China is the capital of which country. Geography, water resources, climate. Transport and communications

The capital of China, Beijing, fascinates everyone who arrives here with its grandeur, it is amazingly combined into one whole - two different times, two eras. On the one hand, it is a center of culture and a monument of history, reminiscent of the formidable emperors who ruled a great empire, and on the other hand, it is a modern, dynamically developing metropolis, in which more than 20 million people already live.

And this is not the most populous city in the Middle Kingdom, it is inferior in terms of population to Shanghai. The Chinese call Beijing - Beijing and it means "Northern Capital".

Beijing is the capital of China

Today, the capital of the People's Republic of China is the largest political and cultural center, it is actively developing in terms of entrepreneurial activity, and all major transport routes (railway and road) come down here. The main air hub of the country, which is also the second in the world in terms of passenger traffic, is also located in the Chinese capital.

But what attracts tourists from all over the world most of all is the history of the Celestial Empire and ancient monuments: majestic temples and palaces, various architectural buildings that miraculously retained the spirit of the age.

Briefly about history

Archaeological excavations that were found in the vicinity of Beijing indicate that even seven hundred thousand years ago Sinanthropes lived here (their remains were found in one of the caves). The first chronicle records mention this city as having existed during the reign of Qin Shi Huang, the first emperor who unified China (259-210 BC), only then it was called Ji. At that time, the city was an important administrative center, and since 1045, under the rule of the princes Ji and Yan, it received the status of the capital of Northern China. After the proclamation of the state - the People's Republic of China - in 1949, this city became its capital.

City guide for tourists

Today, the most visited attractions in Beijing, the capital of China, are in the first place those six that are included in the list of world heritage sites protected by UNESCO. This includes the Forbidden City, the Great Wall of China, the Temple of Heaven, the Qing and Ming tombs, the Yiheyuan Palace (the imperial summer residence) and the Zhoukoudian Cave (famous for having found the remains of Sinanthropes).

In addition, the largest Tiananmen Square in the world is located here, as well as the capital invites you to the most beautiful parks, including Beihai, Xiangshan, those who visited the Gongwangfu estate have an indelible impression.

Architectural complex "Forbidden City"

This is the most important attraction in the capital of China. Here is a chic imperial palace, which previously served as the winter residence of the rulers from the 15th century to the beginning of the 20th (twenty-four emperors changed during this time).

Today, it is a historical and architectural complex, the vast territory of which occupies about 1000 hectares, and the rooms in the palace - 8707! It is interesting that this is perhaps not the limit, but according to the legend, there are many secret rooms here, giving a total of 9999 rooms. They contain ancient relics, luxury items and precious belongings of Chinese emperors, art exhibits that are considered a rare cultural value.

You can go to the palace through the gate of "Heavenly Peace" (Tiananmen), which bears the same name as the central square of the capital of China.

The great Wall of China

This historical monument is known all over the world, and it is difficult to find someone who has not heard about it or has not seen a photo of this masterpiece, which is often called the "eighth wonder of the world." In the vicinity of Beijing, a good section of this powerful man-made structure has been preserved, once running for 10 thousand kilometers, with the longest period of construction, which began in the 3rd century and lasted until the 17th.

Transfer of the capital transfer of capital functions from one city to another (often specially built for this purpose). The need to move the capital usually arises from overpopulation and hypertrophied dominance of the existing ... ... Wikipedia

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest in the world. According to Chinese scientists, its age may be five thousand years, while the available written sources cover a period of at least 3500 years. The presence of administrative systems ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Tales of the Cities of China, Cai Xiaowei. Every city in the Celestial Empire is famous for something. It can be a mountain or a lake located nearby; famous person born there; historical events, teahouses, unusual dishes, traditions...…
  • Stories about the cities of China, Xiaowei Q.. Every city in the Celestial Empire is famous for something. It can be a mountain or a lake located nearby; famous person born there; historical events, teahouses, unusual dishes, traditions...…

Due to its favorable location, Beijing has become the main transportation hub of China. 4 main railway lines intersect here, which connect the capital with other provinces. Over 400 million tons of various cargoes are transported through the city per year, which allows it to compete in these indicators with such large ports as Rotterdam and Singapore.

Most of the products manufactured in Beijing are exported to the United States, Japan and many European countries. The leading industries are mechanical engineering, ferrous metallurgy, printing, clothing and textile production. An important role in the economy is played by folk crafts, in particular, woodcarving, making souvenirs from ivory, pearls or jade.

