What is the pigment ring around the pupil? They lend themselves well to iridology. What kind of formations are these

The iris, or more correctly "iris", refers to the vascular tract of the eyes - a delicate, spherical membrane rich in blood vessels and pigment. The iris, as the anterior part of the vascular tract, is located between the cornea and the lens. In its center there is a hole - the pupil, which acts as a diaphragm, which reflexively regulates the amount of light entering the eye. One of the main functions of the iris, in addition to participating in outflow intraocular fluid, – regulation of the amount of light penetrating into the eye through the pupil (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Structure of the iris: 1 – pupil; 2 – pupillary border; 3 – autonomous ring; 4 – pupillary belt; 5 – limb; 6 – ciliary belt

Pupil acts as a diaphragm and regulates the light flow entering the eye. Pupil diameter is 2–8 mm, on average 3 mm.

Pupillary border - This is an undifferentiated dark brown retina that forms the pupillary border, which is often used to diagnose a person.

Autonomous ring (“sympathetic corona”) is a broken line that divides the iris into 2 zones: the pupillary zone and the ciliary zone. This is a projection onto the surface of the iris of the small arterial circle.

Pupil belt – a zone (1–2 mm wide) between the pupillary border and the autonomous ring, consisting of thin, radially located fibers (trabeculae).

Limbo , or iris root . It houses a large arterial circle. From it go vascular arcades to the center, which, merging, form the small arterial circle of the iris. The limbus is directly connected to the cornea.

Ciliary belt - zone (width 3–4 mm) between the autonomous ring and the limbus. The mesodermal strands of the iris - trabeculae - are intertwined in it. Large trabeculae correspond to vascular anastomoses (connections) between the greater and lesser circulation of the iris in the depths of the iris. Small trabeculae do not contain vessels and are small mesodermal strands. Normally, the ratio of the sizes of the pupillary and ciliary girdle is 1: 3 (the pupillary girdle is 3 times narrower than the ciliary girdle).

There are many nerve connections between the iris and internal organs, so the whole body seems to be projected onto the iris. In case of pathology of some organ, certain changes will occur on the iris, as on a map, primarily in the form of redistribution of pigment. IN in this case an absolute analogy with acupuncture is determined, which is based on the connection skin points with internal organs.

There are special maps - diagrams of the projection zones of the human body on the iris. Their coincidence with organ diseases can convince the most inveterate skeptic. But, despite this, many leading ophthalmologists see something magical and frivolous in iridology.

The color of the iris is determined by the content of melanin in special cells: the more melanin, the darker the color of the iris. According to the theory of iridology, natural and healthy eye colors are only brown, blue and their mixture. Other shades and tones, no matter how beautiful they are, are sure signs of the disease. For example, green eyes are a real pathology! The genetic basis of the green iris is blue, to which yellowness is mixed - a symptom of some kind of liver disease.

The iris of the eye has a ring-shaped structure. The rings, diverging like circles on water from the pupil to the outer edge of the iris, are divided into three main zones. The inner part reflects the work of the stomach and intestines. The middle one is connected to the pancreas, gallbladder, heart, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, autonomic nervous system, circulatory and lymphatic vessels abdominal cavity, as well as muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones.

By the outer zone one can judge the condition of the liver, spleen, kidneys, lymph, lungs, nasopharynx and oral cavity, urethra, anus, genitals and skin. In this case, the shell of the right eye corresponds to the right half of the body, the shell of the left, respectively, to the left. It is almost impossible to diagnose yourself based on the structure of the iris, because the segments reflecting this or that organ are located at a distance of only half a millimeter from each other, so here you cannot do without the help of an experienced iridologist.

The pupil determines the state of the vegetative nervous regulation, emotional activity, assessment of the level of light adaptation, reactivity. Some pathological processes occurring in the body can affect the size of the pupil.

Miosis – constriction of the pupils (pupil less than 2 mm), associated with damage or irritation of the autonomic innervation of the eye. Most often, miosis is associated with age. It can occur in older people and in infants - physiological miosis. Miosis also occurs with intoxication, farsightedness, and brain diseases.

