Flat placement of the left foot. Signs and methods of treating hallux valgus. Diagnosis of flat-valgus foot in children and adults

Flat foot valgus is an orthopedic anomaly characterized by deformation changes in the foot, which occurs in both adults and children. The deformity is a disruption of the surface of the foot where the midfoot is displaced downward and the toes and heel are turned outward. The reason for the abnormal development of the foot lies in the weakness of the ligaments, muscles and tendons, when the foot is pulled towards them under the influence of stronger muscles. The result of this impact is the formation of flat feet.

Planovalgus foot deformity is essentially the same as flat feet, a very common defect that occurs in every fifteenth inhabitant of the planet. The disease is difficult to treat, and the treatment process itself is long and problematic.

Over the course of evolution, our feet have been shaped to support and evenly distribute the weight of the human body. The role of the foot is to provide the greatest shock absorption during walking, running and jumping. In addition, thanks to the unique anatomical structure of the foot, a person walks in an upright position, without leaning to the right - left, back - forward. The protruding arches of the foot are directed in two directions: transverse and longitudinal. So, an adult has three points as support:

  • element of the greater metatarsal bone;
  • calcaneal tubercle;
  • fifth metatarsal bone.

The pathology occurs in young women much more often because they wear high-heeled shoes. Visually, legs with such deformation resemble the letter “X”. At the same time, the heel bone and toes are directed in one direction (outward), and the middle part of the foot is shifted downward.

Thus, the development of deformation is promoted by:

  • weakness of the ligamentous apparatus;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • weight (obesity creates additional stress on the feet, which leads to their deformation);
  • wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes.

Classification of pathology

Depending on the shape of the curvature of the foot, there are three types of pathology:

  • transverse;
  • longitudinal;
  • combined.

Longitudinal foot alignment is the lowering of the longitudinal arch of the foot. If there is a disturbance in gait; pain during walking and upon palpation, and deformation changes are observed even visually, then we can talk about longitudinal deformation of the foot.

Transverse deformity is characterized by a specific appearance of the foot - it looks visually spread out. At the same time, the tendons of the fingers are unnaturally tense, and the curvature has a hammer-like appearance. Patients complain of pain when walking and gait disturbance.

The combined position of the foot combines the signs of both transverse and longitudinal anomalies and is called transverse-longitudinal flatfoot. Despite this, there is no pain or various inconveniences.

Deformations are classified as follows:

  • spastic - occur after muscle spasms;
  • rachitic - develop as a result of D-hypovitaminosis;
  • structural - abnormal location of the talus;
  • paralytic - a consequence of polio;
  • hypercorrectional - appear as a result of unsuccessful correction of clubfoot;
  • statistical - with the development of scoliosis and poor posture;
  • compensatory - a defect in the development of the Achilles tendon, in which the bones move inward;
  • traumatic - develop as a result of injuries, bruises, dislocations and fractures;


As mentioned above, planovalgus deformity develops against the background of congenital flatfoot. Symptoms of the disease depend on which part of the foot is bent.

For example, equinovalgus deformity develops as a result of a varus or equinovarus foot. It may be a consequence of pathology of the peroneal muscles. The disease is characterized by paralysis of the muscles of both the feet and legs.

If there is a “bump,” the symptoms will appear as follows:

  • the bones may become inflamed, swollen and painful;
  • the thumb is bent inward, while the same fate befalls the other fingers, they are also deformed and protrude in the form of hammers;
  • it is impossible to wear narrow shoes or shoes with heels, and sometimes even comfortable ones;
  • very often patients with this pathology wear shoes several sizes larger;
  • the curvature of the thumb interferes with the normal position of the other fingers; they bend oddly and are also bent;
  • prolonged walking causes pain and heaviness in the legs;
  • Corns and calluses appear on the soles.

Treatment of pathology

It should be said right away that the diagnosis of valgus flatfoot involves a very long and complex treatment, which takes a lot of time. It is important to diagnose the disease as quickly as possible and begin adequate treatment. Time in this case works against the patient, since timely treatment begins gives hope for a quick elimination of the disease.

