How to open up an adult's appetite. Ways to increase appetite in adults and children using drugs and folk remedies. How to increase appetite in children? Basic Rules

Today I’ll tell you why it disappears and how to increase appetite in an adult and elderly person. Anorexia in adults and individuals old age- manifests itself complete absence appetite. Often occurs at the age of 75-80 years. It appears suddenly. an old man He says that nothing hurts him, he is not upset by anything, his sleep is normal, there were no worries, but he does not want to eat.

What does lack of appetite mean?

If it is not possible to eliminate anorexia immediately, it will be very difficult and sometimes impossible to do so in the future. Weakness, apathy, and dizziness occur. Gait becomes unsteady, exhaustion develops, and death occurs.

How to treat

From medicines you need to take tonics such as tincture of aralia, zamanikha, eleutherococcus, leuzea, Chinese lemongrass.

Bitterness in food

Wormwood is a very good appetite stimulant. Give wormwood infusion one teaspoon per half glass warm water half an hour before meals. In the same way, you can give an infusion of dandelion root.

Chicory before lunch

A mug of chicory, drunk half an hour before lunch, is a great way to whet your appetite. Chicory does not increase blood pressure, so it can be drunk without age restrictions.

In addition to enhancing gastric secretion, bitterness also stimulates the secretion of bile, which is also extremely important, especially in the elderly.

Lemon juice for appetite in the elderly

Delicious teas

Imaginary refusal of food

But remember also about the possibility of imaginary anorexia, when patients, who believe that they are not receiving due attention, demonstratively refuse to eat. Most often this happens in men 70-80 years old, and they can eat food secretly.

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Eat different reasons decreased appetite. Most often this is some kind of imbalance or despondency. Have you noticed that when you're upset, you don't feel like eating? Or, for example, if you are very nervous?

To increase and maintain appetite there is a small set of rules:

  1. Consumption of vitamins and necessary for the body substances: proteins, carbohydrates, etc.
  2. Increasing the amount of lungs in the diet dietary dishes: cereals, steamed meat, vegetables.
  3. Eating small meals and incomplete portions.
  4. Five meals a day “a little at a time,” as nutritionists advise: more often, but less. This way food is absorbed better.
  5. Decorating food, preparing beautiful dishes.

In fact, loss of appetite is very serious problem, which can lead to various diseases: both gastrointestinal and psychological. Therefore, you need to approach it correctly. First, follow the rules. Secondly, there are products to increase appetite, a list of which we have prepared in this article.


Bitters include bitter herbs that irritate the gastric mucosa and provoke appetite. These include wormwood, centaury, trefoil, dandelion root, calamus root, etc.

Bitters tincture

A preparation of centaury, yarrow, calamus, wormwood and other herbs, which is sold in a pharmacy. Take 15 drops half an hour before meals. You can drink all the time.

The collection is delicious

Use in the form of a tincture, which is sold in pharmacies, by pouring boiling water over a tablespoon of the mixture. It is best absorbed before meals before each full meal (not a snack). Contains: wormwood and yarrow.

Homemade Montana Drops

Drink after meals (a couple of teaspoons per glass of water). If appetite is greatly reduced, then 15 minutes before breakfast/lunch/dinner.

Dandelion root

A teaspoon of root is poured with boiling water. Use a quarter glass before each meal. Thirty minutes before.

With more detailed instructions by use, time frame and contraindications, taking into account individual characteristics, you need to see a doctor.


They have enticing scents that will make you smell them even if you are not very hungry.

Instant Lift Seasonings:

  • pepper (peas or ground);
  • salt;
  • store-bought seasonings (for fish, meat, potatoes, shish kebab, chicken, etc. - an excellent crumbly mixture for a sharp taste);
  • sauces (curry, adjika, tartar, etc.).

Spices increase the feeling of hunger and help better digest even non-diet foods.


Sweets are divided into several types:

    Canned fruits

    (here – jellies and jams);


    buns, cakes, pastries;

    "Cold" sweets

    candies, ice cream, sweet water and soft drinks.

If we're talking about about increasing children's appetite, it is better to exclude the last point.

The French have a rather interesting tradition of eating sucking candy before eating. Sugar and smell exacerbate organoleptic sensitivity. And this means that tasty food after it it will go with a bang.

Fruits also tend to increase appetite, but it depends on what kind. For example, eating a banana before eating will increase your hunger to incredible levels. Peach will also enhance it. But an apple is the opposite.


The main thing is that they are not too salty, because this will retain water in the body and dull hunger.

Top salty foods for a great appetite:

  • fresh vegetables;
  • pickled vegetables;
  • chicken meat;
  • bell pepper;
  • parsley;
  • dill.


An East Slavic feature that increases appetite is pickles.

Pickled vegetables, pickled fruits and other canned foods increase appetite.

Such “products” increase the volume gastric juice, which is produced in the body. Sour apples and sauerkraut are good.


  • Red pepper is indispensable in increasing appetite.
  • Ginger has healing properties and at the same time stimulates the desire to eat. It normalizes the gastrointestinal tract, fat and cholesterol metabolism.


Fresh carrot quenches thirst, increases hunger, and also improves vision.

You can make a “potion” that contains watercress. There are four carrots for one bunch of cress. The juice is squeezed out. And, like other appetite products, it is taken within half an hour.

They also say that yarrow juice is good. Especially with honey. Three times a day. One teaspoon at a time.

Alcohol and coffee

Alcohol in small doses improves digestion, irritating the mucous membranes. And gastric juice begins to be produced more.

Black coffee without sugar has the best ability to increase appetite.

There are contraindications, consult your doctor.

Most people rarely have a need to use appetite-increasing drugs, because now society is completely fascinated by the problem of losing weight. However, there are situations when it is quite difficult to do without them. Those recovering after serious illnesses, people with impaired taste and smell, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy finally, just those who are underweight - they all feel the need for means that will help them feel hungry or at least be able to eat. In many cases, people have to make extra efforts to eat. How can we help them with this?

When blood glucose levels and other nutrients, information about this goes to the hypothalamus. After analyzing the information received, the brain forms a feeling of hunger and transmits a signal to the digestive organs. As a result, the salivary and other glands begin to work actively, and your stomach begins to grumble indecently loudly. The chain is quite simple: blood – brain – digestive organs. However, if you act on its last link, the mechanism of hunger formation will also be launched: if digestive tract“behaves” in the same way as a hungry person, the hypothalamus also adapts to this. For this reason, foods and drinks that stimulate the production of digestive juices and peristalsis also have a stimulating effect on appetite.

Products with a strong taste and/or aroma usually have this effect. “What does the aroma have to do with it?” - you ask. It's simple: taste buds work exclusively in collaboration with olfactory cells, so we cannot feel taste if the product has no smell. That is why, when you have a runny nose, all food seems to have no taste, and bitter medicine becomes less disgusting if you drink it while holding your nose.

As a means, appetizing, is known - that is why for several hundred years there has been a tradition of drinking an aperitif in the form of some kind of low alcohol drink. However, systematic drinking can be harmful, so we advise you to choose other options. Yes, a handful sour berries or glass fruit juice half an hour to an hour before a meal can make a person want to eat. Similar action can provide small portion salad from fresh vegetables, seasoned with herbs, and a cup of coffee. The main thing is not to eat or drink all this in such quantities as to cause satiety.

Go to the pharmacy for help

Sometimes it’s difficult to manage your diet just by planning your diet – you have to use herbal remedies or medications.

Herbal remedies intended to increase appetite are collectively called “bitters”. Indeed, they all contain bitter-tasting substances that stimulate hunger. Among them - calamus root, dandelion root, centaury herb, wormwood herb and others. Any of them can be brewed with boiling water, and the resulting infusion can be used to increase appetite, taking it 20-30 minutes before meals.

Disadvantages of formulations and herbs intended for self-cooking, are obvious. Firstly, you need to spend time brewing them, and secondly, there are difficulties in determining optimal dosage. A solution of the same concentration (a tablespoon of raw material per 450-500 ml of water), prepared from different herbs, is not accepted equally. For wormwood, a single dose is only 15 drops, and for dandelion – ¼ cup. It is much more convenient to use ready-made tinctures, for example, a tincture with an easy-to-remember name “bitters” (take 10-20 drops before meals) or “homemade montana drops” (1-2 teaspoons before meals). When taking herbal medicines to increase appetite, it is worth remembering that they are contraindicated for diseases of the digestive system: gastritis with increased acidity, peptic ulcer, as well as in the acute phase of cholecystitis and pancreatitis.

Medicines can also stimulate appetite chemical origin. For example, tablets or syrup " peritol", having antihistamine effect, provide strong effect for appetite. Sometimes doctors advise taking enzyme preparations, for example, pancreatin or mezim, or metabolic agents are also recommended - citric acid, succinic acid, glycine,. You should not expect an instant effect from the latter - their effect develops gradually.

It is worth choosing a specific option under the supervision of a specialist. Despite the fact that these medications do not require a prescription, improper prescription and use can cause harm. The choice must be made taking into account contraindications, the underlying disease, the initial state of health and the degree of appetite disturbance; Only a doctor can take all this into account.

