Early ovulation: to be or not to be pregnant? Ovulation is simple and clear. What is the day of ovulation

Normally, the egg is released from the ovary in the middle of the menstrual cycle. If this happens ahead of schedule, observed early ovulation.

What does this term mean?

It is believed that with a 28-day cycle, the release of a mature germ cell develops on the 14th day. This is what happens to most women. However, in some cases, ovulation in a 28-day cycle may occur on the 12th day or even earlier.

Women with this form of cycle disorder have a short follicular phase. This is the time from the start of menstruation to the release of the egg from the ovary. Usually its duration is 12-16 days. During this phase, the egg is protected by the follicle, where it grows and matures.

If the duration of the follicular phase is less than 12 days, early ovulation occurs, and pregnancy is less likely in this case. The egg in such a situation is not fully mature and is not ready for fertilization.

Can such a condition occur normally?

This can happen to any woman. But constant premature rupture of the follicle can cause infertility.

On what day of the cycle does early ovulation occur?

It occurs earlier than the 12th day after the start of menstruation. At 12-16 days, the egg is ready for fertilization with a cycle of 25 days.

Why is this happening

The main reasons for early ovulation:

  • time before the attack;
  • short follicular phase;
  • smoking, alcohol and caffeine abuse;
  • stress;
  • sudden loss or sudden weight gain;
  • early ovulation may occur after discontinuation of OCs (oral contraceptives);
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • a sudden change in normal daily activities;
  • Irregular menstrual cycle caused by gynecological hormonal diseases.

Any hormonal imbalance may disrupt the duration and staging of the menstrual cycle. The maturation of the egg in the ovarian follicle is stimulated by follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and its release is associated with the action of luteinizing hormone (LH). Both of these substances are produced in the pituitary gland under the control of the hypothalamus. A change in the level of these hormones leads to disruption of the ovulatory mechanism.

Premature onset of the ovulatory phase is associated with high level FSH.

A decrease in ovarian activity inevitably occurs with age. At birth, a girl has about 2 million eggs. During each menstrual cycle, hundreds of them die, and only one matures. The exception is hyperovulation, when more than one egg matures in one cycle.

By the age of 30, a woman has lost more than 90% of all eggs. As menopause approaches, the pituitary gland by mechanism feedback begins to secrete more and more FSH to compensate for the lack of ovulating follicles. This leads to menstrual irregularities.

The consequences of constant early ovulation are the release of immature eggs and infertility.

Research shows that smoking causes problems ovulatory cycle and affects female fertility. When a woman smokes more than 20 cigarettes a day, it is almost impossible for a woman to fully mature her egg. The same can be said about the effects of alcohol and caffeine.

Signs and symptoms

To determine premature appearance eggs, you need to track your cycle for at least 3 months. With a 28-day cycle, ovulation should be expected on days 12-16, with a 30-day cycle - on days 13-17.

If a woman soon after her period begins to feel following symptoms, more likely, ovulatory phase she started earlier than usual:

Signs of premature egg release can be monitored by determining the level of LH in the urine using.

How else can you determine early ovulation?

Questions about pregnancy with this condition

Is it possible to get pregnant if you ovulate early?

Yes, it is possible, but the probability of such an event is less than normal. With premature ovulation, an immature egg is released from the follicle. She may not be fertilized or may not develop further. Such an egg is difficult to implant into the wall of the uterus, so even a pregnancy that occurs is terminated early.

Early onset of ovulation is a sign of decreased ovarian reserve capacity. The lower they are due to a woman’s age or illness, the earlier she releases the egg from the follicle.

An ovulation test performed early in pregnancy can measure hCG levels instead of LH levels (these hormones have similar chemical structure), and thus give false information about premature rupture of the follicle and lack of pregnancy.

Another obstacle to pregnancy, e.g. long cycle: a woman expects ovulation in the middle of the cycle, but the release of a mature egg has already occurred a long time ago, and all attempts to get pregnant are unsuccessful.

Can there be a cycle failure after an abortion?

Yes, this happens quite often. You need to wait at least one full cycle after this for ovulatory function to recover.

After a miscarriage, some women consistently ovulate earlier than usual, leading to infertility. This may be due to stress or hormonal imbalance. In this case, you need to consult a doctor.


Most infertility problems in women are caused by ovulation problems. Therefore, before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor and check hormonal background.