Treatment for hallux valgus includes;

  • physical therapy, which is aimed at correcting the shape of the foot and strengthening the muscles;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures;
  • wearing orthopedic shoes, insoles, instep supports;
  • use of orthopedic orthoses, braces and other correctors;
  • Regular massage of the lower extremities and lumbar-sacral-gluteal area.

Flatfoot in children

It should immediately be noted that all of the above applies to an adult with this pathology, but in young children everything is different. Almost all children are born with flat feet, and it is clear why. After all, their feet did not experience any stress at that time and they are only taking their first steps when they are placed on their feet. Naturally, during this period they place their legs incorrectly, since they do not know how to walk.

Therefore, it is worth distinguishing between functional flattening of the arch of the foot and anatomical one. Physiological flattening is only a stage in the orthopedic development of the lower extremities and is the norm. With sufficient loads (when walking on uneven surfaces), the child’s deformity is quickly corrected. This usually happens by age three. In addition, until the age of three, a child has a natural layer of fat on the sole of the foot, which covers the arch of the foot. You can only see it if you stand the child on his tiptoes.

The process of forming the arch of the foot is long, it takes several years. Therefore, it is worth talking about an anatomically correctly formed foot no earlier than five years. However, all children are different, so for some this process develops earlier, and for others later. This depends on how physically developed and healthy the child is, whether he has any deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system, or disorders of the endocrine and nervous systems. But, unfortunately, there are also cases when flat feet become an obvious pathology.

The risk group includes children who, in the first year of life, were diagnosed with disorders in the development of the musculoskeletal system, decreased muscle tone, retardation in psychomotor development, and obesity. The consequence of such violations will be planovalgus deformity of the feet.

Pediatric orthopedists measure the deviation of the angle of the feet from the axis line in degrees. In this case, the child’s body weight is unevenly distributed on the legs and a certain area of ​​the foot experiences the greatest load. In this case, this is the inner edge of the foot, where the longitudinal arch should form. Therefore, therapists call this pathology planovalgus.

Reasons for development

The causes of the disease are:

  1. Connective tissue dysplasia is the most common cause, which occurs as a result of environmental pollution of water, soil and air, and poor-quality food. All this leads to abnormal development of the baby’s connective tissue, attack of other organs.
  2. Inconvenient children's shoes that do not support the feet well.
  3. The child is deprived of physical activity (at home in the garden, nursery).
  4. Hereditary metabolic diseases (thyroid diseases and diabetes);
  5. Hereditary osteoporosis.
  6. D-hypovitaminosis as a result of which the bone tissue is formed already defective.
  7. Lack of calcium and phosphorus, as well as impaired absorption as a result of gastrointestinal diseases.
  8. Injuries and damage to the foot.

Experts also identify several theories about the origin of the disease:

  • theory of hereditary weakness of muscle-bone tissue;
  • anatomical theory;
  • static-mechanical theory;
  • vestimentary theory.

And three degrees of severity of planovalgus curvature:

  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

The first symptoms of pathology are observed during the child’s first steps. Therefore, it is extremely important to immediately diagnose the disease and begin to eliminate it. If this is not done in a timely manner, the child will face not only deformation of the feet, but also ankle, knee and hip joints, poor posture and curvature of the spine. As a result, muscles are overloaded, joints suffer and their functions are disrupted, pain and gait disturbance appear. At a very early age, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochodrosis and disability may appear.


Treatment of the disease is carried out in the following areas:

  • foot baths;
  • massage;
  • ozokerite therapy (paraffin therapy);
  • mud applications;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, electrical stimulation);
  • acupuncture;
  • swimming;
  • physiotherapy.


Massage is the main treatment method in complex therapy. It helps to relax the musculoskeletal system, improve blood circulation and trophism of the muscular system of the sole. The child’s feet are massaged in the following sequence:

  • immediately before the massage, stroke the legs;
  • also lightly stroke the hips and knees;
  • knead the muscles of the back surface with superficial pressure;
  • rub muscles;
  • pat the child’s feet with the palm of the hand;
  • carry out final stroking.

