Subtle pink discharge during pregnancy. Discharge in the early stages. Pink discharge during pregnancy is not a reason to panic

A pregnant woman has many fears associated with her special situation. Some will call it suspiciousness, and others will call it excessive concern for their future baby.

And both sides will be right. After all, any deviation from the norm (and this includes strange discharge and nagging pain) can be threat to the baby's life.

Like, for example, this pink discharge has been going on for two days now... I need to see a doctor, right? Immediately!

Pink discharge in early pregnancy

Despite the fact that many medical sources insist on the safety and “normality” of discharge of this kind, this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. At least for your own peace of mind and insurance.

Tell (sometimes even show), take tests if necessary, do an ultrasound. Let the gynecologist dispel your doubts rather than announce unpleasant news. And yes, options for explanation There are many such phenomena. Which one is yours specifically?

  • Small cracks and scratches on the walls of the vagina;
  • Cervical erosion;
  • Infection;
  • Hormonal changes;
  • Progesterone deficiency;
  • Placental abruption;
  • Attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus;
  • Hematoma;
  • Risk of miscarriage.

Almost each of these reasons carries a hidden or obvious danger and requires increased attention. However, like shade of those same discharges: pink, light pink, with a white or brown tint, mixed with scarlet blood, with mucus or dark clots.

Such discharge occurs very often at the very beginning of pregnancy. The body adapts to a new state for it, does not yet know how to control its hormonal levels and perceives any change with hostility. Should we let things take their course and give natural selection a chance? Maybe. But we are talking about the life of a little person...

Pink discharge at 6 weeks

I would like to immediately reassure the expectant mother: pinkish discharge at this stage is not at all a disaster and a miscarriage is not guaranteed. Therefore, instead of sitting at home, shedding tears and wringing your hands, it is better to call an ambulance and go to the hospital.

There you will undergo the necessary tests, a smear will be taken and an ultrasound will be performed.

Only after all these manipulations will the doctor make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective individual treatment. For example, if:

  • your body has low progesterone levels, you will be prescribed hormonal drugs to increase it (utrozhestan, duphaston);
  • an ultrasound examination will show placental abruption or hematoma, you will be kept for safekeeping;
  • they will detect cervical erosion, reassure you and send you home (or prescribe gentle treatment to stop this process);
  • a smear will show the infection, it will be treated urgently.

One way or another, you will know what is wrong with your baby and how high your chances are of carrying this pregnancy to term. After all, 6 weeks is still a very short period of time, during which the embryo may not even be visualized, not to mention a heartbeat.

7 weeks pregnant

At this point already the embryo should be visible and listen to the heartbeat. This means there is an opportunity to find out exactly about the state of your pregnancy. Therefore, under no circumstances refuse an ultrasound, citing its detrimental effect on the tiny fetus.

Yes, the first scheduled examination occurs at 11-12 weeks. But! This is if the expectant mother is not worried about anything. And if she has been experiencing signs for a long time, even if they are very light, but still bloody issues, this is the first alarm bell.

After all, the reasons for “smearing” remain the same as in the sixth week. The principles and methods of treatment are also unchanged.

Pale light pink discharge

As mentioned, despite the shade - this is not normal discharge during pregnancy. Something must have caused the admixture of red blood cells. But the light pale color indicates their very poor concentration. As an option:

  • due to changes in hormonal levels, the number of surface capillaries increased. In the process of making love, douching, examination by a doctor and simply sudden movements, they are damaged and bleed slightly;
  • Untreated cervical erosion makes itself known and this can continue throughout pregnancy (with the exception of large erosion, which requires urgent treatment);
  • a very small (1-2 mm) placental abruption occurred. If you follow your doctor's recommendations and take the necessary medications, this is absolutely not dangerous.

Discharge without pain

Although pain is a powerful argument towards a serious threat of spontaneous abortion, but in no way a guide to the overall course of pregnancy.

Some people can lead an active lifestyle for 9 months without feeling any discomfort at all, while others suffer from aching pain in the lower abdomen during the entire first trimester, secretions of an incomprehensible nature, intestinal problems and terrible toxicosis followed by hospitalization. Both women will eventually give birth to beautiful babies on time.

As you can see, each organism is individual and the concept of serious danger for each pregnant woman is different. Therefore, whether there is pain or not during discharge - consultation with a doctor is required. Only he will clarify the situation.

Pink discharge after examination by a doctor

If you do see a doctor, you will be examined in a gynecological chair. By the way, you may not have any complaints at that time (such an examination is required when registering and when taking smears for infections). But after it they may just appear.

Gynecological examination– this is the contact of the vaginal and cervical mucosa with the speculum/instruments for collecting smears. Such an intervention can leave microcracks and scratches, which after a short time will begin to bleed a little.

To a frightened expectant mother this will seem like a disaster. My friends told me you can’t use a chair until 12 weeks! But the characteristic difference between such discharges and a real threat is their short duration - only a few hours, or even less. This is exactly what you should pay attention to and monitor.

