What blood groups is third positive compatible with? Which blood types are incompatible for conceiving a child? Traditional medicine

And the family allows you to avoid serious health problems for the pregnant woman and her fetus. The ability to conduct laboratory tests such as blood group compatibility for conception gives future parents confidence in the health of their unborn baby, as well as the possibility of timely prevention of Rh conflict and blood group incompatibility.

What is blood compatibility for conceiving a child?

Blood is a special biological fluid of the body, which carries life and ensures the vital activity of its organs and systems. Red blood cells, which make up the bulk of blood, have a complex biochemical composition and perform the main function of transporting oxygen to all anatomical structures. However, their composition is not strictly defined; it may differ in the presence or absence of certain proteins.

Proteins that make up red blood cells (otherwise they can be called antigens) determine the presence of four blood groups. In addition, the Rh factor may or may not be present on the surface of the red blood cell. The corresponding classification divides all people into Rh-positive and Rh-negative.

When an egg is fertilized, information from the two sex cells of the partners merges, including the composition of the blood cells. The ideal option for the resulting embryo is that the blood of the parents is identical. However, in practice this is rarely the case.

What are the risks of blood incompatibility during conception?

If the future parents have unequal blood characteristics in the mother and the fetus, four situations may develop:

  • same blood type and Rh factor;
  • different blood groups and the same Rh factor;
  • one blood group and different Rh factor;
  • different blood groups and the same Rh factor.

A geneticist will decide how dangerous each of these situations is for life and pregnancy. One thing can be determined for sure: if a child’s body contains a protein (including the Rh factor) that the mother does not have, she synthesizes antibodies whose activity is directed against the fetus. The size of the antibodies allows them to penetrate the placenta into the baby’s bloodstream and cause hemolytic disorders. The consequences of such a “confrontation” can be expressed as:

  • Miscarriage;
  • Large load on the child’s liver and spleen (works for wear and tear);
  • Development of anemia due to liver hyperfunction.

Such a pregnancy carried to term can result in the baby suffering from diseases such as:

  • Anemia;
  • Dropsy;
  • Jaundice;
  • Mental retardation.

Theoretically, the options for blood group compatibility are shown in the table. And it is precisely this approach that is used when planning pregnancy, in contrast to native blood transfusion, when the direct compatibility of the two available materials is determined in the laboratory.

Compatibility is indicated by the + sign located at the intersection of the lines corresponding to the blood groups of the parents.

As can be seen from the table, the fourth blood group combines well with any other. And on the contrary, if one of the parents has the first group, then the same situation with the second parent will be problem-free.

The table “Blood compatibility at conception” should be supplemented with recommendations for combining the Rh factor.

Thus, theoretically, Rh conflict can arise if the parents have different Rhesus affiliations, but if the mother is Rh negative and the father is Rh positive, its likelihood is much higher.

These features have theoretical confirmation; in practice, each case is strictly individual and requires detail.

How dangerous is this and what to do to prevent negative consequences

The results of blood compatibility testing are an argument for carrying out a number of measures, the scope of which will be determined by the doctor. Their circle includes:

  • Determination of chorionic Rh factor by amniocentesis;
  • Administration of immunoglobulin (as prescribed by a doctor);
  • In the event of a threat to the life of the mother or child, stimulation of premature labor;
  • Cordocentesis for a child (as prescribed by a doctor).

As pregnancy progresses, the mother's protective mechanisms may become more or less intense. Antibody synthesis may increase or decrease. The decrease may not only be the result of an improvement in the situation, they may be absorbed into the child’s body, causing the destruction of his red blood cells.

For a pregnant woman in whose body antibodies are synthesized and accumulated, the doctor will always prescribe a course of antiallergic therapy. This helps to clear the body of antibodies to some extent, but is a temporary measure that brings relief.

In practice, there is another effective way to improve the health of the unborn baby - intrauterine blood transfusion. But this path has many contraindications and is unsafe.

In any case, the decision is made by the doctor together with the future parents.

When deciding to conceive a baby, many young couples try to take into account all possible nuances. The key task is to create conditions for the child to be born healthy. To do this, before conception, it is worth going through all possible examinations and finding out the blood type of the future parents. Let's figure out whether a couple's Rh factor and blood type can be incompatible, and how this fact affects conception and the sex of the child.

