Golden retriever: how long it lives, description with photo, character, breeding and care. Labrador and retriever - what's the difference? Description of the breed, character What kind of breed is a retriever

(Golden Retriever) is a large hunting breed of dog, works well for searching and presenting shot game to the hunter, has a soft mouth, and does not spoil the bird. Translated from English. “retriever” means “to find and retrieve.”

A sharp mind and easy-going character make him a versatile pet. This is one of the most popular and sought after breeds in the world. They make reliable guides for people with disabilities, rescuers, excellent bloodhounds, and wonderful companions. The Golden Retriever is ranked third in popularity in the US, fifth in Australia and eighth in the UK.

History of the Golden Retriever breed

The origin of the Golden Retriever breed was shrouded in mystery for a long time, and a large number of legends only gave them an aura of romance.

In Great Britain in the 19th century, game hunting was popular; hunters in those days needed a dog that could carry out the “Apport” command, find and bring prey from water and on land, since many hunting grounds were located on swampy ponds and rivers.

According to many sources, the appearance of the golden retriever in England is directly related to Lord Tweedmouth I. Sir Dudley Majoribanks, known as Tweedy, belonged to the cream of Victorian society and lived at that time with his family in London. He was a renowned hunter, and during his holidays on a Scottish estate near Loch Ness, he devoted himself entirely to hunting.

Photo of a golden retriever playing with a toy in the yard

Thanks to the construction of the railway, the estate turned into a fashionable estate with a beautiful park filled with exotic trees, a dairy farm and a village built for workers. Now it is protected as a monument of estate architecture. The appearance of Sir Dudley's golden retriever is associated with a romantic story, possibly invented to gain popularity among ladies of high society, and interest in his personality.

On June 18, 1910, the story was published in the magazine Country Life as Tweedmouth's story to Colonel Trench. So, in 1858, Sir Dudley was at a performance of a visiting circus in Brighton. In one room, he really liked the trained dogs that demonstrated miracles of intelligence. They belonged to a mystical breed - “Russian Shepherd” (Russian hound). The lord was fascinated by the dogs, and immediately bought eight of the ten that lived in the circus, paying a large sum for them.

Photo of a golden retriever in nature

But having bought the shepherd dogs, Ser Dudley could not calm down and continued to look for other representatives of the breed. And it was as if he was going to organize an expedition to Russia, to the Caucasus, but his friends “identified” his pets as Caucasian Shepherd Dogs. The legend lives on to this day. Colonel Le Poer Trench was a man who adhered to this version. He himself was the owner of a sand-colored retriever from the Tweedmouth estate. It was this dog that became the basis, and was subsequently registered with the English Kennel Club as “Retriever. Russian, yellow”. Despite the fact that his story had no documentary evidence, the colonel actively promoted it.

Thanks to breed historian Elma Stoneks and her work in the 1940s and 1950s, everything fell into place. The lord's great-nephew kept the Tweedmouth stud books with records going back to 1835. to 1889 The great-granddaughter donated the book to the English Kennel Club.

A letter from Lord Tweedie to his great-nephew, who was fond of golden retrievers and was a breeder, was found, detailing the appearance of the golden retriever. So, Ser Dudley and his son in Brighton met a local shoemaker with a beautiful yellow retriever, which he had received as payment of a debt from the forester of Lord Chichester's estate as a puppy. He really liked the dog, he bought it and named it Nous (“wisdom”). He was the only yellow puppy in a litter of black wavy-haired retrievers.

As an experienced hunter, he got the idea to breed his own breed with a yellow color. From Ser Dudley's stud book for 1865: "Breeding by Lord Chichester. Born June 1864. Bought at Brighton." In the area in which the lord lived, spaniels were used for hunting, they were called water tweed spaniels after the name of the river. Outwardly, they resembled springer spaniels, were taller on their legs and had a light brown, tea-colored color. Ser Dudley bred Nousa with them.

Photo of a golden retriever near a river

In 1868 Nous was bred to Belle, a water spaniel. Three yellow puppies were born, the progenitors of goldens as a separate breed. One puppy, Crocusa, was given to Tweedmouth II, the other two were kept by Cowslip and Primrose. In the Lord's stud book, records of litters and matings are preserved, up to the last litter of 1889. Of course, black ones were born in the litters, but they were rejected, leaving only yellow and golden ones. Documentary evidence has been found that an Irish setter and a bloodhound were also used to create it.

After Sir Dudley's death, no one else kept records, and in 1905 the estate was sold. In 1960, the Kennel Club of England officially recognized the Golden Retriever and included the following lines in its description: “The origins of the Golden Retriever are less obscure than most varieties of retrievers, as the breed was definitely started by the First Lord of Tweedmouth in the last century, as evidenced by his carefully compiled private breeding book and notes first made available by his great-nephew in 1952." In 1925, the Golden Retriever was recognized by the American Kennel Club, and in 1938 the American Golden Retriever Club was founded.

