General recommendations for the prevention of scoliosis. Initial stage of the disease. Prevention and treatment of flat feet in children

Complex of physical therapy for scoliosis

According to statistics, problems with the spine, and in particular scoliosis, affect more than 90% of the world's population. In this regard, doctors are constantly creating new drugs and methods for treating the disease. It is important to note that girls suffer from scoliosis more often than boys, which is due to the physiology of the female body. When girls begin to grow rapidly at the age of 10-15 years, the muscular system cannot grow as quickly as the bones of the skeleton, which subsequently leads to the development of scoliosis.

Forms and degrees of scoliosis

In more than 50% of cases, patients have first and second degrees of scoliosis, which are accompanied by mild curvature and minor pain. However, in the absence of treatment and lack of physical exercise, scoliosis of this type gradually develops into the third and fourth degrees. Each is characterized differently and has its own symptoms:

  • 1st degree - almost imperceptible curvature, which is easily corrected;
  • 2nd degree - more pronounced curvature, but is treated, as a rule, only by traction;
  • 3rd degree - obvious curvature, accompanied by distortion of the shape of the ribs and deterioration in the functioning of the respiratory organs (most often manifested in children under 16 years of age when the disease starts);
  • Grade 4 - severe deformation, noticeable even through clothing, most often it is a hump. Such patients have an almost motionless spine and suffocate at the slightest exertion.

Physical therapy is used to treat any degree of scoliosis, since it is the most effective and harmless method of getting rid of the disease. Depending on the type of disease, a complex of exercise therapy is selected, for example, s-shaped scoliosis is treated with the help of specific exercises and the use of additional physical training paraphernalia.

Basic exercise therapy for scoliosis in pictures

The therapeutic goal of the classes is to rehabilitate the spine, increase its stability and correct deformity. As a rule, correction of spinal curvature is performed in the frontal plane. As for stretching, for example, using a gymnastic wall, this is a rather complex exercise, so it must be done under the supervision of a doctor. Basic exercises for scoliosis include the following mandatory set of exercises:

  • Formation and consolidation of skills correct posture(press exactly against the wall and take a few steps back, maintaining your posture; walking with a book on your head or a long ruler tied behind your back is also suitable).
  • Corrective stretching (standing on all fours, alternately stretching right hand and left leg, and then left hand and right leg, also do exercises with a gymnastic wall, but under the supervision of a specialist).
  • Strengthening the muscle corset (the exercises “bicycle”, “mill”, “scissors”, turns and raising arms and legs while lying on your stomach are suitable here).

The picture below shows a few more physical therapy exercises for scoliosis, which you can safely perform. The main thing is, for any unpleasant sensations- stop doing the exercise and exclude it from your list of exercises.

These procedures will strengthen the spine and muscles. After the first few sessions you will feel pain, but gradually this will pass and you can increase the load, of course, only with the permission of the doctor.

In fact, the only way to prevent scoliosis is by maintaining an active lifestyle without bad habits, and mandatory participation in some kind of sport. Best fit Athletics and swimming, since all muscle groups are involved here, and this will be the healthiest sports hobby.

Exercise therapy for flat feet in children.

Flat feet in a child can be avoided through preventative exercises and treatment, which will ensure the child develops healthy feet.

However, it should be noted that you should not treat the child yourself; it is better to constantly visit an orthopedist, as well as carry out preventive measures. Running over hills and hillocks, balance exercises, rope or pole climbing, and walking on a log are perfect for such prevention. Moreover, parents should know that surfaces such as asphalt, concrete, linoleum, laminate and other hard surfaces are not suitable for the child’s feet. On such surfaces the muscles do not work, which means they atrophy and sag.

Treatment of flat feet in children should begin immediately. The sooner you start correcting your foot, the better. After all, the sooner you start, the easier it is to revive. Of course, achieve effective results It is possible at a later age, for example, at seven years old and even fifteen years old. But for this it is necessary to carry out set of exercises Exercise therapy for flat feet in children and update it regularly.

In the first months of a child’s life, weakness of the muscles and ligaments of the feet, as well as the lower legs, should be combated. In this case, massage, physical therapy for flat feet in children and gymnastics, as well as physiotherapy, are simply irreplaceable. It is very effective and useful in the prevention and treatment of flat feet to walk barefoot on natural surfaces - earth, sand, pebbles. The objectives of children's massage include: strengthen weakened muscles, improve lymph and blood circulation, relieve pain in the foot and lower leg. Usually, massage for flat feet in children performed with the child lying on his back and stomach. All toes are massaged, especially the first one, as well as the foot with an emphasis on its inner edge, lower leg, especially its front surface. All massage techniques can be used, but it should be noted that vibration techniques are not used on the front surface of the shin and kneading should be limited. During the massage, it is worth carrying out corrective exercises, in other words, exercises to strengthen the child’s muscles that support the inner arch of the foot, first passive and then active. This - therapeutic exercises for flat feet in children, including: adduction of the foot, turning it inward, dorsiflexion of the foot, sliding movements of the foot of one leg along the shin of the other, picking up small objects with the toes, spreading and sliding the toes, rolling a small ball. I must say that foot massage is a good idea to combine with warm foot baths. Contrast baths (cool baths alternating with warm ones) are also considered very useful. Children's massage for flat feet should be prescribed after baths in combination with therapeutic exercises. In order for the massage to bring as much as possible positive effects, it needs to be done twice a day, morning and evening, devoting at least 10-15 minutes of time.

