Veselka mushroom: medicinal properties and methods of administration. Useful properties for men. Recipe for tincture of deer antlers

Everyone knows about the benefits of honey, but few people know the product, which occupies a special niche in apitherapy. We are talking about a tincture from bee death. It is obtained from dead insects, and therefore has quite a unpleasant appearance. But, despite this, tincture of dead bees, the recipe for which has been known for a long time, is an effective means of combating various diseases.

Bee dead tincture: application

Tincture from dead bees is a real storehouse of microelements. To prepare it, you will need the bodies of insects that died a natural death. This is very important nuance, because bees that die as a result of pesticide poisoning will do more harm than good.

You can buy dead bees from beekeepers, because even under the most favorable conditions, about 500 grams of bees and drones die in each family per season. However, before you purchase dead meat, you need to check it for mold: the bee mass must be fresh, clean and thoroughly dried.

Experts recommend using “autumn” insects for the infusion. During the summer they gain maximum useful substances, therefore they can become a high-quality basis for a miraculous elixir. "Winter" and "spring" bees are not as useful; in addition, their bodies accumulate a large number of feces Therefore, it is better to use such raw materials for external use.

By the way, from dead bees you can make not only a tincture, but also other forms of medicine: creams, ointments, compresses, lotions, etc. But let's return to our main topic. Knowing how to make a tincture from dead bees, you can always have on hand a universal remedy for many ailments.

Dead bee tincture: what cures

The main secret of the Podmor tincture lies in chitin, a special substance from which bee “armor” is made. He's different unique composition, and together with other components of the dead - melanin, heparin, glucosamine, acetic acid, bee venom– allows you to fight a wide range of ailments. In this list:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • diabetes;
  • hyper- and hypotension;
  • sexual coldness and impotence;
  • infertility;
  • allergies (except those caused by bee products);
  • weak immunity;
  • high cholesterol;
  • detoxification of the body; diseases of the digestive system;
  • prevention of dementia;
  • myopia and other eye diseases.

Bee dead: tincture with alcohol or vodka

And now the most main question: how to prepare a tincture from dead bees? The preparation recipe is as follows: one tablespoon of bee mass must be thoroughly crushed in a coffee grinder, then pour a glass of vodka or alcohol (40-50%). It is recommended to use sealed dark glass containers as containers. Then it should be placed in a cool place, away from sunlight and high temperatures. The product must be infused for three weeks, then it will have to be passed through several layers of gauze, which acts as a filter. After this procedure, it will be finally ready for use.

This way you can get a tincture from dead bees; The recipe is classic, but there are other options. Here are some nuances that complement basic diagram its preparations:

  • to enhance the healing properties, you can add eucalyptus leaves (10% of the mass of dead bees) to the tincture;
  • There is also a recipe for tincture with water. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of dead meat into 0.5 liters of water and cook over low heat for an hour;
  • for improvement taste qualities You can add a spoonful of honey to the infusion;
  • hot food will help in the fight against bruises sunflower oil, in which death was insisted;
  • tincture of dead bees with the addition royal jelly used as a means of normalizing metabolism.

Dead bee tincture: application from A to Z

Dead bee tincture, the recipe for which has helped many people, will sooner or later come in handy for every family. It can even be taken for preventive purposes. The scheme is as follows: 2 times a day, 30 minutes before breakfast and dinner. The dosage depends on age: you need to take as many drops per day as the patient is old. Course – 30 days twice a year. By the way, the tincture of dead bees in alcohol is a “long-lasting” remedy: it can be stored without losing its healing properties for three years. The main condition is to choose a dark and cool place for this.

Before seeking help from a doctor in the treatment of any disease, you should consult with your doctor. But in general, the dosage regimen is the same as for prevention. The only difference is that the dosage of the drug should be gradually increased by 2 times, and the course of therapy should be repeated more often. It is necessary to understand that the basis of the medicine from dead bees is an alcohol infusion. This means that it should be used with great caution by the following categories of patients:

  1. Nursing and...
  2. People with alcohol addiction.
  3. Patients suffering from allergies to bee products.
  4. Children under 5 years of age and elderly people over 70 years of age.

When it comes to tincture of dead bees in vodka, its use cannot be constant. After all, even extremely useful product overdose can lead to negative consequences.

Alcohol tinctures are very popular in folk medicine. Their benefits are undeniable in treating the most various diseases. You can prepare an effective alcohol tincture at home, and you can use the most different herbs and plants. How to make the tincture correctly, and what are its indications, is there any harm? Let's try to figure it out.