Description and breed standard of the Golden Retriever

  1. Country of origin: Great Britain.
  2. Application: Armory.
  3. FCI classification: Group 8. Retrievers, spaniels and water dogs. Section 1. Retrievers. With performance tests.
  4. Body: strong, balanced.
  5. Head: beautifully set, in proportion to the body. The skull is wide. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is well defined.
  6. Neck: Muscular, of medium length, without dewlap and muscular.
  7. Eyes: oval, dark brown, widely spaced, the edges of the eyelids are dark.
  8. Nose: large, black, with wide nostrils.
  9. Muzzle: powerful, wide, deep.
  10. Teeth: scissor bite, strong jaws. The upper incisors closely overlap the lower ones, the teeth are positioned vertically.
  11. Ears: hanging, medium size, set high.
  12. Chest: wide and deep. The ribs are deep and arched.
  13. Back: flat.
  14. Loin: strong, muscular, short.
  15. Tail: long, set high, without bend at the end.
  16. Forelegs: straight, muscular, strong, with rounded paws.
  17. Shoulders: well laid back, shoulder blades long.
  18. Elbows: close to the body.
  19. Hind limbs: strong, muscular.
  20. Hock joints: Low set, the metatarsals are straight when viewed from behind, turning neither in nor out.
  21. Feet: Round, strong feet with arched toes (clump). The paw pads are well developed.
  22. Coat: dense, long, straight or wavy, with a dense, waterproof undercoat. The American type of Golden Retriever is taller and less stocky than their British counterparts. The Canadian type is tall and slender, has a less dense coat, and is slightly darker in color than the British type.
  23. In males: there should be two normally developed testes, completely descended into the scrotum.
  24. Golden Retriever color: Any shade of gold or cream, except red and mahogany.

Golden retriever character

The Golden Retriever is kind, obedient, friendly, intelligent, and has an innate ability to work. He is an ideal human companion and devoted to family members.

He loves children, behaves with them like a nanny or an older brother, with restraint and affection. She loves to play, swim and frolic with the kids. Well suited for school age children. Gets along well with any pets, cats and other dogs. The Golden Retriever has well-developed muscles and therefore needs exercise and training.

The countryside, where there is a river and fields, is ideal for keeping a golden retriever. It also gets along well in a city apartment, provided it has regular walking and an active lifestyle. In Europe and America, the Golden Retriever is used as a guide dog for blind or disabled people. They adapt perfectly to this job.

Strict character of a small golden retriever - photo

Innate attentiveness, a sharp mind, and no less pleasant appearance always evoke sympathy among others. A guide dog is taught to obey orders, and it immediately carries them out, but is capable of making the final decision on its own.

For example, the owner commands to go to the right, and the golden retriever sees an obstacle on the road, or an approaching car, it can change the route.

A trained dog must know and follow more than 50 commands (turn on and off the light, carry a bag, carry a wheelchair, open a door, etc.). The Golden Retriever is not suitable as a watchman or guard due to its innate trust in humans and a complete lack of aggression. Of course, he will warn about the arrival of a stranger, and rush at him only to lick him. The Golden Retriever is hardy, energetic, with excellent scent, memory and a sharp mind. He is easy to train, follows commands well, and is always ready to please his owner.

Golden Retriever care and maintenance

Photo of a golden retriever on the lake shore

Caring for a golden retriever is not difficult, but for the sake of a beautiful appearance, financial and time costs are required.

The coat is water-repellent with a dense undercoat and sheds.

Shedding is seasonal and very noticeable. If kept in a room with dry air, it can shed all year round. Comb 2-3 times a week with a metal comb or when shedding, use a slicker brush.

Bath 1-2 times a month or when dirty. If you are taking part in an exhibition, swim immediately before the exhibition.

Trimming: for exhibition it is necessary to trim regularly to give it a well-groomed appearance.

A professional can handle this very well, but if you want to learn how to trim a dog yourself, you will need:

  • thinning scissors
  • hairdresser's scisors
  • massage brush
  • metal comb

Use thinning scissors to remove excess hair from your neck and chest. You need to move from bottom to top, grabbing small strands. Keep an eye on your profile; it should become clearer, but not shaved. Using hairdressing scissors, trim the hair along the belly line, cutting off only the ends of the hair.

A retriever's tail is called a "feather" and needs to be shaped into this shape. Comb your tail thoroughly, trim it in length, giving it the desired shape. Make the tip of the tail rounded. As a result, the chest line smoothly transitions into the belly line, continuing into the tail. Be sure to maintain proportions.

On the paws, trim the fur on the “pants” and “brushes”.

Ear trimming is done with thinning scissors; first remove the curls under the ears and the hair hanging over the top. Next, use hairdressing scissors to cut off the fringe along the edge of the ear. Be careful and don't hurt your pet!

Photo of golden retriever - puppies

Check your eyes regularly; they should be clean and free from souring. To prevent souring, wash your golden retriever's eyes once a week with weak tea leaves. Frequent discharge may be an allergic reaction of the body, the presence of worms, acute inflammation or clouding of the cornea. In this case, you will need to consult a veterinarian, and it is better not to self-medicate.

Inspect and clean your ears once a week. You can wipe the auricle with a damp cloth soaked in warm water. There should not be a lot of wax or unpleasant odor from the ear; if there is redness or a strong odor, contact your veterinarian.

Teeth: gum inflammation is often caused by tartar, which prevents the gum from sealing tightly to the tooth. This occurs because there is not enough solid food or feed in the diet. Let the retriever chew whole carrots, apples, crackers, and pressed sinews. Once a week, brush your dog’s teeth with a special toothpaste using a finger brush or a suitable size toothbrush.

To prevent the appearance of tartar, include fresh tomatoes in your diet. A good preventative against gum inflammation is a mixture of baking soda and a few drops of lemon juice, rubbed into the gums once a week.

