, it will not be possible to ensure a daily supply of all the substances necessary to maintain life.

Therefore, the best choice for representatives of the stronger half of humanity is to take special complexes containing vitamins and minerals that will allow them to maintain health and remain a man in every sense at any age.