First of all, it is recommended to reduce the consumption of alcohol, caffeine and smoking. In addition, it is better to sleep in complete darkness. This helps restore FSH levels, which are responsible for the first phase of the cycle. This is how it is regulated and fixed normal cycle, which facilitates conception and implantation of the embryo.

Other measures to restore reproductive function:

  • complete fortified diet;
  • auto-training techniques to cope with stress;
  • sleep at least 7 hours a day;
  • hardening, physical activity in the fresh air.

Drug treatment includes the prescription of drugs that stimulate the maturation of the egg and its timely release - FSH and LH (Cetrotide). They are administered subcutaneously from the first days of the cycle until the period of normal ovulation. Taking such medications on your own is strictly prohibited.

To normalize ovulation, glucocorticoids are often prescribed, mainly against the background of hyperandrogenism. It is not recommended to suddenly stop taking them. In this case, early ovulation may occur due to Metipred, Prednisolone or other glucocorticoid drugs. Their cancellation can only be carried out by a doctor according to a certain scheme.

If a woman constantly experiences early ovulation on the 8th day of the cycle or a little later, she needs to consult a doctor. This is especially important for short menstrual cycle– 24 days, since the ability to conceive in this case is sharply reduced.

Sometimes, to restore hormonal levels, for example, with, women take various dietary supplements. Their effect on hormone levels is unknown. Therefore, it is impossible to say whether early ovulation can occur from Ovariamine or some similar means.

Independent restoration of timely ovulation is a complex process, which is difficult to influence only on your own. Therefore, all treatment recommendations boil down to general strengthening health, restoration of functions of the neurohumoral system. This should cause the restoration of hormonal levels in physically healthy woman.

The use of progestogens (Duphaston) is aimed at maintaining an already established pregnancy, that is, at stabilizing the second phase of the cycle. Progestins do not affect the first half of this period and cannot cause early ovulation. The same applies to the popular drug Utrozhestan.

Use of Cetrotidna to prevent early ovulation

This process is most dangerous for women who plan to use assisted reproductive technologies. Indeed, with early ovulation, the eggs may be immature, which means their suitability for artificial insemination may decrease.

Cetrotide blocks the action of gonadotropin-releasing factor, secreted by the hypothalamus and stimulating FSH production. Thus, through a chain of chemical reactions, the early discharge FSH, responsible for premature exit eggs. During ovarian stimulation, which serves as an essential part of preparation for pregnancy, early ovulation is a common occurrence. This drug is used to prevent it.

Gonadotropin releasing hormone stimulates the release of LH and FSH from pituitary cells under the influence of estradiol, the content of which increases towards the middle of the cycle. The result is a surge in LH levels, which causes normal ovulation dominant follicle.

The drug is administered subcutaneously. There may be short-term soreness or redness at the injection site. Other side effects include nausea and headache. It should not be used during pregnancy, renal or liver failure, postmenopausal. The drug is dosed individually and is prescribed only an experienced doctor at the Center for Assisted Reproductive Technologies. Independent use of such hormonal drugs can cause a serious malfunction at the level of the hypothalamic-pituitary system.

Ovulation: what is it? in simple words and when it happens

Reproductive period takes up almost half of a woman’s life. It lasts on average from 11-12 years, when a teenage girl has her first menstruation, to 48-50 years, when menopause is established. And all this time, the body patiently, month after month, prepares to accept and nurture the future new person.

“By extracting” more and more follicles from the ovarian reserves, the woman’s body releases eggs from them. This process is called “ovulation”. Let's take a closer look at some points.

  • What is ovulation in girls in simple words
  • How to determine the day of ovulation in women
  • Ovulation test
  • Ovulation stimulation
  • Ovulation period
  • How to determine the day the oocyte leaves the follicle
  • Symptoms

What is ovulation in girls

Ovulation occurs once a month for every female if she:

  • not pregnant;
  • does not breastfeed;
  • has no problems with hormones;
  • does not take birth control pills.

Perhaps the wording of the question is a little incorrect - ovulation occurs not only in young girls, but also in mature women, until the menopause period begins. What is ovulation and when does it occur - a question to which the clearest and most detailed answer will be given by a gynecologist or gynecologist-endocrinologist. How does it manifest itself?

If we touch lightly on the field of biology, the overall process looks like this.

