How to determine the hardness of a toothbrush when purchasing. How to choose the best toothbrush? Useful video about toothbrushes

He who has thirty-two teeth laughs well.

Oral hygiene is one of the the most important conditions good health and attractiveness. Discipline in cleaning procedures coupled with healthy eating and regular visits to the dentist can create such a famous phenomenon as the Hollywood smile.

Daily brushing is a simple task, but even this can be made even easier, more comfortable and faster with the help of electric toothbrushes. They are effective for several reasons: they penetrate into places where a manual brush cannot reach, act more evenly on tooth enamel, and more accurately maintain the recommended duration of the procedure. Quite a long experience in using such devices has provided reliable and reliable evidence of reducing the incidence of dental diseases and improving the appearance of teeth.

So what can modern electric brushes do and how do they differ from each other?

Types of electric brushes

The bristles perform oscillatory movements using a micromotor. Depending on their number, brushes are usually divided into several types:

In these models, the bristles make movements visible to the eye, for example, from side to side or reciprocating rotation, deviating to the right and left, but without making a full revolution. The healing and cleansing effect is achieved through friction against contaminated areas. The number of movements of the bristles in such brushes is up to 10,000 per minute.

In advanced models, in addition to the main vibrations in two planes, there is vibration in the third plane, which adds loosening movements to the cleansing movements. This complex copes well with both solid deposits, and with bacterial plaque.


Models of this type oscillate with a small swing and several times higher frequency than subsonic ones. The effect is achieved due to the formation of a dynamic flow from vibration from a suspension of paste, saliva and water, which cleans the enamel surface. The number of movements of such models ranges from 10,000 per minute per minute.


Models of this type vibrate even faster (typical value is almost 200 million directed movements per minute). The healing and cleansing effect is based on the ability of ultrasound to create microbubbles, which, when bursting, destroy chains of pathogenic bacteria, removing plaque from the enamel. Some models combine ultrasound with the mechanical movements of very small span and low frequency bristles to scrub or sweep away dirt after ultrasonic treatment.
Remark: there is a persistent myth, not scientifically proven, however, and not scientifically refuted either, that ultrasonic models affect fillings and contribute to their accelerated loss. What to say? Let's wait for real full-fledged studies. And half of all fillings fall out regardless of the technologies used for their installation and the materials used, and without any ultrasound, as evidenced by the standard warranty coverage of only one year for this procedure.


Progress is moving forward and ionization has reached dentistry. Inside such a brush there is a strip of titanium dioxide, which, when connected to an electrical circuit, releases negative ions. The cleansing and healing effect is associated with the fact that the components of the toothpaste have a better effect on the enamel due to ions, and the oral cavity is also disinfected. A person can feel the work of such a brush by the appearance of a sour taste in the mouth. On this moment There are more than enough supporters, at a minimum, of the uselessness of such an application of this technology, so such models are used more as a gadget or toy. All that remains is to wait until the array of statistics of a large number of applications by different people puts everything in its place.

Operating modes

Modern models are able to change options for their work, adapting to the current state of the oral cavity. Brushes in the lower price category usually have one, two, or less often three modes, while expensive ones have four, five or even six.  This is achieved by changing the frequency of movements, the amplitude of deflection of the bristles, applying additional volumetric vibration or, conversely, turning it off, changing the timer operating time, etc. Different brands may call them either just numbers or more understandable names, such as: everyday (regular), mild (gentle for sensitive teeth or getting used to the device), whitening (intense), gum massage, tongue cleanser, etc. . Most often, the most complete effect can be achieved only by simultaneously changing the nozzle with the appropriate purpose.


As the bristles in electric brushes wear out, only the brush head needs to be replaced. You can usually track the time of replacement by the disappearance of the colored layer on it. The average time of use depends on the frequency of use and most often is 3-4 months. It would be very irrational to use a rather expensive thing alone, and most often the brush is used by several family members, replacing only their individual attachment when cleaning. Mix-up errors are eliminated very elegantly - with the help of multi-colored rings. Different manufacturers complete their products with different numbers of attachments, so there can be one, two, three, or even four pieces in a box. In simple models, all nozzles are of the same type and are needed either as a reserve Supplies, or as an individual set for different people, and in advanced ones - different types of attachments for different modes work. They differ in the hardness of the bristles, their number, angle of inclination, the presence of rubber inserts, etc. The full effect of using different types of attachments can be obtained by simultaneously changing the operating mode of the brush.

It should be borne in mind that the brush heads from one manufacturer will not fit the brushes of another, so before choosing a specific model, you need to make sure that the necessary accessories are available and reliable.

Brushes for babies

Most manufacturers also produce children's models. They are lightweight and smaller copies of adult brushes, since it will not be very comfortable for a child to hold a 120 - 200 gram adult brush (although children's attachments most often fit adult brushes and vice versa). Also, most models for babies operate in a gentle mode with a reduced vibration frequency and they do not have additional whitening or other 3D modes, and the synthetic fibers themselves are much softer. During cleaning, music from popular cartoons plays, and exactly as long as the procedure itself should last.

Children's models begin to be used, depending on the design, from 3 to 8 years old and only after preliminary consultation with a specialized dentist. For infants under 3 years of age, it is better to use manual silicone finger tips (you should remember that even at this age a child can bite his mother’s finger hard)

Overpressure protection

Most advanced models require a pressure sensor. It measures the force of pressure on the tooth surface and, in case of excessive pressure, turns off the mechanism, saving the enamel surface from excessive friction (in some models, if there is excessive pressure, only additional 3D modulation is turned off). Most often, the protection is performed mechanically, that is, when pressed hard, the springs stretch, disconnecting the power circuits or rotating gears. In expensive models, the sensor is visual, that is, there is a special indicator that clearly shows the operation of the protection.


An information display is used to monitor the correct use of the brush. It can show the level of battery discharge, phases of its charge, operating mode, establishment of communication with a smartphone, cleaning time, quadrant of the oral cavity, etc. The display can be either analog with multi-colored indicators (LEDs) or a full LCD, and advanced models are equipped with remote units with large screens.

