Useful properties of wormwood. Use of the plant in traditional and folk medicine. Wormwood

It is a universal medicinal plant that is widely used to treat a variety of diseases. During the period of using preparations based on wormwood, you must be as careful as possible, since it belongs to the category of potent drugs. There are a huge number of medicines made from wormwood. The specifics of their use directly depend on the disease.

Wormwood is a very versatile plant.

Polina is a universal plant that consists of a variety of beneficial substances:

  • Absinthine;
  • Celinena;
  • Anabsintin;
  • Tujona;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Kadinena;
  • Pinena.

This plant also contains malic and succinic acids, saponins, tannins, and carotene. The plant also consists of phytoncides, capillin, provitamin A, alkaloids, and ascorbic acid.

Thanks to the universal composition of the herb, it has a huge number of medicinal properties. Wormwood contains galenic substances, which stimulate the reflex and pancreas.

With the help of this plant, bile is separated much faster, which improves the digestive process. Wormwood has anti-inflammatory and cardiac stimulating properties. Thanks to the presence of essential oil in the herb, stimulation and normalization of the central nervous system are ensured. Wormwood is characterized by the presence of fungicidal and bactericidal properties.

How to take wormwood for worms?

Wormwood is an excellent remedy for fighting worms.

Wormwood is a highly effective medicine in the fight against helminthic infestations.

The anthelmintic property is provided due to the presence of a large amount of bitterness in wormwood. Also, medicines based on this plant have secretory, blood purifying and restorative effects.

To ensure high-quality and quick control of helminthic infestations, you need to know how to drink wormwood? For this purpose, the type of worms and the stage of infection are first determined. Wormwood should be taken simultaneously with sorbents, as well as enzyme and antihistamine drugs.

Taking medicines based on wormwood to combat worms should be taken half an hour before meals. It is also recommended to take the traditional medicine in the evening before bed. There are various treatment regimens for helminthic infestations. In most cases, it is recommended to take the tincture twice a day, a quarter cup. In some cases, the drug is taken four times a day.

A single dose of an alternative medicine is two tablespoons. The duration of herbal therapy should not be more than two weeks. If the patient has a helminthic infestation, then in order to cleanse the body, you can take wormwood for a month.

For the treatment of helminthic infestations, an infusion of wormwood and some other herbs is most often used. You can easily prepare it in. To do this, it is recommended to take St. John's wort, wormwood, immortelle, yarrow, chamomile, oak bark, buckthorn in equal quantities and pour boiling water over it.

It is recommended to infuse the medicine from wormwood in a thermos for at least eight hours. After this time, the folk remedy is filtered. It is recommended to take the infusion twice a day, a quarter glass. The duration of therapy is 10 days. After this, you need to take a three-day break and repeat the course of therapy again.

You can prepare a decoction against worms, which is used to make. It is also recommended for daily oral administration. To prepare the decoction, it is recommended to take a teaspoon of the herb and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water over it.

The wormwood medicine is boiled for 5 minutes over low heat or kept in a water bath. After this, the folk remedy must be infused for 30 minutes. The alternative medication should be taken three times a day, half a glass.

In the fight against adult patients, alcohol tincture is quite effective. This medicine can be stored for quite a long time, which provides a lot of convenience during the therapy period.

A folk medicine is prepared based on dry herbs, of which it is recommended to take a tablespoon and place it in a container. The plant is poured with 5 tablespoons of vodka and infused in a cool place for 7 days.

After this time, the tincture must be filtered and used for oral administration. It is recommended to drink wormwood medicine twice a day. Its single dose for an adult should be 15 drops.

Wormwood against hemorrhoids

Wormwood is used to treat hemorrhoids.

It is varicose veins of the rectum, which is accompanied by an inflammatory process.

Patients complain of discomfort and pain in the anal area. In advanced cases, the disease may be accompanied by bleeding. The advanced form of the disease can only be cured with surgical intervention.

To alleviate the patient's condition with hemorrhoids, it is recommended to use wormwood-based medicines. To prepare the tincture, you need to take dry or fresh wormwood and grind it. A tablespoon of the resulting raw material is poured with 0.5 cups of alcohol.

The traditional medicine is infused for a week. During this period, it is recommended to shake it periodically. It is recommended to drink the tincture twice a day. To do this, it is recommended to take one tablespoon of water and add 12 drops of an alternative medicine to it. The drug should be taken with a glass of cold water.

To combat hemorrhoids, you can use a decoction based on wormwood. To prepare a folk medicine, take 4 tablespoons of crushed herb and pour a liter of boiling water. The wormwood medicine is boiled over low heat for 10 minutes.

Medicines based on wormwood are highly effective in the treatment of hemorrhoids only when used correctly.

Therapy for herpes and fibroids

Traditional medicines based on wormwood help in the fight against herpes.

Herpes is a fairly dangerous virus, the manifestation of which is observed on the lips in the form of blisters. To avoid the occurrence of this disease, it is recommended to use traditional medicines based on wormwood.

In this case, tincture of wormwood seeds is quite effective. To do this, it is recommended to take 5 tablespoons of raw materials and pour 0.5 liters of vodka. The folk remedy should be infused for three weeks. It is recommended to shake it periodically during this period. Before using an alternative medicine, it must be strained. A single dose of the drug is a tablespoon.

To combat herpes, you can use a decoction of wormwood. To do this, take the crushed above-ground part of the plant in the amount of 2 teaspoons and pour 250 milliliters of boiling water. It is recommended to infuse the medication for two hours.

The alternative medication should be taken an hour before meals. The patient is recommended to drink no more than a tablespoon of medicine at a time. To suppress the herpes virus, it is recommended to drink wormwood tea.

To prepare it, take a teaspoon of dry wormwood and pour 200 milliliters of boiling water. After 10 minutes of infusion, the tea is taken orally in small sips. The medicine must be taken throughout the day.

