What is maltodextrin: why is it needed in sports and children's nutrition? Maltodextrin in baby food - what is it, benefits and harms

What is maltodextrin and how does it affect the child’s body? Why is it added to baby formulas and cereals? Does the ingredient cause harm or benefit?

Before giving a child a new product, caring mothers begin to study its composition on the label. There are completely different ingredients there with new and unfamiliar names.

Maltodextrin causes some concern among parents that it is in baby food we'll try to figure it out. But let’s say right away: this food additive is not dangerous for most children, although it has its contraindications.

What is maltodextrin

Maltodextrin is a carbohydrate in its composition, like other sugars - glucose, lactose, etc. This is specially produced starch from rice or corn, less often from potatoes or wheat. Its chemical composition is very similar to that of corn syrup (molasses). But it contains a lower concentration of sugars, because maltodextrin undergoes special processing.

This carbohydrate looks like pure form as a creamy or white powder with high hygroscopicity. It has a neutral or slightly sweet taste.

A large amount of this substance enters our body every day - along with mayonnaise, sausages, chocolate, bread, rolls, and other products. There are certain benefits and harms from maltodextrin that parents need to know about.

What advantages does it have?

To improve taste qualities finished products, manufacturers put this ingredient in them. It is also found in children's cereals, which can be bought in any supermarket. The dietary supplement has some benefits:

  • acts as a thickener;
  • makes baby food nourishing and rich;
  • helps instant protein dissolution and its complete absorption by the body;
  • the substance dissolves easily without forming lumps;
  • the ingredient is moderately sweet, compared to other sweeteners - honey, maltose, sugar, etc.;
  • helps to increase the shelf life of baby food;
  • is a source of additional energy;
  • mixes well with other components of the product;
  • easy to produce and inexpensive.

Although maltodextrin is absorbed by the baby’s body better than starch, you should not abuse it. If it enters the body in excess, the intestinal microflora may deteriorate and the child becomes more vulnerable to various types of infections.

Disadvantages of the Dietary Supplement

Not all children can eat products containing this component. If it is in infant formula, be careful, especially if your baby has celiac disease - a gluten intolerance. Make sure that maltodextrin is not made from wheat starch.

Before purchasing a product, look at the country of origin: food from Europe most often contains a wheat additive; from the USA and Canada, this type of vegetable starch is made from corn.

Among the disadvantages are:

  1. Significant glycemic index- from 105 to 136, for sugar it is 70, for fructose - 20. This product directly affects blood sugar levels.
  2. It may contain GMOs, because most often the ingredient is made from raw materials such as corn.
  3. It is possible that a food additive may cause excess weight your baby's.
  4. This vegetable starch should not be consumed by children who are allergic to corn.
  5. It is not recommended to add porridge with such carbohydrates to the diet of children with diabetes mellitus.
  6. It depletes the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the child's body.

Feeding the baby with early childhood cereals, ready-made mixtures and purees, which contain chemically processed components, becomes one of the main causes of obesity and early diabetes in children. If you compare regular infant formula with breast milk, it turns out that artificial nutrition contains 2 times more sugars than mother's milk.

What side effects does maltodextrin cause?

Excessive consumption of baby food that contains maltodextrin may cause symptoms of childhood allergies - itching and rash, asthma, difficulty breathing. There is also bloating and weight gain beyond normal.

If you notice these or other symptoms, as well as deviations from the norm in the baby’s development, be sure to seek help from your pediatrician. Eliminate food containing maltodextrin from your baby's diet. But the fact is that it is difficult to determine for sure which ingredient the baby’s body reacted negatively to. After all, baby food also contains other additives besides maltodextrin.

What foods contain maltodextrin?

This ingredient can often be seen in baby cereals, mixtures and purees. You will find it among the ingredients in confectionery products, yoghurts, chips, chocolate bars, bread, puddings, and ice cream. Carbohydrates are added to sausages and other meat products, sauces, ketchups, etc. The ingredient is also used in pharmacology - in medicines, dietary supplements.

There is maltodextrin in cereals instant cooking that do not require cooking, for example:

  • in dairy corn porridge“Baby” - recommended from 5 months;
  • in dairy-free multigrain porridge “Nutrilon” with banana - from 6 months;
  • in Nestle dairy-free buckwheat porridge - from 4 months.

Also, a carbohydrate additive is available in dry milk formulas - in substitutes breast milk, such manufacturers as Nutricia, Friso, Nestle Nan, Hipp.