Progress is moving forward and a smartphone is used as a screen and at the same time a specialized information panel, in which medical program monitors the time, duration and frequency of cleaning.

(Now Google will also know all your personal dental information).

Power type

The most simple models They are powered by batteries, which usually last for 2-3 months. The type or size is usually the most popular - AA/AAA. They are easy to change and can be purchased at any store. Because Charger and all conversion circuits are absent, the cost of such brushes is noticeably lower. Mid- and high-price models are battery-powered. As a rule, they are more reliable, since the battery itself is soldered and there are no spring connections. This also makes it possible to make the brush airtight and moisture does not get in there.

Modern models, as a rule, are charged by contactless induction, so there are no metal parts on the surface of the brush. To charge the battery, a special stand is used, which can be made in both desktop and wall-mounted versions. The design can be any, including in the form of a standard glass for ordinary hand brushes. In advanced models, charging can also be carried out in a travel case.


A new step in home dentistry - irrigators. These are devices that, using a jet of dental fluid or water, easily and without injuring the gums clean the interdental spaces, as well as any hard-to-reach places where the brush cannot penetrate. They are manual and stationary. The former have a small-volume liquid container built into the handle. For the second, a large-volume container is installed separately, and the liquid is supplied through a tube. The peculiarity of irrigators is that not just a powerful stream of water shoots out of the nozzle, but mixed with air microbubbles, which gives such a stream strong cleansing properties.
The pressure created by the device is most often regulated. So, for sensitive or inflamed gums, as well as for habituation, a low pressure is selected; for a healthy oral cavity, a high pressure is selected. The width of the stream can also be adjusted - narrow for cleaning interdental spaces, wide for massaging the gums to increase blood flow in them.

Remark: it should be borne in mind that the temperature of dental fluids, balms or just water must be very strictly controlled and correspond to body temperature, since a pulsating flow even at room temperature (only ~12 °C lower) into the interdental spaces can cause sharp pain, comparable to dental treatment without anesthesia.

Cost Ranges

(the division is very arbitrary)

up to 1,500 rub. - simple single-mode models with one (less often two) attachments and battery power; quite suitable for children and those who are starting to use electric brushes for the first time.
1,500 - 3,000 rub. - one- or two-mode battery models with a pressure sensor and two (less often one) attachments, for charging there is a stand and a built-in or separate miniature power supply; suitable for absolute number applications in an ordinary family.
3,000 - 8,000 rub. - in addition to the previous groups, there are usually simple 1-2 color charge indicators, an additional nozzle, a more powerful engine, build quality without complaints, also in this group there are irrigators of both types; suitable for those who need more careful care behind the oral cavity.
from 8,000 rub. - advanced models of battery brushes and stationary irrigators with several operating modes and several corresponding attachments, a visual pressure sensor, with many additional functions, both individually and in combination, such as: LCD display, high-capacity battery, ionization function, Bluetooth for connection with a smartphone, etc.; necessary for therapeutic and preventive care for problematic teeth and gums or the oral cavity in the treatment stage, as well as for all those for whom a “million dollar smile” is extremely important.

Many people are concerned about the beauty and health of their teeth, because the modern frantic pace of life, unbalanced nutrition and poor environmental conditions provoke various diseases of the masticatory organs and gums.

At first glance, it may seem that following the rules of hygiene is quite enough, but this is not always true: toothpaste manufacturers often abuse people's trust by adding very dangerous components to their products.

How to choose the right oral care product?

Today we will talk about the health benefits and harms of toothpaste, how to choose the right one toothpaste for personal hygiene.

You will learn about natural remedies for brushing teeth and recipes for making toothpaste at home.

Advantages of toothpastes

Doctors advise brushing your teeth daily, but not every person performs this procedure in the morning and evening due to lack of time, excessive fatigue or simply ignoring the recommendations.

Of course, there are people who never use a brush at all, keeping their teeth healthy until old age, but such cases are rare and are largely due to good genetic inheritance.

The vast majority require regular hygienic care of the chewing organs, otherwise unpleasant consequences in the form of caries, periodontal disease, periodontitis and other diseases are possible.

Even 100 years ago, special powders based on chalk, sand and other components were used to clean teeth. Chemical analysis of these substances shows the presence of calcium, fluorine and silicon, which act as both minerals and abrasives. These compounds have proven their effectiveness, so over time they were included in toothpastes, which completely replaced powders.

On pharmaceutical market There is a wide variety of such hygiene products, and dentists are increasingly recommending popular brands. The advantages of toothpastes are difficult to overestimate:

  • remove food debris;
  • strengthen enamel;
  • neutralize pathogenic microorganisms;
  • eliminate bad breath;
  • prevent the development of diseases.

However, not all toothpastes are as good as they are said to be on TV, at the pharmacy, or at the dentist. The modern market economy seeks to sell an expensive product to a patient without regard to the possible consequences. So, what is the danger?

Harmful components

As you know, the chewing organs consist of hard tissue and are located deep in the gums. The top layer of the tooth is most vulnerable to the action of microbes, and it is destroyed primarily under the influence of chemical compounds(for example, acids).

The main components in the enamel structure are calcium and fluoride, and their normal concentration is the key to dental health. In addition, strong fixation of the masticatory organs in the surrounding soft tissues, which can be damaged due to lack of nutrients or pathological processes.

It is precisely to eliminate deficiencies in the oral cavity that the action of toothpastes is aimed, but how often do manufacturers ignore the negative impact of some components.

Every person should be aware of the possible consequences of excessive use of pharmaceutical products containing the following substances:

  1. Lauryl sulfate is a foaming agent that is added to most detergents. During the process of chemical transformations, it forms oxides and nitrates, which settle in the body and provoke an allergic reaction in the form of itching and burning.
  2. Propylene glycol– a solvent used in industry as brake fluid and antifreeze. Accumulates in the kidneys and liver, destroys cellular proteins and membranes, and also causes allergies.
  3. Triclosan is an antibiotic that destroys pathogenic microbes. In medicine, such substances are used strictly as prescribed by a doctor and under strict control in a clinical setting. Triclosan has a negative effect on the digestive system, lungs and kidneys, and also disrupts brain activity.
  4. Paraben is a preservative that is added to increase the shelf life of products. Accumulates in the glands internal secretion and creates the preconditions for the development of malignant tumors.
  5. Polyphosphates are reaction stabilizers and water softeners used in many washing powders. They cause inflammation of the oral mucosa and contribute to an increase in the amount of cholesterol in the body.
  6. Fluoride is a necessary component for tooth enamel, but you should use a paste with it only as prescribed by your dentist. An increased concentration of fluoride leads to darkening of the chewing organs and dangerous diseases, such as fluorosis.