Children's massage can be prescribed before and after exercise. It is recommended to do general massage before therapeutic exercises and light restorative massage within 3-5 minutes after gymnastics. If a child complains of pain in the lower leg or foot, massage should be carried out at the end of the gymnastics.

It is very important physical therapy for flat feet in children. This kind of physical education can also be done while playing with a child, walking on a rolling pin, reaching for objects with the help of your legs, climbing a wall bars.
From the moment the child reaches one year and after he begins to walk, therapeutic exercises for flat feet in children should increase. Parents need to find a way and teach their child to jump, walk on his toes and heels. You can also walk on the outer and inner edges of the foot, roll an object with your foot, or use roller massagers.
At the initial stage and children under 5 years old, it is not recommended to wear felt boots, soft slippers and sandals with open heels. Also, parents do not need to strive to ensure that the child started earlier walk, you need to stop girls from wearing high heels with narrow toes. Useful prevention There will be swimming in the water, and it is necessary to work with your legs as much as possible.
For children school age Exercise therapy is best suited for children with flat feet. You should also pay more attention to massage of the calf muscles and muscles of the feet, in addition, you can resort to physiotherapy, that is, electrical stimulation of the front and rear tibial muscles. If you combine all of the above correctly, you can achieve excellent results in the treatment of flat feet. Well, if the child feels tired in the legs and sometimes even pain, then in this case the help of arch supports will be needed. They will keep your feet stationary, allowing your muscles to relax. However, it should be noted that children of preschool age (as opposed to schoolchildren) use orthopedic shoes or arch supports are not recommended as a treatment for flat feet. For the reason that the foot is still developing and its fixation can lead to weakening of the calf and foot muscles, and most importantly, to a deterioration in their condition.

In general, it must be said that if a child suffers from flat feet, then exercise therapy and therapeutic exercises for children's flat feet is assigned taking into account physical training the child, his age, form and period of the disease. In all age groups treatment should include physical exercises for flat feet in children (sports), which have a general strengthening effect on the body, as well as special physical exercises and massage that relieve pain syndrome, special physical exercises with and without equipment, aimed at strengthening the muscles that support the arches of the feet and forming the depth of the arches.

General strengthening physical exercises for children with flat feet should not overwork the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the feet. Recommended sports for this disease include those that place dynamic stress on the feet: crawl swimming, skiing, ball sports. Sports activities should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, always observing the principle of gradually increasing the load.

Exercises included in exercise therapy complex for flat feet in children:
(in starting positions sitting on a chair (1-8) and standing (9-18)):

  1. Perform heel extension and abduction without lifting your toes off the floor
  2. Grasp the ball with your feet and lift it
  3. Fulfill maximum flexion and foot extension
  4. Perform gripping and lifting with toes various items(pebbles, pencils, etc.)
  5. Slide your feet forward and backward using your fingers
  6. Squeeze a rubber ball with your feet
  7. Gather the fabric rug into folds with your toes
  8. Roll a stick with your feet
  9. Perform body rotations without displacement
  10. Roll from heel to toe and back
  11. Perform half squats and squats on toes, with arms to the sides, up, forward
  12. Perform climbing on a gymnastic wall (you need to stand on the slats with the middle of your foot)
  13. Walking on a gymnastic stick
  14. Walking on timber with inclined surfaces
  15. Walking on a ribbed board
  16. Walking on your toes up and down an incline
  17. Walking on a foam mattress
  18. Walking in place on a massage mat.

To prevent flat feet in children, you can buy your child a massage mat and put it in the bathroom. While the child washes his face and brushes his teeth (twice a day), have him stand on the mat bare feet, rises on his toes, rolls from toe to heel, stands on the outer edge of the soles. This will be excellent gymnastics for the feet.

All parents must understand that preventive examinations among specialists, this is not a whim of doctors, but a necessary measure. The main thing is not to miss the time of visiting the doctor. An examination by an orthopedic surgeon is carried out:
a) In the first month of the child’s life. This is necessary to exclude congenital deformities and skeletal diseases, including congenital flat feet.

b) At 3 and 6 months of age, when rickets can be detected.

C) When the child turns 1 year old. This important stage in a child’s life, when he sits, crawls, and walks independently. At this time, the doctor checks the correct natural curves of the spine and the range of motion in the joints.

D) At 3 years old. At this time, the orthopedic doctor checks posture, gait, measures the length of the limbs, and examines the condition of the feet.

Starting from this age (from 3 years old), the child should visit an orthopedist and physical therapy doctor every year in order not to miss the development of flat feet.

Parents need to remember that flat feet will progress if no measures are taken, but this can be completely avoided and even in advanced cases can be completely cured. In children, as a rule, flat feet develop slowly, and they do not particularly complain of pain in the feet, therefore, in order to prevent the development of more severe deformities, it is necessary to periodically examine the feet of children and, if signs of flat feet are detected, be sure to consult a doctor.

As children grow older, their posture changes and their body weight increases. Growth processes are completed by the age of 25. The formation and healthy functioning of body systems is influenced by healthy nutrition, sports, and environmental living conditions. Lack of vitamins and microelements, impaired motor activity, prolonged physical activity, concomitant or congenital diseases slow down metabolic processes in the human body.

Taking into account the modern dynamics of life, it has been established that the musculoskeletal system plays a large role in provoking diseases of internal organs. Often problems in the growth and development of the human skeleton lie in harmless pathologies of the feet. Prevention of flat feet in preschool children is the right decision for parents. What to do if flat feet are discovered later - in adolescence, which complex exercises it needs to be performed in complicated forms of flat feet, how to do it in children, whether flat feet can provoke scoliosis in children - we’ll find out in more detail.

Pathological curvature of the spinal column appears for the following reasons:

  1. inactive lifestyle;
  2. children sitting incorrectly at the table or during lessons at school, which results in incorrect posture;
  3. pathological formation of the foot due to flat feet, which unbalances a person’s gait;
  4. congenital deformation during childbirth or due to intrauterine development.

The danger of scoliosis for children

  • The disorder brings physical discomfort into the child’s life. This is especially true for teenage children. Teachers claim that teenagers are sensitive to any deviations in physical development.
  • In medical practice, the detrimental effect of scoliosis on the functioning of respiratory and cardiovascular activity has been noted.
  • The disease affects the metabolic processes of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prevention and correction of flat feet in children, the role of physical education

Preventive measures to prevent the occurrence of scoliosis and are carried out with early age– preventive measure plays an important role in prevention. Physical exercises can be done at home, in a preschool educational institution or in a medical institution under the supervision of a nurse according to a specially developed plan. Some clinics regularly hold presentations of new treatment programs physical culture for children.

home working programm preventive corrective gymnastics for children:

  • circular movements of the feet in a sitting position;
  • alternate walking on heels and toes;
  • swinging on the floor with the feet of a gymnastic stick and soft balls. A type of exercise is walking on ribbed surfaces, running on a treadmill. For the exercise, mats, paths and other equipment are used that stimulate the blood supply to the foot, nourishing the muscle tissue. Exercise plays an important role in developing muscle tissue. It becomes elastic. This way the tone of the muscle tissue is maintained. Children enjoy exercise on the treadmill. preschool age;
  • walking in a semi-sitting position plays an important role in prevention;
  • jumping on fingers and outdoor games barefoot.

Preventive corrective exercises are performed with short breaks during the day, every 3-4 hours. They are easy to perform in physical education classes, in preschool educational institutions, on the street, on a treadmill.

Preventive measures to prevent scoliosis

Treatment of scoliosis is carried out in medical institutions as prescribed by a doctor under the supervision of a nurse. Basically, the program and plan of treatment measures are developed on early stages development of pathology. To prevent scoliosis in children, parents and teachers are advised to:

Treatment of scoliosis in children

It is possible to completely cure children from scoliosis in the early stages. The more severe the curvature of the vertebrae, the longer it will take to correct. In the early stages, the main methods of treatment will be gymnastics and specially planned physical activity on individual groups of muscle tissue. For these purposes, equipment from gyms or health centers (paths, bicycles) is used. The exception for such exercises is equipment that aggravates the deformation: physical activity on a barbell, manipulation with weights and heavy dumbbells.

Severe curvature of the spine cannot be corrected through exercise. The outcome of treatment depends on the age of the child. If treatment is started in adolescence, a positive result is possible. To the complex medical events includes:

  • wearing special corrective corsets;
  • breathing exercises;
  • massage and manual medical procedures;
  • physiotherapy (electrical stimulation).

Special vertebrological equipment is used for children. It, according to doctors, will help to finally get rid of scoliosis in children. Such exercises for preschool age are carried out in game form under the supervision of a nurse. For each age period developed varying degrees physical activity. The duration of classes and the load depend on the age and weight of the child, the shape of the curvature of the spine. The design of the equipment has an arcuate surface. With its help, tension in the muscles connecting the spine is relieved.

In addition to correcting scoliosis, vertebrological equipment corrects postural deformation and stooping. Spinal deformities are corrected through surgery. The operation is performed in exceptional cases when the disease progresses and the angle of scoliosis is 40-60 degrees. Surgery in this form is carried out to eliminate external effect, remove compression of the diaphragm.

This form of scoliosis can compress the chest and limit breathing capacity lungs. As a result, children suffer from bronchitis and pneumonia. In addition to the lungs, the chest can compress the muscle tissue of the heart, provoking the formation of cardiac pathologies in the form of heart failure or coronary disease hearts.

Deformities of the foot or spine can be corrected and completely eliminated by early stages diseases. To get rid of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, you need to learn how to properly distribute physical activity - this plays an important role in treatment. Even with a long static position of the body (near the computer, at a school desk, in a preschool educational institution) or when preparing homework on an adapted table, it is recommended to take short breaks and engage in motor games or do simple physical exercises.

Scoliosis is a lateral curvature of the spine. Most often acquired (5-15 years), but it can also be congenital. Incorrect posture of children during classes leads to uneven load on the spine and back muscles.

The disease begins with weakness of the back muscles, poor posture, and a protruding shoulder blade. Subsequently, changes occur in the vertebrae themselves and their ligaments, i.e. a persistent lateral curvature is formed. It may be a consequence of rickets, prolonged asymmetrical loads on the back muscles. Scoliosis can be caused by a vertebral fracture or its destruction by a painful process (osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, syphilis). When one leg is shortened, functional scoliosis can occur.

Clinically, three stages can be distinguished. First: when the back muscles get tired, scoliosis appears, and after rest the curvature disappears. Second stage: the curvature becomes permanent, the mobility of the spine sharply decreases. Shape changes chest, the scapula protrudes and becomes higher on the convex side thoracic scoliosis. During the third stage, the position of the internal organs changes and their function becomes difficult.

Prevention is much more effective than treatment. Physical education and sports, correct posture of the child, and compliance with the work and rest regime are of great importance.