Claws and paws: after a walk, wipe the Golden Retriever's paws with a damp cloth, inspect for damage or injury, regularly trim and comb the hair around the paws, between the toes, and pads, this way you will prevent the appearance of tangles.

Special attention to paws pay attention in winter, when the streets are sprinkled with salt and reagents. Do not let your pet lick itself after a walk, wash them immediately, and make sure that the salt does not corrode the pads.

Olive oil perfectly protects against cracks; it must be rubbed into the skin on the dog’s paws.

Trim your nails once a month with a nail clipper, and don’t forget about the fifth toe. It is shorter than others, the claw on it does not wear off, which leads to discomfort for the dog and even lameness.

Golden Retriever disease

  • Obesity
  • Hip dysplasia (the head of the joint becomes loose)
  • Epilepsy (seizures accompanied by convulsions)
  • Von Willebrand's disease (hereditary hemorrhagic disorder in dogs)
  • Retinal atrophy (hereditary disease)
  • Atopic dermatitis (chronic inflammatory skin disease accompanied by severe itching and eczema)

Photo of a golden retriever

a brief description of
Behavior with children
Security guard
Difficult to care for
Endurance in the cold
Endurance in the heat

A “sunny” dog, the most popular breed in the world, an ideal and gentle friend - all these statuses apply to the expensive and amazing Golden Retriever breed, the price of which in Russia can reach 65 thousand rubles. But the high cost does not reduce the queues that line up for the “golden” puppies. They are truly worth their weight in gold. The appearance of a yellow or cream fluffy ball in the house means that the owner has acquired a faithful, devoted friend for 10-12 years.

Interesting! The name of the breed comes from the English word meaning “to serve, to find,” indicating the purpose of the breed - to bring game to the owner-hunter, shot on water or land. The scope of its application is phenomenally wide: the golden retriever is a hunter, a policeman, a rescuer, an assistant, an actor, a doctor, nannies, and companions.

The breed belongs to group 8 in the ICF classification “Retrievers, spaniels, water dogs”, to section 1 “Retrievers”

Breed Golden retriever was recognized relatively recently - in 1931. Despite the “youth” of the breed, the history of its creation is shrouded in mystery, and there are several versions of its origin.

  1. Version No. 1. The breed was the result of a mutation where wavy and sleek retrievers with black coats produced brown and yellow puppies.
  2. Version No. 2. According to her, the ancestors of golden retrievers were Russian shepherds who acted as circus dogs that performed in Brighton, Scotland. Lord Tweedmouth drew attention to them and bought 6 dogs from the owner. This happened in the second half of the 19th century, after the Crimean War. Yellow dogs were used on the lord's estate to hunt deer.
  3. Version No. 3 considered one of the most reliable. It became known from the words of the grandson of the third Lord Tweedmouth, who told how his ancestor, the first Lord Tweedmouth, noticed the dog of an English shoemaker during a walk in 1860. The dog had a yellow color and was the only puppy with this color from the entire litter of black smooth-haired retriever. It was later established that Noyce (as the Lord named the purchased puppy) was born in 1864. It is possible that it was Nous who became the progenitor of the breed Golden Retriever.

Interesting! Lord Tweedmouth's name was Dudley Majoribanks, and he received the name of lord due to the location where his estate was located: in the southeast of Scotland, at the mouth of the River Tweed. The word "tweedmouth" literally means: "tweed" is the name of the river, "mouth" is the mouth.

The puppy purchased from the shoemaker and its descendants were subjected to a series of crossings to improve the temperament and consolidate the desired color - a beautiful golden color. So, on the lord's estate, spaniels, or water tweed spaniels, which were used for hunting aquatic game, were of special importance. They were distinguished by longer limbs and tea, light brown, color. Water spaniels were the first dogs the Lord crossed his dog Noyce with. Yellow puppies predominated in the litter, while black puppies were discarded. According to the records kept by Lord Tweedmouth, it is known that to obtain the future breed, the blood of the Irish Setter was mixed.

Inspired by the successes of Lord Tweedmouth and the work carried out in his kennel "Gisechen", other breeders, mainly hunters and friends of the lord, also paid attention to the breed golden retriever. In the kennels of Lord Ingetser and Lord Culham, who also sought to improve their dogs, the Golden Retriever was crossed with the Labrador.

Until 1907, nothing was known about the breed in England. This is evidenced by the fact that dog handler Robert Leighton, the author of a work on hunting dogs in England, did not even mention the golden retriever. But since 1908, such injustice began to be corrected. Two breeders, Lord Harcoat and Mrs. Charlesworth, began showing their dogs in 1908 and 1909. It is known that Harcoat's dogs were not yet called golden retrievers, but were exhibited as straight-coated golden retrievers.

The champion dogs from the kennels of Lord Harcoat and Mrs. Charlesworth are the progenitors of the modern Golden Retriever.

Until 1913, golden retrievers were not identified as a separate breed, until the Golden Retriever Club was founded, which laid the foundations for the breed standard.

Characteristics, description, character

The Golden Retriever, whose breed description was compiled in 1913, is a dog with an amazing appearance. She is perfectly proportioned, has a proportional and well-built, muscular body. Goldies have straight, strong limbs with large, rounded paws. Its movements are active and swift, the dog runs easily and does not waste extra energy.

The main decoration of a Golden Retriever is its coat. It is straight or slightly wavy and has a cream or golden color. A waterproof, dense undercoat is essential for hunting in water.

