Proven ways to enlarge lips using cosmetics and folk remedies. How to enlarge lips with a pencil

Do you remember Scarlett O'Hara? Before meeting men, she would bite her lips so that blood would flow to them, and they would become red and swollen. More than a dozen years have passed since the publication of the novel Gone with the Wind, but the fashion for expressive lips has not changed. Full, bright and fresh lips are the envy of many women. Most men admit that they pay attention first of all to a woman’s lips, and only after that they look into her eyes.

But not everyone is naturally blessed with plump and alluring lips. That is why today lip augmentation surgery is the most popular in world cosmetology. However, the introduction of hyaluronic acid into subcutaneous tissue may lead to complications. If the drug is administered incorrectly, the lips may enlarge unevenly, and the corners of the lips will protrude greatly. Such procedures have many contraindications, and surgical lip augmentation is not a cheap pleasure. So why waste your money and get unnatural results at risk to your health? From this article you will learn how to enlarge your lips at home.

The massage perfectly enlarges the lips and lifts the corners of the lips upward. After all, drooping corners are one of the primary signs skin aging. The massage provides improved blood circulation in the lip area, which makes them bright and swollen, like a child's. Massage should not be done if you have herpes on your lips or if your lips are chapped. Wait until the skin heals and only then begin the massage. Here are some effective massage strokes that can change the shape and fullness of your lips.

  1. Pour on your hands a small amount of cosmetic or edible oil. It's better to take olive oil. Massage each lip thoroughly, slowly moving from one corner of the lips to the other. Make translational and rotational movements. Knead both lips until they become slightly reddish.
  2. Take a toothbrush and “brush” your lips with it. Can be used for cleaning honey. The brush is annoying delicate skin lips and causes blood to rush to the site of irritation. Lips become voluminous right before your eyes. This method can be used for short-term effect. For example, if you want to get a charming photo, rub your lips with a brush and take a photo - the picture will turn out stunning!
  3. Ice will help give your lips a seductive shape. Rub the ice over your lips for a couple of minutes until the skin turns red and your lips plump up slightly. If you do this procedure regularly, your lips will gradually begin to retain and remember this shape. And to prevent your lips from becoming chapped and cracked, you can add Coconut oil. It perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the delicate skin of the lips with vitamins.
  4. A contrast wash will give your lips volume that lasts for several days. Take two shallow cups and fill them with hot and ice water. Alternately dip your lips into a bowl of hot and cold water. The temperature contrast will increase the volume of your lips, which will last for two to three days. Moreover, this procedure changes not only the volume, but also the color of the lips. They become bright and rich even without lipstick.

You probably know what's on a person's face great amount facial muscles. Most of them are localized near the eyes and lips. If you pump up with exercises certain groups muscles, you can significantly increase the volume and shape of your lips. Here are a few useful exercises for lips.

  1. Take in more air into your lungs and say a long “I.” Then repeat the exercise with the sound “U”. Prolonging such sounds trains the muscles of the lips, and due to this they become more voluminous.
  2. Whistle - it's so nice. You've probably noticed that after whistling for a short time, your lips get tired. And the whole point is that during whistling, all groups of jaw muscles are developed. Whistle often while walking fresh air and within a couple of weeks you will notice that your lips have become fuller.
  3. Kissing is very useful for adding volume to your lips. If there is no suitable object for exercise at hand, you can kiss soft toy or an apple. Place the object of your adoration at a distance of 5 centimeters from your lips and try to reach it with your lips. Do not approach with your body, only with your lips! After successfully achieving your goal, stretch your lips into a satisfied smile. The smile should be wide, imagine that you are in Hollywood. You need to alternate kisses with smiles at least 10 times every day if you want to achieve real results.
  4. Draw with pursed lips. Press your lips tightly together and try to draw a circle in the air. Do the exercise in one direction and the other. If you do it easily, do the same trick, but not with a circle, but with a figure eight.
  5. Fill your lungs with air and blow it out through pursed lips. Imagine that you need to create the narrowest possible air flow.
  6. Purse your lips and move them in different sides. For example, the top one is to the right, and the bottom one is to the left, and then vice versa. This develops muscles well and lifts the corners of the lips.

For exercises to be effective, they must be done daily, or preferably several times a day. Real visible result can only be achieved after a month of regular “training”.

Folk remedies for plump lips

You can enlarge your lips using cosmetic products. Decoctions, masks and scrubs irritate the skin of the lips and ensure entry into the capillaries more blood, which makes the lips swollen and seductive.

  1. Cinnamon oil is great for lips. It is found in most lipsticks and lip balms. Cinnamon activates and irritates the blood capillaries, blood flows to them and the lips become scarlet and voluminous. Cinnamon oil can be used as a lip balm. It improves their shape, volume and protects the delicate skin of the lips from drying out during cold weather.
  2. Another effective remedy for lip augmentation at home - this oil peppermint. Oil is used instead of lip gloss. It stimulates blood flow to the lips and makes them attractively swollen.
  3. There is another way to enlarge your lips quickly and safely. Take hot peppers and cut off a couple of small fingernail-sized pieces from it. Place these pieces into your lip balm. When cosmetics absorb burning properties pepper, you can use it. When you apply the balm to your lips, you will feel them enlarge, redden and swell before your eyes. And it looks very natural. But do not overdo the dose - if the balm is very hot, you will not be able to use it.
  4. A nicotinic acid is a cosmetic product for hair growth. It can be bought at any pharmacy. However, few people know that this acid can significantly increase the volume of your lips. Nicotinic acid is sold in ampoules or tablets. Pre-lubricate your lips with olive oil or sunflower oil, and then apply nicotine from the ampoule to them. The tablets must first be dissolved in water. Leave for 5-10 minutes and rinse off the mask. After this procedure, your lips will look charmingly plump for several hours. Usually this procedure is done before an important event or going out, when you need to look perfect.
  5. There is another effective remedy for lip augmentation. Take half a teaspoon each of sugar, lemon and glycerin. Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to your lips for about 30 minutes. After half an hour, the mask can be washed off. This product makes the lips slightly swollen due to citric acid. After this procedure, the contours of the lips will become more obvious and clear, which visually increases their size.
  6. If you need to enlarge your lips for an hour and a half, you can use in the following way. Apply to lips toothpaste and leave for a few minutes. The menthol contained in the paste irritates the skin of the lips and makes them plump and red. This method is often used by models before photo shoots. However, you need to be careful not to get the paste on the skin around your lips, otherwise everything will be red.

After any cosmetic masks It is imperative to moisturize your lips with special balms or cosmetic oils.

How to add visual volume to your lips with makeup

Correctly selected makeup can completely change a girl's appearance. Cosmetics can work wonders - they skillfully hide flaws and proudly highlight a woman’s advantages. Using the right makeup technique, you can give your lips visual volume.

To visually enlarge your lips, you need to focus on them. You shouldn’t highlight your eyes too much with sharp eyeliner or smokey eye makeup. You need to slightly highlight your eyes light shadows and paint your eyelashes well. Make expressive cheekbones - they will emphasize the lip line. For lip makeup, you must use a contour pencil. When outlining the contours, you need to slightly protrude beyond the edge of the lips to visually increase their size. But don’t overdo it so that your lips don’t look artificial. For lip liner, it is best to use a light-colored pencil - it looks more natural and natural.

Be sure to apply gloss to your lips - it perfectly creates an imitation of volume and fullness of the lips. If you apply more light gloss to the center of your lips, the shimmer will give your lips an inviting plumpness.

"Full Lips"

This is a modern device for making lips fuller. Full Lips is a plug made of solid silicone that is placed on the lips. Then you need to “suck” all the air out of the cork so that a vacuum is formed in the cork. The lips are in an elongated state, in which they need to be held for about 30 seconds. After this, the device is moved back slightly to allow air to get inside. The result is simply stunning - lips become plump and voluminous in less than a minute.

You may experience mild discomfort at first, which goes away quickly. This effect lasts for several hours. This device has gained great popularity because it is effective and absolutely safe. Full Lips can be stored in a cosmetic bag - the device does not take up much space. It can be purchased at any cosmetic or online store and costs about $10.

If you are the owner of modest and thin lips, do not be upset. Modern cosmetology, verified folk recipes, regular exercise and massage treatments They will make you a beauty with a seductive smile. Everything is in your “lips”!

Video: how to enlarge lips without surgery

Is it possible to enlarge lips at home? Of course you can! And for this it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of expensive drugs, balms and other means. To do this, you simply need to perform several procedures that will not only help make your lips plump, but will also help improve their appearance.

Gymnastics for lip augmentation

How to enlarge lips at home? Everything is very simple. To do this, you need to regularly perform simple exercises that will help strengthen your lips and increase their volume.

The lips, like other parts of the body, have muscles that can be toned. True, this will take at least 3 months. But to enlarge your lips at home for a long time, you will need to try hard.

So, what should you do to change the volume of your lips and make them more sexy?

Exercise one

To perform this exercise, you need to sit down, open your mouth slightly and stick out your tongue as much as possible and freeze in this position for 15-20 seconds. It should touch your lips. You should feel tension while performing this exercise. In total you need to do 8-10 repetitions.

How to enlarge lips at home? To do this, just whistle your favorite melody every day for 5-10 minutes. This exercise is very easy, but incredibly effective. After just a month of regular practice, you will notice that your lips have thickened and increased in volume.

Exercise three

This exercise is performed in two stages. First, extend your lips forward without opening them, as if you want to kiss someone. Fix your lips in this position for a few seconds, and then smile widely, also without opening them, and repeat the exercise again. A total of 10-15 repetitions should be performed.

Exercise four

Close your lips, and now begin to move them in a straight line, first to the left, then to the right. After you make movements in one direction and the other 15 times, begin to “draw” circles with your lips without blurring them, first clockwise, then counterclockwise.

Do these exercises every day, morning and evening. Believe me, after a few months you will be proud of the results achieved.

Addition to gymnastics – massage

Lip augmentation at home using gymnastics mandatory should be accompanied by a massage. Thanks to it, blood circulation is normalized and metabolic processes, due to which the lips acquire beautiful colour, become soft and velvety, and also slightly increase in volume.

To massage your lips you will need Toothbrush With soft bristles. It should be moved across the lips in different directions - up/down, right/left, circular movements, patting, etc. But before massaging with a toothbrush, you need to lubricate them with some moisturizer. Very good application in this regard butter, essential oils, as well as liquid honey.

It should be noted that lip massage is not recommended if there is damage (cracks, ulcers, etc.), herpetic rashes or local allergic reaction.

How to enlarge lips at home? You can use aromatherapy for this. Its use gives very good results. At the same time, the lips themselves become moisturized and very pleasant to the touch.

Essential oils are used for aromatherapy. They can be added to various cosmetical tools, for example, lip gloss, or use in pure form, simply rubbing a couple of drops of oil into your lips while performing a massage. The most effective essential oils that promote lip enlargement are:

  1. . A unique product, which helps normalize local blood circulation. Due to the strong flow of blood to the lips, they become swollen and acquire a natural, beautiful reddish tint. Cinnamon essential oil is a component of many lip cosmetics. However, its use may provoke an allergic reaction.
  2. Transverse mint oil. This oil works on the same principle as cinnamon oil. It stimulates blood flow, nourishing lip cells and visually increasing their volume.
  3. Cayenne pepper oil. This product has a warming and stimulating effect. The effect of lip augmentation is noticeable after the first use. It should be noted that this oil, unlike others, helps slow down the aging process, which allows you not only to enlarge your lips, but also to maintain their youth for a long time. long years. But it must also be said that the application of this oil may cause discomfort on the lips in the form of tingling and burning. This oil can also cause allergies, so use it carefully.

Hyaluronic acid

If you are wondering how to enlarge your lips at home permanently, then you should turn your attention to a drug such as. Its use allows you to normalize collagen synthesis, which leads to lip compaction and improvement of their contour, as well as moisture retention, due to which their enlargement is achieved.

This drug comes in the form of injection liquid and tablets. The first option is used only in beauty salons. At home, you can use hyaluronic acid tablets to enlarge your lips. How?

To do this, take 6-8 tablets, crush them to a powder, and mix with Vaseline and ground cayenne pepper (1/2 tsp). The resulting mixture must be applied to the lips for literally 10-15 minutes. You need to apply the product carefully, without going beyond the contours of your lips. You should make a mask with hyaluronic acid every day for several weeks. After this, it can be done 1-2 times a week to maintain the achieved result.

Is it possible to enlarge lips at home using masks? Of course. It should only be noted that they must be done regularly over a long period of time. You will be able to notice the first results after 2-3 weeks. But you shouldn't stop there. The course of using homemade masks for lip augmentation is at least 2 months.

At home you can prepare a lip mask consisting of the following ingredients:

  • pharmaceutical glycerin – ½ tsp;
  • Vaseline – 1 tsp;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • granulated sugar – 1 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice– 1 tsp.

These ingredients must be mixed until a homogeneous consistency is formed, after which the resulting mixture should be applied to the lips, without going beyond their contours, and left for 15-20 minutes. To enhance the effect, the prepared mixture can be heated in a water bath.

To enlarge your lips, you don’t have to make homemade masks. To do this, you can use regular honey or cosmetic Vaseline. They should be applied to the lips 1-2 times a day every day. The result will be noticeable after 2-3 weeks. Such simple masks will not only enlarge your lips and make them soft, but also protect them from chapping.

How to enlarge lips at home quickly? To do this, wet them plain water and coat them with ground cinnamon or chili pepper. After 1-3 minutes, rinse off. The effect will be noticeable immediately - the lips will turn red and noticeably increase in volume. True, the result will not last long - only 3-4 hours.

To enlarge your lips for a long time, you should use the following mask: take full-fat sour cream or cream, add a little honey and a couple of drops oil vitamins A and E. Then apply the prepared mixture to your lips and leave for 20-30 minutes.

You can also use a regular mask as a mask for lip augmentation. egg white. Lightly beat it with a fork and add a couple of drops to it. essential oil cinnamon or peppermint. This mixture should be applied to the lips and wait until it dries completely. It should be noted that you may experience a slight burning or tingling sensation during the procedure. If unpleasant symptoms will be strong, immediately wash off the product with plain water.

So, we looked at all the ways to increase lip size at home. All you have to do is choose the option that is most suitable for you. However, if you want to achieve quick results, then it is best to use all these methods at the same time.

Video about ways to enlarge lips at home

Full lips have always been considered very sensual and have never gone out of style. Unfortunately, not all women are blessed by nature with plump lips.

But don’t despair - there are several ways to apply lip makeup that can easily correct imperfections using conventional cosmetics.

We use lipsticks in two shades

This is the simplest and most popular way to make lips visually fuller. For this type of makeup, you will need lipsticks whose shades differ by about half a tone.

Line your lips with a natural-colored lip liner and apply a darker shade of lipstick. Then carefully blot your lips exactly in the center, removing excess lipstick, and apply a lighter shade of lipstick to this area. Carefully smooth out the edges of the transition with a lip brush.

Using lip gloss

A quick way to add volume to your lips is to use pearlescent pink gloss over your regular lipstick: fine particles Mother of pearl reflects and scatters light, making lips appear fuller. Apply gloss to the center of your lips, this will make them look bigger.
This is perhaps the most quick way give lips a seductive volume.

You can achieve even greater expressiveness in your makeup if you use liquid gloss with a “wet effect.”

We use shadows for 3D effect

The reception is fast and very effective. In order to add volume to your lips, you need to use light pearlescent shadows or highlighter. And lipstick should be matte or satin. It is the contrast between matte and sparkle that creates three-dimensionality.

1) Apply matte lipstick to all lips. Use a brush for more precise application or a lipstick stick.

2) Dip your finger into shimmer powder or highlighter.

3) Open your mouth slightly and apply highlighter to the center of your upper and lower lips.

Inaccuracies can be corrected with a brush and matte lipstick, if the shimmering highlight turns out to be asymmetrical or too large.

Using a contour pencil

Visually increase thin lips you can if you outline them with a contour pencil, going slightly beyond the natural contour of the lips. To make the border appear even: highlight the corners of the lips with a thin layer of beige primer-corrector. Easily tap the primer in with your fingertips..

Then draw the outline with a soft contour pencil that best matches your own lip color. Draw a line on the upper lip from the middle to the corner. On the lower lip, draw a line from the left corner to the right. Thus, the lines of the upper and lower lips will connect at the corners. Now draw a line around the corners of your mouth that extends beyond your natural contour and shade it.

Once the outline is outlined, you can apply lipstick. It is recommended to do this with a brush from the edge of the lips to the middle. It's better to use shimmering ones lipstick or glosses, both light and rich shades. The main thing is not to choose matte textures. If you want the color to be more saturated, brush the brush again just in the center of the lower lip.

Outline your lips with a light pencil, retreating a millimeter from the natural contour line. Then shade your lips with the same pencil and apply clear gloss. This lip makeup optimal solution for lovers of natural-look makeup.

1. Apply foundation to make makeup last longer. Blot off excess with a napkin. Allow the base to dry for 15 minutes.

2. Powder.

3. Draw a light eyeliner on the upper lip, from the corners to the center, without touching the hollow at the top of the lip: it should remain free, not drawn. The eyeliner should extend beyond the lip contour, but not by much. The remaining area between the lip and eyeliner needs to be carefully shaded. To do this you can take white pencil, with a pearlescent tint.

4. Using an eyebrow pencil, apply strokes under lower lip and shade them.

5. After this, with a pencil flesh-colored outline your natural lip contour (including the upper hollow) and use it to paint over the entire area of ​​the lips, shade.

6. Now you can finally apply matte or glossy lipstick in light shades: dark ones make your lips look narrow, so this is definitely not your option.

7. Great option there will be a shine of some light shade: it is this that gives the desired volume. Don’t be afraid to be unfashionable (many argue that gloss is no longer in favor): after all, this product helps to visually enlarge your lips.

Products that increase blood flow to the lips

IN Lately Many cosmetic brands have expanded their product range with glosses and lipsticks that can add volume to the lips by increasing blood circulation. When applying this product, a slight burning or tingling sensation is felt, which causes a rush of blood to the lips, slightly increasing their volume. As a rule, this effect is caused by a combination of two extracts - ginger and red pepper.

It should be noted that such products provide only a short-term effect, lasting from half an hour to two hours. In addition, for many women, burning on the lips causes some discomfort.

By the way, it gives a similar effect light massage lips with a gentle scrub, this makes the natural color of the lips brighter, enhances blood microcirculation, giving the lips a seductive volume.


In addition to products that promise an instant increase in lip volume, there are also caring lipsticks, balms and glosses that, with constant use, can moisturize lips and prevent moisture loss, which can give your lips additional volume. In addition, such products can smooth out wrinkles and protect the skin of the lips from premature photoaging.

Permanent makeup

Lip tattoo lasts for several years (on average, from 2 to 5), depending on skin type. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia to ensure painlessness and moral comfort for the client. Light kajal is a very popular permanent lip makeup technique that can visually increase the volume of the lips.

The skin above or below the lip is painted over with a pigment that is close in color to the natural shade of the lips. Then a lighter line is drawn along the lip contour to make the makeup look as natural as possible. This technique allows you to make your lips prominent and at the same time preserve the naturalness of a woman’s image.

What kind of makeup is contraindicated for thin-lipped women?

First of all, avoid matte lipsticks in dark, saturated colors and contour pencils, the color of which is darker than your natural lip color; such products visually make your lips even thinner.

You should not neglect this rule, even if you want to create a dramatic, evening makeup: in this case, it is better to put emphasis on the eyes by painting your lips using one of the above methods.

Tips from makeup artists

Professional makeup artists also have their own tricks on how to make lips fuller and more expressive.

For example, after applying lipstick, dip a small brush into liquid concealer and trace the outer contour of your lips. The contrast between the color of the lipstick and the light concealer will visually increase the volume of your lips.

Apply gloss with gold particles so that the gloss line is slightly higher than the natural lip line. The more shimmer the gloss, the more juicy your lips look.

Apply a thin line of cream with reflective particles into the hollow above upper lip. This little touch will highlight your lips.

Based on materials from,

The plump lips of young girls have always attracted the admiring glances of men, because they look very sexy. But what to do if nature has not endowed you with such beauty? There's no need to run to plastic surgeon or inject yourself with Botox and others chemical substances. It is quite possible to enlarge your lips on your own; there are many different effective ways do it at home.


Lip enlargement massage

Sometimes girls who have good natural characteristics think about lip augmentation. In this case, you definitely shouldn’t inject Botox or hyaluronic acid. It will be enough to use more gentle methods, which will certainly correct the shape and give additional volume to the lips.

One of the easiest methods to perform is massage. With its help, it is quite easy to enlarge your lips, as well as make them softer, juicier, and eliminate dead cells.

To do this, you need to apply a little moisturizer to your lips (you can also use Vaseline), and then massage them with a soft toothbrush for 5 minutes. During the procedure, you should feel warmth and pulsation, and sometimes slight numbness. It is advisable to massage before taking a bath or shower. You can achieve results within a few days. The lips become soft and tender, due to which they become larger and appear plumper.

Gymnastics for lips

At home, it is possible to enlarge your lips with the help of gymnastics. Repeating several simple exercises, you will be able to achieve good results. Moreover, you can do them at any time, even while doing any household chores:

  1. Whistling. This exercise is the simplest, but gives good results. It can be performed both as a main exercise and as a warm-up before the next exercise. It is enough to whistle your favorite melodies several times a day for 5-10 minutes.
  2. "Shark". For 2 minutes you need to lightly bite your lips. This should be done carefully so as not to injure delicate tissues. Next, stretch your lips forward and hold in this position for about 20-30 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  3. "Fish" You need to purse your lips like a fish and try to smile in this position. Do at least 15 repetitions.
  4. Fold your lips into a tube and try to draw a circle: first clockwise, then in the opposite direction. Repeat at least 10-12 times.
  5. Take in more air into your mouth and then release it with maximum force. At the same time, a slight vibration should be felt on the lips. Do at least 10 repetitions.
  6. Pronounce the sounds “O” and “U” alternately. In this case, you need to try to keep your lips as tight as possible.
  7. First, press your lips together well, then try to smile only with the left side of your mouth, then duplicate it for the right. Repeat several times.

To achieve the first noticeable results, you need to do this complex for 3-4 weeks, repeating daily. It is important to remember: you should not stretch the skin around your mouth, as this can lead to the formation of facial wrinkles, and they certainly will not improve your appearance attractive appearance. Therefore, you need to perform all exercises carefully.

Traditional recipes for lip augmentation

At a time when cosmetics were not available to everyone, but everyone wanted to look attractive, various folk recipes were used that suggested how to enlarge lips at home.

Capsicum for lip enlargement

This recipe is the most unpleasant, since it is hot pepper that is used, so it is recommended for ladies who are ready to endure troubles for the sake of beauty.

Recipe No. 1

Grind 1 pod of red pepper in a meat grinder or blender, mix with a small amount of Vaseline and apply the resulting mixture to your lips in a thin layer. Keep it on until you can bear the burning sensation, but no more than 3 minutes, so as not to burn the skin.

Recipe No. 2

You can also use crushed pepper in other ways. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over it and let it brew for a while. Moisten a small napkin or cotton pad in warm liquid and place on lips. You can hold this compress for 30-60 seconds, during which time your lips will noticeably increase in size.

After using these products, the effect goes away quite quickly. To avoid skin irritation, after removing the mask or compress, apply a nourishing balm to your lips.

Cinnamon for lips

A cinnamon-based scrub is very widely used by women at home, as it not only helps to enlarge lips, but also makes them softer and eliminates dead cells.

Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
Honey (preferably candied) – 0.5 tsp.
Vegetable oil – 0.5 tsp.

Mix all ingredients to form a thick mass. Distribute over lips and massage with a toothbrush for several minutes and then rinse.

Lemon for lips

It is very easy to use lemon at home. To enlarge your lips, you need to take its zest and massage your skin with it for 5 minutes. After a correctly performed procedure, a slight tingling or numbness will be felt.

Ginger for lips

Grate fresh ginger root and apply the resulting paste to your lips. Next, you should squeeze and unclench them for several minutes. After the procedure, the ginger is removed and a nourishing balm is applied to the skin.

To simultaneously enlarge your lips and freshen your breath, you can ginger root do not rub, but chew.

Contrast lip compresses

To give your lips instant volume, you can use an ice cube. They should massage the skin and then quickly apply a cloth soaked in hot water. Repeat this until you feel a tingling sensation. The last thing you need to do is apply ice, then lightly bite your lips.


Apply crushed mint leaves to your lips and hold for 5 minutes. Next, the pulp should be removed using a tampon soaked in Vaseline.

Video: Another way to enlarge lips

To enlarge your lips yourself, you can use different ways. Which one is right depends on personal preference. The main thing is to always remain beautiful and attract the attention of others.

Plump juicy lips have always attracted interested men's views and were a source of pride for their owners.

As the famous proverb says, don’t drink water off your face, but admit it, which of us would refuse to slightly correct the shape of our lips or add a little volume to them. That is why plastic surgery on the lips are in second place after breast augmentation.

If you are not ready to risk your health and go under the surgeon’s knife, but want to increase the volume of your lips, try to achieve the desired result with the help of home remedies and exercises.

First, try pumping up your lips with special gymnastics:

  1. Whistling. Pull your lips out with a straw and whistle a cheerful melody for five minutes.
  2. Stick out your tongue and hold this position for a few seconds. Repeat ten times.
  3. Blow out the air forcefully, as if you were blowing out candles. Repeat the movement at least 15 times.
  4. Pronounce the vowel sounds “a, o, u, and”, maintaining clear articulation. Talk at intervals of a few seconds for 10 minutes.
  5. Pull your lips in and bite lightly inner side within two minutes. Blood circulation will accelerate and your lips will become plumper.
  6. Massage the surface of your lips using light pats with your fingertips. For the same purpose, you can rub your lips with a clean toothbrush after brushing your teeth.

After these exercises, be sure to apply lipstick or moisturizer to your lips. If you repeat gymnastics for a long time, these measures will help visually enlarge your lips at home.

Temporary house extension

The most in an effective way increase thin lips- this is to correctly adjust their shape using decorative cosmetics. One lipstick will not be enough for this.

Remember the rules of applying makeup that will help you quickly achieve the effect:

  • Use foundation or concealer. Apply a thin layer of product to your lips, as if painting them.
  • Using a pencil, create the desired outline, going slightly beyond the natural boundaries.
  • Emphasize the hollow above the upper lip. To do this, shade the skin in this area with a lighter-colored eyeliner pencil.
  • Apply a layer of lipstick.
  • Wait until the lipstick is absorbed, if necessary, remove excess with a paper napkin.
  • The last step is to apply glitter. Distribute a small amount from the center over the entire surface of the lips, but not reaching the very edges.

Note! Choose lipsticks with a reflective effect. Matte shades can make your lips look even smaller and thinner.

Cosmetologists advise sticking to this palette of lipsticks, depending on your hair color and skin tone.

Another way to give your sponges extra volume is to use essential oils and masks. They can be purchased at beauty salons or specialized stores.

Or you can cook it yourself at home. At the same time, you will be confident in the quality of the ingredients and protect yourself from unnecessary chemical exposure.

Here are a few such recipes:

  • Mix two drops of mint essential oil with a teaspoon of cosmetic Vaseline. Apply this mask immediately after massaging your lips. Mint will cool the skin and improve blood circulation.
  • You can use cinnamon oil for the same purposes.
  • Grind a piece fresh root ginger into a paste and apply to the surface of your lips. Keep the mask on for a few minutes. Remove with a tissue and apply hygienic balm.
  • tablespoon olive oil mix with chalked cinnamon until a thick cream consistency is achieved. Add a pinch of sugar and immediately rub it on your lips. Sugar will act as a scrub and remove dead skin particles from the skin, and the oil will soften and soothe.
  • Massage with fresh lemon peel.
  • Make an infusion of a small pod of hot cayenne pepper and hot water. After cooling, wet a napkin with the liquid and apply it to your lips. For best result pepper can be chopped.

Important! Cayenne pepper is a very strong substance. If you apply it undiluted directly to your lips, you can get burned.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to change the appearance given to us by nature and enlarge lips at home forever. Long-term effect can only be achieved through surgery.

But there is another option in which you will get, albeit not permanent, but a lasting temporary effect - injections with hyaluronic acid in the form of a gel.

This method is quite new and before you decide to use it, carefully study the reputation of the salon providing the service, find out the expiration dates of the drug, the qualifications of the specialist and become familiar with the side effects.

Important! This procedure contraindicated for blood diseases, infectious conditions, diabetes mellitus, pregnant and nursing mothers.

One session is enough for your lips to take on clearer shape and additional volume in the skillful hands of a cosmetologist. After two weeks, you will need to visit the same salon so that the master can evaluate the effect obtained and examine your lips for complications.

Note! Hyaluronic acid may cause allergic reaction. If redness and swelling do not go away within two - three days after surgery, don't wait. Go to your appointment early.

Depending on the manufacturer of the drug, the result of the procedure can last from several months to one and a half years. The gel that causes the longest lasting effect is not approved for use by girls under the age of 21.

Tattooing or permanent lip makeup

Refers to the same radical ways, How surgical correction. Choose this method lip augmentation requires extreme responsibility, as it has a number of contraindications.

And if the result disappoints you, it will be almost impossible to correct the mistake.


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