Discharge from the ears: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment features. Black, brown, light or red wax in the ears

Earwax is a substance that accumulates in the ear canal. It consists of several components, the main one being liquid secretion the cells lining it. Sulfur helps cleanse and disinfect the outer ear, normally its evacuation occurs due to the beating of the cilia of the cells lining the auditory canal and the movement of certain bones.

Excess or lack of sulfur may indicate disturbances in the functioning of the body and improper hygiene. Earwax also moisturizes thin skin auditory canal, therefore, with any violations, patients feel serious discomfort.

Composition and functions of sulfur

The auditory canal is part of the outer ear, i.e. it is in direct contact with environment. It is covered with thin skin, its thickness is 1-2 mm. It contains abundant sebaceous and sulfur glands. They secrete a liquid secretion. It mixes with dead skin cells to form earwax. Normally, it has a brown color, a paste-like consistency, and almost no odor.

Evacuation of wax occurs spontaneously; accumulations can be found at the entrance to the auditory canal. From there it is washed off with soapy water or removed with a dry cotton pad. Other tests are not normally required.

Sulfur helps cleanse the outer ear of various impurities. All small dust particles, fungal spores (including pathogenic ones), as well as bacteria and viruses fall into the resulting lump and are excreted from the body. This self-cleaning of the canal prevents the development of colonies on its skin from pathogens, which when decreasing immune status may cause inflammation.

Violations in sulfur evacuation

Most common cause in difficult transport is the constant presence in the ear foreign object. This could be a hearing aid, headphones or earplugs. The sulfur accumulates and thickens. When you try to remove it yourself, it is pushed even deeper. Water can cause it to swell and become complete.

In this case, the following symptoms will be observed:

  • Partial deafness.

Special drops (A-Cerumen, Remo-vax) or (for example,) will help cope with the problem. It is not worth removing sulfur using improvised means - sticks, toothpicks. They injure the thin skin of the ear canal too easily.

Sometimes the problem of sulfur separation is due to age-related changes in the skin of the canal. In case of periodic traffic jams, it is recommended to use drops for preventive purposes.

Causes of earwax hypersecretion, ways to eliminate them

Sometimes more wax is produced than necessary, causing it to accumulate in the ear canal. If the viscosity of the secretion is low, then it will constantly flow out, seriously disturbing the person. IN otherwise Traffic jams will form. TO characteristic reasons excessive education sulfur include:

Insufficient secretion of sulfur

This phenomenon occurs when the following violations and diseases:

  • Age. As we age, the secretion of the ear glands may gradually decrease. Elderly people in these cases complain of dryness and itching. It is quite difficult to restore the functions of the canal cells; usually you have to be content with maintenance therapy. Good feedback deserved Lorindem ointment. It is laid in ear canal, admission is carried out in courses.
  • . In this case, sulfur almost completely ceases to be released. The disease often manifests itself asymmetrically, i.e. affects only one side. Alarming symptoms noise and pain in the ears, decreased ability to understand speech, dizziness, dry skin of the auditory canal, decreased sensitivity. On early stages Physiotherapy and electrophoresis can help, but the main method of control is surgery.
  • Smoking. Quitting a bad habit is the key to restoring the function of the ear glands. Unfortunately, this is not always sufficient. It happens that patients produce little sulfur throughout their lives. Same as in the previous case, reduce unpleasant symptoms Lorindem will help.
  • Disorders of the glands of the auditory canal as a result of improper hygiene. Taking into account young patient and absence bad habits The DiaDENS-PK electrical stimulator can help. It activates the restoration of damaged cells and tissues.

Change in color or consistency of sulfur

In some cases, the parameters of the ear secretion may change within physiological norm. Sometimes it can be diagnostic sign incipient disease. The most typical cases include:

Darkening of sulfur

It is sometimes associated with Randu-Osler syndrome. So called hereditary disease caused by tissue disorders blood vessels. It is necessary to pay attention to the symptom if nosebleeds are added to it. Initially brown sulfur It's getting darker. Treatment is carried out by taking iron supplements, sometimes surgical correction is required.

Yellow sulfur

This color of earwax in the ears most likely indicates a purulent process. Moreover we're talking about about milky yellow contents, possibly with white clots. Associated symptoms may be heat, swelling of the lymph nodes, general weakness. After identifying the pathogen, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or antiviral drugs.