Uterine fibroids are a benign tumor that is observed in the fairer sex. For the treatment of this disease, the use of wormwood tincture is recommended. To prepare an unconventional medicine, take a tablespoon of herbs and pour a glass of boiling water.

It is recommended to take this folk remedy twice a day. A woman should drink a teaspoon of tincture at a time. The course of therapy with this drug is 14 days. During therapy, the infusion should be stored in the refrigerator.

Wormwood is universal, with the help of which a variety of pathological conditions are combated. Alcohol and water tinctures, as well as decoctions, are prepared on the basis of wormwood.

To ensure the effectiveness of therapy for a particular disease, it is recommended to properly consume wormwood. The features of this process directly depend on the severity of the disease and its location. Before using wormwood-based medications, the patient is advised to consult a doctor.

Thematic video will tell you about the healing properties of wormwood:

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Plants that are familiar to us are perceived as an integral part of the landscape (or even as weeds). But many of them have excellent healing properties, which most people don’t even know about. But the ancestors knew about this - their experience has survived to this day in many recipes. Let's consider why it is useful, how it is collected and what exactly it is used for.

What does wormwood look like and where does it grow?

This perennial stands out for its silvery color and characteristic aroma. The species received its name for a reason - in terms of bitterness, wormwood gives a head start to many plants. It can grow both as grass and as a subshrub up to 1.5 (sometimes up to 2) m high. Straight stems with weakly defined ribs emerge from branched roots. At ground level, you can see short shoots without fruits (while the stem itself becomes branched at the top). The lower leaves with a long petiole seem to be dissected 2-3 times, the middle ones are already short-petioled, and the uppermost ones are practically planted and can be strictly pinnate.
The lobules are oblong and slightly pointed. In June-July, the time of flowering begins, which in warm regions can last until the end of the first ten days of August. Yellow tubular flowers emerge from small one-sided racemes forming a panicle inflorescence. From August to the end of September, fruiting is observed: tiny (1 mm) brown achenes of an oblong shape with a microplate on the top are visible.

Important! Near the tracts of bitter wormwood, another representative of this species often grows - medicinal wormwood (also known as lemon). You can distinguish it by its spreading bush and brighter color. The name indicates "specialization": it is even used to combat meningitis.

The hardy plant can be seen along the edges of fields, near roads and homes, in forest edges and meadows, as well as in unkempt vegetable gardens. Due to its resistance to drought, wormwood is distributed throughout the European part of the Russian Federation (massifs reach the Yenisei) and in the Caucasus; it can also be found in northern regions like Kandalaksha. Also adopted in Southern Europe and North Africa.

Chemical composition

If we take a part of a freshly picked plant weighing 100 g as a starting point, it turns out that it contains only 25 kcal. The triad of “proteins-fats-carbohydrates” is presented very modestly: the first will be about 1.5 g, carbohydrates - no more than 5, and no fats at all. The grass contains the most valuable, the share of which can be up to 2% of the weight of the plant. It also contains many useful compounds:

  • vitamins B6 (pyridoxine), C (ascorbic component) and K;
  • flavonoids and phytoncides;
  • malic, succinic and other organic acids;
  • carotene;
  • alkaloids and lactones;
  • tannins.

The minerals are also in perfect order. Macroelements are and - in 100 g their average content reaches 35 and 10 mg. Slightly less sulfur - 6 mg. The effect of their presence is complemented by a number of microelements:
  • (0.6 mg);
  • copper (0.48 mg);
  • (0.2 mg);
  • (0.14 mg);
  • an order of magnitude less than molybdenum (2 μg), (0.34 μg) and aluminum (0.07 μg).
Such a rich “content” gives this unsightly-looking herb a wide range of healing properties.

Medicinal properties

When properly processed and consumed, wormwood is capable of:

Important! It is best to buy oil at a pharmacy - at least there is a guarantee that the manufacturer has followed the technology (which is not always the case at home).

But you need to be very careful when using oil. The fact is that it contains the toxic enzyme thujone, which, if the dose is calculated incorrectly, can cause more harm than good (although the adjusted dosage makes it invisible to).

Application in various fields

Such an impressive set of beneficial qualities has made wormwood a fairly popular plant. And the primacy in their use remains, of course, with folk recipes.

In folk medicine

The herb is used as a mild hypnotic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, choleretic and anthelmintic. Many people use it to relieve frequent cramps. Infusions and decoctions of various formulations are used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tracts, as well as problems with. The same compositions return normal and.
The plant is invariably included in preparations used to relieve symptoms of prostatitis or male infertility. Some herbal compositions containing wormwood, on the contrary, are designed to calm increased desire. As an external remedy, it is taken for rinsing, for bruises, and also for faster healing of wounds (often a cotton wool soaked in fresh or simply crushed grass is applied). A strong tincture with alcohol (70%) is considered a universal remedy. Due to its powerful composition, the use of such a medicine (and all others) must be agreed with a doctor.

In cosmetology

Having learned in general terms why people drink the bitter wormwood they collect, let’s not forget about its cosmetic properties. And there are many benefits in this area.

Did you know? In the old days, it was believed that the main “targets” of such herbs were witches and mermaids.

The herb has a dual effect on the skin, simultaneously working with the upper layer of the dermis and penetrating into it. This manifests itself in the following action:

  • disappear thanks to flavonoids;
  • phytoncides have a gentle effect on problem areas, relieving inflammation and removing;
  • “ascorbic acid” accelerates the healing of wounds and ulcers, making it softer and more elastic;
  • Dermatitis and other diseases are prevented.
Dermatologists recommend using oil for preventive purposes for those who suffer from increased inflammation. It also helps people with oily skin or those who are sensitive to damage.

In cooking

The bitter smell and specific taste of the plant have led to the fact that wormwood is used as a seasoning. This additive perfectly complements meat and simply fatty dishes. Many people take it as a replacement. It is also present in the form of an extract among the ingredients of absinthe (and is absolutely irreplaceable in the production of tart vermouths). It is also widely used for preparing homemade tinctures.

