Meet the Russian military police. Military police of the Russian Federation - document

In Russia, contract service in the army is becoming increasingly popular. In this situation, the service is executed only on voluntary start every citizen liable for military service. Before starting the service, you need to sign a contract for a certain period of time. After this, the serviceman receives a stable wages, fixed social package, various benefits, monetary compensation and special incentives.

Based on legislative acts, soldiers are selected who must successfully cope with any assigned tasks.


In each case, you can note the mandatory requirements that must be taken into account during selection:

  • age of a citizen of the Russian Federation. The age limit for concluding the first contract is from eighteen to forty years;
  • education. Contract service requires at least a high school education;
  • category of persons. The contract can be concluded by citizens who have previously served in any military service, men “in reserve”, women who meet the established requirements;
  • health status. There is an opportunity for service for citizens who are fit for service in categories A, B;
  • level of physical fitness. A mandatory requirement is compliance with the 2009 NFP standards. Physical fitness is assessed by the following qualities of the conscript: strength, speed, endurance. Mandatory compliance is required to verify compliance special exercises during selection.

How to become a contract soldier in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation?

In each case, the recruitment of soldiers for contract service is carried out according to the established scheme. This makes interaction with the military registration and enlistment office easier.

First of all, you need to come to the military registration and enlistment office for consultation regarding contract service in the army and the conditions for enlistment in the ranks of the military. Every citizen must know the list official vacancies which he can claim. After this, he makes his choice and learns advice regarding further actions.

At the next stage, a citizen applying for a position as a contract soldier applies to the territorial branch of the military registration and enlistment office, presenting his passport and submitting an official application and the established package of documents. The military commissar gets acquainted with all the documentation.

Then special measures are carried out to determine the health characteristics and level of physical fitness. After successfully passing two stages of verification, a final decision is made on the possibility of military service on the basis of a contract.

To enroll in the service, a military ID is issued and a contract is concluded.

After successfully resolving documentary issues, the citizen arrives at the military training unit to undergo an intensive course of combined arms training. During this training, supervision of the new contractor becomes mandatory.

Mandatory requirements are the study of qualities:

  • personal;
  • professional (military);
  • physical;
  • tendency to strive for a leadership position.

After intensive training, you can begin your main service in the Russian Armed Forces.

Advantages and disadvantages of contract service in the Russian Armed Forces

Contract army The Russian Federation is just beginning to develop, so you need to know all the advantages and disadvantages in advance.


  • many citizens can note the benefits of employment during crisis period;
  • contract military personnel receive a decent social package and various benefits. A stable salary and good housing are guaranteed;
  • contract service in the Russian army can be compared to regular work.


  • the need to risk health and life;
  • the need for mandatory restriction of freedom of action and personal space. Not every person is ready to carry out any commands, follow the charter and obey orders;
  • 20% of soldiers break the signed contract. In most cases, this happens after a few months of military service. A contract soldier cannot always cope with the established probationary period, which leads to a breakdown in cooperation;
  • soldiers may oppose forced deployments, constant wearing of uniforms, living in field conditions. Contract army service involves different variants service to the Motherland, so no one can guarantee comfort.

To raise the prestigious status of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, it is required contract service in the army. Only if real soldiers serve the Motherland and receive incentives can you count on best result from the army. Military service must be balanced, since otherwise the chance to prove oneself at a decent level and improve life in Russia is lost.

Video: Contract service in the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

When attending various events held in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, you constantly encounter representatives of the military police. I believe that it will be interesting for readers of my blog to even often see externally how military police differ from the cops of their colleagues in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Military police are designed to combat crime, ensure law, order, military discipline, and security in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation traffic, ensuring the protection of especially important and special-security military facilities, garrison facilities and military camps, as well as, within its competence, to protect other legally protected legal relations in the field of defense.

Military police personnel have the right to use physical force, including combat techniques, special means, firearms, military and special equipment in cases and in the manner provided for by federal constitutional laws, federal laws, general military regulations and the military police charter.

Organizationally, local military police units are linked to the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense Russian Federation.

2. Head of the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Major General Igor Sidorkevich.


4. VAI - component military police.




8. For transportation of VAI personnel.

9. VAI escort vehicles.

Recently, the guest of my author’s program “General Staff” on the Russian News Service was the deputy head of the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Colonel of Justice Vladimir Kovalev. It turned out to be a very informative interview.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Today we will talk about a relatively new structure in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, about the military police. We remember many conversations that accompanied the birth and emergence of military police bodies, today the discussion has already been completed, created and began to execute functional responsibilities this new body in the structure of the Armed Forces.

And yet, citizens have developed an understanding of the functionality and necessity of the police as an instrument of the state that ensures their rights and security. What is the essence of the military police, whose interests is it designed to protect, and how can we explain the emergence of the military police today? Until recently and throughout Soviet period V Armed Forces there were no such bodies.

V. KOVALYOV: This is a new phenomenon for the Armed Forces, for Russian army. I want to say that in the short time of its existence, the military police have confirmed the correctness decision taken about its creation.

Despite its existence for two years, it has proven itself during exercises, in working with troops at training grounds, in supporting events that are held: tank biathlon, air darts and others, events to maintain law and order on the territory of garrisons, during parades, processions.

The recent Vostok 2014 exercise, which was covered quite well in the media, also demonstrated the action of the military police. For the first time during the exercises, the military police carried out tasks to combat sabotage and reconnaissance groups of a mock enemy, together with drug control units carried out special measures to prevent a group of drug couriers from entering the troops, and also during mobilization conscription from military commissariats, the conscript contingent was checked for the use of narcotic drugs .

I. KOROTCHENKO: What is the number of military police?

V. KOVALYOV: Currently there are about 6.5 thousand people. These are conscripted military personnel, so we are talking about the military police as a professional body that builds its foundation based on the fact that our people work on a permanent basis, conscientious, already trained specialists.

I. KOROTCHENKO: There are no conscript soldiers?


I. KOROTCHENKO: What does the structure look like? There is a Main Police Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, and then how is the vertical structure built?

V. KOVALYOV: For the Ministry of Defense this is a standard structure, consisting of three levels. In the central office, as you correctly said, the Main Directorate of Military Police of the Ministry of Defense.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Can you give the name and military rank of the leader?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes, it is headed by Major General Sidorkevich Igor Mikhailovich. The main department consists of the main structural divisions - this is the law enforcement department, the military traffic inspectorate, and there are independent departments that provide work - organizational planning and information and analytical. At the regional level, at the level of military districts, we have independent regional military police departments, which are connected to the Main Directorate, that is, this is a trunk that is entirely subordinate to the leadership exercised by the Minister of Defense. At the territorial level, these are military police departments and territorial military traffic police.

I. KOROTCHENKO: That is, garrison commanders, military district commanders do not have the right to interfere in the activities of military police bodies, because these are directly parts of central subordination? I understand correctly?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes, you are absolutely right.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You mentioned that during the exercises the military police bodies practiced tasks to combat enemy sabotage and reconnaissance agencies. Is this some kind of functionality during exercises, or is it functionality that is provided, including during a special period or in wartime, or is this already prescribed by one of the areas of activity of the military police?

V. KOVALYOV: Good question.

I. KOROTCHENKO: I draw the following analogy - the bodies of SMERSH, that is, the fight against espionage directly by the structures of the Ministry of Defense, by the military in its own ranks.

V. KOVALYOV: Of course, during the period daily activities In peacetime, troops practice what they will do in war. Of course, the military police are not a body created for peacetime. Together with the troops, he will also carry out certain tasks aimed at ensuring the actions of the troops in order to free the troops as much as possible from unusual functions, to take them upon themselves, because the troops must fight. To draw a parallel with SMERSH, I think it is quite appropriate in some places.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In wartime?


I. KOROTCHENKO: What weapons do the military police have?

V. KOVALYOV: Small arms: machine guns, pistols. In connection with the adoption of the charter on the military police, which we will discuss later, it spells out the powers to use weapons, both lethal and non-lethal, including rubber truncheons, handcuffs, special equipment, so that when suppressing criminal acts as much as possible cause less harm to the criminal and save human life.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Is the task of the military police to ensure law and order, discipline among military personnel, or can you, in some cases, perform more expanded functionality?

V. KOVALYOV: In the Russian Federation there is an integral system law enforcement, and when forming the military police, we needed to find a certain niche that we would occupy without invading the competence of other bodies. And this niche is, of course, military personnel. We act only in relation to members of the Armed Forces and in relation to civilian personnel in two cases.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Civilian personnel of the Ministry of Defense?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes. in two cases: when they committed an offense while on duty, or on the territory of a military unit. In general, the purpose of the military police is spelled out in the federal law on military police, which the president signed last year, this is 7FZ of February 3, 2014, and the charter of the military police, which was approved by the president by decree on March 25, 2015. The purpose of the military police is to protect the life, health, interests, rights and freedoms of military personnel, civilian personnel, ensure the protection of military facilities and also other functions of maintaining law and order in the Armed Forces.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You mentioned small arms. Is the technology provided in the states?

V. KOVALYOV: Currently, automotive equipment is provided to carry out the tasks of the traffic police to escort convoys and ensure road safety in garrisons and automotive equipment in military police departments - these are Caravelle and Ural vehicles for transporting personnel.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What about armored vehicles?

V. KOVALYOV: There are no armored vehicles yet, but in the future, of course, we are considering the issue of including such well-proven armored vehicles as the Tiger.

I. KOROTCHENKO: By distinctive features Can we understand from the appearance of a serviceman that these are officers, sergeants, and privates of the military police, and not ordinary military personnel?

V. KOVALYOV: In terms of the budget, the Ministry of Defense pays important attention to economically feasible spending Money. In this regard, expenses for uniforms were not planned. We are currently developing experimental samples of this form of clothing. Currently, to distinguish a military policeman, you can look at the armband, there is “VP” written in white on a black background, there is a heraldic sign of our military police and a red beret, as well as a badge worn on the left side of the chest - a badge.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You mentioned in the conversation that the military police charter was adopted and approved by the president. Tell us in a little more detail what kind of document this is, why it is needed and what it provides.

V. KOVALYOV: For us, this is a very important document that regulates the main directions of the activities of the military police, the rights and powers of military police in the performance of duties to suppress crimes and offenses committed by military personnel and civilian personnel. This is a fairly new document; it was developed and adopted in a short time, literally within one year. The approval of this charter is provided federal law dated February 3 last year, it directly states that the main areas of activity and powers are provided for by the charter of the military police. It has been approved by all federal authorities executive power, an anti-corruption and legal examination of the Russian Ministry of Justice was carried out, approval was obtained from the state legal department, the government - all necessary steps we passed.

I would like to thank those people who took part in the development of this charter. In my opinion, in the opinion of the leadership of the main department, it turned out to be very, very good. All that remains is to implement the powers and ideas that are contained there.

I. KOROTCHENKO: When there was a discussion of the tasks of the military police, there were many different ideas and proposals - what remained of them and what did not, I would like to know. Regarding investigations, crimes, incidents in military units, the possibility of conducting operational-search activities there - what is the functionality, what is left for you, what can you do in the units, and what do your subcontractors carry out?

V. KOVALYOV: Military police are a new player in the field of maintaining law and order, and when we occupied our niche, it was quite difficult. One of the powers that was initially proposed to be assigned to the military police was the power to conduct operational-search activities. Here we were told unequivocally, let’s hold off on this for now, this is not the function of the military police. And the next area of ​​activity, which was considered inappropriate to be transferred to the military police, is the investigation of war crimes of small and moderate severity, because the Armed Forces have developed a coherent system of investigative bodies that carries out this task quite professionally.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Who supervises the activities of your structures?

V. KOVALYOV: Supervision, as in the entire state, is carried out by the prosecutor’s office, in in this case, in the Armed Forces - this is the main military prosecutor's office. I would like to say that the military police charter was largely developed in cooperation with this structure. Those most pressing areas that are necessary to strengthen the legal order in the Armed Forces were identified, and emphasis was placed on this. The prosecutor's office has been supervising us, starting with how we made this charter, and we thank them for this; our colleagues provided good assistance.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Do you interact with the authorities? military counterintelligence?


I. KOROTCHENKO: Let me explain for listeners who are not aware that military counterintelligence agencies are part of the structure federal service security of Russia.

V. KOVALYOV: Military counterintelligence agencies carry out the activities provided for by the law on the federal security service in the Armed Forces, and in fact, the information that is transferred to the military police, which we transfer to the military counterintelligence agencies, it finds its application precisely in the fight against crime , with those illegal manifestations that, unfortunately, exist in the Armed Forces.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Search and detention of deserters - your functionality? Especially those who left military units with weapons in their hands?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes, definitely. To this end, next week we will have an organizational meeting with the Main Military Investigation Directorate, we are creating an interdepartmental working group to search for military personnel who left military units without permission and are on the federal wanted list. Yes, we are doing this.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Are military police bodies provided for in Russian military bases located outside the Russian Federation?

V. KOVALYOV: The leadership of military bases, including a recent example - this is the case in Armenia, says that it is necessary to create such units there, because it will real help to maintain law and order. Those tasks that are solved on the territory of Russia, of course, in the near future the military police will also solve them outside its borders.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Are there provisions for the presence of military police officers on ships that carry out long sea voyages?

V. KOVALYOV: In the future, yes.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Recruitment and questions vocational training- Where do you recruit your contingent from? Separately for officers and separately for contract soldiers, and are there plans to create a faculty, perhaps at one of the Russian military universities, where officers for the military police would be trained in a targeted manner?

V. KOVALYOV: The specialty of military policeman is new for the Armed Forces, and, unfortunately, targeted training is not yet being conducted at universities of the Ministry of Defense. At the same time, a system has been organized for advanced training and retraining of officers who have completed combined arms, engineering, command schools- after retraining they join the military police.

Proposals have been prepared based on two military educational institutions Ministry of Defense to train specialists for the military police - this is the Military Institute physical culture in St. Petersburg, where it is planned to train platoon commanders, guardhouse commanders for the military police and interrogators for the military police.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Regarding the functions of the bodies of inquiry - before this, this was done by commanders military units?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes. At the same time, last year’s federal law of February 3 amended the Criminal Procedure Code, and the chiefs of the military police also began to exercise the powers of the investigative bodies. In order to develop a regulatory framework, the Chief Military Prosecutor issued Order 150 approving the instructions of the investigative bodies of the Armed Forces and other federal bodies where military service is provided. According to this instruction, it is stipulated that military police officers with a legal education will serve as investigators. They will apply to all military personnel of the Armed Forces.

In order to implement this power, the Minister of Defense issued Order 50 of January 31, 2015, and from December 1, 2015 it is planned that this function will mainly be performed by the military police. This is important because professional legal officers will do this and the gap between platoon, battery and company commanders from conducting the inquiry will be reduced. As a rule, they are appointed as non-staff investigators, who must engage in training with subordinate personnel.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What are your requirements for contract soldiers?

V. KOVALYOV: First, second professional psychological categories, requirements for physical training- in principle, the same as those required for military personnel entering military service under a contract. Taking into account that we are now vested with the authority to use special equipment and weapons, we will conduct special courses that will provide knowledge on the procedure for using these special equipment.

I. KOROTCHENKO: You plan The educational center or where certain issues are worked out real application?

V. KOVALYOV: In the future, we plan to take away one of the training centers that exists in the Armed Forces. We are considering a canine center in Dmitrov. The experience of military police of foreign armies shows that dogs are widely used by military police. We have been to Slovakia and other foreign countries - dogs are used very effectively. See how any trespassers react to the dog? Of course this is very good. And on the basis of this center, military specialists will be trained for both patrol service units and units.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What will the dogs do? Pursuing violators, protecting perimeters?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes. This is, first of all, used when performing patrol duty in the territory of garrisons. We have already conducted an experiment - it is in field camps in field conditions, when a serviceman is at some distance and it is clear that he has committed a crime and is leaving the crime scene, the use of dogs is very effective. And when protecting perimeters, when guard duty is carried out using dogs.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Are there any plans to increase the staffing levels of the military police?

V. KOVALYOV: Of course, the tasks assigned by the charter require a certain increase in numbers. Let's give some examples. Currently, patrols in garrisons are carried out by both military police and patrols that are allocated and equipped from military units - these are soldiers and officers. This charter provides that these functions are performed only by the military police.

In this regard, patrols will not be separated from military units. Also, in the charter of the garrison commandant service, the section on military traffic police was excluded, when there were garrison military traffic police and equipment and personnel were allocated from among the military units and they carried out these functions. Now this will be done by the military traffic police of the military police, and the numbers are needed in order to perform these functions.

Proposals on numbers are being prepared, but we really understand that the tasks that the Armed Forces, the military police perform, the military police provide assistance to the Armed Forces, it was created for them as an auxiliary link to maintain law and order. And numbers are needed. We talked about the inquiry - currently, in order to form this trunk, a certain number of officers are needed, and the General Staff is now working on these issues, going to a meeting, understands that this is an important and necessary task.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Do we need maritime military police and what functions could they perform, taking into account the specifics of the Russian Navy?

V. KOVALYOV: The Commander-in-Chief of the Navy asked this question, saying that he needed specialized units to protect the sea areas where ships were based, to ensure the safety of warships at their mooring sites and to limit the access of other ships to the Navy’s locations.

I. KOROTCHENKO: If these proposals are developed, then specialized naval units and, obviously, boats and other equipment will appear, with the help of which you will be able to perform certain tasks?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes, but these are unpromising plans and decisions on all these issues are made by the Minister of Defense. If it is accepted, it means it will be created, if not, it means we will solve these issues in a different order.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Do we need military prisons, like the Americans have? Do we still have disciplinary battalions? How many are there and to whom do they report?

V. KOVALYOV: Studying the experience of the United States, we know that there are military prisons where military personnel who have committed crimes serve their sentences. In Russia, such an analogue is disciplinary battalions. IN Soviet time there were six of them, now there are two - this is a disbat in Mulino and in the village of Kashtak near Chita.

According to the law, one of the functions of the military police is the execution of punishments, and the execution of punishments - in general, the system of the Armed Forces, this includes the execution of disciplinary penalties, such as disciplinary arrest and the execution of criminal penalties. But if we compare in general, ours is quite humane: in disbats, a person who has served his sentence there does not have a criminal record. After serving the sentence, this period of punishment can be counted towards him during the period of service, if he conscientiously performed his duties, or not counted, and then he returns back to the military unit for service.

If we talk about the guardhouses, then in Lately very little attention was paid to this important element of maintaining military discipline, and as a fact they fell into disrepair. But at the same time, in a short period of time, it was possible to restore 15 guardhouses, which are currently operating in the Armed Forces, but the procedure for assigning this punishment has changed.

I. KOROTCHENKO: We have a soldier who shows malicious disobedience to commanders and superiors, and measures disciplinary action, reprimand, severe reprimand do not work, an arrest is required - how does this mechanism work to actually put this violator in a guardhouse?

V. KOVALYOV: A protocol is drawn up on the violation of a gross violation by the commander of a platoon or company unit, and after that this protocol is addressed to the head of the military police department. The boss accepts these documents, prepares an application to the court, and conducts necessary measures with this fighter, he passes medical checkup, collects his things.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Somehow all this is humane, in contrast to the way our Ministry of Internal Affairs operates.

V. KOVALYOV: This is the order. Of course, it became much harder for the commanders. Previously, according to the charter, he appointed 10 days - that’s all.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Now how much can you assign?

V. KOVALYOV: Up to 30 days.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Is this being decided in a military court?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes, court hearing passes. If necessary, a lawyer is involved.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Even with a lawyer?


I. KOROTCHENKO: Including for a soldier?


I. KOROTCHENKO: Who provides a lawyer?

V. KOVALYOV: There is a lawyer on duty. And the issue of applying disciplinary arrest is being decided. After this, he is placed in a guardhouse, where he serves his sentence. An important amendment to the legislation states that the period of stay in the guardhouse does not count towards the period of passage military service. Therefore, if he served there and returns to the unit, the conscripts with whom he was drafted have already been dismissed, and he still voluntarily serves for a whole month.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Is a guardhouse provided for officers as a disciplinary measure?

V. KOVALYOV: I think that an officer of the Armed Forces is a category that has no place there; he has a place in the troops.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Do you think the system of disciplinary battalions should be preserved? Maybe it needs to be modernized?

V. KOVALYOV: The idea of ​​the head of the Main Directorate was that if the military police as a whole is engaged in the execution of punishments, then the execution of criminal punishments should be within the functionality of the military police. At the end of last year, a government decree was adopted, which introduced changes to regulations, and disciplinary battalions are subordinate to the military police. Now there is a period of inclusion of disciplinary battalions in the military police.

As chairman of the commission, at the end next week I'm flying to Chita to receive another one of the disciplinary battalions. Of course, this function is new, quite interesting and important, because how the work of re-educating a serviceman, changing his worldview will be organized, so, accordingly, will be the attitude towards these disbats - either they will work, or it will not be the best institution. I have confidence that disciplinary battalions will be an effective measure for the re-education of military personnel who have committed a crime.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Many people have a question, what are they doing there, in the disbats?

V. KOVALYOV: The most best measure Education, in my opinion, is work. Any work makes a person think, and when he produces something useful, he begins to evaluate himself and look at life differently.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In Soviet times, they were engaged in drill training.

V. KOVALYOV: Yes. But there were certain industries to support these disbats; they repaired them and laid bricks. We are now accepting disbats, we’ll see, we’ll work out the system of education with disbats and set it up taking into account modern requirements and achievements.

I. KOROTCHENKO: This is interesting, because many have forgotten what disbat is. The most important thing is that this will be an effective tool for bringing to life for those who do not want to serve and perform their duty as expected. I would also like to ask a few questions regarding such important points, as attributes. We all watch films and see what important reserved for people in uniform, no matter whether they are police or military personnel. You mentioned the token - are there any plans in this regard?

And service IDs are also an important topic. To a certain extent, this also works to increase the authority of officers and military police personnel. What plans do you have here?

V. KOVALYOV: In order to exercise certain powers, a document is needed that would confirm the right to use them. That's why we're planning numbered badges, and by the number you can tell who you're dealing with.

And by the number it will be possible to easily determine which of the servicemen it was if any misunderstandings arise when communicating with the military police patrol. We are planning to make military police identification cards, which will have a photograph, indicate the military position, rank and rights that the owner of this certificate has. This is not far off, we will do it soon. In addition, according to the charter, special markings are provided for on military police vehicles - in the near future, when changes are made to government regulations on light-graphic maps placed on Vehicle oh, there will be cars with the inscription military police.

And military traffic police units will also have an inscription. Military police will be visible and visible. The uniform we were talking about is red berets, armbands, and besides this, there will also be colors specific to the equipment we use.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Sometimes there are high-profile incidents, they are rare, but not a single modern army can do without them, when a serviceman leaves the location of a unit with a weapon, deserts, and God forbid he may commit any crimes with the weapon that he kidnaps from military units, as it happened in Armenia at our military base.

Here important question- this is a quick response. There must be an air group, aircraft equipment, so that a group of officers central office could she urgently fly to the crime scene? Is it advisable to use drones to search for deserters on the ground? Do you have any thoughts on whether some such technology should be included in the future?

V. KOVALYOV: It is extremely necessary now, there is such a need. We conducted extremely operational training in Novorossiysk and at the training ground we practiced the element of military police action using drones and ATVs. In conditions where troops are at the training ground, they have proven themselves very well. And in the future, when there are funds, we will return to ensuring that the military police have modern means: these are also ATVs, possibly motorcycles, because you cannot refuse this means of transportation.

You are right that the most important thing is the prompt response to facts of crimes and offenses. Now, precisely in the scheme of work of the military police, it is being worked out that interrogators and officers who will be added to the staff of military police departments will work around the clock on call. Worked from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. work time, and are on a phone call. The duty officer has a list of interrogators on duty, both in the military unit and in the military police department.

A signal is received, the officer arrives at the scene of the crime, and secures the necessary evidence. This is very important for proving guilt and implementing the principle of the inevitability of punishment for crimes committed. And in terms of quick response - the creation of group courses is now being worked out together with the Military Institute of Physical Culture rapid response military police, who could react with lightning speed to the emerging situation regarding violations of law and order in military units.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Are you planning your own special forces?

V. KOVALYOV: We are planning, but after we have our own training center, there will be certain areas for training specialists. Military police special forces are needed.

I. KOROTCHENKO: In the years of my officer youth, I remember there was a respected organization - the Military Commandant's Office of the city of Moscow. Officers and cadets arriving at the capital's garrison on vacation came to check in, register, there were patrols of the military commandant's office - the famous astrakhan hats in winter, headed by Lieutenant General Serykh then, if I'm not mistaken, also a legendary personality. Is there a military commandant’s office now? Who heads it: a general or a colonel? There are patrols today, which on the streets of Moscow monitor the observance of military personnel appearance?

V. KOVALYOV: We have a military commandant’s office in Moscow, headed by Major General Seleznev. He has a wealth of experience, he was a division commander, and for several years he headed the military commandant's office of the city of Moscow. All activities that are carried out to maintain law and order include patrolling of air terminals, railway stations, bus stations - they are all carried out. We also conduct unannounced inspections of the Armed Forces as a whole. Military police authorities enter the territory of military units and check compliance with elements of the daily routine.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Unannounced inspections of military units carried out by military police?

V. KOVALYOV: We have a plan for these inspections, approved by the Minister of Defense. All activities are carried out according to his decision and under his control. Once a quarter, the head of the main military police department reports to conference calls held by the Minister of Defense on the results of these surprise checks.

The Minister pays great attention to combating drug trafficking. Last year, he signed a protocol on interaction with the director of the federal service for combating illicit drug trafficking - FSKN, and on the basis of this protocol we are organizing joint work with the FSKN authorities. Moreover, this work is very effective, taking into account that the Federal Drug Control Service is the body that carries out operational investigative activities; we pass on to them the information that we have on those military personnel who use drugs. Fortunately, these are only a few; the Armed Forces are not affected by drug addiction. These are isolated cases that we are dealing with.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Do people already come from civilian life?

V. KOVALYOV: There is a selection system, when a good shield is installed through military commissariats, military personnel are tested, there is a certain system of work - this is the most important thing.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Are attempts by drug traffickers to penetrate the territory of garrisons recorded? After all, this is very dangerous, our military personnel are also allowed to control strategic nuclear forces, these are facilities 12 GUMO, other important facilities for life support and combat activities of the Armed Forces.

V. KOVALYOV: According to the information that I currently have, the facts of drug use by those military personnel who are allowed to control nuclear weapons They are not high-precision. There are military personnel, these are, as a rule, those who perform auxiliary functions and are not engaged in real combat training. Unfortunately, there are cases, but if you don’t fight them, you can get into trouble.

I. KOROTCHENKO: Does disciplinary practice need improvement?

V. KOVALYOV: Yes. The system when a commander is evaluated by the number of sticks has probably already become obsolete; it is necessary to evaluate the commander by the real measures that he takes to maintain law and order, and this is enshrined in the law.

I. KOROTCHENKO: What does the military traffic police do in in practical terms?

V. KOVALYOV: This is an integral part of the military police, which escorts convoys, conducts technical inspections of the condition of vehicles, and carries out administrative practice. It is no secret that there are many garrisons where there are no traffic police units, and the military traffic police exercise these powers there.