Why is iron not absorbed in the body? The main symptoms of iron deficiency in the body in women: what you need to pay attention to. Insects are healthier than meat

Iron is a very important trace element for life. human body. One of important functions iron is the formation of hemoglobin in the blood, which carries oxygen throughout the body, nourishing muscles and cells, and its deficiency will very quickly affect your well-being, causing fatigue. So what helps the body absorb iron? Let's start with something simple.


Eat foods rich in iron

As a rule, iron enters the human body through food. Iron is best absorbed when maintained balanced diet and administer biologically active additives into your daily diet. Those most at risk are vegetarians, children, pregnant women, and people suffering from certain chronic diseases. Some foods are leaders in iron content and should be present in daily diet to forget about the lack of this microelement in the body.

  1. To maintain hemoglobin levels, include meat, fish products, and don't forget about seafood. Thanks to high content proteins of animal origin, in the first place are dishes from meat products providing daily norm gland.

    • Daily consumption of meals with even small amounts of animal protein will significantly increase your chance of fighting anemia.
    • Vary your menu by trying oysters or canned shellfish, which provide your daily dose of iron in just one serving (about 85 grams). We especially advise pregnant women who need additional iron intake into their bodies to take this into account.
    • Organ meats that are very rich in iron, such as chicken liver and cod liver.
  2. Eat more legumes- This is a storehouse of iron. Soybeans, beans, lentils, chickpeas, peanuts (and peanut butter), and other legumes are valuable sources of iron for your body.

    • One cup of legumes is enough to meet the recommended daily intake of iron for both children and adults.
  3. Eat so-called breakfast cereals containing Various types food additives. Many breakfast cereals are fortified with iron. For example, just one cup of breakfast cereal contains enough daily dose gland. However, pay attention to the packaging; not all products contain this trace element.

    • Test cereals, breads, pastas and other grain products for iron content. Exactly, calculate how many milligrams of iron you consume every day.
  4. Don't neglect your greens. It's no secret that spinach leaves and other dark green leafy crops are rich in iron. So, just half a cup of cooked spinach will replenish not only your iron supply, but also your child's by up to 1/3 of the recommended daily intake.

    Take iron supplements

    The level of iron in the body fluctuates by different stages development in both men and women. Children, teenagers with their rapid growth rate, women during menstruation, as well as pregnant women, their need for iron increases sharply. Many babies receive iron in the first stages of life. different forms, for example, with an iron-fortified formula to maintain the required level of the microelement in the blood. People with low hemoglobin concentrations or who use antacids are also advised to take iron-fortified medications to replenish the required supply. Possible side effects, for example, darkening of the stool, but do not panic - this normal reaction body and indicates that the drug is working.

    1. Consult your doctors. br>

      • One is enough good nutrition and taking multivitamins, others need to see a doctor.
      • Many women take medications that already contain iron during pregnancy.
    2. Check your blood iron levels. In most cases, a simple blood test will allow you to check your iron levels and whether there is cause for concern.

      • Be prepared that confirmation of the results will require more tests and examinations to find and eliminate the cause of your illness. For example, maybe you need to diversify your diet or maybe concomitant disease, led to iron deficiency.
    3. Trust the pharmacists. Often, drugs can be bought in pharmacies without a prescription.

      • Depending on the level of iron deficiency in the blood, simple use of the drug will help you achieve the desired result. Remember that you should only take the drug if you are sure there is a problem.
      • If you decide that the drug in the form of drops is more suitable for your small child, contact your doctor or local nurse for a prescription.
      • The daily human need is as follows: children - from 7-11 mg, adult men and women - 8 mg, women of childbearing age need from 15-18 mg, pregnant women - 27 mg, and when breastfeeding 9 mg. Do not self-medicate; it is better to consult a doctor.
    • Remember. Everything is good in moderation. Iron accumulates in the body and can be hazardous to health, causing a number of diseases. Hemochromatosis is one of them, which disrupts the functioning of internal organs.

Iron is one of the most abundant elements in nature and one of the most studied micronutrients found in food. In the human body, this component plays the role of the main catalyst. respiratory processes, participates in oxidation reactions of food components with the formation of chemical energy.

57% of the iron contained in the body is part of a special protein - hemoglobin. A hemoglobin particle contains four iron atoms, each of which is capable of binding one oxygen molecule. Deficiency of this microelement leads to anemia, typical manifestations which are weakness, fast fatiguability. The daily human requirement for iron is 5 mg for men and 10 mg for women.