Pink discharge after using the toilet

One of the most common complaints of pregnant women is light bloody discharge that remains on toilet paper after going to the toilet. The panty liner, in most cases, remains clean.

It is this fact that confuses the expectant mother. However, her doctor, having performed the necessary examination, will be able to explain reason. Or even several:

  • cervical erosion, which bleeds when urinating;
  • constipation, in which a woman strongly strains her pelvic muscle tissue. As a result, small capillaries are damaged;

Discharges of this kind do not pose a serious danger. But it is imperative to eliminate their cause, thus preventing complications.

The phenomenon of pink discharge appearing in the early stages of pregnancy is not uncommon. Moreover, the reasons for their appearance are very diverse. Let's take a closer look at when such a phenomenon is not a violation, and when, if pink discharge appears in the early stages, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

In what cases is light pink discharge in early pregnancy not a symptom of the disease?

In the first trimester, approximately 80% of all pregnant women report the presence of such discharge. The main reason for their appearance is the increased sensitivity of the woman’s reproductive organs and an increase in their blood supply. That is why, after an intravaginal ultrasound or after violent sex, women note the appearance of a small amount of pink discharge. As a rule, in this case their appearance is not accompanied by other symptoms (pulling pain, deterioration in general well-being). They disappear on their own, and just as suddenly as they appeared.

Many pregnant women notice the appearance of pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy, right at the time when they previously had their periods. This kind of phenomenon is caused primarily by hormonal changes in the body. Moreover, quite often such discharge is accompanied by the same sensations as during menstruation (mild nagging pain in the lumbar region, in the lower abdomen). Moreover, in some cases, when the girl does not yet know about the pregnancy, she mistakes them for menstruation. However, a subsequent increase in the volume of discharge, as during menstruation, does not occur, which makes the girl think about the reason for its appearance.

Is the appearance of pink discharge during pregnancy a reason to consult a doctor?

It is ideal when a girl seeks medical advice about all the questions that concern her about her current pregnancy. But not everyone does this. Many, especially those carrying their second and subsequent children, are confident in their experience or rely on the fact that everything will go away on its own.

In the case of pink discharge, the alarm should be sounded already when the volume is so large that the sanitary pad is replaced every hour. Such a symptom may be one of the first signs of the onset of spontaneous miscarriage or indicate the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy.

So, quite often, brown-pink discharge that appears in the early stages of pregnancy (after 15-16 weeks) may be a sign of a slightly formed placenta. The color is given directly by the blood. In such cases, hospitalization of the pregnant woman is necessary.

The appearance of yellow-pink discharge in early pregnancy may be caused by an infection in the reproductive organs. In this case, it is necessary to conduct a laboratory test, which will help to accurately identify the pathogen and prescribe the correct treatment. In the treatment of such diseases, antibacterial drugs are often prescribed, the use of which is unacceptable at the beginning of pregnancy. Therefore, treatment is often delayed until 20-22 weeks.

Thus, the appearance of pink discharge is a reason to consult a doctor. After all, only a specialist can correctly distinguish a norm from a violation and prescribe treatment. At the same time, the pregnant woman herself should under no circumstances hope that this phenomenon will disappear on its own. In this case, she endangers the health of not only the unborn little child, but also her own.

Almost everything changes with the onset of the best period in the life of literally every woman - of course, with pregnancy. The female state of mind completely changes, a certain trembling feeling of anticipation of such a desired birth of a real little miracle appears. Of course, the physical condition of a woman itself changes.

And quite often such changes are very, very unusual - and many of them can not only surprise the expectant mother herself, but also really frighten her. These, of course, include unexpected faint pink discharge, which often appears without any important reason.

However, there is no need to panic in such cases at all. So it is in the first trimester that small ones are quite common in many pregnant women. And more than 80% of all women with such symptoms, believe me, carry their little miracle to term completely safely.

Such discharge can sometimes appear due to too much sensitivity of the internal genital organs and also their active blood supply, for example, immediately after an ultrasound with a vaginal sensor or even when a gynecologist uses a speculum specifically for examination, or even immediately after making love. In addition, it is precisely such pinkish discharge that can easily cause very minor placental abruptions, and sometimes blood already accumulates under them and then simply comes out. In addition, such pink discharge is a clear signal that the fertilized egg itself is perfectly embedded in the wall of the uterus.

Sometimes there may also be a small discharge on those days when the woman should have had her period immediately before pregnancy. These are hormonal conditions, and therefore they are completely harmless. Often it is precisely this kind of discharge that is accompanied by not too strong, lingering pain in the lower abdomen and also in the lumbar region - imagine, it seems to be slightly breaking - exactly as happens during menstruation.

Moreover, in all of the above cases, such pink discharge most likely will not bring any serious trouble. They will disappear fairly quickly, except perhaps by staining your underwear a little.

