Mercurius solubilis what cures. Mercurius solubilis (Mercurius solubilis) - Hahnemann's soluble mercury, black oxide

Mercury was tested by Hahnemann mainly in the form of soluble mercury, or its black oxide. The symptoms of it and metal tinder are the same, so they prescribe both indifferently.

The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing.

Pathogenesis is found in Pure Medicine.


Professor Zlatorovich of the Faculty of Medicine in Vienna, giving a lecture on the effects of mercury in 1845, noticed that its description was so similar to syphilis that one could be mistaken. This thought struck him so much that he could no longer continue his course and began studying homeopathy, about which he had a vague idea. Later he became one of the luminaries of our school.

Mercury poisoning by ingestion is characterized by three main symptoms: inflammation of the mouth, abdominal pain (gastralgia) and dysentery.

In the oral cavity there is very profuse drooling. The breath is extremely foul, the gums are swollen and ulcerated, the teeth are exposed. Swollen tongue, covered with a whitish coating, sometimes with ulcers; deep teeth marks are visible on it. The inflammation sometimes spreads to the pharynx and tonsils, which become covered with ulcers. The submandibular glands swell; the parotid sometimes suppurate.

Gastralgia. After taking the poison, patients complain of intense pain in the pit of the stomach, and almost immediately bilious, greenish, bloody vomiting begins. Inflammation of the stomach is very quickly followed by symptoms of extremely severe inflammation of the intestines: the stomach swells, very severe pain appears; the pain increases from pressure, especially on the right side. The stool is initially bilious, mucous, then bloody 20–30 times a day, often with fragments of the intestinal mucosa: tenesmus reminiscent of dysentery is observed. The colon, which is almost completely covered with ulcers, is most affected.

The liver enlarges and presents a picture of parenchymal hepatitis, with granular atrophy of some areas.

The kidneys are also affected by acute poisoning mercury. Urine excretion decreases and may stop completely; it contains a large amount of protein, sometimes several grams. Microscopic analysis reveals all kinds of casts, indicating deep damage to the kidneys. At autopsy, acute parenchymatous nephritis is found.

With professional chronic poisoning other, no less important, symptoms are observed. First of all - mental disorders: at the beginning of chronic poisoning, before the appearance of any other symptoms, Kussmaul noted an increase mental activity In addition, patients are extremely impressionable, easily angry, cry and laugh for no reason; they can work if someone is looking at them. This is followed by a weakening of mental abilities, and memory especially suffers; patients are not capable of normal thinking. This condition gradually intensifies and can lead to dementia; Tardieu demonstrated patients who could not stand on their feet, dress or eat on their own; instead of speaking, they uttered meaningless mutterings.

Trembling is a very common occurrence in chronic poisoning. At the beginning, it is observed on the lips and tongue: trembling - in the form of small twitches, which Charcot called vibration trembling; then the forearms and shoulders are affected: rapid, regular twitching, various stretching, often localized on one side. In more severe cases, the shaking spreads to the lower limbs and the entire body. Mercurial tremors are the same as tremors during multiple sclerosis, intensifies with voluntary movements and excitement. At rest, the trembling decreases noticeably and during sleep may stop completely.

This trembling is often accompanied by paralysis.

Paralysis is incomplete, flaccid, sometimes limited to individual muscle groups.

Skin rashes are more common in chronic poisoning than in acute poisoning. They are extremely diverse: papular, scaly, vesicular, sometimes have the appearance of urticaria, measles and scarlet fever. Dietterich states that inflammation of the periosteum is common with prolonged use of mercury, and Grave says that it can also be observed in people who have never had syphilis, but have taken a lot of mercury.


Mercurius solubilis, says Test, is especially suitable for people who are lymphatic, thin, physically and mentally weak; chilly, susceptible to catarrhal diseases and rheumatic pains, with the slightest influence cold and damp, with light sweating, mainly at night, more often in women than in men.

Predominant side: left.


Bitterness at night.

Heavy, non-relieving sweats, appear at night, very profuse, with sour smell.

Copious and offensive salivation.

The tongue is swollen, moist, with imprints of teeth.

Chills with goose bumps at the onset of inflammatory diseases.

Bad odor from the whole body.

Tenesmus before, during and after stool.

Painful sensitivity and liver hypertrophy.

Stitching pain in the lower lobe right lung, which Mercury strikes predominantly.

Pain. Shooting, tearing, stabbing, worse in the evening and at night from warmth in bed, from sweating.

Chair. Incessant, sudden, urgent urge with very frequent pain and tenesmus.

Diarrhea: watery, greenish, sticky, bloody, worse at night with tenesmus and a feeling that the stool would never end.

Menses. Too abundant and too painful with large clots. During menses, restlessness that prevents sitting in one place. Greenish leucorrhoea, especially at night: burning, corrosive. During menstruation, the breasts are sore and filled with milk.


DIGESTIVE. Inflammation of the oral cavity. The mouth is very wet from the foamy and copious amounts of saliva, but at the same time you feel thirsty. Strong smell. The gums are swollen, loose, and bleeding. Syphilistic or other ulcers on the mucous membrane of the cheeks; Mercury heals them completely and only in in rare cases Another prescription is nitricum acidum. It cures idiopathic drooling. This is the main remedy for inflammation salivary glands.

Dysentery: greenish, sticky, bloody stool, severe tenesmus before and after stool; feeling like it will never end. The more blood and the stronger the pain, the more mercury is indicated. Diarrhea in newborns and small children. Few remedies are indicated for this disease - most often mercury. Chair different color, foamy and smelly, sometimes corroding the anus. Mercury corrosivus is indicated when children have more diarrhea inflammatory in nature, and in general, when it takes the form of dysentery.

Liver. In small doses, mercury is very useful remedy for liver diseases with insufficient bile secretion, resulting in colorless, rare and foul-smelling stools and loss of appetite.

RESPIRATORY. Runny nose. When the discharge is mucous: “B initial period, says Jousset, the most reliable treatment Mercurius solubilis 6 alternately with sulfur 6, according to Espane’s advice.” In later runny nose, mercury is shown by shiny redness and swelling of the nose, copious and corrosive discharge.