City of Emperors

During its existence, which is more than 3000 years, Beijing has been the residence of many dynasties of emperors. A huge number of tombs, monuments, altars, parks, temples and palaces have been preserved here. The city has collected the best examples of painting and sculpture, philosophy and religion, park construction and architecture, which can impress any tourist with their sophistication, scale and special color.

A characteristic feature of the layout of Beijing is a rectangular structure with a clear orientation of the streets to the cardinal points. This is especially true of the old part of the city, built before 1941. Traditional buildings are houses in the shape of the letter "P" with a cozy courtyard inside, where fruit trees are planted, there are aquariums with fish or flower arrangements.

Today the city is developing rapidly, modern administrative complexes, high-rise hotels, supermarkets, restaurants and entertainment facilities are being built. Local residents have a special respect for their past, so old buildings are regularly reconstructed. But Beijing is attractive to tourists not only for its architecture. On the streets of the city, various festivals, performances by street artists and show programs are regularly held, which enable guests to get to know ancient Chinese traditions, history and customs.

A brief excursion into the history of the Northern capital

The first mention of Beijing is found in chronicles dated to the 11th century BC. Then it was called Ji and was the capital residence of the Yan and Ji dynasty. When Ying Zheng united all the warring lands of China into a single state, Beijing served as an outpost to protect against invading enemies from the north. In 1928, he lost his status as the capital of the state, but acquired another name - Beiping. Before the proclamation of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the advisory council issued a decree moving the capital from Nanjing to Beiping and renaming it Beijing, which means "Northern Capital".

Beijing transport

The most convenient transport for tourists in Beijing is a taxi. The metro is somewhat cheaper, but very often overcrowded. Buses are divided into night and day, with and without air conditioning. The local population most often rides bicycles, for which special paths are equipped on the main roads and highways. In the city center and the streets of tourist areas, cycle rickshaws run - tricycles with a carriage for passengers.


Beijing is considered a safe city. Serious crimes are committed here quite rarely, but you should be wary of petty scammers, especially in crowded places.

  • The Summer Olympic Games, hosted by Beijing in 2008, were the most expensive ever.
  • Tiananmen Square is the largest in the world and covers an area of ​​440 thousand square meters. m
  • At railway stations in Beijing, foreigners are served only at specially designed ticket offices.
  • The city annually hosts an athletics marathon, part of the distance of which runs along the crest of the Great Wall of China.

brief information

Throughout its long history, China has changed several names. Once upon a time, China was called "Celestial", "Middle Country", "Flowering Xia". But from the name change, the Chinese remained the same people as before. Now China is one of the most influential countries in the world. Every year, tens of millions of tourists visit China to see this unique country in person. Any traveler will be interested in China - there are a huge number of attractions, ski and beach resorts, beautiful nature, friendly people and delicious cuisine.

Geography of China

China is located in East Asia. In the north, China borders with Mongolia, in the northeast - with North Korea and Russia, in the northwest - with Kazakhstan, in the southwest - with India, Bhutan, Pakistan and Nepal, in the west - with Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan, and in the south with Vietnam, Laos and Myanmar (Burma). The total area of ​​this country, including the islands, is 9,596,960 sq. km., and the total length of the state border is more than 22 thousand km.

The shores of China are washed by three seas - East China, South China, and also Yellow. The largest island in China is Taiwan.

From Beijing to Shanghai is the Great Plain of China. In the north of China there is a whole belt of mountains. In the east and south of China there are small mountains and plains. The highest peak in China is Mount Qomolangma, whose height reaches 8,848 meters.

More than 8,000 rivers flow through China. The largest of them are the Yangtze, the Yellow River, the Amur, the Zhujiang and the Mekong.


The capital of China is Beijing, which is now home to about 17.5 million people. Archaeologists say that the city on the site of modern Beijing already existed in the 5th century BC. BC.

Official language of China

The official language in China is Chinese, belonging to the Chinese branch of the Sino-Tibetan language family.


The dominant religions in China are Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. In addition, many Muslims and Christians live in China.

State structure of China

According to the current Constitution, China is the People's Republic. Its head is the President, who is traditionally also the General Secretary of the Communist Party of China.

Chinese Parliament - National People's Congress (2,979 deputies who are elected for 5 years by regional people's congresses).

Climate and weather

The climate in China is very diverse, due to its very large territory and geographical location. Basically, China is dominated by the dry season and the monsoon season. There are 5 climatic (temperature) zones in China. The average annual air temperature is +11.8C. The highest average air temperature is observed in June and July (+31C), and the lowest in January (-10C). The average annual rainfall is 619 mm.