In modern times, the breed is used not only as a hunter. Reaction speed, determination, and peacefulness allow the retriever to be used in the rescue service, to search for explosives or drugs, as guide dogs for the blind and as assistance dogs for people with disabilities. The breed is perfect for keeping in a house or apartment and becomes a beloved and loving companion dog.

The Golden Retriever, whose character is a direct consequence of the purpose of the breed, was bred as a hunting dog that excels in rough and swampy terrain. Possessing an excellent sense of smell, the Golden Retriever brings game to its owner from both water and land. It is especially indispensable when hunting waterfowl.

The owner of a golden retriever will be surprised every day by every character trait of his pet. Suitable for a retriever:

  • Curiosity. Everything that surrounds a dog arouses curiosity and a desire to know everything.
  • Good nature. The dog is very kind to the owner, his children, and even strangers. They will not make a good watchdog, since the retriever is ready to treat a stranger kindly.
  • Obedience. The whole life of a Golden Retriever is serving their owner; they need to be useful to him.
  • Determination. The Golden Retriever is capable of making decisions on his own when it comes to helping a person, he reacts quickly in extreme situations.
  • Great intelligence and intelligence. These qualities make the process of raising and training a dog easier.

The Golden Retriever breed has a character in puppyhood that can be disobedient. But good upbringing and the presence of a responsible owner nearby can eliminate this drawback. If the dog does not find an outlet for its accumulated energy, it can direct it to destroying furniture and other property in the house.

A well-trained Golden Retriever is an affectionate, gentle dog. They are playful and calm at the same time, not prone to dominance, so they are very friendly to animals and other dogs. The breed is very intelligent and delicate, completely devoid of aggression, so families with small children can safely have them.


In the Golden Retriever breed, diseases are most often hereditary. Unlike acquired diseases, hereditary diseases can be identified earlier and treatment can begin.

  1. von Willebrand disease– hemorrhagic disorder, accompanied by bleeding gums, bleeding from the nose and genitals.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Hip dysplasia. If the dog is worried and feels pain when touched, or is limping, then there is reason to think about it. Dysplasia can be detected at the age of 1 year, when the puppy’s skeleton is already formed.
  4. Progressive retinal atrophy.
  5. Atopic dermatitis. A sick dog experiences severe itching and eczema appears on the skin. Adequate therapy is necessary to reduce the severity of symptoms.
  6. Hypothyroidism. The disease is associated with deterioration of the thyroid gland. This disease is not unique to this breed. The breeds that are susceptible to it are the Great Dane, Dachshund and others.

Care and maintenance

The Golden Retriever breed requires careful grooming. The dog's thick coat requires extra attention. It needs to be brushed daily, and even more often during shedding. The result of careful grooming will be a silky, clean coat.

You should wash your dog no more than 3 times a year. The retriever's undercoat is waterproof, and frequent washing and shampooing can adversely affect the protective properties of the coat. The following hygiene procedures are also required:

  1. Eye care. If your pet has discharge from the eyes in the morning, this should alert the owner. Pus, tearfulness and discharge may be signs of:
  • plague diseases;
  • allergies;
  • the presence of worms;
  • acute inflammation of the eyes.

If the owner takes his pet hunting, then after it it is imperative to treat the eyes with a special antiseptic solution to remove dust, pollen and contaminants from grass thickets.

  1. For the Golden Retriever breed, care is also necessary for the ears. A dog's floppy ears require attention. Once a week they should be inspected for dirt, discharge and unpleasant odors. To prevent infections, you can use hydrogen peroxide, which should be dropped into each ear canal.
  2. Regular inspection of paws and trimming of nails are necessary procedures. Anything can get stuck on your retriever's paw pads and between its toes: chewing gum, splinters, and other small objects that can cause discomfort or infection. Only an inspection can prevent unwanted consequences.
  3. Goldie teeth are brushed to prevent the appearance of plaque. Yellow teeth will become one of the obstacles to participation in exhibitions, so for dental hygiene you need to use special toothbrushes and pastes, you can also get by with a cotton swab.

Education and training

The Golden Retriever is obedient, intelligent and quick-witted. These qualities make it easier to raise him and teach him commands. Training is just as important for the Golden Retriever breed as it is for other breeds. There are a number of rules that a dog owner must adhere to:

  • The retriever is not aggressive, it does not pose a danger to others, but the dog owner must teach it the obligatory commands: Come to me! Ugh! Near! Training these commands is necessary, if only because the dog must stop while running and not pick up anything from the ground.
  • In education there is a place for both encouragement and punishment. But there should be 5 times more affection and praise than punishment for bad behavior.
  • From puppyhood, a Golden Retriever must respond to its name.
  • When raising a puppy, you should not forget that a retriever is a hunting dog, so for him, playing with presenting objects is pure pleasure. To keep your dog happy, you must practice fetching and throwing objects.

Lack of proper education and training can spoil even correct, obedient Golden Retrievers, so you should take your pet's training seriously.


A Golden Retriever, whose puppy goes to a new home at about 2 months of age, should receive maximum attention in the very first days of being in unusual conditions. It is advisable that at first the small pet is provided with the same feeding regime and diet as in the nursery. This will make it easier to adapt to a new home and easier to endure separation from your mother.