What many consider to be a kind of end of the menstrual cycle - regular bleeding– is actually the beginning of his ovulatory cycle. On the day when the gasket appears bloody issues, indicating the rejection of the endometrial layer that turned out to be “superfluous”, several small - so-called antral - follicles begin to slowly mature. The supply of them in the body of a newborn girl approaches a million, but throughout life it steadily decreases. Most follicles do not reach the maturity stage. Having begun to grow on the first day of a new cycle, they undergo atresia and resolve, with the exception of 1 or 2.

At about 8-9 days, ultrasound already shows 5-10 antral follicles in each ovary. At this point, the dominant one, that is, the largest one, is determined. It is he who is destined to rupture on days 12-14 of the cycle, release an egg and turn into. The process of formation and release of an egg is called ovulation.

This is the most favorable time for, dangerous for those who do not plan to expand their family, and favorable for those who want to become parents.

Early ovulation occurs on days 11-12 of the cycle. comes around 19-20 days. Both cases are not anything different from the norm, because many factors influence the menstrual cycle of women:

  • changing of the living place;
  • stress;
  • any diseases;
  • taking medications;

Sometimes a woman constantly ovulates during these periods. If fertility is preserved and there are no hormonal or sexual diseases, then there is no need to worry: this means that this is the individual norm for this woman.

What is the day of ovulation

The day of ovulation is “day X,” which becomes the beginning of a new life, if it is destined to be born.

In teenage girls, ovulation cycles are not established immediately. If menstruation began early, around age 11, the entire first year may consist of anovulatory cycles. This should not cause concern: the “dance” of hormones has not yet subsided, the body has not adjusted the mechanism by which it will work properly until menopause.

However, this does not mean that young girls You don’t have to worry about the need for contraception: ovulation can happen in any month. Not always (especially at first) and not every girl will be able to feel features ovulation: it does not manifest itself in any way, because it is not a disease, but a natural process, and it can often be tracked only by ultrasound and horse racing basal temperature. But more on that later.

Gynecologists achieve stimulation of ovulation by injecting drugs. hCG appears, which is administered intramuscularly when the follicle has already become dominant, but has not yet reached its maximum. This gives an impulse to the oocyte to mature and break away from the wall of the ovarian follicle. After the injection hCG ovulation occurs in approximately 36-48 hours.

Such an injection can be given to the patient before, so as not to miss the time most suitable for the injection of the husband’s or donor’s sperm.

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How to determine the day of ovulation

Ovulation- This physiological process release of a mature egg from the follicle shell into the area of ​​the fallopian tube.

Follicle- This is the sac in the ovary that contains the egg. At the beginning of the cycle, the ovary almost always normally produces several maturing follicles of approximately the same size. Then, after a few days, one of the follicles becomes dominant - it begins to grow faster than the others. Its size increases gradually from 1 mm to 20 mm. When the follicle reaches its maximum size, an egg emerges from it, that is, ovulation occurs.

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The concept of ovulation is closely related to the female menstrual cycle. The beginning and end of the cycle are counted from ovulation, taking into account that ovulation itself occurs in the middle of the cycle (normally 14 days before the start of menstruation).

Each woman's egg matures and is released approximately 14 days (plus or minus 2 days) before the next menstruation begins. What day will it be from the start date? last menstrual period, depends on the length of the cycle of a particular woman.

Ovulation begins to occur in female body almost from the beginning of puberty, usually in adolescence, from 12-13 years old. Ovulation stops with the onset of menopause.

How does ovulation occur?

Relatively recently, scientists for the first time captured the moment of ovulation on video using modern equipment during an IVF operation. Previously, it was a complete secret, and one could only guess about what was happening in the female body.

It turns out that the ovulation process itself lasts only about 15 minutes. A hole is formed on the wall of the follicle from which the cell emerges. By the way, the egg is the largest cell in the human body.

The photo shows how surgical instruments support the follicle, the arrow points to the emerging egg.

The egg, leaving the ovary, is picked up by the villi fallopian tube, and they direct it towards the uterus and towards the sperm. The egg waits only 24 hours to meet them, and if not a single sperm reaches it, it dies.

If during these 24 hours the sperm merges with the egg, we can say that conception has occurred. As you can see, the moment of ovulation and conception are somewhat different in time.

When does ovulation occur?