When lovers plan to have a baby, they must carefully think through everything, prepare and be sure to take a blood group compatibility test

What effect does blood group compatibility have on conception?

Each blood group has an international designation. The first is 0, the second is A, the third is B, the fourth is AB. This classification system is called AB0 and indicates the presence of specific enzymes in the blood. They are not only in group 0 (first).

In this case, the child can inherit the blood type of the mother, father, or have his own. You can calculate probability indicators using special tables. For example, a woman and a man have the first group - the child will also receive the first. If mom has the first and dad has the second, the baby can have both the first and the second.

What blood groups are considered incompatible? None of the combinations prevents conception and does not in any way affect the sex of the baby. However, a conflict in the AB0 system sometimes arises, but it manifests itself only as a small jaundice in the newborn. Pregnant women also note manifestations of toxicosis - morning sickness and weakness.

In addition, according to some estimates, there is an influence of the parents’ blood type on the growth and development of the baby. For example, there is an observation that health is stronger in those children whose mother and father have different blood types. In this case, it is desirable that a woman have a lower number than a man.

Rh incompatibility

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In addition to blood type, the Rh factor is also important. This indicates the presence of a special protein (D) on the surface of red blood cells. Those people who have this protein are Rh positive, while for others this indicator is considered negative.

The Rh factor of a future baby can be predicted only in one case - if it is negative in mom and dad, it will be the same in the child. In other combinations, this protein may or may not be detected in the baby.

Rh incompatibility between mother and baby occurs when the woman is Rh negative and the child is Rh positive. In this case, the likelihood that the mother’s immunity will perceive the Rh-positive baby as a foreign organism is high.

However, even then the pregnancy can proceed without complications. Much depends on whether the mother’s body was previously familiar with these antigens - proteins that are detected on the surface of the red blood cells of Rh-positive people. This “acquaintance” is called sensitization, and it can occur during a previous pregnancy, abortion, blood transfusion, etc.

If a woman’s immunity has already developed against this specific protein (antigen D), it can attack the baby when his blood enters the placenta. This can happen already in the last months of pregnancy, when the permeability of the placenta increases significantly. Sometimes “acquaintance” occurs at the time of birth, which also requires the attention of a specialist.

The consequences of an immunological conflict are hemolytic disease of the newborn (we recommend reading:). This condition is accompanied by massive breakdown of red blood cells and accumulation of bilirubin in the tissues and organs of the baby. This component of bile can penetrate the heart and brain, causing irreparable damage. The course of the disease can be quite severe and cause death.

What to do if there is a Rh conflict?

Despite the likelihood of Rh conflict, a mother with a lack of D antigen has the opportunity to avoid troubles and risks to the baby’s health. There are all sorts of ways to prevent pregnancy complications. It is important to register with the LCD in a timely manner and follow the instructions of the obstetrician-gynecologist.

To begin with, experts determine how great the risk is that the mother's immune cells will harm the child. To do this, the expectant mother regularly donates blood throughout her pregnancy for a test that determines the presence of antibodies. A titer of 1:4 already indicates an immunological conflict. If the result shows 1:64, the doctor will suggest early delivery to avoid the baby getting sick.

If there is a Rh conflict, a woman is immunized at 28 weeks of pregnancy

The next stage is maternal immunization at 28 weeks. The woman is prescribed an intramuscular injection of a special type of immunoglobulin (anti-D gamma globulin). These antigens destroy the red blood cells of the fetus, which have penetrated the placenta into the mother’s body before the moment when her immunity has time to respond to them.

Immunization is required when antibodies are not detected in the patient's blood. Otherwise, its effectiveness will be zero.

Table for determining the blood type of the unborn child

We mentioned that there are ways to predict the likely blood type of an unborn child. Our table will help you guess which group the baby will have, but it will not give a 100% answer.