Sea in China

The shores of China are washed by three seas - East China, South China, and also Yellow. The total length of the coastline is almost 14.5 thousand km. The largest island in China is Taiwan.

Rivers and lakes

More than 8,000 rivers flow through China. The largest of them are the Yangtze, the Yellow River, the Amur, the Zhujiang and the Mekong. As for Chinese lakes, among them one should first of all name the Qinghai, Xingkai, Poyanghu, Dongtinghu and Taihu lakes.

History of China

The history of China goes back thousands of years. Archaeologists say that Homo sapiens appeared in China about 18 thousand years ago. The first Chinese dynasty was called the Xiayu. Its representatives ruled China from about 2205 BC. e. until 1766 BC e.

There are 17 dynasties in Chinese history. In addition, in the years 907-959 there was a so-called. era of the Five Dynasties.

The last Chinese emperor (from the Qing Dynasty) abdicated in 1912 (or rather, Empress Longyu abdicated on behalf of her infant emperor son) after the Xinhai Revolution.

It was after the Xinhai Revolution that the Republic of China was proclaimed (in 1912). In 1949, the People's Republic of China was formed, which still exists today.


The culture of China is so unique and diverse that dissertations should be written about it. The basis of Chinese culture is Confucianism and Buddhism.

For tourists in China, we recommend visiting traditional local festivals, which are held almost without interruption. The most popular Chinese festivals are Lantern Festival, Lichun, New Year, Dragon Boat Festival, Harvest Festival, Remembrance Day (Qingming Festival), Mid-Autumn Festival, Winter Solstice , "Little New Year".

Wedding traditions are very interesting in China. Every bride in China should be able to cry. Usually a Chinese bride starts crying 1 month before the wedding (but no later than 2-3 weeks before the wedding). If a girl cries well before marriage, this is a sign of her virtue.

Girls learn how to cry for a wedding from the age of 12. The mothers of some girls even invite special teachers to teach the bride-to-be how to cry properly. When Chinese girls turn 15, they go to visit each other to find out which of them is the best cryer and exchange experiences on this important issue.

When Chinese girls cry about their marriage, they often sing songs about their "unhappy life." The origins of these traditions go back to the era of feudalism, when Chinese girls were given in marriage against their will.

Chinese Cuisine

As such, there is no single Chinese cuisine - there are Chinese provincial cuisines. The staple food in China is rice. The Chinese have come up with a lot of ways to cook rice. Beans, meat, vegetables, eggs and other products are added to rice. Rice is usually eaten by the Chinese with pickles, bamboo shoots, salted duck eggs and tofu.

Noodles are also very popular in Chinese cuisine. The first mention of noodles in China dates back to the Han Dynasty, and during the Song Dynasty, noodles become very popular among the Chinese. Chinese noodles can be thin and thick, but always long. The fact is that among the Chinese, long noodles symbolize the longevity of human life.

At the moment, there are hundreds of noodle dishes in China, each province has its own way of cooking it.

The Chinese are very fond of vegetables, which are, along with rice and noodles, the main food in China. Note that the Chinese prefer not raw, but boiled vegetables. In addition, the Chinese love to salt their vegetables.

It is possible that more eggs are consumed in China each year than in other parts of the world. The most exotic Chinese egg dish is salted duck eggs. Fresh duck eggs are soaked for 1 month in salt brine, resulting in a very tasty product.

Great importance in Chinese culinary tradition is attached to fish. The fact is that for the Chinese, fish is considered a symbol of abundance and prosperity. During the holidays, fish is the main dish on the family table. One of the most popular fish dishes among the Chinese is fish stew with brown sauce. Fish must be on the table of the Chinese during the celebration of the local New Year, because. it will bring prosperity in the coming year.

Another popular dish in China is tofu (bean curd). It is made from soy milk. Tofu is low in fat, but high in calcium, protein, and iron. Most often, tofu is served with spices and marinades.

Meat plays a prominent role in Chinese cuisine. The Chinese eat pork, beef, lamb, poultry, duck, and pigeons. Most often, the Chinese eat pork. The most famous Chinese meat dish is Peking Duck. Moreover, Peking Duck must be eaten in a special way - it must be cut into 120 thin pieces, each of which consists of meat and skin.

An important part of Chinese cuisine is soup. When preparing soups, the Chinese use meat, vegetables, noodles, fruits, fish and seafood, eggs, mushrooms and fruits.