Collection and preparation of medicinal raw materials

Having found out exactly which ones wormwood helps get rid of, many are excited about the idea of ​​immediately starting to collect them. But everything has its time. The herb is best collected during flowering, in late July - early August. This period only lasts a couple of weeks, so there is no point in delaying it. In addition, if you are late, you will see that during drying the workpiece darkened and the baskets simply spilled out.

Important! If the collection is carried out near a reservoir, pay attention to the cleanliness of it: it gets into the coastal soil, and wormwood is very sensitive to its composition. Seeing that the river is full of factory waste, it is better to collect grass and leaves away from this place.

The collection process itself is simple:

  • The stem together at the top is cut with a sharp knife 20-25 cm below the top point. There is no need to take the hardened parts of the stem;
  • then comes the drying turn. The easiest way is to lay the grass in a layer of up to 5 cm under a canopy or in the attic;
  • in sunny weather, the collection will dry completely in a week (during this time the stems will have to be turned over every 1-2 days);
  • You can verify “readiness” by trying to bend the stem - it should break immediately;
  • That's all - all that remains is to pack the preparation into bags or paper bags and place it in a cool, shaded place, where the herb will be stored for up to 2 years.

If the goal is to prepare leaves, then the timing is shifted to June - the first half of July (that is, you need to do it before flowering). The leaves can be cut with a knife or simply torn off, separating them from the petiole. The drying scheme remains the same. As for the achenes for making oil, they are harvested in the fall (ideally if the harvest is received before the first frost).

Folk recipes

Having a prepared collection in hand, it would be logical to find out what the decoction and other homemade remedies obtained from wormwood help with. Let's look at the most popular recipes.

For insomnia

The simplest way to restore normality is to take a regular infusion. Everything is elementary: 1-2 tbsp. l. herbs are kept in 2 tbsp for 2 hours. boiling water You need to drink before (for the first time, ½ glass will be enough, and if it doesn’t help, the dose can be increased to the full capacity, but no more).

Did you know? In the Bible, wormwood symbolizes punishment for apostasy and disobedience.

Seed oil is also effective. But here is a different technology:

  • the dried seeds are crushed in a coffee grinder and placed in a container with vegetable oil (maintaining a 1:4 ratio);
  • The mixture should stand in a dark corner for a week. All this time it is shaken every day;
  • after this period, the oil is decanted - it is already ready;
  • It is consumed 3-5 drops per cube of refined sugar, 2-4 times a day. If the oil is used as a sedative, a couple of drops at the same frequency will be enough.

For herpes

Knowing how to simply brew dry wormwood will help cure a “cold” lip. A teaspoon per glass of boiling water - that’s the whole trick. True, the herb should be chopped and left for 15-20 minutes under a tight lid (if you have a kettle with a press at hand, that’s great: this will filter out small particles).

This medication is taken orally three times a day, half an hour before. Please note that the total daily dose should not exceed 1 teaspoon. The same liquid can also be used as an external remedy: just moisten a tampon in it and hold it on the problem area. At night, the cotton wool can be secured with a band-aid. At the same time, a slight burning sensation will be felt - this is how inflamed skin reacts to the composition.

For a cold

Traditional methods of fighting are based on the use of strong compounds with the addition of vodka, and wormwood is no exception in this regard.

Many people prepare such products ahead of time - the liquid must be properly infused:
  • 1 tbsp. l. the herbs are poured into a glass of vodka, after which the container is tightly closed and placed in a cool, dark place for three weeks;
  • then the mixture is expressed through a thick layer of gauze and can be taken;
  • Signs that have barely appeared can be extinguished by drinking 20 g once (2-3 days is enough).
There is one nuance here: the bitter herb in combination with alcohol is quite difficult for the stomach, so it is advisable to dilute the tincture with water. It’s better not to give it at all. In the cold season, everyone can use a softer restorative composition: the same tablespoon and a glass of boiling water are kept for 15 minutes in a water bath. Cool, express, and you’re done: all you have to do is top up the glass with boiled water and drink the decoction for 3-4 days.

For diarrhea

The following decoction is used as a bonding agent: 1 tsp. and a glass of warm water boil for 10 minutes. After decanting and slightly cooling the liquid, it is taken strictly warm (20 drops each with a break of 3 hours). Use can be extended a little over time if noticeable relief is felt.

Did you know? It has been proven that wormwood retains its aroma longer than all herbs.

This recipe is often adjusted by reducing the pungent aroma with sugar. This is exactly what you should not do - the glucose contained in it neutralizes useful acids. The other extreme is adding alcohol or vodka, which is also undesirable for diarrhea.

For joint pain

You can relieve regular pain with a wormwood bath. To do this, you will need a spacious (minimum 5 liters) and a bunch of herbs, which you need to fill with water and bring to a boil. When you see this, immediately remove the container from the stove, cover with a lid and set aside for a while. After this, the broth is poured into a basin directly with the stems and heated in this liquid (10-15 minutes). Of course, the water should be moderately hot.

The discomfort will go away after 5-7 repetitions. Note that to enhance the effect, some people place steamed branches on their knees, pressing them, thereby complementing the effect of the liquid. At the same time, you can practice internal reception: 1 tsp. dry collection mixed with a glass of boiling water, 1 hour of settling with further decanting - and you can take 1 tbsp. l. after eating. The course is not limited. In this recipe, dry herbs can be replaced with fresh ones, but in larger quantities: one spoon, but already a tablespoon.

For stomach pain

Wormwood is also suitable for treating the stomach. In such cases, the recipe depends on the specific disease. So, for gastritis against the background of increased acidity, only the leaves of this plant are taken. They are mixed in equal parts with crushed parts of chamomile, mint, yarrow leaves and. Having received 2 tsp. “mix”, they are poured with the usual glass of boiling water and left for 3 hours in a tightly closed container. Take the product once, 30-40 minutes before meals, always hot (when heating, make sure that the mixture does not boil, but rather warms up).