Black sulfur

It will be with high probability testify . A single turn of sulfur turning black due to contamination is not a cause for concern. Another common cause may be. Spores of some pathogenic fungi stain sulfur black. In this case, the patient will be bothered by constant, increasing itching. Treatment is with antifungal drugs.

Grey colour

The cause is most likely dust getting into the ear canal. Sulfur often turns gray in residents of large cities or steppe areas with frequent winds. In the absence of any additional symptoms There's nothing to worry about.

White sulfur

This is evidence that the body lacks certain microelements (in particular, iron or copper). If there are accompanying symptoms of hypovitaminosis, they will help solve the problem complex preparations. It is better to consult your doctor before using them.

Reduced viscosity

Permanent branch liquid sulfur from the ear may indicate an inflammatory process. Sometimes it is the result of an ear injury. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis after a detailed examination with an otoscope and a series of tests.

Dry sulfur

This is how dermatitis and skin diseases manifest themselves. Also, its consistency may be due to insufficient fat in the food. They are the basis of the secreted secret. Treatment will be based on a specific diet. Certain mutations occur frequently in some Asian populations. They lead to constant dryness earwax. The probability of such a mutation in a European is less than 3%.

Important! Dark earwax is not always a sign of any disease. This often just depends on the degree of contamination. Sulfur can vary in color from sandy to dark brown. Such changes lie within normal limits.

Unpleasant odor from the ear

For some people, earwax normally has a specific smell. This may be due to metabolic characteristics and hormonal changes. During adolescence or when menopause begins, the smell may intensify. Sometimes sulfur begins to smell when it stagnates in the canal, if for some reason its secretion is impaired. In this case, it is worth cleaning your ears from wax using special preparations.

You should consult a doctor if:

  1. Earwax smells fishy. This often indicates.
  2. Coming from the ear and discharge putrid smell. It is a clear sign of suppuration.

Sulfur plays an important role in the human body. Its normal separation helps clean the ear canal, protects against inflammation and allergies. This is especially important in childhood. After all, a child is more susceptible to otitis media than an adult, and endures them more severely.

Video: earwax, why do we need it?

Earwax in the ears can lead to the formation of dense plugs, which, in turn, leads to hearing impairment. This disease affects approximately 4% of the population.

Where does earwax come from?

The human ear consists of 2 sections: membranous-cartilaginous and bone. These parts of the ear are separated by a thin isthmus of the auditory canal. The skin of the hearing organ contains sweat, sebaceous and sulfur glands. Earwax is a light brown liquid; black wax is less common. Sulfur glands are contained only in the skin of the outer part of the auditory canal.

The secretion produced by the sulfur glands has complex composition. It includes proteins, fats, epithelial cells, immunoglobulins, amino acids and other organic substances. Chemical composition Earwax in women differs from the composition of this substance in men. The composition of ear secretions is also influenced by a person’s nationality, for example, representatives of the Asian race have dryer sulfur and contain more proteins.

Earwax is essential for protection skin inner parts of the ear. The lipids it contains prevent the skin from getting wet when water gets into the ear. The acidic reaction of ear secretions prevents the development of bacterial and fungal infections. U healthy person earwax is removed spontaneously with movement jaw joint. IN in some cases this does not happen and wax accumulates in the ear. This may cause a hard plug to form. If a person has no earwax at all, it means that the ear glands have stopped functioning. In this case, it is recommended to consult a doctor immediately.

Dark sulfur in the ears can be produced for many reasons, for example, when dust and dirt get into the ear. The black color of ear secretions can be caused by blood coming from the ear, in which case you should immediately consult a doctor.

Reasons for the formation of sulfur plugs

Large amounts of wax can form due to improper ear care. Naturally, your ears need to be washed, but too much is only harmful. Sulfur is necessary to protect the skin of the ear canal, so you should not clean your ears every day. Moreover, you cannot use cotton swabs for this: they irritate the sulfur glands, increasing the production of secretions. In addition, the cotton swab can push wax into the inner ear canal, which will lead to the formation of a dense plug. Inflammatory ear diseases, dermatitis and eczema contribute to excessive wax production.

Another cause of ear canal blockage is its anatomical features, impeding the release of sulfur. Application hearing aids, headphones, and working in dusty areas also increase the risk. The secretion of the sulfur glands can fill the auditory canal, leading to hearing loss. This can happen after visiting a bath or bath. Water entering the ear causes wax to increase in volume. At the same time, a person feels ear congestion, noise, and autophony.

