Homeopathic monopreparations. An alternative is phytolacca homeopathy. Indications for use and constitutional type

Fitolyakkahomeopathic remedy, which has wide range indications for use. The medicine belongs to the group of monophasic drugs. The main raw material is American Lakonos, a plant that can be found on different continents. In medicine, Fitolyakka is mainly used as a laxative and emetic. Also, the main purpose is considered to be the fight against syphilis and rheumatism. Like all homeopathic medicines has different concentrations.

Homeopathic medicine Fitolyakka 6 – indications for use

Prescribed for the treatment of many ailments. It has proven itself well as a drug for combating sore throat and mastitis. It is also advisable to use it for the treatment of adenomas of various forms.

  1. Phytolacca is used to combat headaches various localizations which are accompanied by nausea, vomiting and heaviness. Considered effective for dental ailments. Helps with numbness of the limbs and inflammation of the sciatic nerve.
  2. The medicine is used in cases of blepharitis with thickening of the eyelids, diplopia, pain in the eyeballs.
  3. Helps with diseases respiratory system. These may be rhinitis, ozena, painful sore throats, chronic tonsillitis and nasal congestion with acrid discharge.
  4. Recommended for the restoration of joints with pain and swelling.
  5. Phytolyacca can cure such problems gastrointestinal tract, such as: stomatitis, gastritis, disorder, colic, hemorrhoids.
  6. Often used for cystitis.
  7. It also helps in case of warts, lipomas, psoriasis and keloids.

Homeopathic medicine Fitolyakka 200 – indications for use

  1. A drug with this concentration is recommended for use when the throat becomes dark red.
  2. Also used to treat pharyngitis, which is common in speakers.
  3. Great for fighting.
  4. Helps fight breast tumors.
  5. Another ailment that the drug copes well with is rheumatism of the periosteum. It is generally prescribed when the pain becomes unbearable. This most often occurs during rain, fog or snow.
  6. Fitolyakka 200 helps with headaches and severe cough which are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
  7. This medicine quickly combats fever accompanied by chills.

The drug is usually administered physically weak people. Often these are patients who have a habit of biting their lips and grinding their teeth.

Tincture is prepared from the whole plant, collected after the berries have ripened. The true pathogenesis of Phytolacca as described by Drs. Hering and Williamson is found in the Proceedings of the American Institute (vol.). Characteristic 1. An irresistible need to bite your lips and grind your teeth. 2. Pain spreads to the ears (with throat diseases). 3. Feeling of exhaustion (arnica). 4. When breastfeeding a child, the pain spreads throughout the body (chest). 5. Bitterness from movement. Pain like electric current. Stool: dysenteric. Menstruation: too frequent and heavy, metrorrhagia. Summary Fitolyakka occupies a place between bryonia and rus; it will often help where these two remedies, apparently chosen correctly, do not give any effect. It is a remedy for the glands and has a powerful effect on fibrous tissue. Throat diseases. Syphilitic pain in bones. Chronic rheumatism.

indications for use

Main indications SOLISH: The whole throat is inflamed, dark red (with belladonna - bright red); tonsils are enlarged; At first they are very red, then small white dots appear on them, which can merge and form a coating similar to diphtheria. Often there is pain that spreads to one or both ears. These are local symptoms, the general ones are no less important: intense pain in the head and back: a painful feeling of weakness throughout the body. The patient feels the need to move, as in Russian. toxic, but this does not give him any relief, but, on the contrary, worsens. Sitting up in bed causes weakness and dizziness, as in bryonia. High fever; the pulse is fast, but the heat, as with arnica, is observed only in the head and face, the torso and limbs remain cold. FOLLICULAR PHYRINGITIS. Exclusively in speakers who strain their voice, with a burning sensation in the throat. MASTITIS. Mammary glands hard, very swollen and painful. When the baby sucks, the pain spreads throughout the body. The choice between Phytolacca and Bryonia is often difficult; however, these two medicines complement each other. If suppuration begins during breastfeeding, phytolacca can still be a medicine, as well indicated as silicea or hepar sulfur. SCHIASIA - with a feeling of weakness. RHEUMATISM OF THE PERIOSTE, with pain worse in damp weather. In this case, phytolacca complements potassium iodatum. COUGH with incessant spasms in the larynx. Suffocating cough excited by tickling in the sides of the larynx. HEADACHE with nausea, worst over eyebrows; repeats every week. The pain starts from the forehead and spreads to the back of the head. FEVER. Chills, loss of strength, shortness of breath; chills every morning. Cold extremities with heat in head and face; cold sweat on the forehead; night sweats.

effect on the body

Physiological action Fitolyakka irritates the throat. All experimenters felt more or less severe pain in this area. It was dark red in color and sometimes covered with a whitish coating. The second action of phytolacca is on the periosteum, as well as on other fibrous tissues, nerve sheaths and face. Finally, it acts on the glands and, in particular, on the mammary glands, where it causes tumors. Peculiarities Worse: at night, from movement, from pressure, from cold. Improvement: lying down.