And these are just the main ones harmful substances, which are often added to toothpastes. Of course, there are situations where it is absolutely necessary to use antibacterial, whitening, and mineralizing agents, but they cannot be used daily. It is much more advisable to consult a doctor and have your mouth examined than to self-medicate.

Which toothpaste is safe?

About 90% of all hygiene products for the chewing organs contain one or another harmful components. Among them there are not only well-advertised brands, but also little-known products that fill store shelves.

Firstly, you need to pay attention to its composition, and if any of the above compounds are detected, then you should think about the ratio of the risk of complications and benefits to the body.

Secondly, it is better to buy toothpaste not in a supermarket or market, but in a pharmacy. Of course, you can buy a fake at a medical center, but pharmacists and pharmacists are responsible for the quality of goods, storage conditions and the authenticity of purchases from a certified supplier.

In addition, scammers are aware of the high degree of control in the healthcare sector and do not take unnecessary risks trying to profit from people’s health, although such cases have also been recorded.

Reliable substances

How to choose a good toothpaste if there are so many limiting factors? The answer to this question is not so simple, but everyone can figure it out. It is known that any toothpaste contains the following main ingredients:

  1. Water.
  2. Abrasive.
  3. Humidifier.
  4. Supplements

If the importance of water is beyond doubt, then very useless substances are sometimes used as an abrasive. Small grains are added for mechanical cleaning of the surface of the chewing organs, but their hardness in relation to the enamel is not always taken into account.

The most common abrasive is calcium carbonate, although it has fairly large particles. Many manufacturers speculate on the mention of calcium, without revealing the true nature of the compound: carbonate does not dissolve in water, but only roughly removes plaque, so it is pointless to talk about mineralization of the enamel.

Among other abrasives, aluminum oxide is used, but laboratory studies prove its harmfulness when regular use. Accumulating in the body, the compound provokes redness in the mouth, the formation of ulcers and swelling - these symptoms in some countries have even become the basis for an official ban on this chemical substance in dentistry.

A good alternative is silicon oxide, the finely dispersed structure of which removes food plaque in a very gentle way without having a negative effect.

The humectant in the toothpaste maintains the consistency of the cream, making the product so easy to apply to the brush. Recently, more and more pastes based on glycerin and sorbitol have appeared, which have a safe effect on the body, unlike harmful propylene glycol.

In addition, other additives, such as plant extracts, are also important in a hygiene product. If the toothpaste contains natural ingredients, then such a product should be given preference, although there are situations of banal lure by naturalness, but this is a matter of trust in the manufacturer.

Whitening pastes

It is important to know!

Doctors often recommend that patients use special whitening pastes. Among the variety of similar products on the market, you can choose an individual option for everyone to restore the natural shade of the chewing organs. You should not count on stunning results, because a truly snow-white color can only be obtained in a dental clinic.

They talk endlessly on TV about how to use whitening toothpaste, but few people focus on the possible negative consequences. This product contains a coarse abrasive that actively removes plaque when brushed.

At the same time, the enamel can become thinner, which leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth: they begin to react to both contrasting temperatures and sour foods nutrition. To prevent this effect It is necessary to use whitening toothpastes with remineralizing components, such as active fluoride.

Products based on hydrogen peroxide can also cope with plaque, but their action is based not on abrasive cleaning, but on chemical reaction connections with food residues. Despite such a wide variety, toothpaste is not able to whiten the artificial material in the oral cavity - crowns and fillings will remain the same color, which sometimes does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing next to the natural chewing organs.

Natural Teeth Cleaning Products

There is not a single toothpaste on the shelves of stores and pharmacies that can be called completely safe. Only 10% of products fully correspond to the term “environmentally friendly product”, although they also contain preservatives that ensure a long shelf life. How to get out of this situation without harming your health?

Natural teeth cleaning products are not inferior to commercial toothpastes in terms of effectiveness, but they need to be prepared quite often. By mixing the necessary substances, each person is able to obtain the required composition and consistency for a wide variety of types of teeth and gums.

IN folk medicine The most popular ingredients are:

  • oil tea tree– eliminates superficial caries and inflammation of soft tissues;
  • thyme - plays a role bactericidal agent;
  • sage – stops bleeding in the gums and strengthens blood vessels;
  • rosemary – improves blood circulation in the tissues that nourish the tooth;
  • clove - removes well toothache;
  • peppermint – eliminates bad breath;
  • chamomile is an excellent antiseptic;
  • honey – contains essential vitamins, micro- and macroelements;
  • baking soda - whitens enamel.

How to make your own toothpaste?

Homemade toothpaste recipes are quite varied and not complicated, although certain proportions must be observed. Some substances are also effective when used alone, such as citric acid or salt.

Rinse like this simple solutions mouth can be done during the day, and in the mornings in the evenings hygiene procedures multi-component toothpastes.

Sage with chamomile

  1. Stir white clay(70 g) with water to form a paste.
  2. Dissolve 10 drops of propolis in the mixture.
  3. Add 1 tsp. honey and 2 drops each of sage and chamomile oils.
  4. Brush your teeth twice a day.
  5. The paste removes food plaque and gum inflammation.

Tea tree, coconut and mint

  1. Mix half a teaspoon each of cinnamon, fennel and sea salt.
  2. Add 2 teaspoons baking soda and 6 drops each of tea tree and mint oil.
  3. Mix thoroughly and add 1 teaspoon of coconut oil before each use.
  4. Store the paste in an airtight container.
  5. The product has a whitening and anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. It should be used no more than once a week due to the presence of soda in the composition.