With Horner's syndrome (together with ptosis - drooping upper eyelid and enophthalmos - retraction of the eyeball) may be unilateral miosis. Horner's syndrome also occurs with tumors of the nasopharynx, brain and spinal cord, aortic aneurysm, multiple sclerosis, syringomyelia.

Midriaz – pathological dilation of the pupils (pupil more than 6 mm), associated with excitation of the sympathetic nervous system (with fear, pain, excitement), and with diseases such as hyperthyroidism, intoxication, myopia, pheochromacytoma.

Anisocoria – uneven pupil size. This condition is typical for osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, damage to the aorta, pulmonary tuberculosis, and pleurisy. It can also occur in practically healthy people. In this case, as a rule, the right pupil is wider than the left.

With vascular diseases of the brain or a predisposition to them, the shape of the pupil changes. It can be changed from round to oval with different major axis direction. In accordance with this, the pupils are called oval-vertical, oval-horizontal or oval-diagonal. The most common is the oval-vertical shape.

Pupillary border

The pupillary border is the transitional area between the pupil and the inner edge of the iris. Its shape indicates the state of the immune system. This is the main sign of the body's resistance. The widest border is observed in youth. With age, it gradually decreases, by about 2 times in old age. Chronic, long-term diseases change the shape of the pupillary border, turning it from normal to pathological, regardless of age.

Well expressed The pupillary border in older people indicates a high level of immunity and good health. The following forms are typical for the pupillary border (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. The most typical forms of the pupillary border: 1 – evenly thickened; 2 – evenly granular; 3 – halo-like; 4 – unevenly thickened; 5 – unevenly granular; 6 – thin

1. Evenly thickened has the appearance of a densely pigmented black wide border.

2. Evenly grainy resembles a black necklace made of large, evenly spaced beads.

3. Halo-like consists of 2 rings: internal (distinctly pigmented) and external (thinned, light brown or gray type of halo). It often occurs with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially with chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function.

4. Unevenly thickened characterized by varying thickness of pigment along the border.

5. Unevenly grainy consists of a set of beads of various sizes, between which there may be various gaps, sometimes similar to “moth-eaten”.

Everything you need to know about your health!

The face of each of us, if you look closely, is full of wrinkles, long “lines” and age spots. But did you know that they can tell you more about you than just your age?

According to leading scientists and doctors, the face and its appearance directly connected to the rest of the body. Therefore, if you carefully examine yours, you can notice what kind of danger signals your body is sending you. In some cases this can be very important.

Every line and every wrinkle on your face has its own special meaning. Even the appearance of age spots on your body is not accidental! Are you wondering what the wrinkles and roughness in the places marked with numbers mean?

1. Horizontal deep lines on the forehead.

They are often called “worry lines” because they seem to “clog” a lot of stress into the mind. If you have them, and are quite noticeable, then you need to rest and relax more often. Go on vacation more often!

Also this area directly associated with the stomach. Perhaps you are eating too much sugar? Or is your diet high in fat? Perhaps you are drinking too little water?

If you're reading this, you almost certainly need to take better care of yourself and what goes into your body throughout the day.

2. Wrinkles near the right eyebrow.

Vertical wrinkles in this place are a clear sign liver weakness. If you want them to disappear from your face, you need to improve this internal organ.

Start eating more green vegetables, sweet fruits and processed foods. whole grain. Reduce your intake of coffee, spicy foods and salt. If you feel that you may have serious liver problems at all, consult your doctor immediately! Unfortunately, the diet and lifestyle of the vast majority of us are not conducive to her health.

3. Wrinkles near the left eyebrow.

This area of ​​your face directly “connected” to the spleen. Wrinkles in this area indicate problems with it.

The work of this body, as well as related pancreas may be disrupted by excessive sugar consumption. Just make sure you get some of it in your diet. Dried fruit instead of sugary cookies is a great start! Well, you yourself know what you can refuse next!

