Laser device for the treatment of adenoids in children. Laser treatment of adenoids in children: reviews, consequences. Laser trimming of adenoids

What modern methods of treating adenoiditis are considered the most effective and safe for health? Laser therapy for adenoids is a physiotherapeutic procedure that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and aseptic effect. The effect on lymphoid tissue occurs using low-intensity light pulses, so the procedure must be carried out by a qualified doctor.

Adenoids in children and adults perform a protective function, because they are the ones who “catch” pathogenic microorganisms on their surface. The child's body aged 3 to 12 years is most susceptible to inflammation of this tissue of the nasopharynx, since immunity is not yet fully formed, and the lymphoid surface has a loose structure.

The adenoids are particularly affected by immunity. If a child often has a cold, then the likelihood of developing an inflammatory process in the nasopharynx increases significantly. The most dangerous consequences that adenoids provoke are:

  • Frequent respiratory diseases. Constant recurrences of colds occur due to inhalation of air through the mouth, rather than through the nose. This type of inhalation leads to insufficient air filtration and humidification. When your nose is stuffy, it is easier for harmful viruses and bacteria to get inside your throat.
  • Otitis. The outflow of mucus due to enlarged adenoids does not occur naturally, so bacteria actively multiply in this environment. The growths can even block the auditory tube, which affects the child’s hearing. A particular danger from otitis media has been observed in very young children who are just learning to speak.
  • Chronic lack of oxygen. When the adenoids become seriously enlarged, the volume of inhaled oxygen is reduced by at least 15%, and this leads to pathological processes in the brain.
  • Caries, changes in the facial skeleton, chest. Such pathologies develop due to constant inhalation of air through the mouth, which affects bone formation at an early age.
  • Tracheitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma. With adenoids, the incidence of respiratory system diseases sharply increases, since it is easier for bacteria and viruses to enter the body. Such conditions can be provoked by mucus produced by inflamed lymphoid tissue, which descends down the nasopharynx.
  • Pathologies of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract. The consequences of undiagnosed or untreated inflamed adenoids may appear over time.

A laser for adenoids can prevent the development of such complications, but it is important to carry out such a procedure in a timely manner. The time for laser therapy is indicated only by the attending otolaryngologist, since he must first thoroughly examine the patient. Each case is individual, so in this case it is important to take into account all the features of the course of the disease.

Laser treatment of adenoids in children is often carried out at stages 1 and 2 of inflammation. The fewer vegetations, the easier it is to restore the function of the tonsils. Do not be afraid of laser treatment; adenoids in the first stages of development are easily treatable. Low-frequency pulses affect only the affected tissue, without affecting healthy areas. To treat adenoids, it is important to choose a professional otolaryngologist who knows all the intricacies of such a procedure.

In what cases should they be removed?

Laser therapy of adenoids is an effective and modern procedure. Many doctors talk about its advantages, but treating lymphoid tissue with this method is not appropriate in all cases.

Laser treatment is carried out for any degree of development of the disease, but the best effect is noticed during therapy of 1st and 2nd degrees.

The question of removing inflamed tissue arises only if all possible conservative treatment methods have been tried. It is important to decide to remove adenoids together with your doctor. There are no other options other than surgical removal if there is parallel growth of these tissues with the tonsils.

Direct indications for removing vegetation are:

  1. Severe difficulty in nasal breathing;
  2. Development of enuresis;
  3. The appearance of symptoms of bronchial asthma;
  4. Speech disorders and hearing aid pathologies;
  5. Delayed mental and physiological health of the child.

Laser therapy for adenoids in children is often carried out, but this technique should not be used for children under 2-3 years of age. After removal of the lymphoid tissue of the nasopharynx, it is at this age that there is every chance of relapse of the disease. Therapy for adenoids in children should include all possible methods of local conservative treatment.

Laser destruction of adenoids can permanently save a child from this problem if there was a timely visit to a doctor at an early stage of the development of the disease.

Bronchial asthma.

Effect of laser therapy

Laser treatment of adenoiditis is carried out purely individually, taking into account the size and degree of growth of vegetation. If the procedure was performed efficiently, then subsequent tissue growth may not occur. If laser treatment of adenoids in children was performed poorly, then there is a high probability of preservation of the affected tissue. Relapses in this case are inevitable, which is especially common in young children.