General massage also begins with stroking, which increases blood flow to the baby’s limbs. Movements are carried out from the heel to the popliteal fossa. During the massage, the emphasis is on relaxing the muscles; the baby does not need to rub. If several vigorous rubbings are necessary in some areas, they should be both light and vigorous. Kneading is done with the pads of the fingers. The main emphasis is on stroking and shaking.


Gymnastic exercises for the treatment of flat feet are carried out on a therapeutic mat, which should have an uneven (relief) surface. When performing exercises on such a mat, a mechanical massage of the feet occurs at the same time. The exercises are suitable for children aged two to three years.

Hallux valgus is a concept in medicine when deformation occurs; in this case, valgus deformity of the feet consists of curvature of the lower limbs in children and the big toe in adults. In principle, these two conditions are interrelated; deformation is mainly observed in the presence or formation of flat feet.

Foot valgus most often occurs in the first years of life, during the period when the child begins to walk. At the same time, the load on his legs increases, and in combination with congenital pathologies (weakness of the musculoskeletal system), vitamin deficiency (vitamin D, calcium) or wearing “wrong” shoes, the likelihood of developing the disease is possible.

Types of deformation

In total, there are two types of foot deformities in children - valgus (X-shaped curvature) and varus (O-shaped curvature). In adults, hallux valgus is associated with a curvature of the big toe, or more precisely, the 1st metatarsal bone and phalanx of the toe, which causes not only a cosmetic defect, but also a deterioration in a person’s quality of life due to pain in the foot.

It is necessary to treat hallux valgus or varus as early as possible, because in childhood it is possible to correct the curvature and prevent complications. If the disease is neglected, the hallux valgus deformity will begin to progress, causing the person to develop a persistent curvature for the rest of his life, which will affect his lifestyle. The person will suffer from fatigue, altered gait and frequent pain in the lower extremities. Valgus is rarely treated surgically; in general, it is enough to perform a complex of exercise therapy, wear special splints, and reduce the load on the legs.


Let's look at the reasons why foot valgus develops in children. Almost all cases of the disease occur at an early age, that is, at 2-3 years, congenital forms also occur, but they account for only a few percent of the total incidence.

Moreover, varus, as well as valgus, are more often diagnosed during this period, therefore, in childhood, an examination by an orthopedist is required.

The main reason is excessive stress on the legs when the child begins to walk. Parents strive to quickly teach their child independence, not realizing that they can pose a health hazard. Instead of a gentle regime, some parents force their child to walk, which significantly increases the load on the unprepared musculoskeletal system. Due to such a load, the ligamentous apparatus cannot withstand it, a curvature is formed, causing the child’s feet to take on an X-shape. In addition to the load, uncomfortable shoes worn by the child also play a negative role.

Do not forget that it is not so easy to cure such a disease, especially if you do not catch it in time and do not notice the curvature. Also, you should not engage in self-diagnosis, since a newborn child or infant does not walk yet, so an X-shaped leg shape may be the norm. It is because of this that it is recommended that children undergo regular medical examinations, during which the doctor will give instructions and, if symptoms are present, identify the pathology.

There are other reasons that either alone or in combination with each other and in combination with excessive loads on the legs increase the likelihood of developing foot valgus.

These include:

  • hereditary pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, weakening connective and muscle tissue;
  • injury during pregnancy or childbirth, which affects the abnormal development of the shape of the legs in children;
  • both excessive and insufficient loads on children’s legs;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • lack of vitamin D and calcium, resulting in the development of rickets.

In most cases, foot valgus is combined with flat feet, which is constantly progressing, so if measures are not taken, the bones will deform further, increasing the deformation of the foot, worsening the quality of a person’s life.


Valgus feet are characterized by the presence of obvious external signs, which are used to diagnose the disease. Starting at the knee joint and going down, the child's legs are X-shaped, that is, the feet protrude outward. When diagnosing, one must not confuse valgus and varus; the latter is characterized by separation of the knee joints, which do not touch when the legs are brought together, when with valgus they are closed.

Because of this, with valgus, there is an increase in the load on the area of ​​the heel bone, the outer edge of the foot. This leads to a change in gait, the child begins to limp and shuffle his feet.