Mainly built on general mobilizing and special gymnastic exercises under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes wearing a corset is recommended, and in advanced cases, surgery.

Flat feet in children and adults are a consequence of congenital defects of the musculoskeletal system, increased elasticity of joints and ligaments, weakness of small muscles that support the transverse and longitudinal arch of the foot, as well as the result of exposure to long work in a standing position, walking in high heels and narrow shoes, deforming the position of the toes and causing disturbances in the spring function of the arch of the foot.

There are two types of flatfoot - transverse flatfoot, which accounts for 55% of total number foot deformities and longitudinal flat feet - 29%. By origin, flat feet are classified as: congenital flat foot, traumatic, paralytic and static. Congenital flat feet can only be diagnosed after 5-6 years of age, since all children younger than this age have all the elements of a flat foot. Traumatic flat feet - a consequence of ankle fractures, calcaneus, before metatarsal bones. Paralytic foot is the result of paralysis of the plantar muscles of the foot. Static flatfoot occurs as a result of weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the muscles of the bones of the foot and lower leg. For pronounced flat feet The following signs are typical: the foot is elongated and widened in the middle part, the longitudinal arch is lowered and the navicular bone is outlined through the skin on the inner edge of the foot, the gait is awkward, the toes are strongly turned to the side, and sometimes the range of motion in all joints of the feet is limited. In case of progression longitudinal flatfoot The length of the feet increases mainly as a result of the lowering of the longitudinal arch. With the development of transverse flatfoot, the length of the feet decreases due to the fan-shaped divergence of the metatarsal bones and the deviation of the first toe outward.

Although an external examination determines the presence of flat feet, there are a number of methods for a more accurate determination. In particular, this method: measure the height of the foot with a compass, that is, the distance from the floor to the upper surface of the navicular bone, which can be easily felt approximately a finger in front of ankle joint. The amount of divergence of the legs of the compass is determined using a measuring ruler in millimeters, after which the length of the foot is measured - the distance from the tip of the first toe to the back roundness of the heel in millimeters, the value of the height of the foot is multiplied by one hundred and divided by the length of the foot. The resulting value is the “podometric index”. The normal arch index ranges from 31 to 29. An index from 29 to 25 indicates a low arch (flat feet). Below 25 - pronounced flat feet.

Reduction of the arch of the foot, its flattening weakens the shock absorption of vertical vibrations of the spine when walking and contributes to poor posture and the development of osteochondrosis. Flat feet changes gait and causes the development of fatigue with minor walking loads due to deterioration of blood supply and lymph flow in the small joints of the foot and lower leg muscles. Statistical loads on a flat foot increase even more with overweight. Often flat feet and lymphostasis (stagnation of lymph and venous blood in the lower extremities, swelling of the feet and ankle joints) cause painful sensations, limit motor activity and exacerbate the vicious circle of interrelated causes of overall ill health.

Static flat feet are characterized by certain painful areas: on the sole in the center of the arch and the inner edge of the heel; on the back of the foot in its central part between the scaphoid and talus bones; under the inner and outer ankle between the heads of the tarsal bones; in the lower leg muscles due to their overload; in the knee and hip joints; in the thigh; in the lumbar region.

Prevention: It is necessary to develop the correct gait and avoid spreading your toes when walking. It is very important to wear shoes that fit your feet well. The inner edge of the shoe should be straight so as not to point the first toe outward. The toe box is spacious. The heel height should be 3-4 cm. The outsole is made of elastic material. In some cases, the use of special insoles is recommended.

Treatment: The choice of treatment depends on the origin, degree of deformity and age of the patient. For mild forms special treatment not required. Typically, exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, and wearing corrective shoes are prescribed. At our center we use the latest instrumental methods treatment. These include:

¨ adaptive biofeedback of foot muscles;

¨ electrical stimulation of the foot muscles;

¨ vibration massage lower limbs.

Exercises for children with flat feet: 1 - holding a ball between your legs, walk slowly, trying not to drop it; 2 - sitting on the floor, place your hands on the floor and try to lift the ball with your feet as high as possible; 3 - put a stick on the floor and walk along it barefoot, with your hands behind your head; 4 - pick up a handkerchief from the floor with your toes; 5 - rotate the ball on the floor with your foot; 6 - sitting on a chair, pick up pencils scattered on the floor with your toes; 7 - jumps on one leg, on tiptoes; a handkerchief is clutched in the toes of the other foot; 8 - walking alternately on toes and heels.

Related information.

Prevention and treatment of scoliosis and flat feet in children


Spinal curvature often develops quickly in children, especially during periods of rapid growth ( at 12-14 years old ), and parents do not have time to monitor how and when this happens. And one day they notice that their child’s back has become uneven and the spine is curved. Rachiocampsis is the deviation of the spinal column from midline. The most common lateral curvature is scoliosis. Until now, scientists have not come to an exact conclusion about what is the cause of the onset and development of scoliosis. Some believe that the reason lies in muscle weakness and connective tissue pathology, others argue that the main trigger is a birth injury to the spine.

Back in the 70s of the twentieth century. A.Yu. Ratner hypothesized that about 60% of scoliosis occurs as a result of birth trauma of the cervical spine. This assumption formed the basis of the neurogenic theory, according to which, during pathological labor, the spinal motion segments in the infant’s cervical spine are displaced, which causes circulatory disturbances in the spinal cord and brain. During periods rapid growth, when a large load is placed on the blood circulation, a deficiency of blood flow occurs in the brain structures responsible for muscle tone. Insufficient cerebral circulation leads to a decrease in muscle tone and nutrition. Muscles that have reduced tone and lack sufficient nutrition cannot maintain the spinal column in a normal physiological state. The situation is aggravated by the habit of sitting and standing crookedly, and as a result, poor posture occurs, which can later develop into scoliosis.