Herbal powder

  1. Mix the powders of cinquefoil erecta, calamus and birch bark in a ratio of 2:2:1.
  2. Dilute in warm water until a cream consistency is obtained.
  3. The resulting paste nourishes and heals the gums, strengthens and whitens the enamel.
  4. After use, do not eat for 1 hour.

Wood ash

  1. Collect wood ash in a saucer.
  2. Dip the brush and brush your teeth with it.
  3. Potassium hydroxide, which is part of the ash, has a good bleaching effect.
  4. You can also mix it with store-bought paste.


  1. Cut the eggplant into circles.
  2. Bake in the oven until charred.
  3. Grind and mix with sea ​​salt in a 2:1 ratio.
  4. The powder serves as a means to strengthen the gums.


The components of factory toothpastes have passed all the necessary certification and are considered environmentally friendly clean products, however, not always them regular use will be good for health.

Various components can harm the human body, cause an allergic reaction and provoke complications in the oral cavity.

In addition, a lot of simple recipes will tell you how to make toothpaste at home and take care of your chewing organs and gums yourself using traditional methods.

Be healthy!

Since dentistry began to develop, the way we brush our teeth has undergone many changes. This process especially affected the toothbrush. In the 20th century, no one attached importance to the softness of the bristles or their number, much less their direction.

Today there are a number of differences between a brush and a pen. Experts say that everyone who cares about oral health and the beauty of their smile should choose a toothbrush taking into account their natural characteristics. So, how to choose this simple item for the main morning and evening ritual.

How to find out the degree of hardness: decoding the markings

You should choose from a trusted manufacturer.

It is better if it is a company with global experience.

Check that the packaging is intact and there is no damage or dents on the fibers.

Read more.

  • Sensitive translated from English - sensitive. Suitable for people with various diseases gums (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontal disease, hyperesthesia, etc.).
  • Soft translated from English – . Ideal for people whose gums are prone to inflammation and swelling. Typically, owners of this quality are distinguished by thin skin, a tendency to irritate the mucous membranes and the close location of blood vessels on the face.
  • Medium translated from English - average. If a person has good health, perfectly perceives cold and hot, but he doesn’t even know what blood is when brushing his teeth, such a brush is ideal for him.
  • Hard translated from English - hard, firm. If the condition of your oral cavity is normal, it will be optimal for you Toothbrush with stubble medium degree rigidity, but this toothbrush will not cause injury.
  • Extra-hard translated from English - extra-hard. In many countries, toothbrushes with this hardness have been discontinued. They are suitable for those whose health can be defined as impeccable. Buyers often mistakenly prefer such bristles, believing that they clean their teeth better. Unfortunately, it is not. Help improve the quality of teeth cleaning aids: , . A hard stubble It will only disturb the gums, which will definitely not improve the health of the oral cavity.

In fact, toothbrushes labeled extra-hard are the cheapest and use the least amount of manufacturing resources. If you add a couple more plastic decoy blocks, the cost is greatly underestimated, and the buyer mistakes the “sophisticated” model for a high-tech one.

Types of stubble

Natural bristles

Toothbrushes with this feature are practically not produced today, as they are distinguished by two impressive disadvantages. The first is high wear resistance. The second is increased bacteriality, associated with a strong tendency to absorb moisture, which, in turn, creates an excellent environment for the reproduction and life of dangerous bacteria.

Natural bristles

Among the advantages, it is worth noting the most gentle action. Such brushes simply cannot be hard or extra-hard. So trauma is completely eliminated. Although it is worth admitting that experts are still arguing whether such brushes cope with cleaning teeth at the required level in principle.

Pay attention to the President line of toothbrushes - they are as natural as possible and, unlike their analogues, they last additional stage quality checks.

Artificial bristles

Modern brushes are almost all made of nylon, a highly durable material that can be molded into any shape. It is colored, hardened, and even charcoal is added, which, as manufacturers claim, gives the brush bacterial properties.

How to choose the right brush for cleaning your teeth?

For an adult

  1. Assess the condition of your oral cavity. Pay attention to soft brushes. The fewer injuries on the gums and micro-scratches on the enamel, the longer your teeth will maintain their health.
  2. If a person is allergic to nylon (which is, of course, extremely rare), look for toothbrushes made from natural materials. In this case, do not forget to change this hygiene item at least once a month. Or in the as a last resort subject to boiling or another method of disinfection at least once a week.
  3. Choose a handle that is comfortable for you - so that it fits comfortably in your hand and contains as little plastic as possible (a brush that is too bulky can again injure your gums and cheeks). Remember that the soft parts on it are also excellent breeding grounds for bacteria that can penetrate into pores and cracks that are invisible to the eye.

Variety of brushes

For a child

So, what should you pay attention to when buying a toothbrush for your child? The bristles should be soft or very soft so as not to damage the mucous membrane of the gums during cleaning and not subject them to abrasion. hard tissues teeth. The bristles should also be artificial. Natural brushes provide the most favorable conditions for the accumulation and proliferation of bacteria. When using this, the risk of infection of the oral cavity is extremely high, manifested in frequent stomatitis and gingivitis.

The size of the working part of the brush (head) should be small. Its size should not exceed the width of two adjacent ones (about 2 cm).

Types of brushes

Pen. For the first teeth (up to a year) it does not matter, since for now ONLY an adult brushes their teeth. In the future (from one year onwards), the handle of the toothbrush is of great importance. For convenience, it is better to choose rubberized toothbrushes, of which manufacturers have a huge variety in their children's line.

For a pregnant woman

During pregnancy, women are prone to swelling. It is better if the toothbrush during this period is also selected accordingly. Choose copies from global manufacturers (to avoid low-quality counterfeits and unsanitary production conditions).

The second problem that pregnant women very often encounter is an increased gag reflex. Sometimes brushing your teeth is almost impossible. In this case, you should purchase a mono-tuft toothbrush (more about it below).