Blood type (1 parent)Blood type (2nd parent)Child's blood type, % probability
25 50 75 100
I(0)I(A) I
I(0)II(A) I, II

As can be seen from the table, in almost all cases (except for one - when mom and dad have 1 group), 2 or more options are acceptable. The greatest number of variations is in a child whose both parents have group 3 - the baby can be born with either 1, 2, 3 or 4. Only laboratory tests can give a guaranteed correct answer.

If the mother is Rh positive

Geneticists and obstetricians claim that a mother’s positive Rh factor is guaranteed to avoid the development of hemolytic disease in the child.

Despite the fact that the blood of the baby and his mother may not match the Rh, there is no need to worry about the development of an immunological conflict.

Two scenarios are acceptable - the child will have Rh positive or Rh negative:

  • in the first case, almost complete compatibility is determined - the mother’s immunity will perceive the specific protein in the fetal blood as already familiar;
  • in the second, the baby’s blood will be completely without an antigen capable of causing an immunological response.

If the mother is Rh negative

If the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor, she will need to undergo additional testing. It is believed that the Rh factor in the fetus is finally formed by the 3rd month. The problem only arises if the baby is Rh positive, but it is almost impossible to know this reliably. The penetration of particles of the baby's blood through the placenta can provoke an immunological conflict, and then the child will suffer seriously.

Signs of hemolytic disease are diagnosed through ultrasound examination

The doctor in the antenatal clinic closely monitors the condition of such a patient and her child using various methods:

  1. Ultrasound. Ultrasound examination helps to see at an early stage signs of hemolytic disease of the newborn - enlarged liver, thickening of the placenta, polyhydramnios.
  2. Dopplerography. This type of examination is a type of ultrasound. It allows you to evaluate blood flow in the cerebral artery and see other pathologies.
  3. Testing a pregnant woman's blood for antibodies. An important indicator is not only their number, but also their dynamics. If the concentration of antibodies increases, there is cause for concern.
  4. Sometimes amniotic fluid puncture and cord blood testing for bilirubin are performed (see also:). This is only indicated in critical situations, since the procedure can cause the baby to be born prematurely.

Can incompatibility be cured?

As we have already found out, the problem in the compatibility of the blood of mother and fetus can only be due to the presence of Rh conflict. Experts say that the Rh factor is lifelong and cannot change. However, there is a category of people with a “weak positive” factor in whom the presence of the D-antigen is not always easy to detect. It is these people who can find out that their Rh factor was determined incorrectly.

A person’s Rh factor cannot be changed, so women with negative Rhesus need to be observed by a doctor throughout pregnancy.

In this regard, it is impossible to achieve compatibility between the blood of mother and child. You can only carry out prophylaxis (antigen administration) and monitor the condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. In critical cases, the following measures are possible:

  • exchange transfusion of blood to a child in the womb;
  • plasmapheresis – purification of a pregnant woman’s blood from antibodies;
  • induction of labor from 36 weeks.

There are other ways to eliminate the consequences of incompatibility. For example, intravenous administration of glucose and a number of special solutions.

How to get around the problem?

According to experts, the risk of developing hemolytic disease of the newborn increases with subsequent pregnancies of an Rh-negative patient. During childbirth, particles of fetal blood may enter the mother's blood, which allows the woman's body to develop immunity against an unfamiliar blood protein.

To avoid this, it is advisable to plan your pregnancy in advance. If the husband's Rh factor is determined to be weakly positive, IVF is recommended in special cases. From ready-made embryos grown in vitro, an Rh-negative one is selected and implanted into the woman’s uterus.

A significant point is the postpartum injection of immunoglobulin. In this case, the risk of complications during subsequent births is significantly reduced. Anti-D globulin should be administered within 72 hours after the baby is born.

Blood group 4 - features

This is the rarest group. Previously, it was believed that people with this group affiliation could be transfused with the blood of any person - they are universal recipients. Later, views changed; transfusions of different blood groups are not practiced.

Blood groups - differences

At all times, doctors have unsuccessfully tried to transfuse other people's blood to sick and wounded people. At the very beginning of the 20th century, Karl Landsteiner established the division of blood into groups. This was due to the presence or absence of certain antigens - protein-carbohydrate complexes. Antigens are present in the membranes of red blood cells (agglutinogens) and in the liquid part - plasma (agglutinins).