Due to the increased load on the legs and altered gait, children with hallux valgus are characterized by rapid fatigue, moodiness, and tearfulness. They walk and run slower than their peers. Naturally, if hallux valgus deformity is not treated at an early age, as the child grows up, not only the gait, but also the psyche may be impaired, which is, in principle, typical when varus develops. Peers often bully such children. Usually these children have contraindications to physical education lessons and sports.

Since the load on the lower limbs is distributed unevenly, over time the joints of the legs and spine begin to ache, and the chance of developing arthrosis, osteochondrosis, and osteoporosis increases. This is due to the fact that healthy arches of the feet provide shock absorption; the sole of the foot does not seem to be in full contact with the surface of the ground. Due to hallux valgus, the arches become flattened, the foot becomes flattened, and depreciation is lost. Children with hallux valgus often develop calluses or “corns” on their feet, which are painful and bothersome.


The result of therapy largely depends on the attentiveness of the parents, because in the early stages, treatment of valgus is carried out using conservative methods. For successful treatment, several methods must be used at once, including massage for children, physical therapy, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, wearing a special splint or shoe. Treatment can be supplemented with folk remedies, including the use of compresses and baths in the presence of calluses and “corns.”

It is necessary to take measures to reduce the load on the feet; for this purpose, orthopedic shoes are selected that prevent the development of flat feet. Shoes must have an orthopedic insole, arch support, and a wide toe box. In the future, when the deformity is corrected, you can switch to wearing only orthopedic insoles.

To successfully correct leg deformities, special exercises for valgus in children are recommended. They are selected depending on age and degree of curvature. There are universal exercises for children.


Let's look at the basic exercises used for valgus:

  • the first exercise is to walk on the outside of the foot;
  • the second exercise is the recommended walking on a massage mat, uneven surfaces, which include sand, pebbles, earth, but in no case smooth concrete;
  • The exercise involves grasping small objects and lifting them with your toes. It can be performed standing or sitting on a chair;
  • in a sitting position, “drawing” is done with your toes on a sheet of paper;
  • while sitting on the floor with bent legs, you need to lift and move a towel or scarf to another place;
  • The following exercise is performed with the support of parents. You need to sit down from a standing position, cross-legged, like the pose of a Turkish sultan, and then stand in a standing position;
  • squats are done in which the leg rests on the full foot;
  • Raising your toes and heels alternately in a standing position helps effectively.

Children will be interested in activities on the obstacle course, which you can make yourself by laying out pebbles, construction kit parts, and sand barriers on a sheet or hard surface. It will be useful for children with hallux valgus to ascend and descend from a hill.

The following exercise therapy technique helps for children:

  • in a lying position, you need to move the outer side of the foot of your right leg along the area of ​​the shin of your left leg, which is lowered, and then change the position of your legs (do 7-10 slides);
  • in a lying position, create an imitation of riding a bicycle for 30 seconds;
  • sitting on a chair with legs down, sliding movements are made with the sole, pushing off with the fingers and pulling up the heel (caterpillar);
  • in a sitting position, raise one edge of the foot, for example, first the outer edge rises, arching as much as possible, after which the starting position is taken and the exercise is done in reverse;
  • A massage ball is placed under the feet, which needs to be rolled out in different directions.

Walking on your heels and toes is helpful. In general, there are many methods of exercise therapy, so before starting classes it is recommended to visit a specialist who will select an individual complex.

Other treatment methods

Baby massage for hallux valgus at home is effective, especially since it is not difficult to learn. Massaging the legs improves blood circulation and tissue nutrition, while strengthening the muscles, which stops the progression of the disease. Another modern treatment method is taping. Taping involves fixing tapes (special tapes) on the surface of the skin, which improve blood supply and lymph flow to tissues.

Taping can be performed by a well-trained specialist. Taping is usually used in medical centers. Displacement of the tape, its incorrect fixation, or removal will not allow achieving a positive effect, which is why this treatment is not used so often. It is effective to combine taping, gymnastics, massage and wearing orthopedic shoes.

Treatment is supplemented with physiotherapy methods. But physiotherapy is used after the main course of treatment for recovery. Advanced forms or serious deformation are treated with radical methods. Let's look at how to treat hallux valgus surgically.