If a plug forms near the eardrum, it begins to put pressure on it, which causes headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Detecting a plug in the ears is quite simple: the doctor uses a special device to look through the ear canal. If there is no blockage eardrum can be clearly visible.

Removing wax plug

You can remove the plug different ways. The most common method used is ear rinsing. The procedure is quite simple, so it can be performed by a doctor of any specialization. Rinsing is carried out using a Janet syringe. It's being filled warm water and direct the jet to the upper wall of the outer section ear canal. Sulfur masses along with water are removed outside. The jet should not be too powerful, otherwise the eardrum may be damaged.

To remove a dense sulfur plug, up to 3 rinses are necessary. If the plug still remains in place, the doctor prescribes special drops to soften it. After regular use ear rinsing drops gives positive result. When using drops, there is a temporary deterioration in hearing, since sulfur plug increases in size. After the wax is released, the doctor re-examines the patient’s ear canal.

The dry technique is used when washing is contraindicated. In this case, the sulfur plug is removed with a special hook. This procedure can only be performed by an otolaryngologist. It is often used to remove wax in a child’s ears. medicinal method, for example, A-Cerumen drops. They need to be instilled into the ear 2 times a day, 1 ml. After applying the drops, you need to lie on your side, with the affected ear facing up. After a few minutes, the wax will dissolve and flow out of the ear. After this, the ear is washed boiled water or saline solution.

A good prevention of wax plugs is proper cleansing ears.

Cotton swabs can only be used to clean the ears. If it is still necessary to clean the outer part of the auditory canal, the stick is inserted shallowly into it and begins to rotate slowly. You cannot move it forward or backward, otherwise the sulfur will get on the eardrum. The ears can be cleaned every day, but it is better to wash the ear canal once a week. Sulfur contains cholesterol, its percentage depends on the amount of this substance in the human blood. Patients with high cholesterol levels must follow special diet and take appropriate medications.

If you use headphones or hearing aids, or frequently spend time in high humidity or dusty areas, periodically apply ear drops. For prevention, they are instilled into the ears 2 times a week. Treat diseases such as otitis media, dermatitis and eczema in a timely manner.

As with most body fluids, earwax is rarely the topic of casual conversation. But the thing is, this sticky substance is actually very important to our bodies and can tell us a lot about our health. It sounds like a terrible idea at first, but the next time you clean your ears, you should take a close look at what comes out.

Proven methods!

What many people don't know is that earwax isn't just dirty liquid in our ears. It is actually created by our bodies to prevent bacteria and dirt from entering the ear canal, so this sticky debris actually keeps our ears clean, healthy and functional. Sulfur itself is a combination of long-chain fatty acids, squalene and alcohol.

But despite how important this substance is, no one wants it dripping out of someone's ear. So when you notice that there is too much wax in your ear, don't hesitate to take a damp cloth and clean it out. If you decide to use cotton swab, be sure not to insert it into the ear canal or you risk damaging your eardrum.

Here are some examples various colors sulfur and what they mean for your health...

Yellow, wet and sticky

This is the most common type of wax for adults. The moist, sticky texture helps hold the ear canal in place and causes itching.


Gray earwax may look unusual, but if you see it on a Q-tip, there's no need to worry. Grey colour usually the result of the natural ear cleaning process. But if the wax is dry and brittle and you're itchy, it could be a sign of eczema. If you notice these symptoms, it is best to see a doctor.

Pale yellow

This color is the most common for children. Children tend to produce much more earwax than adults, but as they get older, this production gradually decreases.

Sticky and dark.

Earwax that is darker than normal indicates that the body is sweating more than usual. The darker the color of the sulfur, the more likely it is that this extra sweat will lead to body odor. Despite this, the sulfur is still completely healthy.

Dark and thick.

Anxiety and stress can cause our bodies to produce more earwax. Heavy sweating can also lead to increased earwax, which can block the ear canal and cause temporary hearing loss.

If you notice that your earwax is dark and thick, you should clean your ears regularly to avoid any problems. It's also a good sign that you can find ways to reduce stress in your life.

Many people notice discharge from the ear canal - wax. Normally, it does not cause any discomfort to a person. However, sometimes, earwax in the ears can cause the development of earwax plugs in adults, which leads to problems auditory perception, infections. You can control the production of sulfur secretions with the help of medications, changes in diet, and refusal to use earplugs and headphones.

