Evraz city of ideas current projects. Regulations of the grant competition for social projects. "evraz: city of friends city of ideas

The ideas of Tagil residents must be realized. And there are opportunities for this. A social grant competition “EVRAZ: City of Friends – City of Ideas!” will start in October. I already had experience. Many projects implemented thanks to this program continue to exist today.

The blows of boxing gloves and the knock of iron are heard in the dormitory gym of the Nizhny Tagil Mining and Metallurgical College every day. Students are studying. The hall appeared here in 2011. Daniil Chebykin has been interested in boxing since school. And I didn’t give up my hobby in college. I also started lifting weights.

Daniil Chebykin, second year student at NTGMC named after. E.A. and M.E. Cherepanov:

“I started hitting the bag faster, I started lifting more weight on the barbell, there are colossal changes! First I come home from school, do my homework, go to the gym to study, go to the shower, and then with such a relaxed body I go for a walk. It turns out cooler this way, in my opinion!”

The hall appeared in the hall of the hostel, thanks to the winning grant in the project “EVRAZ: City of Friends - City of Ideas!” The college administration, together with the students, put on paper the idea of ​​“EVRAZ Sports and Health”. And they protected her. The initiative was appreciated. We received a grant - more than three hundred and forty thousand rubles.

Nikolay Atamankin, representative of the trade union committee of EVRAZ NTMK:
“EVRAZ financed the purchase of equipment, flooring, and the children have been studying for so many years! They must come to the plant healthy and strong, so that they can solve all the tasks that will confront them, and for their future life.”

Now in Nizhny Tagil and Kachkanar, enterprising citizens can develop a project, and on October 1, submit it for participation in the EVRAZ grant competition. Tagil residents have the opportunity to receive financial support of up to five hundred thousand rubles, and Kachkanar residents – up to one hundred thousand. The College of Mining and Metallurgy is already discussing which idea to submit as an application.

Mikhail Kholkin, director of NTGMC im. E.A. and M.E. Cherepanov:
“Not all guys are inclined to do weightlifting, i.e. we want to do a project that will be aimed at developing team sports - this is tennis, a football section, that is, there are a lot of ideas now, everything is being put together. All our ideas are discussed through the youth council, through self-government.”

This project is not the only long-lived one implemented as part of the “City of Friends – City of Ideas!” competition. EVRAZ grants became the impetus for the development of such projects as the “Children Rule” music festival, streetball competitions for City Day, held by “Old Sable” and many others.

Elena Raudshtein, director of the EVRAZ-Ural charity foundation:
“For every project that was really thought out, in which the author understood the prolongation of his idea, it’s not like some project just happened here and they forgot about it. This means the project will live. And, quite possibly, it will turn into some kind of EVRAZ project that will be supported from year to year.”

EVRAZ believes that it can have a positive impact on the lives of people living in the regions where the Company's enterprises operate. EVRAZ strives to demonstrate respect and care for these people by making direct and significant social investments in local communities. All social investments of the Company are carried out on a voluntary basis. They are aimed at strengthening and further developing EVRAZ’s partnerships with stakeholders and the local community. The Company supports projects that improve the quality of life in the regions where the Company’s enterprises and offices are located...” (Main directions of social investments, approved by the Board of Directors of Evraz Group S.A. on April 25, 2007).
In 2017, EVRAZ, in accordance with the Regulations of the “Main Directions of Social Investments,” is holding a Grant Competition for social projects (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) in the following cities:

Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region)

Kachkanar (Sverdlovsk region)
Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region)
Mezhdurechensk (Kemerovo region).


1. The purpose of the Competition: involvement of the public in activities for the development of urban space and environmental protection, development of public initiative and increasing the activity of the population in the field of social design, improvement, environmental education and conservation of urban natural resources.

2. Principles of the Competition: openness of information about the Competition; publicity of events; transparency and openness of decision-making; equality of participants.

3. Competition – grant.

Cost of implementation of the project proposed for participation in the Competition:

in Nizhny Tagil and Novokuznetsk - no more than 500 thousand rubles.

in Mezhdurechensk - no more than 300 thousand rubles.

in the city of Kachkanar - no more than 100 thousand rubles.

The possible implementation period for the main activities of the project is from 3 to 6-12 months. All projects must have prospects for further continuation even after the main project activities have been implemented.

4. Participants in the Competition may be:

non-profit public organizations/associations registered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (at least 1 year);

municipal and private educational, medical, social institutions;

cultural and sports institutions operating in the Competition territories;

initiative groups of citizens and individual citizens under the guarantee of a legal entity (non-profit or municipal organizations);

charitable and other foundations.