Based on this criterion, blood is divided into 4 groups. The group antigens of erythrocytes A and B are of primary importance:

  • first – I (0); antigens A and B are absent; on this basis it is compatible with other groups;
  • second – II (A); antigen A is present; compatible with 2 and 4;
  • third – III (B); antigen B is present; compatible with 3 and 4;
  • fourth – IV (AB) – antigens A and B are present; compatible with 4.

If you transfuse a person with blood that is incompatible with the A0 system, intravascular coagulation will occur and the person will die.

The history of the appearance of the fourth blood group

The formation of blood groups took place over many millennia. The oldest group is the first. This is the blood of hunters and root gatherers. There are no antigens in her red blood cells.

After several thousand years, man began to master agriculture. This led to the appearance of cereals, vegetables and fruits in the diet, which gradually affected the composition of the blood: antigen A appeared in it.

The development of cattle breeding led to the appearance of the B antigen in erythrocytes, and the mixing of races, the development of cooking and cultural characteristics led to the appearance of both A and B antigens in erythrocytes simultaneously.

The 4th group appeared later than the others. It is the result of a mixture of Indo-European and Mongoloid races. There is a connection between its appearance and the spread of a viral infection. It occurs rarely, in 7–8% of people. It was discovered later than the first three groups and at first was considered a deviation from the rules. It took 5 whole years to prove its existence.

The change in the antigenic composition of the blood was influenced by the changing varied nature of nutrition. Previously, food was natural, unprocessed, then heat treatment and various additives appeared that affected the composition of the blood. The exotic theory suggests: the mixing of antigens A and B occurred against the background of a desire for creativity and interest in beauty.

Rh factor

The discovery of the AB0 system led to the rapid development of blood transfusion. The clinical experience gained revealed another type of immunological incompatibility. Further research revealed the presence in human red blood cells of the Rh antigen (Rh factor), which received its name from the Rhesus monkeys used by scientists in experiments.

The Rh factor includes 20 antigens. Significant for blood compatibility is antigen D. It is present in most people and only a small number (15%) do not have the Rh factor. Based on the presence or absence of the Rh factor, human blood is divided into Rh positive and Rh negative.

When a person with Rh-negative blood is transfused with Rh-positive blood, antibodies are produced, and an Rh conflict will arise. The first transfusion goes smoothly, then antibodies accumulate, increasing the risk of developing Rh conflict. In women this happens after 2 - 3 transfusions, in men - after 3 - 5. Rh conflict does not develop immediately, but approximately 30 minutes after the transfusion. Delayed conflict occurs after a day or more.

Blood type 4 Rh-negative is very rare. Such people were previously considered universal recipients, but in our time additional antigens have been discovered, so blood transfusions of only the same group are practiced. Donors with the 4th Rh-negative group are highly valued.

Characteristics of a person with blood group 4

When examining the Shroud of Turin (the body of Christ was wrapped in it), blood type 4 was discovered. Many believe that people who have the same blood carry an unsolved mystery. The book “You and Your Blood Type” by T. Nomi describes the character traits of people with different blood types.

The author believes that blood type 4 gives a person intuitive abilities and increased emotionality, surrounded by a flair of mystery. Among such people there are many psychics, clairvoyants, and fortune tellers. At the same time, these are people inclined to an artistic perception of the world, “bohemians” - musicians, actors and artists.

They are excellent organizers, pleasant to talk to, and many people try to be friends with them. Marilyn Monroe, 35th US President John F. Kennedy, lead singer of The Rolling Stones Mick Jaggar, actor Jackie Chan - they all share the same blood type. These people are diplomatic, have an inner core, and attract others to them.

Intuition tells them when they need to change their lives, changing their job, family, or country of residence. They are the first to leave when they sense danger. Romantic attitudes run through their entire lives, but outwardly it is not noticeable. A rich emotional and love life makes such people real sleepyheads: they need full sleep at night and short breaks for sleep during the day.

People with blood type 4 are considered attractive and friendly. Their negative traits include a low assessment of their personality and the associated difficulty in making responsible decisions.

How does blood type 4 affect human health?