But you should worry if the discharge has already become so abundant that the panty liner has to be changed literally hourly. Such an unpleasant symptom most likely may indicate a serious threat of abrupt termination of pregnancy, and therefore it will be necessary to simply visit your qualified doctor very urgently. It could also be some kind of sexually transmitted infection - and then you should definitely do a smear. If the discharge is already dark pinkish and even with a certain brown tint, then just immediately see a doctor. It is the brown color of the discharge that signals coagulated blood, which the body itself gradually gets rid of. And quite often the cause of this is a very small hematoma. But only a doctor can help you cope with it, and most likely, he will prescribe regular vitamins or even hormonal medications.

But pink discharge during pregnancy is quite common in most pregnant women. They are simply explained by hormonal changes directly in the body of the expectant mother. And, of course, in this case it is not at all necessary to consult a doctor, but even if there are no apparent reasons, it would still be better to be on the safe side than to simply be negligent about your much-desired pregnancy.

Let's chat here:

A woman has many experiences during the wonderful period of pregnancy. Everything changes in the body and makes it clear that a small miracle will soon appear. But some changes are very unusual and sometimes make a woman worry about her condition. Such a surprise is pink discharge in the first months of pregnancy, which can appear for absolutely no reason. There is no need to panic - many pregnant women experience such discharge and it disappears as quickly as it appeared.

Causes of pink discharge:

1. Sensitive tissues of the genital organs and active blood flow to them. This occurs due to hormones that begin to act actively during pregnancy, as well as due to the rush of blood to the uterus. Discharge due to this reason usually occurs after any intervention in the vagina. This could be after an ultrasound with a sensor, an examination by a gynecologist with a mirror, or even after having sex. Such discharge is usually light pink and can appear in small quantities throughout pregnancy, but only once.

2. A slight placental abruption may cause a slight pink discharge.

3. Good implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus sometimes manifests itself in the form of pink discharge.

4. On the day when you previously had your period, there may be pink discharge, which is sometimes accompanied by mild nagging pain in the lower back. The body still works in the old rhythm, and the uterus may bleed a little.

5. Removal of the plug. It occurs at the end of pregnancy and is a normal phenomenon, or rather a sign of the imminent onset of labor. It is necessary to inform the gynecologist about this in order to go to the maternity hospital soon.

6. Leakage of amniotic fluid. This can happen if the membranes rupture prematurely. Leakage does not disappear immediately after it appears and therefore a doctor’s consultation is necessary to identify it.

7. Increased tone in the uterus. It is characterized by copious pink discharge, in which the pad needs to be changed frequently, and pain appears in the lower abdomen. Such symptoms indicate a threat of miscarriage. The transition of discharge from pink to brown should be a signal to immediately consult a doctor. Brown color indicates the presence of large quantities of coagulated blood.

8. Infections, cervical inflammation or bacterial vaginosis. Pink discharge due to an infectious disease is combined with severe pain and itching of the genitals. Typically, such discharge has a pungent odor.

9. Other external factors:

Severe stress.

Physical fatigue.

Hot bath.

It is worth paying attention to pink discharge that appeared in the second or third trimester and is long-lasting, since such discharge should not occur during this period.

A woman should always keep her vagina clean and follow these guidelines:

Wear comfortable underwear.

Maintain genital hygiene.

Do not use tampons during pregnancy.

Change your panty liner on time.

Eat properly.

Reduce the impact of stressful situations.

Small pink discharge in the first months is a very common occurrence in pregnant women, which does not require certain actions on the part of the woman. But if they really bother you, you need to tell your doctor about it for your own peace of mind.

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Is it normal to have pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy or is this a reason to see a doctor? Of course, a change in the color of vaginal discharge to such a not very natural color is a reason for an extraordinary visit to the gynecologist. After all, this may be a signal about the mother’s illness or the threat of pregnancy. But first things first.

If pink discharge appears in the early stages, the doctor should prescribe the following tests:

  • PAP test;
  • vaginal smear for flora;
  • vaginal smear for STIs.

Probably an ultrasound of the uterus, and for a short time through transvaginal access.

Many gynecologists say that a PAP test (that is, a cytological smear for atypical cells taken from the cervix) is optional. But modern doctors still recommend taking it, especially if this study has not been carried out in the next 6-12 months. After all, pink discharge during pregnancy, that is, mixed with blood, may also indicate cervical cancer. If this smear is normal, then everything can be fixed. Other reasons why a woman may have light pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy.

1. Vaginal microflora disorders, candidiasis. With thrush, the mucous membrane becomes fragile, its integrity is compromised, and small vessels may burst. And droplets of blood from them, diluted with vaginal mucus, are exactly the pale pink discharge in the early stages of pregnancy.

2. Sexually transmitted infections. Especially those that are hidden: ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, chlamydia.

3. Cervical erosion due to mechanical damage. Sexual intercourse can cause damage to the vaginal mucosa or cervix. It goes away on its own. Sometimes, if there is yellow-pink discharge, doctors may prescribe a vaginal antiseptic as a preventative measure.

4. Polyp of the cervical canal. Antimicrobial therapy may be prescribed. In rare cases, if it is growing rapidly or a malignant process is suspected, a decision may be made to remove it before delivery.