  1. "Peking Duck", Beijing
  2. Rice noodles, Guilin
  3. Bun Soup, Shanghai
  4. Hotpot (stew with vegetables), Chengdu
  5. Dumplings, Xi'an
  6. Dim Sum (small dumplings of various shapes and fillings), Hong Kong.

The most popular soft drink among the Chinese is green tea, which they have been drinking for over 4,000 years. For a long time, tea has been used as a medicinal herb in China. As an everyday drink, tea began to be used in China during the Tang Dynasty. It was from China that tea came to Japan, where the famous Japanese tea ceremony then developed. However, the Chinese ceremony rivals it in complexity and symbolism.

Traditional alcoholic drinks in China are rice beer and vodka, which is infused with a variety of ingredients.

Landmarks of China

According to official information, there are now several tens of thousands of historical, cultural, archaeological and ethnographic monuments in China. Many of them are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List (Temple and Tomb of Confucius, Temple of Heaven in Beijing, Yungang cave temples, etc.). The top ten Chinese attractions, in our opinion, may include the following:

  1. The great Wall of China
  2. Terracotta warriors in Xi'an
  3. Temple of Confucius near Qufu city
  4. Potala Palace in Lhasa
  5. Fujian Confucian Temple in Nanjing
  6. Temple of Heaven in Beijing
  7. Tibetan monasteries
  8. Yungang Buddhist Caves
  9. Shaolin Monastery on Songshan Mountain
  10. Lingu Ta Pagoda in Nanjing

Cities and resorts

The largest Chinese cities are Chongqing, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Tianjin, and, of course, Beijing.

Due to its geographical position, China has excellent conditions for a beach holiday. The most popular beach resorts are Qinhuangdao, Beidaihe, Dalian, Hainan Island (and the city of Sanya on this island). By the way, the tourist season in Sanya lasts all year. However, the whole island of Hainan is a year-round beach resort, where the sea temperature ranges from +26C to +29C. Even in January, on Hainan Island, the average air temperature is + 22C. The beaches on Hainan Island consist of white fine sand.

Most Chinese beach resorts have traditional Chinese medicine centers where tourists can improve their health if they wish. So, even on the island of Hainan there are thermal springs.

In general, many hotels in China offer spa services to their visitors. The skill of Chinese spa specialists, including massage therapists, is highly rated in many countries around the world. Traditional Chinese spa programs include hot stone massage, aroma massage, whitening, Tui-na massage, body wrap, Mandara massage, Mandarin massage. A mandatory attribute of a spa in China is herbal tea.

There are also several dozens of ski centers in China, although there are few foreign tourists there. Basically, these ski resorts are designed for local residents. However, it will be useful for an inquisitive traveler and mountain skier to visit Chinese ski resorts. In recent years, more and more tourists from Russia, Australia, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore can be found in Chinese ski resorts. So, Russian tourists most often go skiing in China to the province of Heilongjiang (this is the northeast of the country). Tourists from Australia and Thailand prefer the Beijing-Nanshan ski resort.

The ski season in the ski resorts of China lasts from mid-December to the end of March.


Tourists usually bring silk, green tea, porcelain, folk art products (embroidery, ceramics, engravings, etc.), jade, Chinese paintings, parchments with samples of Chinese calligraphy, wines and alcoholic beverages, traditional Chinese medicinal products from China as souvenirs. traditional medicine (from herbs, rhizomes, etc.), including ginseng.

Office Hours

Government agencies:
Mon-Fri: 08:00-17:00

It means "Northern Capital" in Chinese. It is a political, economic, historical and cultural center, one of the four ancient capitals of this great country.

Beijing lost its capital status several times over the centuries, but in 1949 the Chinese Communist Party returned its capital functions to it. This was not recognized by the government of Taiwan for a long time, but then reconciled.


This city is located in the north of the Great Chinese Plain, further north from the capital mountains rise, protecting this territory from cold winds, and earlier from the nomadic tribes of Mongolia. The Great Wall of China stretched along the ridges of the mountains.

Beijing originally had a ring structure, end roads continue to diverge from its center. Today there are six of them, and they continue to be built, i.e. continues to expand.

In the center of the capital is the famous Tiananmen Square with the gate of the same name. To the north of them is the Forbidden City, which for many centuries was the main residence of the emperors of China, and today is the best attraction of the capital.


Beijing has a mild monsoon climate, so it is hot and humid in summer, the average temperature is about +40 C. In winter, the weather is formed under the influence of anticyclones arriving here from Siberia, the average air temperature is about -5 C.

