Constant redness of the eyes. Why do eyes turn red? What are the most common types of conjunctivitis?

There is a desire to get rid of this condition as soon as possible and the person asks the question - what to do if the eyes are red?

There are several reasons why your eyes may become red. In addition to the fact that a person visually notices a change in the color of the whites of the eyes, he may be bothered by the discharge of pus and tearing.

There are several ways to quickly get rid of these symptoms. The reasons and solutions will be discussed. It will also become clear what to do so that the redness of the eye is no longer observed.

Causes of red eyes

This phenomenon can be caused by several factors. Usually the white of the eye is red for a short period of time. It happens that the symptom goes away on its own, without the use of any therapeutic methods and without contacting a specialist.

But sometimes a person notices that his eyes are constantly red, and this already indicates a serious problem and the need for treatment.

The main causes of red eyes:

  • Long work at the computer. This pathology is observed in those people whose eyes are glued to the monitor throughout the working day. Ophthalmologists say that red eyes from a computer are a manifestation of dry eye syndrome. To eliminate redness that occurs due to disruption of the tear glands, you need to drink a lot of water and blink as often as possible. Be sure to take a twenty-minute break after an hour of work.
  • Working in air-conditioned areas also takes a toll on the eyes. The air conditioner cools the air and at the same time dries it. Because of this, dry eyes occur, which is eliminated by using special drops.
  • Ingress of foreign objects (dust, eyelashes, sand, small debris, insects). The mucous membrane becomes irritated, the eye turns red, signaling that the foreign body must be removed immediately.
  • Ingress of liquids. Even plain water can cause red eyes. But it passes quickly, there is no need to take any measures. And if the redness is caused by contact with soap and cleaning solutions, then you need to rinse your eyes well with running water.
  • Climatic conditions. Often people notice redness and tearing under certain weather conditions - during strong winds, bright sun or cold air. Ophthalmologists advise wearing sunglasses even in bad weather.
  • Stay in a bathhouse, sauna, solarium. Due to frequent or prolonged exposure to these areas, the eyes may become red. In this case, the red eye is due to the fact that the blood vessel has burst due to exposure to high temperatures.
  • Tobacco or other smoke can cause redness, especially if the area is poorly ventilated.
  • Diabetes mellitus and hypertension can cause redness.
  • Redness may occur in women in labor during pushing.
  • An allergy associated with flowering plants is a reason to buy eye drops that will help with redness. A consultation with a doctor is required; he will select eye products taking into account individual characteristics.
  • People with poor vision notice that their eyes are red from lenses and do not know what to do, because lenses help them see objects clearly without glasses. Due to gusts of wind, the lens may move. The eye begins to hurt, pain and redness appear. As a rule, it is enough to remove the lenses for a while and give your eyes a rest. The redness will go away on its own.
  • Sometimes red eyes occur in people who have an unhealthy diet. First of all, it is influenced by spicy foods, exotic herbs and spices.
  • Conjunctivitis is especially often diagnosed in children. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary.
  • Intracranial pressure. The outflow of blood from the head is reduced and intracranial pressure increases. In this case, it is impossible to do without the help of professionals.

Correctly identifying the cause of redness is the key to effective treatment. That's why it's so important to see a doctor when the first symptoms appear.

Drops to combat redness of the eyes

Now in the pharmacy you can find many drops that will help eliminate redness of the eyes and purulent discharge. The right decision is to consult an ophthalmologist to get a good recommendation regarding eye drops.

Using the drops incorrectly or purchasing the wrong product can make the situation worse.

Popular remedies to combat eye redness are:

  • Visine(tetrizoline). It is an effective vasoconstrictor. The action appears almost instantly. The effect lasts for eight hours. But Vizin is more likely to be a cosmetic product, since it removes only external redness without affecting the cause. Long-term use of drops can cause complications.
  • Taufon has a quick effect, eliminating redness, pain, dryness, pain. These drops are especially helpful for people who spend a lot of time at the computer and wear contact lenses. The composition includes taurine, which normalizes eye pressure. But Taufon also cannot be used for a long time, it is addictive. The longer you use it, the harder it is to live without it.
  • Sofradex– a universal remedy that has an anti-inflammatory effect. These are one of the best drops that will help well with redness caused by bacterial damage. The composition includes two antibiotics that kill harmful microorganisms. These drops should be used for no more than seven days. The downside of these drops is that once opened they can only be stored for a month.
  • Artificial tear. Even from the name you can guess that these drops are used for dry eye syndrome. They can help relieve redness and irritation caused by dry eyes. The drops are non-addictive and absolutely safe; they can be instilled as much as needed.

When purchasing drops, be sure to read the instructions. They need to be applied in courses.

Drops to eliminate redness only relieve symptoms. In order to completely get rid of the problem, it is necessary to determine the cause that caused the redness of the eyes.

Drops should be instilled only when there is no decorative cosmetics on the eyes, since the components of the preparation can react with it and have the opposite effect. Drops should be used with caution when wearing lenses.

If your eyes are red and painful, it is important to understand that you should take any action only after consulting an ophthalmologist.

Anti-red eye masks

If there were no problems before, but in the morning you find that your eyes are red and hurt, don’t panic. There are traditional methods that will help quickly eliminate redness.

Homemade lotions and masks can be made from available ingredients. Within 5-10 minutes after applying the mask, you can see the result. They can be done several times a day, even for prevention, to relieve tension.