As multiple studies of the laser method show, in 90% of cases such therapy after a full course of treatment:

  • Reduces pain in the nose;
  • Discharge is reduced;
  • Improves nasal breathing;
  • Local immunity increases;
  • The size of vegetation is reduced by 95%.

Laser therapy is not capable of completely removing adenoids, so the classic surgical method is used for such purposes.

What benefits does laser therapy bring in treating the disease?

How is the procedure performed?

To carry out cauterization of adenoids with a laser in children, you must first undergo an examination. To do this, the doctor refers the patient to:

  • General blood analysis;
  • Blood clotting test;
  • X-ray or computed tomography of the paranasal sinuses.

Having received all the necessary information, the doctor must exclude the possibility of some parallel bacterial infection, sinusitis, or low blood clotting.

Before removing or cauterizing vegetations with a laser, the nasopharynx is washed to remove all possible crusts and mucus. Next, the nasopharyngeal tissue is treated with local anesthetics, which will help simplify the process of carrying out the procedure and inserting instruments into the nose. After the preparatory procedures, the tissues are directly treated with a helium-neon laser. A special tube is inserted into the nostril. This is the only unpleasant manipulation, but it is not felt due to the treatment of the tissues with an anesthetic composition. The number and duration of the procedure is determined only by the otolaryngologist, who performs the manipulation.

During laser exposure, additional restraint of the child in a chair is not required. For many children, fear and stress begin already at this stage. If the procedure is performed on a very young child, about 3-5 years old, then you just need to hold him in one position for 2-3 minutes.

On average, complete relief from this disease will require from 7 to 15 sessions. To obtain an earlier positive result, laser therapy is combined with magnetic therapy.

Adenoids are rarely removed with a laser, since for such purposes they resort to surgery.

Contraindications to the procedure

Laser therapy of vegetations in the nasopharynx cannot be performed under the following conditions:

  • At elevated body temperature;
  • For anemia;
  • Blood pathologies;
  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Acute purulent diseases;
  • Chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diabetes;
  • Infectious diseases (especially tuberculosis).

If the patient has any chronic diseases, then the doctor must be told about this. Before the procedure, the otolaryngologist is required to review the patient’s card.


Postoperative period

After laser therapy for vegetations in the nasopharynx, the patient must follow certain rules that the attending physician must introduce him to. The main recommendations of the otolaryngologist are:

  1. Reduce or completely abandon heavy physical activity;
  2. Stop visiting the bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool for at least 2-3 weeks;
  3. You cannot drink carbonated drinks;
  4. Reduce consumption of too salty and spicy foods;
  5. Completely stop consuming cold drinks, ice cream, etc.;
  6. Food should have a soft, porridge-like consistency.

If adenoids are removed in an adult, then the above rules are accompanied by a ban on the consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking. Doctors recommend feeding the child after such a procedure with liquid, but high-calorie food. Laser therapy is easily and painlessly tolerated. To avoid becoming a hostage to the situation again, it is better to stop visiting too crowded places for a while. This is especially true during epidemic periods. Parents should carefully monitor the condition of their child if adenoids bother the child due to a genetic predisposition.

Advantages of laser treatment of adenoids

There is no point in comparing laser therapy with surgical removal of vegetations, because these are completely different procedures. Laser treatment has many advantages:

  • The patient does not feel any pain or discomfort during the session. If a child has had his adenoids removed, the fear of pain from manipulation may remain for life.
  • The pharyngeal tonsil is not removed; it continues to fully perform its functions.
  • During the procedure, tissues improve microcirculation and begin to consume more oxygen;
  • Cellular regeneration accelerates;
  • The likelihood of developing allergic reactions is reduced;
  • The bacteriostatic function of tissues increases and is completely restored;
  • There is no need for hospitalization, which significantly simplifies treatment for both adults and children.
  • After the first procedure, the patient begins to resume breathing through the nose. The effectiveness is also noticeable in the quality of sleep, because snoring noticeably decreases.
  • Children become calmer and more collected.

The result of treating adenoiditis with this technique will not take long to arrive. The main thing is to seek medical help in a timely manner. Parents should remember that it is impossible to cure the advanced stage of adenoids with drops and sprays alone.

Positive aspects of laser treatment.