Talk about correct posture in a child There is no younger preschool age. It's just not formed. Therefore, the main attention of parents and teachers should be paid physical education children, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the neck, back, abdomen and legs. By age 7 years the posture and position of the child’s spine should be given Special attention, because it is at this age that signs of poor posture or scoliosis do not yet appear. They need to be identified.

^ Let's try to assess the child's posture

  • To do this, you need to observe how he sits and stands in a normal, relaxed position, and how he walks.

  • With correct posture, the shoulder blades should be symmetrical, the shoulders should be at the same level and slightly turned, the stomach should be tucked, the legs should be straight, and the gait should be even.

  • To study posture in detail, ask your child to stand straight, but not strain (it is advisable that he is undressed).

  • Stand a few steps behind him. First by eye, then using a regular ruler, evaluate the symmetry of special landmarks.

  • The first reference point is the shoulders, which we evaluate by height and contour shape.

  • Then inspect your shoulder blades for height and distance from the spine.

  • Next, direct your gaze down to the “waist triangles.” “Waist triangles” appear when the child stands with his arms hanging freely. They are located between the contours of the body and the arms.

  • Next - the buttocks.

  • Pay attention to whether the intergluteal fold is vertical and whether the folds located under the buttocks are at the same height. Then ask the child to stand up as straight as possible (like a soldier at the command “Attention!”). Due to muscle tension, the spine can straighten (if you notice asymmetry of the main landmarks), and the asymmetry does not disappear when you try to straighten, you can suspect scoliosis.

  • There is another way to distinguish poor posture from scoliosis. You need to ask the child to lie on his stomach. If the spine straightens, this is a violation of posture.
^ Scoliosis is also characterized by deformation of the spine in the form of twisting around vertical axis(torsion). You can detect the presence of torsion by asking the child to lean forward. Spinal torsion manifests itself in the form of a rib bulge (hump) on one side of the spine (most often at the level of the shoulder blades), and on the other side, at the level of the lower back, in the form of a muscle roll.

According to the shape of the curvature, scoliosis can be C-shaped or S-shaped. There are 4 degrees of scoliosis based on severity:

  1. First degree characterized by a slight deviation of the spinal column and an initial degree of torsion.

  2. ^ Second degree – noticeable deviation of the spinal column in the frontal plane, pronounced torsion. The angle of the primary arc of curvature is within 21-30 degrees, there is a costal hump and a muscle cushion. X-ray shows deformation of the vertebral bodies at the apex of the curvature.

  3. ^ Third degree – more pronounced deformity, large rib hump, sharp deformation of the chest. The primary arc angle is from 40 to 60 degrees. X-rays show wedge-shaped vertebrae at the apex of the curvature.

  4. ^ Fourth degree characterized by severe disfigurement of the torso, deformation of the pelvis, deviation of the torso, persistent deformation of the chest, as well as the presence of a posterior and anterior hump. X-ray reveals a pronounced wedge-shaped deformation of the vertebral bodies in the thoracic and lumbar regions spinal column, calcification of the ligamentous apparatus. The angle of the main curvature reaches 61-90 degrees.
In addition, when examining a child, it is necessary to measure the length of his legs – with different lengths of the lower limbs, non-structural scoliosis is formed. Its peculiarity is that when placing a stand under a shortened leg, the spine straightens. However, it is difficult for parents or educators to distinguish the initial stage of scoliosis from asymmetrical posture with the eye. Therefore, at the slightest suspicion of poor posture, you should urgently consult an orthopedist.


Often flat feet are considered only cosmetic defect feet. But that's not true. Flat feet interfere with normal movement, over time forming incorrect posture, deforming the bones of the foot, lower limbs, and spine. Flat feet cause pain when walking and physical activity, which is reflected in general health person. Prevention and treatment of flat feet in a child should begin as soon as the baby begins to take his first steps.

^ What is flat feet?

The arch of a normally formed foot should serve as a spring, facilitating walking, jumping, and running. Everyone has tried to jump, but not everyone knows that people with flat feet cannot jump, or do it completely differently than people with a normally developed arch. For an experiment you can try for a long time jump on your heels. During this experiment, you will soon feel pain in the joints, muscles of the lower leg and thigh, spine, and your head will begin to ache... This experience proves that for normal life functions we really need the shock-absorbing function of the foot.

If you look at the foot from the inside edge, you can see that it is raised like an arch. This is a shock absorber formed by a complex system of tension of the ligaments, muscles of the foot and lower leg.

Oddly enough, it was civilization and shoes that caused the human foot to lose the necessary springy functions. If a child has had the wrong shoes since childhood, with uncomfortable and unsupportive feet, he has many chances of getting flat feet in the future.

^ Diagnosis of flat feet in a child

If parents notice that the child often gets tired, begins to limp when walking, wears shoes on one side, puts his feet on the inside or outside of the foot, and slouches, then most likely the child develops flat feet. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately consult an orthopedic doctor, because the prevention and treatment of flat feet in a child should begin as early as possible.

The doctor, having carried out certain diagnostic procedures, will determine whether the child has flat feet, determine the degree of flat feet, and also give recommendations for correcting developing flat feet.