5. Not eligible for financing:

commercial projects, assistance to events carried out on a commercial basis;

projects that do not meet the goals of the Competition;

projects aimed at implementing current educational activities financed from the budget;

Scientific research;

projects of political associations, or of a political nature;

religious projects and projects of religious organizations;

holding rallies, demonstrations, picketing, etc.;

current expenses and accounts payable of the organization;

travel expenses.

6. Applicants for Grants declare participation in the Competition on the principle of self-nomination by sending an Application (Appendix No. 1 to these Regulations) and executed in accordance with the requirements of the Project (Appendix No. 2 to these Regulations) to the regional organizers of the Competition (Appendix No. 3 to this Regulation).

7. After receiving the Application and the Project, the regional organizers of the Competition will, within 10 working days, send recommendations to the applicant participant’s email address (if necessary) for finalizing the project, the timing of its submission and requirements for documentary support of the project’s activities.

8. Projects of the Competition must be of high social and environmental significance; obvious practical effectiveness; broad citizen involvement; a significant contribution to the development of environmental initiatives and civil society in the territories where it is held.

Projects must comply with the following areas - Competition Nominations:

projects aimed at supporting initiatives in the field of education and vocational guidance for children and youth, the formation of an environmental culture, and the promotion of environmental knowledge among students of educational institutions/pupils of preschool institutions and additional education institutions;

projects aimed at carrying out environmental campaigns, landscaping and improvement of courtyards, parks and public gardens, arrangement and design of places for sports and recreation areas for youth and children;

projects promoting a healthy lifestyle and health promotion;

projects aimed at transforming and improving the environment and the environmental situation;

projects in the field of culture and art: support for projects of creative teams and young talents;

projects that strengthen and popularize family values, as well as projects aimed at educating and, in some cases, protecting the rights and interests of children;

projects aimed at developing educational ecotourism.

To identify the opportunities and interests of NPOs, as well as the range of social and environmental problems of the city where the Competition is held, it is expected that applications and projects will be considered in a free Competition (outside the designated areas). This will allow citizens to implement their own initiatives, attract the creative forces of children and youth to the Competition and expand their understanding of the environmental and social problems existing in the city, the ways and forms of their possible solutions, and will also reveal the potential of existing NGOs.

9. General management of the preparation and conduct of the Competition is carried out by its regional organizers (Appendix No. 3 to these Regulations).

10. The procedure for consideration of Applications, examination and evaluation of projects submitted to the Competition, announcement of results and winners is carried out by the Competition Supervisory Board, which includes independent experts from representatives of the public in the cities where the Competition is held. Each prospective expert is sent a letter in free form with an offer to join the Competition Supervisory Board and participate in the evaluation of grant Competition projects. In turn, the prospective participants of the competition commission send a free-form letter to the regional organizer of the Competition containing their consent or refusal to consider projects. The selected experts will carry out their activities as part of the Supervisory Board on a voluntary basis and should not have a direct interest in the projects being implemented.

11. Information about the submitted projects, the results of the Competition and its winners, the progress of implementation of projects that received grants, will be posted on the official website of the project www.evraz-grant.ru, which will open on July 1, 2017. Voting on the received projects will be organized on the website . The voting results are submitted to the Competition Supervisory Board and will be taken into account when determining its winners.

12. When evaluating a program/project, the following are taken into account:

compliance with the Charter and mission of the applicant organization;

public, social, environmental significance, demand and practical implementation;

availability of innovative methods to solve social and environmental problems;

the degree of development of the project and methods of its implementation, the availability of its own material resources and borrowed funds;

stability of the applicant organization’s activities; the complexity of the activities being carried out;

degree of involvement of citizen participants; possibility of further development and replication;

compliance of the program/project with the directions of the Competition.

13. Stages of the Competition:

Novokuznetsk and Mezhdurechensk:

Nizhny Tagil and Kachkanar:

Information about the progress of the Competition is brought to the attention of the general public through the project website and the media.

14. An agreement on the provision of a Grant is concluded with the participants who win the Competition. Organizations - applicants (initiative groups), whose projects are determined by the Supervisory Board as winners, carry out activities on these projects in accordance with the project calendar plan, and send financial and analytical reports (in the approved form) on their implementation to the regional organizers of the Competition. In the event of unforeseen circumstances that complicate the implementation of projects, representatives of applicant organizations immediately inform the regional organizers of the Competition.