Health features include reduced immunity, a person often suffers from colds, and has a tendency to chronic infectious-inflammatory and oncological processes.

Characterized by increased blood clotting, a tendency to thrombosis, thromboembolism, thrombophlebitis.

People of this type are characterized by diseases of the digestive system against the background of low acidity of gastric juice, cholesterol metabolism disorders, and cardiovascular diseases (angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, vascular insufficiency of the extremities, etc.). Cholesterol metabolism disorders are combined with obesity and type 2 diabetes.

High emotionality and increased adrenaline levels are the cause of low stress resistance, the development of neuroses and depression, and a tendency to abuse alcohol and psychoactive substances.

How should you eat if you have blood type IV?

There are no official recommendations on the diet of people with different blood groups. There are diets designed for people prone to developing any diseases. People with blood type 4 are recommended to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet developed by the World Health Organization - WHO:

  • eat cereals, vegetables and fruits without restrictions;
  • lean meat; Lamb, rabbit, turkey and chicken are suitable; It is better not to eat the meat of geese and ducks;
  • sea ​​fish (including fatty ones) and squid are healthy; give up shrimp - they collect all the toxic products in the sea;
  • give up fried, smoked, canned foods – helps reduce the risk of atherosclerosis;
  • low-fat dairy products are useful: cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, natural yogurt;
  • oil – butter, olive (you can use it to cook and season salads); limit sunflower oil;
  • It is recommended to eat walnuts and peanuts; Limit other nuts and seeds;
  • Black and red pepper and vinegar should be excluded from seasonings; can be replaced with garlic, horseradish, garden herbs;
  • Drinks you can drink include infusion of rose hips, mint, green tea, and high-quality dry red wine.

Expecting a child with blood type IV? what's worth waiting for?

Incompatibility of mother and child in terms of blood type and Rh factor can cause miscarriage and severe complications during the newborn period in children. Group incompatibility is rare, but sometimes aggressive antibodies to A or B antigens are synthesized in the blood of a pregnant woman. Why does group incompatibility occur?

After intimacy with a man, the woman’s body produces antibodies in response to the arrival of foreign antigens, and sensitization (allergization) of the body occurs. In some women, this process is insignificant and does not affect subsequent pregnancy, while in others it occurs rapidly, preventing conception and bearing a child. Treatment of married couples with group incompatibility is not always successful.

A woman with blood group 4 may be incompatible with a man with group 1, 2, 3. She will be fully compatible with a man who has group 4. But group conflicts are rare: the sensitization of a woman’s body is not always high. The peculiarity of these conflicts is that they can develop during the first pregnancy.

Rh incompatibility is more common. It develops in pregnant women who do not have the Rh factor (Rh-negative) when the fetus has Rh-positive blood inherited from the father.

Rh factor incompatibility never occurs during the first pregnancy. During this period, sensitization of the body occurs. With repeated pregnancies, Rh conflict and miscarriage occur. A large number of antibodies from the mother’s blood enter the fetus’s body during childbirth, which leads to hemolysis (sticking together) of red blood cells in newborns - a serious complication that often ends in the death of the child.

All pregnant women must have their blood type and Rh factor determined. Women with Rh-negative blood are not recommended to terminate their first pregnancy that is safe for mother and child: with each subsequent pregnancy, the risk of complications increases.

Blood type incompatibility increases the risk of developing severe Rh conflict, so expectant mothers with Rh-negative blood group 4 require special monitoring.

At the moment, the division of the main biomaterial of the human body is designed into 4 types, each of which is also divided into two subgroups according to the Rh factor.

The rarest blood group in humans is considered to be the fourth, found in only 5% of the world's population, and its subgroup with a positive Rh factor has even fewer carriers (about 4%).

The fact that blood can be different in some people became known in the middle of the 20th century. It was during this period of time that scientists identified some protein compounds in the structural composition of the red biomaterial, which radically changed the opinion about it. More precisely, in the course of laboratory work with the blood of different people, it became known that depending on the presence of certain substances, the so-called agglutinogen gluing factor manifests itself differently.