Treatment according to the Dobbs method is often used, in which plaster casting sessions are performed, combined with the implantation of wires, the removal of which is carried out surgically. Other operations can also be used, but often after the intervention, plaster casts and boots are applied. Removal of plaster casts occurs after the deformity has been eliminated.

The deformity can be treated by gradual reduction with fixation with plaster casts and without surgical intervention. In any case, to determine the treatment option, a comprehensive examination is necessary, after which a decision will be made on the choice of treatment. Even after surgery or a course of treatment that includes conservative methods, you need to take care of the child to avoid complications. After treatment, the child can go dancing, play sports, and live a full life.

Congenital planovalgus foot deformity is usually noted at an early age. At the same time, it is extremely difficult to detect it in a newborn; the pathology is detected in children who are just starting to walk. Hallux valgus is characterized by a flattened arch that is curved. In traumatology, the disorder is the most common and with early diagnosis it can be completely eliminated.

What is the essence of the problem?

In medicine, it is customary to refer to the deviation as equino-plano-valgus foot. Most often, congenital flat-valgus deformity of the feet is detected, in which the internal arch of the foot is absent. In this case, the child experiences flattening, due to which the foot completely touches the floor. This structure does not allow normal movement and weight distribution, which is why the heel soon moves outward from the central axis of the leg. This deformity is called valgus. With this pathology, it is difficult for the baby to walk, he quickly gets tired, and painful sensations arise. With a congenital anomaly, the deformity is associated with impaired intrauterine development, which was negatively affected by certain factors. An acquired disorder is a consequence of an underdeveloped musculoskeletal and/or ligamentous system.

Flat valgus feet are not yet flat feet, but are a predisposing factor to its development.

Sources of deformation

All babies are born with a flat foot, on which an arch forms after some time. If the latter does not appear for a long time, then doctors diagnose plano-valgus deformity. It is customary to talk about the development of the disorder after a year. The following factors can influence the curvature of the feet:

If parents have weak foot ligaments, then there is a possibility of passing this feature on to the child.
  • Prerequisites during pregnancy. If a woman consumed little calcium and beneficial microelements while carrying a baby, then the likelihood of planovalgus deformity increases.
  • Heredity. Weak ligaments in the foot can be inherited. Therefore, if such prerequisites are observed, then it is necessary to carry out prevention from the first months, give the baby a massage and choose the right first shoes.
  • Vitamin D deficiency and rickets. Due to vitamin deficiency, the child’s bones are not formed correctly, and a lack of calcium leads to the replacement of bone substance with cartilage, as a result of which the bones become soft and deformation is noted.
  • Getting the child back on his feet early. Pediatricians do not recommend placing a baby on his lower limbs before the age of 8 months. This is due to the fact that during this period the baby’s ligaments have not yet become stronger and are not able to withstand such a load.
  • Incorrectly selected shoes. The choice of a child's first shoes is very important because it affects the baby's movement. The manifestation of plano-valgus deformity also occurs in cases where the baby walks barefoot on a flat surface.

Symptoms and degree of impairment

A flat-valgus foot in a child is not always noticeable at first. Pediatricians distinguish 4 stages of the disorder, each of which exhibits different symptoms. It is extremely important to identify a violation up to the 3rd degree, since in the future it is extremely difficult to get rid of a flat-valgus foot and correct a normal arch. The table shows curvature indicators at different stages of pathology.

It is difficult to measure the angle of deviation on your own, so it is worth visiting an orthopedist regularly. Parents can suspect the development of plano-valgus deformity based on the following manifestations:

With such a deformation, the child’s legs get tired when walking.

  • Constant calluses and corns. The symptoms are caused by impaired blood flow and regular damage to the epidermis of the lower limb. More often, this symptom is observed in a teenager or an adult, since in young children the skin is soft and quickly restored.
  • Swelling and fatigue of the legs. It appears at stages 2-3, and in more advanced forms the ankles swell.
  • X-shaped arrangement of limbs. With this deformity, the toes point inward when moving, and the foot points outward. This position leads over time to curvature in the knees and hip joints.
  • Incorrect posture. Due to impaired weight distribution, the patient's back is curved, which leads to colicky pain.