Types of alcohol tinctures

Plant raw materials can include leaves, berries, roots, flowers and herbs. Preparing the tincture will not take much time, and such a homemade medicinal mixture will help you get rid of many diseases.

Such medicines almost do no harm, and their benefits are undeniable. What is needed to prepare such solutions at home, what is their use? We will show the most popular medicinal recipes, which each of you can cook.

Calamus marsh

Calamus tincture recipes include 50 grams of dry crushed root, poured with 0.5 liters of vodka. The composition is stored in a dark place for 10 days, shaken every day. After preparing the solutions, filter it, take a teaspoon with 50 milliliters boiled water or hot tea. It is recommended to take the product for dysentery, poisoning and diarrhea. If necessary, treatment at home is recommended to be repeated every 30 minutes.

Birch tincture

We recommend preparing it at home birch tincture, if treatment is required for frequent seizures, acute rheumatism, liver diseases. 60 grams of birch buds are melted for 10 days in 0.5 liters of vodka. Take one teaspoon three times a day with water 20 minutes before meals.

Walnut tincture

Recipes for nut tincture are very simple; you need to chop the nut partitions and fill a glass jar with them to the top. Pour vodka and keep in a dark place for 15 days. Take tincture 35 drops, once a day with half a glass of water. Medicinal indications: shortness of breath, heart pain, arrhythmia.

More nut-based recipes: grind the shells from 15 walnuts pour 0.5 liter of vodka over them and leave in a dark place for a week. After tincture of the solutions, you need to strain the composition and store it in the refrigerator. Drink: one tablespoon on an empty stomach in the morning until the infusion is complete. Medicinal properties: goiter, bronchitis, salt deposits, ovarian cyst.

St. John's wort tincture

St. John's wort recipes allow you to provide medicinal properties at acne and seborrhea of ​​the facial skin. The benefit of the product lies in its astringent property, soothing irritated skin and reducing sweating. To make the medicine you will need to infuse 10 grams of dry herb in 100 milliliters of 70% alcohol for a week.

Take 2 tablespoons of the product, diluting it in 0.5 glasses of water. In order not to harm the skin, application is carried out using a napkin soaked in liquid and wiping the skin.

Medicinal calendula

Beneficial features Everyone knows calendula. We prepare tincture recipes like this: pour 100 milliliters of alcohol into 25 grams of flowers. When starting to take the tincture, dilute it with water. Indications for use: sore throat, for treatment and lotions of various ulcers and wounds.

The medicinal properties of the product allow it to be used for prevention various inflammations mucous membrane oral cavity. In this case, you should not drink it, but use it as a gargle. Such an infusion will not only not cause harm, but will also allow you to quickly remove unpleasant symptoms.

Viburnum tincture

To make viburnum tincture you need the bark of this tree, it is crushed and poured with alcohol in a 1:1 ratio. Take the product 2-4 times a day, 30 drops before meals. Medicinal properties: uterine bleeding, haemorrhoids.


Regular potatoes have medicinal properties; if you drink an infusion from it, you can get rid of radiculitis. At the time of exacerbation of the disease, it is recommended to take a tablespoon three times a day or rub the affected areas of the body. Indications for use also colds. During a runny nose, the tincture is diluted with plain water and dropped into the nose; if you have an exhausting dry cough, it is recommended to drink it orally; if you have a sore throat, use it by gargling.

Regular consumption of potato sprout tincture (200 milliliters of vodka per 1 tablespoon of sprouts) can improve vision. To obtain medicinal properties you need to infuse them for a week and take a teaspoon three times a day.

Nettle tincture

Nettle has beneficial properties; to prepare an infusion, pour the crushed plant with 0.5 liter of vodka, tie the neck of the bottle with gauze and leave in the light for 24 hours. Next, keep it for another week in a dark place, shaking it every day. Take the prepared tincture before meals and at night, one at a time dessert spoon. Medicinal indications: tonic and restorative effect. It is especially useful for people of retirement age to drink it.

Lily of the valley tincture

Fill two-thirds of the volume of a half-liter jar with lily of the valley flowers. Add alcohol to the very top and leave in a dark place for 15 days. Drink the prepared tincture 10 drops three times a day diluted with water. Indications for use: depression during menopause, unexplained anxiety, state of excitement.

Juniper tincture

Taking their juniper tincture has beneficial properties, providing therapeutic effects. To do this, the roots of the plant must be washed well under running water, dried a little, carefully cut and filled with them in a glass jar to the very top. Next, pour alcohol into the jar to the very top and leave for two weeks in a dark place; the resulting composition must be shaken every day.