SOLINS. It is inevitable with malignant toad. An ulcer with a tendency towards gangrene, which is characteristic of the action of mercury in all tissues and serves as a sign of scarlet fever, one of the main spheres of its action.

DIFFERENT. Nephritis. Mercurius corrosivus is truly homeopathic for nephritis and albuminuria. Elinic tests have not yet definitively determined its place in the treatment of these diseases in the series of Cantharis terebenthina and Arsenicum. Acute articular rheumatism. Mercury is specifically indicated by two important characteristics: worse at night and heavy, unrelieved sweats.

SUPPURATION. Mercury is very useful medicine at local inflammations. Prescribed at the beginning alone or alternately with belladonna, it can promote suppuration. When pus forms, it helps its release, and then it can be alternated with hepar sulfur (high dilutions are prescribed to prevent suppuration, low dilutions are prescribed to enhance it).

EAR PAIN with discharge of blood and pus, dullness of hearing, inflammation auditory canal with an abscess.


Mercury acts on lymphatic system the same way as aconite on the arterial. Worse at night, not relieved by sweats, wide soft tongue with teeth marks on the sides, impetuosity, tendency to haste, restlessness - basic characteristic symptoms this powerful tool.

Homeopathy preparations Mercurius (Mercurius corrosivus). In order to drug trials this metal to gain accurate information about its destructive and healing effect on human health, Hahnemann put a lot of effort into obtaining mercury in a pure and soluble form.

One of the remedies he proposed, Mercurius vivus, is mercury purified from lead impurities, etc. and dynamized by careful rubbing and shaking. According to Hahnemann, “mercury in its liquid metal state has a weak dynamic effect on human health, and only its chemical compounds are capable of causing a powerful reaction.”

Hahnemann describes various salts of mercury. He says that all of them, when carefully tested, “display in their action an undoubted similarity, like mercury-containing chemical compounds; and at the same time, they are very different from each other in their properties and especially in their effect on human health.”

Thus, Hahnemann, “the eminent analytical chemist of his time,” began the work of “obtaining pure mercury in such a form in which it could exhibit its true, pure, specific action on the human body and exert a stronger healing influence than all others known drugs and salt compounds."

As a result, he obtained Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni, a black oxide of mercury that quickly “gained preference in almost all countries over all previously used mercury preparations due to its milder and more effective antisyphilitic properties.” Mercurius solubilis remains one of the most popular homeopathic remedies in the world today.

But even this discovery did not satisfy Hahnemann’s desire to achieve the “highest degree of purification,” and he set about obtaining absolutely pure mercury oxide from the gray sediment. Although this work required enormous diligence and effort, the action of the resulting chemical compound was almost indistinguishable from black oxide of mercury, and it was the black oxide, Mercurius solubilis, that was subjected to especially careful testing in the hands of Hahnemann and his students. It must be remembered that all other mercury compounds used in homeopathy have their own special names: Mercurius vivus, Mercurius corrosivus, Mercurius cyanatus, Mercurius biiodatus, etc.

Ggring says that "symptoms Mercurius solubilis, obtained as a result of systematic testing, and the symptoms of Mercurius vtvus, collected through the analysis of numerous toxicological data, turned out to be so similar that they can be considered under the same name"; although, whenever possible, Hering uses the symbols “s” or “v”, specifying which particular medicine belongs to a particular symptom; his example is followed by Clarke in his Dictionary. At the same time, in Allen's Encyclopedia, the symptoms of each remedy are described separately.

Mercurius is one of the widely used medicines that you simply cannot do without. It is part of any, even the most modest homeopathic medicine cabinet, as it is often indicated for the most common diseases. No doctor would dare visit a patient without taking Mercurius with him. This unique remedy in the treatment of both the mildest and extremely severe diseases. It is indicated for colds and coughs; dental and ear pain; headaches and ocular pathology; diseases of the nose, oral cavity, gums, tongue, where its effect is especially pronounced; with damage to the throat, liver, abdomen, constipation and diarrhea; diseases genitourinary organs, lungs, limbs, lymph nodes and nerves; at skin rashes, ulcerations and increased sweating. But no matter what disease we are talking about, this medicine has its own characteristics. specific features. Once you understand his essence, you will easily recognize him among your patients.

Outstanding Feature Mercurius there is a disgusting, fetid odor of breath, saliva, sweat; but, curiously, stool, urine, menstrual flow and leucorrhoea do not have a particularly unpleasant odor, with the exception of stool in cases Mercurius corrosivus .

Another important feature is the deterioration of well-being from the warmth of the bed.

Also worse at night.

And one more thing: mucous discharge from the mucous membranes.

Now let's see how outstanding homeopaths described this remedy, in what cases they found its use useful and what features of pathogenesis they paid special attention to.

So, Brief summary of Dr. Nash:

  • “Swelling, flabby tongue with teeth marks; swollen, loose, bleeding gums; very bad breath."
  • “Many painful disorders are accompanied by daytime and night sweats, which does not bring relief."
  • "Creeping chill at the beginning of a cold or when suppuration threatens."
  • "Mucous discharge from mucous membranes."
  • "Wet tongue combined with intense thirst."
  • “Swelling of the lymph nodes, chilliness, tendency to purulent processes.
  • Ulcers with a greasy bottom."
  • "Modalities: worse at night, in the warmth of the bed, when sweating, when lying on the right side."
  • “Bone diseases; the pain gets worse at night."
  • “Dysentery: stool with mucus and blood, colic and fainting states; severe tenesmus during and after stool, accompanied by chills and a feeling as if “the stool would never end.” (These symptoms are more pronounced in Mercurius corrosivus.)
  • “The more blood and the more pain, the more Mercurius is indicated.
  • “I Battle of the lower lobe of the right lung; sharp stabbing pain piercing the chest towards the back.
  • "Intense thirst, although the tongue appears moist and the patient produces a lot of saliva."
  • Moreover, Nash says: “In low potencies Mercurius hastens suppuration; at high levels, it breaks it off, for example, with a sore throat.”
  • Let's give the floor to Dr. Boger.
  • “Profuse sweating that accompanies almost any ailment and does not bring relief.”
  • "Cold. Soreness, ulceration in the nostril area. “Saliva, foul-smelling saliva. Metallic taste in mouth." "Enlarged, flabby tongue with teeth imprints (Chelidonium,
  • Podophyllum, Rhus). "Thirst combined with wet tongue and drooling." (In Pulsatilla and Nux
  • moschata - dry mouth without thirst.)
  • "Dysentery. Stool with mucus and blood, colic and fainting.
  • “Stool does not bring relief. Feels like the stool will never end.
  • "Salivation. During sleep, the pillow is abundantly moistened with saliva.”
  • “I’m shaking.