In the case of a feeling of heaviness, it’s even simpler - 2 tbsp. l. dry material is brewed in boiling water and kept for 15 minutes in a water bath. The cooled and strained broth is drunk 1 tbsp. l., half an hour before each dose (for 3 days). You can improve the taste by adding a little.

For toothaches

An infusion of leaves is used for rinsing:

  • the leaves are placed in thicker enamel containers;
  • then they are filled with boiled water (but not boiling water). In order not to miscalculate the temperature, just leave the boiling kettle aside for a couple of minutes;
  • let the workpiece brew until it cools to a comfortable temperature;
  • After scooping the liquid into a cup, carefully rinse the affected area, trying to ensure that less of the mixture gets on the healthy gums.
You will notice that the pain has noticeably subsided, and after several approaches it has completely disappeared.

For warts and papillomas

It is easy to remove with infusion. The already familiar scheme (1 teaspoon of dry collection and a glass of boiling water) involves taking an incomplete tablespoon of the mixture about an hour before. With papillomas the matter is more complicated - they are “dried away” mainly with oil:

  • first of all, grind the seeds in an amount of 25 g;
  • then they are sent into a glass jar scalded with boiling water, not forgetting to spread them out as evenly as possible. Immediately pour in (0.5 cup);
  • mix all this thoroughly and cover with a lid;
  • after 3 days of settling in a cool place, decant the preparation and drink 5 drops four times a day (the maximum duration of the course is two weeks, after which a break is needed).

Did you know? Archaeologists have found that in ancient times wormwood branches were used as an embalming agent.

Some people use a strong ointment: add the same amount of wormwood to 100 g of melted pork fat, mix and apply cold. For many, 2-3 procedures are enough. But such manipulations cannot be done too often: dermatologists advise taking a 2-month break between courses.

From worms

In the old days, it was easier to get out of such situations - you simply chewed wormwood between meals (3 times a day, without eating). Acids and compounds quickly passed through the oral mucosa and were absorbed into the vessels, leaving no chance for worms. This method can still be practiced now, but only if the collection was done in an ecologically safe area (of course, the grass must be washed).

For douching

Bitter wormwood also exhibits its medicinal properties in folk gynecology. Many diseases of this kind are dangerous because they can suddenly take an acute form, becoming overgrown with complications. In such cases, you have to resort to such a delicate procedure as vaginal douching. A regular decoction of 1 tsp can remove an unpleasant infection. and boiling water (the same glass). The brewed herb is infused in a covered container for about an hour, after which it is suitable for both douching and wetting tampons.

Did you know? In the east, this plant symbolizes the memory of ancestors and loyalty to the Motherland.

These procedures are usually carried out overnight, ensuring that the temperature of the solution is approximately equal to the body heat. It is best to take a fresh mixture (after standing for a long time, it loses its antibacterial properties). Treatment should be approached with caution - an overdose can cause nausea or convulsions. For female diseases, wormwood itself may not give the expected effect - the result can only be achieved by combining the use of decoctions with the use of factory-made medicines. But before that, you need to consult a gynecologist who will determine the dosage.

To increase potency

The following recipes help to strengthen:

  • decoction 1 tsp, a glass of boiling water, 10 minutes of settling, decanting. The serving is divided into 3-5 equal doses, which are calculated per day. The general course will last for 1.5 months;
  • infusion. The scheme is the same, but the mixture must stand for at least 2 hours. Dosage: 50 ml three times a day. The minimum course is 3 weeks (although not more than 2 months);
  • alcohol composition in a ratio of 1:5, infused for two weeks. The frequency and dose are the same, but in order not to cause rejection, it is better to dilute with water.

For hair

Stopping hair loss and strengthening them is a task for another infusion. The herb is brewed in water (mixing them 1 to 10) and infused, not forgetting to then decant. You will have to wash with this composition for a whole month, strictly every other day. After this, a break of 2-3 weeks is required.

For skin

A lotion containing wormwood is designed to cleanse the dermis and restore its freshness. Taking 1 tsp. water infusion, it is added to mineral water (300 ml) and almond oil (20 drops). All this is poured into a bottle, where it is mixed. The result will be noticeable if you wipe your face twice a day, even before applying the nourishing cream. Warts that bother many people will go away when taken internally with an infusion (made according to the usual “1 tsp - 1 glass” scheme). An incomplete tablespoon an hour and a half before meals can solve this problem.

Contraindications and side effects

Do not forget that any of the above recipes requires not only accuracy, but also mandatory consultation with a doctor. This is due not only to the strong effect of wormwood, but also to its belonging to the number of poisonous plants (yes, this is true).

The use of any parts of this herb is strictly prohibited in cases where there are direct contraindications:
  • allergy to Asteraceae or intolerance to components;
  • anemia (anemia);
  • kidney diseases and;
  • stomach ulcer due to hypersecretion;
  • gastritis with decreased acidity;
  • chronic diseases;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • diabetes mellitus in any form;
  • pregnancy and period are also incompatible with taking wormwood.
Healthy people should also take it seriously: if you do not calculate the dose, you can lead yourself to prolonged convulsions and even hallucinations. When taken regularly without any special breaks, wormwood, even when boiled, dries out the gastric mucosa, so you should not get carried away with it recklessly.
We told you how to collect and for what purposes to use a plant familiar to everyone. We hope this information will only be useful, and our readers will take a sober approach to taking such remedies. Good health to everyone!

The grass blooms with small yellow flowers that emit a pleasant aroma. Closer to the fruits ripen in the form of oblong seeds. Most often it is considered to be one that can be found in meadows and forest clearings. Sometimes plants form entire thickets. Let's look at this herb, which few know about, and find out what wormwood treats and how to take it correctly to treat various diseases.

Chemical composition of the plant

Leaves and grass contain a huge variety of useful substances, such as absintin, flavonoids, anabsintin, capillin, phytoncides, vitamins and organic acids, mineral salts and tannins, as well as many others.