R. Yuz prescribes drop doses of tincture. Nash is very high dilution. As always, right choice medication is much more important than its dosage.


American Lakonos

Pain, soreness; restlessness, prostration - these are the general symptoms of Phytolacca. First of all, this remedy is indicated for diseases of the glands: swelling of the glands with heat and inflammation. Effectively acts on fibrous and bone tissue; on the fascia and muscle sheaths; on scar tissue. Syphilitic bone pain; chronic rheumatism. Sore throat; sore throat and diphtheria. Tetanus and opisthotonus. Losing weight. Delayed teething.

Psyche. Loss of delicacy, neglects the opinions of others. Indifference to life.

Head. Dizziness when standing up. Feeling of pain in the brain. Pain extending from forehead to occiput. Pressure in the temples and above the eyes. Rheumatism of the skull; the pain always starts when it rains. Scaly rashes on the scalp.

Eyes. Burning pain. Feeling of sand under eyelids. The tarsal edges feel hot. Fistulas lacrimal sacs(). Copious and hot lacrimation.

Mouth. Teething with an irresistible desire to clench them together. Teeth clenched; underlip pulled down; lips turned outward; jaws clenched tightly; the chin is pulled down. A tongue with a red tip, a feeling of its roughness - as if scalded; oral cavity bleeding; water bubbles on the sides. The tongue is “geographical”, with teeth marks, with cracks; With yellow spot below the center. Copious viscous saliva.

Throat . Dark red or cyanotic red. Often there is pain at the root of the tongue; swelling soft palate and tonsils. The feeling of volume foreign body in the throat (.; Lack.). Feeling of roughness in the throat; its narrowing; hot. Swelling of the tonsils, especially the right one; has a dark red color. Shooting pains in ears when swallowing. The deposits are grayish-white, film-like; thick, tightly adherent and difficult to remove yellowish mucus. Cannot swallow anything hot (Lack). Sensation of heaviness, pressure in the area of ​​the parotid gland. Ulcerated, sore throat due to diphtheria; feeling extreme heat in the throat; pain at the root of the tongue, spreading to the ear. Uvula enlarged, swollen. Sore throat (swelling of the tonsils and pharynx with burning pains, can’t even swallow water). Parotitis. Follicular pharyngitis.

Belly. Painful areas in the right hypochondrium. Rheumatism of muscles abdominal wall. Colic in the navel region. Burning cramping pain. Sensation of bruising in the epigastric and abdominal areas.

Constipation in the elderly, as well as in people with heart failure. Bleeding from the rectum.

Urinary system. Urine scanty, suppressed, with pain in the kidney area. Nephritis.

Female genital organs. Mastitis: The breasts are hard and very sensitive. Tumors of the mammary glands with enlarged axillary lymph nodes. Mammary cancer. The mammary gland is hard, painful, and purple in color. Breast abscesses. When a baby suckles, pain spreads from the nipple throughout the body. Cracks and small ulcerations around the nipples. Before and during menstruation, the mammary glands are painfully sensitive. Galactorrhea (Co/s.). Menstruation is very heavy and frequent. Neuralgia of the right ovary.

Male genital organs. Painful hard testicles. Shooting pains along the perineum towards the penis.

Heart. Feeling as if the heart was “jumping into the throat” (Pod.). Painful tremors in the cardiac region, alternating with pain in the right arm.

Respiratory organs. Aphonia. Labored breathing; dry cough, tickling cough; worse at night (; Bellad.). Excruciating pain in chest in the middle of the sternum with cough. Rheumatism of the lower intercostal parts of the chest.

Back. Excruciating pain in lumbar region; the pain spreads in stripes up and down along the spine and up. sacrum. Weakness and dull pain in the kidney area. Stiffness of the back, especially in the morning when rising and in damp weather.

Limbs. Shooting pain in right shoulder with stiffness and inability to raise arm. Rheumatic pains, worse in the morning. Pain similar to electrical discharges, shooting, cutting, quickly changing its localization (.; .). Pain in lower sections hips Syphilitic ischialgia. Pain in the heels, relieved by raising the feet. The pain is definitely from blows. Pain in the legs (the patient is afraid to stand on them). Feet become swollen; pain in the area ankle joints and feet. Neuralgia of the toes.