  • It is better to place the puppy’s resting and sleeping area in a place protected from drafts and away from heating appliances. It should be light there and a constant temperature should be maintained.
  • Retrievers are clean dogs, so it is important to keep their bedding clean. The presence of a removable cover makes it much easier to keep your puppy's sleeping area clean.
  • Golden Retrievers, whose puppies still have a fragile skeleton, should not jump from or climb on furniture or crawl under the bed until they are 4-5 months old.
  • The puppy's diet should be balanced. After the baby retriever has eaten, you need to remove the food bowl, even if there are any leftover food left in it. The feeding regimen changes depending on the age of the puppy: at 2-4 months they feed 4-5 times a day, at 4-6 months - 4 times, at 6-8 months - 3 times, and by a year - transferring to 2 times a day .
  • Walks begin no earlier than 10 days after vaccination. While being outside, the puppy’s contact with other dogs and people is important; this promotes the socialization of the small pet. It is important not to overload the puppy during walks, so as not to injure his joints and skeletal system.

“Golden” Golden Retriever puppies are a real happiness for the owner and his family. They radiate positivity, give a good mood, shower loved ones with affection, tenderness and a desire to serve faithfully.


Charming appearance, friendly disposition and high learning ability are the characteristics of the Golden Retriever dog breed. Favorite models among the creators of advertising posters and film producers, charming fashion models and children's favorites, these large dogs with soft, wavy fur are surprisingly photogenic. Goldens, as golden retrievers are often called, are considered one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. They can live in any climate, tolerate heat and cold well, and feel equally at home in a small apartment and in a spacious enclosure. It seems that these dogs have accompanied humans for hundreds of years, but the breed is relatively young and created through selective breeding.

The birth of the breed is shrouded in legends, which were invented by the creator and breeder to give his brainchild an aura of mystery. Allegedly, Lord Tweedmouth, the owner of a luxurious estate in New England, in 1958 acquired a dozen surprisingly smart yellow dogs called “Russian Shepherd” from a visiting circus tent. And he liked the dogs so much that he was going to organize an entire expedition to the Caucasus to acquire new pets.

In fact, around the same time, the Lord acquired a yellow retriever from a local shoemaker and bred him to his Tweed Spaniel bitches. There is evidence that the yellow retriever was obtained by mating a Newfoundland with a local spaniel. In 1968, the male was bred to a water spaniel female, also owned by Lord Tweedmouth, and the litter produced three yellow puppies. They became the progenitors of the breed. An avid hunter, the lord distributed golden puppies to his friends, fellow hunters, who actively infused Labrador blood into their pets.

Later Bloodhound blood was infused into the new breed, which significantly improved the dogs’ sense of smell, as well as. The breed was carefully culled from black puppies until only light-colored babies were born in litters. Already at the beginning of the twentieth century, the breed was introduced to the English Kennel Club and recognized by the American Dog Fanciers Club, but the final standard was approved only in 1999.

Breed standard, appearance and photographs

The overall impression is an elegant, large dog, very beautiful, with long, wavy hair, beautifully built, with a pedigree, large head and extraordinary charisma. The behavior is confident and friendly, the look is very smart and affectionate. Movements are free, balanced, confident.

Photo. Dog breed golden retriever

Golden retriever in the photo

Here are the main characteristics of these dogs:
  • The body is balanced, slightly stretched, with a muscular neck of good length, smoothly turning into the withers, without folds or dewlap. The topline is level, with a strong back, short, muscular loin and slightly sloping croup. The chest is deep and wide, with well sprung ribs. The tail continues the line of the back, level, and in a calm state is lowered to the hock joints.
  • The forelegs are parallel, straight, with strong bones, long shoulder blades and well laid back shoulders. Elbows should fit snugly to the body. The hind legs are parallel, with well-defined angles of the hock joints, long shins, muscular and strong.
  • The head is very beautiful, with a strong muzzle and jaws, a wide, but not coarse skull and a well-defined transition to the muzzle. The muzzle is powerful, deep, wide, not pointed, with strong jaws and strong teeth. A complete set of teeth and a scissor bite are highly desirable. The ears are medium, set low, at eye level. The eyes are very expressive, dark, widely spaced, the rim of the eyelids is dark.
  • The coat is thick, wavy or straight, soft, with a dense, waterproof undercoat. Color from light cream to gold of any shade, dark red or mahogany colors are not allowed.

What is the difference between a Golden Retriever and a Labrador?

The main difference between Goldens and Labradors is their coat. In the former it is long and soft, in the latter it is short and more rigid.

Labrador Retriever or Golden Retriever? Many dog ​​lovers mistakenly consider the Golden Retriever to be a long-haired version of the Labrador. This is wrong. Labrador is an independent breed, with its own standard of appearance and character traits, but since Labrador blood was actively used in the creation of the Golden, the two have some similarities:

  1. Both breeds are hunting, gun breeds, designed for searching and carrying killed or wounded game. Therefore, both Labradors and Goldens are excellent swimmers, love to fetch fetch objects and can bring a chicken egg in their teeth without crushing it.
  2. Both breeds are very friendly to people and dogs, do not show aggression, and avoid conflicts.
  3. Both breeds have an excellent sense of smell, which, coupled with their lack of aggression, makes them excellent rescuers and search engines.