In women who do not have chronic inflammatory diseases ovaries and other organs of the reproductive system, on average once a month an egg is released from one ovary into the uterine cavity. In rare cases, ovulation occurs twice in one cycle, from both ovaries several days apart. This is exactly what happens multiple pregnancies, in which babies are of different sexes.

Does ovulation occur monthly?

Girls are born with a certain supply of eggs, which are used up with each ovulation. At birth, there is a reserve of about 400 thousand eggs. When their number comes to an end, menopause occurs.

On average, ovulation occurs monthly, in each menstrual cycle. Sometimes it happens that out of 12 cycles in a year, one or 2 will be anovulatory, that is, without ovulation. This is normal and cannot be treated. This process has nothing to do with age. In women with healthy reproductive system, the release of an egg from the follicle occurs every month and in most cases without any special failures. But with age, there are fewer and fewer eggs, and over the age of 45, ovulation may occur with a break of 2-3 months.

What day should I expect ovulation?

It is believed that on average, ovulation occurs on days 12-15 of the menstrual cycle. To set the date as accurately as possible, you need to keep a special calendar. This is an approximate method because there is some difficulty in calculating ovulation using the calendar method. If you have a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs around day 14 of your cycle. If your cycle is 32 days - on the 18th day of the cycle, and so on.

But if a woman irregular cycle, then its length changes each time, for example, from 30 to 40 days, and it is no longer possible to calculate ovulation in this way.

Sometimes the basal temperature method is used to calculate the onset of ovulation. With absence inflammatory processes, it should be stable every day, and before ovulation, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, it decreases by 0.1 or 0.2 degrees. This indicates that the egg has already been formed and is ready to be released from the follicle. Then the temperature rises sharply and remains within 37.0 - 37.3° until the next menstruation. This temperature dip indicates the onset of ovulation.

Signs of ovulation

Many women feel that ovulation is approaching due to certain signs that are associated with changes in hormonal levels. These include:

  • Pain in one side of the abdomen(associated with stretching of the ovarian capsule before ovulation and rupture of the capsule during ovulation). There may be pain different intensity, but mostly pulling, sometimes radiating to the lower back. After ovulation, the pain goes away completely. If the pain in the middle of the cycle is very strong and radiates to the rectum, then this may be a symptom of ovarian apoplexy, and similar condition requires medical intervention.
  • Change in the nature of discharge. In the first half of the cycle, leucorrhoea is practically absent, but closer to the middle of the cycle they begin to appear. The peculiarity is that the discharge during ovulation becomes abundant and viscous. However, in a healthy woman they are completely transparent. During an examination, a gynecologist can guess the day of ovulation, as he sees a “pupil symptom” - an accumulation of mucus in the cervical canal.
  • Increased sex drive. This natural reaction, as the body adjusts to pregnancy. A woman on a subconscious level becomes more attractive to men.

How to determine ovulation?

In order to obtain the most accurate information about the movement of the egg through the fallopian tubes, you should, of course, contact a gynecologist. It has everything you need medical equipment, allowing you to fully explore all female reproductive organs. It is also possible to determine this process at home, but to do this you will need to use the following methods:

  • use the above basal measurement temperature, a deviation of even half a degree indicates that inside the uterus there is a healthy egg waiting in the wings;
  • buy at a pharmacy ovulation test, which works on exactly the same principle as pregnancy detection strips. At positive result test ovulation will begin in 16 - 26 hours;
  • regularly count 14 days from last date menstruation, after which the probability of ovulation occurring is extremely high;
  • listen to the signs of your body, because in 85% of women, during the period of movement of the egg into the uterine cavity, hormonal levels sharply increase, and nagging pain in one of the ovaries and intensifies sexual desire To opposite sex(if you mark such days every month, you can eventually track the pattern that a similar state of the body falls on the same dates, which are essentially the days of ovulation).
  • Ultrasound allows you to visually evaluate processes, occurring in the ovaries. This method is used quite often to identify signs of ovulation. It's called folliculometry.
  • Microscopic examination of saliva to determine ovulation. The changes that occur during ovulation affect the entire body. The microscopic method is based on identifying the “fern” pattern when examining saliva. You can also use the discharge during ovulation, which at this point becomes more viscous and thick.

Having this information, the woman, having spent a small amount of time, will be able to independently determine the cycle of passage of a mature egg and plan long-awaited pregnancy, or avoid unwanted conception.


