What to do to make your period go faster. How to make your period go faster? Physical exercises to correct your cycle

The answer to this question interests many women today. Indeed, sometimes the arrival of menstruation happens so inopportunely. There are several ways to correct the situation, and we will tell you what to do to make your period go faster.

It should be especially noted that it is forbidden to abuse such manipulations, because even the most seemingly harmless herbal decoctions and medications can cause irreparable harm to women’s health. They should only be used in cases where it is truly absolutely necessary.

Pharmacological ways to speed up menstruation

  • Take hormonal birth control. This method of interfering with the functionality of the female body is the safest. However, whether it will help you is not easy to say, because the reaction to it is completely unpredictable.
  • Take Postinor tablets or medications that contain progesterone. First of all, it should be noted that the first medicine is very strong and brings ambiguous consequences. It will really help someone, and menstruation will begin almost immediately after taking it (in half an hour to an hour), but for other women it will be completely useless or will cause heavy bleeding that lasts longer than usual.

Accelerating the arrival of menstruation using folk methods

  • Brew and drink oregano instead of tea. It is sold in most ordinary pharmacies.
  • You can brew three bay leaves in one mug of boiling water. Take this infusion three times a day, one glass.
  • Drink onion peel tincture at night - this will also help speed up the onset of menstruation.
  • You should brew parsley in a mug (even better with dill) and drink half a glass, once a day.

Other ways to speed up the arrival and flow of menstruation

  • Take a very hot bath with a little salt added - this should bring on your period early.
  • You can thoroughly steam your feet in hot water and at the same time take a tablet or two of ascorbic acid.

Reducing your periods

Another situation can be considered. Suppose a woman needs her menstruation to end earlier. What can be done about this? Traditional medicine recommends:
  • drink water pepper tincture. Also effective is a decoction of nettle, which has hemostatic properties;
  • prepare and take a tincture of shepherd's purse herb.
There are also pills that help speed up the end of your period. True, they are intended for absolutely any purpose. For example:
  • hemostatic drug "Vikasol", five drops;
  • You should take one tablet of vitamins A and C in the morning and evening.
These are, perhaps, all the methods for inducing menstruation and reducing their duration. Experts remind you that such manipulations should not be used constantly. Intrusion into the functioning of a woman’s body is not welcome, because it can disrupt hormonal levels, and this can have serious consequences. Therefore, before using the methods described above, you should think carefully: is it worth it? It may be preferable not to risk your health and still postpone the resolution of the problems for which you are taking such desperate steps.

The menstrual cycle is a physiological process that underlies female reproductive function. Thanks to it, the body prepares for future pregnancy and preserves it in the early stages. This is achieved due to the frequency of hormonal and anatomical changes throughout menstruation.

Of course, it is difficult to argue about the importance of menstruation, but for women this period is in many ways stressful. The appearance of bloody discharge makes adjustments to your active life; they can be accompanied by various unpleasant sensations: pain in the lower abdomen, general malaise and irritability. During this period, the woman’s body becomes less protected from various influences - both external and internal. Hidden inflammatory processes may worsen. It’s not for nothing that periods are called critical days.

The sudden onset of menstruation causes a certain awkwardness when being in society and often makes a woman worry unreasonably. Menstruation can disrupt planned activities, especially if they involve playing sports, relaxing at sea, or visiting a pool or bathhouse. Therefore, probably, all women want their periods to end quickly and to be able to do what they like.

The process laid down by nature cannot be changed, but it is still possible to speed up its passage a little.

Information about the menstrual cycle

To understand when the end of menstruation occurs, it is necessary to consider the processes underlying the female cycle. Its onset is the occurrence of bleeding, and the normal duration ranges from 21 to 35 days. Such a wide time frame is determined by the individual characteristics of each woman’s body, and one cycle may differ from another with a difference of no more than 10 days. Menstruation takes place in 3–7 days: at first the discharge is heavy, and towards the end it becomes more and more scanty until it ends.

The menstrual cycle consists of two phases during which various processes occur in the woman’s reproductive system:

  • Follicular.
  • Luteinova.