To diagnose flat feet, sometimes one examination by a doctor is enough; the method is simple: spread a thick cream on the child’s feet and place it on a white sheet of paper. With a normal arch of the foot, the inner edge of the print does not leave the middle or even more, forming a notch. With flat feet, the whole or almost all of the foot will be outlined, up to the inner edge.

To determine the degree of flatfoot, the doctor uses foot measurements and simple calculations, as well as X-ray examination.

^ Treatment of flat feet

Immediately upon diagnosis of flat feet, the child should begin classes to correct this foot defect. Flat feet cannot be treated with medication; the child needs physical exercise, a special gymnastics complex, massage of the feet and legs, hardening and physiotherapy. In particular severe cases, with significant violations of posture and deformation of the leg bones, they resort to surgical correction arch of the foot.

Exercises to correct the arch of the foot are selected individually for each child. Basically, this is walking barefoot on large pebbles, walking on tiptoes, rolling your feet on balls.

To make walking easier and eliminate pain, experts recommend using special shoes that support the child’s feet and insoles - liners that support the arch of the foot. The doctor will recommend inserts, depending on the degree of development of flat feet in the child. In case of poor posture or stooping, it is recommended to wear a special lumbar-thoracic corset that supports the spine.

^ Prevention of flat feet in children

1) As soon as the child begins to walk, buy him special shoes with rigid fixation of the ankle joint, with a hard heel and closed nose, on a small – 0.5 cm – heel. Flat shoes, sandals and mules are not permitted for young children. In this regard, felt boots for small children are also unacceptable.

2) To prevent flat feet, it is useful for a child to walk barefoot on grass, pebbles, and sand. Not acceptable constant walking barefoot on a flat surface - floor, carpet, asphalt.

3) You can purchase a special massage mat and perform daily exercises on it to prevent flat feet.

^ 4) In a child's shoes, the toe should be wide enough so that the toes can be positioned freely, without squeezing.

5) It is useful for the baby to massage the legs, back, and feet. Hardening can be used with foot baths contrasting temperature, as well as dousing the feet alternately with warm and cold water, followed by rubbing with a rough towel. Such procedures cause a rush of blood to the foot, improving the nutrition of muscles and bones and promoting their proper formation.

6) If a child wears down his shoes or gets tired when walking, you can use therapeutic orthopedic shoes after consulting with an orthopedic doctor.

7) In the prevention of flat feet is of great importance correct formation muscular corset of the back and legs. As soon as a child begins to study at a table or desk, you need to monitor his posture. In addition, you need to do back exercises every day - bending, pulling, turning.

8) To prevent flat feet, it is necessary to alternate periods of active rest on the feet with periods of rest when the child’s feet can rest. Excessive sports activities from childhood and excessive loads can have a detrimental effect on the formation of the arch of the foot and cause flat feet.

9) It is necessary to strengthen the child’s body and increase immunity. The child should receive quality, balanced diet. Calcium is necessary for bone formation, so the child’s diet should include a sufficient amount of dairy products, fish, and meat. Fruits and vegetables will provide the child with vitamins and microelements. During the winter period, the child can be given tablet forms of vitamins, fish fat in capsules, please consult your pediatrician first.

Prevention and treatment of flat feet in a child should begin from the period when the baby just begins to walk. It must be remembered that in most cases, flat feet are formed as a result of incorrect actions of parents in caring for the child, incorrectly selected shoes, so the task of parents is to pay great attention this issue and make an effort to ensure that the arch of the baby’s foot is formed correctly, and give him the joy of movement for life.


^ Active therapeutic exercises Can be done from 2 years of age. From the initial lying position, the child must pull the toes of the feet while simultaneously raising and lowering their outer edge (5-6 times). Then you should bend your knees, resting your feet on the floor, spread your heels to the sides and return them to their original position (5-6 times). In the same position, you can alternately lift your heels from the support. From the initial standing position, the child places his feet parallel, hands on his belt, and lifts himself onto his toes together and alternately. Next is a roll from heel to toe and back, as well as half squats and squats on the toes.

When walking, the child can stand on his toes, heels, or the outer edges of his feet. It is very useful to walk on a massage mat, roll sticks with your feet, walk on sand, earth and pine needles. This not only helps relieve fatigue, but also stimulates biologically active points stop.


The choice of shoes should begin with the child’s first steps. It is best to learn to walk in boots with a high back (to fix the ankle joint). It is important to pay attention that the boots are made of soft genuine leather and sewn with a small amount seams. If you wear shoes made of hard leather and even with a hard, inflexible sole, the child will often fall and hit all the corners, since he will not be able to move his foot in the shoe. Unfortunately, finding good shoes is very difficult, but you should take your time with your choice. In addition, babies have very plump feet and a flat heel, so putting on a shoe with a high back is extremely difficult - the heel does not go down to the insole and hangs. To prevent this from happening, it is better to choose boots that have a large opening tongue.

It’s good if the surface of the shoe is perforated, then the baby’s foot can breathe. In addition to boots, there are shoes with a high back and a closed toe. They are also very comfortable and physiological. The insole should be made of natural materials and not stain the socks, as coloring matter may cause allergies.