Let's return to Nash, who writes:

“According to my observations, Mercurius is characterized by a very peculiar chill. It’s not a shaking chill, but rather a creeping chill.” “Often, a feeling of creeping chills is the first sign of a cold, and if left untreated, the patient may develop a runny nose, sore throat, bronchitis and even pneumonia; but if Mercurius is taken in time, the development of these diseases can be prevented. The chill is felt mainly in the evening and is worse at night if not relieved by Mercurius... The chill is often felt in certain parts of the body. In addition, it can be felt in the area of ​​the abscess, being a harbinger of suppuration.”

"Some important comments regarding sweat. It can be very abundant and, contrary to what is usually observed with inflammatory diseases, does not bring relief; on the contrary, the ailments are aggravated by sweating. In what diseases does this condition occur? It can occur in all diseases: sore throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, peritonitis, abscess, rheumatism, etc. - In short, for any disease accompanied by profuse and persistent sweating, which does not bring relief, Mercurius is the first remedy, something to think about."

"Another bright feature Mercurius- deterioration of health at night and, especially, from the warmth of the bed. There is a long list of drugs which are aggravated at night, but not so many are aggravated by the warmth of the bed. Guided by this feature, I cured many skin diseases...”

Henry Allen points out that “Mercurius is aggravated by the warmth of the bed, but gets better from resting in bed; then Arsenicum is better from the warmth of the bed, but worse from rest.”

Knowledge of such subtleties often helps to make successful prescriptions, which is especially useful in acute, urgent cases. Allen cites another important "mercurial" feature: "Worsening when lying on the right side - this modality is inherent in a very limited number of drugs."

A few quotes borrowed from Kent:

  • “Mercurius, like Apis, is characterized by stinging pain. Having discovered this symptom in a patient, the routine doctor immediately prescribes Apis, although in such cases Mercurius is often indicated.
  • “Purulent, foul-smelling discharge from the ears... Boils in the external auditory canal. Fungal growths and polyps."
  • “Flabby, often pale tongue, covered with a mottled coating. Tooth marks are visible along the edges of the tongue. Swollen, enlarged tongue; it adheres tightly to the teeth, and their imprints remain on it. Old gouty constitution; swelling of the tongue at night: the patient wakes up with the feeling that the tongue does not fit in the mouth... copious discharge stinking saliva."
  • “Milk secretion during menstruation in non-pregnant women. The release of milk instead of monthly cleansing. One day I came across an unusual case: a 16-year-old boy began to secrete milk. I cured him with Mercurius."
  • “When urine gets on the skin, it causes burning and itching; it needs to be washed off.”
  • “As a rule, the ailments are worse when the patient sweats, and the more he sweats, the worse he becomes.”
  • “...irritation of the skin in places where parts of the body come into contact with each other.”
  • “Mercurius is characterized by affection of the joints; inflammatory rheumatism is accompanied by severe swelling of the joints; the pain is aggravated by the warmth of the bed and opening. It is difficult for the patient to choose clothes according to the weather. Rheumatic disease is accompanied by sweating, deterioration of health at night, from the warmth of the bed and during sweating; unhealthy, sickly appearance. This medicine especially affects the upper limbs, but the disease can also affect the legs.”
  • “Afercurius is one of the best palliatives for uterine and breast cancer. It delays the growth of epithelioma and sometimes cures it. I know of one case cured by Mercurius protoiodatus. It was a dense ulcerated formation in the mammary gland the size of a goose egg with enlarged axillary lymph nodes and a cyanotic coloration of the affected area. There seemed to be no hope of salvation. Mercurius protoiodatus in the 100th potency, taken whenever severe pain appeared, destroyed the tumor, and the patient recovered."
  • “The indications for Mercurius are coated tongue and bilious fever. It is a valuable remedy for hectic fever in late stages consumption, with debilitating diseases with hectic fever, with cancer, accompanied by pain, fetid sweat, etc…. in the presence of jaundice, lethargy, prostration, trembling, muscle twitching, severe exhaustion and constant fever.” By the way, Mercurius and Silicea are "incompatible medicines." I have repeatedly witnessed a severe exacerbation of purulent processes in cases where one of these drugs was prescribed after another. IN similar situations Nerag comes to the rescue and is able to quickly “restore order.”
  • In addition to halitosis and foul saliva, the Mercurius patient may experience a salty, sweet, metallic, "slimy" taste or taste in the mouth rotten eggs,
  • “Damage to the edges of the eyelids, forehead, scalp, skull bones, skin in the vertex area, parotid lymph nodes.”
  • "Acrid nasal discharge, constant redness and skin irritation in the nose area; "a child with a dirty nose." Marked swelling of the bridge of the nose, which may extend in both directions, upward and towards the tip of the nose... Mercurius is rarely indicated when the patient has a dry tongue.”

I remember how, in the post-war years, I was once able to quickly cure a severe case of influenza complicated by pneumonia with a few doses of Mercurius 30; When choosing a medicine, the decisive role was played by the symptoms very characteristic of this remedy: bad breath, bad breath and profuse foul-smelling sweat.