Bleeding indicates detachment of the functional layer of the uterine mucosa. At the same time, follicle maturation occurs in the ovary under the influence of pituitary hormones. Their number is limited to approximately 500 cycles, which are enough until the onset of menopause.

The first phase ends with ovulation - the rupture of the dominant follicle and the release of the egg. At this time, the concentration of estrogen sharply increases and the synthesis of luteotropic hormone of the pituitary gland is stimulated. Under its influence, a corpus luteum is formed at the site of the burst follicle, synthesizing progesterone, which stimulates the growth of the endometrium and its preparation for the implantation of the fertilized egg. This is how the luteal phase passes, which, if pregnancy does not occur, ends with the next menstruation.

The normal frequency and duration of menstruation is determined by the hormonal balance in the body. For any deviations, you should consult your doctor.

How can you influence the menstrual cycle?

It is quite natural for a woman to want her period to go faster. When they end, the body becomes more resistant to external influences and is ready to increase physical activity.

Many doctors will say that there is no point in interfering with a normally functioning process. However, there are different cases in life when it is really necessary to reduce the amount of discharge and its duration. And then some safe ways to do this will come to the woman’s aid. Of these, the following can be noted:

  • Diet.
  • Physical exercise.
  • Medicines.
  • Traditional methods.

In any case, you must first ask your doctor how to make your period end faster by obtaining his approval to use a certain method.


During menstruation, a woman needs to eat well. The diet should contain a large amount of fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs, which contain useful microelements and vitamins. Vitamin C is especially useful, as it strengthens the walls of blood vessels. To compensate for its deficiency, it is recommended to drink lemon, orange or pomegranate juice, even in diluted form.

In general, a woman should drink more fluid. It is better to drink still water, and you should avoid strong coffee or tea for now, as they can increase blood flow to the uterus and stimulate bleeding. You need to eat light protein foods, give preference to cereals, dairy products, fish, lean meats, and eat nuts. You should beware of spicy foods, as spices stimulate vasodilation.

Physical exercise

Despite the fact that during menstruation it is recommended to limit physical activity, some exercises still have a positive effect and can speed up the end of menstruation. But training should not be intense, and a woman should avoid sudden movements so as not to provoke the opposite effect - increased bleeding.

Yoga exercises are most suitable for this purpose. They are performed smoothly, without jerking, there are no high-amplitude movements. Hatha yoga classes use more static poses that develop muscle tone and flexibility. Stretching exercises are also included. Breathing exercises are also important, as they accompany body movements and help achieve the required level of relaxation.

When menstruation ends, a woman can move on to more intense exercise to stay fit throughout the month.


To make your period go by faster, you can use medications. Their appointment must be agreed with a gynecologist and carried out under his supervision. You can influence the menstrual cycle using the following medications:

  • Oral contraceptives containing progesterone and estrogens.
  • Hemostatic agents (etamzilat, vikasol).
  • Vitamins C and E.

Oral contraceptives, when used over a long period of time, can shorten the period of menstruation or delay its onset. In this case, the discharge will become more scanty and less painful. True, these drugs must be taken strictly at a certain time in the cycle to achieve an effect.

Traditional methods

You can speed up the end of menstruation with the help of some traditional medicine. The most popular in this case are decoctions of nettle, shepherd's purse, burnet or water pepper. They have hemostatic properties. You can induce your period earlier than expected so that it ends by the desired date using a decoction of onion peels, a warm bath or red wine.

You should not interfere with the menstrual cycle without the approval of a doctor, as you can disrupt its regularity. A woman’s desire to speed up her periods or change the time of their onset is quite understandable, because when they end, you can enjoy an active life without any restrictions.

    Depending on your health, lifestyle, diet and other factors, your menstrual period may last anywhere from three to seven days. But menstruation and all its pain and irritation can occur at the most inopportune times, for example, if you are going on vacation or have an important meeting. Luckily, there are several ways to reduce the length of your menstrual period. Here are the top 10 ways to stop your period early.