Recently, wearing shoes with arch supports has been promoted in all media. Arch supports – These are special pads under the arch of the foot. But we must remember that wearing arch supports is therapeutic event, and everyone doesn’t need them, because... they can cause the arches of the feet to form improperly. In babies, there is a fat pad in the area of ​​the arches, which acts as a shock absorber, and the instep support will compress it. Therefore, you must first consult an orthopedist. Only severe foot deformities, severe flat feet, pain in the legs, lower back, and back do necessary application arch supports. This is especially important to take into account in the youngest children who are just learning to walk. It is better to once again give the child a massage, perform physical therapy and just walk on the warm sand.

Flat feet in children of preschool and early school age are usually not persistent and well amenable to correction. By the age of 6-7 years, the physiological arches of the feet are normalized and formed. Therefore, orthopedic doctors do not immediately prescribe arch supports. Exercises that strengthen muscles and ligaments make it possible to avoid wearing insoles.

The sole of the shoe should be not slippery and not very thin . A thin sole will not protect your foot from pebbles, bumps and holes. Shoes must have a heel: no more than 1-2 cm for children under 2 years old, no more than 3-4 cm for children aged 3 years and older. The inside edge of the shoe should be straight so that the first toe does not roll inward.

Many experts emphasize that You need to buy shoes for growth wisely. An increase of 1.5 cm is allowed from the edge of the shoes to the baby’s toes. IN otherwise Very large shoes can lead to subluxations of the ankle bones and small bones of the foot. Wearing tight shoes also very harmful. In addition to the fact that it is uncomfortable to walk in tight shoes and you can develop calluses, there is also a disruption in the blood circulation of the foot and difficulty in venous and lymphatic outflow. If a child walks in tight shoes for a long time, deformation of the toes may develop. Therefore, choosing children's shoes is a difficult and very responsible matter.

It is within our power to prevent the occurrence of such serious illnesses, like scoliosis and flat feet. It is necessary to carefully monitor the baby’s posture and gait, pay attention to how he sits and stands, perform massage, therapeutic exercises, and also ensure a comfortable psychological climate in the family and preschool institution.

From year to year, the problem of scoliosis and flat feet in children becomes more and more urgent. It’s not surprising, because leisure modern child It occurs mainly in front of a computer or TV; because of it, the back muscles weaken and cannot hold the spine in the desired position. However, scoliosis is a problem not only of posture, but also of the mineral supply of the body.




Causes of scoliosis in children.

A disease such as scoliosis, or curvature of the spine, can be not only acquired, but also congenital. IN the latter case the child develops additional vertebrae, underdevelopment of the spine or wedge-shaped deformation of the vertebrae. However, all this is much less common than acquired spinal curvature. Scoliosis in children is often caused by incorrect posture. First, one shoulder drops lower than the other, and the vertebrae move to the side. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the disease will begin to progress and can become very serious. unpleasant consequences up to deformation of internal organs. So, the factors that provoke the occurrence of scoliosis include:

  • asymmetrical muscle development (often due to the consequences of birth trauma);
  • incorrect body position due to physiological characteristics, such as flat feet, different leg lengths, etc.;
  • working at a table with your head bowed low, incorrect posture in a chair, habitual slouching;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • spinal injuries, including subluxations of the vertebrae of the neck, which children often receive during childbirth;
  • unbalanced diet.

There are severaldegrees of scoliosis:

  1. I degree - the angle of curvature is from 1 to 10 degrees;
  2. I degree - deviation from 11 to 25 degrees;
  3. I degree - from 26 to 50 degrees;
  4. I degree - more than 50 degrees.

By the number of scoliosis arches:

C- figurative type- only one arc of curvature;

S-shaped type - two arcs;

with Z-shaped scoliosis, there are already three scoliotic arches of the spinal column.

Lateral deviation of the spinal column is callednon-structural scoliosis,if an anatomical change in the structure of the vertebrae occurs, then thisstructural scoliosis. Left-sided scoliosis- deviation of the scoliotic curve in left side, more often it occurs in the lumbar region.Right-sided scoliosis -the curvature occurs to the right and is formed mainly in thoracic region spine. There are alsounfixed And fixed scoliosis.

In the first case, the curvature increases if there is a load on the spine.

A specific sign of scoliosis is rotation of the vertebrae in the vertical axis (torsion, rotation). It is rotation that causes the formation of a rib hump and a muscle roll. The presence of torsion is determined using x-rays. Rotation of the vertebrae and its degree will be clearly visible with a light test - a person slowly bends over, and if his ribs and muscles protrude more on one side than the other, this indicates the presence of rotation. In this case, further examination is necessary.

Based on the location of the first arc, they distinguish

- cervicothoracic scoliosis- the apex of the deformity arc is at the level of the 3rd-4th thoracic vertebra. At the same time, the asymmetry of the human body and even the face is clearly expressed. Usually this congenital anomaly and is quite rare;

Thoracic scoliosis- the arch is formed at the level of the 7-10th vertebra. Most often, such scoliosis is right-sided;

- thoracolumbar scoliosis- is formed with equal probability both on the left and on the right. Small secondary arcs are formed above and below the primary arch. The apex of the primary arch is located at the level of the 11th or 12th thoracic vertebra;

- lumbar scoliosis (lumbar)- the apex of the arch is at the level of the 1st or 2nd lumbar vertebrae. Secondary arches are usually poorly developed. This form of scoliosis does not bother a person, and he usually learns about it by chance.

Treatment of scoliosis in children.

Parents should take a responsible approach to the problem of childhood scoliosis, and the first step when detecting signs of the disease should be to contact a specialist. To the maintreatment methodsScoliosis in children includes:

  • massage;
  • physiotherapy;
  • fitness;
  • yoga;
  • manual therapy;
  • electrical stimulation;
  • corsets, orthopedic insoles;
  • surgical intervention;
  • combination therapy (for example, massage combined with physical therapy).