A food additive such as maltodextrin is more needed by manufacturers than by children. It is added for good solubility, improving the consistency of the product, and its rapid thickening. Requires ingredient for loosening, moisture absorption, formation correct form product.

Maltodextrin improves the consistency and taste of baby food, it nutritional value, which means it increases its sales.

Parents themselves need to decide what to feed their child. Any product is good to consume in moderation. It’s great if the mother is breastfeeding, another alternative is preparing complementary foods yourself. If you don’t have time for this, you can buy baby food by carefully reading its composition on the packaging. Be sure to monitor your baby's well-being.

Modern parents are very careful about the composition of the food they give their children. And the word “maltodextrin” in the list of baby food ingredients may raise questions and concerns for them. Let's figure out what this substance is, and whether it is harmful to babies or beneficial.

Chemical composition

According to its structure, maltodextrin is classified as a carbohydrate, like glucose, lactose and other sugars. It is a close “relative” of molasses. It is starch from corn or rice (less commonly from wheat or potatoes), which is specially processed.

Chemical composition This carbohydrate is similar to the composition of molasses or corn syrup. But, if compared with molasses, maltodextrin has a lower concentration of sugars, as it is processed differently. In its pure form, such a carbohydrate looks like a white or creamy powder with high hygroscopicity.

The taste is neutral or slightly sweet. Because it is used in combination with artificial sweeteners, many people think it tastes sweet.

Benefits for the child

When you see maltodextrin in a product you buy for your child, you don’t need to immediately get scared and return the food to the shelf, because this ingredient also has many useful properties.

Beneficial features for baby:

  • The absorption of maltodextrin is easier than the absorption of starch.
  • Acts as a source of energy.
  • Like dietary fiber, it is resistant to digestion by gastric juice, so it passes freely through the stomach and improves gastrointestinal motility. However, if consumed in excess, maltodextrin has a negative effect on the intestinal microflora, so you should not abuse it. In baby food its quantity is balanced.

Pros for manufacturers


  • If we compare maltodextrin and regular sugar, the glycemic index of this substance is much higher - it ranges from 105 to 136, which depends on the method of its production. This means that adding such carbohydrates to the diet is contraindicated for children with diabetes. Some companies treat maltodectrin with heat, acids and enzymes, saying that in their products it, on the contrary, lowers blood sugar levels. These allegations have not yet been proven. Therefore, diabetic children should avoid such foods.
  • May be derived from GMO foods. For information on the consequences of taking such a diet, see the video at the end of the article.
  • Studies have been conducted showing that the use in excess can worsen the intestinal microflora and make it more vulnerable to various infections.
  • With a small physical activity the additive promotes speed dial weight.
  • The substance is dangerous for children with corn allergies if we are talking about corn maltodextrin.

If your baby has celiac disease, then he should not consume maltodextrin from wheat. Very often this type is added to baby food produced in Asian countries. In products European countries maltodextrin from potatoes is often added, and Canadian and American food usually includes corn maltodextrin.

Possible problems for the child

Children may experience the following problems:

  • Excess weight.
  • Allergy.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Flatulence and bloating.

If your baby has any side symptoms, the cause of which parents suspect is baby food, you should definitely go to the pediatrician. Determining that maltodextrin is the culprit is quite difficult.

If any of the above symptoms appear, you should show your baby to a doctor.

In what products can it be found?

In baby food, this carbohydrate is found in mixtures, cereals and purees.

Maltodextrin can be seen in the list of ingredients in yoghurts, bread, mayonnaise, chocolate, chips, sports nutrition, confectionery, ice cream, puddings, meat products, sausages, sauces, drinks and other products.

It is added to improve consistency, thickening, better solubility, loosening, forming, moisture absorption and to resist color change of the product over time. This substance is also in demand in pharmaceuticals - it is added to dietary supplements and medicines.

It is much more important that baby food contains no GMOs. For more information about the consequences of taking such nutrition, see the following video.

What is maltodextrin - the benefits and harm to the body can be considered in different ways - it is a food additive that is found in many products. It is considered mysterious, unhelpful, and its properties are practically unknown. But we collected Interesting Facts about this substance that will amaze you.