Some recipes for masks to relieve redness from the eyes:

  • Potato mask. To prepare it you will need raw new potatoes. It needs to be washed, cleaned and rubbed. The resulting puree should be wrapped in several layers of gauze. It is enough to apply the mask for 5-10 minutes.
  • Ice herbal cubes. You will need a tablespoon of chamomile or oak bark, which is poured with boiling water. It is necessary to leave under the lid for an hour, strain and pour into ice trays, and leave in the refrigerator until the morning. In the morning, apply ice cubes to your closed eyelids for as much time as you can stand.
  • Tea lotions are one of the most famous ways to help those who often wake up with red eyes. Tea bags used in the evening should be placed on the eyelids and held for 7-10 minutes. The look will become clean and clear. If you don’t have tea bags, you can soak cotton pads in cold brew. Black tea eliminates redness. You can also use green tea, but it helps more with bags under the eyes.
  • Cucumber mask. Fresh cucumber should be washed and peeled, seeds removed, and then grated. Wrap cucumber puree in several layers of gauze and hold on eyelids for 5-15 minutes.
  • Apple mask. Using the same scheme as the potato and cucumber mask.
  • Parsley mask. It is necessary to chop fresh parsley and wrap it in one layer of gauze. The mask is applied for 7-10 minutes on closed eyelids. This recipe is used to eliminate redness and relieve fatigue.
  • Mask with mashed potatoes. It is necessary to boil the potatoes without adding anything. Then cool, wrap in several layers of gauze. Apply for 5-15 minutes.
  • Contrast compress. Pour cold boiled and hot water into different cups. One by one, moisten cotton pads or pieces of gauze and apply to the eyes.
  • Olive compress. It is necessary to heat the olive oil in a water bath and moisten the cotton pads. Apply to eyes for 5-7 minutes.

Anyone should know what to do if their eyes are watery and red. There are a lot of remedies - from folk recipes to modern drugs.

When resorting to home methods to eliminate redness, it is important not to miss the cause of its occurrence. After all, if the eye is purulent and red, this may indicate the development of a serious disease.

Everyone knows that any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. To prevent your eyes from turning red, it is important to follow preventive measures.

It is necessary to alternate work and rest, giving rest to the eyes. It is important to eat right to get healthy elements from food. A good night's sleep is what will allow your eyes to relax. During the day, you can do eye exercises that will help relieve fatigue.

Useful video about the causes of red eyes

External and internal causes that give rise to this problem in children, adults and the elderly. How can you get rid of red eyes? Treatment with medications and folk remedies, special gymnastics.

The content of the article:

Redness of the eyes is one of the signs of dilation of small blood vessels that are on the surface of the eyeball. Additional symptoms of the condition may include itching, pain, discharge from the eye, and blurred vision. In this situation, it is important to contact an ophthalmologist in a timely manner in order to quickly eliminate the cause of the condition and insure yourself against serious consequences.

The main reasons why eyes turn red

The reasons why the blood vessels of the eyes may dilate are divided into external and internal. Each of them can occur with varying degrees of probability in a particular population group.

Why do adults' eyes often turn red?

For adults, the most relevant reasons are:
  • External stimuli. One or another influence of the external environment can lead to injury to the eyeball and, as a consequence, vasodilation. Often, red eyes are caused by chemicals - aggressive cleaning products and cosmetics. For office workers, air conditioning is a danger; it dries out the mucous membranes, resulting in eye irritation accompanied by redness. For the same reason, you can often observe that the eyes turn red after visiting a bath or sauna.
  • Conjunctivitis. One of the most common eye diseases, symptoms include not only redness of the eyes, but also discomfort and mild swelling.
  • Poor nutrition. Adults rarely have the opportunity to monitor their diet and routine due to their busy lives at work and at home. This leads to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which in turn provokes certain diseases. Eye diseases occur as a result of a deficiency of retinol, vitamins B, C and E.
  • Wearing lenses. Red eyes are a situation that often occurs in those people who start wearing contact lenses. But in this case we are talking only about a natural reaction to a foreign object. Over time, a habit develops and the irritation goes away. If it does not go away, you should probably choose other lenses - an ophthalmologist will help you do this competently. If eye redness occurs in experienced lens wearers, most likely the fault is not the lenses, but another reason.
  • Bad habits. Alcohol dilates blood vessels, and therefore, when drinking alcohol becomes a habit, red eyes are a common occurrence. Tobacco smoke also negatively affects them - note, it doesn’t matter whether you smoke yourself or are constantly surrounded by smokers. It is also important to take into account that redness of the eyes is only the first symptom of the negative effects of cigarette smoke; if constant contact with it is not stopped, more dangerous ophthalmological diseases may develop.
  • Incorrect work/rest mode. Working behind a monitor is a necessity for us today. An office employee does not look up from his laptop for hours. There is no escape from reality, but it is possible to make it less harsh. To do this, you need to take breaks every 45 minutes for eye exercises - we will talk about it a little later. Another solution may be to use special glasses.
  • Lack of sleep. Another problem caused by workload is lack of sleep. The body does not have time to recover, and the eyes are the first to suffer. Remember, if you have difficulty waking up, you are literally trying to “open your eyes.”
  • Incorrectly selected glasses. Just like lenses, glasses can also be chosen incorrectly, and as a result, wearing them will lead to eye problems. If you have been wearing glasses for a long time and suddenly they begin to cause you discomfort, check to see if your vision has deteriorated and your previous glasses no longer correspond to the correct correction parameters.
  • Pregnancy and childbirth. During the period of gestation, a woman goes through hormonal changes, which, among other things, lead to fluid retention in the body, as a result, the pressure on the vessels increases, and small capillaries suffer. Also, hormonal changes cause the development of “dry eye syndrome,” and dry mucous membranes are more vulnerable to injury. Redness of the eyes after childbirth is explained by the fact that when pushing, the woman tenses and holds her breath, which leads to a sharp increase in blood pressure. The result is broken vessels.
As you can see, there are many risk factors that cause redness of the eyes, which once again reminds you that this is a sensitive organ and needs to be protected.

