Special (defectological) education. Defectologist: where and by whom he works. Where to study to become a speech therapist

Many people simply underestimate the profession of a speech therapist. But this is a very important and necessary craft for society. Everything about the profession of a speech therapist will be discussed in our article.

Speech therapist: who is this?

A speech therapist is a highly qualified specialist whose main job function is to study various speech defects. The speech therapist is obliged to qualitatively study the causes of these defects, as well as prescribe an effective course of treatment. Treatment may include various types of techniques, techniques and training. Contrary to popular belief, a speech therapist is by no means a children's specialist. Despite the fact that the majority of patients with whom this professional works are children, adults are also not averse to seeking qualified help.

A competent speech therapist must master the basics of psychology, pedagogy and medicine. Particularly important in the profession in question is the ability to qualitatively classify groups of people who need help. The approach to children and adults is very different. Thus, recently speech therapists have begun to be divided into children’s and adult specialists.

Speech therapist is a very important, developing and in-demand profession. What else can you tell about her?

Why are speech therapists needed?

As mentioned above, many people greatly underestimate the profession of a speech therapist. Moreover, some individuals do not even understand why this profession is needed. Citizens refer to the specialty in question as “another useless occupation” and “a craft that no one needs.”

They name it until they themselves encounter obvious problems. We are talking about those cases when, for example, a four-year-old child is, in principle, unable to speak clearly. Some immediately blame this problem on the parents: they say they didn’t work well enough with their children. However, not all so simple. A child may exhibit extremely serious forms of illness, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia and other extremely unpleasant defects. Fixing them is not so easy. This is where you need the qualified help of a competent specialist. A speech therapist is just such a person.

Qualities required for work

Before we begin to analyze the main professional responsibilities and functions of an employee, it is worth talking a little about what important qualities and character traits a speech therapist should have. And this is really important: children often worry and feel awkward when communicating with this specialist. A competent professional must possess certain skills and character traits in order to be able to win over children.

A children's speech therapist must possess such qualities as communication skills, openness and friendliness, tact and observation. Not every person is able to work in such a specialty. Nervous, stressed, tactless people should not even think about becoming a speech therapist. The speech therapist himself is an excellent psychologist who can recognize the temperament and character of a child in a matter of minutes, as well as find the source of speech problems.

Getting a profession

Where can I get training to become a speech therapist? Today, in almost every major city in Russia or other CIS countries, there are many higher educational institutions that are ready to provide their services for quality education of citizens. Work as a speech therapist can be obtained after training in such institutions as:

  • MGPU - Moscow State Pedagogical University. Today this university remains one of the best pedagogical institutions in the world. Here you can qualitatively master the profession of a speech therapist, after which you can work in leading clinics, schools and other institutions in the country.
  • Sholokhov Moscow State Humanitarian University is the country's leading humanitarian university.
  • RGPU named after Herzen is another elite pedagogical university.
  • Wallenberg Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.

Naturally, there are many other universities in the country that are ready to provide a course in speech therapy.

Professional Responsibilities

It is especially important to list the main professional functions and responsibilities of the employee. It is what a speech therapist does that best characterizes the profession itself.

What are the main responsibilities here? Here are the most basic ones:

  • qualitative examination of patients, during which the main features of speech development should be identified;
  • making a diagnosis, identifying the main problem;
  • a set of methods and methods of treatment;
  • carrying out the main groups of work - so-called classes with a speech therapist (this includes conducting exercises, issuing “homework”, assistance in the development of basic speech abilities);
  • evaluation of results based on the results of classes, comparison of results with initial data.

Thus, a specialist such as a speech therapist has a fairly large and structured number of responsibilities. Reviews of the work of these professionals are, as a rule, entirely positive. And it cannot be otherwise: a person has studied and practiced methods for developing human speech characteristics for at least five years. Of course, this is bearing fruit.

Features of the profession

The profession of a speech therapist has many interesting and surprising features. Some of them are worth talking about separately.

A speech therapist must have incredible patience. It is probably no longer a joke to say that the best speech therapist would be some soulless robot. After all, you need to love your job very much in order to give the same recommendations time after time, in a calm manner, to not the most assiduous children (and even some adults). Excellent speech therapists are people who can convince even a child how important it is to be able to speak beautifully and clearly. But, unfortunately, not everyone can create the necessary motivation in a patient.

A speech therapist must be an excellent psychologist. Each patient must have an individual approach. If this is a child, you need to remember the basics of developmental psychology, critical and lytic periods; if this is an adult, mature person, it is worth remembering that he may have various kinds of complexes and mental disorders.


Another important topic that should be touched upon is the salary of speech therapists. In the Russian Federation, as you can already guess, this is not the best situation. Thus, the average salary of a speech therapist in the country is a little more than 20 thousand rubles. Of course, we are talking about the public sector - schools, kindergartens, hospitals, etc. In private clinics, salaries may be slightly higher.

It becomes somewhat sad if you start comparing the incomes of Russian speech therapists with the incomes of foreign ones. Thus, in European countries, as well as in the USA, a speech therapist is a very important and necessary specialist for society. Accordingly, the income there is many times higher. And this despite the fact that in Russia at the moment there is an acute shortage of this kind of specialists: in many schools and kindergartens there are simply no speech therapists, as a result of which individual speech work with children is not carried out at all.

History of the profession

Logos - speech, Paideia - education. This is how the name of the craft in question can be translated from Greek. Speech education is a short but capacious description of the profession of a speech therapist.

The profession of speech therapist was born not so long ago - in the 17th century. The best teachers in Europe tried to combat hearing impairment in children. Devices of varying degrees of whimsy were developed, and special techniques and methods of treatment appeared. However, over time, speech therapy only grew, absorbing more and more different problems and disorders. As the 20th century approached, speech therapy became relatively similar to what it is today: the work of correcting speech defects.

By the 21st century, speech therapy includes a great variety of different theories, methods and methods of treatment. Any speech therapist in a kindergarten for children, at a school or in a simple clinic has a rich range of knowledge and skills.

First group of job benefits

Like any other work activity, the profession of a speech therapist has a number of “spiritual” and “material” advantages. If we talk about the intangible component, then the only thing worth highlighting is usefulness. The point is that, despite not the smartest opinions, the profession of a speech therapist is still very useful and necessary for society.

Every person wants to speak clearly, competently and clearly. There are probably no people in the world who would like their own speech impediments. A speech therapist comes to the rescue here.

Second group of job benefits

It was not difficult to understand the “spiritual” component of the profession. What if you pay attention to something material? The more “down-to-earth” advantages of the profession include:

  • Opportunity to constantly develop. If you establish yourself as a high-quality and competent specialist, about whom many people know, you can try to increase your status (and, accordingly, your income) by moving to private institutions.
  • High "geography" of employment. Today, the profession of a speech therapist is considered very important and necessary for society. A speech therapist at school or in kindergarten is not a common occurrence. It's simply not there. A speech therapist should definitely not have problems finding employment.
  • Speech therapists do not have the concept of “retirement age”. You can work as much as your health allows.

Disadvantages of the profession

Like any other professional field, the work of a speech therapist also contains a number of certain disadvantages. It is worth noting:

  • Huge power costs. A speech therapist spends a lot of energy working with just one patient. It’s good if a professional has significant experience, and therefore experience. In this case, a certain habit and some skills of working with “problem” patients should be developed (certain tasks of a speech therapist, suitable for age, character, etc.). But it will really be difficult for young and inexperienced workers.

  • A large amount of documentation. Almost every employee has this problem today. What can we say about doctors: recently, the entire burden of maintaining various kinds of paperwork has fallen on them. And this, as a consequence of the cuts, is a completely abnormal phenomenon.
  • Small salary. The income of a specialist has already been discussed above. A speech therapist in a kindergarten, school or other budget institution really receives very little money.

Thus, a speech therapist is a very original, special specialist. His activities cannot be confused with anything.

Beginning: 15000 ⃏ per month

Experienced: 20000 ⃏ per month

Professional: 60000 ⃏ per month

Demand for the profession

According to statistics, in the last decade there has been a sad trend: the number of children with certain speech problems is growing year by year. Moreover, this applies not only to oral speech, but also to written speech. Children are reading and writing worse and worse. Therefore, the specialty of a speech therapist will be in great demand for a long time.

Where to study to become a speech therapist in Moscow

Who is the profession suitable for?

The profession of a speech therapist is more suitable for people who enjoy communicating with people.


You can rise to the position of manager in the place where you worked.


Children and adults turn to a speech therapist with various problems of pronunciation, reading and writing: stuttering, incorrect pronunciation of sounds, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc. The speech therapist selects exercises and massages, teaches them to speak and articulate correctly, eliminates lisps, burrs and stuttering. As a rule, work lasts from six months to several years. It all depends on the complexity of the task and the age of the client. It is best to contact in childhood; problems are solved faster at the stage of growing up.

Rate the profession: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

A speech therapist corrects speech defects. To do this, he develops and uses individual programs for adults and children.


30,000–50,000 rub. (rabota.yandex.ru)

Place of work

Private practice, hospitals and clinics, schools, preschool institutions (preschool institutions), private and municipal kindergartens, speech and hearing correction centers.


Children and adults turn to a speech therapist with various problems of pronunciation, reading and writing: stuttering, incorrect pronunciation of sounds, dyslexia, dysgraphia, etc.

The speech therapist selects exercises and massages, teaches how to speak and articulate correctly, eliminates lisps, burrs and stuttering.

As a rule, work lasts from six months to several years. It all depends on the complexity of the task and the age of the client. It is best to contact in childhood; problems are solved faster at the stage of growing up.

Important qualities

The profession of a speech therapist requires a lot of patience, because the work forces you to deal with various health problems. Maximum correctness, a sense of tact and goodwill are required.

Reviews about the profession

“It’s worth going to work as a speech therapist if only to see the face of the child for whom you set the sound, and who realized that he succeeded! You will never forget these smiles!”

Evgenia Zaichenko,
speech therapist with 10 years of experience.

Stereotypes, humor

Speech therapists are often called doctors, but in fact this specialty belongs to pedagogy. The profession is even recommended to people who are capable of overcoming difficulties.


To become a speech therapist, you need to receive appropriate education, for example, at the Russian State Pedagogical University. A. I. Herzen (specialty “Speech Therapy”). The salary of a speech therapist directly depends on the qualifications of the specialist; it is necessary to improve the level through specialized courses.

Pedagogical universities in Moscow: Moscow Social Pedagogical Institute, Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Moscow State Regional University, Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow City Pedagogical University.

As you know, there are no ideal people, and each of us has, albeit a small, flaw. Of course, most external flaws can be, if not corrected, then disguised with the help of cosmetics or clothing. However, there are also shortcomings that cannot be hidden; they can only be dealt with with the help of specialists. One of these disadvantages includes speech defects, which speech therapists help get rid of.

As you know, there are no ideal people, and each of us has, albeit a small, drawback: some have problem skin, others suffer from excess weight or excessive thinness, and for some, the subject of dissatisfaction is the shape of the nose or hair color . Of course, most external flaws can be, if not corrected, then disguised with the help of cosmetics or clothing. However, there are also shortcomings that cannot be hidden; they can only be dealt with with the help of specialists. One of these disadvantages includes speech defects, which speech therapists help get rid of.

Note that in modern society profession of speech therapist is of particular importance because its representatives help us better understand each other. After all, if a person does not stutter or pronounces all the letters correctly, then he not only feels freer when communicating with other people, but it is also much easier to understand him. By the way, if you think that anyone can become a speech therapist, you are deeply mistaken. And after reading this article, in which we will try to talk about all the features of this profession, you will understand why.

Who is a speech therapist?

A highly qualified specialist who studies the causes of speech defects (stuttering, lisp, burr, dysgraphia, dyslexia, etc.), and using special techniques, methods and techniques helps adults and children get rid of them.

The name of the profession comes from the Greek logos (speech) and paideia (education). That is, judging by the name, a speech therapist deals with speech education - in essence, teaches how to speak correctly. This profession cannot boast of a “rich” past: the formation of speech therapy began only in the 17th century, when European teachers began to develop methods for teaching children with hearing problems. Speech therapy in its familiar form began to take shape only in the mid-20th century. It was during this period that teachers increasingly began to think that speech defects, for the most part, were most likely the result of psychological problems that could and should be dealt with.

That is why modern speech therapists not only know numerous methods and methods for correcting speech defects, but also study the basics of psychology, which help them identify the root causes of the defect (if it is not congenital). Well, since speech defects can occur at any age, and the approach to treating children and adults is strikingly different from each other, speech therapists today are usually divided into specialists for adults and specialists for children.

Naturally, the “age” division of speech therapists mainly affects only the approach to “patients”. The responsibilities of all speech therapists are approximately the same. This is an examination of a person and identification of the structure and severity of a speech defect, correction of speech defects, carrying out activities aimed at developing a speech culture, maintaining reporting documentation, timely advanced training, etc.

What personal qualities should a speech therapist have?

Speech defects often become the cause of various complexes, which can sometimes manifest themselves in aggression or depression, therefore, in their work as speech therapists You have to show miracles of patience and endurance. In addition, the following personal qualities will help speech therapists effectively perform their duties:

  • communication skills;
  • goodwill;
  • stress resistance;
  • tolerance;
  • tact;
  • observation;
  • persistence;
  • the ability to be persuasive.

Of course, all these personal qualities will not help if the speech therapist does not have a huge amount of knowledge behind him. And not only in the field of speech therapy (including mastering the most modern methods and techniques for correcting a particular speech defect), but also in pedagogy, anatomy, medicine and psychology. After all, the cause of a speech problem can be both psychological and physiological disorders, and a speech therapist must not only identify this cause, but also recommend a specialist to the person, cooperation with whom will allow him to completely get rid of the defect (for example, if the speech problem arose due to a congenital speech defect device, then you can get rid of the problem only with the help of surgery followed by speech correction).

Advantages of being a speech therapist

It’s not difficult to guess that the main advantage of being a speech therapist is the feeling of actually being “useful” and being able to help people. However, in addition to the “spiritual” advantages, this profession also has several “material” ones. The latter include:

  • the opportunity to conduct private practice and formulate your own pricing policy, which means receiving a high income and a free work schedule;
  • large “geography” of employment - speech therapists are in demand in many organizations: schools, kindergartens, clinics, rehabilitation centers, etc.;
  • demand - the services of speech therapists will always be needed, so these specialists will never be left without work;
  • You can continue working as a speech therapist for as long as the specialist is ready and able to work (that is, there is no such thing as a retirement age for speech therapists).

Disadvantages of being a speech therapist

But you shouldn’t think that speech therapists “roll like cheese in butter” and don’t have any problems. There are also disadvantages to their work. Main disadvantage of being a speech therapist can be called a huge expenditure of emotional and physical strength. Quite often, a speech therapist also has to act as a psychotherapist, ready not only to listen, but also to empathize.

Another obvious disadvantage of this profession, many speech therapists call the need to maintain a huge amount of various documentation (especially if the specialist works in a government agency). At the same time, “paper” work, as a rule, is not included in the main working hours, which is why specialists have to spend their free time on “writing.”

And most importantly, a speech therapist can never be completely confident in the success of his work, since a lot depends not only on the level of his professionalism, but also on the desire and performance of the “patient” himself.

Where can you become a speech therapist?

Get a profession as a speech therapist it is possible in almost any pedagogical university, on the basis of which the department of speech therapy or the faculty of defectology operates. However, it is important to understand that choosing this profession means being prepared for a process of continuous learning - constant advanced training, monitoring and studying the latest methods and techniques for correcting speech defects, self-education in related areas (psychology, medicine, pedagogy, sociology, etc.).

The choice of educational institution largely depends on what goals you are pursuing. If you have chosen the profession of a speech therapist only because you are guaranteed to be able to find a job, then it does not matter which university you choose. If you have set yourself the task of achieving great success in your professional field, and the choice of profession is made at the behest of your soul and heart, then it is best to give preference to leading universities that provide not only a diploma, but also high-quality knowledge.

TO the best universities in Russia, which have proven themselves well among employers, today include.

I REGRETED THAT I STUDYED TO BE A Speech Therapist, because...


I don’t regret it, I’m happy with everything, but I know for sure that there are such people. Write.


You know, Larisa, it all depends on the teachers who teach speech therapy courses.

I am now a 5th year student, specialty: “special psychology with an additional specialty “speech therapy”. Our teachers in speech therapy are theorists. It is very difficult to move on to practice with the acquired theoretical knowledge. After all, you must agree that theory can be safely studied independently. I would like them to pay as much attention as possible to the practical side... But alas and ah... And besides, what can you learn if, for example, we “did away” the “speech therapy massage” course in 4 lessons. practical (md). In one half-year we study two - three or more disciplines in speech therapy... And as a result, a complete mess in our heads, which is difficult to systematize :-(



Anna, everything can be learned by comparison; previously you could become a speech therapist after 9 month courses. And these specialists really considered themselves specialists. And you have complexes about your preparation, over time you will master everything and relax.