Diagnosis of flat-valgus foot in children and adults

Before you begin to treat a flat-valgus foot, you should consult an orthopedist who will determine the type of disorder. It is enough to conduct a visual examination of the limb for a preliminary diagnosis. To confirm it, the following diagnostic procedures are prescribed:

  • radiography of the feet;
  • computer plantography;
  • podometry.

What treatment is needed?

Special gymnastics

It is useful for patients to alternately walk on their heels and toes.

Plano-valgus positioning of the feet requires regular performance of therapeutic exercises, which are selected individually for each patient. Exercise therapy strengthens the muscles of the limbs and develops the musculoskeletal system. For best results, gymnastics are performed 2-3 times a day. Main quests:

  • Alternate walking around the room on your heels, toes and the inside of your feet.
  • Walk along the imagined straight line.
  • Bend and straighten the lower limb, rotate the ankle in a circle.
  • Try to pick up small objects on the floor with your toes.
  • Alternately squat and bend towards straightened legs.

It is better to perform therapeutic exercises on an uneven surface. In the summer, it is recommended to take off your baby’s shoes more often and let him walk barefoot on the grass, sand, and stones. In winter, gymnastics is performed at home using special mats that can be purchased at a children's store or orthopedic center.

How is massage performed?

Hallux valgus can be cured by performing massage procedures that are aimed at normalizing blood flow, stimulating blood supply to tissues and increasing muscle tone. The massage is prescribed by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient and the severity of the deviation. First, massage the whole body, gradually moving to the feet. It is recommended to perform the manipulation twice a day for better results.


Warming with ozokerite will help restore normal tissue nutrition.

Platovalgus foot can be corrected through physiotherapeutic procedures. They help normalize blood flow and prevent severe consequences of deformation. It is recommended to carry out the following physical procedures:

  • electrophoresis;
  • acupuncture;
  • ozokerite application.

Shoe selection

Equinovalgus foot deformity can be eliminated with the help of properly selected shoes. It is very important that support is provided from the bottom and side of the foot. For treatment, orthopedic shoes are selected according to individual measurements. It allows the muscles to function normally and evenly distribute the load on the feet. Pediatricians highlight the clear benefits of wearing special shoes:

  • reducing the load on the musculoskeletal system;
  • the negative consequences of deformation are eliminated;
  • normal posture and gait are formed;
  • muscles and ligaments develop correctly.

When is surgery needed?

During surgery, the angle in the bone structures is leveled, and the ligaments receive the necessary load.

If treatment for planovalgus foot was not carried out in the early stages, then surgical intervention may be required in the future. The need for surgery arises when other treatment methods do not bring results. During surgery, metal inserts and other traumatic devices are very rarely used. During the manipulation process, a normal angle is established in the bones and a uniform distribution is performed on the ligaments. After surgery, patients can walk independently within 24 hours.


If a child’s flat valgus foot is not detected in time, then serious complications will arise in the future that can cause disability. First of all, an incorrect gait is developed, as a result of which the structure of the knee and hip joint is disrupted. Then the spine becomes bent, which puts pressure on the internal organs and prevents them from functioning normally.

Prognosis and prevention

Early treatment allows you to completely get rid of planovalgus foot. In advanced cases, the child will develop problems with the spine during adolescence. It is possible to prevent such a violation by performing simple gymnastics every day. You should not try to put your baby on his feet if he is less than 9 months old. You should avoid overloading the child’s musculoskeletal system. It is also important to take a serious approach to choosing the first children's shoes and strengthen the body through vitamin and mineral complexes.

The article talks about the symptoms of hallux valgus.

Valgus alignment of feet in children

Valgus alignment of feet in children- not a rare pathology. This disease occurs as a result of weakness of muscles, ligaments and bone tissue in combination with the load on the lower limbs. Weak feet are unable to bear the weight of a child's body when he begins to walk.

As a result, the longitudinal arches of the child’s feet become flat, their axis is bent, the heel bone is retracted to the outside, and the middle of the foot falls inward. If you look at the feet of children with a similar pathology from above, they resemble the letter “X”.