Based on the information received, scientists introduced a worldwide division of blood according to the “AB0” system. At that time there were three groups, but now there are four. The most common is the first group, which belongs to about 80% of the world's population. The previously mentioned fourth is rightfully considered the smallest. This blood group is unique because it contains protein compounds inherent in both the second and third groups.

It is worth noting that each blood group has a division according to the Rh factor.

The subgroups are called positive and negative. Determining which of them the blood of a particular person belongs to is carried out through analysis of the biomaterial for the presence of a certain antigen. If it is present, then the blood group has a positive Rh factor; if it is not there, it is negative. In the fourth group, positive is most common, which is not a surprising phenomenon from a scientific point of view.

Blood group determination

It is advisable for any person to know what group and Rh factor his blood has. Such information is quite important, because no one is immune from the need for emergency blood transfusion. The group and Rh factor can be determined in any clinic that analyzes biomaterial in the laboratory.

You can perform diagnostics as follows:

  • Come to the hospital in the morning (from 8 to 11 o’clock), it is not advisable to eat beforehand. It is better to take it on an empty stomach. In addition, you should not drink alcohol 1-2 days before the test.
  • Take a blood test and warn the diagnostician that you want to find out exactly the group and Rh factor.
  • Wait until your blood is tested in the laboratory and you will receive the results (from 3 to 7 days).

Methods of checking blood for group and Rh factors are guaranteed to be reliable. At this point in time, a huge number of techniques have been developed that help accurately determine the necessary information.

Compatibility of the fourth positive blood group

The compatibility of a particular type of blood with different groups and Rh factors is of great importance in two cases:

  • when blood is transfused from one person to another
  • during pregnancy in a woman

In the first case, the blood type and its Rh factor are extremely important to take into account, otherwise, if you choose the wrong donor, there is a huge risk of making the patient worse.By choosing the wrong donor, you can provoke a number of irreversible or severely detrimental processes in the patient’s body.

The fourth positive blood group is unique in its structural composition, so the owner of this group can receive blood transfusions from all 4 groups. Of course, risks can be avoided as much as possible only if the Rh factor of the recipient and the donor match.

As for the donor with the fourth blood group, the situation is different. He can only give his blood to people with the same blood type. Otherwise, irreversible side effects may occur.

More information about blood groups can be found in the video:

When a woman is pregnant, the type of blood also plays an important role. It is important to understand that different blood groups in the mother do not do anything terrible, but different Rh factors greatly complicate the pregnancy process. This practice takes place in situations where the mother and father of the fetus have different Rh factors. That is why, before conceiving a child, it is extremely important to take into account this feature of the species classification of blood.

Surprisingly, in some women, during pregnancy, the Rh factor can change to the one that is formed in the fetus. Most often, this phenomenon is observed in pregnant women with the fourth blood group. Scientists cannot give an exact answer to the question of why this happens. However, research is being actively conducted in this area, so there is still a chance to get an answer in the near future.

Blood incompatibility in various situations is caused by one, extremely simple reason. Its essence lies in the fact that some combinations of different blood groups form incompatible combinations of substances in the blood. The body perceives such a phenomenon as a risk of its destruction, as a result of which it begins to actively produce.

Of course, if the amount of “wrong” blood transfused is small, then everything will be relatively harmless. But if a lot of blood is shed, then the outcome of events can be tragic. The same situation is observed with incompatibility of the Rh factor in the fetus and in the mother carrying it. The body of a pregnant woman accepts the fetus as a foreign body and produces antibodies to destroy it, as a result of which various complications occur in pregnancy.

In general, the fourth positive blood group is extremely adapted to the functioning of the body even in the most unfavorable conditions and is also quite compatible in many situations where compatibility plays some role. We hope the material presented above has answered many of your questions. Good health to you!

Blood is a unique substance that consists of plasma and formed substances. Depending on its composition, several types are distinguished. They are classified by different systems, among which the AB0 system is most often used. It distinguishes between the first, which is also called the universal blood group, as well as the second, third and fourth groups.

Human plasma contains two types of agglutinins and two agglutinogens. They can be present in the blood in different combinations and this determines the blood type:

  • So, according to the AB0 system, if there are α and β, then this is the first group, also denoted by the number “0”. This is what is called the universal blood group.
  • The second contains proteins A and β and is designated “A”.
  • The third consists of B and α and is designated "B".
  • The fourth includes A and B and is designated "AB".