Fever. Heat, alternating with chills and severe prostration.

Leather It itches, becomes dry, wrinkled, pale. Papular and pustular eruptions. Most shown in early stages skin diseases. Predisposition to the formation of boils, in particular when the skin peels. Scaly rashes. Swelling and hardening of the glands. Venereal buboes. Scarlet-like rash. Warts. Pigmented warts.

MODALITIES. Worse after getting wet in the rain; exposure to dampness; cold weather; at night; when moving. Increased sensitivity to changes in the electrical state of the atmosphere. Better from warmth; in dry weather.

Predominant side: right.

RELATIONSHIPS. Antidotes: Lac cum sale; Bell.; Meier. Incompatible: Merc.

Similar: Phytolacca (sore throat; treatment of obesity); Bry.; Rhus. tax.; Kalihydrox.; Merc.; Sang.; Arum triphylhan

BREEDING. From tincture to third.

One of the most common classical homeopathy drugs is Phytolacca decandra. The drug is made on the basis of the American laced plant - a plant from the Laconaceae family.
Indications for use of phytolacca, modern instructions on its use in classical homeopathy is the topic of this article.

Phytolacca (phytolacca) in homeopathy. Main indications for use or key symptoms of phytolacca

In homeopathic Materia Medica about two hundred key symptoms of the drug.
Let's consider the main ones, those that make up the essence of the drug, essence.

Diseases of the mammary glands. Pain when feeding a child. Desire to clench teeth. Shooting pains in ear when swallowing.

Swelling of the glands with pain, possible temperature: mammary, salivary, The lymph nodes, tonsils.
Clenching your teeth or biting hard on something improves the condition.
Films in the throat the color of wet suede.
Fiery red tip of tongue.
The pain is of the nature of lumbago: in the glands, limbs, in the perineum.
Painful periods.

Nosologies for which phytolacca is most often used

Mastopathy, mammary gland abscesses, cracked nipples.
Inflammation of ENT organs, salivary glands, lymph nodes.
Neuritis, neuropathies.
Neurotic conditions.
Intervertebral osteochondrosis.
Pathology of the genitourinary system.

Phytolacca can be successfully used for other diseases. The main thing is the presence of at least a few key symptoms.

Phytolacca (phytolacca). Instructions for use

Phytolacca can be used in different potencies, from C-3 to C-100,000. There are also LM potencies.
What potency to treat and how often to use the drug is decided by the homeopath, depending on the initial condition of the patient and his response to treatment.
As a general rule, low potencies can be used more frequently, up to several times a day.
High potencies - less often, up to once every few months.

The main task of a homeopath is to maintain activity protective forces body (homeopaths call this vital force) at a level sufficient to successfully fight the disease. Therefore, the homeopath determines the frequency of taking the drug and the potency in which it is used individually for each patient.

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Phytolacca decandra is an Indian ivy. To prepare the tincture, you need to take the whole plant. Harvesting occurs after the berries ripen.

The pathogenesis of Phytolacca can be found in the second volume of the Proceedings of the American Institute.

How does phytolacca affect the patient’s body?

The main effect of phytolacca on the body is associated with throat irritation. In some cases it becomes covered with a white coating and always turns dark red. The plant also affects the periosteum and other fibrous tissues.

Finally, phytolacca causes, including dairy.

Indications for use of phytolacca

A homeopathic remedy is recommended in cases of sore throat when the throat becomes dark red in color. Phytolacca also helps with follicular pharyngitis, which is typical for speakers. The drug shows good results in case of breast tumors and sciatica with a feeling of weakness.

Rheumatism of the periosteum is also an indication for the use of phytolacca. The medicine is prescribed when the pain becomes most severe in damp weather.

The homeopathic remedy will help with a suffocating cough and headache accompanied by nausea. The need to take phytolacca is indicated by the fact that the pain starts from the forehead and moves to the back of the head.

Finally, the drug copes well with fever accompanied by chills

Who is the phytolyakka intended for?

There is no specific phytolacca, but it can be noted character traits patients who are prescribed this drug. Such people often bite their lips and grind their teeth. Patients complain of feeling overwhelmed. If we're talking about About nursing mothers, they often experience pain spreading throughout the body during breastfeeding. In general, the pain resembles an electric shock.

A symptom that distinguishes phytolyak women is frequent and heavy menstruation.