15. Regional organizers of the Competition control the implementation process of projects that won the Competition and receive the necessary information on all issues of their implementation.

Appendix No. 1

"EVRAZ: city of friends - city of ideas!"


Name of company______________________________________________

Organizational and legal form_______________________________________________

Organization INN:

Checkpoint of the organization:

Ruble account number:

Name of the bank_________________________________________________________________

Correspondent account number:

Address (location):_______________________________________________

contact number

E-mail address

Head of the organization

(full name, position)

Has the organization received targeted funds in the last two years, and, if so, from whom?


Project name______________________________________________________

The essence of the project, direction, goals and objectives (no more than 1 page)___________________

Target audience, what problems can it solve?_________________________

Expected Result___________________________________________________

Duration of the project_____________________________________________

Approximate cost of the project _________________________________________________

Requested project budget________________________________________________


We hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided:

Signature of the head of the organization_______________________________________________

Signature of the project manager_________________________________________________

Date ______________________________________

Be prepared for a detailed description of the project and its presentation!

Dare and win!

Appendix No. 2

to the Regulations on the Grant Competition for Social Projects

"EVRAZ: city of friends - city of ideas!"

Requirements for project preparation

Project (application) is a document printed on A4 sheets, Times New Roman 14 or Arial 12 font, containing a brief description of the proposed idea and the plan for its implementation.

Components of the project:

1. Title page (name of the project, performer). 1 page

2. A brief description of the project (no more than 300 words), which is accompanied by an illustration (photo, drawing, etc.) for posting on the project page on the Internet. The maximum photo size is 800x600 pixels.

3. Description of the project - a description of the essence of the proposal (without specifying details), as well as information about who, how, for whom and in what time frame will implement the project, with a mandatory indication of the specific benefits of the implementation); no more than 1 page

4. Information about the organization/initiative group and its activities: for organizations - date of creation of the organization, areas of activity, projects already implemented, awards received, other important information; for initiative groups - composition of the group (full name, place of work/study), areas of joint activities, completed projects, other important information; no more than 1 page

5. Justification of the feasibility of implementing the project - a description of the objectively existing problem to which the proposed project is aimed; no more than 0.5 page.

6. Goals and objectives of the project - WHAT the authors want to receive at the end of the project. The goal (usually one) is the main result obtained from the implementation of the project. Tasks (usually several) are the main steps, the combined implementation of which allows you to achieve the goal; no more than 0.5 page.

7. Strategy and methods of project implementation - how the authors want to achieve the goal outlined in the project. What specific methods and forces are expected to achieve the goal; no more than 1 page

8. Work schedule for project implementation - a detailed description of the work to be performed; no more than 1 page

9. Plan - schedule of activities to support the project (what activities with the involvement of the public - participants and representatives of the project target group, stakeholders, the media - are planned to be prepared and implemented); no more than 1 page

10. Expected results of the project implementation - the expected results of the project, both primary (achieved goals, accomplished tasks) and secondary (additional benefits that will be received by project participants, target audiences, the city and citizens); no more than 0.5 page.

11. Further development of the project - prospects for the development of the project after the completion of the Competition, the ability of the organization/initiative group to independently continue work in this direction; no more than 0.5 page.

12. Project budget - requested amounts of funding indicating the direction of expenditure. Amounts indicated in the budget may be preliminary and rounded up to the nearest whole number.

13. The application must be bound in any folder (folders with embedded files, plastic folders, etc.), and it must also be duplicated by e-mail.

The following attachments are provided along with the application for the Competition (at the request of the regional organizer of the Competition):

1. Copies of the constituent documents of the organization (legal entity - guarantor of the initiative group), certified by the head of the organization (seal of the organization and signature of the head):

Certificate of registration with the tax authority;

Certificate of state registration of a legal entity/non-profit organization (OGRN);

Size: px

Start showing from the page:


1 Regulations on the Grant Competition for Social Projects “EVRAZ: City of Friends, City of Ideas!” in 2017 “EVRAZ believes that it can have a positive impact on the lives of people living in the regions where the Company’s enterprises operate. EVRAZ strives to demonstrate respect and care for these people by making direct and significant social investments in local communities. All social investments of the Company are carried out on a voluntary basis. They are aimed at strengthening and further developing EVRAZ’s partnerships with stakeholders and the local community. The Company supports projects that improve the quality of life in the regions where the Company's enterprises and offices are located" (Main directions of social investments, approved by the Board of Directors of Evraz Group S.A. on April 25, 2007). In 2017, EVRAZ, in accordance with the Regulations of the “Main Directions of Social Investments,” is holding a Grant Competition for social projects “EVRAZ: City of Friends, City of Ideas!” (hereinafter referred to as the Competition) in the following cities: Nizhny Tagil (Sverdlovsk region) Kachkanar (Sverdlovsk region) Novokuznetsk (Kemerovo region) Mezhdurechensk (Kemerovo region). BASIC PROVISIONS: 1. Purpose of the Competition: involvement of the public in the development of urban space and environmental protection, development of public initiative and increasing the activity of the population in the field of social design, improvement, environmental education and conservation of urban natural resources.

2 2. Principles of the Competition: openness of information about the Competition; publicity of events; transparency and openness of decision-making; equality of participants. 3. Grant competition. The cost of implementing the project proposed for participation in the Competition: in Nizhny Tagil and Novokuznetsk no more than 500 thousand rubles. in Mezhdurechensk no more than 300 thousand rubles. in the city of Kachkanar no more than 100 thousand rubles. The possible implementation period for the main activities of the project is from 3 to 12 months. All projects must have prospects for further continuation even after the main project activities have been implemented. 4. Participants in the Competition may be: non-profit public organizations/associations registered in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation (at least 1 year); municipal and private educational, medical, social institutions; cultural and sports institutions operating in the Competition territories; initiative groups of citizens and individual citizens under the guarantee of a legal entity (non-profit or municipal organizations); charitable and other foundations. 5. The following are not eligible for financing: projects of a commercial nature, assistance to events carried out on a commercial basis; projects that do not meet the goals of the Competition; projects financed from the budget; Scientific research; projects of political associations, or of a political nature; religious projects and projects of religious organizations; holding rallies, demonstrations, picketing, etc.;

3 current expenses and accounts payable of the organization; travel expenses. 6. Applicants for Grants declare participation in the Competition on the principle of self-nomination by sending an Application (Appendix 1 to these Regulations) and executed in accordance with the requirements of the Project (Appendix 2 to these Regulations) to the regional organizers of the Competition (Appendix 3 to these Regulations) . 7. After receiving the Application and the Project, the regional organizers of the Competition will, within 10 working days, send recommendations to the applicant’s email address (if necessary) for finalizing the project, the timing of its submission and requirements for documentary support of the project’s activities. 8. Projects of the Competition must be of high social and environmental significance; obvious practical effectiveness; broad citizen involvement; a significant contribution to the development of environmental initiatives and civil society in the territories where it is held. Project topics: initiatives in the field of education/leisure of children and youth, formation and development of their professional guidance, development of additional skills and abilities of the younger generation; carrying out environmental campaigns, landscaping and landscaping courtyards, parks and public gardens, arranging and designing places for sports and recreation areas for youth and children; promotion of a healthy lifestyle and health promotion; transformation and improvement of the surrounding world, the environmental situation; culture and art: support for projects of creative teams and young talents; strengthening and popularizing family values, as well as projects aimed at educating and protecting the rights and interests of children; preservation of historical and cultural heritage and development of ecological tourism; support for older people and people with disabilities;

4 introduction of intelligent digital technologies in any social projects. To identify the opportunities and interests of NPOs, as well as the range of social and environmental problems of the city where the Competition is held, it is expected that applications and projects will be considered in a free Competition (outside the designated areas). This will allow citizens to implement their own initiatives, attract the creative forces of children and youth to the Competition and expand their understanding of the environmental and social problems existing in the city, the ways and forms of their possible solutions, and will also reveal the potential of existing NGOs. 9. General management of the preparation and conduct of the Competition is carried out by its regional organizers (Appendix 3 to these Regulations). 10. The procedure for consideration of Applications, examination and evaluation of projects submitted to the Competition, announcement of results and winners is carried out by the Competition Supervisory Board, which includes independent experts from representatives of the public in the cities where the Competition is held. Each prospective expert is sent a letter in free form with an offer to join the Competition Supervisory Board and participate in the evaluation of grant Competition projects. In turn, the prospective participants of the competition commission send a free-form letter to the regional organizer of the Competition containing their consent or refusal to consider projects. Selected experts carry out their activities as part of the Supervisory Board on a voluntary basis. 11. Information about the submitted projects, the results of the Competition and its winners, the progress of implementation of projects that received grants, will be posted on the official website of the project, which will open on July 1, 2017. Voting on the received projects will be organized on the website. The voting results are submitted to the Competition Supervisory Board and will be taken into account when determining its winners. 12. When evaluating a program/project, the following are taken into account: compliance with the Charter and mission of the applicant organization;

5 public, social, environmental significance, demand and practical implementation; availability of innovative methods to solve social and environmental problems; the degree of development of the project and methods of its implementation, the availability of its own material resources and borrowed funds; stability of the applicant's organization; the complexity of the activities being carried out; degree of citizen involvement; possibility of further development and replication; compliance of the program/project with the directions of the Competition. 13. Stages of the Competition. Novokuznetsk and Mezhdurechensk: May 10, 2017 Start of the Competition in Novokuznetsk and Mezhdurechensk May 10 - June 30, 2017 Acceptance of applications for participation in the Competition July 2017 August 2017 August 2017 September 1 - December 30, 2017 Review of projects by the Supervisory Board council Summing up the results of the Competition, announcing the winners Concluding agreements with the winners of the Competition. Implementation of projects, monitoring their implementation Information about the progress of the Competition is brought to the attention of the general public through the project website and the media. Nizhny Tagil and Kachkanar: October 01, 2017 Start of the Competition in Nizhny Tagil and Kachkanar October 1 November 17, 2017 November 2017 December 2017 December 2017 January 1 - June 30, 2018 Acceptance of applications for participation in the Competition Review of projects by the Supervisory Board council Summing up the results of the Competition, announcing the winners Concluding agreements with the winners of the Competition. Implementation of projects, monitoring their implementation

6 Information about the progress of the Competition is brought to the attention of the general public through the project website and the media. 14. An agreement on the provision of a Grant is concluded with the participants who win the Competition. Applicant organizations (initiative groups), whose projects are determined by the Supervisory Board as winners, carry out activities on these projects in accordance with the project calendar plan, and send financial and analytical reports (in the approved form) on their implementation to the regional organizers of the Competition. In the event of unforeseen circumstances that complicate the implementation of projects, representatives of applicant organizations immediately inform the regional organizers of the Competition. 15. Regional organizers of the Competition control the implementation process of projects that won the Competition and receive the necessary information on all issues of their implementation.

7 Appendix 1 to the Regulations on the Grant Competition for Social Projects “EVRAZ: City of Friends, City of Ideas!” APPLICATION OF THE COMPETITION PARTICIPANT Name of the organization Organizational and legal form INN of the organization: KPP of the organization: Ruble account number: Name of the bank Correspondent account number: BIC: Address (location): Contact phone Fax Email address Head of the organization (full name, position ) Has the organization received targeted funds in the last two years, and, if so, from whom? Project name Essence of the project, direction, goals and objectives (no more than 1 page) Target audience, what problems can it solve? Expected Result

8 Duration of the project Approximate cost of the project Requested project budget Nomination We hereby confirm the accuracy of the information provided: Signature of the head of the organization Signature of the project manager Date Be prepared for a detailed description of the project and its presentation! Dare and win!

9 Appendix 2 to the Regulations on the Grant Competition for Social Projects “EVRAZ: City of Friends, City of Ideas!” Requirements for project preparation Project (application) is a document, printed on A4 sheets, Times New Roman 14 or Arial 12 font, containing a brief description of the proposed idea and the plan for its implementation. Components of the project: 1. Title page (name of the project, performer). 1 page 2. Brief description of the project (no more than 300 words), which is accompanied by an illustration (photo, drawing, etc.) for posting on the project page on the Internet. The maximum illustration size is 800x600 pixels. 3. Description of the project, a description of the essence of the proposal (without specifying details), as well as information about who, how, for whom and in what time frame will implement the project, with a mandatory indication of the specific benefits of the implementation); no more than 1 page 4. Information about the organization/initiative group and its activities: for organizations - date of creation of the organization, areas of activity, projects already implemented, awards received, other important information; for initiative groups, composition of the group (full name, place of work/study), areas of joint activities, completed projects, other important information; no more than 1 page 5. Justification of the feasibility of the project; description of an objectively existing problem to be solved by the proposed project; no more than 0.5 pages. 6. Goals and objectives of the project WHAT the authors want to receive at the end of the project. The goal (usually one) is the main result obtained from the implementation of the project. Tasks (usually several) main steps,