Why do children's eyes turn red?

Despite the fact that most of the reasons mentioned above can become a risk factor for vasodilation in children, most often children’s eyes hurt and become red for other reasons, including:
  1. Foreign irritants. Children are not known for their neatness, especially if they are passionate about playing, and therefore it is common for them to get dust and small foreign bodies into their eyes. Also, children often turn red after visiting the pool, this indicates that there is a lot of chlorine or other chemicals in the water - management should pay attention to this fact.
  2. Allergy. Children are more likely than adults to develop allergies due to the fact that their immunity is not yet fully developed. If redness of the eyes is accompanied by sneezing and a runny nose, most likely it is an allergy.
  3. Bad light. And here again we have to say that when a child is carried away, he does not notice the discomfort. A schoolchild can completely calmly read his favorite book while it gets dark outside, and not use the lamp until the last minute. As a result, the eyes become overstrained and red.
  4. Obstruction of the lacrimal duct. This problem, which occurs in children in the first year of life, usually appears in the first months and is accompanied, among other things, by redness of the eyes. Obstruction can be either unilateral or bilateral.
The first reason deserves special attention: if a foreign object gets into a child’s eye, it is important to promptly consult a doctor, since the baby will not be able to withstand the discomfort and will try to get rid of the itching by constantly scratching the eye, which can lead to additional injuries.

What causes red eyes in older people?

Finally, it is worth considering separately the reasons why the white of the eye turns red in older people. At this age, unpleasant symptoms in most cases are associated with certain diseases, usually these are:
  • Scleritis. This is an inflammatory process in the white membrane of the eye, provoked by concomitant diseases, usually arthritis or tuberculosis, as well as various infections.
  • Corneal ulcers. An ophthalmological disease, the development of which can be caused by external causes (burns, mechanical injuries), but more often it is caused by internal factors (viruses, fungal infections).
  • Uveitis. Inflammation of the choroid of the eye, accompanied by pain, blurred vision and photophobia. Requires immediate treatment as it can cause serious complications.
  • Glaucoma. One of the most severe ophthalmological diseases, it can lead to complete loss of vision. It is observed against the background of increased intraocular pressure, and therefore is accompanied by feelings of constriction in the temporal part, as well as blurred vision.

Note! “Alternation” of causes is always possible, that is, a child may suffer from uveitis, an adult from allergies, and an elderly person from poor nutrition. One way or another, whatever the cause of the redness, the main thing is to promptly consult a doctor who will make a diagnosis and begin treatment.

What to do if your eyes are red

You can combat redness of the eyes in various ways: with the help of medications prescribed by a doctor, through traditional medicine, and also by performing special exercises. The best solution is a competent combination of all three methods.

Medications against red eyes

The list of medications that will be prescribed to the patient is determined by the cause of the problem. However, in any case, whatever the diagnosis, the patient is prescribed eye drops.

The most commonly prescribed drugs are:

  1. "Vizin". It is usually prescribed when dry mucous membranes have led to vasodilation. The drops are fast-acting, relief comes in just a minute. The drug not only eliminates redness, but also relieves swelling, and therefore it is often prescribed if the eyes become red and swollen. When using drops, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations, since they are addictive. Due to this circumstance, they try to fit the course of treatment into 3-5 days. The drug has contraindications: high eye pressure, childhood.
  2. Octilia. These drops are prescribed if conjunctivitis is the cause of vasodilation, because they not only remove redness well, but also relieve itching and pain. The effect of the drug occurs within 3-5 minutes.
  3. Naphthyzin. A drug with a powerful vasoconstrictor effect. It is recommended to use it no more than 3 times a day, just like Visin, it is addictive, and in case of an overdose, unpleasant symptoms are observed - nausea, headache, general weakness. In addition, the drops dilate the pupil, and therefore during the period of treatment they are prohibited from performing work that requires increased concentration.
  4. Okumetil. A drug with triple action: removes redness, fights inflammation, as well as allergic reactions. After instillation, discomfort may be observed - burning, itching, temporary blurred vision. Often prescribed in situations where redness is caused by allergies. Unfortunately, the drug has many contraindications because it penetrates into the bloodstream. It is prohibited for use by pregnant, lactating women and children. These drops are not recommended for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
  5. Visomitin. Drops with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, and therefore can not only eliminate the symptom, that is, redness of the eyes, but also treat the problem. Often prescribed to elderly patients, as they are good at combating age-related changes in the eyes. However, adults with “computer syndrome” will also appreciate them; the drug moisturizes the mucous membrane, relieves fatigue and irritation.
The need to prescribe other medications is determined by the diagnosis. For example, in case of allergies, antihistamines will also be prescribed, if the problem is due to a lack of vitamins, vitamin-mineral complexes will be prescribed, and glaucoma will require serious complex treatment, etc.