What is maltodextrin - the benefits and harms of a food additive

The dietary supplement or food additive maltodextrin is found in foods, but is more often found in baby food and sweets. IN Not large quantities it can be noted in confectionery and bakery products. It is found in large proportions in sports supplements. For dietary products, it is considered a sugar substitute (substitute). It is often used in this regard for the following processes:

  • A hygroscopic white or cream-colored powder is obtained as a result of the processing of starch;
  • Creates a product thickening effect;
  • Used as an emulsifier in milk;
  • Stimulates fast dissolution products;
  • Allows you to preserve the color of products as a result of inhibition of the oxidation process;
  • Can be a leavening agent for dough;
  • Ideal assistant in the creation of shaped jelly products;
  • Helps to better absorb substances in the intestines.

So should we be afraid of this substance if it is present almost everywhere and helps our intestines? Candies and sweets remain bright and shaped, and cookies remain crumbly. Maltodextrin is produced in large excess in the form of corn or potato starch. There is another ability it has - to absorb moisture and strengthen taste sensations. As an inert product, it is added to medications to prepare a portion of dietary supplements.

Once in the stomach, maltodextrin is converted into glucose, helping to restore strength after training and giving a great boost of energy before competitions. It is not considered doping and is not prohibited as a consumed substance in a product or in its pure form.

  1. In children's and sports nutrition, the substance allows you to quickly absorb microelements in foods.
  2. IN confectionery maltodextrin is used to improve taste.
  3. In candies - to improve the appearance: durable color, shape.
  4. In ice cream - for stability and shelf life.
  5. For sausages, maltodextrin will be a source of animal fats (expensive components).
  6. Seasonings and sauces will taste better due to this substance, and the sugar content will also decrease.
  7. In the fast food industry, it plays a special role - it dissolves and crystallizes powdered preservatives and allows semi-finished products to be broken down faster.
  8. Fruits are sometimes sprayed with this substance to maintain freshness.
  9. Berries that quickly spoil due to insects are preserved thanks to this additive.
  10. Rapidly perishable products during transportation retain their properties and taste due to maltodextrin.

Dietary supplements are very common nowadays and are used in many areas of import and export of products. Without it, all the baked goods would be hard by lunchtime, and the bread wouldn’t smell so good. The candies would fade and the jelly would turn into cake.

Maltodextrin in baby food - is it dangerous for the child?

We recommend that many mothers find out why this particular subtype of starch is added to children's products and kitchens. For children who eat formula, the breakdown of microelements is important. If a child has problems with the gastrointestinal tract, he is not gaining weight, food is difficult to digest, he is tormented by illnesses with constipation or loose stools, which means the food is not suitable for the baby. Most often, maltodextrin allows cereals and mixtures to be more easily digested in small digestive systems, which are still far from perfect. It increases the usefulness of the product and improves the absorption process into the blood.

The child gets more energy, even if he hasn’t eaten the lion’s share of the food. But it cannot be said that one cannot do without it - the main thing here is to know that the child can and wants to eat cereal and milk, he has no problems with appetite. Then there will be no special need for such mixtures.

Allergy to maltodextrin

Allergic reaction possible on chemical components, which are part of the additives - artificial fillers, flavor enhancers, but those that themselves are an allergen. For example, a lemon flavoring powder for flu and cold viruses, or something else.

Maltodextrin is considered a relative of licorice or molasses. It has the same structure as natural starch. Unlike them, maltodextrin does not cause allergies.

By its essence and composition, it is considered a substance that is resistant to acids and dietary fiber, which are not subject to splitting through gastric juice. According to the properties and processes in the body, maltodextrin is close to the composition of fibers, and can have a positive effect on the intestines. Reduces blood sugar and cholesterol levels, cleanses the blood of toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides.

Maltodextrin in bodybuilding - doping or not?

As already mentioned, in sports the supplement is taken to maintain physical fitness and giving energy to the body. The term "maltodextrin" actually refers to different definitions and varieties of dextrose polymers. Maltodextrin is not very sweet compared to dextrose. Many weight gain supplements contain many calories to help the body gain muscle mass and consume more than their average dietary intake in food.

The fine white powder has a mild taste and mixes very well with various types liquids. It also helps improve the ability of protein powders to mix into drinks, which is why most bodybuilders prefer to prepare their meals from ready-made ingredients by combining maltodextrin with 1 or 2 scoops of protein powder and 100-300 ml of water. The product does not contain fat and can provide energy for long hours.

Bodybuilders typically include maltodextrin in their diets during the bulking or muscle building phase. One of the disadvantages is high calories, although maltodextrin itself does not contain fat, excess calories will lead to a combination muscle mass and fat. The enzymatic process is degraded, the conversion of carbohydrates into energy is reduced, allowing people to perform better for longer long periods time.