First of all, a child suffering from scoliosis is prescribed a massage. Physical therapy (physical therapy) is also a fairly effective method. Often, with scoliosis in children, doctorsswimming recommended: the feeling of weightlessness that occurs in water contributes to the formation of correct posture. Medicinal types sports for first-degree spinal curvature are not limited to fitness and yoga. Also shown are speed skating and cycling, gymnastics, cross-country skiing, rowing, trampolining, running, fitball - aerobics. In principle, with scoliosis, you can engage in any kind of bilateral or mixed sports (i.e. those that ensure uniform or alternate development of muscles on both sides).

Badminton, basketball or fencingwhich create a one-sided load on the body muscles are contraindicated for children with scoliosis.

Exercises for scoliosis in children.

And although doctors are categorically against self-treatment scoliosis, experts agree that regular exercise in the mornings and evenings has a positive effect on the condition of patients. At home you are only allowed to do basic course, aimed at strengthening all muscle groups. In this case, you must adhere to the following rules.

Exercises for scoliosis in children should not lead to muscle strain. You need to start with a minimum load, gradually increasing it with each workout. During gymnastics exercises, you should carefully monitor your posture. The important thing is not how long the exercise will take, but how straight the child will keep his back while doing it. Since active stretching of the spine is prohibited for scoliosis, exercises on the crossbar should be completely abandoned. You should not perform exercises that increase the flexibility of the spine and include elements of rotation relative to the vertical axis of the body. Thus, you can independently perform the well-known squats, arm swings, “bicycle”, lifting the body from a position, lying down and other exercises. Remember that every lesson should begin with a warm-up. In addition, it is important to pay attention to alternating loads on different groups muscles.

Prevention of scoliosis in children.

- The main task of preventing scoliosis in children is to eliminate all factors that can cause it. To prevent the development of the disease in their child, parents should pay attention to the following points:

The child’s diet must be complete and must contain foods rich in calcium and vitamin D;

Particular attention should be paid to the organization of the study space: the height of the table and chair should correspond to the height of the baby;

The lighting on the desk should be located on the side opposite the working hand;

Children need to be provided with conditions in which they can move sufficiently. The optimal solution there will be daily walks in the park, square;

Adults should monitor the child's posture. You can help your child take the correct body position by placing him against the wall so that he touches its surface with his shoulder blades, heels and buttocks.

Flat feet.

Flat feet are one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children. This is a deformation of the foot with flattening of its arch. In children, the longitudinal arch is usually deformed, which is why the sole becomes flat and its entire surface touches the floor.

It is possible to accurately determine whether a child has flat feet or not only when the child is five or even six years old. Why? Firstly, in children up to a certain age bone apparatus feet are not yet strong, partly represents cartilaginous structure, ligaments and muscles are weak and susceptible to stretching. Secondly, the soles appear flat, since the arch of the foot is filled with a fatty soft “pad” that masks bone base. At normal development of the musculoskeletal system, by the age of five to six years, the arch of the foot acquires the shape necessary for proper functioning. However, in some cases, a developmental deviation occurs, which causes flat feet.

Factors influencing the development of flat feet:

- Heredity (if one of your relatives has this disease, you need to be especially careful: the child should be regularly shown to an orthopedic doctor);

Wearing the “wrong” shoes (flat soles, no heels at all, too narrow or wide);

Excessive stress on the legs (for example, when lifting heavy objects or having increased body weight);

Excessive flexibility (hypermobility) of joints;


Paralysis of the muscles of the foot and leg (due to polio or cerebral palsy);

Foot injuries.

Why is flat feet dangerous?

Sometimes parents do not realize the seriousness of this disease, since from the outside it is not noticeable at first and at first glance does not have a significant impact. negative influence per child. However, this misconception can lead to dire consequences. Flat feet disrupt the “spring” functions of the foot, depreciation almost disappears, and when walking all the “recoil” (shaking) goes to the lower leg and hip joint, which can lead to arthrosis. Therefore, flat feet must be prevented and treated.

For the treatment of children suffering from flat feet, gentle treatment methods are used. Doctors prefer physiotherapeutic treatment, exercise therapy, manual therapy and special massage. Medicines are prescribed in as a last resort, because they cause a lot side effects and do not remove the cause of the disease, but, on the contrary, can aggravate it. The first choice methods for the treatment of childhood flat feet are soft tissue techniques. manual therapy and massage. Special techniques are used aimed at strengthening the muscles that tighten the arch of the foot and improve its blood supply, it also has a gentle effect on the joints and ligaments, and correction of the resulting deformation of the foot and ankle is carried out.

If other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system are detected, the doctor prescribes a course therapeutic massage, special gymnastics, and in some cases a course of manual therapy is required. With its help, the doctor directly influences the spine, which suffers from a lack of shock absorption, relieving tension in it and eliminating the asymmetry of the sacrum, which sometimes occurs with flat feet and can cause curvature of the spine.

For a child suffering from flat feet, an orthopedist always recommends wearing special shoes: suitable in size, made from natural materials, with a hard back and good fit on the foot, with a small heel. Insoles - arch supports are also selected individually, taking into account the shape of the foot.

Parents should remember that flat feetis a disease that, in the absence of adequate therapy, leads to serious complications and severe deformation of the bones of the foot, as well as diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Timely treatment and prevention will return the child to health and confidence in his attractiveness!