Folk remedies for red eyes

Folk remedies help to combat redness of the eyes. Many medicinal drops are addictive and should not be used frequently or for a long time. If you have already taken the prescribed dosage, and your eyes are red and watery, folk recipes will come to the rescue.
  • Tea lotions. Brew strong tea - black or green, cool. Soak cotton pads in the tea leaves and place them on your eyelids. Hold for 15-20 minutes. This method perfectly eliminates fatigue, refreshes the eyes and, of course, relieves redness.
  • Ice packs. This method is recommended for use when the eyes turn red immediately after waking up. Ice cubes should be wrapped in a scarf and applied to the eyelids. You should not achieve a chilling effect, but it should be cool.
  • Aloe juice. An alternative to drops is the juice of a freshly cut aloe stem. No more than 2 drops should be instilled.
  • Oatmeal lotions. For this method, oatmeal must be ground into flour and mixed with whey - the consistency of thick sour cream should be obtained. The resulting mass is applied to the eyelids; this “mask” helps to get rid of not only redness, but also itching.
  • Honey drops. Another alternative to medicinal drops, they are prepared like this: a slightly incomplete teaspoon of honey is placed in a glass of water. The water should be at a temperature of 38-40 degrees; honey will completely dissolve at this temperature, but will not lose its healing properties. You need to instill the “drug” 1-3 drops.

Note! All folk remedies should be used only after consultation with your doctor.

Eye exercises

Finally, let's consider another effective therapy against redness of the eyes - special gymnastics. Just like folk remedies for eye treatment, there are a lot of exercises, we will recommend you a basic course:
  1. Sit on a chair, straighten your back, but do not strain it. Relax your eyes as much as possible and begin to move your pupils - up, to the right, then to the left and down. The more abruptly you can make the change of view, the better. It is recommended to perform the exercise for at least 3 minutes; the sequence of directions can be changed as desired.
  2. Go to the window and put a bold dot on it with a marker. Then select a point outside the window in the far distance. Now we begin the exercise: first we look at the near point for a couple of seconds, then we turn our gaze to the far one, and also linger on it for 2-3 seconds. We perform alternating “switching” for 5 minutes.
  3. Keep your head straight and look straight ahead, look up at the ceiling (only your pupils move), and then look down. Repeat the exercise for 2-3 minutes.
This basic course can always be expanded, and this can even be done intuitively: close your eyes, then open them sharply, “draw” different shapes with your pupils, blink, flapping your eyelashes hard - in general, let your eyes warm up properly.

What to do if your eyes turn red - watch the video:

Eye redness is a problem that can be caused by many reasons, ranging from banal dryness as a result of long work at the monitor to a serious illness. If you regularly notice redness, which, especially, is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, be sure to consult a doctor.

The sclera (white) and mucous membrane of the eye are equipped with blood vessels, the task of which is to saturate the nervous tissues of the organ with nutrients and oxygen. In a normal state, the vessels are practically invisible, but when they expand (due to thinning of the walls) they become visible because they stain the sclera red. Often, red eyes are a signal of the presence of some kind of trouble in the body, which can be caused by both external irritants, allergens, and diseases that need to be investigated and treated. Let's consider why violations of this kind occur.

Physical factors are a common and not always harmless cause of red eyes. Constant external exposure can lead to permanent visual impairment. As a result of the influence of the sun, gusts of wind, and frost, slight and short-lived redness of the eyes appears, which, as a rule, disappears within an hour. In addition to adverse weather conditions, the mucous membrane of the eye can be affected by city smog, cigarette smoke, foreign objects present in the air (dust, grains of sand, specks, animal hair, etc.), as well as various aerosols. In these cases, the rate at which the redness disappears is individual and depends on the extent of the damage.

If microtraumas of the ocular surface occur (corneal trauma when putting on a contact lens, damaged lens, accumulation of protein deposits on the lens), which are accompanied only by the feeling that something has got into the eye, do not neglect treatment, since the lack of treatment for microtraumas can lead to irritation and redness, which in turn can contribute to the development of complications (keratitis, keratoconjunctivitis, corneal ulcers), since damaged tissues are a gateway to infection.

For the restoration of eye tissue, medications containing dexpanthenol, a substance with a regenerating effect, have proven themselves to be effective. In particular, the eye gel “Korneregel” has a healing effect due to the maximum concentration of dexpanthenol 5%*, and the carbomer included in its composition, due to its viscous texture, prolongs the contact of dexpanthenol with the ocular surface.

In addition, the cause of redness can be an injury (inflicted by a hand, a stick, or another object) or a burn, and in such situations, with severe inflammation, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Eye fatigue often causes a disruption in their normal functioning, accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of dryness, soreness, and redness. It occurs, as a rule, with prolonged concentration on any object: a page of a book, a TV screen, a computer monitor, etc. Increases the strain on vision and improper lighting during work (too bright or, on the contrary, dim light).

The eyes quickly become tired as a result of lack of sleep at night or lack thereof, as well as mental stress, during which intraocular pressure increases. If excessive stress occurs over a significant period, it can lead to myopia (nearsightedness), and eye redness can become chronic.


Alcohol consumption is another common cause of vasodilation, not only in the eyes, but also in the skin and internal organs. A large dose of alcohol provokes the release of norepinephrine and renin into the blood, which increases blood pressure, which is why drinkers often develop capillary mesh on the whites of the eyes, and in some cases, hemorrhages occur in the eyeball.