Take the finished tincture one tablespoon three times a day, half an hour before meals. Application allows you to get rid of heel spurs and salt deposits in general.

Dandelion officinalis

Indications for the use of medicinal dandelion: spleen tumors and lung diseases. 10 grams of dried crushed dandelion root should be poured with 700 milliliters of vodka and left in a dark place for 10-12 days. Take a tablespoon three times a day.

Lilac tincture

Treatment with lilac is known to many; to prepare the infusion, take 0.5 liters of vodka and 1 glass of flowers. It is taken as a rub during rheumatism and as compresses for wounds and bruises. When treating bronchitis you will need more strong tincture: Place lilac in a liter jar, fill it with vodka and leave for ten days.

Take orally before bedtime, pouring 100 milliliters of tincture into a glass strong tea To avoid harm, drink in small sips.


Garlic has beneficial properties; to prepare the tincture you will need a half-liter jar with dark glass, into which peeled garlic is added. Everything is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and infused from early to full moon. The composition is shaken twice daily - morning and evening. After which you need to strain the tincture and keep it in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.

Take the tincture twice a day - 14 drops in the morning and evening for prevention during epidemics of colds.

Celandine tincture

Who knows the medicinal properties of celandine? For shortness of breath, it is recommended to take 20 drops twice a day. To prepare the infusion, pour 15 grams of celandine with 100 milliliters of alcohol or a glass of plain vodka.

Medicinal tinctures of rosehip

Grind 100 grams of dried rosehip roots, add vodka and leave for three weeks in a dark place in a tightly sealed container. Take orally three times a day, a tablespoon before meals for sclerosis, arthrosis, bursitis, arthritis with gout, osteochondrosis, salt deposits.

Since rosehip tincture has a strong diuretic effect, its use must be accompanied by the consumption of products containing big number magnesium, calcium and potassium. The duration of therapy is 40 days. During critical days, women are advised to stop taking the tincture.

As you can see, the cooking principle alcohol tinctures about the same. Such effective means will allow you to quickly deal with a wide variety of enemies; they are safe and have virtually no side effects. It is recommended to consult a doctor before starting use.

Instead of buying ready-made medications, some people mix their own herbal tinctures at home. The most common medicinal “cocktails” are mixtures for treatment, as well as soothing tinctures for “iron nerves”. From this article you will learn why these mixtures are so popular, how to mix them yourself, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of this treatment method.

Mixtures of herbal tinctures: how and why they are used

The first unconditional advantage of mixtures of herbal tinctures is their low cost, for example, one bottle of tincture in a pharmacy costs three hryvnia. Secondly, this natural preparations, not chemistry. In addition, in this case the likelihood of counterfeiting is minimized: who would think of making money on such cheap products, which cannot be said about modern expensive pharmaceutical products. And of course, they can be purchased at any pharmacy without a prescription. Since tinctures are made with alcohol (as opposed to infusions that are based on water), their shelf life is quite long: an average of four years. Such homemade mixtures are especially popular among older people: such treatment will save pensions, and people of this generation trust herbs much higher than synthetic drugs.

How to mix medicinal tinctures

No matter how many components there are in the medicine you have in mind, the procedure for preparing it is quite simple. Pharmacy tinctures Sold in small bottles of 20-25 ml. These vials are made of dark glass and are hermetically sealed so that neither light nor air can destroy them. healing properties natural product. The required tincture components are poured into one glass vessel and shaken well. That's it, the medicine is ready! It is recommended to store it in a cool, dark place. And the doses and number of doses depend on the type of mixture, as well as on your goals - prevention or treatment.

Contraindications to mixtures of herbal tinctures

Now let's talk about the cons. As you may have guessed, mixtures of tinctures are more likely to be folk than traditional methods medicine. Although we will not deny the fact that the tinctures themselves are sold in pharmacies and even their mixtures are sometimes recommended by doctors (for example, as a mild depressant). And yet, the temptation to prepare a homemade mixture instead of a ready-made medicine prescribed by a doctor is so great that people exaggerate the healing role of tinctures.

And if there's talk about the treatment of specific ailments, mixtures of tinctures can be used exclusively as an adjuvant.

Some risks are also associated with the fact that there are no prescribed dosages or recommendations for the use of these mixtures. Roughly speaking, the patient in such cases is both a pharmacist and a doctor. It is believed that herbal tinctures have no side effects, but getting carried away with herbs is also dangerous! Many of them, especially sedatives, are addictive: a person without a sedative begins to feel.

Let's not forget that tinctures are contraindicated for children, pregnant women, nursing mothers and people with, since, we repeat, they contain. Also, mixtures of tinctures are contraindicated for drivers and people whose work involves high concentration Attention: many components of tinctures have relaxing properties and cause. And of course! Before using mixtures, you need to make sure that you do not have individual intolerance to all of its components.

Popular mixtures of herbal tinctures: recipes

People have known the healing properties of medicinal plants since ancient times.

These include hawthorn, meadow clover, ginseng, mint, chicory, motherwort, hops and many others.

In folk medicine, there are recipes for decoctions and tinctures from these plants that help cure many diseases, get rid of fatigue and insomnia, and even elixirs of youth have been created.
A universal remedy, “first aid” for many diseases are mixtures of tinctures that contain several ingredients and have a positive effect on the human body.

For example, sleep tincture mixture will relieve insomnia, help normalize healthy sleep, will act as a sedative.

In folk medicine, there are a large number of recipes for tinctures and herbal decoctions that fight insomnia. These include lily of the valley drops, a decoction of cabbage seeds, and honey with apple cider vinegar, and even tinctures with grapefruit juice.

All of them treat insomnia and relieve dizziness. However, the most common and effective means is mixture of hawthorn tincture, motherwort valerian.

This mixture is famous for its calming effect and is characterized large spectrum positive influence on the human body:

  • Firstly, the mixture has complex impact. It will help cope not only with sleep disorders, insomnia and nervous overstrain, but also with stress, illness nervous system, circulatory disorders, high blood pressure and tachycardia.
  • Secondly, each of the components of the mixture is characterized by an effective powerful force of influence. Valerian is a soothing ingredient, it removes stress and tension, has a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, stabilizes arterial pressure. Motherwort is also famous for its calming effect. It perfectly fights sleep disorders and insomnia. Hawthorn relaxes blood vessels, normalizes high pressure, improves heart function.
  • Thirdly, you can prepare the product yourself. Having purchased bottles of tinctures, at home, mix their contents and shake well. Sometimes peony tinctures or a few drops of Corvalol are added.


The only disadvantage of a mixture of tinctures of valerian, hawthorn and motherwort is its contraindications. These three tinctures contain alcohol, so their use is contraindicated for pregnant and breastfeeding women, children under 14 years of age, and it is also recommended that people suffering from alcohol addiction refrain from taking the medicine.

Elderly people, as well as those who suffer from hypertension, tachycardia or venous stagnation A mixture of tinctures of peony, valerian, mint, hawthorn, eucalyptus and motherwort helps.

All these balms are mixed in one container, ten cloves are added, left to infuse for about 10-14 days in a dark place, but do not shake.

  1. Mint tincture has an antiemetic effect, adds flavor to the resulting mixture, and also acts on the body as an analgesic and choleretic agent.
  2. Peony tincture calms the central nervous system, as a result of which it is effective for nervousness and disorders of the autonomic system. blood vessels, and the medicine also restores menstrual cycle and is used during menopause.
  3. Eucalyptus tincture has a positive effect on the body due to the prevention of inflammation and antiseptic effects. All these medicines are of plant origin.

Take the mixture with a dessert spoon 10-15 minutes before meals, three times a day. Afterwards, wash it down with pure water. drinking water. The course lasts a month, and at the end you need to take a break of at least 10 days.

Tincture mixtures for treating the heart include:

  • Tincture of Sophora japonica. To prepare it, you need to take half a glass of sophora beans and pour vodka over them. Leave for about a month, then strain and take 15 drops a day, twice before meals. The duration of the course is 14 days, after which take a break of 10 days. The tincture improves the functions of the heart muscle, has a vascular strengthening effect, and is useful for prevention internal bleeding. Do not take the medication for thrombosis and poor blood clotting.
  • Hop cone tincture. The preparation method is very simple: pour half a glass of hop cones with alcohol or vodka, leave for 12-14 days, and then strain. The course lasts 21 days, and you need to take the medicine 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals. This remedy is a mild sleeping pill, anticonvulsant. She owns a diuretic, painkiller and sedative effect. It is recommended to take it for myocardial weakness, rapid heartbeat, and vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Motherwort herb tincture. Prepare 100 grams of motherwort herb, chop it and pour vodka in a volume of 0.5 liters. Leave to infuse for three weeks, then strain and take 15 drops three to four times a day before meals. Treatment course extend up to 30 days. Take for angina pectoris cardiovascular diseases, dystonia, hypertension, as well as for nervousness and neurasthenia.
  • Hawthorn fruit tincture. Grind the dry hawthorn fruits and add half a glass of alcohol to one tablespoon. Leave for 10 days, strain, drink 30 drops before meals. Course 30-40 days. The tincture lowers blood pressure and normalizes heartbeat and blood circulation.