The most dangerous ways to increase appetite

For the most part, drugs that stimulate hunger are safe: if you use the “right” medicine in recommended doses, you don’t even have to think about the consequences - there won’t be any. However, there are methods of increasing appetite that can be harmful to health.

For example, before people with underweight, insulin administration was practiced. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas and is responsible for the breakdown of glucose. After its additional administration, the body quickly uses up carbohydrate reserves, which causes a feeling of hunger. However, this method of appetite stimulation disrupts hormonal balance body and can cause a decrease in the production of its own insulin, so inappropriate use this method, especially in sick people, can even lead to diabetes. Nowadays it is rarely used, mainly in sports medicine for weight gain in athletes.

There is another unsafe way to achieve your goal - using marijuana. We do not recommend using it to increase appetite under any circumstances. narcotic substances– Marijuana is prohibited in our country. However, in some US states it is legalized and sold by prescription. The main consumers are people with oncological diseases and chronic pain syndrome.

If you are concerned about the problem poor appetite don't forget about the events general plan. No matter how many tinctures, mixtures and preparations the pharmaceutical industry offers us, there are more natural ways increase appetite.

American nutritionist Paul Bragg I always adhered to the rule: “breakfast must be earned.” He attributed great value physical exercise and sports, which are natural appetite stimulants. If your health allows for stress, anyone can use it. The effect of exercise will be better if you exercise on fresh air: at the same time, redox processes occur more intensely in the body and nutrients are consumed more actively.

In order for food to be eaten, it must be tasty and loved - just careful attention to food preparation technology and the choice of dishes can significantly increase interest in food. In addition, the desire to sit down at the table will inevitably appear if you pay attention to the beautiful setting and presentation of dishes. Studies have shown that these simple “tricks” increase appetite even in pets, and for people, with their much more developed sense of aesthetics, this should help even more.

As you can see, there are many ways to help a person suffering from appetite disorders. So don’t rush to place your hopes only on drugs; take action A complex approach to the problem, and your efforts will soon bear fruit.


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There is no person who at least once in his life would not want to change his figure for the better. Usually dreams are associated with getting rid of excess weight. At the same time, we regularly consume foods that contribute to weight gain. Today we will talk about these enemies of the figure and how to replace them with less high-calorie foods.

White bread

Any baked goods made from premium flour is a concentrated set fast carbohydrates. After eating a couple of sandwiches with white bread or a bun, a person overloads the body with glucose. To utilize sugars, it enters the blood loading dose insulin.

The sensations after such a snack look like this: a person quickly gets full, and after an hour and a half, severe hunger. Thus, the consequence of eating white bread is unplanned and unnecessary for the body eating, overeating and excess weight gain.



Alcohol intake is usually accompanied by the consumption of fatty or savory snacks, which is harmful to the figure. At the moment of a cheerful feast, a person, as a rule, ceases to control the amount of food eaten. In addition, when alcohol enters the body, it activates the process of carbohydrate utilization, which stimulates appetite and causes subsequent overeating.


Fresh juices

Fruits and vegetables are very healthy and necessary for the normal functioning of the body, but it is hardly possible to say the same about freshly squeezed juice. The named drink contains great amount natural sugars, but practically devoid of fiber necessary for digestion.

A glass of fruit juice, drunk on an empty stomach, provokes the release of insulin, and then sharp drop its concentration in the blood. This process is accompanied by an acute feeling of hunger. For a person trying to lose weight, this means an inevitable violation of the eating regime.


Products with soy

Unscrupulous manufacturers often add soy to various semi-finished products and ready meals without notifying consumers about it. That's why a person who cares about his figure should not eat fast food, canned food and other dishes with complex composition produced industrially.


Sugar substitutes

Diabetes sufferers are forced to replace sugar with artificial sweeteners due to the fact that their production of insulin, the hormone necessary for the utilization of sugar, is impaired. When a sugar substitute enters the mouth, the taste buds send a signal to the brain that insulin is needed. Insulin enters the blood, but glucose does not appear in the blood. The “deceived” body reacts with an acute feeling of hunger. If such stress is repeated regularly, metabolism can be disrupted, even leading to the development of diabetes.


Ready breakfasts

Muesli, cereal flakes, sweet pillows, porridge instant cooking and other ready-made breakfasts are convenient and positioned as healthy. In fact, their abuse can lead to health problems, including weight gain. Ready-made breakfasts consist almost entirely of fast carbohydrates, that is, they quickly fill you up, but at the same time provide an attack of acute hunger in just a couple of hours, which is fraught with an excessively large lunch or unplanned snacks.