4. Wrinkles on the bridge of the nose.

This is not common, but some people develop wrinkles here too. Usually their appearance in this place means a reaction to seasonal allergies.

Oddly enough, this area is also related to your libido. If you have wrinkles on the bridge of your nose, you may feel less desire for sex than usual. Perhaps it's time to worry less. And eat foods called “aphrodisiacs.”

5. Wrinkles in the corners of the eyes.

This popular type of wrinkle is also called “crow’s feet.” If you've never heard of them, it's not very good. you laugh often. Otherwise, they would probably have already begun to appear in you (which, of course, is not bad).

This is only a problem if your wrinkles in these areas are especially deep and noticeable. This may indicate rapidly progressing vision problems. You should probably stare at your phone less often, watch TV less often, or try not to spend too much time at the computer.

In addition, crow's feet are associated with some internal organs - stomach, kidneys and liver. Perhaps you need to force yourself to move more and finally switch to a healthy diet.

6. Circles or bags under the eyes.

We all see them in the mirror early in the morning when we haven't gotten enough sleep. But if you see them every day, then it almost certainly indicates kidney weakness. Start eating more fruits and vegetables, and try to drink more fluids throughout the day.

Especially big bags under the eyes may also indicate problems with circulatory system . You need to combat poor skin circulation! Yoga or massages are great. If you yourself feel that this is becoming a serious problem, you should consult a doctor.

7. Pigment spots on the cheeks.

If you have patches of light and dark colors, this may indicate problems with some internal organs. First, you're almost certainly not eating well.

Secondly, you almost certainly smoke. Because you've had it for a long time weak lungs. You need to start practicing breathing exercises and try to learn breath control. Running in the morning effectively cleanses the lungs.

8. Acne and flaky skin at the tip of the nose.

A red nose may not be a problem, but acne and redness in this area indicate that the nose is not working well enough. circulatory system. You are at increased risk of developing blood pressure problems. If the problem has been with you for a long time, and you have not paid attention to it for several years, perhaps now is the time to see a doctor.

Your heart health is of utmost importance. To support it, avoid spicy foods, alcohol and coffee. Products with “healthy” fatty acids contain avocado and fish. They are better, believe me!

9. Wrinkles in the corners of the mouth.

Many people have in this area vertical wrinkles. But this point is directly connected by nerves to colon! This internal organ is rarely thought about, but its health will have a direct impact on your quality of life as you age.

Fortunately, it’s quite easy to restore it and then keep it in shape: you need to eat foods rich in fiber and consume enough vitamin D. A little physical activity, a little more fluid - and everything will go away!

10. Laughter lines.

Typically, deep wrinkles in this area develop in people who laugh a lot, loudly and frequently. Laughter, is known to be beneficial for both mental and physical health. So you gotta love those wrinkles!

On the other hand, if you don't laugh often but have wrinkles, this may indicate problems with pancreas. Add blueberries, cherries, grapes, garlic and spinach to your diet.

11. Wrinkles above the upper lip.

Not all people, even in old age, develop vertical wrinkles on their lips. But those who have them are almost certainly smokers. Smoking- one of important reasons, why do these generally unnatural wrinkles appear here?

This area is also directly “connected” to spleen. Try adding root vegetables to your diet. Turnips and carrots are especially useful. To relieve the spleen, it is better to eat often, but little by little.

12. Stains on the lips.

Lip stains can have several explanations. They can be an indicator and poor circulation(in this case yoga is recommended), and problems with colon, And liver weakness. To find out for sure their occurrence, you will have to go to the doctors.

13. Double chin.

People whose neck wrinkles and sag almost certainly suffer from overweight. This is a popular problem, especially nowadays, when we all eat a lot and exercise little.

However, this area also “includes” thyroid gland . To improve her health, you need to take zinc tablets and at least temporarily give up bread and any flour products in general.

14. “Ring around the pupil.”

During your monitoring, you can check not only your face, but also your eyes. If you notice a “ring” along the contour of the iris, then you have increased cholesterol level.

