Digital health codes are interesting. Simple and accurate work with number series Grabovoi Gregory treatment by numbers

Cure from any disease using digital series (G.P. Grabovoi) Based on this method, people can be cured from any disease. The question arises: why is such a simple procedure as concentrating on a sequence of certain numbers so effective in curing diseases? What's the matter here? The point here is this. Every disease represents a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the functioning of individual cells, or organs, or the entire organism as a whole. Recovering from an illness means returning to normal. So, the digital series I’m citing is precisely what ensures a return to normal. By concentrating on this specific sequence of numbers, tuning into this digital series, you adjust the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease. To explain the essence of such treatment, it is necessary to say a few words about the vibrational structure of numbers. Our life is permeated with rhythm. The planets rotate periodically around the Sun. For the Earth, this means a periodic alternation of winter and summer. The earth rotates around its axis and we have a regular cycle of day and night. And at the micro level the picture is the same. The electrons in an atom make regular movements around the nucleus. Each of us, by listening, can hear the regular beating of our heart. In our body, every cell has its own rhythm. And so does a collection of cells, although, of course, it’s different. And a large collection of them, that is, already at the organ level, has one more. There is also a rhythm at the level of communication between organs. In this respect, the body can be compared to an orchestra. The orchestra must not be out of tune when performing a piece. So is the body. The sound of the body should be harmonious. And if any organ or any connection in its work deviates from the norm, that is, begins to falsify, then this precisely means the onset of a disease. And then you, as the conductor of your orchestra, must wave your baton and restore its harmonious sound. Rhythm can also be found where at first glance it seems to be absent. Let's look at the rainbow that sometimes appears in the sky after rain. We will see magnificent colors, rich bright colors. But what are these colors from a scientific point of view? Our perception of a particular color occurs under the influence of an electromagnetic wave of a certain frequency. The frequency of vibrations in the violet part of the visible spectrum is approximately twice the frequency of vibrations in the red region. Thus, behind the difference in the perception of color is a different frequency of vibrations. When perceiving numbers, as well as when perceiving colors, it is not immediately obvious that there is also a vibrational structure behind them. We found out that each color corresponds to a certain vibration frequency. The same is true here. Behind each number there is a corresponding vibrational structure. The same can be said about a sequence of numbers. By the way, each digital series can be looked at as a certain combination of numbers. If we return for a moment to the colors of the spectrum, we can remember that science and technology have extensive experience in using their combinations. Take color television. All those different beautiful colors that you see on the screen are actually created by mixing only three colors: red, green and blue. Each of these colors is taken at the required brightness based on the required image. An orchestra sounds different than one individual instrument. Each set of colors in the spectrum has its own effect. The situation is similar with sets of numbers. Entering numbers incorrectly in an aircraft's tail number can result in unwanted vibrations. And vice versa, a successful or better to say correct set of numbers contributes to the favorable development of events and the establishment of harmony. It is on this property of the correct combination of numbers that this treatment method is based. ... In the case of any disease, the correct sequence of numbers leads to a cure, that is, it brings the body back to normal. However, now that we have learned that behind each number and behind each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, the healing using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the body to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this number sequence itself is the norm. It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentrating on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned by the sound of a tuning fork. Numerical series TUMOR DISEASES - 8214351. SEPSIS - 58143212. DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR BLOOD COAGING SYNDROME - 5148142. DISEASES OF THE CIRCULAR ORGANS - 1289435. RHEUMATIC DISEASES - 81 48888. DISEASES OF THE RESPIRATORY ORGANS - 5823214. DISEASES OF THE DIGESTIVE ORGANS - 5321482. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEY AND URINARY TRACT - 8941254. DISEASES OF BLOOD SYSTEMS - 1843214. ENDOCRINE AND METABOLISM DISEASES - 1823451. OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES - 4185481. ACUTE POISONING - 4185412. INFECTIOUS DISEASES - 5421427. DISEASES OF VITAMIN DEFICIENCY - 1234895. CHILDREN'S DISEASES - 18543218. OBSTETRICS, WOMEN'S DISEASES - 1489145. NERVOUS DISEASES - 148543293. MENTAL DISEASES - 8345444. SEXUAL DISORDERS - 1456891. SKIN AND VENEREAL DISEASES - 18584321. SURGICAL DISEASES - 18574321. DISEASES OF EAR, NOSE AND THROAT - 1851432. EYE DISEASES - 1891014. DISEASES TEETH AND ORAL CAVITY - 1488514. NORMAL LABORATORY INDICATORS - 1489999. If For some ailment, it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease: “UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321”. The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts. I’ll give them now, and next to each part of the body I’ll put the corresponding restoring digital row. 1. Head - 1819999. 2. Neck - 18548321. 3. Right arm - 1854322. 4. Left arm - 4851384. 5. Torso - 5185213. 6. Right leg - 4812531. 7. Left leg - 485148291.

Now let's talk about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the number row intended for the head. If a person experiences any painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas. A few words about series with different numbers of digits. Let's compare sequences consisting of 7, 8 and 9 numbers. If the sequence consists of 9 numbers, then, as a rule, it provides a cure for one or two specific diseases. If there are 8 digits in a number row, then it cures on average five diseases. If the number series consists of 7 digits, then it can cure ten or more different diseases. That is, a digital series of 7 digits has great capabilities; its scope of applications is much wider. That is why I mainly used such number series in the reference book. I already spoke about practical work with number series in Chapter III, when I explained the eleventh method of resurrecting people. You can go through the number sequence from start to finish. Or you can start with the extreme numbers and gradually come to the center. When working with digital series, you can act differently and in this respect. You can, moving from one number to another, concentrate on each number for the same amount of time. Or you can linger on some numbers for one time, and on others for another. You can even focus on each of the seven numbers for different times. Here we need to return to color television for a moment. As I said, only three colors are used to construct a color image: red, green, blue. The combination of these three elements gives a new color. The resulting color can be changed by changing the intensity of these three components. By changing the duration of concentration on any number, we thereby change the intensity of the action of this number. Consequently, when changing the duration of concentration on individual numbers of a given sequence, a slightly different sound appears and therefore it acts somewhat differently. When doing practical work, rely on your intuition here, although the restorative effect is achieved for any duration of concentration. I draw your attention to the following. While concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it internally, see it absolutely healthy. This is important for quickly restoring normal conditions. This method can also be used to treat other people. Based on ten numbers: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, you need to be able to cure any diseases and then maintain the resulting normal state of health. To acquire normal health, restorative moods are often used, that is, certain texts consisting of just a few phrases. Properly composed attitudes are very effective. This is a somewhat similar method in form. Because in the moods a certain sequence of words is used, and in the method that we are discussing, a certain sequence of numbers is used. The word is also a symbol. Indeed, if you take any object, for example, a table, then it is easy to discover that among different peoples this object, the same, is designated by completely different words. However, although the word is a symbol, everyone is well aware of the power it has. This is explained by the fact that behind each word there is a corresponding spiritual-energetic vibrational structure. Let's get back to the number. If we now speak at a fundamental level, then we must say that behind every number, like every word, there is also a spiritual-energetic vibrational structure. This is what ensures their effectiveness. Based on this approach, it would be possible to analyze a variety of phenomena in our lives. Take music for example. The spiritual-energetic vibrational structure is behind every sound. This is why music can have such an amazing effect on listeners. As you understand, since there are digital series for curing diseases, then, naturally, there should be digital series for solving other life problems. And indeed it is. In life you have to make decisions at every step. Well, for example, whether to agree to the proposed job or not, whether this work will be an activity that will help your development or not, whether the current situation is favorable for some enterprise or not, whether you have chosen the best way to solve the problem facing you problems or not, whether the partner who appears on your horizon is suitable or not, whether your desire coincides with what you really need or not, and so on ad infinitum. For any type of life situation, you can provide an optimizing digital series that will help you solve the problem you are facing. At the same time, digital series perform the task of structuring consciousness to manage events. This is their usefulness. Number series can help you cope with many tasks much better and generally navigate the manifest world much better. Additional chill rows Working with the future: -148721091. When planning an event, create a bridge from the digital row of the future. Working with the current time: 71042 or 718884219011 (the series is closed with the numbers 0 and 9, since the current time is running and can go to infinity). You need to mentally repeat the digital series of the current time, keeping in mind your current goal. You can place a number series in a sphere. Universal SYSTEM: 14854232190. Applies to everything, anytime, anywhere. For weight loss (OBESITY TREATMENT). 4812412 insert into a small sphere, squeeze the sphere to a point and insert into the stomach. 1823451 insert into another small sphere and insert into the pituitary gland. visualize a lilac-violet sphere 2.5 meters in diameter (From the book by Elena Kaplan.) Additional information: skin regeneration 0156195171110 Prevention of skin aging 74511160461510 193751891 - fills the problem with knowledge that it can be solved 915777918934198 - this series forms a new collective consciousness, where the factor is eternal sti, undying is the norm, it synchronizes time and space, time is always as long as needed

One day, a relative of mine came to see me from one of the regional centers of our region - the next day she was going to go about some notarial business. We talked with her for a long time, but the conversation always involuntarily returned to the same direction - she talked with tears in her eyes about how she and her husband were sick all the time, that they both received a sickness pension; in their entire lives they have not had housing registered in their name and how difficult it is for her with 3 almost adult children - her sons are not settled yet, and her daughter is studying and she needs to get dressed. She was so sad about the situation she and her family were currently in that she did not remember all the documents she was supposed to bring with her. She had to go home because she didn’t have the required document, but when she returned, everything happened again in a similar way. I wanted to help her, but how to help her?