Redness of the mucous membrane of the eye is one of the symptoms of conjunctivitis of any nature (bacterial, viral, herpetic, allergic, etc.). Along with inflammation, the disease may cause irritation, burning, lacrimation, increased eye fatigue, as well as swelling of the eyelids and photophobia. Conjunctivitis occurs, among other things, as a consequence of poor hygiene, that is, using other people's scarves, towels, and infrequent hand washing, and can be transmitted not only by contact, but also by airborne droplets (viral conjunctivitis). Treatment of the disease depends on its form, but in any case, to reduce the severity of inflammation, it is useful to wash the eyes with fresh tea leaves or chamomile decoction.


Allergic reaction

The eyes are a sensitive organ, easily susceptible to irritating factors, one of which is allergens. Substances that provoke a strong response from the mucous membrane of the eye can be part of cosmetics, household chemicals, medications, plant pollen, wool, animal feathers, as well as house dust, which usually contains mold and foreign bodies. In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur to airtight contact lenses and lens rinses. Elimination of redness in such situations, as a rule, occurs with the help of an antiallergic drug used as prescribed by a doctor.



Arterial hypertension (hypertension) is one of the common diseases that can affect the condition of the retina of the eye. The most common retinal angiopathy is increased branching and tortuosity of the veins, due to which small arteries become visible, and pinpoint hemorrhages are detected in the lining of the organ. Angiopathy is characteristic of the 1st (unstable) stage of hypertension and, as a rule, goes away with the correct selection of antihypertensive drugs.

Angiopathy in the 2nd stage of hypertension can develop into angiosclerosis (thickening and narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels), which in some cases leads to their complete blockage. Along with redness of the eyes, signs of the disease include floaters, dark spots before the eyes, itching, and pain in the eyes. Eye problems with severe hypertension are sometimes accompanied by swelling, nasal and ear hemorrhages, and blood in the urine. It is important to remember that vascular damage can affect the optic nerve and lead to loss of vision, so the disease should not be left without medical supervision.

Not to mention the fact that red eyes can ruin even an impeccable appearance, they invariably raise a lot of annoying questions from others, which can also ruin your mood. This is often a sign of an infectious disease, dry mucous membranes or too much fun at a party - but not only. We tell you why your eyes turn red and what to do about it.


Dry eyes most often occur in adults over 50, but symptoms often appear in younger people who spend a lot of time at the computer. “The fact is that when we look at the monitor, we don’t blink as often as we should. And this leads to insufficient hydration throughout the day,” says Andrew Holtzman, MD, an ophthalmologist, in an interview with

Solution: eye gymnastics, moisturizing eye drops.

Seasonal allergies

Allergens such as pollen and blooms can cause swelling and inflammation in the eyes, which in turn can lead to redness. Additionally, allergies tend to cause us to scratch our eyes, which creates even more inflammation and redness.

Solution: cold compresses for 10-15 minutes and medication prescribed by a specialist.

Taking medications

Antihistamines are not the only medications that can cause eye irritation. Sleeping pills, sedatives, and even painkillers (such as ibuprofen) can also cause dryness and redness by reducing blood flow to tissues, including the area around the eyes.

Solution: drugs such as “artificial tears” or, if this does not help, changing the drug after consultation with your doctor.

Chronic lack of sleep

If you traditionally watch TV shows late into the night or toss and turn for a long time before falling asleep, it's likely that your eyes will be red in the morning. Experts remind: in order for the whites to be clean the next morning, the eyes must be closed for a long time - otherwise, the loss of tear fluid will lead to itching and redness.

Solution: full sleep for 6-7 hours or, if you honestly tried, but it was impossible to tear yourself away from the new series of Sherlock, moisturizing drops.


It's not just the fact that you returned home at dawn that affects your eye color. Perhaps alcohol has an even greater effect here - it relaxes the blood vessels, which allows blood to flow freely to the eyes and, accordingly, makes them redder.

Solution: whitening drops that reduce blood flow to the eyes due to the active ingredients in the composition.

Smoking (including passive smoking)

Cigarette smoke causes the blood vessels in the eyes to constrict, which dries out the surface of the eye. And when our body senses dryness in a certain area, it tries to compensate by increasing blood flow, which in turn leads to redness.

Solution: give up cigarettes or smoke only in a ventilated area.


Pink eye (or conjunctivitis) is a viral or bacterial infection that can occur in one or both eyes. This infection is highly contagious and can easily be transferred from one eye to another, even if you simply rub your eyes. It also causes severe inflammation around the eyes, making them look red and puffy.

Solution: consult an ophthalmologist.

Chlorine water

Often, pool water contains caustic chemicals such as chlorine, which actually kill not only harmful but also beneficial bacteria. When such water gets into the eyes, it disrupts the balance of the mucous membrane, causing irritation and redness. By the way, the same effect can be obtained from getting salty sea water into your eyes.

Solution: drugs such as “artificial tears” will help reduce inflammation.

Broken vessel

A blood vessel in the eye can burst if you strain it (for example, by coughing intensely), sleep in an awkward position (which puts a lot of pressure on the eye), or suffer a blow-related injury. When the vessel bursts, blood becomes trapped under the surface of the eye, resulting in a bright red stain on the mucous membrane. Doctors say there is nothing wrong with this - except for the imperfect appearance.

Solution: wait 5-7 days until complete healing.

Eye drops

Incredible but true: eye drops intended for whitening can only make the problem worse. This is because if you use the product on a regular basis, your eyes will simply get used to it. Thus, when you stop using the drops, you will get the opposite effect - without the “doping” your eyes will not look as good as you would like.

Solution: Use whitening drops only in emergency situations.

Red eye syndrome is a microcirculatory disorder caused by superficial dilatation of the scleral vasculature and is the most common symptom in ophthalmology.