I remember my horror and helplessness at my first job as a speech therapist.


I really like learning a new profession, it’s just a pity that it took so long! Even though I study in an accelerated program, because... I'm getting a second education! Education is always a process of SELF-EDUCATION! I study in St. Petersburg at the Herzen State Pedagogical University, so in general we have speech therapy massage, art gymnastics and in general “making sounds” was only theory, no practice, only video! But this is the main school of speech therapists in Russia! And I am going to work in this area! And when they asked me to work with the child, I took out the lectures, bought some things, worked them all on my husband and that’s it! So the main thing is theory and your desire! Any education is based on self-education!


I raise a forgotten topic, entertain everyone with aphorisms

A speech therapist’s session is so short that you don’t always have time to ruin it

It wouldn’t make sense to be born without a familiar speech therapist.

All speech therapists are sisters, and some are even worse...

We must give speech therapists everything they have.

Having been born a speech therapist, it’s easy enough to get a job in the specialty...


I like my specialty, but I don’t like the way it is taught. I’m in my 5th year, and we still haven’t had any dysarthria. (sc)

For myself, I decided that I prefer to work with adults, which is how we taught aphasia. Therefore, you have to study and understand this complex disorder like aphasia (dt) yourself.

When I graduated from university, I got a job in a kindergarten. After college, what kind of knowledge? - mostly theory. And like a blind kitten, there is no one to ask, senior speech therapists for advice... and they don’t particularly want to share their knowledge. I think why did I study? So I worked for 3 years. She went on maternity leave. She gave birth to a girl diagnosed with rhinolalia. This is where I realized that speech therapy was my calling, that for my child I had to learn what we were just lectured about at the institute. Now my child is almost 5 years old. The forecast is amazing. I work, though in another garden, where speech therapists have no time to breathe. And now I can say with confidence - I love my job!!!

After college, I also stewed in “my own juice,” no one wanted to help, and I got into trouble year after year. I worked for 16 years, but children are becoming more and more difficult, and I still have to get into smart books. So, dear girl students, after college it has never been easy for anyone. Life itself is an institute.


I started working when I was in my 5th year. I admit honestly, I almost cried! I was sure that I had made the biggest mistake in my life by enrolling in defak. Knowledge is all theory, although the institute is not bad (MGOPU named after Sholokhov). I thought about leaving speech therapy immediately after I received my diploma. A speech therapist who worked (and still works to this day :) helped): she never refused, no matter what I asked! and so, step by step, day by day, I began to master everything. Now I think that I can’t do anything else in life. :-)


Olechka)) Thank you for the kind word) Well, when have I ever refused someone))) :-D:-P


So I’m a 5th year student... but I’ve already started working in my future specialty (in D/s). Of course, it’s very difficult. I’m starting everything from scratch. At the session there’s more theory, but in practice... a lot of problems and questions! Thank you, an experienced speech therapist who worked before me for many years helps. I turn to her for any question! Of course, it’s difficult. And then, due to this crisis, the rate was reduced to 0.25!!! The salary is ridiculous! Here and you’ll think, is it necessary to study? (p.s. I’ve been working as a teacher in this kindergarten for 14 years!)


But I never regretted that I received such a specialty :-) and even now, when I started working, it’s hard and difficult, I get all the information from books, and move forward through trial and error.

Of course, it would be great to have an experienced speech therapist next to you, who you can turn to for advice... but if there is no such person, then you need to rely only on yourself... do you sometimes think - what am I doing? where am I going? right wrong... :-)


Yes, starting is not easy for everyone. Is life itself very easy?! I also started from scratch, and although there were experienced speech therapists nearby, no one wanted to help. I made a lot of bumps, but I am very grateful to them, because THAT experience cannot be replaced by anything! And this was an orphanage, children with various pathologies, but most importantly, socially and emotionally deprived. :"(


Elena ILCHENKO (U...
Did your husband mind? I think it was a great evening ;-) had a great time