Fashionable ultrasonic brushes are not suitable for women during this special period of life.. Their effectiveness has indeed been proven, they perfectly cleanse the oral cavity of germs and bacteria, but, unfortunately, whether there is any effect on the child is unknown. A full-fledged study requires decades and significant investments, so it is unlikely that positive news can be expected in the near future.

Toothbrush head

Many people are attracted to toothbrushes lying on the counter with a thick rubber handle and a bunch of additional bulges and roundness.

In fact, the most expensive and high-quality toothbrush is a mono-tuft toothbrush.

The diameter of the head of such a device is only a few millimeters, and brushing your teeth with it will take twice as long, but the efficiency is several times greater than that of a standard toothbrush.

The fact is that many people are not able to thoroughly clean all their teeth due to the gag reflex.

Dentists are constantly faced with the fact that far people are susceptible to caries and various damages. standing teeth, wisdom teeth, which, as a rule, simply cannot be reached with a regular brush. So, a mono-beam brush was literally created to solve this problem.

They also come in several types of hardness.

How often should it be changed?

On average, you change your toothbrush every three months. But, if a person prefers to brush his teeth three times a day, does it actively and vigorously, his toothbrush will wear out noticeably faster. Thus, it is necessary to change this hygiene item as it wears out. For natural brushes, the service life is also noticeably reduced. Dentists agree - the more often the replacement occurs, the better.

The quality of teeth cleaning depends on the brush

A toothbrush is one of the most important hygiene items. How uncomfortable we feel if it is not at hand in the morning! It should not be treated with negligence. Do not neglect hygiene, wash it with bacterial soap, dry it, do not throw it on the sink in a hurry, and do not transport it without a cover. And most importantly - change it more often!

If you have encountered at least one dental problem in the oral cavity, do not skimp on your toothbrush. It must be remembered that both emotional and psychological health depend on dental health. Everything in the body is interconnected. And teeth are an important part of it, providing us high comfort and standard of living.

A beautiful smile always encourages people to communicate with you and creates only positive impressions. In addition, healthy and clean teeth are an indicator of the cleanliness of their owner. Twenty years ago the question “Which toothbrush should I choose?” was not as acute as it is now.

Progress does not stand still, and classic options replaced by more modern - electric and ultrasonic models. Thanks to them, brushing your teeth has become not only more comfortable, but also noticeably more effective. Today's market for personal care products offers a chic assortment of products for every taste and color. And at the same time, it raises many questions: “Which toothbrush should I choose - electric or ultrasonic, or maybe even stick to the more familiar mechanical models?”

The choice is also complicated by the fact that supervisory authorities impose strict requirements on hygiene products and try to adapt GOST standards to European quality standards. In this regard, another question arises: “What are the requirements for choosing a toothbrush?” It is quite difficult to answer, and here it is much easier to identify manufacturers or specific models that answer them. But more on that later.

We will try to figure out which toothbrush to choose in this or that case and how to do it correctly. Let's consider the main selection criteria and summarize expert advice. After that, we will identify several of the most intelligent models of toothbrushes, which have distinguished themselves by their quality component, as well as a large number of positive responses from users and dentists.

Hardness degree

Here we will determine which toothbrush is softer and which is harder, and which will be better in specific cases. There are four generally accepted indicators of this characteristic: sensitive, soft, medium, hard and extra-hard. From the softest to the hardest, respectively.

It's sad that many people ignore advice on choosing toothbrushes and don't take into account the degree of hardness, but only look at other characteristics. The quality and efficiency of cleaning directly depends on this. For example, the toughest models - extra-hard - are intended for people with serious problems in the oral cavity, such as increased plaque formation.

Only specialists can recommend brushes of this type for use. Well, as often happens with us, the average person buys super-hard models and rips his gums to blood, and then complains about the manufacturer, spamming him with negative reviews.

Many also ask which children's toothbrush is better in this or that case. It is also important here useful advice dentist, but for the baby’s fragile teeth you need to choose only from the sensitive or soft categories. So be sure to pay attention to this moment Special attention.


Let's figure out which toothbrush bristles are better than others and why. Despite the high cost and, it would seem, obvious advantages natural materials, synthetics in this case look in a more favorable light.

The fact is that bristles made of natural fibers absorb water and thereby create a favorable microclimate for the development of harmful microorganisms. Of course, if you take proper care of the brush and wash it thoroughly, and then dry it after each use, then there will be no problems. But this again extra time, and in the morning it usually doesn’t happen.

So if you want to choose the right toothbrush, then look for models with artificial bristles. IN otherwise you will spend a lot of time not only on personal hygiene, but also on maintaining the product.

Brush type

In order to choose the right toothbrush, be sure to decide on this important point, as the type of product. It can be ordinary physical or electrical, and the latter, in turn, is divided into mechanical, sound and ultrasonic models.

The classic brushes without a motor, which we used before, are simple, as is their choice. Here you only need to take into account the degree of rigidity, bristles and the convenience of the product as a whole. In other cases, you need to carefully weigh everything before choosing the right toothbrush.

Mechanical models

They work on the same principle as regular classic brushes, only in this case the driving force is a motor. Thus, the number of movements and their optimal direction are greatly increased. In short, it is more effective than simple models and produces much greater results.


The main feature of such models is the presence of a special generator that converts ordinary electrical impulses into sound ones. As a result, the bristles move more intensely and remove plaque noticeably better without damaging tooth enamel.

In addition, sonic brushes provide a delicate, which has an extremely positive effect on general condition oral cavity. They cost more than mechanical models and are more finicky to maintain.


This is a more advanced version of sound products, where the main impact force is ultrasound in the range from 1.6 to 1.8 MHz. These brushes penetrate into the most difficult to reach places and easily cope with even the toughest plaque.

Moreover, ultrasonic models also have bactericidal properties. And the latter is very important for allergy sufferers and other user groups in the danger zone. The price tags for such brushes are the most expensive, but the return is very high. high level.

Power supply

Another important factor that you need to pay attention to in order to choose the right toothbrush. The ease of use of the model and its battery life depend mainly on it.

Here we have rechargeable products and battery-powered devices. In the first case, the main battery is the original battery, which can be recharged from a regular network, as if it were the same smartphone. This is a convenient and at the same time practical option, but at the same time the most expensive.