There are many reasons that cause red eye. This symptom accompanies various physiological conditions, or is a sign of pathological general and ophthalmological diseases. Red eyes caused by physiological causes do not require consultation with medical professionals. Redness, the cause of which is a pathological process, requires immediate medical attention.

Normally, the white sclera is visible through the transparent conjunctiva of the optic organ. Redness appears due to the expansion and increase in blood supply to the vessels supplying the eye, due to irritation or various diseases. The intensity of the vascular pattern is not related to the severity of the disease. If redness of the eyes appears, the following factors should alert you: pain in the eye area, impaired visual acuity.

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Causes of red eye syndrome

The following factors can cause red eye syndrome:

  • physiological nature;
  • environment;
  • pathological processes occurring in the visual organ;
  • diseases that have no connection with ophthalmological pathology.

Physiological reasons. The main distinguishing feature is the absence of inflammation. Redness goes away without complications and negative consequences when physiological effects are removed. Redness can appear due to excessive exercise, sneezing, prolonged coughing, prolonged crying, lack of sleep, routine strenuous work, drinking alcohol, or eye irritation from improperly adjusted lenses or poorly fitting glasses.

Environmental factors. They have a physical or chemical essence. Irritation when exposed to bright sunlight, strong winds carrying dust particles or sand, long-term exposure to severe frost, dim lighting, changing weather conditions, contact with foreign bodies (sand, wool, dust) in the eyes.

Red eye syndrome is caused by visual organ injuries with a blunt object or irritant chemical. Chemical factors include eye irritation from cigarette smoke or smog, water, various aerosol substances, cleaning agents and detergents.

Eye pathologies. Pathological processes occurring in the organ of vision are divided into infectious and aseptic.

Infectious include:

  • conjunctivitis (bacterial, viral, mycotic, chlamydial, sensitive origin),
  • dacryoadenitis,
  • blepharoconjunctivitis,
  • panophthalmitis,
  • episcleritis,

Aseptic processes accompanying red eye syndrome:

  • keratopathy,
  • keratotonus,
  • thinning and ulceration of the corneal layer,
  • hemorrhagic lesions of eye tissue,
  • tumors in the lacrimal gland,
  • floppy eyelid syndrome,
  • detachment of the mucous membranes of the eyes, glaucoma, etc.

In the presence of pathological processes of the eyes of infectious or non-infectious origin, redness of varying intensity and localization is observed, depending on the reasons that caused them. Any ophthalmological disease, in addition to red eyes, is accompanied by specific symptoms. Red eye syndrome signals both non-dangerous diseases and those that lead to complete loss of vision.

Pathologies not related to ophthalmological diseases. Since the visual organs have a close connection with all body systems, some pathological processes provoke red eye syndrome. Red eye syndrome, associated with acute or chronic diseases of other organs and systems, has been present for a very long time and is not a consequence of inflammatory processes in the structures of the eye. Most often, red eye syndrome is caused by diseases affecting vascular tone, the use of direct and indirect anticoagulants, and disorders of the blood coagulation system.

Diseases that often cause red eyes:

  • Allergic conditions (allergic rhinitis, hay fever, bronchial asthma), chronic diseases that occur with impaired blood outflow from the orbit of the eye, diabetes mellitus, arthritis, systemic vasculitis, dry mucous membranes, Besnier-Beck-Schaumann disease, Wegener's granulomatosis, long-term poisoning of the body ( smoking, alcoholism, toxicosis during gestation).
  • An overdose of anticoagulants (hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura), along with redness, causes scleral injections (small or pinpoint hemorrhages on the sclera).

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The sclera, mucous membrane of the eye and the periocular apparatus are abundantly supplied with blood through an extensive network of blood vessels. Redness of the eye is a consequence of stretching of the vascular wall, its thinning and filling with more blood than usual. The vascular pattern appears on the white surface of the sclera and becomes clearly visible.

When the integrity of the vascular wall is violated, a slight hemorrhage occurs. A change in the balance of blood flow and tension in the vascular wall is provoked by a violation of the outflow of blood from the visual organ. The causes of dyscirculation may be congestive, inflammatory or allergic processes. Redness can cover the entire surface of the sclera or be localized in certain areas.

Redness of the eyes can go away without outside intervention or require urgent help from specialists. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary if the process is long, painful and accompanied by purulent or serous discharge.

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Symptoms of red eye syndrome

Red eye syndrome does not occur as an independent manifestation of the disease. Usually there is a combination of several symptoms with redness of the eyes. Patient complaints depend on the underlying cause of the disease. Below are symptom complexes of some diseases that occur with redness of the eyes.

Red, inflamed eyes - diseases of the conjunctiva


Depending on the cause of red eye syndrome and the localization of the process, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Infectious(caused by viral, bacterial, fungal or chlamydial pathogens).

When red eye syndrome is accompanied by a burning sensation in the eyes, a feeling of sand under the eyelids, and photophobia, it is very likely that the cause of the problem is conjunctivitis caused by various pathogens. It is necessary to take additional hygiene measures and the inflammation will stop. When additional purulent plaque begins to appear on the eyelids, this means that there is a bacterial infection and medical consultation is necessary.

  1. Allergic.

The symptoms are very similar to the above-mentioned conjunctivitis, but with a predominance of burning and itching, swelling of the eyelids, lacrimation, and accompanying allergic symptoms. The main difference between conjunctivitis (regardless of the etiology) is that the sharpness and clarity of vision remains unchanged and there is no sharp pain.