What is earwax

The secretion, which is produced by special glands (ceruminous), mixes with sweat, particles of the epidermis and sebum, forming earwax secretions, which perform a number of protective and adaptive functions of the human hearing system. Earwax is released in different amounts and consistencies. Changes in its characteristics directly depend on the state of human health.

Where does it come from?

Earwax is produced by ceruminous (sulfur) glands located in the skin of the external auditory canal. In one ear there are about two thousand of these glands, which produce about 0.02 mg of secretion per day. The color, consistency and amount of secretion produced by the glands depends on genetic, racial predisposition, age, and the presence of chronic diseases.

What does it consist of?

The composition of the ear secretion includes the following elements: fats produced by the glands (lanosterol, cholesterol), antibacterial substances, sweat, mineral salts and fatty acid. Often the components of the secretion are desquamated particles of the epidermis of the ear canal, sebum, hair. The ear contains opportunistic microorganisms and bacteria.

What is it for?

Sera performs following functions:

  • cleaning the ear canal;
  • antibacterial function;
  • serves as a lubricant for the walls of the ear canal;
  • protection from dust, dirt;
  • sulfur protects the eardrum from drying out;
  • protection against water ingress.

Why does wax form in the ears?

The production of earwax by special glands is one of the body's defense mechanisms. With help antibacterial properties, fat content, the walls of the outer ear, the eardrum are not exposed to excessive impact fine particles dust and germs, reducing the risk of infectious diseases hearing organs. The ability to perceive sounds thanks to ear secretions lasts much longer.


The production of black secretion by the glands indicates that they are damaged by a fungus or other single-celled microorganisms, for example, Giardia. When affected by fungal spores, in addition to black discharge, patients are bothered by constant severe itching, hearing impairment. Black wax in the human ear is one of the reliable signs diagnostics for mucoid lesions of the body. Sometimes dark color The secretion of the ear canal is caused by clots of coagulated blood.


Scarlet or red may indicate a source of bleeding, such as a scratch. If the red color of the ear discharge persists for more than a day, or is colored periodically, you should consult a doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Discoloration of red, burgundy, or bright orange may occur while taking the antibiotic Rifamycin to treat middle ear infections.

Dark brown

Dark sulfur is not always a sign of disease. The color of the secretion often depends on the degree of contamination of the ear canal and individual predisposition. May vary according to color scheme from sandy to dark brown. However, it is necessary to pay attention to a sharp change in the color of the discharge from light to dark, to associated symptoms: itching, burning, temperature, pain. This change may be a sign of many inflammatory diseases, including external otitis or hypersecretion of the ear glands.


The release of wax in the ears of a dry consistency is one of the signs of the presence of skin diseases: dermatitis, skin emphysema. High viscosity of ear secretions can be caused by insufficient consumption of animal fats by the patient or a specific genetic mutation, which occurs in approximately 3% of Europeans and 5% of people of the Asian race. In this case, treatment is carried out by adjusting the diet.


A white discharge means that there is a deficiency of certain trace elements, such as iron or copper. The production of a secretion resembling thick sour cream indicates severe vitamin deficiency. This condition can be relieved by taking several courses of iron supplements, synthetic vitamins which should be prescribed by the attending physician. The ability of earwax to reflect the condition of the entire body is used to diagnose diseases.


Watery discharge from the ear occur with a lack of secretion of the sulfur glands or with excessive work of the sweat glands. The release of reduced viscosity may indicate an active inflammatory process in the organ, high general temperature, traumatic brain injury or concussion. At long-term discharge secretion has a liquid consistency, it is necessary to carry out a series diagnostic measures to exclude serious pathologies.


Earwax must be removed from the ear on its own, and the ear canal must self-clean itself of secretions. The use of ear swabs, cotton wool or bandage turundas by otolaryngologists is not recommended, since the auxiliary instruments irritate the receptors of the glands, and they begin to produce much more sulfur than necessary, which provokes the appearance of cerumen plugs and inflammation. Careless use of hygiene items can cause injury to the eardrum and infection of the hearing organ, so it is better not to disturb the self-cleaning of the ear canal.

The presence of wax secretion in the ears does not mean that they are dirty; only the auricles and the outer centimeter need to be washed auditory tube. The use of additional instruments leads to injuries to the eardrum, up to complete loss hearing, violation of the integrity of the walls of the external auditory organ, which in severe cases is the cause of the development of meningitis and other dangerous infectious diseases.