ON A NOTE! They can even provoke premature physical exercise. For example, if a woman lifts heavy objects or intensifies her workouts in the gym.


You can recognize the process of leaving the follicle by characteristic features . In some women, the symptoms are mild, while in others they cause significant discomfort. The asymptomatic ovulatory period occurs only in rare cases.

The main signs of the ovulatory period:

  • nagging or aching pain of varying intensity;
  • , reminiscent of egg white;
  • pain in the area and;
  • general weak state(headaches, mood swings);
  • increased sexual desire.

If indicated symptoms appeared, this means that a process of release has occurred in the woman’s body. The assumptions can be confirmed, which when ovulatory period definitely increases.

REFERENCE! Symptoms depend on general condition woman's health. If the body is weakened or constantly exposed to negative factors, That

The question of what ovulation is is usually asked only by women planning a pregnancy.

And for good reason, because understanding this process is simply necessary for quick conception, if you are serious about getting pregnant. Based on fragments of knowledge about ovulation and certain “favorable days,” it might seem to you that this is a very complex science. But we will now prove that everything is much simpler and more interesting than it seems at first glance.

About ovulation, simple and clear

From birth, the ovaries of a girl, and then a woman, contain about a million eggs. Not all eggs survive to puberty, but those that are mature are quite capable of fulfilling their purpose. main responsibility– formation of a new human organism.

But only a few eggs succeed in fulfilling their functions. From the moment a girl begins her first menstruation, every month one of these eggs matures and is released from the ovary.

Essentially, ovulation is the release of a mature egg from the ovary, somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycle (normally 14 days before the start of menstruation). Naturally, ovulation does not occur during pregnancy.

There is a special day in every woman's menstrual cycle when... highest probability getting pregnant is the day of ovulation.

Ovulation occurs once a month, and the egg lives for about 24 hours. Ovulation itself is like a small explosion, when a mature follicle bursts in the ovary and the egg is released. Everything happens very quickly, within a few minutes.

Now the task of the egg is to meet with the sperm within 24 hours for the conception of a child to occur. If a meeting with a sperm occurs, the fertilized cell passes through fallopian tube, and is introduced into the uterus. As a result of this process comes. If for some reason pregnancy does not occur, then menstruation occurs and the egg is released from the body.

In very rare cases, ovulation can occur 2 times a month, but at approximately the same time, with an interval between the first and second of no more than 2 days. It is during this short period of time that conception is possible. Without ovulation, conception is impossible.

Therefore, to successfully plan a pregnancy, you need to have a good understanding of ovulation issues and be able to calculate days favorable for conception.

How to seize the moment?

Each woman's egg matures and is released approximately 14 days (plus or minus 2 days) before the next menstruation begins. And what day it will be from the date of the start of the last menstruation depends on the length of the cycle of a particular woman.

This is where all the complexity of calculating ovulation using the calendar method lies. If you have a 28-day cycle, ovulation occurs around day 14 of your cycle. If your cycle is 32 days - on the 18th day of the cycle, and so on.

Based on this knowledge, you can calculate the date of ovulation using. But, if a woman has an irregular cycle, then its length changes each time, for example, from 30 to 40 days, and it is almost impossible to calculate ovulation in this way. That’s why they came up with ovulation tests and the basal temperature method, which help in realizing our maternal destiny. But more on that later.

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There are terms such as early and late ovulation.

If the egg is released, for example, on the 12th day instead of the 14th day of the menstrual cycle, then this ovulation is early. Therefore, late ovulation is when the egg is released later than the middle of the cycle. There are several reasons for such phenomena:

  • Irregular periods
  • Hormonal disbalance
  • Postpartum period
  • Regular stress
  • Post-abortion
  • Gynecological diseases
  • Premenopausal period in women over 40 years of age.

How does ovulation occur?

Just recently, scientists for the first time captured the moment of ovulation on video during an IVF operation. Previously, it was a mystery, shrouded in darkness, and one could only guess about what was happening in the female body.

The process only takes about 15 minutes. A hole forms on the wall of the follicle, resembling a wound, from which a small cell emerges. It is small and invisible to our eyes, but in fact it is the largest cell in the human body.

Some women are able to feel ovulation. They notice some dull or stabbing pain that is growing, which is barely noticeable if you don’t pay attention to it. Then a fairly sudden cessation of pain occurs - this means that ovulation has occurred.