Pickles and marinades

A moderate amount of properly prepared canned vegetables will not cause harm. healthy person. The trouble is that it is rarely possible to limit yourself to one or two cucumbers or tomatoes. Such delicacies are usually accompanied by heavier foods, rich in fats and carbohydrates, and it is not surprising: the salt, vinegar and spices contained in marinades increase the sensitivity of taste buds and stimulate an appetite that is difficult to resist.

Let's figure out what appetite or lack thereof is. Appetite – universal physical reaction our body, which is characterized by a simple desire to eat. Decreased appetite - lack of need for food, causes consequences associated with disruption of rhythm and lifestyle, and brings certain troubles to its owners.

Reduced appetite in an adult - reasons

Appetite largely depends on the instilled food culture. The time comes when they begin to wonder how to increase their appetite. Throughout life, taste preferences change many times. There are reasons that lead to a person having a decreased appetite:

  • nervous disorders (depression, stress);
  • disease of the digestive system (symptoms such as nausea, abdominal pain, belching, fear of eating);
  • intoxication (, medicines, food);
  • hormonal imbalances (pregnant women);
  • lack of vitamins.

How to improve your appetite?

All centers responsible for hunger and satiety are located in the brain. Drawn, presented images ( interesting process cooking, interesting serving, beautiful dishes) can lead to stimulation of these centers and the emergence of a desire to eat. Fractional meals(often, in small portions) will cope with the task unnoticed by the body regular intake food without overloading the weakened digestive system. When wondering how to increase your appetite, you need to remember the need for timely intake of vitamins and certain spices with food.

Foods that increase appetite

Let's figure out which foods increase appetite. It could be sweets (cakes, candy, sparkling water). The benefits are questionable, but the desire to eat appears. A similar role is played by salty (fish, chips, nuts, crackers), spicy, pickled foods. And here is an example of products that, unlike flavoring additives, have value in the matter healthy nutrition and help increase appetite:

  • ginger;
  • bananas;
  • corn;
  • White rice;
  • oranges;
  • potato;
  • White bread;
  • grape;
  • rose hips, black currants, sea buckthorn (will fill the body with the necessary ascorbic acid).

Vitamins that increase appetite

Good helpers in restoring nutrition are vitamins: B12, C. It will be correct and safe when vitamins for appetite are prescribed by a doctor. B12 (cyanocobalamin) normalizes carbohydrate and fat metabolism, prevents the occurrence of stress, stress. Essential for raising your overall tone. WITH ( ascorbic acid) - stimulates appetite (the body can absorb iron from food), promotes proper operation all systems and organs. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 are required for normal operation stomach, psycho-emotional system.

Herbs that increase appetite

A little earlier we talked about the benefits of spices. Let's turn to folk medicine and learn how to stimulate your appetite with herbs. Usage bay leaf, horseradish, basil, dill in cooking and before serving have a positive effect on increasing appetite. These herbs break down fats and improve digestion. A more pleasant drink would be infused tea made from star anise. It makes sense to use infusions of bitter beneficial herbs:

  • dandelion root;
  • sagebrush;
  • calamus rhizome;
  • centaury;
  • Cetraria Icelandica;
  • trefoil leaves;
  • golden gentian root.

Drugs that increase appetite

Most of the drugs that solve this problem are aimed at increasing the secretion of gastric juice and increasing salivation. If the doctor has prescribed appetite-increasing pills, they should be taken in a strictly prescribed duration and dosage. Pharmaceutical options include:

  • Elixir Pernexin;
  • Fenyuls, Sorbifer, Ferrum (iron preparations);
  • Peritol (analogue of Periactin);
  • Equipoise (anabolic steroid);
  • Periactin;
  • Insulin (5-10 units);
  • Apilak;
  • Capsules GHRP-2, GHRP-6;
  • Dietary supplements (L-carnitine (levocarnetine), Limontar (citric, succinic acids)).

Colors that increase your appetite

Slowly a picture is being drawn of how to increase appetite. It's time to pay attention to what color palette surrounds us while eating. There are colors that evoke appetite:

  1. Red increases heart rate blood pressure. It has long been a leader in the race for appetite.
  2. Orange activates the brain and makes you feel hungry.
  3. Yellow is the color of joy; cheerful people eat food with pleasure.
  4. Turquoise gives a feeling of security and happiness (such a person enjoys the process).
  5. Green is recognized as a stimulant good digestion and can increase appetite. All useful delicious salads contain this color.

When a problem arises, you need to look for the reasons for its occurrence. Don't wait for lack of appetite to lead to... serious violations and consequences. It is worth taking care of the normal and comfortable life, using advice on the question of how to restore and increase appetite, because health is one of the main guarantees of happiness and productivity!