In most cases, valgus feet in children are diagnosed closer to the age of one. Parents notice that the child, taking his first steps, does not rest on the entire foot, but on its inner edge. Sometimes this pathology is congenital and is detected during examination by an orthopedist immediately after birth or at 1 month of the child’s life.

During treatment in the first stages valgus alignment of feet children will have no consequences. At this stage, it is recommended to perform a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments of the lower extremities. As a result, after some time, the placement of the feet becomes normal.

If treatment is not started in time, the pathology will ultimately lead to scoliosis, arthrosis, as well as curvature of the hip, ankle and knee joints, and then to discomfort and pain when walking.

Treatment of valgus feet in children

Treating hallux valgus is not a quick process. When starting it, parents need to be patient and calm. Treatment is prescribed by an orthopedic doctor together with a neurologist.

Treatment for children is complex and includes:

Therapeutic gymnastics and physical education aimed at strengthening the legs;

Therapeutic massage courses;

Physiotherapeutic procedures;

Wearing orthopedic shoes.

Therapeutic gymnastics and physical education are the main part of the treatment of valgus feet in children. This part is very difficult because it is not easy to get a small child to do exercises every day. Parents will have to come up with a variety of games in order to interest their child in doing gymnastics. For physical education, there are various mats assembled into paths. Their meaning is that when walking along the paths, children are forced to place their feet differently each time. This ensures training of the leg muscle groups.

Massage and physiotherapy are prescribed individually, taking into account the developmental characteristics of young patients and possible contraindications.

Orthopedic shoes- an important measure in the correction of valgus foot pathology in children. It should have a rigid back and side parts, a high and dense instep support. Such shoes help to perform the functions of weakened foot muscles and prevent

Hallux valgus is a process of changing the shape of the foot, which is accompanied by the appearance of an unaesthetic, painful outgrowth, a bone at the base of the big toe.

How does deformation occur?

Plano valgus deformity of the feet is a specific pathology of the functional position of the foot, resulting from the fact that its height is significantly underestimated and the central axis is bent.

The toes and heel, respectively, turn outward, and the foot itself gradually acquires an x-shaped outline. This pathology can be acquired or congenital; it is extremely problematic to treat, but, in general, correction of the disease - conservative or surgical operation - is carried out quite successfully by orthopedists.


Flat valgus foot deformity in adults can occur due to the following factors:

  • incorrectly selected shoes (or insoles) - they may be narrow or not the size of the foot;
  • long-term wearing of high-heeled shoes and boots;
  • subluxation of the base of the phalanx of the big toe (video);
  • against the background of gout, an excessive amount of uric acid salts accumulates in the joints, this, in turn, leads to the development of flat valgus foot deformity in adults;
  • weak tendons;
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excess body weight (additional stress on joints);
  • flat valgus deformation of the feet is also characteristic of the period of menopause in the female body - hormonal imbalance;
  • pregnancy - the miotic corset simply cannot cope with the additional functional load on it, so part of the mass “presses” on the joints, deforming them;
  • flat feet of varying degrees;


The difference in degrees of hallux valgus depends on the angle that changes between the first toe and the bone (connective, metatarsal).

1st degree

In the first degree, there is an increase in joint deformation in the intermetatarsal angle (the sesamoid ligaments are too mobile), and subluxation of the foot occurs.

2nd degree

With the second degree of hallux valgus, further displacement of the tendons and joints on the big toe occurs.

3rd degree

Deformation of the 3rd degree (regardless of the factor that turned out to be the main one) occurs due to the fact that the bone and connective tissues in this area are vulnerable and quite weak, they do not cope well with a significant functional load.


Signs of flat valgus foot deformity are as follows:

  • An obvious visual cosmetic defect - the joint significantly increases in size, protrudes to the side, is located perpendicular to the axis of the foot, and the finger itself turns in the opposite direction, inward (video); the so-called varus position of the foot is observed.
  • Accompanying symptomatic manifestations of flat valgus pathology and flat feet, severe chronic bursitis, as well as deforming arthrosis affecting the metatarsophalangeal joints.


To correctly select treatment for valgus, carry out disease prevention (physical exercise, gymnastics, massage), as well as prevent its further development, a timely and thorough examination of the patient is required.