    1. Apply heat

    Applying a small amount of heat to your abdominal area causes menstrual fluids to leave your body faster, thereby ending your period earlier. Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on your lower abdomen for 5 to 10 minutes. Repeat the procedure 3-4 times a day.
    2. Oil massage

    Massaging the abdominal muscles relaxes uterine contractions and drains blood away from the uterus. Mix 6 drops each of sage oil and lavender oil in 3 teaspoons of warm almond oil. Gently massage the abdominal and pelvic area with this oil mixture until it is absorbed into the skin. Repeat the procedure several times a day until the critical days are over.
    3. Take more vitamin C

    A diet rich in vitamin C helps reduce the levels of the hormone progesterone in your body, leading to shorter menstrual cycles. It may also help relieve menstrual discomfort.
    4. Sexual intercourse

    Having an orgasm through intercourse or masturbation is another easy way to make your period end early. When you have an orgasm, it generates contractions in the muscles of the uterus, which help move menstrual blood out of the uterus.
    5. Take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as aspirin, naproxen, and ibuprofen may help reduce swelling in the uterine wall. This, in turn, reduces heavy menstrual cycles and the pain associated with it. These over-the-counter medications help reduce the overproduction of a group of hormone-like lipid compounds called prostaglandins, which help the muscles of the uterus contract. You can take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 2 or 3 times a day, being careful not to exceed the maximum dose indicated on the package. Check with your doctor before taking NSAIDs or using them for a long period of time, as they may have side effects.
    6. Exercises

    Body weight plays an important role in determining the length of your menstrual cycle and the amount of menstrual blood flow. Women who are physically healthy and have less fat will naturally experience shorter and lighter periods. On the other hand, women who are overweight or obese tend to have longer and more severe periods. So, if you're carrying a few extra pounds and want to have shorter or pain-free menstrual cycles, regular exercise can be very beneficial. Additionally, exercise helps relax the muscles of the uterus to stop or at least reduce blood flow.
    7. Drink ginger water

    Soak 2 tablespoons of crushed ginger parts in 1 cup of hot water for a few minutes. Strain and add 1 tablespoon of honey to the ginger water and drink the infusion while it is warm.
    8. Drink raspberry tea

    Fill a handful of fresh raspberry leaves with 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Let the broth cool, then strain and drink it. Use this remedy 2-3 times on the first day of your period.
    9. Take hormonal birth control pills

    You can take oral contraceptive pills to help regulate and shorten your menstrual cycles. Therefore, before you start taking birth control pills or other contraceptives, it is best to consult with your doctor to help you determine which option is best for your lifestyle and medical needs.
    10. Drink plenty of water

    Drinking plenty of water will help shorten your period, as well as reduce discomfort such as bloating and cramps. In addition, drinking enough water improves the body's metabolism. Green tea and fresh fruit and vegetable juices are also good options to increase your fluid intake.

Quite often, women think about how to make their periods go faster, in other words, how to speed them up. There are many reasons for this kind of manipulation - an upcoming vacation, a romantic date, a club party, etc. And, probably, such days do not bring joy to any woman. Therefore, this issue is very relevant among the fairer sex.

What should you do to reduce the length of your periods?

There is no medicine that, if taken once, could reduce the number of menstrual days. However, not many people know that there are methods that help slightly reduce menstruation.

So, in order to make your periods go faster, one product such as lemon is enough. Start drinking its juice from about 2-3 days of your period, in an amount of 100-150 ml. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a small nuance. In order not to disturb the acidity in the stomach, it is recommended to dilute the juice with plain water in a proportion of 30% juice and 70% water.

Many girls noted that with intense periods, menstruation ends faster. However, playing sports on critical days can be dangerous for women's health. The thing is that there is a possibility that the exfoliated endometrium will enter the abdominal cavity. This condition is fraught with the development of a gynecological disease such as endometriosis. Therefore, you should not overdo it and overstrain your body with physical activity on such days.

Some women claim that they can make their periods go faster by using a product such as high-absorbency tampons. This statement is only partially true. After all, the body needs time for the old endometrium to detach. Therefore, this method can be used already in the last days of menstruation, when the endometrium has completely exfoliated and bleeding is still ongoing.

There is also an opinion that making love on such days has a positive effect on reducing the duration of discharge. Despite its seemingly untrue nature, this statement has a completely logical explanation. The thing is that male ejaculate (sperm) contains prostaglandins, which help the female body “get rid” of the endometrium faster.

What folk remedies can be used to reduce the duration of menstruation?