The egg, leaving the ovary, is picked up by the villi of the fallopian tube, and they direct it towards the uterus and towards the sperm. The egg waits only 24 hours to meet them, and if not a single sperm reaches it, it dies.

If during these 24 hours the sperm merges with the egg, we can say that conception has occurred. As you can see, the moment of ovulation and conception are somewhat different in time.

Signs of ovulation

As already mentioned, some women feel pain in the ovary at the time of ovulation. It is difficult to tell whether this pain is caused by a burst follicle or simply tension in the ovarian area. According to doctors, ovulation cannot be felt, since the follicle does not contain nerve endings.

But it can definitely be said that the ovulation process is controlled by sex hormones, which affect emotional condition women and even her body temperature.

A day or two before ovulation, the level of the hormone estrogen in the blood rises sharply, due to which a strong emotional and physical uplift is felt, and the feeling of sexuality and self-confidence increases. This hormone also helps increase vaginal discharge - cervical mucus, which becomes thinner and clearer.

All this is not in vain, because these days are the most favorable conditions for conception. Ovulation has not yet occurred, but the sperm has just enough time to reach the location of the egg after it is released from the ovary. And cervical fluid has a composition that helps sperm reach their destination and remain active longer.

The hormone estrogen also affects basal body temperature, which is measured in a state of complete rest immediately after waking up in the rectum, vagina or mouth. Only with this measurement method can you see how the temperature before ovulation, under the influence of the hormone estrogen, decreases by 0.1 or 0.2 degrees.

At the very moment of ovulation, the temperature usually returns to its previous level, but the next day it increases significantly by several tenths of a degree. It is on this principle that the method of determining ovulation by basal temperature is based.

To summarize, the following signs of ovulation can be identified:

  • Pain in the ovarian area (doubtful sign)
  • Improved mood, increased activity and sexual desire
  • Liquid, copious and clear discharge
  • Decrease in basal temperature

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Methods for determining ovulation

There are several ways to determine ovulation.

Let's look at each of them.

1 Calendar method used for stable menstrual cycle. Any girl can do the counting herself. With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation will occur on days 13–16. If the cycle length is 30 days, then on days 14–17.

2 Also, with determining the time of ovulation, it can help determine Ultrasound – ultrasound diagnostics.

To do this, it is necessary to observe the process of maturation of the follicle in the ovary, from which the egg will subsequently be released. At least three ultrasounds will be required, but it will be worth it. At the beginning of the cycle, several follicles of approximately the same size are visible in a woman’s ovary. A follicle is a sac in the ovary that contains an egg.

Then one of the follicles begins to grow and it becomes clear that it is from this follicle that ovulation will occur. Its size increases gradually from 1 mm to 20 mm. When the follicle reaches its maximum size, the doctor concludes imminent arrival ovulation and sends the woman home.

A few days later she visits the ultrasound room again, and if the follicle is no longer there, then it has burst and an egg has been released from it. In other words, ovulation has occurred.

3 There is also traditional method calculating ovulation - maintaining a basal temperature calendar.

Every day, as soon as the girl wakes up in the morning, measure the temperature in the rectum (insert a thermometer there).

Typically, the temperature at the end of menstruation stays at 36.6 - 36.9°, before ovulation it drops slightly, then rises sharply and remains between 37.0 - 37.3° until the next menstruation.

4 Most women use rapid tests, which are freely sold in pharmacies. Such tests react to the content of a special luteinizing hormone in a woman’s urine.

If the test result is positive, ovulation will begin within 16 to 26 hours.

Method for determining the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in urine.

The very peak of estrogen that occurs in favorable days before ovulation, provokes the release of this hormone. Thanks to it, the follicle ruptures and the egg is released.

LH is detected in a woman’s urine 1-2 days before ovulation, and it is on its detection that the pharmacy ovulation test is based.

It should be done daily for several days, approximately in the middle of the cycle. It is important not to miss the moment when LH levels are highest.

This can be judged by the very bright 2nd line on the test. After this point, ovulation will occur in 1-2 days.

To achieve success in determining ovulation, it is not at all necessary to conduct several ultrasounds every month or endlessly buy tests. There is one plus to all this - every woman ovulates at approximately the same time in the cycle.