Reasons for the lack of wax in the ears

One of the main reasons is blockage of the glands due to various factors: infections, non-observance of ear hygiene by a person. Sometimes the lack of earwax is a genetic feature of the body. In this case, the patient is recommended to lubricate the external ear canal with Vaseline or glycerin ointment. The reason for the absence or small amount of earwax may be benign or malignant tumor skin of the wall of the passage, blocking the ducts of the sebaceous, sulfur, sweat glands, disorders of the body's metabolic functions.

One of the reasons for the lack of secret is elderly age. Over time, the functioning of all glands in the body, including sulfur, weakens or stops completely, so older people suffer from dry ears (especially if they use a hearing aid). In this case, doctors prescribe special moisturizing drops containing saline solution, glycerin and fatty acids - they prevent drying out and injury to the eardrum.

Causes of excess

Sometimes there is much more earwax produced than is necessary. This condition is called hypersecretion. In this case, the patient notes a constant feeling of moisture, wet greasy spots on pillowcases, hats. The main causes of hypersecretion:

  1. Chronic dermatitis. The disease is characterized by the presence of spots on the skin of the ear canal. Hypersecretion of sulfur secretion is a symptom of skin disease.
  2. Increased content cholesterol. Cholesterol and its acids are a constituent element of sulfur. A significant increase in its content leads to an excess of secretion.
  3. Constant use of headphones, hearing aids, earplugs. The presence of foreign bodies in the auditory tube is annoying nerve endings glands, stimulating their secretion and increasing the amount of sulfur.
  4. Strongly nervous tension During a long time. Stress stimulates the secretion of all glands in the body.
  5. A lot of earwax sometimes forms on later pregnancy or in a newborn child.
  6. Poor hygiene, which causes a lot of wax to form in the ears.
  7. Damage to the ear canal.

What is wax plug

The formation of sulfur occurs evenly, and it can be easily removed with a finger while washing, showering or bathing. However, the amount of sulfur produced may increase, the skin begins to peel off, which leads to secretion retention, excess, compaction, accumulation and, as a result, a cerumen plug is formed in the ear. If ear plug does not completely cover the auditory tube, the patient does not notice its presence. The presence of structural features of the ear auditory tube contributes to the accumulation of wax in the ears.


Ear plugs are a common occurrence, especially among middle-aged and older people. The beginning of the formation of sulfur deposits is often not felt by humans. Signs of blockage of the ear canal appear already when the cerumen plug occupies more than half of the lumen of the Eustachian tube. The most common symptoms of earwax in the ear:

  • hearing impairment;
  • severe itching of the ear;
  • feeling foreign body;
  • pain is constant or intermittent;
  • dizziness, pain in the temporal regions;
  • feeling of stuffiness in the ears.


Ear wax causes discomfort to the patient, impairs hearing, and poses a risk of middle ear infection. inner ear, therefore it is necessary to remove the wax plug from the ear canal. It is not recommended to carry out the procedure yourself due to the risk of damaging the eardrum. If you suspect the presence of wax in the ear, you should contact an emergency room or other medical institution. The rinsing procedure for wax removal is carried out in three ways to remove contaminants:

  1. Rinse the passage of sulfur masses using hydrogen peroxide. A special peroxide solution is instilled into the ear using a pipette, and the patient is placed on the opposite side for a while. After 10-15 minutes they ask you to turn over. The injected peroxide should flow out of the ear.
  2. Special drugs. Produced in the form of drops, in a package with a dispenser. Such preparations are instilled into the ear canal and examined after a few minutes to ensure that the wax plug has been removed.
  3. By air. During this procedure, air under pressure is pumped deep into the Eustachian tube, as a result of which softened pieces of sulfur are torn off from the wall of the passage, then the external auditory canal is cleaned using a cotton swab.
  4. Rinse with saline solution. Warm saline solution is drawn into a clean syringe without a needle. The patient is placed on the couch on the opposite side, sudden movement a solution is injected with a jet under pressure, which washes away the excess. The method is now rarely used due to the risk of damage to the eardrum.


To prevent ear plugs, you should follow correct mode ear hygiene, avoid getting foreign objects into the ear canal, use ear plugs less often cotton swabs for care ears, earplugs, headphones. It is recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations see an otolaryngologist who, if necessary, will rinse the ear canal saline solution, will prescribe ointment or wax suppositories that help remove secretions and prevent the formation of plugs.