When talking about how to make your periods go by faster, you can’t help but mention folk remedies. They are based on decoctions of medicinal plants, which have a direct effect on the duration of bleeding during menstruation. Thus, for heavy and prolonged periods, decoctions and teas from burnet are often used. To prepare a decoction, just pour 2 tablespoons of the plant’s rhizome into 250 ml of hot water, and then heat it in a water bath for 30 minutes. After this, the resulting broth is cooled to room temperature, filtered and ordinary boiled water is added to 200 ml. The resulting decoction is taken 1 tablespoon 5 times a day (after each meal).

Thus, there are many ways and methods to speed up your periods. However, not all of them are effective. Moreover, doctors recommend resorting to their use only in exceptional cases, in case of urgent need and no more than 1-3 times within six months. Such manipulations can negatively affect the menstrual cycle, more precisely its duration, and the regularity of menstruation.

The female body is a rather complex system, with great interconnection between all organs.

Many girls and women, being in different age categories, complain to gynecologists about heavy menstruation. What is the reason and what affects the volume of discharge?

What is the menstrual cycle?

What is noteworthy is that girls, being in the age category of 9-10 years, begin to argue about what time the menstrual cycle should begin and argue that the early onset of menstruation is an unfavorable sign, indicating that there are some disorders in the body. This is a misconception.

Firstly, it is necessary to remember that the body of any woman is formed at different stages of a girl’s growing up. Secondly, the hormonal system of every girl is different.

Judging at what age the appearance of the first menstruation is considered the norm is stupid and pointless. It is worth noting that menstruation can begin either at 9 years or at 10-14 years.

Such a phenomenon as menstruation is aimed, first of all, at conceiving a fetus, as well as at bearing it to term. Looking at the uterine cavity in more detail, it is worth noting that there is a mucous membrane inside.

During the period when the egg is already mature, the shell acquires a loose structure. The structure is necessary for the successful attachment of the embryo. Accordingly, why do women often rely on menstruation when determining pregnancy?

If the embryo does not attach to the loose membrane, bloody mucus comes out through the genital tract. This process is called menstruation.

Phases of the menstrual cycle

The cycle consists of stages that determine what changes will occur in the body.

The stages are otherwise called phases:

  • Follicular phase. During this phase, the woman’s body begins menstruation and the maturation of a dominant type follicle in the ovarian area. This type of follicle later becomes an egg. During this phase, hormones that help to conceive a child, as well as hormones that block the process of conception, begin to work actively. The probability of conception during this period is quite low.
  • Ovulatory phase. During such a period, as is known, the egg begins to go through the maturation stage. The egg is able to rupture the membrane of the follicle and prepare for fertilization. The period of ovulation is the most favorable for conceiving a child.
  • Luteal phase. The period of this phase lasts from 11 to 16 days. During this period, the endometrial layer becomes more loose and ready for the attachment of the embryo.

How can you influence your periods?

Can a woman influence her menstruation in any way? Many women complain about, and there are also those who complain about. Is it possible to regulate the process yourself?


As you can see, there are really many options for solving this problem. It is forbidden to do anything without a doctor's permission. Firstly, this is prohibited for those who already lack cycle stability. Secondly, it is prohibited for women after 40 years of age.

Is it safe to speed up your period?

For some reason, not all women are concerned about the issue of safety. You need to think about the fact that this is dangerous before using any medicine or tincture with exercises.

You need to understand that a woman’s hormonal system, first of all, is very fragile and causing a system failure, so to speak, will not be difficult. It is very difficult to replenish the necessary processes and get rid of hormonal imbalance.

Precautionary measures:

Ways to make your period end faster

As you know, there are really quite a lot of methods and not all of them are safe for a woman’s health.

A way to reduce menstruation with medication

This method is perhaps the most dangerous of all existing ones:

  • Firstly, each medicine has a composition that is not suitable for every woman.
  • Secondly, the use of medications can lead not only to cycle disruptions, but also to disruption of the hormonal system. And as was said a little earlier, restoring it is not at all as easy as many ladies think.

Medicines can be in the form of medications or vitamin supplements. Of course, the safest method is to take vitamins.