Maltodextrin is best mixed with water or fruit juice in a shaker or screw mixer. You can mix it with protein powder, as maltodextrin can improve the ability of the protein supplement to diffuse, while the protein can improve the taste of maltodextrin.

They complement each other. Consume the mixture before, during and after exercise to ensure sufficient energy to complete all exercise or to quickly replenish glycogen and carbohydrate stores. Every 38 grams of maltodextrin will contain about 145 calories and 34 grams of complex carbohydrates and no fat.

You will not find any artificial sweeteners or lactose in the composition: this is the purest maltodextrin. This product contains no artificial fragrances.

Maltodextrin - glycemic index

It is worth immediately noting that the nutritional supplement of maltodextrin has a high glycemic index, and for type 2 diabetics only during remission it can be dangerous. For healthy person- this is useful because insulin is produced naturally.

An important point is the factor in which the powder was obtained. Potatoes or starch are often used, but not always. In eastern countries, wheat is used, so for children (the presence of gluten is indicated on the label) it is dangerous and not recommended if the baby does not digest its presence in products. In Europe and the USA, they use safe starch ingredients, which, even if they contain gluten, are not life-threatening for those with allergies.

Maltodextrin is created from starches taken from rice, corn, potatoes or a combination of all three. It is a clean, natural and safe source of carbohydrate energy that has been used for decades, sometimes in combination with dextrose and often mixed with protein shakes, amino acid drinks or BCAA supplements. Although maltodextrin is high on the GI (glycemic index) scale, it is considered a complex carbohydrate because it is made from natural starches.

Maltodextrin can be combined with dextrose monohydrate to perfect workout. It is a flexible and adaptable carbohydrate supplement, and provides a cost-effective and reliable source of carbohydrates for endurance and high-intensity gym athletes.

Maltodextrin or dextrose - differences and similarities

Both substances are used to generate fiber and muscle tissue in the form of post-workout vitamins. Carbohydrates are similar, there is also maltose, but it is radically different from these two supplements. To better understand what is extracted from what, we suggest studying simple diagram.

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ProductionIt is obtained by hydrolysis of starch and cellulose - a simple carbohydrate is obtained from a complex carbohydrate, where a monosaccharide is present.In gainers and isotonics, maltodextrin is often found as an additional formula for creating cocktails and food. It is a simple carbohydrate obtained from the enzymatic breakdown of starch.
FunctionProvides a flow of substances to the muscles, causing them to grow without the use of complex exercises. In her presence, high level glycogen does not interfere with long-term training. Fatigue doesn't set in as quickly.It is valued for its rapid absorption, and in bodybuilding for the speed of transfer of substances to the muscles. A favorite dietary supplement among athletes who engage in cycling.
ParticipationThe substance is involved in glycogen resynthesis and is synergistic with creatine. Indirectly, muscle strength parameters increase.Instead of gainers that are based on glucose, maltodextrin, which is not a sugar, better supplies blood cells.
PriceLower than amylopectin ( complex carbohydrate), but higher than that of maltodextrin.Optimal, as it is considered a product of mass consumption in its price segment and customer audience.
ReceptionTake ½ - 1 g per 60 seconds of training, regardless of body weight.Take 3 g per 2 kg of weight.
Glycemic index and caloriesGI = 100, Kcal - 337 per 100 g.GI = 136, Kcal - 380 per 100 g.

For example, if they were not present in baby food, then babies would not be able to form their own muscle tissue. But it is better for older people to avoid such products - they will not become pumped up athletes, but will spoil their health. Gainers with maltodextrin for training (before/after) are better, as they quickly supply the body with amounts of energy. That is why this substance is present in the isotonic drink, and it is valued more highly.

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Maltodextrin is a plant extract that contains glucose and oligosaccharides. It is an enzymatically broken down starch, its breakdown begins already in the esophagus at a low speed, which ensures a gradual entry of glucose into the body and does not lead to gastric complications (compared to taking the same amount of glucose).

Thus, maltodextrin (dextrin maltose, or starch syrup), being a product of the partial breakdown of starch into dextrins (smaller elements) and, in turn, breaking down to glucose, serves the body good source energy. Maltodextrin is a white or cream-colored powder with a pleasant sweetish taste, soluble in water. Due to its properties it is widely used in Food Industry and pharmacology, in preparation nutritional mixtures for babies.