10 the cumulative implementation of which allows us to achieve the set goal; no more than 0.5 pages 7. Strategy and methods of project implementation How the authors want to achieve the goal outlined in the project. What specific methods and forces are expected to achieve the goal; no more than 1 page 8. Work schedule for the project implementation a detailed description of the work to be performed; no more than 1 page 9. Plan - schedule of activities to support the project (what activities are planned to be prepared and implemented with the involvement of the public, participants and representatives of the project target group, stakeholders, and the media); no more than 1 page 10. Expected results of the project implementation expected results of the project, both primary (achieved goals, accomplished tasks) and secondary (additional benefits that will be received by project participants, target audiences, the city and citizens); no more than 0.5 pages 11. Further development of the project; prospects for the development of the project after the completion of the Competition; the ability of the organization/initiative group to independently continue work in this direction; no more than 0.5 pp. 12. Project budget - requested amounts of funding indicating the direction of expenditure. Amounts indicated in the budget may be preliminary and rounded up to the nearest whole number. 13. The application must be bound with any folder (folders with embedded files, plastic folders, etc.), and it must also be duplicated on. Together with the application for the Competition, the following attachments are provided (at the request of the regional organizer of the Competition): 1. Copies of the constituent documents of the organization (legal entity guarantor of the initiative group), certified by the head of the organization (seal of the organization and signature of the head): Charter; Certificate of registration with the tax authority; Certificate of state registration of a legal entity/non-profit organization (OGRN); Documents confirming the authority of the head of the organization;

11 A copy of the organization’s balance sheet for the last reporting period with a mark from the tax office is attached to the package of constituent documents.) 2. Resume of the project manager Information about the project manager: Full name, age, place and work experience, completed projects, achieved successes, awards received and other important information. 3. Letters of support and/or letters of recommendation characterizing the applicant’s organization and the feasibility of implementing the project (if available). 4. Applications: photographs, diagrams, graphs, diagrams (if available and necessary).

12 Appendix 3 to the Regulations on the Grant Competition for Social Projects “EVRAZ: City of Friends, City of Ideas!” Regional organizers of the Competition Nizhny Tagil, Kachkanar Applications for participation in the Competition are accepted at the address: Nizhny Tagil, st. Industrialnaya, 80, bldg. 9, office 303, RCSC "Ural" LLC "EvrazHolding" or by e-mail Consulting and accepting applications for the Competition: Shabalova Marina Sergeevna, Head of the Department for Corporate Social Responsibility of RCSC "Ural", Sklyarova Maria Alekseevna, Chief Specialist of the Department for Corporate Social Responsibility of RCSC "Ural" " Telephone: (3435), General management: Elena Anatolyevna Raudshtein, Director of the Ural Regional Center for Coordination, EvrazHolding LLC and the Evraza-Ural Charitable Foundation. Mezhdurechensk Applications for participation in the Competition are accepted at the address: Mezhdurechensk, Kommunistichesky Ave., 27-a, Raspadskaya Coal Company LLC or by email Consulting and accepting applications for the Competition: Kamdina Irina Vladimirovna - Deputy Head of the Planning Department and implementation of social programs of RUK LLC. Phone: (38475) Novokuznetsk Applications for participation in the Competition are accepted at the address: , Novokuznetsk, pl. Pobed, 1, office 60, RCKO "Sibir" LLC "EvrazHolding" or by e-mail Consulting and accepting applications for the Competition: Kazantseva Elena Alekseevna, chief specialist of the Department for Corporate Social Responsibility of RCKO "Sibir". Telephone: (3843) General management in Mezhdurechensk and Novokuznetsk: Elena Nikolaevna Yuryeva, Director of the Siberia Republican Center for Educational Management, EvrazHolding LLC and the NPO Charitable Foundation Evraza - Siberia.

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1 APPLICATION FORM Title page of the application Name of the project Applicant organization (indicating the legal form) Full name of the project leader Brief summary of the project Please briefly outline the content of the main

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THE PROJECT APPROVED by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Buryatia dated 2016 PROCEDURE for providing grants from the republican budget in the form of subsidies for the implementation of social projects for youth 1. This

Approved by order of the Department of Civil Service and Personnel Policy of the region dated October 24, 2011 77 Regulations on the “Initiative” project competition for persons included in the management personnel reserve

REGULATIONS on the regional competition “Best Public Report” among educational organizations of the Voronezh region General provisions 2013-2014 1. These Regulations have been developed in accordance with the Federal

THE PROJECT APPROVED by order of the Department of Education of the Yaroslavl Region from the Draft regulations on the regional competition of educational and socially significant projects “Let's change the world for the better” 1. General provisions