In the second case, we have a device on regular batteries, which must be replaced after the charge is exhausted. Such models operate on AA or AAA type elements (finger/little finger). They cost significantly less than their rechargeable counterparts, but their battery life is shorter, and there are hassles with replacing batteries.

Oral-B Vitality 3D White Luxe

The Oral-B Vitality Brown toothbrush is a mechanical and inexpensive device. The model enjoys enviable popularity among domestic consumers and is sold, as they say, on every corner. The Oral B Vitality toothbrush boasts a speed of 7600 movements per minute, which makes oral care very effective.

In addition, the model received an indication of bristle wear, a timer and a comfortable handle. The whitening nozzle, complete with the mode of the same name, allows you to quickly clean teeth from yellowness and nicotine.

Among the shortcomings of the Oral B Vitality toothbrush, one can highlight the absence of marker marks, charging indication, and also at least some kind of transport case. But looking at the price tag and the available capabilities, it’s hard to call these shortcomings critical.

The approximate cost of the model is about 1500 rubles.

Oral-B Kids Mickey Mouse

Another Brown electric toothbrush from the Oral B series, but for children over 3 years old. The first thing that catches your eye is the attractive appearance model, based on the Disney cartoon of the same name. Little users are simply delighted with this brush, and a tedious procedure turns into a real cartoon adventure.

An additional motivation for cleaning is a solid set of 16 thematic melodies. Music can be turned on during the procedure, or set on timers indicating a change in the direction of the head or the completion of cleaning.

The bristles of the brush are carefully selected and fully comply with dental standards, taking into account the age of the users. The fibers will gently and carefully not only clean your teeth, but also massage your gums. The model does not have any critical shortcomings, so it can be recommended to everyone.

The approximate price of the model is about 2300 rubles.

Oral-B Pro 500 Cross Action

Experts call this model the best example of the ratio of quality to return and cost. It is easy to use, relatively inexpensive and has all the necessary functionality for complete oral care.

The electric model boasts an effective branded Cross Action head of a replaceable type. During operation, it provides optimal coverage of the tooth due to the thoughtful arrangement of the bristles. Well-programmed reciprocating movements allow you to penetrate deep into crevices and remove more contaminants. There is also a built-in timer linked to modes and a good rechargeable battery.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the practicality of the model. Universal receiver allows you to use a large number of both branded Brown attachments and third-party manufacturers. As shortcomings, we can note the lack of at least some kind of travel case and the battery takes too long to recharge.

The approximate cost of the model is about 2,700 rubles.

Donfeel HSD-008

This is already a serious ultrasonic product with a corresponding price tag and cleaning efficiency. The base station has a spacious compartment for four attachments, which, when idle, are treated with an ultraviolet lamp, providing them with good disinfection. So in this case, you don’t have to worry about bacteria, viruses, spores and other problems inherent in such hygiene products.

The design of the brush is modular, so if necessary, any part can be replaced with another, at a significant cost. less funds than if you replaced it with a new one or even took it for repairs.

The model supports three modes: classic, whitening and massage with maximum number revolutions of 42,000 rpm. All the attachments necessary for them are included in the kit, including a very rare one - an interdental one. In addition, the brush is equipped with a clear battery charge indicator, as well as a memory chip for the selected modes and speeds.

There are also nice extras like a travel case with a box for 2 attachments, as well as a spare ultraviolet lamp. The device is charged via a USB port and a 110 or 220 V power supply, depending on the selected adapter, which is especially convenient on trains and airplanes.

The approximate price of the model is about 5,000 rubles.

Emmi-dent 6 Professional

This is perhaps the best that the ultrasonic toothbrush segment has to offer. The model from the German brand operates on 100% soft and completely safe ultrasound. Moreover, here we have not just the manufacturer’s assurances and a marketing “gimmick,” but real patented technology that has been thoroughly tested by the relevant authorities.

The toothbrush does an excellent job of removing any plaque while providing gentle cleaning. In addition, the product prevents the formation of tartar and has a healing effect, especially if we're talking about about bleeding gums or tooth decay. The model will also help whiten your teeth and help get rid of bad breath.

The toothbrush is suitable for people with sensitive teeth and gums, as well as for those with implants, crowns and braces. Thanks to ultrasonic technology with motionless cleaning, tooth enamel is not scratched and gums are not injured.

I was also pleased with the battery life of the device. The high-capacity nickel-metal hydride battery provides up to 10 days of stable operation on a single charge, when using the toothbrush twice a day. Perhaps the only fly in the ointment here, which users often complain about, is the model’s pickiness about rather expensive toothpaste (branded, non-abrasive).

The approximate cost of the model is about 12,500 rubles.

As A.P. wrote Chekhov, everything in a person should be beautiful: his face, his clothes, his soul, his thoughts... and his teeth. In fact, in his famous work, our natural adaptation for chewing food great writer I didn’t mention it, but every person knows that a snow-white smile is the key to success in life.

Maintaining oral hygiene is the most important point in body care. We are talking not only about preserving the white shade of the enamel, but also about carefully cleaning from the remains of chewed food and pathogenic bacteria.

Electric toothbrushes are the best way to remove all dirt in your mouth. According to statistics announced by leading dentists in our country, they cope with the task several times better than ordinary ones. In this material we will tell you how to choose an electric toothbrush, and also determine best deals dental market.

Criterion No. 1 – head size

The size of the toothbrush, or more precisely, the part of it that operates in our mouth, is of great importance. Here the choice should be based on the principle, the less, the better. The fact is that the task of an electric brush is not to clean all teeth at once, but each one separately, since it is in the crevices between them that accumulated greatest number harmful microorganisms and leftover food pieces.

Suitable toothbrush sizes on average should vary from 18 to 30-35 millimeters. So, brushes of the following sizes are best suited for different age categories:

  • for children – up to 20-25 millimeters;
  • for adults approximately 30 millimeters.