  1. Caused by ophthalmological pathologies.

Acute attack of retro-angle glaucoma. If red eye syndrome occurs suddenly, accompanied by acute pain, blurred vision, nausea and vomiting, a diagnosis of an attack of angle-closure glaucoma is likely. This is a condition in which there is a sharp increase in eye pressure, which can cause complete loss of vision. Thus, this condition requires immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist.

The presence of autoimmune conditions, chronic or acute diseases, disorders associated with blood clotting, etc., will also cause red eye syndrome. But in this case, the symptoms of the underlying disease will prevail.

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Complications and consequences

Consequences and complications depend on the underlying disease that caused red eye syndrome. In various cases, the prognosis will depend on the timeliness and effectiveness of the treatment started. Redness of the eyes that lasts more than two days should not be ignored. It is necessary to visit an ophthalmologist. If additional manifestations are added to the red eye syndrome (pain in the eye area, any pathological discharge, vision has deteriorated, a burning sensation and a foreign body appear in the eye). Medical attention is not required only in the case of physiological manifestations of red eye syndrome. It is enough to eliminate the cause and the blood vessels will gradually return to normal without causing any complications.

For eye damage caused by chemicals the prognosis depends on the type of damaging reagent and the duration of contact with the ocular structures.

The prognosis for conjunctivitis is favorable. Timely treatment started lasts from 5-7 days (viral conjunctivitis) to 1-2 weeks (bacterial). Allergic conjunctivitis disappears when the allergen is eliminated. But more severe consequences are possible (keratitis, threatening vision loss), so you should not neglect the treatment of conjunctivitis.

Hyposphagma. The prognosis is favorable. Apart from cosmetic shortcomings, the patient does not experience any other discomfort. Hemorrhages disappear on their own by the end of the second week.

Diagnosis of red eye syndrome

A detailed history and detailed ophthalmological examination allow an accurate diagnosis to be made.

After collecting anamnesis, the doctor examines the eye. Inspection includes:

  • assessment of visual acuity separately in the left and right eyes,
  • study of eye movements in different directions,
  • examination of the eye with a slit lamp, with special attention paid to the eyelids, conjunctiva, changes in the cornea (surface smoothness, transparency, presence of pathological discharge), the shape of the pupils and their reaction to light,
  • intraocular pressure examination,
  • fundus examination.

To determine the causative agent of pathology of the visual organ (conjunctivitis, corneal ulcerations, keratitis), bacteriological analysis is used, including sowing a culture and studying it. For combined glaucoma, tonometry and gonioscopy are indicated. Scleritis is diagnosed using specialized ophthalmic equipment.

Instrumental diagnostics

Most often, ophthalmologists use a slit lamp; with its help, the doctor will be able to assess the structure of the eye, conjunctiva and the condition of the cornea. To diagnose dry eye syndrome, special tests must be performed.

Schirmer test. It is based on checking the number of tears using strips of special paper that are placed in the lower part of the conjunctiva. It takes five minutes. An assessment of the degree of wetting of the strips is given. The length of the strip moistened with tears is measured. Before starting the procedure, use an anesthetic to prevent tearing due to irritation of the conjunctiva by the paper.

Differential diagnosis

The most common eye diseases that cause redness are:

  • Conjunctivitis. This is the most common eye disease. It can be caused by both bacteria and viruses, but can also occur due to allergies.
  • Keratitis. In many cases, it is caused by external factors (swimming with open eyes under water without eye protection, prolonged exposure to bright, intense sun without sunglasses).
  • Inflammation of the cornea. Occurs as a result of infection, most often herpes.
  • Dry eye syndrome. It occurs due to a lack of tear fluid, which affects the proper functioning of the eye. It nourishes the cornea and conjunctiva. Tears wash the surface of the eye, removing dust and small particles of foreign bodies. Having antiseptic properties, tears protect the eye from inflammation.
  • Causes of dry eye syndrome include: environmental pollution, ozone, cigarette smoke.
  • Acute attack of glaucoma. Glaucoma is a disease that develops insidiously over many years. Most patients do not notice this disease in the early stages of the disease. It does not cause pain or other symptoms.

Treatment of red eye syndrome

In the case of treating red eye syndrome, there is no general method or cure for all manifestations associated with the occurrence of this condition. It must be remembered that it can relate to any ophthalmological diseases, and therefore different treatment tactics will be recommended.

For conjunctivitis, treatment relies mainly on removing the irritation. Various eye drops are used depending on the cause of the inflammation of the conjunctiva.

To eliminate the symptoms of conjunctivitis of viral origin, a combination of warm compresses and drops of artificial tears is used (artificial tears are moisturizing eye drops, for example, Systane, Oksial and other drugs of this pharmacological group). A specific medicinal solution for the treatment of viral conjunctivitis is Ophthalmoferon eye drops, the active ingredient of which is synthesized interferon. If signs of infection of bacterial etiology appear, drops containing antibacterial substances are used. In acute bacterial conjunctivitis, therapy is carried out using frequent eye drops (more than 3 times a day) with ophthalmic medicinal solutions (albucid 30%, chloramphenicol 0.25%) and ointment forms of drugs containing antibiotics (tetracycline ointment 1%). Before the instillation procedure, rinse the eyes with a disinfectant decoction (chamomile decoction, brewing black tea).

If conjunctivitis caused by the herpes virus (ophthalmic zoster) is suspected, medications containing acyclovir are prescribed.

To eliminate the symptoms of conjunctivitis, ophthalmic drops containing corticosteroids have been successfully used. When treating conjunctivitis of allergic origin, avoid contact with the provoking agent, prescribe cool compresses to the eye area, and artificial tear drops 2-4 times a day. Antiallergic drugs are used: azelastine, allergodil; levocabastine, as well as opatanol, which can be used in children over 3 years of age. These products help eliminate eye inflammation; due to their short-term effects, they must be used up to 4 times a day. Patients with polynoses during the flowering period of plants should avoid wearing contact lenses.

For glaucoma, drug therapy is reduced to taking carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, beta blockers, and pilocarpine. If therapy is unsuccessful, then they resort to surgical laser treatment.


For red eye syndrome, it is necessary to take vitamin and mineral complex preparations and antioxidants.

Retinol or vitamin A. Prescribed in a dosage of 100,000 IU daily for 1 month. Allows you to strengthen the immune system.

Ascorbic acid or vitamin C. Prescribed in a dosage of 2000-6000 mg daily. Vitamin C has a wound healing effect.

Zinc. Daily dose - 50 mg. Helps activate the immune system.

OPC- oligomeric proanthocyanidin, a powerful antioxidant obtained from pine bark and grape seeds. Used for anti-inflammatory and antiallergic therapy. When taken simultaneously with ascorbic acid, the effectiveness of this drug increases. It is recommended to take 100 mg of OPC 2 times a day.

Physiotherapeutic treatment

The main purpose of physiotherapy is to provide antiphlogistic, bacteriostatic and anesthetic effects. In the complex etiopathogenetic treatment of common diseases that provoke red eye syndrome, high-frequency therapy (UHF or microwave fields), diodynamotherapy and ultrasound are used to eliminate conjunctival hyperemia.

At the end of the course of antiphlogistic therapy, electrophoresis with antibiotics may be prescribed, depending on the sensitivity of the bacterial flora to them.

In the presence of an inflammatory process that lasts for a long time, after electrophoresis, 1-1.5 months later, electrophoresis with vitamins C and B is indicated to stimulate tissue metabolism, tighten capillary walls, improve tissue reactivity, and relieve pain.

Traditional treatment

You can quickly and easily relieve eye strain, normalize blood circulation through the eye capillaries, and eliminate swelling and redness of the eyelids using folk remedies:

  • cool compresses with clean water or herbal infusions of chamomile or oak bark;
  • ice cubes;
  • raw potato slices;
  • lotions with black tea.

It must be remembered that the use of folk remedies is recommended if there are no symptoms of serious ophthalmological pathology.

For red eye syndrome, eye exercises are allowed. An approximate exercise complex is as follows:

  • Exercise No. 1

If you look at the monitor for a long time and intently, then every hour after hard work you need to do the following - “outline” with your eyes the shapes of various objects located on the table and wall.

  • Exercise 2

When working hard, the eye muscle needs to relax: to do this, you need to go to the window and look into the distance and after a few seconds turn your gaze to any point nearby. This exercise will stimulate our eyes to produce tear fluid, which moisturizes the eyes so that they are not dry and red.

Herbal treatment

For red eye syndrome, herbalists recommend the following recipes.

Compresses with wild cherries (bird cherry) are a folk remedy for purulent ophthalmological diseases.

An infusion of wild cherry flowers is prepared as follows: pour 60 g into 2 cups of boiling water, leave in a warm place for 8 hours, then filter and use as compresses on the eyes several times a day.

Infusion of herbs and fennel seeds for the treatment of red eye syndrome: 1 tablespoon of crushed raw material, pour 200 ml of boiling water after 1 hour, strain. Use compresses at night.

Eye drops with cumin. Pour one teaspoon of cumin seeds into 1 tbsp. boiling water Let it sit, cool, then strain and use as a lotion.


Homeopaths advise using the following medications for red eye syndrome:

Arnica (Arnica). Used for conjunctivitis caused by injury.

Aconitum (Aconitum)- for diseases of the visual organ that occur as a result of mechanical damage, for catarrhal inflammation of the eyes, due to acute respiratory viral infections.

Hepar sulfur (Hepar sulfur) It will be useful for red, inflamed eyes, eyelids, and copious purulent discharge.

Surgical treatment

For some diseases accompanied by red eye syndrome, surgical treatment is prescribed.

With keratitis, in severe cases of the disease and improper treatment, scarring may form, which leads to deterioration of vision. In this case, a cornea transplant may be needed.

For glaucoma, iridotomy is indicated - a treatment whose goal is to create a connection between the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, which leads to a decrease in intraocular pressure.


Eyes need to be taken care of throughout life, from a very early age. Basic rules for eye care:

  • When working at a computer and watching TV shows, you should take care of the lighting (light is preferable behind the screen).
  • The correct eye distance from the computer monitor is 40-50 cm.
  • using a protective filter that absorbs some of the electromagnetic waves that are harmful to human vision.
  • do not rub your eyes with your hands.

In the case of infectious diseases, several basic rules should also be followed:

  • When touching the area around the eyes, wash your hands thoroughly.
  • do not use a shared towel (it is better to use paper napkins) or bedding.
  • Do not use shared utensils and hygiene products.
  • During an infectious disease, do not wear contact lenses.
  • The use of eye drops and ointments with the same names is not recommended.

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It is important to know!

The pathogenetic basis is IgE-mediated allergic reactions. Rhinoconjunctivitis is a classic example of atopic diseases, which are characterized by the presence of hyperproduction of IgE, high levels of specific IgE and IgC4 antibodies, and an imbalance of immunoregulatory cells.