Pharmacological properties of beneficial herbs

Pharmacological qualities directly depend on the chemical composition of the plant. Let's consider how it is useful and why it is helps:

  1. Gelen at the level of reflexes leads to stimulation of the function of the gastrointestinal tract, increases the outflow of bile and thus improves digestion.
  2. Saturated carbohydrates, which are released from wormwood essential oils, have a bactericidal effect due to biological activity.
  3. Capillin hydrocarbon is endowed with qualities that make it quite effective against diseases caused by pathogenic fungi. In Japan, this substance is considered an antibiotic. Before you start using wormwood, it is important to understand all the benefits and possible harms and know exactly how to take it correctly.
  4. Arumin and absinthine have an anti-inflammatory effect, and together with lactone, they have an anti-ulcer effect. They also help stabilize the body's immune responses.
  5. Polysaccharides have an anti-inflammatory effect during the treatment of aseptic inflammation.
  6. Terpenoid compounds activate the functions of the reticuloendothelial system and produce an anti-inflammatory effect.
  7. Essential oil is pharmacologically reminiscent of camphor and, due to this, has a cardiac stimulating effect and stimulates the central nervous system.

There are known cases of accelerating wound healing and stopping heavy bleeding, as well as local anesthesia. Wormwood has other beneficial properties, which is why it is so popular both in modern medicine and in folk medicine.

Use of the plant in modern medicine

The plant is often used as a basis for the production of various medicines. Wormwood tincture, decoction and extract are used to further stimulate the appetite, as well as increase the activity of the digestive organs.
Today, this herb is included in drops and tablets for the stomach, as well as choleretic drugs, which are most often used in the form of regular teas. Similar compositions are prescribed to people suffering from chronic stomach diseases. It has been proven that with proper use, pain practically disappears, appetite improves, and stool returns to normal.

How and why to take wormwood extract

Wormwood extract is a thick mass of dark brown color extracted from the herb with a bright aroma and bitter taste. When diluted with water it forms a cloudy solution. Prescribed to take a course three times a day, 20 drops half an hour before meals. The herb wormwood, namely its extract, has the same use as the tincture.

Using the beneficial properties of the tincture

Wormwood tincture is a secretory agent that has a number of properties, such as: anthelmintic, sedative, antispasmodic, antitumor, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and even disinfectant.

Important! Wormwood is also used in dry form. As medical practice shows, during the treatment of some diseases the effect is achieved much faster.

Doctors most often prescribe the following dosage of the drug: 20 drops three times a day. It is advisable to take the product 20 minutes before meals. Most often, the course of treatment is 20 days. However, the attending physician will determine the dosage and number of days of administration based on individual indicators.
Indications for use of the tincture are as follows:

Anyone who has ever dealt with wormwood knows that wormwood is valued as a herb that has good qualities, and therefore a large number of products are created based on it. To obtain the desired result, it is important to follow the rules and regulations of administration.


The juice is obtained by squeezing liquid from the leaves and stems of the plant. It is recommended to extract it before the grass begins to bloom. Traditional healers believe that positive results, such as normalizing the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminating spasms of the large intestine and increasing bile secretion, can be obtained by taking 1 tbsp three times a day. spoon of a product made from grass juice and. This should be done immediately before eating.

Infusions and tinctures

A medicinal infusion prepared independently according to the recipe below helps relieve coughs and most infectious viral ailments, but children cannot be treated with this alcohol-containing drug.
In order to begin treatment with wormwood, you need to prepare an infusion. You will need 40 g of grass and 350 ml of vodka. These ingredients are mixed in a glass jar, which is closed with a lid and mixed thoroughly. Now the jar is sent to a water bath and kept for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, cool and leave to infuse for 6 hours. Afterwards, the composition is filtered and poured into a container in which it is subsequently stored and used for its intended purpose.

Unlike the previous composition, the tincture cannot be stored for a long time. To get maximum results, it is better to drink it immediately after preparation. You will need 20 g of powder from pre-ground wormwood leaves, which are poured into 300 ml of boiling water. Cover the container with a lid and leave for 25 minutes. Then filter and use as directed.

Application of ointment

This type of remedy is used for rapid healing of wounds, ulcers on the skin, as well as restoration of the epithelium after frostbite and burns. The medicinal ointment is prepared as follows: purchase condensed wormwood extract from the pharmacy and mix 10 g of this product with 100 ml of vegetable oil or lard. It is not recommended to store this drug, so it is advisable to use it within a short time after preparation.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of wormwood are known in many parts of the world. This is one of the oldest and most bitter medicinal plants in the world. The healing power of wormwood is hidden precisely in its bitterness. Decoctions and infusions from it are the first choice drugs for digestive disorders and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT). However, with an overdose and uncontrolled use, side effects are often observed - from nausea to loss of consciousness. Wormwood is a toxic plant. It is recommended to use it only after consulting a doctor.

Features of a medicinal plant

People often confuse wormwood with common wormwood, but there is no danger in this. Both of these types are similar in their chemical composition and healing effects. But still, wormwood is used more often and is harvested for the pharmaceutical industry.

Wormwood citvar. Common wormwood, or Chernobyl herb. Lemon wormwood (high), or abrotan.

Types of wormwood

The genus Artemisia includes about 400 species. There are over 150 species in Russia. Many of them are medicinal plants. What types are best known and most often used in folk medicine?