Leading symptoms

  • Haste and fast speech.
  • Memory loss; forgetfulness.
  • Itching in the scalp area.
  • The whole head is painful to the touch.
  • Tearing, nagging pain in the periosteum in the head and face area; rheumatic headaches.
  • A rush of blood to the Head; feeling as if it was about to burst; feeling of fullness of the brain.
  • Sensation as if head were tightly bound by a bandage; as if she were being held in a vice.
  • The outer covering of the head is painful to the touch.
  • Constant feeling as if black flies are flying before my eyes. 9 Fog before one or both eyes. Weakness of vision.
  • The light from the fire is very blinding to the eyes.
  • The eyes cannot tolerate firelight or daylight.
  • The patient tries to look at something, but she fails - objects seem blurry, and her eyes involuntarily converge towards her nose; the more she tries to prevent this, the more tired her eyes become; in the end, she is forced to bake and close her eyes.
  • Profuse lacrimation; burning, irritating tears.
  • Liquid, caustic, slimy - purulent discharge from the eyes.
  • Blepharitis: red, thickened, swollen eyelids. Worse in open air, from applying cold compresses.
  • Aching pain in the eyes; itching in the eyeballs.
  • Noise in ears.
  • Inflammation of the external and inner ear, combined with cramping, stitching pains and a feeling of fullness in the ear, as if swelling had arisen inside it.
  • Smelly, bloody issues from the right ear, accompanied by tearing pain.
  • Nose bleed. Nosebleeds in a dream.
  • A disgusting smell from the nose, like a bad runny nose.
  • Acrid nasal discharge Green foul-smelling pus.
  • Soreness of the nasal bones when touched.
  • Painful tenderness and ulceration in the corners of the mouth.
  • Loose teeth; strong pain in the teeth when the tongue touches them. Feeling as if all teeth were rotting.
  • Language white; as if covered with fur; severe swelling of the tongue.
  • Aphthae in the mouth.
  • Strong toothache at night, accompanied by intense chills throughout the body.
  • Jerking toothache at night... Pain in teeth lower jaw shoots in the ear, and from the teeth upper jaw- in the head, and is accompanied by sore gums.
  • Swollen gums that peel away from the teeth.
  • Gums bleed from the slightest touch.
  • Soreness of the gums when touched and chewed.
  • The tongue is covered with a white coating; The gums are pale, swollen, and bleed when touched.
  • A swollen tongue, the edges of which become so soft and pliable that they take on a scalloped appearance from the impressions of teeth and appear ulcerated.
  • Ulceration and soreness in the corners of the mouth.
  • Soreness and swelling of the salivary glands.
  • Constant drooling.
  • Sweetish taste in the mouth.
  • Constant dry throat; sore throat with feeling as if posterior sections it is pulled tight; constriction in the throat when swallowing, although the patient must swallow all the time, since saliva constantly accumulates in the mouth.
  • Feeling as if something hot is coming to the throat.
  • Shooting pain in tonsils when swallowing
  • Suppuration of the tonsils, accompanied by acute stitching pain in the pharynx when swallowing.
  • Strong taste of salt on lips. Salty taste on the tongue.
  • Salty phlegm.
  • When the tongue moves, the taste of rotten eggs is felt, which causes involuntary swallowing.
  • Disgusting taste in mouth.
  • At night, a lot of saliva accumulates in the mouth, nausea occurs, which is why the patient wakes up and vomits very bitter masses
  • Frequent hiccups.
  • Extremely strong thirst
  • Burning pain in the pit of the stomach.
  • Swelling of the inguinal lymph nodes with limited redness around them.
  • Inguinal The lymph nodes become inflamed and red; become painful when walking and touching.
  • Continuous, ineffectual urge to stool with tenesmus in rectum.
  • Bloody stools with a feeling of pain and rawness in the anus.
  • Green acrid slimy stool irritating the anal area.
  • Burning pain in the anus accompanied by soft stools.
  • Diarrhea: feces in the form of green mucus with burning and prolapse of the anus.
  • Greenish, painless diarrhea, especially at night.
  • Burning in the urethra
  • Constant desire to urinate; urinating every ten minutes, but not much urine comes out.
  • Freshly released urine immediately becomes cloudy and sediment forms in it. Produces much more urine than the amount of fluid you drink
  • Sedum frequent and copious urination.
  • Night ejaculation; blood in semen.
  • Greenish, acrid leucorrhoea with severe itching, especially in the evenings and at night, with severe burning after scratching.
  • Frequent sneezing without runny nose.
  • Stitching pain in chest with sneezing or coughing.
  • Stitching pain in front upper sections chest, extending to the back.
  • Tendency to vomit when coughing.
  • Sharp, stabbing pain in the lower back when breathing.
  • Weakness and fatigue in all limbs. Hand trembling.
  • Sensation of dislocation in the ankle joints.
  • Pain, as from wishba, in the limbs.
  • Profuse sweating when walking.
  • Sweats with every movement.
  • The discomfort is worse when sweating.
  • Constantly cold hands and feet.
  • Sweats day and night, although more at night.
  • Profuse sweating at night.
  • Oily, oily sweat at night.
  • Copious fetid sweat permeating bed linen.
  • Large bleeding ulcers, when touched there is pain, spreading throughout the whole body. The edges of the ulcer are turned outward, resembling raw meat, and the bottom is covered with a cheesy coating.
  • Old bleeding ulcers.
  • In patients prone to swelling, the swelling disappears very quickly, but instead, foul-smelling, quickly necrotizing ulcers form on the legs.
  • Frequent awakening from sleep.
  • Increased fatigue.
  • Marked loss of strength after stool.
  • As soon as the patient goes to bed in the evening, his pain returns and sleep disappears.
  • Some strange, unusual sensations
  • Feeling as if head were caught in a vice; as if she had increased in size.
  • Sensation as if sparks were flying from the eyes.
  • Sensation as if a weight were suspended from the nose.
  • Sensation as if there were feathers in the corners of the eye slits.
  • Sensation as if a wedge had been driven into the ear.
  • Sensation as if there was ice in the ear; as if cold water were flowing out of the ear.
  • Loose teeth, as if their roots are embedded in a pasty mass
  • Sensation as if worms were crawling in the throat; as if there was an apple seed stuck in it.
  • Some mental symptoms
  • Great fright due to a trifling surprise; swelling of the cheeks; feeling of weakness throughout the body; cannot pull himself together and calm down.
  • An indescribable feeling of unbearably severe internal illness.
  • The patient feels as if he is suffering from hellish torment.
  • He suffers all night as if he has committed some crime.
  • The desire to escape, combined with night anxiety and gloomy forebodings.
  • Extreme restlessness at night. Now he lies down, now he gets up; finds peace nowhere.
  • It seems that he is losing his mind, that he is near death; illusions.
  • Lack of interest in surroundings. Complete indifference.
  • Angry; irritable; suspicious; absurd; argumentative.
  • Talks nonsense; behaves like a buffoon; does stupid, senseless things.
  • Mania: throwing off the covers at night; cries and swears. Jumps high. She talks a lot and scolds herself a lot. Doesn't recognize his closest relatives. He often spits and rubs the saliva with his foot; licks off the remaining saliva. Often licks cow dung and mud extracted from the bottom of a reservoir. He puts small pebbles in his mouth without swallowing them, but at the same time complains that they hurt the intestines. Doesn't harm anyone, but doesn't allow anyone to touch him; does not do anything she is told... While walking, she experiences a strong desire to grab the noses of strangers passing by.
  • Mercurius vivus
  • Leading symptoms
  • Slowly answers questions. Weak memory.
  • Puffy face of earthy color.
  • Blackened, loose teeth.
  • Carious teeth. The teeth are destroyed and one by one they begin to loosen... Blackened, carious, loose teeth with exposed necks.
  • The teeth separate from the gums and turn black; dental, headache and jaw pain at night.
  • Severe toothache with swelling of the gums and salivary glands.
  • Redness of the gums that bleed at the slightest touch or spontaneously.
  • Bright redness along the edge of the gums; small ulcers located at some distance from each other.
  • Loose, bleeding, painful gums.
  • Black tongue with red edges. Red, swollen tongue.
  • Coated tongue with teeth marks along the edges.
  • Swollen tongue; difficult movements of the tongue.
  • Bad breath; foul, sweetish odor.
  • Severe stomatitis and drooling.
  • Difficulty speaking due to trembling of the lips and tongue. Stuttering.
  • Hand trembling. Tremor.
  • Mercurius cyanatus
  • Almost specific remedy for diphtheria.