I must say that by that time I had already begun to study materials from the books of Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi, and I always had a note on number series with me. When she arrived again and I went with her about her business, we had to wait for some time for her turn to arrive. Then I remembered my notebook, took it out of my bag and began looking through the number series. She noticed them and asked what phone numbers they were. I explained to her that these are not telephone numbers, but numerical series of standardization and then added that they contain all the power of mathematics and the magical power of numbers, and a person is able to read information through vision with his subconscious, which then, in one way or another, will have a normalizing effect on the entire body , and this requires concentration on them. Apparently such words made some impression on her, and she began to ask more about them. Then I suggested that she write down some of the number series regarding the restoration of health. She quickly found a notepad in her bag and I began to dictate number series to her, and she wrote them down. Then we enthusiastically moved on: I gave her number series for protection, then for rejuvenation, and then for harmonious relationships and, finally, several series for business - for self-organization. By the way, I also happened to have self-adhesive stickers in the shape of hearts with me - on them I beautifully wrote number series for her on the development of divine love and harmonious relationships, which she decided to attach to the wall of her bedroom when she returned home.

Since her affairs had not been completely decided this time, she planned to come again soon. But a month passed, and she was still not there. And then, one fine day, she suddenly showed up, but it was difficult to recognize her as my former relative! She was tastefully and quite well dressed, collected, all beaming, and the smile did not leave her face. She no longer remembered her problems! It was clear from everything that she was in a positive mood. She explained her month-long absence by saying that she had new concerns: both sons got jobs, and the eldest insisted on sending matchmakers to the house of his chosen one and wooing her.

This time we quickly completed her notary work and even sat with her in a restaurant, celebrating her successes. Now she only talked about positive things! She gratefully admitted that after returning home, she worked with the number series as she promised to do. All that remained was to be amazed at her new attitude and her determination to change herself and her life for the better. With this we said goodbye to her. As we were leaving, I reminded her not to forget about those number series and to periodically look at her notebook to re-read them. She promised that now she would always remember them and continue to apply them in her life.

Here are some of the miracle series that I hope have forever changed my relative in a positive direction:

EXPERIENCE OF MANAGING REALITY - NUMBER SERIES Method of G.P. Grabovsky Despite the large number of technologies and methods for managing concentration on number series, you can choose two or three methods and successfully apply them in your events, harmonizing them in the past, present and future, as well as restoring health. To restore health, it is recommended to purchase the reference book by Grigory Grabovsky “Restoring the Human Body by Concentrating on Numbers.” If the diagnosis is unknown, use the number series 1884321. You can simply repeat it or write it and look at it if the condition does not allow more extensive concentration. If some part of the body hurts, and the diagnosis is unknown, then you can apply concentration on number series that restore this specific part of the body: 1. Head 1819999 2. Neck 18548321 3. Right arm 1854322 4. Left arm 4851384 5. Torso 5185213 6 Right leg 4812531 7. Left leg 485148291 Concentrations are carried out for the purpose of restoring a specific area of ​​the body. Since the diagnosis is unknown, all tissue located in the area of ​​the specified area of ​​the body is restored. If the concentration is carried out for rejuvenation, both for aesthetic reasons and for clinical indicators, a complex concentration can be carried out to restore the body’s systems. To do this, concentration is carried out alternately on the following number series. 1. Muscular system 8148888 2. Skin 18584321 3. Skeletal system 1418518 4. Cardiovascular system 1289435 5. Nervous system 148543293 6. Endocrine system 1823451 7. Respiratory system 5823214 8. Digestive system 5 321482 9. Genitourinary system 8941254 10. Visual organs 1891014 11. Dental diseases 1488514 In old age, it is often found that a person has many diagnoses and disorders. You can spend some time concentrating on these number series. And then it will be easier to refine specific diagnoses. Restoring number series used in complex critical health conditions when there is a threat to human life 1. 1258912 - Critical conditions associated with a threat to life. 2. 1257814 – Acute respiratory failure. 3. 1895678 – Acute Cardiovascular failure. 4. 8915678 – Cardiac arrest. 5.1895132 – Traumatic shock and shock-like conditions. At the moment of manifestation of such critical conditions, you need to illuminate the number series and enter it into the heart or respiratory organs, constantly repeat, concentrate on the problem organ, illuminate it at the moment of concentration. Here are some number series, concentration on which allows you to harmoniously solve some social problems. For example, the number series for solving the housing problem is 975198931. This number series is pressed in, pushing through the housing problem. There is also treatment and cleansing of toxins. This number series is simply a salvation for people whose status is completely humiliated. 398 is a very powerful number series that solves many problems at the same time. Enter the problem information and this number series into a sphere 5 cm in diameter. Concentration remains on this particular area for some time until it disappears. The number series, at high speed from the inside, gives a projection of light onto the problem, and the sphere sharply decreases in size and disappears. After all, this is the area of ​​your problems, in fact. Her disappearance shows that the problem is no longer there. And on the physical level, you will simply receive events where there are no problems. 71427321893 – numerical series of normalization of the financial situation. This number series can be entered mentally into all events related to replenishing your wallet. There is an excellent technology for working with this number series. You simply place it in huge silvery-white numbers on the horizon. The horizon can also be physical. Positioned, presented, and then, the entire perspective of the blue sky, above the number line, lowered into this number line. The sky remains in place. It's as simple as symbolizing the infinite amount of information you input into a number line. At this time, look which number, from the central numbers of the number series, glows brighter. Quickly give it a dynamic impulse, just spin it in place, but moving it away from you, and instantly a beam of light appears from above. Like a spotlight that lowers this figure. In this beam, you need to instantly see an event or object for the purpose of control, or the required amount of money by number, receiving money in the bank. It all depends on your desire. But keep in mind here that this is a number series for improving your financial situation. Therefore, use financial management. 285555901 – harmonization of family relationships. Here is the normalization of all events involved in the structure of cohabitation. 8137142133914 – solution to all social problems. Increasing a person's social status. 189317514 - the number series solves all problems for 10 years in advance. Concentrating on this number series, mentally send an impulse of Love to all events for 10 years in advance. You will be confident in the success of all your endeavors and actions. 71381921 is a number series that raises your consciousness to the level of the central point of coordinates, to the level of absolute freedom. To the center level, where all problems have already been solved. If you manage from this point, then problems are immediately resolved for all your tasks. All controls must begin from the exit to this point. This is your center of the coordinate system, where you do not depend on anyone or anything. The number series is repeated several times. You need to monitor your condition at this moment. It is changing. This is a state of mind. 9788819719 – the number series is inserted vertically from top to bottom into the sphere with the problem. It’s like a pillar of Light is placed exactly at the target, the numbers, being transformed into Light, solve all problems, a universal action takes place. 813791 – concentration on this number series builds an ideal future. You can help your children, family and friends with this. Any person. 978319575148179 – this number series immediately starts working as soon as you look at it. He immediately harmonizes everything and brings it back to normal. 9371857195 - the number series prevents all kinds of outbursts of aggression, scandals, taking into account outdated problems. 9187758981818 – the number series protects even one person, even one cell. In the concentration zone, not a single element will be destroyed or damaged. 91753217819719 - this number series transforms human thinking, transfers it into eternal development and all technologies begin to work with acceleration. 97317819 – concentration on this number series makes it so that everyone’s future will be only happy. 97132185191 - the number series enhances the inner kindness of a person, works in any social sphere, the action immediately becomes universal from one control. 91738919 - number series rigid fixation of the result Number series work according to the control goal even with their simple visualization or repetition or pronunciation. It is imperative to achieve results. Due to the fact that a large number of objects and connections that need to be canonized may be involved here, implementation depends on the strength of concentration or the time spent on it. Both past and future events are normalized at once. The human body has an infinite number of reactions, both in external space and inside the body. They are expressed in an infinite number of vibration levels. Each element of the Macroworld and Microworld has its own level, including vibrations of various abnormalities in the cells, organs and systems of the body, which are manifested by diseases. Number series also have an infinite number of reactions. Each number has its own level of reactions, both internally and externally. Each reaction of the area of ​​the number series transforms an infinite number of universal connections of the World according to your goal. And when these numbers are connected in a certain order, they also have specific reactions to each other. And here, the number of reactions increases even more. Here, the reactions of the norm, which give certain numerical series, completely dissolve those reactions that are produced by diseased organs. These organs perceive the normalized reactions of the World, absorb them, as it were, and the normalized functionality of cells, organs, systems and the body as a whole is built. All information changes, all connections for your task change back to normal. Exactly the same principle of working with number series based on events. There is no difference here. The laws of the Creator are the same for everything and everyone. For the Creator, all objects are equal. When concentrating, you need to imagine only the final positive result, you don’t need to stretch out the receipt of the result in time with formulations like “I want...” You need to put control already at the final stage of the result. Like “I’m healthy” or “I received a sum of money...” and so on. In general, you can digitize any human event or any problem and get a number series. To do this, you need to ask the Creator for a number series for a specific problem. And by concentrating on the individual digital series, you get results faster. You need to work without attracting other people to your information. You should not allow people to touch with their thoughts your information about the future that you are building with your concentration. You need to try to get out of all past events that led to illness or negative life events. You can't be in the past, it creates the same events for you in the future. You build your future with your thoughts. Focusing your attention on past negative events creates exactly the same events in the future. This is the law. As we think, so we live. What we think is what we receive. When a person prays to the Creator and asks for his help, he reaches vibrations that are much higher than his usual level. And he definitely gets help. But there are number series that allow a person to immediately increase his vibrations so much that turning to the Creator instantly solves his problems, the problems of a person. 11981 – appeal to the Creator 12370744 – connection to the Light of the Creator, the Creator’s help to man. We go through this number series to the Creator, we keep our attention on our task through the task of saving everyone. 14111963 is a number series that, through the tasks of saving everyone, harmonizes human space, the space of human life. Instant help to a person. We can use it as a unified solution in critical conditions, even when bitten by highly poisonous snakes. Relief of pain of any origin with simultaneous rapid restoration of the physical body. 741 is a number series for an instant solution to the problem at the present time. It is also possible to materialize the required amount of money. But through life events. 811120218 – number series for working with plants. Eliminates any problem. 718884219011…0…9 – restoration of a plant from any level of damage. Restoring a dried plant - tree or home flower. 55514219811…0 – working with animals in any situation, even correcting the animal’s character. In any case, you need to know for sure that concentration will solve your any problem, never quit the work you have started, and always bring everything to a specific result. Only in this case can you relax. You can simultaneously set the solution to several problems, but in this case, you consistently, for a certain time, concentrate, now on one number series, then on another. The Creator’s task is for man to live Eternally and Eternally develop in infinity, manifesting himself as the Creator of his own reality. This task of God and man is united in the technologies of Eternal Life and Eternal Infinite harmonious development of all Micro and Macro systems. 1489999 is the number series of Eternal Life! You work with other systems and organs in the same way as you work with the skeletal system. Each system of the body is connected to work in a clearly observed sequence and is worked on daily. You can work with systems in the following sequence. 1. Skin, number series 18584321 2. Muscular system, number series 8148888 3. Skeletal system, number series 1418518 4. Circulatory system, number series 1289435 5. Nervous system 148543293 6. Endocrine system 1823451 7. Lymphatic system 1823451 8. Respiratory system 5823214 9. Digestive system 5321482 10. Urinary system 8941254 11. Reproductive system 8941254 12. Organs of hearing, vision, nasopharynx, oral area, teeth, hair, nails. “In connection with the current unfavorable environmental situation in the European part of Russia, associated with a large number of fires, it is necessary to constantly work to normalize events, minimize consequences and restore ecological balance on the planet. You can use any technologies known to you to control, as well as number series for protection against damage that were given earlier: - Protection against poisonous gases: 99817 - Protection against toxicological damage: 918879189147 - Protection against any dangerous influence: 71931 Finish all technologies number series 741.

Grigory Grabovoi - Methods of concentration EXERCISES FOR EVERY DAY OF THE MONTH TO DEVELOP CONSCIOUSNESS, TO DEVELOP LIFE EVENTS IN A FAVORABLE DIRECTION, TO OBTAIN FULL HEALTH AND TO ESTABLISH HARMONY WITH THE PULSE OF THE UNIVERSE I advise you to devote time every day to the exercises that are given below. For each day of the month, three exercises corresponding to that day are recommended. These exercises teach you how to control events. For this, different concentrations are used. As you concentrate, keep in mind the specific goal you want to achieve. The goal may be the implementation of a desired event, for example, a cure for an illness, the development of a mechanism for cognition of the World, and so on. The main thing is to always regulate information for universal salvation and harmonious development. Such regulation can be a fight against destruction at the information level, since you are doing the work of rescuers. In practice, at the level of your perception, concentration can be carried out as follows: - you mentally define the goal of concentration in the form of a certain geometric shape, for example, a sphere. This is the area of ​​purpose of concentration. - spiritually tune in to build the events necessary for you the way the Creator does. - while concentrating on various objects, specific numbers, or understanding reality, control the location of the sphere. By force of will, move the sphere to the area of ​​your perception that provides more light at the moment of concentration. I presented one of the concentration technology options. In practice, you can find many others. Ways of managing events based on understanding the processes of the World through concentration are very effective. In the first exercise, for each day of the month you concentrate on some element of external or internal reality. In the second - on a sequence of numbers of seven and nine digits. The third exercise provides event management technologies in verbal form. I would like to draw your attention to the following important point. You need to understand that the effectiveness of the concentration you perform is largely determined by your approach to it. Try to be open to this creative process. Listen to exactly how your inner voice tells you to carry out these concentrations practically. You can, for example, as I said earlier, write a number series on paper and concentrate on it. But you can do it differently. When concentrating on a sequence of nine numbers, you can imagine that you are in the center of a certain sphere, and the numbers are located on its inner surface. The information of the concentration target can be located inside this sphere in the form of a ball. You need to tune in to identify the number from which more light comes. Having received the first thought that some number from the number series located on the inner surface of the large sphere glows more than the others, fix this number. Then mentally connect the inner sphere containing the goal of concentration and the element of perception in the form of a number. When concentrating on a sequence of seven numbers, you can imagine that the numbers are located on the surface of a cube. On any one of its faces. At the same time, in accordance with your feelings, you can move these numbers, changing their position, so as to achieve the maximum effect. You can do it completely differently. You can mentally associate each number with some element of the external or internal environment. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that these elements be homogeneous. For example, you can associate one number with a tree, and another with some feeling. You decide all this yourself. With this approach, you symbolically equate numbers to your chosen elements of reality. As always, these elements of reality can not only be physical, but also mental, that is, you can imagine them in your mind. These techniques give you additional control options. You can change the structure of concentration, the mood towards it, you can diversify the symbolic equation of numbers with elements of reality. As a result, you will be able to make your concentration more effective. You will be able to better manage the time it takes to complete what you have in mind. And this is very important in practical life. Where instant salvation is required, your concentration must give instant results. If we are talking about ensuring harmonious development, then the time factor may not play such an important role. The decisive thing here is to ensure the harmony of your development, taking into account all the circumstances, and this is what your concentrations will give you. So in these exercises everything should be individual. Everyone must choose their own development system. It is important to keep the following in mind. Choosing a system for your own development cannot be done only logically. Of course, you set goals for yourself, you strive to achieve them, but in your soul there are already tasks that were laid there at an earlier time. Therefore, when you carry out concentrations, at first those tasks that were laid down earlier, which were the tasks of the soul and which were the tasks not only of your development, but also the development of the entire society, can be realized. When performing these tasks, you feel that this is what you need to do first, you feel it on a deep inner level, on the level of soul development, on the level of the Creator. And that is why, when we talk about concentrations, we talk primarily about universal harmony. It should be understood that harmony always implies an element of salvation as a necessary element if the situation requires such intervention. Although the main task of harmony is to ensure such a development of events that no threats arise at all. And, of course, harmonious development must be made so that it is eternal. The concentrations I have created and already tested for each day of the month lead to this. By doing them, you will receive that harmony that will make your path joyful and continuous, and you will be able to save yourself and others and live forever. Having these concentrations, in any situation you can always take active control actions, and not be in a passive state. The realization that by applying concentration in your affairs, you are actually carrying out the process of universal salvation and eternal harmonious development, opens up the freedom given to you by the Creator. And this forms the overall creative development along with your true happiness. Concentrations are given for 31 days. If you conduct these classes in, for example, February, which has 28 days, then after the 28th day you move on to the first day of March. That is, the day of the month from the list of exercises should always coincide with the day of the month that is currently indicated in the calendar. You can perform concentrations at any time of the day. You determine the number of concentrations during the day and their duration yourself. It is advisable to conduct concentrations systematically and before important matters. If you find the first exercise of any day too difficult, you can skip it and do the other two. The result will still be there, and over time, an increasing number of exercises under the first number will become clearer and simpler for you. So do what you understand and what you like. 11th day: 1. On the eleventh day of the month, you concentrate on phenomena in which the interaction of animals with humans is manifested. Well, for example, you have a dog, or a cat, or some kind of bird, say, a parrot, living in your house. Think, what is the deeper meaning of this interaction, these contacts, this communication? This is from our point of view. And from their point of view? Your awareness of the processes of perception and thinking of other participants in the interaction will allow you to enter the structure of managing all of reality. 2. Seven-digit series: 1852348; Nine-digit series: 561432001. 3. Just as you multiplied one by ten times by adding one round digit zero, you will get the next number by adding the digit one to one. Number 11 is the personification of the World, which is inside you and which is visible to everyone. You are the essence that is always visible to everyone, and everyone can receive your harmonious experience, the same one that you received in your development. Share your experience and you will receive eternal life. Day 12: 1. On this day you concentrate on phenomena in which the question of creating the whole may arise. For example, a feather fell out of a goose or a swan. In this case, you should concentrate on how you could make sure that it returns to its place. How could one get this? That is, you are trying to understand how it would be possible to create or recreate a single whole. Or, let's say another example: a leaf fell from a tree. How to make it return to its place and the tree along with it would be in its original form? This is a concentration on collecting individual elements of reality into a single whole, which represents their norm. Practicing in such concentration gives control. In this concentration, as in many others, you can consider yourself as an object. You can restore any of your organs. A woman once approached me with a request. During the operation, her uterus was removed. You understand how important this issue is. I applied the principles and methods that you now know, and now this woman again has a full-fledged healthy uterus. 2. Seven-digit series: 1854321; Nine-digit series: 485321489. 3. Unite with the World in its shell, with how you perceive it in your actions, and you will see that your actions are the essence of the World that harmonizes with you everywhere and always. And you will see that, having sent down the grace of God upon you, the Lord wanted unity from you. You must have unity where the Lord has development. In development there is unity with the Lord. In Divine, true and creative development, unity occurs at every moment of your movement. You are moving and developing in the direction of Eternity and this will forever be your unity with the Creator in your eternal development. Eternity of life is true unity with the Creator. 13th day: 1. On the thirteenth day of the month you need to concentrate on discrete, individual elements of any object of reality. Let's say that you perceive an object. This could be, for example, a truck, or a palm tree, or a stone. It doesn't matter what the item is. The main thing here is that in the selected object you consciously highlight some of its fragments, some of its parts. A truck, for example, can be thought of as consisting of many individual parts. Let me remind you that this can be done with all forms that are not human forms. You can't act like that with a person. A person should always be perceived holistically. This is the law. If the object you have chosen is not a person, but something else, the same truck, then you can imagine it consisting of separate parts. So, your task here is to find the connections that exist between the individual parts. And when you find these connections and at the same time hold in your consciousness the event you need, for example, healing someone or acquiring the ability of clairvoyance, then you achieve the fulfillment of this event. This way you can improve your control capabilities. 2. Seven-digit series: 1538448; Nine-digit series: 154321915. 3. You will see those faces who created the World before you. You will see the mechanisms that created the World before you. You will see the World that was before you. And you will feel that you have always been, and transfer this feeling to these faces and with this feeling create these mechanisms. And you will see that everything around you, artificially reproduced or naturally created, that all of this is the Creator. He personified you in what you see. Your personification is the World that is being created. So you can find any technology of spiritual, intellectual, man-made or whatever you want, but always creative development. Look at development as an equal, universal development of any element of reality and any object of information and you will see the essence that is your soul, your personality and your Creator. The individuality of the Creator and the creation of everyone by Him lies at the basis of the harmony of the World, which is inherent in everything, always exists and is understood everywhere. The Creator, who created you individually and only you, created everyone at once. In the same way, you create the World individually and simultaneously for everyone and for all times and spaces. Day 14: 1. On this day of the month, you concentrate on the movement of objects around you. You observe them and ask yourself the question: why is the cloud moving? Why is it raining? Why can birds fly? Why is all this happening? You try to find for yourself the informational meaning of each event. When you concentrate like this and at the same time keep the event you need in your consciousness, then you get its implementation. And at the same time you improve your management skills. 2. Seven-digit series: 5831421; Nine-digit series: 999888776. 3. On this day you need to see your hands as hands reflecting the light of life. On this day you need to see your fingers as fingers reflecting the light of your hands. On this day, see your body shining with the clear light of the Creator, shining with the clear light of love, goodness and health for everyone, shining with the clear light of my Teaching about eternal life. On this day you can feel this Teaching about eternal life, my Teaching, and turn to me mentally. You can also contact me on any other day and in any other state, and you can always ask for what you want to receive eternal life and universal creation. Contact me and you will get help. You can also turn to yourself and find out for yourself what you received from me. You can see this knowledge and apply it and show it to others. On this day you can harmonize with me just as you can harmonize with me on any of the previous days and on all subsequent days. And on those days when time will not be measured by time and space, you, too, can always turn to me and can always come out asking for help, asking for a conversation, asking for an event, or just to reach out. You are free just as you have always been free. Take this as a rule, extend this rule to others and you will receive eternal life where I am. And you will receive eternal life where you are. You will receive eternal life where everything is. And you will receive Eternity where everything is and always is. And this principle will be reliable and true for everyone, and it is already true and reliable for everyone, and you are who you are in Eternity, for you are already Eternity. Day 15: 1. On the second day of the month, you practiced concentration on the little finger of your right hand. On the fifteenth day, you can use any other part of your body for this purpose, for example, other fingers, or nails, or anything else, at your discretion. Further concentration is carried out in the same way as I explained for the second day. 2. Seven-digit series: 7788001; Nine-digit series: 532145891. 3. On this fifteenth day of the month, you can feel the grace of God that was sent down by the Universal Mind, and which itself is grateful to the Lord for its creation. For the creation of each of its elements and for the creation of such a status that it can reproduce the Universe, for God is present everywhere. And according to this principle, feel the gratitude of the plant and animal towards you, feel the gratitude of another person and feel their love. And you will see that you love them. In love there is creation, goodness and all-pervasiveness. And common love, attainable by everyone and reaching everyone, is the Creator who personified the World in your manifestation. You are a manifestation of the Creator’s love, for He is love towards you. You received the gift of the creator from the beginning and you are him, you are the creator, because you were created by the Creator, the eternal God, the all-encompassing, and go where He is, for He is everywhere. And go where He calls, for He calls everywhere. He is where you are, He is everywhere you are. You are in the movement of the Creator, you are the personification of His Eternity. Follow the care of the Creator, He created the eternal World in universal mutual development, and you will see that the World is created as eternal, and you will see that the World personifies the eternal you. You are the creator who creates the eternal, and the Creator created you eternal when creating the eternal World. Day 16: 1. On this day, you concentrate on the elements of external reality that your body comes into contact with. Since childhood, we remember the wonderful phrase: “The sun, air and water are our best friends.” In this concentration, you try to be aware of the interaction with these friends of ours. You concentrate on the warmth that the rays of the sun falling on you give you. You feel their touch, you feel the warmth they give. You feel a light breeze blowing over you. You feel its breath. Or it could be strong gusts of wind. It can be completely still air. And if it is very hot and there is a lot of humidity, then you feel warmth, air, and moisture on your cheeks at the same time. You can experience the refreshing effect of water when you wash your face, take a shower, or swim. These concentrations can also be done in the cold winter. Your face is always open. Well, in warm times, especially in summer, on the beach, your whole body can enjoy contact with the sun, air and water. You can add here contact with the ground. These concentrations are very important. In them you enter into conscious interaction with the elements. This practice, of course, can be done every day. If during concentration you simultaneously keep the event you need in your consciousness, then you achieve its implementation. 2. Seven-digit series: 1843212; Nine-digit series: 123567091. 3. Feel harmony where it is, and it is everywhere and always. This is the harmony of the Creator. Feel the harmony where it is and will be. This is the harmony of your development. Feel the harmony where it is, was and will be, and where it was not, where it is not, and where it will always be. This is the harmony of change. This is the harmony of transformation. This is transformation into eternal life. Come to yourself everywhere, and feel this harmony everywhere, and you will see how waves of joy and love spread from your harmony. And you will see that you are making the World forever harmonious in its eternal status of sustainability. You are a fighter, but already in the eternal grace of God for eternal life and eternal faith. Day 17: 1. On the seventeenth day of the month, you concentrate on the elements of external reality that, from your point of view, always surround you. This is the space around you, the Sun, the Moon, the constellations familiar to you, and in general everything that always exists in your mind. You concentrate on any of these elements and at the same time, as always, keep in your mind the event you need for its implementation. 2. Seven-digit series: 1045421; Nine-digit series: 891000111. 3. Look with the all-seeing eye at the resurrection of everyone and everything. And you will see that the restoration of the World is the reality in which you live. And you will feel that you are in eternal Peace. Move forward along this path and you will see a path that is calling you. Follow this path, and you will see the Creator, who is eternal, and you will enjoy your eternity, and this pleasure is the eternity of life, and the Creator is exactly the Creator who created you, and His love is limitless, and His simplicity is trusting, and He as simple and transparent as you imagined, as you thought of Him before, and He is as kind and constructive as you knew before. He is your Creator and He gives you the way. Walk in His way, for His way is your way. Day 18: 1. On this day of the month you concentrate on stationary objects. It could be a building, a table, a tree. Choose what you like. Next, you must find the individual essence of the selected object, its meaning. Meaning for you, that is, you must understand what this object is for you. This is the concentration. In the future, when describing the exercises, I will no longer add that during concentration you need to keep the desired event in your mind in order to control it. Henceforth this will always be implied. 2. Seven-digit series: 1854212; Nine-digit series: 185321945. 3. You go where there are people. You go where the events are. You work where there is resistance. And when you see this, the resistance becomes transparent, its forces weaken and you see the world of Eternity, even if there is still resistance. Go and be wherever you want. You can be everywhere. You can embrace the whole world of prosperity, and therefore fight resistance for the benefit of eternal life and the resistance will collapse and you will see the light of eternal life and perceive it. And this will happen forever and at all times. 19th day: 1. On the nineteenth day of the month, you concentrate on the phenomena of external reality, in which something that originally existed as a single whole then turns into a collection of individual elements. An example of such a phenomenon: a cloud turns into raindrops. Or another: the crown of a tree turns into separate crumbling leaves. While concentrating on such phenomena, you try to find laws on the basis of which such a development of events could be prevented. Finding such laws is the meaning of this concentration. 2. Seven-digit series: 1254312; Nine-digit series: 158431985. 3. The struggle of the spirit for its true place in the World, as well as the struggle of your soul for the personification of the Creator, leads to the fact that your intellect and your mind become controlled. Your consciousness becomes universal and your part of consciousness becomes general consciousness. You become who you are. Your Eternity manifests itself in your thoughts, your thoughts become Eternity, your thoughts make the World eternal and you will be where you are, and you will be where you are not, and you will always be, although the World consists of intervals of time, and there , where you will be, the period of time will become the World and space will unite with Eternity, and time will recede and you will be in motion and you will be in eternal time, and you will experience eternal time, and this eternal time will come to you. Every moment of your time is eternal. Feel Eternity in every moment and you will see that you already have it. Day 20: 1. On this day, concentration is carried out on remote areas of consciousness. Your task is to help other people. Imagine that you need to explain something to another person. Explain what he doesn't know or doesn't understand. In fact, you and I already know that in reality every person has all the knowledge; initially, everything is already in his soul. Therefore, your task is to help him understand the information that he already possesses. By the way, it is precisely with this, with the awareness of the knowledge already existing in the soul, that true understanding is connected. Awakening a person to the awareness of the necessary information stored in his soul can most easily be accomplished through remote parts of his consciousness. And the easiest way to reach them is through remote parts of your consciousness. By performing this exercise, you are already actively participating in the rescue program. In this regard, I will clarify what should be fundamental for your concentration. Your concentration should be such that the control you receive would have a positive effect for everyone at once, so that it ensures a beneficial development of events for everyone at once. And at the same time, regardless of the location of other people. People may be physically far away from you, but they will still receive help from you. In a more condensed form, this exercise can be called concentrating on everyone's success. This means that thanks to your work, the development of specific situations will occur in a favorable direction for everyone. If you wish, especially at first, at the beginning of practice, you can add one more exercise on this day. You concentrate on distant objects such as the Sun, planets, or stars and constellations. However, you may not see them with normal vision. Your task in this concentration is this: you try to realize what these objects represent from the point of view of information. 2. Seven-digit series: 1538416; Nine-digit series: 891543219. 3. Look at the World from the highest position of your consciousness, from the deepest position of your soul and with the most spiritual passion for general welfare, look at the World as if it was just being created and create it as he is there now. But by creating it as it is now, change the state of the World with its vices for the better, towards creation and eternal life. And you will see that vices are not vices at all, but an incorrect understanding of the World. Understand the World correctly, as the Creator gives it to you, and you will see that the Creator is everywhere and correctness is everywhere, you just need to take one step towards, you just need not to deny and come to this correctness forever and ever, and you will see that The world has transformed. And you will see that the Universe has become yours, and you will see that the Creator is pleased with you, and you will see that you are a creator and can create everywhere, always and forever, and you are an assistant to the Creator, and you are an assistant to anyone else and you are like The Creator himself creates the creator and here you come to the point of unity of all. And this point of unity of all is your soul. Look at her and you will see the light of life. This light of life is created by your soul. The glow of your soul is what calls you up, into the distance and in breadth, the glow of your soul is the World. You see the World because your soul sees it. You see the soul because you have the eyes of the soul. Look at yourself from all sides, and you will see a common unity with the whole World, with the whole World, which exists everywhere and always. Your thought is the thought of the World. Your knowledge is the knowledge of the World. Distribute the knowledge of life and spread the light of your soul, and you will see eternal life in the state in which you are in it. You will see that eternal life has been with you for a long time, it is always there, it has always been, it will always be. Eternal life is you. Day 21: 1. On the twenty-first day of the month, you need to concentrate on number series that go in reverse order. A specific example: 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10. The numbers appearing in these sequences must be in the range from 1 to 31 (the maximum number of days in a month). So you have the 31st number at your disposal. When making sequences from these numbers, rely on your gut feeling. 2. Seven-digit series: 8153517; Nine-digit series: 589148542. 3. Look how a mountain stream runs down from the mountains. Look how the snow melts. Refer to these pictures in your mind's eye if you have looked with your eyes. And you will see that your thoughts are no different from your eyes. And you will see that your consciousness is no different from your body. And you will see how your soul builds your body. Do not forget this knowledge, transferring it from second to second, passing it on to others and, making Eternity out of a moment, you will eternally build yourself as if you, without making any effort, lived before, and this eternal construction is eternal life. Build other objects around you on the same principle, build worlds. Create joy and sow wheat, and create bread, and give tools, and give machines, and make sure that the machines are harmless, non-destructive, and you will see that you live in this World, and you will see that this has been sent down to you, and that God and your consciousness are manifested in the machine. Stop the car if it threatens. Build a body if it is sick, carry out resurrection if someone has left, do not allow anyone else to leave. You are the creator, you are the creator, take, act and move forward in harmony with the whole World, in harmony with everything created, in harmony with everything that will ever be created in all the infinity and manifestation of the World, and in harmony with yourself .

Day 22: 1. On this day of the month you need to concentrate on those elements of reality that are characterized by endless reproduction. A specific example: the concept of Eternity. Or the concept of infinite space. Let me remind you once again that when thinking about, say, Eternity, you at the same time must build the event you need. 2. Seven-digit series: 8153485; Nine-digit series: 198516789. 3. Your soul is a created structure, your soul is a recreated structure. See how your soul is created, see how it is recreated. In the act of re-creation is your soul, open your world and see where the Creator was recreated, look at the mechanism of re-creation and you will see love. Love is what brings light to the World. Love is what the world is built on. Love is something that always exists and was originally. Look who created love and you will see yourself. Love that belongs to you is you that belongs to love. Build with love, build with prosperity, build with the great joy of universal life and universal happiness, and you will be able to see the joy that everyone around you sees. See the joy of those around you and your heart will be filled with happiness. Be in happiness, be in harmony, and this happiness will bring you Eternity. Look with your eternal eyes, look with your eternal body, look with your eternal gaze at your relatives and grant them Eternity. Look with your Eternity at all people and grant them Eternity. Look with your Eternity at the whole World, at all your surroundings and grant them Eternity. And the World will bloom, and there will be a flower that blooms forever. And this flower will be your Peace, which is also the Peace of everyone. And you will live and your happiness will be endless. 23rd day: 1. On the twenty-third day of the month, you need to concentrate on the development of all elements of reality in the direction of realizing the tasks of God. 2. Seven-digit series: 8154574; Nine-digit series: 581974321. 3. Look at the World, what you need to do in it, look at your everyday affairs, see your feelings and look at them. Look at how your feelings are connected to events, why you look forward, why you feel, why your affairs are going this way and not otherwise. Why cannot the word “otherwise” be present in the World, for the World is one and it is diverse in its unity. Why does the word “single” mean diversity? Feel the whole nature of phenomena in your specific business. Look at this matter from all sides. Look at your body and restore it in one mental moment. Look at your consciousness and make it such that it solves all your questions. Look at your soul and see that everything has been there for a long time. 24th day: 1. On this day of the month, during concentration, you need to get any other object from the form of a person. For example, a video cassette, a fountain pen, a plant. You need to see from which element of the human form, say, a video cassette is born. That is, how you need to realize the image of a person in order to receive a videotape. 2. Seven-digit series: 5184325; Nine-digit series: 189543210. 3. You saw the reality that you saw. You have come to the reality that you are. Look at all the days from the first to the twenty-fourth and you will see that your love is endless. Look at the World, how you look with love, look at the feeling, how you build it, look at the feeling as an eternal creation and you will come to love as Eternity. You come to her forever and you stay with her forever. The Creator, your God, created you to love. You are God's creations and you love. Love is life and life is love. Show love where you appear, show love in the places where you are determined and predestined. Love may not be expressed in words and love may not be expressed in feelings, but your actions are love, where you create. 25th day: 1. On the twenty-fifth day of the month you can concentrate on any subject you choose, but it is important that you have several different concentrations so that you have some kind of combination of them. From this set, based on analysis, you combine various objects of concentration into groups according to some criterion. For example, a tape recorder and a cassette tape can be placed in the same group because they complement each other in fulfilling their purpose. A tape recorder and a receiver can be grouped together by treating them as goods made using electronics. You can place similar items in one group, say, two different books. However, if you look at the same books from the point of view of their content, their themes, then these books may end up in different groups if the theme is the determining factor when compiling groups. As you can see, you have complete creative freedom here. You can, for example, while sitting at home, look around and use the objects around you for this concentration. 2. Seven-digit series: 1890000; Nine-digit series: 012459999. 3. Come to the thought of yourself in yourself. Catch the thought of yourself as a reflection of yourself. See yourself the way you see everyone else. See yourself the way you see everyone else. See yourself the way you see a tree branch, a plant leaf, morning dew or snow on a windowsill. You will see what is in front of you forever. You will see that you are eternal. Day 26: 1. On this day of the month you learn to see both the whole and its part, the general and the particular. Let's say there is a herd of cows in front of you. You see the entire herd and can focus on one cow at a time. And understand how she lives, what she thinks about, how she will develop. Or you can look at an anthill and at the same time at an individual ant. With the help of this concentration, you must understand how, practically with one glance, you can immediately see the whole and its part, the general and the particular. This concentration will help you acquire this ability. You will be able to instantly see both the general and the specific at once. 2. Seven-digit series: 1584321; Nine-digit series: 485617891. 3. Accept that you are forever evolving. See that your development is constant. Do something that is eternal. For every movement is eternal and every thing is the personification of Eternity, and every person is Eternity and every soul is a multitude of Eternities. Go to the diverse Eternities from the one Eternity and you will see that there is one Eternity for everyone. Through this, come to an understanding of your soul, and you will see that you are the creator of what you need. Apply this to the creation of every thing and you will see that every thing is created by you. Apply this to the creation of your body, and you will understand that your body can always repair itself. Apply this to the health of others, and by healing someone else, you will gain experience for yourself. Healing others is always an experience for yourself. Restoring everything is always an experience for you. Do more good, give more joy and happiness, and you will receive Eternity in your hands in the form of a specific technological tool of your consciousness. Extend your consciousness to the harsh conditions of Eternity. Where Eternity expands, overtake it, overtake Eternity in infinity and see yourself as the personification of the Creator. You create where Eternity is still expanding, you are the creator of Eternity, you control Eternity and Eternity always obeys you. 27th day: 1. On the twenty-seventh day of the month you need to do the same concentration as on the ninth day of the month, but add to it the endless development of each element of concentration. 2. Seven-digit series: 1854342; Nine-digit series: 185431201. 3. Come to the aid of those who need help. Come to the aid of those who do not need help. Come to your own aid if you need help. Come to your own aid if you don't need help. Look at the word "help" in its broader meaning and look at kindness as the personification of helping. You are kind and you help. You are the creator and you have help. Every act of your creation brings you help. Everything you create is to help you. You have an infinite number of helpers, just as you help an infinite number of others. You are in universal connection with everyone, you always help everyone and everyone helps you. In universal connections and mutual assistance, lead society to prosperity, give happiness to everyone and you will see yourself in universal world harmony with everyone, where God the Creator is everything that is created around you, this is everything that is created by you, and the personification of God in everything created around you. And the personification of God as your creator will manifest itself in your soul with a true understanding of the World in self-development after receiving the infinity of life. The infinity of life is the infinity of the Creator. To be infinitely living, one must be infinitely created, one must be infinitely created. To be infinitely created, you don't need to do anything, we are created forever to be infinitely created. You can make your every thought, your every movement, your every action create Eternity. 28th day: 1. On this day of the month you need to do the same concentration as on the eighth day of the month, but with one important difference. The point here is this. You probably noticed that on the previous day, the 27th, when determining the type of concentration, the numbers 2 and 7 were added together: 2+7 = 9. In this case, the situation is different. The number 28 consists of two digits: 2 and 8. In this case, the number 28 should be perceived as follows: two multiplied by eight. Do not add 2 and 8, but multiply. That is, the eight is doubled. That is why the program of the eighth day is repeated on this day. However, this repetition should not be literal, nor should it be an exact copy of the previous work. Something you have to change. And first of all, change something in yourself. For example, change something in your vision of this concentration. Carrying it out according to the old scheme, you must nevertheless see something new in it, look at it from a different perspective. Your understanding, as well as your perception of these concentrations, must constantly expand and deepen. This is a creative process. It contributes to your development. 2. Seven-digit series: 1854512; Nine-digit series: 195814210. 3. Look at yourself the way you look at the whole World at once. Look at the Creator as the Creator looks at you, and in this you will gain an understanding of what the Creator wants from you. Look at His gaze and you will see His gaze. You will see that the Creator’s gaze is also turned to distant phenomena of the World, and your task is to manage these phenomena of the World. You must make any phenomena of the World harmonious. This is your true task. You must give birth and create Worlds that will always be harmonious. This is your true task from your creation. For He, the Creator, has already created, for He, the Creator, has already done, and your task is to follow this path, for in the image and likeness you were created, just as the Creator was created. The Creator created himself, but He also created you. Recreate yourself and create others. Create all others and give everyone general prosperity, and you will have a World that was created for you, and for everyone, and for the Creator. Create for the Creator, for He created you. Create for the Creator, for he created everything. And therefore, whatever you create, you always create for the Creator. Day 29: 1. On the twenty-ninth day of the month, you perform general concentration. On this day you must review all the concentrations of this month, from the first to the twenty-eighth. But you just need to perceive them as an impulse. It is important. You cover the path you have covered in a month with one single moment of perception. In this case, you need to do some analysis of your work. On this day, you kind of create a platform for work in the next month. You can imagine everything that you did in the form of a certain sphere and place it on an infinite straight line, the initial section of which includes the next month. By doing this, you will create a platform not only for the next month, but also for your further endless development. 2. Seven-digit series: 1852142; Nine-digit series: 512942180. 3. Look at the World with your own eyes. Look at the World with all your senses. Look at the World with all your cells. Look at the World with your whole body and everything you can see and everything you are. Look at the World and yourself, and inside yourself. Look at the World with the understanding that the World is around you and it envelops you. Look at the reality that gives life. Look at reality, the kind that gives Eternity. And you will see that wherever you look, there is only this reality that gives life and gives Eternity. And the creator of this reality is God. And God, who created this reality, created eternal life and he sees you as you see yourself, and he sees you as you do not see yourself, and he is your creator. And he is God. Day 30: 1. On this day you conduct your first concentration on the built platform. This concentration lays the foundation for your work in the next month. You need to concentrate on the harmony of the World. You must see it, find it, rejoice in it, admire it. And at the same time you are surprised at how the Creator was able to create everything so perfectly. That is, you admire the harmony of the World as a consequence of the perfection of the Creator. 2. Seven-digit series: 1852143; Nine-digit series: 185219351. 3. The principle by which you build all the previous days may be the main one on this day, because in February, where now, in the present chronology, there are 29 or 28 days, this principle on the thirtieth day passes to the first day or second. And this unification shows the eternal cycle of life. Find Eternity in all your previous harmonizations. Find this Eternity in this simple example, for one month has 30 days, another month - February - 29 or 28 days and through this month of February alone we have a common unity of the number 30 with the number 1 or 2. And a unity of numbers different in nature and by origin, speaks of unity and the common nature of all. Find the common nature in everything, in every piece of information, and find the common nature where it is not immediately visible, and find it where it is obvious, and find it where it is immediately visible. And you will see, and you will realize, and you will feel, and you will be inspired. Day 31: 1. 1. On the thirty-first day of the month, you concentrate on isolated areas of each individual volume. For example, let a tree grow on a certain piece of land. You realize that there is soil below it, above it and on the sides there is air. All these separate areas are united in your consciousness by the fact that you see in them all the eternal reproduction of life. Life is eternal. You must realize this. Remember this when observing the world around you, feeling it, dissolving in it. And the realization of this Truth will come to you: YES, LIFE IS ETERNAL! 2. Seven-digit series: 1532106; Nine-digit series: 185214321. 3. Concentrate on yourself on this day. You are absolutely and completely healthy, and everyone around you is healthy. And the world is eternal. And the events are all creative. And you always see everything only in a positive light. And everything around is always favorable. I want to make one more note about the above exercises. I repeat once again that you yourself must determine the number of concentrations and their duration. You also have to decide for yourself which result is the most important for you at the moment, what you need to strive for first of all. If you want to get a certain result by a certain date, then put this time in the target setting and achieve it through concentration. Remember that these are creative exercises. They develop you. With the help of these concentrations, you will grow spiritually, and this, in turn, will help you do all these concentrations at a higher level, which will provide you with even greater development, and so on. This process is endless. Quite quickly you will find that your life has begun to change for the better, although to be more precise, it must be said that it was you who began to make it such that you gradually begin to take control of your life into your own hands. These exercises contribute to the development of consciousness, the development of events in your life in a favorable direction, the acquisition of full health and the establishment of harmony with the pulse of the Universe.

Original Post by Women



From articles about Grabovoi’s book:

“Since the simplicity of the method is its great advantage, I used this approach as the basis when writing a reference book for curing any disease. This book has already been written. It is called “Restoring the Human Body by Concentrating on Numbers.” It has more than a hundred pages. It contains about thousands of names of diseases and for each there is a corresponding number series of seven digits.By tuning into any specific number series, you cure yourself of the corresponding disease.

The question arises: why is such a simple procedure as concentrating on a sequence of certain numbers so effective in curing diseases?
What's the matter here?
The point here is this. Every disease represents a deviation from the norm. Deviation from the norm in the functioning of individual cells, or organs, or the entire organism as a whole. Recovering from an illness means returning to normal.
So, the digital series I’m citing is precisely what ensures a return to normal. By concentrating on this specific sequence of numbers, tuning into this digital series, you adjust the body to the state that is the norm. As a result, all this is recorded as a cure for the disease.

To explain the essence of such treatment, it is necessary to say a few words about the vibrational structure of numbers.
Behind each number and each sequence of numbers there is a corresponding vibrational structure, then the healing when using this method can be described differently. The fact that a correctly chosen sequence of numbers leads the body to the norm occurs because, taking into account the vibrational structure behind it, this number sequence itself is the norm.
It represents the right sound, the right sound. And concentrating on this sequence of numbers means tuning. In the same way, musical instruments are tuned by the sound of a tuning fork.

When using this method, you need to concentrate on a sequence of numbers or on each number from this sequence separately in turn.
Instead of reading numbers sequentially, you can proceed as follows. You concentrate first simultaneously on the first and last numbers of the digital series, then on the second and penultimate, then on the third from the beginning and third from the end, and finally on the central number.

When working with digital series, you can act differently and in this respect. You can, moving from one number to another, concentrate on each number for the same amount of time. Or you can linger on some numbers for one time, and on others for another. You can even focus on each of the seven numbers for different times.
By changing the duration of concentration on any number, we thereby change the intensity of the action of this number. Consequently, when changing the duration of concentration on individual numbers of a given sequence, a slightly different sound appears and therefore it acts somewhat differently. When doing practical work, rely on your intuition here, although the restorative effect is achieved for any duration of concentration.

I draw your attention to the following. While concentrating on numbers, you must at the same time be aware of yourself, feel your body, see it internally, see it absolutely healthy. This is important for quickly restoring normal conditions.

By tuning into any specific number series, you heal yourself, your loved ones, children, etc. from the corresponding disease.
If you are helping another person, then at some distance from yourself, imagine the image of this person.
Somewhere between you and the image there should be the desired number series. You can simply write these numbers on a piece of paper and place it between you. When concentrating, your contact with the image should occur in a straight line through the numbers. It is very important to remember that when you concentrate on numbers, you should constantly have the thought of the health of this person.

The book consists of 27 chapters. Each chapter examines a set of specific diseases. The first 25 chapters cover almost all known diseases.
Chapter 26 gives concentrations to cure unknown diseases and conditions.
After the title of each chapter, immediately followed by a restorative digital series, which applies simultaneously to all diseases placed in this chapter.
It can always be used, especially when the exact diagnosis is not known, but only that the disease belongs to this section.
If the diagnosis is known, then the number row immediately following the name of this particular disease is used. You can additionally use, as I said, the general row of the chapter. The material in the book is presented in such a way that immediately after the name of the disease there is always a number row that cures this disease.

As an example, I will give the beginning of the first chapter.
HEART STOP (clinical death) - 8915678

Further, I will give here only the titles of the following chapters with the corresponding reconstructive digital series.
CHAPTER 3. SEPSIS - 58143212.

It may also happen that with some ailment it will be difficult not only to make a diagnosis, but even to determine the type of disease, that is, to specifically indicate the chapter to which this disease could relate.
In order to be able to cope with the situation in this case, I placed another chapter in the book, the 26th: “UNKNOWN DISEASES AND CONDITIONS - 1884321”.

The essence of the method in this case is as follows. The human body is considered to consist of seven parts.
I’ll give them now, and next to each part of the body I’ll put the corresponding restoring digital row.
1. Head - 1819999.
2. Neck - 18548321.
3. Right hand - 1854322.
4. Left hand - 4851384.
5. Torso - 5185213.
6. Right leg - 4812531.
7. Left leg - 485148291.
Now let's talk about how to use this data. Suppose a person has a headache. Then he can use the number row intended for the head. If a person experiences any painful sensations in two or more parts of the body at once, then one must consistently concentrate on the rows corresponding to these areas."

COLOR THERAPY can enhance the healing effects of numbers.
To do this, you need to write or see the numbers in the right color.

Abscess - blue, blue-violet
Alcoholism - yellow, indigo
Allergy - light orange, indigo
Alzheimer's disease - blue-violet, azure
Anemia - red
Loss of appetite (anorexia) - lemon, yellow
Excessive appetite (gluttony) - indigo
Arthritis - purple, blue-violet
Asthma - orange, blue
Bronchitis - blue-green, blue, turquoise
Blister - milky, milky blue
Inflammation - blue
Hemorrhoids - dark blue
Hypertension (high blood pressure) - green, blue
Hypotension (low blood pressure) - red, red-orange
Headache - green, blue
Flu - purple, turquoise, dark blue
Breast disease - red-violet, pink
Dyspepsia - lemon, yellow
Vision deterioration - azure, indigo
Toothache - blue, blue-violet
Infections - purple
Intestinal disorder - yellow-orange
Colic - lemon, yellow
Bone diseases - lemon, purple
Skin diseases - blue-violet, lemon
Bleeding - blue-green
Leukemia - purple
Fever (increased temperature) - blue
Menstrual disorders - light red, blue-green
Bladder disease - yellow-orange
Muscle pain - pale orange
Nervous diseases - blue-green, green
Burns - blue-green, blue
Tumors - purple, blue-violet
Parkinson's disease - indigo
Liver diseases - blue, yellow
Pneumonia - red, indigo, red-orange
Kidney disease - yellow, yellow-orange
Swellings - blue, light blue
Cold - red
Cancer - blue, blue-violet
Hay fever - red-orange
Heart disease - pink, green
AIDS - purple, indigo, red
Rash - turquoise, lemon
Nausea - pale blue
Anxiety - green, blue
Acne - red-violet, red
Ear disease - turquoise
Eczema - lemon
Epilepsy - dark blue, turquoise
Ulcers - green

From reviews of treatment using this method:
1. “My blood pressure constantly stayed around 160/100. One day it jumped to 200/140. They dictated two sets of numbers to me and said that the first of them (1289435) would improve the functioning of the circulatory system, and the second (1489999) would normalize the body’s main indicators: blood pressure , composition of blood, urine, temperature, sugar level. The method of treatment is extremely simple. You need to write down the number series on paper and concentrate on them in silence, repeat or consider them. There was no strict treatment time in her notes. I immediately began such an easy treatment and honestly worked with numbers every day for about a month. You won’t believe it, but I no longer had attacks of hypertension. Not right away, but the pressure went down." P. Markova, Ivanovo.

2. “I myself have been studying this teaching for about a year. And I’m not alone - there are several people united by a common interest. And so, during this year we managed to cure 3 people, our acquaintances, using Grabovoi’s methods. I don’t even want to name the diseases - scary. Doctors are surprised that their patients are alive, despite the traditional course of the disease. We apply these methods to the runny nose or flu, neuralgic pain, fever, etc. And always successfully, because the disease disappears within an hour or two your strength, and then there is either a quick recovery, or the disease proceeds in a very weak form.
Did you ask if there are people cured by these methods? I answer - yes.
Are there cases where these methods did not help? The answer is also affirmative." Vasily F. Kiev


Concentration can be carried out either by the person himself for self-restoration, or one can concentrate by putting into the concentration the thought of restoring another person through a given concentration.
You can concentrate on the number series corresponding to the chapter, immediately covering all the diseases that are included in a specific chapter, if the disease relates to the title of the chapter, but there is no exact diagnosis.
If the diagnosis is known, then you need to concentrate on the numbers corresponding to the specific diagnosis.
With concentrations, you can move from one concentration to another and thus understand how to arrange the sequence of numbers in order to create control towards the complete restoration of health.
Try to find your own concentration.
This approach extends to the general management system through a concentration on numbers. In this case, concentration can be done sequentially, that is, for example, from the first to the seventh number, or by choosing numbers.
Thus, the concentrations are different and the methods of concentration can be individual depending on how they are applied. You can apply concentrations at any time, either by memorizing them or by writing them down.


Acute respiratory failure - 1257814
Acute cardiovascular failure - 1895678
Cardiac arrest - 8915678
Traumatic shock, shock and shock-like conditions - 1895132

Malignant testicular tumors - 5814321
Malignant bone tumors - 1234589
Tumors of the uterus - 9817453
Brain tumors (brain and spinal) - 5431547
Stomach cancer - 8912534
Skin cancer - 8148957
Breast cancer - 5432189
Bladder cancer - 89123459
Liver cancer - 5891248
Esophageal cancer - 8912567
Pancreatic cancer - 8125891
Penile cancer - 8514921
Kidney cancer - 56789108
Prostate cancer - 4321890
Colon cancer (colon and rectum) - 5821435
Thyroid cancer - 5814542
Ovarian cancer - 4851923

Cardiac arrhythmias - 8543210
Arterial hypertension - 8145432
Arterial hypotension (hypotension) - 8143546
Atherosclerosis - 54321898
Heart blocks - 9874321
Varicose veins - 4831388
Vegetative-vascular dystonia (neurocirculatory dystonia) - 8432910
Hypertensive crises - 5679102
Hypertension - 8145432
Myocardial infarction - 8914325
Ischemic (coronary) heart disease - 1454210
Cardialgia - 8124567
Cardiomyopathies - 8421432
Cardiosclerosis - 4891067
Collapse - 8914320
Myocarditis - 8432110
Circulatory failure - 85432102
Neurocirculatory dystonia (NCD) - 5432150
Congenital heart defects - 9995437
Acquired heart defects - 8124569
Rheumatism - 5481543
Cardiac asthma - 8543214
Heart failure - 8542106
Vascular insufficiency - 8668888
Vascular crises - 8543218
Angina pectoris (angina pectoris) - 8145999
Thrombophlebitis - 1454580

Joint diseases - 5421891
Infectious arthritis - 8111110
Gout - 8543215
Rheumatism - 5481543

Bronchial asthma - 8943548
Acute bronchitis - 4812567
Chronic bronchitis - 4218910
Pneumonia - 4814489
Pneumosclerosis - 9871234
Lung cancer - 4541589
Respiratory tuberculosis - 8941234
Emphysema - 54321892

Gastritis - 5485674
Gastroenterocolitis - 8431287
Hepatitis - 5814243
Biliary dyskinesia - 58432144
Constipation - 5484548
Colitis - 8454321
Chronic pancreatitis - 5891432
Food allergy - 2841482
Diarrhea (diarrhea) - 5843218
Acute cholecystitis - 4154382
Chronic cholecystitis - 5481245
Liver cirrhosis - 4812345
Enteritis - 8431287
Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum - 8125432

Glomerulonephritis - 4812351
Acute glomerulonephritis - 4285614
Pielit - 5432110
Pyelonephritis - 58143213
Polycystic kidney disease - 5421451
Renal colic - 4321054
Kidney stone disease - 5432143
Kidney failure - 4321843
Cystitis - 48543211

Agranulocytosis - 4856742
Anemia - 48543212
Leukemia - 5481347
Lymphogranulomatosis - 4845714

Diabetes insipidus - 4818888
Diabetes mellitus - 8819977
Myxedema - 4812415
Adrenal insufficiency - 4812314
Obesity - 4812412

Viral hepatitis A and B (Botkin's disease) - 5412514
Helminthiases - 5124548
Ascariasis - 4814812
Herpetic infection - 2312489
Flu - 4814212
Dysentery - 4812148
Giardiasis - 5189148
Acute respiratory diseases - 48145488
Erysipelas - 4123548

Headache - 4818543
Dizziness - 514854217
Cerebral palsy - 4818521
Cerebral stroke - 4818542
Migraine - 4831421
Narcolepsy - 48543216
Trigeminal neuralgia - 5148485
Herpes zoster - 51454322
Brain tumors - 5451214
Spinal cord tumors - 51843210
Sleep disorder - 514248538
Traumatic brain injury - 51843213

Alcoholism - 148543292
Drug addiction (substance abuse) - 5333353
Neuroses - 48154211
Epilepsy - 1484855

Impotence - 8851464
Frigidity - 5148222

Warts - 5148521
Vitiligo - 4812588
Gonorrhea (male) - 2225488
Dermatitis - 1853121
Urticaria - 1858432
Microsporia - 1858321
Psoriasis - 999899181
Trichophytosis - 4851482
Acne vulgaris - 514832185

Adenoids - 5189514
Sore throat (acute tonsillitis) - 1999999
Laryngitis - 4548511
Runny nose (rhinitis) - 5189912
Runny nose, vasomotor, allergic - 514852351
Otitis - 55184321
Acute tonsillitis - 1999999
Chronic tonsillitis - 35184321

EYE DISEASES - 1891014
Astigmatism - 1421543
Myopia (myopia) - 548132198
Glaucoma - 5131482
Farsightedness - 5189988
Cataract - 5189142
Strabismus - 518543254
Corneal ulcer - 548432194
Barley - 514854249

Gingivitis - 548432123
Tooth caries - 5148584
Acute toothache - 5182544
Stomatitis - 4814854


When working with the number series of Grigory Grabovoi, questions may arise because the recommendations given in books are not always practiced or remembered, so you can use the results already obtained in practice. What are the results? The results of understanding and many years of practice.

In my opinion, with "Digital Atlas of the Creation of Man and Eternal Life" Grigory Grabovoi - "Digital Atlas of the creation of man and eternal life" - it is better to work separately. You need to work with Atlas for hours, preferably several days in a row, in order to see the development of management exactly according to the technology given by Grigory Grabov for this work. Having developed management practice and understood for yourself how best to work, you can calmly work through all these books.

For the book “Number series of psychological norming”(Number series for psychological normalization) Grigory Grabovoi gave his technologies, which are used specifically for those series that are in this work. It is advisable to read the Introduction carefully and work exactly according to the Author's methods. For example, 6th control method- on rejuvenation- is given in detail in Russian and English on social networks.

In the book "Numbers for successful business" 2004 - “NUMBERS FOR SUCCESSFUL BUSINESS” by G.P. Grabovoy In general, there is a separate level of management, which must be entered according to the Author’s recommendations in the Introduction. I consider it a waste of time to simply take any numerical series from this work separately. What can this be compared to? Suppose you need to sign an agreement, the agreement itself has already been drawn up, there are partners. And you start working with the number series right away:
AGREEMENT - 519 716 718 498514 .
Where are the partners who should hear you and sign this agreement? They are in a space, let's say in a hall, where you haven't even tried to enter. The fact is that access to this control is given through the number series that are given in the Introduction. And you work, hoping that you will be heard, that all your conditions and wishes are heard. Do they hear you? After all, the door is closed, you did not take the key and did not open the door to the control space so that you could be heard... You can take some other example.

Very interesting work with number series Author's work - Grabovoy G.P. "Restoration of human matter by numerical concentrations", 2002. You can work with this book, for example, by concentrating simply on the “Contents”. This takes approximately 40 minutes of continuous operation. BUT! Not so simple. Working with the “Contents” and reading the number series for all the matter of the human body, which is given in the book, when reading the number series it is necessary to see the organ in the light of the number series that is being read: the number is read, it immediately lights up, and in this light the manager sees his the organ is normal. It’s not the row that rations, but the person who works rations. What about the row? This is access to the matter that is normalized by the manager.

And a little about working with the book by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoi “Restoring the human body by concentrating on numbers”, 1999.
The simplest thing? Number series, as Grigory Grabovoi says, are the coordinates for access of thinking to the desired area. That's why there are so many number series. It is the number series that help you get to the right area of ​​management, to the right level. What's next? And then thinking in this area works. For example, I have a developed number series for bruises:0156912 . (from bruises).

So, it is not a number series that removes bruises, bruises, and so on, but a number series that allows me to enter that area of ​​normalization, where I look through the tissue and remove cell deformation, cell changes, that is, I return them to normal. I immediately see that the skin is without a bruise (There is no injury). So this is personally I look and make the norm with my thought, because I fell into the control area that the number series gives me (at the same time, I do not forget the level of macro-salvation).
How does this happen? I concentrate on the number line, it lights up. The number series must be illuminated. This light hits the area I need. It is in this light - the light of a number series - that I work, cleaning up a bruise, for example.
Today this is the understanding, this is how I work.

You can, of course, have a state at the level of the Spirit and know that everything will be normal. But again - it's the SPIRIT that works, not just numbers. Then the SPIRIT must also be taught to work. It's funny, but the SPIRIT can be lazy. Why? Because no one taught him, no one trained him at all. You also need to be able to work with your Spirit.

Grigory Grabovoi today - April 22, 2017 - said that all the subtleties in management are important. Where do these subtleties come from? From practice. Only management practice built on KNOWLEDGE provides accurate understanding.

In light of the material presented, taking into account past experience, I want to show a very simple control that will give an understanding of working with number series. The fact is that in the management that will be presented, the Author talks about concretizing the event structure. It turns out that when working with number series, the manager must view the event picture.

TECHNOLOGY (short version)

based on the lecture by Grigory Petrovich Grabovoy dated May 23, 2002: “Technology of salvation and harmonious development. Methods of control through one’s Consciousness, based on the structure of perception to regulate the system for preventing macro-disasters and direct access to the structure of the event.”

It is necessary to heal, say, a broken finger . The control lies in the fact that the distant plate is the same in terms of information. The plate, which is closer to the physical body, must be informed to heal the fracture, relieve pain, swelling, and so on. Further the trajectory of the beam, the shape of the movement of this internal impulse, the reflection impulse, must be made optimal.

“You can just imagine this finger or hand there and concentrate on this finger, and move, as it were, directly along this finger, as if this system of reflected Light. Thus, you will be able to more accurately outline positions - in relation to what to control. That is, sometimes here, well, the treatment or the effectiveness of this method is the concretization of some kind of event structure inside these plates.”

There is another method here - in the control the approximate plate can be changed by color: due to this, control also occurs.
We try not to move the plates, they must stand rigidly, we track the point of origin of the first pulse of the beam, the second plate also participates in this, but only with its light in the formation of the pulse, then we simply worked, put it in an autonomous mode, so that the beams, when reflected, give a compaction phase.

“Try to take your time. When the beam moves, you should see how the beam spreads, how it comes from one plate, is reflected according to the laws of ordinary physical optics and begins to move further.” “Work. Well, there is light from the chest, right?.. control, it glows optics determined from the heart, there from the work of the brain, from the cells of the body».

Each method must be so refined that it acts as universal system in any situation , Therefore, the method is repeated again for specific purposes:
vthe distant plate is the area of ​​macrocontrol in the system of the Teachings of Grigory Grabovoi;
vthe closer area is your goal;
vyou have to see the beam like a segment that goes from one point to another, then is reflected in another;
vcontrol is best achieved in the first iteration, that is, in the first segment;
What does it mean to achieve:
vhighlight these two plates as much as possible so that they glow very brightly. The diagnostic element is the glow of the closest and most distant plate;
vdo this in the first iteration;
vif in the first iteration it is clear that the plate is not illuminated somewhere, continue moving the beam. This is the second step.
vWork on the second step, on the third;
vcontrol points begin to appear and begin to disperse as if chaotically;
vaccording to its own laws, these two plates begin to stick together.

Testimony of A.I. Kravtsova:
At the beginning of December 2016 this method was used to heal the knee after surgery(name is not given because there is no consent for publication).The fact is that a piece of a needle got into the knee, and this was discovered only a month later. The needle has already stuck into the bone. I had to urgently operate. At the stage of preparation for the operation, controls were also made, but the main thing was healing using the two-plate method. The result was quick, they even brought students in and showed it as a case of rapid tissue healing after surgery. This was a recording of the result obtained.
The healing was carried out in stages, but this does not mean that it was slow. In optics, the knee was placed between two plates. It was just that the bone tissue and muscle tissue were healed first, the intercellular space and all blood vessels were normalized, and only then the skin. All consequences of this event were removed. The result was brilliant.
Thanks to all.
Antonina Kravtsova,

Online stores,,,, www and others sell licensed works by Grigory Grabovoi.

ADDITION or second certificate.
There is another piece of evidence regarding the technology of working between the plates. The work just happened in parallel and was not recorded.

So, December 2016, pediatric surgical department, a 10-year-old girl with complex fractures on her leg. A girl is engaged in figure skating and finds herself in this situation... she is depressed, her mother cannot get her out of this state. I hear the paramedic talking to her. Most likely, the health worker knows nothing about the Teaching, but she says the very right things, finds the right words... but the girl remains depressed, because words are words, but actions are needed.

Her mother comes after a conversation with the doctor - they were talking about discharge and the question remained: will she be discharged home or not (surgical care was provided in full). I ask - do you want to help your child with an irrational method of control? - and I call the name of Grigory Petrovich. They have not heard anything about the Author of the Teaching, but they seem to agree. Then I say - you will work yourself, I will only tell you what needs to be done. Here they both agree.

I show the technology of work, that is, I explain in detail what needs to be done - they both do it and look (most likely, for the first time they understand that they can look like this). The plates glow, and they both stitch up the broken bones and all the tissue. What did I understand right away? They both fused the girl’s bones the way they should, probably on a micro level.

When I see that the bone is completely “smooth” and there is not even a hint of any deviations, the neighboring tissue areas are also normal, which means that additional operations are especially not needed, the management ends (by all rules - with receiving light on the girl ). The depression has disappeared, the girl is smiling. After this, the doctor comes and says that she is being discharged home...