  • Artemisia citvarens. It is also called the tsitvar, Turkestan seed. This is a low perennial shrub. Loves dry climates, common in Central Asia. Here the plant is collected from the wild and grown as a pharmaceutical raw material. Refers to medicinal, but highly poisonous plants. A valuable bactericidal essential oil is obtained from it. It is also an effective remedy for worms (the seeds of the plant are especially helpful). It is used externally as an anti-inflammatory agent for skin diseases, rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, and heals wounds and burns well.
  • Common wormwood, or Chernobyl herb. It can reach a height of 150 cm. It is classified as a weed. It can often be seen in vacant lots, near roadsides, and in gardens. Only the apical part of the shoots with flowers is collected. In scientific medicine, the herb is not as popular as wormwood. However, among the people this species is valued no less, and, in general, does not differ much. Chernobyl has a milder taste and effect; it is taken orally as a choleretic, astringent, to normalize appetite and digestion, for nervous disorders and epilepsy. It is also used as a seasoning, more often for fatty meat dishes from goose or duck. A spicy mixture is prepared from this type of herb, which includes basil, rosemary and thyme.
  • Lemon wormwood (high), or abrotan. People often call it medicinal wormwood, or God's tree, as well as dill tree. The plant has been known since ancient times. They drank the grass for fever and snake bites. Ancient medical treatises describe the healing properties of the tree of God. In addition, the herb was used in cooking as a spice, since it has the least bitterness. This type of plant contains a lot of essential oil, which is used in perfumery and cosmetology, the alcoholic beverage and confectionery industries.

In ancient times, the tree of God was considered a sacred plant. This type of wormwood was used in magic. According to legend, the herb drives out evil spirits. Often wormwood branches were cut and hung at the entrance to the house. Among the Slavic peoples, wormwood is a strong amulet that protects against the evil eye. Ancient magical rituals are a thing of the past, and today the tree of God is a beautiful ornamental bush that decorates household plots. You can experiment and shape the crown of the bush; it makes a good green hedge.

Habitat of wormwood

Bitter (white) wormwood is found everywhere - it likes to grow along roads, in landfills, wastelands, weedy meadows, and forest edges. It is also a frequent “guest” near homes, in the garden and vegetable garden, it forms thickets and is considered a tenacious and persistent weed. This species is distributed throughout Europe, growing in Western Asia and North Africa. In Russia, it can be found in Siberia and the northern regions. The grass is grown industrially in Russia, the USA, southern European countries, and North Africa. Essential oil is made from dry raw materials.

Botanical description

Wormwood. Botanical illustration from the book “Köhler’s Medizinal-Pflanzen”, 1887.

What does wormwood look like? It has two distinctive features - the silvery color of the leaves and a characteristic aroma. By these signs, wormwood is easy to distinguish in nature.

  • Root. Rod-shaped, branched.
  • Stems. Straight, branched at the top, erect shoots form at the base of the bush.
  • Leaves . Pinnately dissected, alternate, petiolate. Both leaves and stems have silvery-white pubescence.
  • Flowers . Tubular, yellow, collected in panicles, on which small baskets and leaves are located.

It can grow up to 2 m, looks like a subshrub. Tolerates drought and frost well.

Procurement of raw materials

  • What to collect? The tops of flowering plants are collected, stems up to 25 cm long are cut, usually the rough parts of the plant are separated and not used. Although the entire above-ground part of the plant is considered useful. Wormwood root (its soft shoots) is also used. It is dug up in the fall and dried in the same way as the above-ground part.
  • When to collect? Flowering panicles of wormwood are collected at the very beginning of flowering. Depending on the region - in June or July. The leaves are collected in May, while they are tender and not so bitter.
  • How to dry? Raw materials can be laid out in a thin layer under canopies or plant shoots tied in bunches can be hung. The room should be well ventilated.

Raw materials are packaged in linen bags or wooden containers. The apical part of the plant and roots can be stored for 3 years, leaves - 2 years.

Healing effect

What are the healing properties of wormwood? What pharmacological action does it have?

  • Secretory.
  • Carminative.
  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antitumor.
  • Antihelminthic.
  • Diuretic.
  • Appetizing.
  • Antiseptic.
  • Painkiller.
  • Calming.
  • Blood purifying.
  • Anticonvulsant.

What are the most valuable substances in the chemical composition?

  • Essential wormwood oil, which contains thujone, phellandrene, ketone, pinene and other substances.
  • Bitterness (absinthine, artabsin).
  • Tannins.

The grass also contains: resins, vitamins K, C, A, B6, starch, organic acids, flavonoids, phytoncides, proteins.


For what diseases will treatment with wormwood be effective?

The herb also helps against motion sickness and general exhaustion of the body; it is drunk for alcohol poisoning, eye inflammation, and hypertension. Relieves bad breath.

Contraindications for wormwood: hypersensitivity, gastritis with increased secretion (acidity), stomach ulcers, inflammation of the gallbladder, damage to the lower esophagus and all acute forms of gastrointestinal diseases, internal bleeding, anemia. It is strictly forbidden to take the herb in any form during pregnancy and lactation. Before use in children, consult a doctor.

Features of the use of wormwood

What are the uses of wormwood at home? What herbal preparations can be purchased at the pharmacy?


Alcohol tincture of the herb is used for all of the above indications. This medicine is especially useful for digestive and nervous system disorders. Externally used for rubbing for pain in muscles and joints, bruises and sprains.

Preparing the tincture

  1. Take 1 part of dry herb.
  2. Pour in 10 parts alcohol (70%).
  3. Leave for 14 days.
  4. Strain.

Take in a strict dosage - 20 drops 3 times a day. The dose may be doubled depending on the condition and side effects. Read more about this in our other article.

The world-famous vodka made from wormwood - absinthe - is not a medicinal product! This is a strong alcoholic drink. In addition to wormwood, it includes: mint, lemon balm, anise, fennel, angelica, parsley, hyssop, calamus and other herbs. Absinthe is dangerous due to its high thujone content. The drink harms the body, leads to rapid intoxication, and is similar in effect to a narcotic substance. It was banned in some countries. After taking it in large doses, hallucinations, dangerous altered states of consciousness, and uncontrolled aggression are possible.


Decoctions are used internally and externally to treat the skin in the form of lotions and baths. They are added to medicinal baths for neuralgia, rheumatism, and gout.


  1. Take 1 tsp. dry grass.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Strain.

Decoctions are taken in a strict dosage of ¼ cup half an hour before meals.

There are many positive reviews about rice water with wormwood, which helps with digestive disorders.


  1. Take 1 cup of prepared rice water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of dry herbs.
  3. Boil for 1 minute.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.

Take it in the same way as regular wormwood decoction.

Application of seeds and root

Wormwood seeds have the same healing properties as the above-ground part of the plant. The essential oil contained in the seeds is of particular value.

Preparation of oil extract from seeds

  1. Take 1 part crushed grass seeds.
  2. Pour in 4 parts olive oil.
  3. Leave for 10 hours.

Oil take 2 drops 3 times a day. Due to its strong bitterness, it can be diluted in honey or washed down with water.

Wormwood root is effective against helminthiasis, as well as against malignant tumors. It is used to prepare decoctions for medicinal baths for diseases of muscles and joints. For female diseases, it is taken orally and used externally for douching.

Preparation of a decoction from the root

  1. Take 2 tbsp. l. chopped root.
  2. Pour a glass of boiling water.
  3. Boil in a sealed container for 5 minutes.
  4. Leave for 1 hour.

Take strained, 2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day before meals.

Application of juice and fresh herbs

Wormwood juice helps get rid of calluses. It is used externally to treat wounds, abrasions, burns, abscesses, promotes their rapid healing, and quickly stops bleeding in injuries. It is recommended to take wormwood juice internally, but due to its strong bitterness, it is diluted with honey. However, you need to remember that juice contains more toxic substances; you should not overdose it. Fresh, mashed grass is applied to bruises and tumors. It is recommended to chew young shoots and leaves of the grass to disinfect the oral cavity, normalize appetite and sleep, and eliminate bad breath.

Pharmacy drugs

  • Wormwood essential oil. Most often it is prescribed for neuroses, to improve memory and sleep quality. Relieves nausea during motion sickness, cleanses the body of toxins, eliminates pain during migraines, spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves colds, ARVI, and flu. It is also used externally in cosmetology, to treat wounds, bruises, and sprains. It is important to remember that wormwood essential oil is a toxic drug and should not be consumed uncontrollably.
  • Dry vegetable raw materials. The instructions for use indicate that this medicinal plant belongs to the group of choleretic drugs. It is prescribed to increase appetite, in the complex treatment of chronic gastritis with low acidity and cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia.
  • Alcohol tincture. In pharmacology, it refers to drugs that increase appetite due to the bitter content. The main indications for use are gastrointestinal diseases. The tincture is taken 15–20 drops 3 times a day.

About the antihelminthic properties of wormwood

Side effects and safety precautions

Overdose and long-term treatment can lead to side effects:

  • allergy to wormwood in the form of urticaria and itching;
  • indigestion: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, vomiting;
  • convulsions;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • tremor;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • hallucinations.

What should you remember during treatment?

  • The course of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor.
  • Therapy lasts no more than 2 weeks.
  • A repeated course is prescribed taking into account the effectiveness of treatment and side effects.
  • Wormwood is prohibited for children under 12 years of age.
  • Before using wormwood as an anthelmintic in children, you should consult a doctor.
  • If any side effects occur, you should stop taking the herb and consult a doctor.

Wormwood herb is the best remedy for normalizing digestion and stimulating appetite. The herb also helps with nervous disorders, metabolic disorders, malignant tumors, skin lesions, joint and muscle pain. This is one of the most effective herbal antihelminthics.

Wormwood is a perennial herbaceous or subshrub plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. Very few wormwood species are annuals. In Latin, the plant sounds like Artemisia. It is assumed that the word translated means “healthy”. Some researchers believe that the interpretation of the name of the plant is associated with the name of the ancient Greek deity Artemis. Residents of Turkmenistan call it Yevshan, Emshan; Kazakhstan – Zhusan.


The height of the plant ranges from 100 to 150 cm. The root of wormwood is thick and woody.

The stem of wormwood is straight, covered with whitish-silver fluff. The leaves are large, alternate, pinnately divided. In this case, as a rule, the leaves that are located in the lower part of the plant are quite large. They become smaller as they move towards the top.

Wormwood flowers are small, reddish, form panicle-shaped inflorescences, which can be either erect or drooping. There are species of wormwood with yellow flowers that look like small balls. Their size is approximately 5 mm in diameter.

The fruit of wormwood is an achene, smooth and small.


Approximately 180 species of wormwood are found in Russia, and there are 400 in total.

  • It grows everywhere in Russia. A very tall plant - up to 150 cm. The rhizome of this type of wormwood is branched, reddish closer to the stem. The leaves have a dark green upper part, and their inner side is whitish. The flowers of wormwood are very small, pink. Flowering period – June – August. By September the seeds ripen. (photo 1)
  • characterized by a tart-bitter aroma, in which there are inclusions of lemon and camphor. This type of wormwood is also called God's tree, in German - Eberreis, Gartenheil, Strangenkraut. Translated from English it sounds like “southern forest” - Southernwood, “old man” - Old man. The French call medicinal wormwood – Aurone, Citronelle. Once upon a time it could be seen in the gardens of peasants or at monasteries. Today it is forgotten. Southern and South-Eastern Europe, Western and Western Asia - this is the current range of medicinal wormwood. Medicinal wormwood is a frost-resistant shrub that reaches 1.5 m in height. If we conditionally divide the plant into three parts, we will see that it begins to branch in the upper third. The leaves are filigree-pinnate, gray-green in color, and the flowers are yellow. (photo 2)
  • In German it sounds like Absinth, Bitterkraut, Gottvergess, in English - Wormwood, Absinth, in French - Absinthe, Annoise amere. The height of this subshrub is 120 cm. It is no coincidence that the plant is called “wormwood.” Its taste speaks for itself: it is rightfully considered the most bitter plant in Russia. Wormwood is resistant to drought and frost. The leaves of wormwood resemble parsley leaves in appearance, but their color is silvery-gray. The flowers are yellow tubes, which are collected in balls (diameter about 4 mm), located in one-sided tassels. Flowering period – July-September. (photo 3)
  • Tarragon or, as it is also called, tarragon. Despite the fact that tarragon is a type of wormwood, there is no bitterness in its leaves, so it is widely used in cooking for preservation or as an additive to meat dishes. The aroma of tarragon is a synthesis of vanilla and hay odors. The plant is very short compared to other types of wormwood - only 30 cm. Tarragon flowers are small white stars. In other languages ​​it sounds like this: German – Duftlabkraut, Maiblume, Maikraut; English – Sweet woodruff, French – Asperule odorante, Reine-des-bois. (photo 4)

There are types of wormwood that are very poisonous: tauride, paniculata.