Mercury was tested by Hahnemann mainly in the form of soluble mercury or its black oxide. The symptomology of it and metallic mercury are the same, so they are prescribed indifferently to both.

The first three dilutions are prepared by rubbing.

Pathogenesis is in "Pure Medicine".


A professor at the Faculty of Medicine in Vienna, Zlatorovich, giving a lecture on the effects of mercury in 1845, noticed that its description was so similar to syphilis that one could be mistaken. This thought struck him so much that he could no longer continue his course and began studying homeopathy, about which he had a vague idea. Later he became one of the luminaries of our school.

Mercury poisoning by ingestion is characterized by three main symptoms: inflammation of the mouth, abdominal pain (gastralgia) and dysentery.

There is very profuse salivation in the oral cavity. The breath is extremely offensive, the gums are swollen and ulcerated, and the teeth are exposed. Swollen tongue, covered with a whitish coating, sometimes with ulcers; deep teeth marks are visible on it. The inflammation sometimes spreads to the pharynx and tonsils, which become covered with ulcers. The submandibular glands swell, the parotid glands sometimes suppurate.

Gastralgia. After taking the poison, patients complain of intense pain in the pit of the stomach, and almost immediately bilious greenish bloody vomiting begins. Inflammation of the stomach is very quickly followed by symptoms of extremely severe inflammation of the intestines: the stomach swells, very severe pain appears, the pain increases from pressure, especially on the right side. The stool is initially bilious, mucous, then bloody, 20-30 times a day, often with fragments of the intestinal mucosa: tenesmus reminiscent of dysentery is observed. The colon, which is almost completely covered with ulcers, is most affected.

The liver enlarges and presents a picture of parenchymal hepatitis with granular atrophy of some areas.

The kidneys are also affected in acute mercury poisoning. Urine excretion decreases and may stop completely; it contains a large amount of protein, sometimes several grams. Microscopic analysis reveals all kinds of casts, indicating deep damage to the kidneys. At autopsy, acute parenchymal nephritis is found.

In case of occupational chronic poisoning, other no less important symptoms. First of all, these are mental disorders: at the beginning of chronic poisoning, before the appearance of any other symptoms, Kussmaul noted an increase in mental activity; in addition, patients are extremely impressionable, easily angry, cry and laugh for no reason; they cannot work if anyone is looking at them. This is followed by a weakening of mental abilities, and memory especially suffers; patients are not capable of normal thinking. This condition gradually intensifies and can lead to dementia; Tardieu demonstrated patients who could not stand on their feet, dress or eat on their own; instead of speaking, they uttered meaningless mutterings.

Trembling is a very common occurrence in chronic poisoning. Initially, it is observed on the lips and tongue in the form of small twitches, which Charcot called vibrational trembling, then the forearms and shoulders are affected: fast regular twitching, various stretching, often localized on one side. In more severe cases, the shaking spreads to the lower limbs and the entire body. Mercurial tremors, like tremors in multiple sclerosis, intensify with voluntary movements and excitement. At rest, the trembling decreases noticeably and during sleep may stop completely.

This trembling is often accompanied by paralysis.

Paralysis is incomplete, flaccid, sometimes limited to individual muscle groups.

Skin rashes are more common in chronic poisoning than in acute poisoning. They are extremely diverse: papular, scaly, vesicular, sometimes have the appearance of urticaria, measles and scarlet fever. Dietterich states that inflammation of the periosteum is common with prolonged use of mercury, and Grave says that it can also be observed in people who have never had syphilis, but have taken a lot of mercury.


Mercurius solubilis, according to Testa, is especially suitable for people who are lymphatic, thin, weak physically and mentally, chilly, prone to catarrhal diseases and rheumatic pains on the slightest exposure to cold and dampness, with slight sweating, mainly at night, more often in women than in men.

Predominant side: left.


Bitterness at night.

Heavy, non-relieving sweats, appearing at night, very profuse, with a sour odor.

Copious and offensive salivation.

The tongue is swollen, moist, with imprints of teeth.

Chills with goose bumps at the onset of inflammatory diseases.

Bad odor from the whole body.

Tenesmus before, during and after stool.

Painful sensitivity and liver hypertrophy.