To identify hallux valgus, the doctor takes an x-ray of the foot in 3 projections - this way you can identify which of the 3 degrees of development of hallux valgus the patient has, and also clarify whether he has additional concomitant pathologies, such as avascular necrosis, cyst, arthritis , inflammatory pathology of the periosteum, etc.

If appropriate symptoms are identified (photo), the doctor applies treatment (orthopedic insoles, corrective exercises, gymnastics, massage), which helps, if not cure valgus, then at least correct its manifestations.




It is almost impossible to completely cure plano valgus deformity of the 3rd degree, but it is possible to do without surgery. There are several standard treatment methods aimed at correcting this pathology.

Orthopedic insoles

Installation of special orthopedic insoles designed to correct flat valgus foot deformity.

Such insoles demonstrate high rates of effectiveness in the early stages of the development of the disease; in addition to them, the orthopedic doctor should prescribe the installation of special insoles aimed at correcting the position of the foot.

In addition to the above methods, installation of finger correctors and additional ties is indicated. The best option is medical shoes of orthopedic properties, in which individually selected insoles are installed.


For hallux valgus, a special foot massage is indicated. For this purpose, you should turn to professionals. Often, to correct the pathology, the orthopedic doctor prescribes a massage course consisting of ten sessions, which should be repeated at least once every few months.


Properly selected physical exercises can significantly correct foot valgus. The most common gymnastics options:

  • walking on half toes;
  • walking on uneven surfaces;
  • an attempt to grab certain objects with your toes;
  • moving around the room only on the outer part of the feet.

For gymnastics to treat valgus, exercises using a massage mat are suitable.


A set of physiotherapeutic measures is suitable not for treatment, but for minimizing the symptoms of the disease. For hallux valgus, it is good to supplement treatment with massage, orthopedic insoles and gymnastic exercises.

If adults experience pain when walking that prevents them from moving, the orthopedist prescribes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Surgical intervention

The operation is indicated in a situation where the pathology is clearly progressive or a deformed toe prevents the patient from living comfortably, and also when conservative methods - insoles in shoes, corrective massage and special exercises have not led to correction of the varus position of the foot (video).

Modern medical orthopedic equipment involves such a type of treatment as low-traumatic joint correction - this is an operation after which the patient is not given a plaster cast and no additional metal structures are installed.

During the operation, the surgeon corrects the angle that is between the bones of the foot. This operation is necessary to ensure that the pulling function of the ligaments is correctly distributed. The recovery period after such an operation passes quite quickly, there are practically no relapses.

Traditional treatment

Varus alignment of the feet (photo) in adults, which appears as a result of grade 3 hallux valgus, can be corrected at home (without surgery). The most effective technologies:

Madder decoction

A decoction of madder is recommended - the product removes excess uric acid; a teaspoon of powder should be poured into a full glass of water, which should be preheated; then the mixture should be boiled in a steam bath for about 10 minutes; Strain the resulting product thoroughly, take 12 glasses several times a day. Sometimes the remedy even helps to avoid surgery.


Dandelion flowers are good for correcting growths and combating varus feet. After they are well dried, they should be filled with a small amount of iodine. The product is infused for 3 days, after which it is applied in the form of a mesh to the valgus of the foot.

Mustard and bodyaga

Varus alignment of the feet and hallux valgus are well corrected with the help of a special medicinal ointment prepared at home. A large spoon of mustard powder will require the same amount of bodyagi, several spoons of turpentine and a few drops of machine oil. Treatment of hallux valgus with such an ointment (photo) will be very effective and efficient, and will help you do without surgery.


Therapeutic compresses prepared using natural propolis are also well suited for the treatment of varus feet and grade 3 valgus. Place a small piece of the product on the bone overnight, carefully securing it with a bandage.

Complex treatment is the key to success

Any of the above methods for treating grade 3 hallux valgus and varus position of the foot will be effective, but it is better to use an integrated approach, combining home recipes with proper physical exercises, corrective shoes with orthopedic insoles, and massage therapy will be complemented.

You should always take preventive measures (physical exercises and therapeutic exercises, orthopedic insoles, massage) to avoid the occurrence and development of hallux valgus.