Anyone understands that vitamins are not harmful to health than various medications that help stop bleeding, but are clearly not intended to stop menstruation.

Conventionally, medications differ from each other and are even divided into groups. Let's look at the main ones.

Oral contraceptives

With the help of oral contraceptives, you can not only shorten the duration of your periods, but even get rid of them for a month.

The drugs can adversely affect a woman's hormonal system.

Firstly, oral contraceptives consist of hormonal pills. Accordingly, taking them has a global impact on a woman’s hormonal system.

Hormones vary in phases. They can be either biphasic, monophasic, three-phase, etc.

The most common oral contraceptives include:

  • Single-phase contraceptives. This type includes: , Yarina, Diana-35. The drugs help to both speed up menstruation for their beginning and for their end.
  • Triphasic contraceptives. Such hormones are considered loyal in comparison with others. This is due to a reduced dose of hormones. These types of hormones are usually prescribed to women aged 30 years and older. The big advantage is that such contraceptives have the fewest side effects. Triphasic contraceptives include: Tri-regol, Triziston.

Contraceptives have another rather great advantage - protection against unwanted pregnancy. The percentage of protection quality is 99%. By taking contraceptives you don't have to worry about anything.

If the problem is heavy menstruation, then use Ibuprofen, Ponstan. The drugs help not only reduce discharge, but also relieve pain syndromes inherent in menstruation.

Hemostatic agents

In addition to all of the above drugs and a way to reduce menstruation or the volume of excretion, there is another common method - taking drugs that have a hemostatic effect.

The drugs are able to provide conditions for rapid blood clotting in the shortest possible time:

  • Etamzilat. The drug ensures the resistance of microvessels, which is important for the body. Thanks to this effect of the drug, it is possible to reduce the volume of discharge. This drug is applicable even when the uterine flow begins. It is highly effective and is usually commercially available in the form of ampoules for intramuscular or intravenous administration. With the exception of the liquid form of the drug, tablets are available in pharmacies for use by children.
  • Vikasol. This drug is an analogue of vitamin K in water-soluble form. The analog helps normalize blood clotting. The effectiveness of the drug is noted when taking the medication from the very beginning of the cycle.
  • Vitamins C and E. Vitamins C and E will be one of the best solutions if the goal is to reduce the volume of secretions. Ascorbic acid and other vitamins help normalize such an important process as blood clotting. It is quite possible that women who have disorders with an abundance of menstrual periods actually have diseases of poor blood clotting. This problem can be solved with the help of vitamins. This method is the safest in comparison with others.


Phytotherapy- one of the successful ways to reduce bleeding. Decoctions of various herbs can help reduce menstruation.

It is worth noting that this method is the safest and does not pose any harm to health. You can use a decoction of oak, horsetail, raspberry leaves, and yarrow.

Physical exercise

Physical exercise- one of the ways to reduce the duration of menstruation. It would seem that it is physical activity that aggravates the already abundant discharge. This is not true at all.

It all depends on what type of exercise is performed and in what volume:


With the help of food, it is possible to adjust the menu that can affect a woman’s menstruation.

Surprisingly, diet can help reduce discharge. Oddly enough, this method is one of the safest.

3-4 days before the start of menstruation, you must stop taking meat products. This will reduce the amount of discharge, but, alas, will not shorten the duration. In order to end your critical days quickly, you need to add physical activity to the complex. It is worth noting that physical activity should be moderate. Excessive overvoltage can have the opposite effect.

A vegetarian diet promotes lightness in the body and this is what helps to endure the period with ease and in a good mood. And as many people know, mood is the first thing that suffers and gets out of control during such a period.

Prevention of heavy menstruation

For preventive purposes it is necessary:

  • Increase your intake of vitamins B and C;
  • Follow a diet, more vegetables and fruits;
  • Reduce the amount of physical activity, if any;
  • Monitoring the regularity of menstruation and the volume of discharge.


In conclusion, I would like to conclude that reducing the volume of discharge during menstruation is recommended when this is really a problem that is harmful to health.

Correcting your menstrual cycle for the sake of a trip to the seaside or for the sake of meeting a young man is, at the very least, stupid. After all, once the hormonal system is disrupted, it is not so easy to restore it.