Stitching pain in the lower lobe of the right lung, which Mercurius strikes predominantly.

Pain. Shooting, tearing, stabbing, worse in the evening and at night from warmth in bed, from sweating.

Chair. Incessant sudden urgency with very frequent pain and tenesmus. The diarrhea is watery, greenish, sticky, bloody, worse at night with tenesmus and a feeling that the stool will never end.

Menses too heavy and too painful, with large clots. During menses, restlessness that prevents sitting in one place. Greenish leucorrhoea, especially at night, burning, corrosive. During menstruation, the breasts are sore and filled with milk.


DIGESTIVE. Inflammation of the oral cavity. The mouth is very moist with foamy and copious saliva, but at the same time there is a feeling of thirst. Strong smell. The gums are swollen, loose, and bleeding. Syphilitic or other ulcers on the mucous membrane of the cheeks; Mercurius cures them completely, and only in rare cases is another prescription required Acidum nitricum . It cures idiopathic drooling. This is the main remedy for inflammation of the salivary glands.

Dysentery: greenish sticky bloody stool, severe tenesmus before and after stool; feeling like it will never end. The more blood and the stronger the pain, the more indicated Mercurius. Diarrhea in newborns and small children. Few remedies are indicated for this disease, more often Mercurius. The stools are different colors, foamy and smelly, sometimes corroding the anus. Mercurius corrosivus indicated when children have diarrhea of ​​a more inflammatory nature, and in general when it takes the form of dysentery.

Liver. In small doses Mercurius- a very useful remedy for liver diseases with insufficient bile secretion, which results in colorless, rare and foul-smelling stools and loss of appetite.

RESPIRATORY. Runny nose. When the discharge is mucous, “In the initial period,” says Jousset, “the most reliable treatment is Mercurius solubilis 6 alternately with Sulfur 6, according to Espane's advice." For later runny nose Mercurius indicated by shiny redness and swelling of the nose, copious and corrosive discharge.

SOLINS. It is inevitable with malignant toad. Presentation with a tendency to gangrene, which is characteristic of the action Mercurius in all tissues and serves as a sign of scarlet fever, one of the main areas of its action.

DIFFERENT. Nephritis. Mercurius corrosivus truly homeopathic for nephritis and albuminuria. Clinical trials have not yet definitively determined its place in the treatment of these diseases in the series Cantharis, Terebentina And Arsenicum album . Acute articular rheumatism. On Mercurius specifically indicate two important characteristics: worsening at night and heavy, unrelieved sweats.

SUPPURATION. Mercurius- a very useful medicine for local inflammation. Assigned initially alone or alternately with Belladonna, it can contribute to suppuration. When pus forms, it helps its release, and then it can be alternated with Hepar sulfur(high dilutions are prescribed to prevent suppuration, low dilutions are prescribed to intensify).

PAIN IN THE EAR with discharge of blood and pus, dullness of hearing, inflammation of the ear canal with an abscess.


Mercurius acts on the lymphatic system in the same way as Aconitum to the arterial one. Worse at night, unrelieved sweats, a wide soft tongue with teeth marks on the sides, impetuosity, tendency to haste, restlessness are the main characteristic symptoms of this powerful remedy.

Synonyms: Mercurius solubilis, Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni

Mercurius solubilis is a mercury preparation whose action was studied by Hahnemann. Doctor of Medical Sciences studied soluble mercury or its black oxide. This made it possible to find out that the impact of the above is identical. Therefore, both can be prescribed. Dilutions are made by rubbing.

Currently, mercury in homeopathy is used only as prescribed by a specialist. It is important to take into account the patient’s latest tests and the indicators of all parts of the body. Use it yourself Mercurius solubilis 6 forbidden. This is due to the presence of toxic components in homeopathic preparations. Therefore, the wrong dosage can worsen the condition.

Today there are several options for the above homeopathic remedy. They vary in concentration. This can be homeopathy Mercur 30 or Mercurius solubilis 6. Each of the presented remedies is used depending on the identified disease, its stage, and the affected area. In most cases, doctors recommend a minimum concentration of the drug.

Indications for use

Before practicing homeopathy, the indications for use of which are best checked with a doctor, it is advisable to read the instructions. As a rule, Mercurius solubilis is used in the composition combination therapy as symptomatic remedy at various states or illnesses. It is mainly recommended if the patient has:

  • Stomatitis and multiple ulcers in the oral cavity, which are accompanied by an unpleasant odor and severe bleeding;
  • Inflammation of the salivary glands;
  • Dysentery with blood, green stools, severe tenesmus (pain in the rectum);
  • Mumps, which is significantly worse at night;
  • Ulcerative colitis with increased sweating, pus, swollen tongue, teeth marks directly on it;
  • Rhinitis with redness and swelling of the nose, as well as copious discharge;
  • Hepatitis with decreased appetite and abnormal bowel movements;
  • Scarlet fever and tonsillitis with ulcers, as well as necrosis of the tonsils, unpleasant odor, bluish pharynx, profuse salivation;
  • Nephritis, accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine;
  • Purulent otitis media, which irritates the skin;
  • Rheumatism, which worsens at night;
  • Inflammatory diseases skin which cause wet discharge;
  • Eczema with itching and burning;
  • Adnexitis;
  • Neuritis, which is accompanied by severe pain at night, is worse from heat or cold.

The indications for use in children are also identical, but there are a number of nuances. The amount of the drug in each case is selected individually. For children, only the minimum dosage is suitable.

Instructions for use

Mercury is used in homeopathy for constitutional type thin people, weak mentally and physically. Such patients are characterized by rheumatic pain and catarrhal diseases. These patients sweat a lot, mainly at night. Most effective Mercurius solubilis hahnemanni for women. Meanwhile, the drug is considered left-sided.

IN various cases High or low dilutions of mercury are used depending on the specific situation. If we consider the granular version, it is used differently. Use eight granules three to four times a day before meals. The granules are absorbed under the tongue. Duration of use Mercurius solubilis is 3-4 weeks. However, in further to the patient It is often recommended to take several maintenance courses after a certain break.