But Labrador and Golden have many more differences than similarities:

  1. Labradors are a very old breed of dog, the Golden is the result of crossing several breeds.
  2. Coat length and color are the main visible differences. The Golden has long, light-colored hair, while the Labrador is short-haired and can be either fawn, chocolate or black.
  3. The Labrador's tail is "otter-like" and is raised cheerfully above the level of the back. The Golden Retriever's tail is more similar to that of a setter, resembling a "feather".
  4. The behavior of dogs of these two breeds also differs. Goldens are calmer, aristocratic, and are excellent nannies even for small children. Labradors have a certain simplicity and tactlessness, and in a fit of emotion they can drop a child or knock a shopping bag out of the owner’s hands.
  5. in behavior, they are immensely active, eager for action. The Golden Retriever is more inclined to think about an action; he will carry out the owner’s order, but in his own way, more rationally.

Breed characteristics

So, the Golden Retriever is an ideal dog for a family with children, grandparents, and a lot of pets. The fact that the breed is a gundog does not prevent these charming dogs from being sweet friends with kittens and being careful with poultry. Their security qualities are not expressed, but these dogs are not annoying and do not annoy you by barking.

Golden Retrievers make wonderful companions and great babysitters. They have no protective qualities at all.

An ideal nanny, patient and kind, forgiving of all pranks and accidental insults - this is a Golden. Dogs of this breed are very attentive and caring towards children. But this statement applies only to adult dogs that are fully developed mentally. A teenage or puppy golden retriever, like all young dogs, is overly active and unpredictable.

Important! A young dog of this breed requires as much attention as possible during the growth period. The activity of teenagers increases every month, so many inexperienced owners are perplexed when a bumpkin puppy grows into a real prankster.

A puppy needs to be socialized, a teenager needs a lot of walks, play and exercise. Otherwise, the dog begins to entertain itself on its own, showing amazing ingenuity.

A ten-month-old golden retriever, left to its own devices, is capable of getting things out of closed cabinets, destroying a room and chewing up all objects within its reach in just a few hours.

Young goldens, unlike adults, are very active, constantly find something to do, and love to play and run.

An adult retriever, having gone through the difficulties of the transition period, pleases the whole family with a calm, cheerful disposition and a desire to please. It is easy to handle him on a walk, he behaves well when visiting and on a trip, but this is all only on the condition that he is a favorite pet.

A good-natured and sweet dog of this breed becomes very attached to the owner and becomes gloomy and harmful if he notices that little attention is being paid to him. What makes a golden happy is daily meaningful interaction with people, regular training or activities..

Subtleties of training goldens

The Golden Retriever is capable of mastering many commands if he enjoys the learning process. Some stubbornness, high activity and independence of young dogs make the learning process difficult, so it is advisable to start training a puppy as early as four months.

A Golden Retriever can be a guide dog or a rescue dog, and if clicker training is used for the first specialty, then the search for a person is in the blood of dogs of this breed. You can find hidden objects or a hidden person even at home, arranging fun games. But then, at the command “search!” the dog will be able to find lost keys or find a child in a snowy yard.

Golden retrievers and canistherapy

The patient and gentle behavior of Golden Retrievers is often used for medical purposes. The term “zootherapy” or “canistherapy” means the treatment of humans through communication with animals. Dogs help children and adults reduce stress, relax during crises, and improve the process of socialization.

Golden Retriever dogs are often used in canistherapy. They enjoy communicating with people and never show aggression.

Patients who communicate with a dog gain a sense of security, have the opportunity to receive a full range of tactile sensations, which is especially important for blind people. The animal protects against loneliness, stimulating people with communication problems to have easy, relaxed communication.

It is especially important that the Golden Retriever, like other similar breeds, can serve as an object of human motivation. Doctors recommend getting a dog for parents of autistic children, children with mental development problems, and introverts. Walking with a dog helps you go beyond the limited world, stimulates movement and communication with the outside world.

Features of caring for a Golden

The main point of caring for a dog is grooming. The Golden Retriever does not have long fur as a puppy, however As the dog gets older, the coat becomes longer and thicker, requiring regular brushing. Grooming of exhibition representatives of the breed is an entire art, which is most often trusted to professionals in grooming salons.

From the first days, the puppy is taught to comb its fur, and they do not give it any unpleasant sensations, so as not to form a negative reaction. As your pet grows up, the fur will become longer and will need to be brushed daily.

Important! Golden Retrievers shed a lot during their seasonal shedding season. The dog's fur simply falls off in clumps, so it is most convenient to use a furminator instead of a comb.

They bathe the dog using special shampoos, and be sure to use a balm or conditioner. This all helps give the coat a shiny, elegant look. By the way, excellent coat is a sign of a dog’s health and regular exercise.

Golden Retrievers' coats require constant grooming. The dog is regularly combed and washed every 2-3 months with a special shampoo.

Otherwise, caring for a Golden Retriever is not difficult; it consists of regular cleaning of the ears, rubbing the eyes and trimming overgrown claws. However, if the dog walks a lot, the claws wear down on their own.

How to create the right diet

The Golden Retriever's diet can consist of dry food only, natural food, or a mixed diet of natural food and prepared food. An owner who wants to raise a healthy dog ​​should know that in most cases, representatives of this breed have an excellent appetite and are prone to rapid weight gain.

Natural feeding is the best diet for a Golden Retriever.

This feature is due to the fact that initially the golden needs to have a layer of fat in order not to freeze in cold water when retrieving game. It is this feature of the Golden Retriever that forces the owner to carefully control portion sizes so that the dog does not become obese.

The feeding regimen is especially important for growing puppies. Too rapid growth provokes joint disease, and excess mineral supplements, especially calcium, can lead to bone disease and disruption of normal bone growth.