Hemoglobin levels are determined by a basic blood test and require periodic monitoring. If your level long time is below normal, and the drugs do not give the desired effect, contact a specialist to find out the cause and promptly help your body.

Absorption of iron in the body. What helps?

Products containing easily digestible iron traditionally include beef (liver), buckwheat, apples. Some sources claim the presence of iron in pomegranate fruits, but there is no talk of any benefits of this product. Objections, of course, are accepted, but first compare the iron content in 1 liter. pomegranate juice containing it in 1 liter of ordinary drinking water(if you drink plain water, and not passed through the now fashionable iron removal installations).

The absorption of iron in the body will occur faster if you add foods containing soy protein. According to other sources, protein interferes with the absorption of iron, as well as zinc and manganese.

Absorption of iron in the body. What's stopping you?

Coffee and tea interfere with the absorption of iron. Milk also interferes with the absorption of this mineral. Does it at least contain iron? small quantities, but phosphates and calcium interfere with the absorption of this element; it is not recommended to wash down foods rich in Fe with dairy products. If you really want it, it’s better to drink milk a couple of hours after eating an iron-containing product. Mineral water with gas also negatively affects the absorption of iron.

They work the same way antacids, zinc and vitamin E. They form poorly soluble iron-based compounds that are not absorbed in the intestines.

Alcohol. Alcohol and nutritional benefits are incompatible things. Drinks with a high degree of alcohol destroy vitamins B6 and interfere with the absorption of calcium. The exception is red wine (from grapes, not from wine concentrate), which is recommended to be consumed in small quantities with meals.
Workers in hazardous industries often lack iron. Vapors from household and industrial chemicals help flush this element out of the body.

Iron for pregnant and lactating women

Increased need female body This is explained by the fact that iron loss occurs during menstruation, and the consumption of this element is especially high during pregnancy and breastfeeding. What does a woman need in this pretty season? a long period? She must take either iron supplements or complex supplements, although these are usually less effective. In addition, food preferences also influence the effectiveness of therapy.

Refers to essential microelements that are part of more than 100 enzymes and take part in hematopoiesis, respiration and immune reactions. It is part of hemoglobin, an enzyme in red blood cells that transports oxygen. The body of adults contains approximately 4 g of this element, more than half of which is hemoglobin iron. It should be remembered that we cannot synthesize iron in the body and daily requirement people are provided with food. However, even a diet rich in iron does not always guarantee that it will be absorbed in full. On average, iron absorption from foods is approximately 10%, and in some cases even less.


Metabolism in healthy adults is usually closed in a cycle: every day we lose approximately 1 mg of iron through the desquamated epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract and biological fluids, and exactly the same amount our body can absorb from food. In addition, when red blood cells have expired, they are destroyed and this element is also released, which is recycled and used again in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Thus, if the diet is not sufficiently balanced and the body’s daily needs are not met, a decrease in hemoglobin levels may occur, caused by iron deficiency in the blood.


Stomach. Here the bonds between iron and protein are destroyed, and under the influence of ascorbic acid supplied with food, the element changes from trivalent to divalent form. IN acidic environment it binds with mucopolysaccharides, forming a complex complex.

Upper sections small intestine. Further transformation of the resulting complex occurs in the small intestine. There it is split into small complexes consisting of ascorbic and citric acid, iron and a number of amino acids. Their absorption occurs predominantly in upper sections small intestine. It occurs most effectively in the duodenum and initial part jejunum. This process involves the capture of divalent iron by the villi of the mucous membrane, its oxidation in the membrane to trivalent and the subsequent transfer of the element to the membrane, where it is captured by the transferrin enzyme and transported to the bone marrow. From there, the element enters the mitochondria, where heme is formed.

The underlying parts of the small intestine. After iron enters the underlying parts of the intestine, where the pH is higher, it polymerizes into colloidal complexes that are inaccessible for absorption and is released from the body in a precipitated form in the form of hydroxides.


Iron absorption occurs better in the presence of succinic and ascorbic acids, while calcium, on the contrary, inhibits this process. The rate of absorption of the element is also affected by the amount of iron reserves in the body. Absorption accelerates when there is a deficiency and slows down when there is an excess. Gastrointestinal diseases, including atrophy of the gastric mucosa, reduce its ability to break down proteins and contribute to the development of iron deficiency. With secretory pancreatic insufficiency, the absorption of this element is also impaired. An insufficient amount of enzymes that prevent the polymerization of iron accelerates the formation of complex complexes in which this element can no longer be absorbed by the intestinal mucosa.


From the above we can conclude that iron absorption occurs well in the presence of some vitamins and microelements. Therefore, many biologically active food additives designed to further enrich the diet with this element have complex composition. These include one of the types of hematogen “FERROGEMATOGEN®-PHARMSTANDARD”. The composition of the product, in addition to albumin rich in heme iron (processed blood of large cattle), includes ascorbic and folic acid, copper and vitamin B6. They help optimize the absorption of the microelement and its transportation to places of deposition.

Iron (Fe) plays an important role in our body. This is one of essential microelements, because it takes part in the process of hematopoiesis, supports the immune system, and is also part of hormones and various kinds enzymes. Unfortunately, approximately 30% of the total population of planet Earth suffers from iron deficiency. Besides this, there is another question that is worth attention: why is iron not absorbed? Let's try to figure this out.

Need for iron

Why is iron poorly absorbed? Iron is not synthesized in our body, and therefore for it to function properly it needs to be supplied from external environment. And if this microelement is not enough, a person may feel a deterioration in health. So why do we actually need iron and how do we understand that we don’t have enough of it? About this and some other things we'll talk in the topic of this article.

In our body, almost any substance fulfills its obligations, and iron is no exception. Regardless of gender, social status or any other factor, it is important to maintain the necessary amount so that later you don’t have to wonder why iron is not absorbed in the body of a woman or man. The main functions of iron are as follows:

  • Transport oxygen. As everyone probably knows, red blood cells are made up of the protein hemoglobin, which is based on iron. This protein has the ability to enter into a reversible reaction with oxygen, carrying it from the lungs to circulatory system to other organs and tissues. And in order for vital biochemical processes to take place in them, O 2 is precisely what is needed. Educated at the same time carbon dioxide, hemoglobin is taken back, and the gas leaves the body through the lungs.
  • Takes part in the synthesis of proteins and other necessary enzymes. It's about about the creation of DNA, the destruction of liver toxins, the production of blood cells. Not only the composition of the plasma, but also the number of leukocytes depends on the amount of iron in the body. And they, as you know, are our protectors from uninvited guests.
  • Hormonal production. Ferrum takes an active part in the formation of hormones for thyroid gland. With their help, with the support of the nervous and immune system the functioning of the brain, heart, kidneys and other organs is regulated.

Before you understand why iron is not absorbed in the body, it is worth knowing the normal indicators. For women it is 18 mcg, for the male half of humanity - 10 mcg. For pregnant women, this number doubles, since expectant mothers experience dramatic changes during this period.

As a result, the blood becomes diluted and the hemoglobin level decreases. The body begins to look for the trace element it needs in its reserves - muscle tissue, bone marrow, liver. As a result, fatigue appears, the risk of getting an infection increases, nervous system is depleted.

Symptoms of iron deficiency

Why is iron not absorbed in the body of a man or woman? Some people believe that lack of iron in the body and anemia are related concepts. In reality they are not the same thing. Anemia is more likely a consequence of iron deficiency. At the same time appear this state maybe in different ways. There are two types of symptoms: latent and hidden. The first type of signs include:

  • Performance is noticeably reduced.
  • Chronic fatigue.
  • Pale skin tone.
  • Frequent headache.
  • Memory deteriorates, the thought process is slower.
  • Sleep problems.
  • Respiratory diseases appear with frequent frequency.
  • Visual impairment.

With these signs, the amount of iron in the body is moderately reduced. But at the same time, the substance supplied with the food is not enough, and the body begins to use internal reserves. It is important to take care of your health in a timely manner, otherwise other signs will be observed that iron is poorly absorbed in the body (read below for why this happens):

  • Dizziness and fainting. Due to the reduced level of hemoglobin, oxygen starvation occurs. This leads to darkening of the eyes if you suddenly change body position or physical effort, in a stuffy or poorly ventilated area.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath against a background of rapid heartbeat. Due to a decrease in oxygen supply to internal organs, the functionality of the cardiovascular system is noticeably reduced.
  • Loss of weight and appetite, and in a drastic form. This occurs due to metabolic disorders, which worsens the disease.
  • Performance decreases sharply, weakness appears, and it becomes increasingly difficult for patients to perform physical work, and any due to muscle weakness. And during labor, shortness of breath, weakness, and dizziness occur.
  • Low level hemoglobin is the most true symptom anemia. Using a routine blood test, you can not only determine iron deficiency, but also assess the severity of the disease.

Moreover, the digestive system, which is accompanied by belching, heartburn, constipation, and bloating.

In addition, immunity is noticeably reduced, and due to hormonal disorders the body increases the risk of developing serious inflammatory processes. Hair and nails grow poorly, and the latter can be deformed by acquiring a spoon-shaped shape.

Why does this happen? Why is iron not absorbed in the body of a woman or man?

There's a reason for everything

As you know, any disease or any other problem in the body does not appear just like that, and there is a specific reason for this. Iron deficiency is no exception. Although there is one strange thing here - after all, the daily need for this essential microelement is about 3-5 grams. And many foods on our table contain iron.

However, the lack of ferrum is still present. At the same time, all the reasons why iron is not absorbed in the body are based on two main factors: high consumption of iron or its insufficient intake into the body. Let's look at them in a little more detail.

High flow rate

The main reason for iron deficiency is high consumption. And sad as it may be, it is women who are susceptible to this problem more often than men. And everything is in force menstrual cycle. During just one menstruation, the body loses up to 80 ml of blood. And if there are still dysfunctional disorders that are associated with organ diseases reproductive system, uterine bleeding may occur.

However, blood loss can be purely mechanical and human. True, for the most part this applies to special occasions(curettage, abortion, childbirth). This damages the blood vessels, which also causes bleeding.

However, blood loss can occur in a person, regardless of gender, due to stomach or intestinal disease, during operations, or as a result of serious injury. In addition, donors who donate blood too often expose themselves to iron deficiency.

Another reason why iron is not absorbed in terms of its high consumption, again concerns directly the female half of humanity. This is about physiological processes, which can include:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period;
  • development and growth of the female body;
  • puberty.

It's especially worth it here a lot of attention breast-feeding. The point is that with mother's milk the child is given all the essentials nutrients, including iron. Moreover, its quantity may decrease noticeably, and if losses are not replenished, health may be at risk.

Low supply quantity

Unfortunately, as noted above, our body cannot produce iron, and it must be obtained from the outside. And its main source is food. Moreover, it is desirable that elements such as copper, cobalt, manganese, ascorbic acid, which helps us better absorb iron. But an excess amount of calcium, on the contrary, disrupts this process.

In addition to the above, poisoning with industrial or household poisons can lead to iron deficiency in the body. And to neutralize them, the liver produces special enzymes, which is simply impossible without this element.

What could be the consequences?

Iron deficiency does not end with weakness, decreased performance and frequent colds. The problem affects internal organs. The functioning of the thyroid gland significantly deteriorates, the production bone marrow, hormones and some substances are reduced. Oxygen starvation leads to brain problems cardiovascular system starts to malfunction.

But that's not all the complications. Appearance the person changes too. The skin dries out, becomes wrinkled, and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In addition, due to metabolic disorders, a person gains excess weight.

But iron deficiency poses a more serious threat to children and pregnant women. Anemia may cause your child to have problems with internal organs. But if the expectant mother did not have enough iron, then this threatens more serious complications. There is a high risk of having children with a defect or mental or mental retardation.

Why is iron not absorbed in the baby's body?

Signs of anemia can appear not only in adults, but also in infants. And if obvious symptoms put parents on guard, forcing them to apply for medical care, then with hidden signs not so simple. Moms and dads are simply unable to understand why their baby suddenly became lethargic, pale and inactive.

In this case, it is better to take a blood test. And if the disease is present, it will be detected. The amount of hemoglobin in a child changes as he grows up:

  • 24 hours after birth - 130-145 g/l;
  • 2-14 days - 120-130 g/l;
  • 14-28 days - 110-120 g/l;
  • From 1 month to six years of age - up to 110 g/l.

If the analysis shows different numbers from those given above, the forecast is not very reassuring. What could cause this? The reasons why a child does not absorb iron may be as follows:

  • Anemia in the mother during pregnancy.
  • Impaired blood circulation of the placenta.
  • Trauma during childbirth with large blood loss.
  • Intestinal diseases infectious nature.
  • Rapid growth baby during the first months of his life.
  • Poor diet for iron in infant nutrition.
  • Prematurity.

While the baby is still in the womb, his body stores iron, and most of it is concentrated in red blood cells, while there is little of it in the muscles. But after the baby is born, throughout the entire period breastfeeding This reserve is used up in six months. At this point, you need to replenish iron with complementary foods.

What can be done?

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the reason why iron is not absorbed, and only then proceed directly to therapy. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment will be temporary, and after a while everything will happen again. But if the causes have been identified and eliminated, you can proceed to treatment, which can be carried out in several ways:

  • Pharmacotherapy.
  • Taking dietary supplements.
  • Diet therapy.

There is also effective procedure for blood transfusion. However, it is used in in rare cases when there is a threat to the patient's life.


The basis of treatment is taking two groups of drugs: salts with divalent iron and non-salts with trivalent iron. The first category includes ferrous sulfate, ferrous chloride, ferrous fumarate and the like. Active substances are able to penetrate the intestinal mucosa and then into the bloodstream. There, the compound is converted into a trivalent form and combines with ferritin and transferritin and in this form is used for the needs of the body.

However, solving the problem of why iron is not absorbed, in some cases salt preparations may cause side effects (heartburn, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation). In addition, they begin to interact with food, which makes their absorption difficult.

The non-salt group belongs to the new generation of drugs. They are also absorbed from the intestines into the blood. The toxicity of these drugs is minimal. In addition, they do not interact with food, so they can be used with meals.

dietary supplements

Usually, the treatment of anemia is complex, and in addition to taking basic medications, additional substances are prescribed that improve the metabolic process and the synthesis of blood cells. This nutritional supplements, which contain an easily digestible form of iron: ferrous gluconate, ferrous fumarate, peptonate and ferrous citrate.

Just keep in mind that dietary supplements are only effective in combination with medicines, appointed by a specialist. Separately, they can be used for prevention purposes, but no more. If you are intolerant to individual components, these medications may cause side effects.

Diet therapy

In addition to taking medications, you can solve the problem of why iron is not absorbed by eating foods that are rich in this mineral. Nutritionists have long compiled a list of what should be included in your diet during treatment or prevention. The most iron (3.5 mg or more per 100 g) is found in beef meat, chicken liver, sesame seeds, beans, and pumpkin seeds.

Products with slightly less iron content, but still in sufficient quantities (1-2 mg per 100 g) are red beans, sardines, baked potatoes, boiled turkey chicken breast, spinach, green pepper.

But it is better to abstain from tea and coffee in the presence of anemia, since the absorption of iron is significantly more difficult. The same applies to long-term frying of foods.

Iron is a very necessary element, thanks to which the blood is saturated with oxygen, other important processes in organism. With its deficiency, anemia develops, which, when severe course, may lead to coma. Women especially often suffer from iron deficiency.

But why can’t a woman absorb iron? Why is there a deficiency of this element and what needs to be done to replenish it? Let's talk about it today:

Causes of iron deficiency

However, most representatives of the fair sex experience a chronic lack of it. Why does the body lack iron? We list the most common reasons:

Chronic bleeding. They are the cause of iron deficiency in the vast majority of cases (80%). It can be internal bleeding for gastrointestinal tumors, peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis, hemorrhoids and intestinal diverticulosis.

Reasons may also be: chronic enteritis, malabsorption syndrome, as well as intestinal amyloidosis and small intestinal resection. Nasal and pulmonary bleeding, pyelonephritis, tumor diseases Bladder and kidneys, chronic inflammatory processes.

Often in women, iron is not absorbed in the body due to endometriosis, heavy menstruation, as well as for uterine fibroids and various uterine bleeding.

Pregnant and lactating women often lack this substance.

Excessive physical activity.

Poor nutrition, when the diet lacks iron-rich foods. That's why it's so often iron deficiency anemia Vegetarians suffer.

How to replenish iron deficiency?

The first thing you need to do is get tested. It will be prescribed by a hematologist or therapist. If iron deficiency is diagnosed, iron supplements are usually prescribed. If a disease is discovered against which a deficiency of this element has developed, the doctor will prescribe appropriate treatment.

To prevent the development of anemia, after a course of iron-containing drugs, you should reconsider your diet in favor of increasing iron-rich foods - beef, offal, seafood, fish, eggs, cereals, beets, apples, apricots, zucchini, celery, rowan fruits, rose hips etc. It is also useful to take vitamins B6 and B12.

Folk remedies

To improve the composition and quality of blood and prevent anemia, it is recommended to consume grated carrots seasoned with sour cream or vegetable oil. It is better to do this in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Fresh leaves Pass young nettles through a juicer or grind through a meat grinder. Squeeze the juice, mix half and half with clean water. Take 1 tbsp, 2 or 3 times a day.