Where does it grow?

The habitat of wormwood is the temperate zone of the northern hemisphere, the northern and southern parts of the African continent, North America. In Russia, wormwood can be found almost everywhere. The most common places are the steppe and desert parts of Kazakhstan, Transcaucasia, Central Asia and the Caucasus, Ukraine, and Belarus. Wormwood can occupy a vast area of ​​dry, rocky and infertile territory, forming true thickets. This applies to low-growing species.

Method of making spices

Medicinal wormwood uses both leaves and flowers. Flowers are collected before the flowering period, while they are in bud state. Wormwood is also used in dried form. The most important thing in the process of procuring raw materials is the collection period. If the plant is cut too late, it will darken during the drying process, and the inflorescences collected in baskets will simply crumble.

For drying, use a dark room with good ventilation. Attics are good for this. If wormwood is dried spread out, the layer should be thin. It is imperative to turn the raw materials over.

  • Wormwood has a unique, slightly bitter odor. He is very strong. It can be described with the words “intoxicating and intoxicating.”
  • Wormwood is a bitter plant. If you pick a sprig of wormwood and crush it in your hands a little, your hands will become bitter.
  • The plant reproduces by seeds. One plant produces about 100 thousand seeds per summer.

Nutritional value and calorie content

Calorie content of wormwood in its raw form – 32 kcal

Wormwood in its raw form contains:

  • Proteins – 0.33 g
  • Fat – 0.52 g
  • Carbohydrates – 3.6 g
  • Dietary fiber – 3.8 g
  • Water – 89 g
  • Ash – 2.5 g

You can find out more information about wormwood from an excerpt from the program “Lucky Mood”

Chemical composition

Wormwood herb contains:

  • Tannins.
  • Mucous and resinous substances.
  • Carotene.
  • Vitamins C, A, group B.
  • Saponins.
  • Alkaloids.
  • Coumarins.
  • Essential oil (cineole, borneol, α-thujene).
  • Macro and microelements: Ca, Mg, Na, K, P, Fe, Zn, Cu, Mg, Se.

The roots contain:

  • Tannins and mucilaginous substances
  • Resins.
  • Sahara.
  • Essential oil (0.5 – 2%)

Beneficial features

  • Wormwood has a positive effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • It has antiseptic, antipyretic and analgesic properties.
  • Strengthens the body.
  • Stimulates appetite.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Fights helminths.
  • Normalizes sleep and the menstrual cycle.
  • Has antitussive properties.

Wormwood helps in the treatment of diabetes



  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Anemia.
  • Stomach ulcer, gastritis with low acidity.
  • Individual intolerance.
  • Various bleedings.
  • Menstruation period in women.

Wormwood can cause allergies; it should also not be taken if blood clotting is low, after surgery or abortion.


In cooking

  • Medicinal wormwood is used to flavor pork and veal dishes. It will not harm the goose and duck. Due to the fact that the plant has a very strong odor, it should be used with caution. It will add piquancy to sauces, drinks, and liqueurs.
  • The main use of wormwood is in the distillery industry (the most important component of absinthe and vermouth). It is added in very small quantities to meat dishes. Pairs perfectly with roast goose.

Wormwood dumplings are a popular Thai dish.

In medicine

As a rule, the above-ground component of wormwood is used for treatment. Tinctures, decoctions, and extracts are prepared from it. Internally, you can use wormwood powder (half a gram 3 times a day before meals) and juice (a tablespoon mixed with honey). Only the juice that is squeezed from the plant before it blooms is useful.

In cosmetology

  • Washing your hair with wormwood infusion is useful for hair that is prone to oiliness.
  • Baths to which wormwood is added slow down the aging process of the body.

Wormwood fights hair loss and strengthens hair follicles


Growing wormwood in your garden will not be difficult, due to the unpretentiousness of this type of plant. Plus, wormwood is frost-resistant. Therefore, rest assured that your plant will calmly survive the harshest winter. Soil fertility is also not particularly important for wormwood.

Wormwood propagates by seeds. Perennials can simply be planted like a regular overgrown crop.

But tarragon needs special care. Otherwise, you will get a plant that will not have the unique aroma for which it is valued. The plant should not be watered abundantly, only on dry days it should be slightly increased. Beware of stagnant water.

Tarragon is transplanted in spring or autumn. Divide the bush, and after transplanting, water it well. If you decide to plant tarragon with seeds, then they should be planted in early spring and covered with film. Don't forget about watering and ventilation. Shoots will appear in 1.5 weeks.

  • In ancient times, the Slavs used wormwood to cleanse their inner world and the world of reality from the influence of evil spirits and entities. On the holiday of Ivan Kupala, girls wove wreaths from wormwood and used them to tell fortunes about the future.
  • Wormwood was used to make powerful talismans and amulets that could protect the owner from their worst enemies.
  • Wormwood elixirs were a love spell and at the same time could cause damage.
  • Wormwood was used by fishermen as a means of protection against all aquatic evil spirits: mermaids, merman.
  • A wormwood branch placed above the doorway protected the inhabitants of the home from negativity.
  • Queen Cleopatra used wormwood oil as an additive to her eau de toilette.
  • In ancient times, wormwood was used to dye fabrics.
  • Wormwood was used to fumigate hospital premises during times of fevers and epidemics.