Most of the precipitation falls here in the summer, and winters are often completely snowless. In the off-season, almost every year suffers from sandstorms that can paralyze the life of this gigantic city.


The first settlements in this area appeared in the 1st millennium BC. and the first significant city of Ji was the capital of the Yan kingdom, which existed in this territory in the 5th-3rd centuries BC.

Later, the lands of modern Beijing were part of the Qin, Han and Tang empires. At first, the city was the southern capital of the Liao empire, which was burned to the ground by the Mongol nomadic tribes led by Genghis Khan.

In the XIII century, the city was rebuilt again, named Khanbalik, and it became the capital of the Mongol Khanate. Until today, the remains of the walls of a medieval Mongolian fortress have been preserved in Beijing.

After 100 years, the khanate fell, and Khanbalik was again destroyed. In the 15th century, during the Ming Empire, the city was rebuilt. At this time, Beijing received its modern name, and the best architectural and historical sights were built here.

In the 17th century, the Manchus invaded China and founded the Ming Empire here, making Beijing its capital. In the 19th century, the city was burned and plundered by the troops of France, Great Britain and Russia.

In 1911, the Qing Empire fell in a bourgeois revolution. The first republic appeared in China, which four years later again turned into an empire, but a very weak one. It was subjugated by the Japanese in the 30s of the last century.

In 1949, it was captured by the Communists under the leadership of the Great Mao, and the creation of the People's Republic of China with its capital in Beijing was proclaimed on Tiananmen Square. Thus began the modern history of China.


Of course, people do not come here to soak up the beach under the gentle sun. Beijing is the world's largest metropolis with a powerful industry and a complex environment. People come here to see the great architectural monuments.

The city suffered great damage from frequent wars for its possession, the invasion of French and British troops, as well as the Cultural Revolution of Mao. However, many historical and architectural sights have been preserved and are on the UNESCO list.

forbidden city

This is the largest palace complex in the world, built in the early 15th century during the Ming Dynasty. Today it is simply called Gugun or Former Palace and is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

For many centuries, emperors lived here with their families and retinue. Under pain of death, no one else had access to the palace. Today, tourists from all over the world visit it every year and enjoy the unique Chinese architecture and art.

summer palace

In this residence, the emperor of China with his family and servants spent his time in the summer, it is also on the UNESCO list. Around the Summer Palace a magnificent garden was laid out, a huge pond was dug according to Chinese tradition, a high hill was erected, etc.

The Summer Palace was destroyed in the middle of the 19th century by the armies of France and Great Britain, who captured Beijing. Later, Empress Cis restored it, according to legend, spending the money that was allocated for the construction of the Chinese Navy.

Gate of Heavenly Peace

These gates were erected at the beginning of the 15th century, they are located near the famous Tiananmen Square. Exactly the same gate was in Nanjing before the transfer of the capital from this city to Beijing.

The gate was destroyed twice as a result of a lightning strike in the middle of the 15th century and during the uprising of Chinese peasants in the middle of the 17th century. Later they were restored and reconstructed several times.

Tiananmen Square

This is the largest square in the world, symbolizing the center of the city and the whole country. It is named after the gate of the same name located nearby. This square is home to Mao's Mausoleum, the Chinese Parliament, the Grand Opera House, etc.

It was here that Mao Zedong proclaimed the founding of the PRC. There used to be a monument to Confucius, which for unknown reasons was dismantled several years ago. Tiananmen Square is a real symbol of the modern and its heart.

Sky Temple

This temple is also located in the center of the capital. It has a functioning monastery. The temple is included in the UNESCO list and is one of the symbols of the city. It was built in the first half of the 15th century during the Ming Dynasty.

For several hundred years, Chinese emperors came to the Temple of Heaven on the day of the winter solstice, brought rich gifts to heaven, asked for a good harvest, turned to the gods with a prayer for the prosperity of China, because. considered to be their relatives.

miaoing temple

This is a famous Buddhist temple with a monastery attached to it, it is also called the White Pagoda. Miaoing was built in the 13th century during the reign of the Mongol Yuan dynasty in Beijing. Many of the local buildings were built later, during the Ming Dynasty.

The temple in the 70s of the last century was significantly destroyed as a result of an earthquake, but later restored and completely reconstructed. During the restoration, archaeologists discovered ancient treasures hidden over the centuries inside and near the temple.


This is a segment of the Great Wall of China, located north of Beijing, which is most often visited by foreign tourists and residents of China. It can be reached by bus or by rail.

Badaling was built during the Ming Dynasty in the XIV-XVIII centuries and carefully restored in the middle of the last century at the direction of Mao Zedong. Millions of tourists come here every year.

Mausoleum of Mao Zedong

This mausoleum is another symbol of modern Beijing. It was built after the death of a Chinese communist leader in the 1970s. Since then, Mao has been buried here in a crystal coffin, covered with a red flag.

On the top floor of the mausoleum is a museum dedicated to Mao and his followers. Here you can see various exhibits, documents, photographs, letters, paintings that tell about the communist era in China, which continues today.

Temple of the Reclining Buddha (Wofo Temple)

This Buddhist temple complex is located near the Beijing hill. It was built in accordance with all religious traditions and is dedicated to the death of the Buddha. Here you can see sculptures of Buddha in different periods of his life and enlightenment.

In the main hall of the Temple there is a statue of the Reclining Buddha, it is made of copper in the first half of the 14th century and has a length of more than 5 meters. The Buddha is surrounded by clay statues of his 12 disciples, many allusions to Christianity.

Niujie Mosque

This is the oldest mosque in Beijing, founded in the 10th century and adopted a modern look in the 18th century. It stands on Cow Street in an area that has been inhabited by local Muslims for the second millennium.

During the 20th century, the Niujie Mosque was restored and renovated three times. It preserves all the Islamic traditions of the construction of religious buildings and structures. Today it is a symbol of the Mongolian period in the history of Beijing.

Parks and gardens

Beijing is famous for its ancient, imperial and modern gardens and parks. The Chinese have been famous for the art of landscape construction for many centuries. Therefore, be sure to take a walk in the parks of Beihai, Yuanmingyuan, Shichahai, Xiangshan, etc.

We recommend visiting the city botanical garden and the zoo with your children. They were founded in the middle of the last century and are located on the western outskirts of Beijing. Here you will feel yourself in the wild in an urban metropolis.

Popular establishments

Beijing has a very interesting nightlife, tourists are offered many nightclubs for entertainment, most of which are located in areas called Workers' Stadium and Wudaokou.

The nightclubs Sanlitun, Houhai, Yuandadu are open all night long. This is a favorite place for young people from all over the world. Here, even Beijingers rest exclusively in European style.


Beijing is the most important transportation hub in all of China. In addition to six ring roads, there are many modern highways, railway lines and the largest air harbor.

Railway trains, incl. high-speed, go from Beijing to all major cities in China and abroad: to Russia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, etc. Today, the Chinese railway is one of the most developed in the world.

A network of highways, including nine high-speed roads, linked Beijing to all parts of the country. It is also developed inside the capital itself, although the problem of traffic jams in Beijing has not yet been solved.

It is best to fly from Russia to Beijing by air. Beijing's main airport is called "Capital" or "Shoudou" and serves a portion of local and international flights. It is a 40-minute taxi ride from downtown Beijing.

There is also other public transport in the capital. The fare will please you with its democratic nature, the tickets are cheap. The taxi system is widely developed, there are also illegal taxi drivers who “bomb” no worse than in Russia.


In total, Chinese legislation provides for 16 types of visas for foreigners, each of which has its own validity period and is provided for certain purposes of visiting this country.

But in practice, Russians get by with a tourist visa, a business visa, and a multi-visa. They have long shown ease of use, so they are popular when Russians draw up entry documents to China.

A tourist visa is intended for recreation, shopping and treatment in this country. A single entry visa is valid for 30 days and is valid for three months. With a double entry visa, you can visit China twice for 30 days within three months.

A tourist visa can be obtained by contacting the Chinese Embassy in Moscow, a visa center or a travel agency. Later, it can be extended or reissued on the spot, while in Beijing, if you accidentally missed the deadlines established by law.

Business visa is designed for longer periods - 30, 60 and 90 days. To receive it, you need an invitation from a Chinese economic partner. A multi-visa is a subtype of a business visa.

The beauty of all these visas is that they do not require your personal presence during their application. You can entrust all the chores to your representative or apply for a visa via the Internet by receiving it to your email inbox.

Who is this resort for: pros and cons

Any traveler with a variety of income levels can come to Beijing and have a great rest. There is a place for the middle class, students and retirees. There is something to entertain yourself and very wealthy people.

The downside of this resort is the poor environmental situation in Beijing due to the many factories and factories. There are no beaches and clean open water. But the sightseeing and entertainment tourism is well represented.