Criterion No. 2 – flexibility

Of course, the more flexible the fuzzy head is attached to the base, the better the quality of oral care will be. The reasons behind this statement are as follows:

  • flexibility allows the villi to clean every interdental gap and unevenness of the teeth themselves;
  • thereby valuable quality, the brush not only cleanses the oral cavity, but also massages the gums.

Everything is clear about cleaning your teeth, but why massage your gums when they are so easy to injure? We answer:

  • an electric toothbrush with high-quality bristles is not capable of causing harm to the oral cavity;
  • Gum massage allows you to stimulate blood circulation, thereby strengthening dental health.

Adjust the pressure of the bristles in a way that is comfortable for you, this is very easy to do, just try several degrees of pressure and determine the most comfortable one.

Criterion No. 3 – quantity and quality of bristle tufts

Having looked at several options for devices for cleaning the oral cavity in the store, pay attention to next moment: For people of different ages, recommendations for the number of tufts of bristles attached to the head will be different. Let's see how:

  • Children are ideally suited to a device that has from 20 to 25 bunches bristles (not individual hairs);
  • beginning with adolescence the number of beams can be increased up to 40 pieces;
  • adults and elderly people are recommended to use devices with 55 bundles on the head.

The best electric brushes also have interesting feature: food coloring is applied to their fibers various colors, absolutely safe for our body. It serves as a kind of indicator of the suitability of the replacement part of the device. In other words, as soon as you notice that the paint has completely worn off, you will need to replace the nozzle.

Depending on the intensity of use, the approximate shelf life of the bristles will be as follows:

  • when cleansing the oral cavity in the morning and evening, the nozzle will last you two and a half to three months;
  • Using the device three to four times a day should be accompanied by replacing the removable part every one and a half to two months.

If you do not change the removable part of the device in time, you will have to face such an unpleasant consequence as a decrease in cleaning efficiency. The fact is that in the process of using the device’s bristles:

  • deformed;
  • partially destroyed.

As a result, the effect of 3D cleansing disappears, since the villi no longer reach the crevices and various reliefs on the tooth itself, which leads to consequences such as caries.

To extend the shelf life of the nozzle, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations:

  • clean it daily with a jet hot water from the tap (boiled water if desired);
  • Once a week, thoroughly wash the bundles with antibacterial or any other soap.

Another mandatory quality indicator: each bristle inserted into the head must have a rounded tip. This is necessary so that during rotational movements the following are not damaged:

  • tooth enamel;
  • gingival epithelium.

It is best if you choose a 3D electric toothbrush. These are equipped with tufts of pile different lengths. The arrangement of the beams relative to each other is at an angle. The desired structure of the cleaning head helps to achieve:

  • comprehensive whitening;
  • complete cleansing.

Criterion No. 4 – cleaning technique

An electric toothbrush can rightfully be classified as a “smart” device. When we use a conventional cleaning tool, the movements are made in an ineffective, chaotic manner. The battery-powered device eliminates the need to clean hard-to-reach places yourself. Thanks to the technical component, the best electric brushes quickly remove all impurities from the oral cavity.

The functioning of the oscillations performed by the device can be constructed as follows:

  • cleansing is carried out using a reciprocating rotation method;
  • The brush head pulsates.

Electric brushes from the first category clean the oral cavity in a gentle manner, gently affecting the teeth and gums with circular movements. These usually come with a removable nozzle from the “Sensitive” series. They are suitable for the following age groups:

  • children;
  • elderly.

Pulsating technology combines:

  • vibration;
  • circular movements.

With its help, plaque is removed much more effectively, and less time is spent on cleaning, however, many people do not immediately get used to their intensity.

Criterion No. 5 – built-in timer

Only the best toothbrushes available today are equipped with very useful function called "timer". Initially, it may seem useless to you, however, in fact, having an automatic shutdown helps users:

  • maintain the integrity of the enamel;
  • carry out a complete cleaning of the mouth;
  • maintain gum health at the desired level.

As you know, even if it is necessary to carry out intensive cleansing of the oral cavity, you should not use a toothbrush for more than two minutes. Otherwise, you will damage the integrity of the protective layer of teeth – enamel and scratch your gums. Automatic brushes equipped with a timer will protect you from these unacceptable consequences.

To give your mouth the attention it needs, follow these steps:

  • set the device to turn off automatically;
  • divide your mouth into four parts in your mind;
  • brush each quarter for 30 seconds.

After the allotted time has elapsed for each part of the mouth, the brush will vibrate, indicating that it is time to move to the next segment.

Criterion No. 6 – adjusting the degree of pressure

High-quality electronic mouth cleaning devices are equipped with so-called pressure sensors. Their presence is another unique feature of “smart” brushes. The degree of pressure can be adjusted independently, however, in reality, the sensitivity of the gums is not so great that you can guess the combination that is safest for your teeth:

  • pressing;
  • speed of movement of the bristles.

Electric brushes with pressure sensors are capable of:

  • reduce the intensity of rotations when applying too much pressure;
  • tilt the cleaning head slightly back from the tooth to smooth out the effect of pressing the device.

Of course, devices with such a device are more expensive than their less “smart” counterparts, however, based on health benefits, the difference will seem insignificant.

Criterion No. 7 – battery charging

Today, electric toothbrushes on the market can be divided into two types according to the method of maintaining performance:

  • “powered” by a battery;
  • requiring battery replacement.

In the first case, you purchase a device that has batteries built into it. It also comes with a “base” - a charger that, for convenience, connects directly in the bathroom, into an outlet near a washing machine or from the side of a mirror-cabinet. Using this brush is absolutely safe. Even though she and her constituent elements are constantly in contact with water, you have nothing to fear:

  • The brush body is insulated from moisture;
  • The charger is also protected from the technical part getting wet.

The battery included in the body of the device can be installed on the “base” before and after it runs out of charge. The lifespan of such a brush is unlimited, especially if you treat it with care.

Representatives of the second category, battery-powered devices, cannot boast of the required vitality for many reasons:

  • constant replacement of batteries is required;
  • poor insulation of the power unit from water;
  • The compartment cover that opens and closes to install batteries fails over time, making the brush impossible to use.