Disadvantages of laser treatment of adenoid vegetation

There is no harm from this procedure, because if the manipulations are performed correctly, healthy tissues are not injured. One disadvantage that scares many is the cost of the procedure. In Russian clinics, the average price for 1 session varies between 1000-3000 rubles. In regional centers, the pricing policy differs significantly from Moscow clinics. On average, a complete recovery will require from 10 to 15 sessions, which indicates a considerable cost. If you look at this situation from the other side, the amount of money spent on various drugs, sprays and physical procedures during treatment is almost the same. Do not forget that adenoids can be treated for up to six months.

The average price for modern sprays is 300-500 rubles per bottle. Parents whose children have inflamed adenoids need to be patient, because therapy without the use of a laser can last up to six months.

After quality treatment, children no longer often suffer from various respiratory diseases, which significantly saves money. New protective immunological processes are launched in the child’s body.


Laser therapy avoids surgery. This technique quickly relieves pain, simplifies the process of breathing through the nose, reduces swelling and fights pathogenic colonies of bacteria and viruses on tissues. Laser is a completely safe and gentle method of getting rid of vegetations, which is completely painless.

The video includes information about what laser therapy for adenoids is.

Until recently, the only method of treating adenoids was surgery - adenotomy. Unfortunately, the operation is performed “blindly” and the doctor is not always able to eliminate the inflamed tissue. Relapses of the disease are not that uncommon, so more and more people are resorting to conservative treatment of adenoids, as well as physical therapy.

Remember! The best way to treat adenoids is a combination of medications and physiotherapy.

The effect of physiotherapy is aimed at:

  • improving the body's protective properties;
  • elimination of inflammation and swelling;
  • acceleration of tissue regeneration;
  • stopping tissue proliferation.

Doctors prescribe this therapy not only for the treatment of adenoids, but also as a preventive measure during the recovery period after surgery.

Remember! Physiotherapy is an additional method of treating adenoids, which must certainly be carried out in combination with other treatment methods.

Let's take a closer look at all the popular methods.

Types of physiotherapy

The main methods used in the treatment of children include:

  1. Laser therapy;
  2. Ultraviolet irradiation (UVR);
  3. Magnetotherapy;
  4. Electrophoresis;
  5. Inhalations;
  6. Mud treatment;
  7. Darsonvalization;
  8. Breathing exercises.


Helps the drug penetrate as deeply as possible into the tissue, thus increasing its effectiveness. The following are used as medicinal products:

  • Diphenhydramine;
  • Potassium Iodide;
  • Silver nitrate 1%.

This procedure is prohibited for children under 3 years of age.

Electrophoresis for adenoids is a very effective procedure in which active medicinal substances achieve maximum effect. No adverse reactions are observed.

Laser treatment

Laser removal of adenoids is one of the modern and effective treatment methods. Treatment of adenoids with a laser in children in combination with drug treatment is an excellent alternative to surgery at the initial stage of proliferation of adenoid tissue.

Advantages of laser therapy for adenoids in children:

  1. improvement of blood flow in the area of ​​the affected area of ​​the mucous membrane;
  2. does not damage the integrity of tissues;
  3. improves the body's protective functions;
  4. prevents relapse of adenoid tissue proliferation.


The second name is inductothermy. The method involves exposure to a magnetic field of medium and low frequencies on adenoid tissue. The device warms up the tissue at a depth of 6-7 cm, resulting in an increase in temperature not only locally, but throughout the entire body. The effect of magnetic therapy is to change the physics and chemical properties of mucosal tissues. There is an improvement in metabolic processes in it, as well as an increase in local immunity.

When removing adenoids, this method is rarely used. Magnetic therapy is mainly used in combination with electrophoresis or mud treatment. This allows you to achieve maximum effect in a short time.

The ultraviolet irradiation method is used during the period of exacerbation of the disease.

Ultraviolet rays have the following effects:

  • dry out the mucous membrane;
  • relieve swelling;
  • prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

The procedure is performed intranasally. The method of exposing the entire body to rays during the postoperative period is also used. The ultraviolet irradiation method can improve immunity.


Inhalations are one of the old and proven methods of treating not only adenoids, but also other diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

The only difference: if you have adenoids, inhalation with hot steam is prohibited. It is not advisable to perform this procedure yourself at home.

The purpose of inhalation is to eliminate swelling and inflammation of tissues. After several procedures, you can notice the result in improved nasal breathing, as well as the cessation of headaches.