For adult dogs, the daily food intake is divided into three parts, since this breed is predisposed to gastric volvulus and a large amount of food can provoke this deadly disease.

The best choice for a Golden Retriever is natural food. Meat and cereals, fermented milk products and vegetables, sea fish and vegetable oil provide the animal’s body with everything it needs. A properly selected diet helps eliminate the risk of allergic reactions and reduces the likelihood of obesity.

It is preferable to select dry food in accordance with the individual characteristics of the dog, but it is not advisable to give your Golden food with a high protein content. “Wolfsblut”, “Magnusson”, “Applaws” are good options.

Golden Retriever Health

Golden retrievers have hereditary diseases: dysplasia, epilepsy, atopic dermatitis.

Golden Retrievers live an average of twelve years and are generally healthy dogs. Puppies often experience various intestinal disorders, such as colitis; in adult dogs, gastric volvulus. These problems can be solved with a properly selected diet.

But, like any artificially created breed, goldens have hereditary diseases:

  1. . Most often it is hereditary, but can also be acquired. There is no treatment; in rare cases, surgical treatment is possible.
  2. Epilepsy. Diagnosed at any age, dogs with a history of the disease are not allowed for breeding.
  3. Hemorrhagic disorder or von Willebrand disease. Symptoms include increased bleeding gums and nosebleeds. Treatment consists of blood transfusion, after which the disease subsides.
  4. Retinal dysplasia. The disease is associated with a congenital disorder of taurine synthesis, is difficult to diagnose and treat, and the dog can become completely blind.
  5. Atopic dermatitis. It appears very often as a reaction to external factors: food or vaccination. Symptoms: eczema, skin lesions.

Advantages and disadvantages of the breed

The Golden Retriever has a lot of advantages; the dog seems to be woven from nothing but positive qualities.

Here are the main ones:

  • Friendly character, gentleness and compliance in communicating with children.
  • Very beautiful, impressive appearance.
  • High level of intelligence, ability to learn.
  • Lack of tendency to dominate.
  • Heavy shedding, regular and labor-intensive grooming.
  • Gluttony, tendency to pick up food on the street.
  • Lack of security qualities.

How to choose a puppy and what to look for

A small Golden Retriever can go to a new family as early as two months old. At 45 days, puppies with documents are certified, after which the babies are ready for sale. Before you go for a pet, you should carefully study all the features of the breed., get to know not only the breeder, but also try to call or personally meet the owner of the dog. This is necessary in order to protect yourself from purchasing a mixed breed or a puppy that has nothing in common with a golden retriever.

Photo. Golden retriever puppy

Golden puppies with mom in the photo

Puppies at two months of age do not have long hair, but the features of an adult dog can already be discerned in the small dog. You should not take a puppy whose body structure is too proportional; such babies will grow up to be dogs with poor bones. The puppy should be very active, curious and friendly, and move freely. Particular attention should be paid to the dog’s hind limbs. Stiff movements and difficulty getting up should alert the buyer.

It is easier to avoid buying a sick puppy if you buy a friend from a large kennel, such as:

  1. In Moscow: Amansi Kennel kennel, website, cost from $1,100.
  2. In St. Petersburg: nursery “Baltic Gold”, website, cost from 1000 dollars.
Sweet and affectionate, the perfect companion

The worldwide popularity of golden retrievers is justified: they are sweet and affectionate, and their kindness and friendliness explain their success as a companion dog. Active, cheerful and playful, they behave like puppies even at the age of three or four years, and some of them retain their playfulness until old age.


Sociable and friendly, ready to help

Golden Retrievers are originally hunting dogs, but today are used as companion dogs. They perform with great success in disciplines such as obedience and agility. The outgoing and friendly nature of Golden Retrievers allows them to participate in search and rescue efforts and provide assistance to people with disabilities. They are still excellent at tracking and bringing back game. But the main characteristic of the Golden Retriever breed is its friendliness and calmness. This is what makes him a great companion.

The Golden Retriever is one of the friendliest and most temperamental breeds. This dog will not only be a faithful friend for its owners, but also an excellent companion in children's fun.

These pets are completely non-aggressive. Moderately brave, obedient, cheerful retrievers are ideal family dogs.


The breed was obtained in the 19th century in Great Britain as a hunting dog.

For a long time it was believed that the Golden Retriever was just a variety of the Flat-Coated Retriever, but today it is a completely independent breed that has its own standards.

There is a beautiful legend that golden retrievers were bought by a Scottish lord from a circus, where they showed excellent skills and a clear mind in the arena.

Golden retrievers are often taught special skills that allow them to serve as guide dogs, help rescuers, border guards, and special units.

The Lord began breeding the breed and popularized it in every possible way, saying that the ancestors of these beautiful dogs were Russian Shepherds. It’s difficult to say why this story was needed, but the fact remains that the golden retriever quickly began to gain popularity.

The popularity of keeping dogs of this breed to participate in hunting does not decrease, where the main task of the golden retriever is to bring prey.


The wide, harmonious muzzle with brown eyes goes well with a flexible, slender body and slightly wavy or straight coat.

Regarding color, then it should not be too dark. Classically, it is golden or cream in color.

The height of the dog does not exceed sixty centimeters.


There is hardly anyone who can say anything bad about the character of a golden retriever.