Usually, when buying a battery-powered brush, people have a natural desire to save money. However, in fact, it will not be possible to save your hard-earned money in the future, since a failed device will soon require replacement, while brushes with a battery will delight you with proper operation for many years.

The following table summarizes the information received about the criteria for choosing electric toothbrushes.

Table 1. What is the difference between the best electric brushes?

Parameters of the best toothbrushes
Small head, preferably with 3D coverage
Presence of a timer
Pressure sensor
High quality bristles with rounded ends
Built-in battery
Flexible connection between base and head

Top 5 best electric toothbrushes

As we promised, in addition to reviewing the criteria necessary for a quality electric toothbrush, we will also present best representatives market. Along the way, we will understand how each of the devices can surprise and delight users.

Oral-B Professional Care 700

Perhaps the leader in the presented price segment. The device is approved for use by dentists, so you can safely choose it in the store. Let's look at the main characteristics of the brush.

  1. The shape of the head to which the villi are attached is normal, cup-shaped, well suited for gradual cleaning of each tooth.
  2. The device comes with one removable head with colored bristles, indicating that the device is performing high-intensity cleaning of the oral cavity. In addition, a travel plastic case is included, divided into cells for two attachments and the device itself.
  3. The device offers us a combined cleaning technique, with the following parameters of movements per minute:
    1. 8,800 directed;
    2. 20,000 pulsating. As you can see, such a number of fluctuations suggests that high-quality cleaning, the plaque presented by the brush is removed from the teeth in seconds.
  4. The method of charging the device is rechargeable; a base for replenishing energy is included with the device and is also placed in the box.
  5. This device has a built-in pressure sensor, which, as we have already said, resists excessively strong pressure on your part. Its presence guarantees the preservation of healthy enamel and gums.

As you can see, the brush is quite decent for the mid-price segment, providing all the necessary needs related to oral hygiene. The average price of a device on store shelves varies from 5 to 6 thousand units of Russian national currency.

Kolibree V1

Another representative of the “smart” toothbrush segment. Despite the fact that you rarely see this manufacturer on store shelves, its products are worth paying attention to. Let's look at the characteristics of the device.

  1. The frequency of low-amplitude movements performed by the device is 15,000 per 60 seconds. There is only one mode of operation, but it is effective.
  2. The set includes two attachments, the bristles are of standard stiffness, and there are segments painted with food paints.
  3. Using the built-in timer, you can adjust the time for brushing your teeth.
  4. The charge is carried out from the network thanks to the built-in battery.
  5. Among other things, this device is equipped with:
    1. Bluetooth;
    2. technology for remembering the time it takes to brush each tooth;
    3. the ability to connect to a smartphone and display various statistics on the device (quality of cleaning, time spent, etc.).
  6. The bristles in the tufts on the head are rounded, so in principle the following can use the device for adults:
    1. children;
    2. elderly.
  7. The weight of this brush is only 80 grams.

By purchasing such a brush, you will protect your oral cavity from the development of diseases by 100%. The average price for a device is 10-11 thousand Russian rubles.

Oral-B Smart 6 6000N

Another one electric brush, synchronizing with a smartphone. Let's look at its features in the list below.

  1. This device comes with three attachments, all round shape, allowing you to clean each tooth individually. At the same time, some of them are designed specifically for intensive enamel whitening.
  2. The device is equipped with several operating modes, namely:
    1. massage;
    2. delicate cleaning;
    3. whitening;
    4. standard, suitable people without any special problems with teeth and oral cavity.
  3. Combined head movements:
    1. directed are 10,500 times per minute;
    2. pulsating for the same amount of time - 48,000 units.
  4. The device is powered by a battery. The battery life without recharging is short, 48 minutes, but to restore functionality, you will have to wait, because it will take about 10 hours.
  5. As we have already said, the device synchronizes with phones and has built-in Bluetooth.
  6. The pressure sensor allows you to compensate for the force of excessive pressure on the device in order to prevent damage to the enamel and mucous membranes of the gums.
  7. The bristles of the head are coated with safe dyes - indicators of wear of the removable element.
  8. The device is stored using a holder; it also comes with a special case with compartments, which is convenient to take on the road.

The cost of the device varies between 14–15 thousand rubles; you can purchase it in almost any store.

Philips Sonicare DiamondClean HX9372/04

A unique dental device from a popular manufacturer, equipped with a display. It is many times superior to its predecessors in terms of functionality.

  1. This electric brush does not have the classic elongated shape. The device comes with two standard attachments.
  2. The presented Panasonic brush offers several operating modes, namely:
    1. massage;
    2. whitening;
    3. delicate cleansing;
    4. standard.
  3. The maximum possible amplitude of head movements is 31 thousand units per minute.
  4. The device is charged using a battery, which, we want to note, can work autonomously for three weeks!
  5. The display displays information for users; mode switching indicators and other signals are also built into the device.
  6. The built-in timer allows you to forget about control during cleaning and enjoy the process of self-care.
  7. The device is stored on a stand in which additional holders for attachments are made; in addition, a travel case is included in the kit.

The average cost of a brush is about 16 thousand units of Russian currency, which puts it in the already high-price segment, however, the unforgettable feeling of cleanliness in the mouth is worth it.

Oral-B Genius 9000

The electric brush you are looking for is one of the best dental supplies on the market today. Available in three colors:

  • pink gold;
  • black;
  • white.

It attracts not only with its functionality, but also with its appearance. Let's consider its features.

Unlike many similar options, this device can be charged directly inside the case, which also serves as a “base”. The drawer also contains several built-in attachments. In the bathroom, you can install it on a special stand, and place a phone next to it that tracks teeth whitening statistics (a holder for the “handset” is also included in the kit).

To get tremendous pleasure from brushing your teeth with this brush, you will have to fork out 19 thousand 990 rubles. However, at the same time, you will save money on the dentist by forgetting about the premises of his office for many years.

Let's sum it up

Today, in the assortment of household appliance stores located in land-based locations or the World Wide Web, you can find many effective dental electric brushes. The more functions and additional features are built into them, the higher the price will rise. Remember that this is about your oral health and make your decisions based on that.

Video - How to choose the right electric toothbrush?