Inhalations for adenoids cannot be the only method in the treatment of childhood pathology. There are several types of inhalations:

  1. Wet. The procedure is carried out while taking a bath. A few drops of essential oil are dropped into the water, so that while the child is bathing, he inhales the beneficial substances.
  2. Dry. Aromatic oils are used: fir, eucalyptus, juniper. A few drops are dripped into the aroma lamp or onto a cloth and allowed to breathe for the child.
  3. Saline. A few drops of oil are dripped into the salt heated in a frying pan and the patient is allowed to breathe over this mixture.


The procedure involves exposure of the mucous membrane to high frequency currents.

An electrode in the form of a comb is connected to a special device, which is used to move it throughout the collar area.

Advantages of darsonvalization:

  • improves blood circulation at the site of inflammation;
  • affects changes in vascular permeability;
  • improves immunity;
  • has a bactericidal effect.

The procedure is performed in a course of 10-15 sessions lasting 10 minutes.

Breathing exercises

It is advisable to perform all breathing exercises under the supervision of a doctor. The child must learn to take good deep breaths. The depth of inhalation will determine how much oxygen enters the child’s body. Exhalations should be spontaneous.

The course of treatment is usually about 1 month. Exercises should be performed daily. After a month of break, you can take a second course of gymnastics.

Rules for performing exercises

  1. Clean your nose well and remove mucus.
  2. In the first lesson, you need to perform each exercise 4 times, increasing the number by 2 times each subsequent lesson.
  3. Every 3 minutes of exercise should be alternated with 1 minute of rest.
  4. If the child has no contraindications to physical activity, then breathing exercises can be combined with squats, lunges, bends and other exercises at a calm pace.
  5. Exercises are best done outdoors.

Mud therapy

Treatment is carried out with the help of therapeutic mud, which has a resolving effect (for example, Peat).

Mud therapy has many useful functions:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • fights chronic infection;
  • accelerates the healing of damaged tissues;
  • helps strengthen local and general immunity.

Contraindications to physiotherapy

Although physical therapy is a safe and effective way to treat adenoids in children, there are several contraindications for its use.

It is prohibited to perform procedures on people who have:

  1. increased body temperature;
  2. active form of tuberculosis;
  3. suffer from epilepsy;
  4. any tumors and malignant formations;
  5. nervous system disorders;
  6. diseases of the nervous system;
  7. intolerance to procedures.

The doctor must draw up a treatment regimen for each patient, in which the number of procedures, dosage of medications and the possibility of combination with other types of physiotherapy are individually selected.

With the development of technology in medicine, treatment is becoming increasingly safe. Laser therapy for adenoids in children has replaced surgical operations. This technique allows you to quickly solve the problem of difficulty breathing, avoiding the risks of postoperative complications.

The procedure requires modern equipment and qualified specialists. Not every clinic has such equipment, so you should be especially careful when choosing a place for treatment. Before starting therapy, you should familiarize yourself with the basic principles, indications and contraindications for using a laser. This will help avoid complications and reduce the risk of side effects.

The principle of laser action

Adenoids are proliferations of lymphoid tissue. They make breathing difficult and cause an obsessive cough. To solve this problem, it is necessary to act not only on the etiological factor, but also on the manifestations of the disease. This will improve the patient’s quality of life and well-being.

The positive effect of laser on adenoids is associated with its physical properties. It acts in several directions:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • kills bacteria;
  • reduces swelling;
  • sanitizes the affected organ;
  • stimulates nonspecific immunity;
  • reduces the severity of pain;
  • improves tissue trophism in the affected area.

Laser treatment can be used both during and outside of surgery. The choice of technique depends on the stage of the disease, the patient’s condition and the desired result. The procedure requires a high-tech apparatus. Therefore, this method is not suitable for home therapy.

The use of laser beams for the treatment of tonsil pathologies began in the 80s of the last century. Since then, the technique has shown itself to be a way to quickly and without complications get rid of the manifestations of the disease. The precision of the effect allows you to avoid negative effects on both neighboring tissues and the body as a whole.

Treatment options

There are two options for physical therapy using laser. At the initial stages of the disease, a non-invasive technique is used. It replaced the surgical removal of the organ, which was previously popular.

Laser therapy in this case is absolutely safe and painless. This is especially important for young children, since the treatment does not cause negative emotions. The child will not receive psycho-emotional trauma, and the image of the doctor will not cause him horror. On the contrary, getting rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease will form a positive opinion about medicine, which will help you more carefully monitor your health in adulthood.

To achieve maximum effect, more than one course of treatment is required. This is necessary to consolidate the result. First, the child is prescribed 10 to 15 procedures, which are performed every day. Then they take a break of 3 months, and the sessions are repeated. You need to go through 2-3 cycles per year.

Treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis. This allows children not to be separated from their parents and friends during therapy. The effect of the procedures is enhanced and consolidated with the help of drugs. Thus, the inflammation is completely stopped, and the child can live a normal life. The function of the organ is completely restored, and the person becomes healthy.

The intraoperative method of treatment is used when the tonsils have changed significantly. It is used as an adjunct during surgery. The edges of the wound are treated with a laser to cause tissue coagulation and speed up recovery. This procedure does not need to be repeated throughout the year; the effect is achieved instantly. But there is no point in comparing non-invasive and intraoperative techniques with each other, since they are aimed at different results and should be prescribed according to indications.

Methodology of the procedure

Since the effectiveness of treatment is directly related to the stage of the disease, before prescribing it, it is necessary to undergo a series of examinations to establish it. The standard list of examinations includes:

  • A visit to an otorhinolaryngologist to determine the degree of hypertrophy of the tonsils, the general condition of the patient and the advisability of laser treatment.
  • Endoscopic examination of adenoids allows you to accurately see the size and pathological changes in the organ, as well as carry out a differential diagnosis with angiofibroma.
  • X-ray examination of the sinuses or magnetic resonance imaging - checks for the presence of sinusitis, for which physical treatment should be carried out in conjunction with antibiotic therapy.
  • A general blood test determines the presence of certain diseases that are a contraindication to laser treatment.
  • Coagulogram - helps to determine the presence or absence of problems in the blood coagulation system in order to correctly calculate the strength of the laser or choose a more gentle treatment method.

If the examination results are not a contraindication to laser therapy, then the time of the procedure is assigned. Before the session, it is necessary to treat the treatment area with an aqueous solution of Furacilin or a hypertonic solution. This will remove plaque, which will ensure the best result.

To make it easier for children to tolerate treatment, they are given pain relief with a weak anesthetic solution. To do this, use drops with the effect of constricting blood vessels containing adrenaline. A small, thin tube is then carefully inserted into the nasal cavity. At its end there is an argon or helium-neon laser. The biggest problem is that the child needs to remain motionless for some time. To do this, the doctor requires the assistance of a parent in carrying out the procedure.

The course of treatment is selected individually and averages from 7 to 15 sessions. Laser therapy is often combined with exposure to a magnetic field. This enhances the effect of the procedure and allows you to maintain it for a longer period.

The feasibility of the procedure is determined by an otolaryngologist. He may prescribe laser therapy in several cases:

  • initial (1-2) stages of adenoids;
  • a child under 3 years of age with pathology of the tonsils.

Laser therapy is not a panacea for adenoids.

But if you have a choice and indications, it is better to choose this method of treatment. It does not cause pain, has a short recovery period, and does not cause complications or side effects.

Contraindications to laser treatment

Physiotherapy is not a dangerous treatment method. But it also has contraindications. The laser is not prescribed if certain conditions are present:

  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • anemia of any nature;
  • critical disorders of the coagulation system;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • pulmonary form of tuberculosis;
  • fever of any origin;
  • the presence of an oncological process (benign and malignant neoplasms);
  • the presence of purulent infection, including acute tonsillitis.

If there are one or more contraindications, the procedure is not performed. The doctor can choose an alternative physical treatment option or replace it with drug therapy. Failure to comply with these requirements can provoke complications, so violating them is not recommended.

Life after treatment

Laser therapy carried out in the first stages of the disease can completely restore the child’s health. The functions of the tonsils are restored, which ensures a high level of immunity. Therefore, such children do not have any restrictions associated with the disease they have experienced.

But old habits should be introduced gradually. To maintain the therapeutic effect during treatment and for 2-3 weeks after it, you should avoid:

  • visiting public bathing places, including swimming pools;
  • overheating, especially in saunas and baths;
  • physical activity;
  • solid foods that can irritate the throat (crackers, snacks, seeds, etc.);
  • hot or cold food and drinks;
  • salt and spices in large quantities.

To avoid relapse of the disease and possible complications, you need to temporarily limit visits to crowded places. This is due to the fact that the tonsils are a protective organ. When they are damaged, the child’s immunity decreases. It takes time to recover.

Laser therapy is a highly effective method of treating adenoids. To achieve the best effect, it should be done in the early stages. In order not to progress the disease to a situation where surgical intervention is required, your child should undergo an annual medical examination with medical specialists. And if you have difficulty breathing, wheezing or snoring, visit an otolaryngologist as soon as possible. Early diagnosis is the key to successful treatment and quick recovery after the procedure.

If you had to resort to surgical treatment, the use of a laser will shorten the recovery period and allow the child to endure the operation more easily. After treatment, it is important to follow your doctor's recommendations. This will make it possible to return to normal life and forget about the disease.

One of the common reasons for visiting an otolaryngologist is the growth of adenoid tissue in a baby. Vegetations make breathing difficult, cause weakness in the body and make it susceptible to infections. Laser treatment of adenoids in children is one of the modern methods of combating adenoiditis. Parents choose it because, compared to other methods of intervention in the oropharynx, the laser has many advantages.

Advantages of laser intervention

Before the introduction of lasers into otolaryngological practice, adenoid removal was performed surgically. The doctor administered local anesthesia and “armed himself” with a rounded knife, which instilled fear in the little patient. With the advent of the laser, the situation has changed - the child experiences neither fear nor pain during the procedure.

Let's consider all the advantages of a laser beam.

  1. The effectiveness of laser therapy at the 3rd stage of adenoiditis. Excessively overgrown tissue is difficult to remove, but not with a laser. The device copes equally well with both the initial stages of the disease and the advanced ones.
  2. Painlessness and bloodlessness are two more reasons for choosing laser treatment. The patient is not afraid and does not create obstacles to performing medical procedures, the doctor does his job without interference. The therapy is quick and successful.
  3. Laser treatment of adenoid tissue does not require long and serious rehabilitation.

Which children are suitable for laser treatment of adenoids?

Laser therapy for young patients shows high effectiveness at stages 1–2 of the development of adenoiditis. For grades 3–4 of the disease, some experts consider laser treatment to be ineffective and insist on traditional knife surgery. But there are many cases where the beam emanating from the device successfully coped with a disease going through the 3rd stage of development.

Otolaryngologists recommend modern laser treatment for children under 3 years of age. Such an intervention allows you to postpone surgical excision of vegetations. Experts say that sometimes it is not possible to completely get rid of pathological adenoid tissue. This means that relapses will occur.

Innovative therapy for adenoiditis has the following contraindications:

  • anemia;
  • open tuberculosis;
  • circulatory problems;
  • thyroid abnormalities;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.

How does the procedure work?

Removal of adenoids is carried out using an intranasal technique using a helium-neon laser. The doctor decides how long the session will last individually, based on the severity of the pathology. In general, treatment takes place in two stages:

  1. relieving inflammation, which helps stabilize metabolism and restore immune cells;
  2. prevention of recurrent inflammation in the nasopharyngeal area.

To remove mucus and pus, the baby's nose is rinsed with saline solutions before each procedure. Then the specialist inserts an LED into the nose - this is necessary for a precise targeted execution of the procedure. If the treatment takes place in the form of a glow on the bridge of the nose, it will not be effective.

The child notices relief after the first procedure. But most doctors advise coming in for repeated cauterization of the problematic tissue.

If adenoiditis is diagnosed in stages 2–3, you may need to visit the clinic multiple times. But a responsible attitude will help prevent relapses.

Laser therapy of adenoids: rehabilitation

A child who has received laser treatment must avoid increased physical activity, swimming pools, saunas or steam baths for 10 days. In terms of nutrition, it is recommended to switch to warm foods without coarse, acidic foods. Laser therapy does not cause any adverse reactions in children.

Nasal breathing returns to normal in all treated patients. The 100% effectiveness rate makes this method popular in pediatric practice.

Don't be afraid if your doctor suggests getting rid of your adenoids with a laser. The therapy has a coagulating effect - it excises the problematic tissue and “seals” the blood vessels. This is done instantly when the beam comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the nasopharyngeal region. In addition, the sterile beam prevents infection of the treated area.

Prolonged nasal congestion, runny nose, hearing loss, loss of appetite and general weakness are not always signs of a common cold. Often, such symptoms indicate pathologies of the nasopharyngeal apparatus and lead to serious consequences for human health.


The nasopharyngeal apparatus is the upper part of the pharynx and contains important protective components called tonsils. They are a collection of lymphoid tissue that protects the pharynx from infections. Along with the lingual, tubal and palatine tonsils, the nasopharyngeal tonsil forms the body’s immune system and is responsible for blood circulation in the pharynx.

A pathologically enlarged nasopharyngeal tonsil in medicine is usually called an adenoid, adenoid growth or adenoid vegetation. Together with the nasopharyngeal tonsil, the palatine tonsil often grows.

Why are adenoids dangerous in children?

The proliferation of lymphoid tissue in children disrupts the process of immunity formation. Enlarged tonsils stop functioning normally, disrupting the production of immune cells. Lymph with a large number of pathogenic bacteria begins to accumulate in the lymph nodes, which leads to infection of the body. Adenoids pose the greatest danger to the respiratory system, creating a risk of rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma and otitis media.

As a result of improper functioning of the respiratory system, the body experiences enormous stress. Lack of treatment can lead to problems of the cardiovascular system, as well as the gastrointestinal tract. Adenoid vegetations disrupt the process of formation and growth of the bones of the facial skeleton, which leads to speech disorders and nasal speech.

Hearing impairment with adenoids is caused by the accumulation of calcium salts behind the eardrum.

Laser Application

Laser was first used to treat adenoid growths in 1989. Over the course of thirty years, laser therapy has developed, gaining the trust of patients suffering from serious illnesses. The use of laser radiation to eliminate adenoid vegetations is the most effective and fastest way to eliminate the disease.

Unlike surgical intervention, laser beams ensure a painless procedure and preserve the functions of the nasopharynx due to the low level of trauma to the mucous membrane. Surgery involves removing the entire tonsil.

Indications for laser therapy

A visit to an otolaryngologist is necessary if the following symptoms appear:

  • Stable nasal congestion;
  • snore;
  • deterioration of hearing functions;
  • frequent colds;
  • headache;
  • increased fatigue.

Laser therapy is prescribed by the attending physician after diagnosing and establishing the appropriate diagnosis. The first or second stage of adenoid development is most successfully treated with laser radiation.

It is difficult to implement this method if the adenoid vegetation has developed to the third or fourth stage, however, experts allow the use of a laser to cure a patient no more than three years old. This is due to the inability to perform surgery and the need to slow or prevent the growth of the adenoids.

Contraindications to laser treatment

There is a list of contraindications that prevent laser therapy, since the laser can provoke the rapid development of an existing disease. Contraindications to the use of laser equipment are:

  • Blood diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • thyroid malfunction;
  • tuberculosis;
  • acute purulent inflammation of the nasopharynx.

The third and fourth stages of the disease in patients over 3 years of age are usually treated using a combined method, since large adenoids are almost impossible to eliminate with laser. After surgery, the injured surface is treated with a laser to prevent relapse. This approach is called intraoperative therapy. The laser reduces bleeding and improves blood supply to the nasopharynx.

The principle of laser action

Non-invasive laser radiation reduces adenoid vegetations, relieving swelling and stopping inflamed tissue. The device is passed into the nasopharynx through the nose and the adenoids are cauterized, accelerating blood circulation in the tissues.

The principle of radiation is to evaporate the liquid accumulated in the lymphoid tissue. The laser has an anti-inflammatory effect on the tonsil area and stimulates the body's immune response. The course of treatment, as a rule, is no more than 15 sessions.

Life after treatment

According to statistics, the probability of relapse after laser removal of adenoids is 15%. This indicator largely depends on the quality of the equipment used and the skill level of the specialist who performed the procedure. To avoid relapse, patients are advised to take the rehabilitation period responsibly and undergo periodic examinations by an otolaryngologist.

Laser therapy can lead to negative consequences in the form of allergies and bronchial asthma, as well as the formation of scars in the nasopharynx, which impair the functioning of the nasopharynx and require further removal procedures. Compliance with preventive measures in the form of proper nutrition and optimal physical activity will have a positive effect on the state of the immune system.

It is not always possible to protect yourself and your child from the occurrence of such ailments. Fortunately, modern medicine is developed enough to cure the disease in the safest and most painless manner, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body.