The ears are a very sensitive organ not only to sounds and noise, but also to the effects of adverse external factors and infections.

The eardrum separates the middle ear from external environment, therefore you need to be especially vigilant about the appearance.

Infection when inflammatory processes in the ear through the vessels it can quickly spread into the cranial cavity, so measures need to be taken as quickly as possible.


Normally, the ear should be dry and clean. Therefore, the appearance of uncharacteristic leakage from the ear should immediately attract attention. This can happen for various reasons:

  • Rhinogenic causes. At long-term inflammation in the mucous membrane of the nose, nasopharynx and sinuses, swelling extends to eustachian tube, blocking cleansing processes.

    In addition, intense nose blowing provokes the blowing of infected mucus into the middle ear cavity.

    At further development inflammation, the eardrum first protrudes into the ear canal and then ruptures. Exudate flows out. Its nature depends on the causes of inflammation.

  • Exogenous causes. The infection can also be introduced from outside. When exposed to foreign objects, when water enters, dirt is introduced in dusty conditions. In these cases, bacterial and fungal infections external ear, boils.
  • Endogenous causes. In this case, wet ears are associated with general illness, for example, eczematous dermatitis of the outer ear, tumor disintegration, breakthrough cholesteatoma, dermatoses in other conditions not associated with infectious inflammation.
  • Physiological reasons. Earwax is a natural content of the ear and performs protective function. Sometimes it is produced very abundantly and flows into the external auditory canal or forms plugs in the ear.

    Also in the outer third of the ear canal the skin large quantities contains sweat and sebaceous glands. Their secretions are released, especially in hot conditions.

  • Traumatic causes. Damage to ear tissue is accompanied by the release of blood and mucus from the middle ear. And if help is not provided, purulent inflammation develops.

Normal or pathological?

The discharge can be liquid, mucous, clotted, loose or dry, in the form of crusts and plugs. With or without scent.

The color of the discharge can be black, bloody, white, yellow, brown,...

Why can a person have dark-colored wax?

Cause of discharge black color happens more often mycotic inflammation. Simply put, when mushrooms appear in the ears and begin to actively grow. Of all the species, black discharge is most typical for fungi of the genus Aspergillus. The disease is called otomycosis or external fungal otitis . If the process is sluggish and prolonged, then the black discharge forms dry crusts and is difficult to remove from the ear. If the growth process is rapid, then the discharge will be damp, loose, and easily removed.

This condition is especially aggravated by getting water into the ears or instilling antibacterial drops, which suppress the protective microflora of the ear and create even more fungal infections. favorable conditions for life.

The black color of the secretions is given by the mycelium of the fungus. When viewed with magnification, the mycelium appears in the form of threads. Fungal colonies form dense black crusts or clots, flowing or falling out of the ear canal.

Harmless earwax may also be the cause. The process of earwax production varies from person to person, and in some people it is black-brown in color, especially when dry. Such discharge in the ears will not cause harm to the body.

In some cases after operation black crusts of dried blood may remain on the ear for some time. Minor damage to the skin of the ear can also be accompanied by the formation of crusts of coagulated blood that are black and red in color.

Important! Do not try to clean your ear yourself! This can only be done by an ENT doctor under vision control.

Action plan

The first thing to do when uncharacteristic discharge from the ear appears is: is to see a doctor- otorhinolaryngologist at the clinic.
There are several points that must be observed before consulting a doctor:

  • Delete only visible ones external secretions without getting into the ear canal.
  • Don't cover your ear. This will disrupt the ventilation of the ear and the outflow of secretions.
  • Do not put any drops in the ear until an appointment with an ENT specialist. Antibiotic or hormone drops will aggravate fungal inflammation , alcohol drops and solutions may leave a burn on the skin. Ototoxic drops will damage the membrane if the membrane is damaged auditory nerve and will lead to irreversible hearing loss.
  • If the discharge is accompanied pain, then you can take any painkiller in tablet or powder form.
  • In some cases, heat treatments can help relieve pain. But you can only use “dry” heat, that is warm your ear outside and very carefully, listening to the sensations.
  • If the discharge is accompanied by congestion, then nothing needs to be done before taking it.


The appearance of discharge from the ears in any case attracts attention. And black ones, not natural ones, especially. Correct definition reasons will help to quickly cope with this problem. Reasonable and moderate ear hygiene is the prevention of ear diseases and the appearance of uncharacteristic discharge.