Possible side effects

Homeopathic medicine Mercurius solubilis hanemannii may provoke allergic reaction. This is due to intolerance to the components.
In some cases, symptoms that were detected earlier, before treatment, worsen. Then you need to take a break for 5-7 days. If the therapeutic effect is not achieved and side effects are detected, it is advisable to rush to the doctor. It is possible to combine Mercurius solubilis with other medications, but only after consultation with an experienced specialist.

Overdose symptoms

The main effect of a large amount of the drug is expressed in dysentery, abdominal pain, and inflammation of the oral cavity. Arises profuse salivation, gums swell and fester. Appears on the tongue white coating and ulcers, the pharynx and tonsils become inflamed, the submandibular glands swell. Abdominal pain is accompanied by vomiting. The colon becomes covered with ulcers and profuse diarrhea occurs. The size of the liver increases, urine output decreases or stops altogether.

At chronic intoxication may indicate mental disorders. Patients become irritable and more impressionable. Their mental abilities weaken, memory acuity decreases, and dementia sets in. The body trembles, vibrates, paralysis, skin rashes occur, and the periosteum becomes inflamed.

Analogues of the drug

To replace Mercurius solubilis, homeopathy offers monocomponent remedies from the same group. Among them peppermint, twig eucalyptus, bird knotweed, Rhodiola rosea. Reviews from patients say that such remedies are no less effective. However exact dosages, frequency of administration, duration of use in each case must be agreed with your doctor.


Mercurius Solubilis, although he is homeopathic medicine, patients don’t like it, and experts don’t recommend it. Judging by the reviews available on various forums and websites, the drug has a large number side effects. Patients who tried to cure skin and immune diseases complained of stomach upsets, insomnia, swelling, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. Pregnant women cannot use this drug, as experts prohibit it. Fainting, increased toxicosis, and vomiting often occur.

But there are improvements in the form of stopping bleeding and pain relief. You should also take into account the fact that the drug cannot be used with all medications. Some medications enhance the effect, while others suppress it. Therefore, those who wrote about the lack of effect should consult a specialist, since drug interactions may be weak or absent. With proper treatment, improvements were visible within a month.

Home medicine for homeopathy

According to the publication "Home medicine for homeopathy"
St. Petersburg, 1895

Appendix 2

Homeopathic remedies

(Mercurius solubilis Hahnemanni)

General. Mercury (mercury) produces an acceleration of the transformation and decomposition of the blood, since it liquefies the protein and fiber and makes the blood able to pass through the tissues and at the same time retards the development of red blood cells, so that the whole mass of the blood becomes grayer (waterier) and poor in red blood cells . As a result, nutrition suffers nervous system and its departures change accordingly. These disorders are inflammatory in nature, and thus, after the action of Mercury, the following are observed: overflow of blood vessels with stagnation of blood in the hair (capillary) system, wandering of white bodies (leukocytes), diapedesis (impregnation) of red bodies (erythrocytes), ruptures of blood vessels with effusion blood, exudation of protein substances, irritation of fiber, fatty purulent degeneration of fibrous infiltrates. The skin, mucous membranes, glands, serous, fibrous and bone tissue; the highest degree of damage is expressed by necrosis and decay. After long-term exposure to mercury, not a single organ or tissue remains affected.

The disorders caused by Mercury are not so sharp and painful in dry and warm weather, during the day and in a resting position; they intensify at night, under a warm blanket, with any muscle movement and tension; from exposure to cold and damp air. Symptoms are observed more often on the left than on the right side of the body.

The general nature of the action of Mercury differs from the action of Aconite in that with the latter vascular system is more strongly affected and the reaction manifests itself more energetically, whereas with the first, the nervous system is more strongly affected.

Compared to Bryonia, during hot flashes and inflammation, Mercury exhibits a more rapid and intense effect in all roles of effusion processes.

From a draft, the force of excitation of blood vessels and irritation of the nerves initially and immediately follows this onset of relaxation and loss of energy. A runny nose soon becomes runny with copious mucus discharge, bronchial catarrh is accompanied by significant mucous-foamy discharge, intestinal catarrh is expressed by copious liquid feces containing a lot of intestinal mucus, bile and secretions of intestinal glands, burning heat ends with draining and profuse sweat, and unusual excitement and tension of the nervous system ends with the disappearance of all strength and a complete loss of energy and disgust for life.

Mercury differs from Sulfur in that the former has a greater effect on the state of red blood cells with the associated phenomena of inflammation and overirritation. Both remedies are similar to each other in their effect on the vegetative sphere, since they have a significant effect on plastic processes in that the first acts on the lymphatic cells and protein substances of the blood mass, and the second, in addition, on the distribution and composition of red blood cells. The correspondingly larger the dose of the drug, the sooner changes in the properties of the blood appear, and, on the contrary, the higher its dilutions become (small doses), the greater the damage to the nervous system, which is expressed by its altered attitude to external impulses or irritations; changes in the composition of the blood and body juices constitute an intermediate stage in a number of painful disorders produced by Mercury.

Dream: severe drowsiness during the day, light sleep at night, interrupted by nightmares, later insomnia and general strong agitation.

State of mind: excited, with a tendency to argue and angry outbursts, a state of exaltation; then the greatest indifference, indifference to life with attempts at suicide; dissatisfaction with oneself, significant weakness.

Skin glands and bones. Flushes of blood, congestion of blood vessels and inflammation of various layers of the skin. Various types of skin lesions: erythema, erysipelas, eczema with the formation of pustules and boils, extensive abscesses to the degree of phlegmon, more or less extensive. Skin nutritional disorders lead to hair loss and nails falling off.

IN lymph glands- inflammatory swelling, increased new formation of elements - hyperplasia. Swell salivary glands, lymphatic in the neck, armpits, groins, mesenteric, swelling of the pancreas and liver; testes, ovaries and mammary glands.

Bone tissue is affected no less severely, its nutrition is disrupted, and it is affected by the inflammatory process varying degrees and strength; destructive processes such as: (ulceration), necrosis (death), osteoporosis (irritation of tissue), osteomalacia (softening of tissue) and osteosclerosis (hardening of bone). Most affected tubular bones and facial bones, namely the upper and lower jaws and nasal bones. Inflammation of the periosteal hymen is observed, resulting in severe night pain. There are also lesions of the ligamentous apparatus of the joints without pain - simple relaxation of the tissues or with severe pain - inflammatory damage to the joints.