You can prepare all these tinctures yourself at home or buy ready-made decoctions and mixtures at the pharmacy.

In addition to these recipes, many others are used, but the most effective folk medicine for the treatment of hypertension and cardiac nervousness is a mixture of tinctures of hawthorn, mint, valerian, and lemon balm.

They are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:2, consumed 25-30 drops per day. Contraindications include bradycardia and hypotension.

Contraindicated for pregnant women, children, and people with alcohol addiction.

Basically, people buy tinctures and make mixtures from them to calm the nervous system. After all, everyone has long known that all diseases are caused by nerves. And indeed it is!

However, the problem arises, which tinctures to buy and how to take the resulting remedy for the purpose of recovery.

The most popular, sought after and effective remedy- This soothing mixture of 5 tinctures.

It includes:

  1. Eucalyptus;
  2. Peppermint;
  3. Peony;
  4. Motherwort;
  5. Valerian.


The recipe is very simple:

  1. It is necessary to mix these balms in one container, with the following ratio: 100 ml each. 4 bottles of motherwort, valerian and peony, 50 ml each. 2 bottles of eucalyptus and 25 ml. mint.
  2. Leave it to infuse in a place where it cannot be penetrated. Sun rays, do not shake.
  3. After 14 days, start taking: 1 dessert spoon 15-20 minutes before meals, 3 times a day. After taking, drink with water.

In cancer treatment oncological diseases in the form of malignant or benign tumors there are both adherents and skeptics. And why? It’s not for nothing that people say “wedge with wedge”, maybe then “cancer with crayfish”?

People have been treated this way for a long time and, according to reviews, they have good and encouraging results. An old recipe for crayfish tincture helps get rid of tumors. It has been passed down through generations and has survived to this day.

To prepare the tincture, you need live medium-sized crayfish - 25 pieces. They are washed under running water and placed in a clean glass container, for example, a bottle. Then it is turned over to drain the water and filled with 76 degree alcohol or good moonshine and closed with a lid.

The tincture is put in a dark place for (here the infusion times differ):

  • 7 days (week);
  • 30 days (month);
  • bury the bottle under any fruit tree in the garden for 21 days.

When the time comes, the tincture is immediately filtered.

How to take crayfish tincture

Here the first medicine is a liquid (tincture), and the second is raki.
The patient is given a tablespoon of the tincture three times a day before meals. If the condition improves, increase the dose to 30 ml.

Regarding crayfish, they are dried and crushed. Then grind it in a coffee grinder into a fine powder. It is taken in a teaspoon along with the tincture, but washed down with water. The entire powder is consumed, even when the liquid runs out.

During treatment it is noted. In advanced cases, the patient feels better and better and is on the mend.

Treat yourself or be treated loved one- This is a great responsibility. Therefore, you should definitely consult your doctor.

Persuade or dissuade from it folk remedy we will not. However, we note that the recipe is passed on from mouth to mouth and copied into treasured notebooks. If the tincture saves even a few cancer sufferers, this is already a victory!

Prayer to the Lord for healing for cancer

They touch the tumor site with their hand and say:

I ask the great Lord to give strength to my hand to change the distribution of the Light of the Lord on my body with a touch to eliminate the violation that has arisen, and the currents of my body will be restored proper development and distribution, they will disperse the formation that is unnecessary to my body, growing not according to the laws of its formation, and distribute bodily tissues so that the proportions of my body, given to me from birth, will not be disturbed. The light of the Lord's rays, touching my body, will restore the copper-salt exchange between the tissues and healing will come through the miracle of the Lord's touch to my hand. My body will become free from any deviations from the great balance of life established by the Creator for me. May the Lord hear my words and let His help come. Amen.

Place your hand in a container of water and hold it there for 3 minutes. They apply it to the tumor again and say a prayer. They turn to the Lord three times a day throughout the month.

Conspiracy to cure tumors

Take a spool of black thread and, tearing off pieces of thread, read the following plot:

How this thread breaks, breaks, breaks,
So tear yourself up, cancer, tear yourself apart,
Don't let yourself grow.
There is no place for you on the body of God’s servant (name),
How can I not leave threads on this spool? Amen.

The ritual is considered complete when you have broken all the thread on the spool.

Cancer conspiracy

Find a dry bush in the birch forest and break off the lower branches. Fold them crosswise, set them on fire and read the following conspiracy over the smoke:

How the dry, sick thing burns,
Not growing, not living,
So it will burn with him
An evil growth from the servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracies should never be read without a reason.