High maltodextrin content and the ability to be easily absorbed by the body allow it to be widely used in sports nutrition. Based on its main functions (restore strength after physical activity, normalize intestinal microflora, prevent constipation and dysbiosis, help the body produce its own “correct” insulin), manufacturers of sports supplements use maltodextrin as an inert excipient.

At the same time, there are certain speculations about the supposed harm of maltodextrin. Let's consider whether maltodextrin really causes harm, and what kind of harm it does. One of the main accusations is the allegation that destructive impact maltodextrin on cardiovascular system. To accept or refute it, you need to understand exactly what functions maltodextrin performs. It is harmful to the heart medical point nothing has been proven, but there is a danger of a different kind.

The ability of maltodextrin to replace a whole range of agents (leaking agents, emulsifiers, thickeners) encourages sports nutrition manufacturers to use it in large quantities. At the same time, some manufacturers claim its benefits, but in fact, maltodextrin as a carbohydrate is equivalent to a regular mixture of glucose and starch.

So how can maltodextrin be dangerous? Its harm manifests itself with frequent and excessive use as Abuse of food additives with high content maltodextrin leads to the same consequences as abuse simple carbohydrates-obesity, increased risk development of diabetes. Athletes with excessive consumption of supplements can become covered with a thick layer of “cotton” muscles (in fact, this is body fat).

We do not call for abandoning such a reliable and available means replenishing the body's energy reserves, you just need to observe moderation and control the amount of supplements containing maltodextrin consumed. The damage caused by the latter will thus be minimized.

Except food additives, athletes (and not only athletes) often drink energy drinks. They are becoming increasingly popular among young people; almost no party is complete without them. IN Lately The question is increasingly being asked: are energy drinks harmful and, if so, why exactly?

Containing large amounts of synthetic caffeine and other stimulants, carbohydrates (glucose and sucrose), taurine, carbon dioxide. This composition stimulates the nervous system, gives a feeling of strength and activity, and restores muscle tone. Along with vitamins and stimulants, energy cocktails contain many dyes, preservatives, flavors and other chemical additives that are aggressive towards the body.

Manufacturers of energy drinks focus on the invigorating and stimulating effect and gloss over the harm that many teenagers (the main consumers) are not even aware of. Meanwhile, one can of energy drink contains up to 320 mg of caffeine (with a daily requirement of no more than 150), from half to full daily norm vitamins (therefore consuming more than one can per day is dangerous from a medical point of view) and great amount harmful chemicals.

Having a primary exciting and stimulating effect, energy drinks, like coffee in large quantities, can cause exhaustion nervous system, tachycardia, sleep disturbance, disorders digestive tract(nausea, vomiting), potency disorders. They are contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with diseases of the nervous system.

The combination is especially dangerous energy drinks with alcohol, since alcohol causes an inhibitory effect, and energy drinks have an exciting effect. Under the influence of energy drinks, a person cannot adequately assess his behavior and the amount of alcohol he drinks, which sometimes leads to unpredictable consequences.

In a number of civilized countries, energy drinks are prohibited from production and sale or are equated to medical drugs(in Norway, France, Denmark) and are sold only in pharmacies.

Maltodextrin- This is a simple carbohydrate, its properties are similar to sugar. It has a low cost, due to this maltodextrin is very popular among sports nutrition manufacturers. In simple words, this is broken down starch, which useful product you can't name it. The main composition of maltodextrin is glucose, which is quickly absorbed into the blood and gives a quick burst of energy. It looks like sugar.

Since maltodextrin is obtained from starch, it is found in large quantities it's in potatoes and corn. It is obtained from these products.

This product is natural and does not contain any additives, flavors or preservatives. Maltodextrin is not harmful to health, we get it from food, but it does not have any particular benefit. Excessive consumption will easily lead to obesity.

Maltodextrin in sports

Athletes often use maltodextrin to gain muscle mass. But such a carbohydrate is suitable only for ectomorphs ( thin people). For others it may cause overweight. Maltodextrin comes in two types: pure and as a supplement.

  • Fast carbohydrates can be bought in their pure form. The cost will be minimal. This product is used for weight gain. It's simple and cheap way. It is consumed mixed with water, before or after training.
  • In addition, maltodextrin is added to sports nutrition. The most unpleasant thing is that the buyer very often does not know about it. He acquires dietary product, which does not contain sugar (as indicated on the package), but receives a product saturated with maltodextrin.

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