In addition to agglutinins and agglutinogens, there is a specific antigen in the blood located on the surface of red blood cells. If it is present, they speak of a positive Rh factor. If there is no antigen, then the person is Rh negative.

Group Compatibility

The compatibility of blood groups began to be discussed in the last century. At that time, gasotransfusion was used to restore the volume of circulating blood in the body. After a series of unsuccessful and successful experiments, scientists came to the conclusion that the transfused blood may be incompatible, and further observations showed that blood of the same group and the same Rh factor may not be suitable for a patient with the same data.

However, during the experiments it was possible to find a universal blood group that is ideal for all other species. This type can be transfused to recipients in the second, third and fourth groups. Also, during testing, a universal blood group into which any other can be transfused was identified - this is the fourth group with a positive Rh factor.

First group

According to statistics, about 40% of people on the planet have the first blood group. All of them are divided into two groups: Rh-positive 0(I) and Rh-negative 0(I). The latter have a universal blood group and Rh factor, which suits everyone. In other words, the materials of these people can be transfused into patients with any other group. Visually it looks like this:

0(I) Rh neg.

0(I) Rh positive

A(II) Rh neg.

A(II) Rh positive

B(III) Rh neg.

B(III) Rh positive

AB(IV) Rh neg.

AB(IV) Rh positive

0(I) Rh neg.

0(I) Rh positive

A universal donor with first positive blood is compatible with other groups, but only with positive Rh.

Nowadays, the first group is rarely used when transfusion of a recipient with another group. If a situation suddenly arises in which it needs to be infused into the patient, then, as a rule, it is used in small quantities - no more than 500 ml.

If you have blood type 1, the donor can only be with the same blood, i.e.:

  • 0(I)Rh- is only compatible with 0(I)Rh-;
  • 0(I)Rh+ is compatible with 0(I)Rh- with 0(I)Rh+.

When transfusing, the characteristics of the donor and recipient are taken into account, because even with the same group and Rh, the fluids are not always compatible.

Second group

The second group has restrictions on use. It can only be used by people with the same data and the same Rh factor. Thus, for blood transfusion, blood of the second group with negative Rh is used in people with the second group, both positive and negative Rh. And Rh positive fluid is used only in recipients with the same Rh. You can also add the first group to the second one.

Third group

This option is compatible not only with the third, but also with the fourth and first groups. can donate blood for patients with B(III).

If the donor has the third group, then his blood will be compatible with the following recipients:

  • If the donor's blood is Rh positive, it can be transfused for people fourth and third positive.
  • For negative Rhesus: blood can be used for people with the third and fourth groups, both positive and negative.

Fourth group

When asking the question of which blood group is universal, we can answer that there are two. The first group with negative Rh makes it possible to save the lives of all people, regardless of group and Rh. But people with the fourth group and positive Rh are universal recipients - they can be infused with any blood, with any Rh.

If the recipient is Rh negative, then any group with only Rh negative will be added to it.

The influence of blood type on conception and pregnancy

When conceiving a child, the blood type does not matter at all, but the Rh factor is very important. If the mother has negative blood and the child has positive blood, then throughout pregnancy an immunological reaction is observed in which protein is produced in the mother’s blood. If, during a second pregnancy, the fetus is again Rh positive, then the reaction of agglutination and hemolysis of red blood cells will begin to occur in the woman’s body. This situation is called Rhesus conflict.

Therefore, after the first pregnancy, a woman is recommended to be administered anti-Rhesus globulin to break the immunological chain.

Other blood types

Interestingly, in the fifties of the last century, scientists identified another blood group, which cannot be attributed to either the first or any other. It is called Bomayan, according to the place where the carriers of this group were found.

The peculiarity of this group is that it does not contain antigens A and B. But its serum also lacks antigen H, which can cause serious difficulties, for example, during paternity determination, since the baby will not have a single antigen in the blood that is present in his parents. This group is very rare in the world (only 0.01%), and a chromosomal mutation is to blame for its appearance.