Nervous system

Brain and brain nerves . A state of excitement with hallucinations, muscle twitching, delirium and manic attacks - loss of all energy, exhaustion of strength, emaciation, irritable weakness of the nerves, general relaxation, paralysis and paresis. Epileptic seizures with disturbance of consciousness. Disorder intellectual abilities, dullness of feeling, forgetfulness, weakened thinking, severe thoughts, aphasia (Aphasia mentalis), stuttering speech (Psellismus mercurialis). Heaviness of the head, dizziness, severe headaches. A rush of blood to the head leads to inflammation of the brain and meninges with serous effusion, stagnation of blood causes rupture of blood vessels and hemorrhages - apoplexy.

Organ of vision. Spasm of the eyelids, inflammatory redness and swelling of the eyelids with inflammation of the Meibomian glands; pressure, burning, heat in the eyes with profuse lacrimation, photophobia. Mucus and suppuration, transition of inflammation to the cornea and iris, dilation of the pupil, weakened vision; paralysis optic nerves and retina, with loss of vision - amaurosis.

Hearing organ: noise, pain, inflammation ear canal, discharge of mucus, pus and blood, hearing loss (Dysekcia).

Olfactory organ. Pain, swelling of the nasal bones, inflammatory redness and swelling of the mucous membrane, submucosa, as well as outside the skin and subcutaneous tissue. Ulcerations inside the nose, bad discharge - ozena (Dzaena), easy bleeding.

Spinal cord. Flushing, dysfunction, pain, feeling tired, convulsive twitching, joint pain, paralysis and parasthesia of varying degrees.

Circulatory organs

Decline in heart activity, with stagnation of blood in the vessels, fatty degeneration of muscles. Inflammatory condition vascular membranes with a tendency to rupture, atheramotic degeneration.

Increased temperature of a constant and irregular type, worsening at night; profuse sweating, protracted course.

Respiratory system

Catarrh of the nose, larynx, bronchi. Severe attacks of chesty, dry cough, coughing up liquid-mucous, foamy and bloody sputum. Flushing of blood to the lungs, shortness of breath, chest pain when breathing and coughing. Overflow of blood into the lungs and pleura.

Digestive organs

The lips are dry, there are cracks in the corners of the mouth, spots, blisters, and the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the mouth and cheeks. The gums are swollen, loose, bleed easily, painful, prone to ulceration and abscess formation. Caries (destruction) of teeth, they become loose and fall out; toothache. Mucus secretion, salivation. The tongue is swollen, with teeth marks on the edges. Redness and inflammatory process mucous membrane of the pharynx, tonsils, difficulty swallowing, severe pain, formation of exudate - inflammatory and croupous sore throat. Bad metallic taste, lack of appetite, severe thirst, aversion to warm food, belching, heartburn, nausea. Vomiting mucus and bile. The phenomena of acute catarrh of the stomach, turning into acute inflammation (gastritis). Pain in the intestines, rumbling, colic, urge to stool, loose stools. The discharge is greenish, yellow, even gray in color, depending on the changes or absence coloring matter bile, since the damage to the small intestines is accompanied by catarrh of the bile duct. In the large intestines there is foyapicular, sour and spasmodic stool with the formation of ulcers and hemorrhages on the mucous membrane. Catarrh of the rectum, swelling of the hemorrhoidal veins with rupture and leakage of blood and severe pain in the rectum (aroctalgia) in anus. Swelling of the liver. Disorder and delay in bile secretion, jaundice.

Genitourinary organs

Inflammatory swelling of the kidneys, catarrh of the kidneys and bladder, urge with slight discharge. Very profuse urination, protein in the urine, casts - nephritis and, as a consequence, dropsy.

Mucous purulent discharge from urethra- Mercurial deer porea. Painful erections and emissions. Inflammation and catarrh of the vagina and vagina, leucorrhoea of ​​a purulent nature. Very heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding.

Use in patients

For acute, subacute and chronic painful conditions of various kinds. Especially with scrofulous lesions of the skin, lymphatic and salivary glands, with inflammation of the eyes and ears, chronic runny nose, catarrh of the stomach and intestines with muco-bilious diarrhea, jaundice, lacrimal swelling of the liver, hemorrhoidal disorders with inflammation and formation of ulcers of the oral mucosa, loosening and bleeding gums, toothache, damage to teeth, inflammation of the tongue, pharynx, tonsils, inflammation of the pharynx, with croupous exudate, with bronchitis with abundant sputum with influenza (influenza), with damage to the kidneys, bladder, urinary canal, with suppuration (blennorrhea) from the canal in men and the vagina in women, with inflammation of the testicles, ovaries, uterus, bleeding from the urinary canal and uterus, with acute articular rheumatism, attacks of gout, with profuse, debilitating sweats, severe thirst, worsening at night with neuralgia of various kinds; for typhoid fevers, inflammatory lesions of the membranes of the brain and spinal cord.


(Mercurius sublimatus corrosivus)

Its use is indicated in cases where a faster and more energetic action of Mercury is required. Therefore, it is used in violent, violent and life-threatening disorders of an acute inflammatory nature, namely: with severe inflammation mucous membrane, pharynx; pharynx, larynx with significant exudate, i.e. with diphtheris of the pharynx, croup of the larynx, inflammation of the bronchi and lungs with copious exudate, with inflammation of the stomach, liver and intestines, with dysentery, with inflammation of the urinary canal and bladder with urination disorders, with corrosive chancre , with rapidly occurring inflammation of the meninges, with dangerous inflammation membranes of the eye: connective (conjunctivitis) and corneal (keratitis) with inflammation of the inner ear (otitis interna). The beneficial influence of Mercury corrosivus here is reinforced by the appointment of Belladonna.

For inflammation of the eyes and corrosive chancre, this remedy is also used externally in the form of a lotion of 0.05 Mercurk. cloosiv. at 150.0-200.0 distilled water.

Mercurius cyanatus is also used for the same dangerous diseases, but especially for diphtheria of the pharynx.