    1. They lend themselves so well training, training, so that even small flaws in behavior are instantly corrected.
    2. Besides hunting work, as well as services for the benefit of humans, golden retrievers can help in the treatment of certain diseases, for example, autism in children, nervous and mental disorders in adults.

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    1. Yes, and an ordinary person will feel a dog of this breed has a friend to whom you can tell about your problems and experiences.
    2. The Golden Retriever is capable of catching all the notes of the owner’s mood, truly empathize with him or sincerely rejoice together.
    3. If the owner is busy with something, then the retriever will never just lie there and watch. He will definitely take part in what is happening. Therefore, it is useful to teach the dog real actions that will be beneficial, for example, bringing some objects.
    4. Golden Retrievers don't get attached. to one family member, they equally love everyone who treats them well. All these people can equally engage in training and education.
    5. Golden retriever on a walk won't cause much trouble. They never attack dogs or other animals. Friendly by nature, they get along well with all creatures.
    6. They will not stay away from children's games, where they will happily run, jump, and fetch balls and sticks.
    7. Dogs have a very lively and quick mind, which allows them to instantly react to what is happening and quickly make decisions.

There are a fairly large number of cases where a golden retriever saved people without thinking about its own safety.

Puppy price

The Golden Retriever is perhaps one of the most popular breeds in poultry markets.

Prices there range from 4000-6500 rub..

The cost of puppies from “underground” breeders is: 6000-12000 rub..

But usually this is a problematic purchase: the animal does not have a veterinary passport and/or pedigree, the owner cannot imagine the puppy’s parents, or it is generally a “well-produced” crossbreed.

Small “golden” retriever puppies, more like bear cubs, are difficult to confuse with another breed. Nevertheless, there are enough reasons not to buy a pet without documents.

Firstly, even a thorough examination of the puppy and its parents does not guarantee a successful purchase, let alone “bird houses”.

Secondly, advertisements are teeming with offers for free “mixed-breed retrievers” - descendants of goldens and mongrels. And in the market there is a high probability of stumbling upon such puppies.

Third, a true golden retriever is a dog that can replace a human. It would be stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity to raise an excellent assistant and friend from a purebred puppy.

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Choosing a Golden Retriever Puppy– it’s not a matter of five minutes. Take the time to visit exhibitions, nurseries, and trusted breeders. Chat with them about the character and abilities of the parents of the future pet. Be sure to watch the whole family a little longer.

To be confident in your animal, purchase it from a nursery, especially since the prices for purebred non-show and market puppies are not much different.

Kennels offer goldens at the following prices:

« pet class» - puppies for home, not up to show standards - 20000-26000 rub..;
« breed class» – retriever puppy, for breeding breed – 26000-36000 rub..;
« show class" - a descendant of titled champions with the makings of a winner - 36000-65000 rub..

Price range within classes– this is a dependence on the external (compliance with the standard) and internal (mental and physical health) characteristics of the puppy, the status of the parents and sometimes the cost of maintenance.


As for choosing a place of residence for a golden retriever, both an apartment and a private house are suitable for him.

    1. Space for this dog not as important as attention and care.
    2. Retriever who will walk in a huge yard alone - an unhappy dog, his mental health will be undermined. Therefore, the dog is categorically unsuitable for those people who cannot devote enough time to it.
    3. Taking care of a dog of this breed It won’t cause much trouble if you accustom her to a number of hygiene procedures from infancy.
    4. It is important to monitor the condition of your eyes retriever. Small periodic purulent discharge caused by sand getting into the eyes is a normal option. However, if this discharge is repeated day after day, then you need to contact your veterinarian. This symptom is characteristic of some not very pleasant diseases.
    5. It's worth looking into your ears only periodically - once a week is enough. You can clean them with a cotton swab.

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Gently but confidently we wean the dog from mischief - we move on.

  1. Teeth are cleaned with a special toothbrush or a cotton swab. If the dog has been accustomed to this procedure since infancy, then the pet will not show much resistance.
  2. You shouldn't wash your retriever too often. Their coat is quite sensitive to the effects of detergents, and in order to ensure that the protective substances are not washed off from it, it is necessary to use only certain types of shampoo.
  3. The washing procedure itself should not be carried out more than three times a year.
  4. But you'll have to comb it out every day. If you are not lazy and perform this item of caring for your golden retriever efficiently, then its coat will always be silky and well-groomed in appearance.
  5. Exhibition specimens are subjected to trimming. It is best to trust this work to professionals, then the presence of a haircut will not be noticeable.


Like any dog, the Golden Retriever needs to eat food that includes all the necessary components.

The easiest way to feed your dog is dry food.

Premium food is suitable In addition, you must ensure that your pet always has clean water.

If the dog has just come from the kennel, there is no need to suddenly start feeding it unfamiliar food.

Can also be fed with natural food. But in this case, vitamin supplements and cottage cheese must be present in the diet.

Even with a firm intention to change the animal’s diet, for some time you will have to feed what the dog is accustomed to.

And then gradually introduce new foods, carefully monitoring your mood and health.


Even though the golden retriever– the dog is unusually kind, smart, affectionate, it is still necessary to train and train it.

No matter how good the dog is by nature, he should know the words “No”, “Fu”, “Come to me”. At least to avoid scaring someone else’s child, or to prevent your pet from picking up trash on the street.

For creative people, the Golden Retriever is just a godsend. With it you can organize theatrical performances, perform magic tricks and much more.


Watch this cute video about a golden retriever puppy: