What to do if you prick yourself with nettles. What to do in case of a nettle burn and what remedy to use? Burn in the field: what to do

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It is not for nothing that nettle is considered useful and even medicinal plant, because it is rich in carotene, minerals (zinc, iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium, sodium), ascorbic acid, vitamins A and B, phytoncides, tannins. In terms of the amount of vitamin C, nettle is superior to citrus fruits, and it contains more carotene than sea buckthorn, carrots and sorrel.

Benefits of the plant

Nettle is used in cosmetology to prepare medicinal decoctions, oils, extracts and other products. This plant is used to treat gum inflammation and various dermatological diseases(boils, eczema, acne, seborrhea, etc.). Nettle perfectly increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood, so it is especially recommended for patients suffering from anemia.

It is also an excellent healing and tonic. Recommended for bleeding of any etiology, including internal. Nettle helps women recover after childbirth, as it enhances the tone of the uterus and promotes its contraction. This plant is also useful for patients with cardiovascular diseases. Nettle has a strengthening effect on the heart and cleanses blood vessels.

Many vitamin-rich dishes are prepared based on nettle, which are especially useful in the spring, during the period of vitamin deficiency. They make salads from it, make “green” soups, teas, and even bake pies stuffed with eggs and nettle leaves. The plant can also be harvested for future use.

To do this, the nettles must be washed, finely chopped and dried, then choose one of the methods long-term storage. Nettle leaves can be pickled, frozen, dried and even fermented. It perfectly preserves all vitamins using any method of preservation.

Harm of nettle

Besides obvious benefit This plant has harmful properties. The first is due to its pungency. Stinging hairs are located on leaves and stems. They are necessary for the plant to survive and protect itself from herbivores.

When such a hair gets on the skin, it is firmly attached to its scales and breaks off, spreading into the layers of the epidermis great amount formic acid, as well as histamine and choline. These substances cause itching, burning and pain. The skin swells, aches and itches for a long time.

Small nettle burns are even considered beneficial, as they increase blood circulation and serve as an excellent workout for the immune system. But if the burn is very severe, the temperature may rise and the condition may seriously deteriorate. In some cases (especially in young children) you even have to go to the hospital.

Another dual property of nettle is associated with its ability to stop bleeding. Negative factor is that it can cause the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. If a person already has thrombophlebitis or varicose veins, it is necessary to forget about nettle as a medicine - in such cases the plant will only do harm.

Nettle's ability to tone the uterus is also unsafe. It is beneficial for women who have given birth, as it allows them to quickly return to their prenatal form. But if a woman is still pregnant, nettles should not be eaten. It can cause contraction of the uterine muscles, leading to miscarriage.

Also, people who already have a whole bunch of diseases should not abuse this plant. Nettle is a weed with dual (harmful and at the same time beneficial) properties. Such a load can only be withstood strong body. In patients with weakened immune systems, it provokes severe cleansing crises comparable in strength to a serious illness.

After graduation cold winter All people want warmth and long-awaited relaxation among the greenery of nature - in the forest, in the countryside, in the village. At the same time, we should not forget that in addition to positive emotions and healing effect, while staying in nature, there may be some dangers. First of all, these include burns from plants, the juice of which has an irritating effect on the skin.

One of them is nettle. About 50 species of this plant are known, but only two are found in our country: stinging nettle and stinging nettle, which has a stronger irritating effect. Among people there are different opinions about whether a nettle burn brings benefit or harm. In practice, it has been established that in the absence of an allergic reaction, the resulting injuries skin do not pose a serious danger. Knowing what to do in case of a nettle burn, you can quickly eliminate the discomfort and completely eliminate its consequences.

Causes of nettle burn

Why do nettles sting? In this way, she protects herself from being eaten by herbivores. On the surface of its stem and leaves there are many stinging hairs that have a pointed shape and a sac at the base. At the slightest influence the tip of the hair pierces the skin of a person or animal, and the contents of the sac penetrate inside, causing burns in the contact area. Part cell sap burning hairs includes the following components that have an irritating effect:

  • histamine is a mediator of inflammatory reactions;
  • formic acid;
  • choline;
  • serotonin.

These substances lead to the appearance of a nettle burn, which manifests itself in the form of very discomfort on the skin. For this reason, the plant also received popular names such as stinging, burning, etc.

The effect of nettle on the skin

After direct contact with nettle, the reaction on the skin develops instantly. First there is strong pain, which usually goes away on its own within 5–10 minutes, then the temperature rises in the affected area, redness, slight swelling, itching and characteristic blisters appear. In the absence of complications, these symptoms disappear the next day without any consequences for the body.

For some people, and especially children, a nettle burn can cause severe allergic reaction, which appears as:

  • increased body temperature;
  • general weakness;
  • the appearance of swelling of the skin;
  • increased heart rate;
  • the appearance of shortness of breath.

In this case, it is necessary to urgently seek help from a doctor, since commonly used folk remedies will not be able to eliminate the symptoms. The specialist will prescribe anti-inflammatory and antihistamines local or systemic action. The sooner treatment is carried out, the less likely there will be to develop allergy complications.

Important: If painful symptoms If a nettle burn does not go away after 24 hours, you need to seek help from a medical facility.

What are the benefits of nettle burns? Nettle has wide range therapeutic effect and is used as helper method in the treatment of many diseases. However, it is mainly consumed internally in the form of tinctures, decoctions, teas, soups, salads, etc. Nettle burns are beneficial due to local improvement of blood supply and analgesic effect. Since ancient times, some people have used this method of treatment for rheumatism, radiculitis and other joint diseases.

Treatment methods for nettle burns

What to do if you get a nettle burn? Much is known folk remedies to eliminate itching, redness and blisters from the “bite” of this plant. However, before using them, it is necessary to clean the affected area of ​​the skin from the stinging nettle fibers, which will continue to have an irritating effect.

Methods for removing nettle hairs

First of all, you need to move away from the nettle thickets to avoid repeated burns. If there are embedded pieces of plant fibers left in the skin after contact with the plant, they can be removed in the following way:

  • moisten very much cold water a piece of clean cloth and lightly clean the affected surface from dirt and dust;
  • apply tape or other adhesive tape and carefully remove it from the skin along with the nettle hairs;
  • if there is no adhesive tape, prepare a paste of soil and a small amount of water and apply it to the affected area, then wait until the dirt on the skin dries and remove it along with the stinging hairs;
  • After removing hairs, for disinfection purposes, treat the skin with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, camphor, salicylic or boric alcohol using a bandage or cotton swab.

Tip: Don't touch with bare hands affected area, since irritants remaining on the surface can cause inflammation in other parts of the body.

Treatment of the affected skin area

Considering that the cell sap of stinging hairs contains formic acid, first you need to neutralize its effect. The best remedy is regular baking soda. To remove painful sensations You need to prepare a mixture of baking soda and water in the form of a paste and apply it to the affected area. After some time, rinse with cold water or remove with a clean cloth. As an alternative, you can use table vinegar, household vinegar, or regular vinegar. liquid soap, which has a slightly alkaline pH.

If you suffer from nettle burns, you can also treat them with aloe vera. The juice or pulp of this plant has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect and promotes quick withdrawal irritation.

There are often situations when nettle burns occur far from home and even a standard travel first aid kit is not at hand. What to do in this case? How to relieve itching from nettles? Plants that can be found in the neighborhood will come to the rescue. This horse sorrel, plantain, horsetail, curly dock or balsam. You need to tear off one leaf from them, rinse it with water, mash it in your hands until the juice appears and apply it to the sore spot for a few minutes. Relief should occur within half an hour. You can also use nettle root to relieve itching and irritation. You need to prepare a paste from it and apply it to the affected area. good therapeutic effect For a nettle burn, apply a clay compress.

Important: First aid for a nettle burn should be provided as quickly as possible, otherwise the itching and burning will only intensify.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

If a child gets stung by nettles in the yard, the itching can be relieved quite quickly. Every housewife has the necessary tools for this in her kitchen.

The most proven tool in in this case is a paste of equal proportions baking soda and water. Apply the solution to the affected area and repeat the procedure after a while if the itching does not go away. Baking soda can be replaced with regular salt.

Nettle burn is not only unpleasant itching, but also real stress for the child. Try to calm the baby down and take the necessary measures as quickly as possible.

If you have any type of clay, then this remedy can also be used to relieve nettle itching. Place a piece of clay mass on the burn site and secure with a bandage or tape. Gradually the discomfort will stop. You can even use cosmetic clay, which women use for masks and wraps.

Rubbing will also help relieve itching. a small amount apple cider vinegar. Simply soak a cotton pad in the solution and lightly dab onto the burned area of ​​skin. In a few seconds the child will feel much better.

If there is nothing at hand

A child can be exposed to nettles when away from home. For example, if you are relaxing in nature or just walking in the park. Itching in such conditions can be relieved very easily. Take some soil from the roots of the plant and lightly moisten it. Wipe the affected area with the resulting mixture and leave until completely dry. After the pain subsides, rinse the soil thoroughly with plain water.

Water is not able to relieve the itching from nettles. Washing in this case is absolutely ineffective. In addition, water can only increase the discomfort.

Look around. Good helpers Sorrel and plantain are considered to combat nettle itching. The leaves of these plants must be thoroughly mashed to release the juice, and then applied to the burn. You can lightly rub or apply pressure to the affected area of ​​skin if the itching is very severe or there is excessive redness.

First aid kit items

If you have a first aid kit on hand, it will be much easier to deal with nettle itching. Itching can be relieved with Menovazin ointment, a solution boric acid and camphor mixture.

If your child is stung by nettles, do not rush to panic. The fact is that experts consider the juice of this plant not only not dangerous to health, but also beneficial. This does not mean at all that you should deliberately touch the nettles and get burned. However, if your baby is introduced to this plant, just help him cope with the itching and provide moral support.

If a nettle burn is accompanied by severe redness of the skin and many blisters appear on its surface, then in addition to means to eliminate itching, it is better to take any medications

Nettle is one of the most dangerous plants. Seemingly inconspicuous leaves can cause a lot of discomfort. Knowing what to do with a nettle burn, contact with this plant can become as pleasant and painless as possible. And the consequences of the “bite” will be forgotten very soon after this.

The benefits of nettle burns

Probably everyone has encountered this plant at least once in their life. The memories must not be the most pleasant. Even by touching one leaf, you can experience the full wrath of the nettle on yourself. The skin at the point of contact becomes inflamed, turns red, begins to itch terribly and hurt very much - a test not for the faint of heart.

Therefore, it is quite difficult to believe that a nettle burn can be useful. But this is a fact. Many people suffering rheumatic diseases, with the help of nettle “bites” they neutralize pain syndrome. In addition, the burn helps improve blood circulation, and inflammatory processes are treated with its help.

How to treat a nettle burn?

Necessary treatment, as in the case of thermal or chemical burns, is selected individually - depending on the degree of damage. That is, you don’t need to do anything serious with a few blisters - they will go away on their own after a couple of hours. But large-scale lesions, especially for people suffering various kinds Allergies should never be neglected.

Quite often in the forest or on personal plot People are in for minor troubles. All nature lovers have known since childhood burning property. A nettle burn is a rather unpleasant sensation that can, in some cases, cause a severe allergy attack in people susceptible to similar body reactions.

Although, according to doctors, this effect of nettle is sometimes even beneficial. Interestingly, there are almost 45 varieties of this flowering plant. Basically, nettle grows in areas with a moderately warm climate, therefore it is widespread throughout most of Russia. Nettle has several names, among which many are familiar with such as zhaluga, zhguchka, stedanka, and costarka.

Mechanism of burning action

Nettle burn occurs due to its structure, because most species of this plant have stinging hairs designed to protect against herbivores. Each hair is a large cell, shaped like a medical ampoule. The upper part of such an “ampoule” contains silicon salts. At the slightest impact, the tip of the “ampoule” breaks off, a sharp hair gets under the skin, and the contents of the cell penetrate the human body.

Nettle cell juice contains formic acid, choline, and histamine. It is these substances that cause the sensation of a sharp burn in the area of ​​direct contact with the plant. Burns of most plants are considered completely harmless, but there are some tropical varieties, contact with which can be fatal.

Help with burns

Cooling the burn. If you get a nettle burn, you can help yourself. First of all, it is recommended to cool the burn with cold water; you can also apply ice for a short time if you have a refrigerator at your dacha. This will help get rid of unpleasant pain, only slight peeling of the skin will remind you of them.

Alcohol solutions or ointments. If initial cooling does not help, you should treat the burn site with a solution or apply Menovazin ointment. Some people use salicylic, camphor or boric for this problem. alcohol solution. Also, in case of a nettle burn, the affected area can be treated with anti-inflammatory ointment.

Take antihistamines: Diazolin, Tavegil, Fenkarol, Claritin or Suprastin. This will avoid a possible allergic reaction.

Boric alcohol for blisters. If blisters occur, make a lotion from a one percent solution of boric acid. In some cases, to prevent unpleasant sensations, you can use sorrel leaves, which are kneaded to form a wet paste, then applied to the affected surface.

Plants against burns. In case of negative contact with aggressive nettles, sorrel and common bracken plant help many people. In nature, it coexists with nettle, and its juice is used to relieve the burning sensation, just like sorrel juice. Common bracken is a beautiful fern that is used to relieve pain, although it is not as effective as dock.

Baking soda for burns. The usual baking soda can easily save you from an unpleasant nettle burn. A paste made from baking soda and plain water is applied to the damaged area. This is enough effective remedy impact. Even ordinary clay, which is applied in a thin layer, helps with this scourge. After the clay dries, the pain subsides and the blisters disappear.

Benefits of nettle

Of course, the effects of nettle are unpleasant, but sometimes useful. For example, arthritis and rheumatism are treated in this way - formic acid relieves pain. When a nettle burn occurs, blood circulation improves directly at the burn site and in the tissues around it, which also helps fight inflammation. To improve blood circulation they do bath brooms with the addition of nettle. But be careful, you can get an allergic attack.

Many lovers unconventional methods Treatments claim that nettle perfectly stops bleeding. Nettle has long been used as a wonderful food product; everyone knows the useful nettle cabbage soup. Young spring nettle is added as vitamin supplement in salads, which is also extremely useful, especially during the off-season lack of vitamins.

Thus, there is absolutely no need to worry about the burn; this is wonderful. useful plant. Everything that nature gives for the benefit of man brings him constant benefit, even if the first sensations are unpleasant. Be healthy!