This almost always leads to serious problems, including heart attacks and other heart diseases. Fortunately, there are many ways to reduce its levels. Eat more vegetables and less foods rich in trans fats. Add soy sauce and nuts to your diet.

15. Noticeable veins at the corners of the forehead.

If veins appear in your temporal area, this may be a sign hypertension. Obviously you need to do something about your stress. If necessary, quit for the sake of it. Start going for walks more often, do yoga, or even go on an unplanned vacation. This is not a joke!

Also, accept that you need to eat more bananas and gradually cut out salt. Once the pressure begins to decrease, your vein will become less noticeable.

16. Wrinkle under the lip.

Many people have a “cleft” chin. But this only indicates what is in your life too much negativity and pessimism.

The habit of always preparing for the worst may seem beneficial to you, but in reality it has a devastating effect on your health in the long run. Let go of your grievances. Try to avoid disappointment and anger at all costs. The world inside you, as you see, can be reflected on your face!

What wrinkles are there on your face? Let us know in the comments what you think about all this!

Iridology- ancient method Tibetan medicine, in which diagnosis is carried out by examining the iris of the eye. There are known Tibetan manuscripts dating back to the 8th century, which provide diagrams of the location of pathogenic zones on the iris of the eye.

The very name of the iris - Iris - is the name of the goddess of dawn among the ancient Greeks. They believed that in the morning the goddess spreads her iridescent cloak across the sky. Accordingly, the dawns are multi-colored. Hence the name of the iris flower. Eye color different people also different, and this is determined by the amount of pigment -melanin. Residents of the north, where the days are not rich in sun, have blue and gray irises. The inhabitants of the equator are almost black.

In the caves of Asia Minor, the age of which is very respectable (about 5 thousand years), slabs were found with images of the iris engraved on them human eye. And the first popularizer of the method known to us is the Egyptian priest El Aks. The descriptions he left are located on two papyri more than 50 meters long and 1.5 meters wide. This unique scientific manual is kept in the first Babylonian library. El Aks tried to find out the causes of the ailments that tormented Pharaoh Tutankhamun, who, as is known, died at a young age and, apparently, had serious and numerous health problems. Doctors in India, China, and Tibet attached great importance to the organs of vision, likening them to a kind of map on which nature itself carved information about all systems of the human body.

The modern revival of iridology is associated with the name of Doctor of Medicine Ignaz Peczeli (J. Peczeli, 1826-1907) from the Budapest suburb of Jeghervár. His name is associated with the systematization of iridological tests and the first justification of the iridology method.

The modern history of iridology has known both periods of mass enthusiasm for this method, with an emphasis on the “miracle,” and periods of oblivion. Having gone through a thousand-year development path, this method is tenacious and relevant today. It is absolutely painless and harmless, does not require preliminary preparation of the patient, has no contraindications and is quite simple; you only need a little diligence in mastering this technique and your observation skills. At the same time, immediately after examining the iris, conclusions can be drawn regarding diseases that are in their prime. At the same time, the ancient method makes it possible to judge the general condition of the body and its systems and give appropriate recommendations for its recovery.

In Russia, E.S. Velkhover, F.N. Romashov and others began to deal with issues of iridology since 1967. A clinical research department has been created at the Faculty of Medicine of the Peoples' Friendship University named after P. Lumumba, one of the main directions of which is the study of iridology issues.

The essence of the iridology method

The iris, which has a hole in the center - the pupil, is an automatic diaphragm that regulates the light flux entering the eye. Accordingly, in bright light the pupils are narrow, in the dark they are wide. The eye is a derivative of the nervous system. The iris has a very complex structure, and it can be considered as a forward screen of the brain, specialized for the perception and regulation of light flow from the outside and impulse flow from inside the body. Available great amount nerve connections between the iris and internal organs, so the entire body is, as it were, projected onto the iris. In case of pathology of some organ, certain changes will occur on the iris, as on a map, primarily in the form of redistribution of pigment. In this case, there is an absolute analogy with acupuncture, which is based on the connection of skin points with internal organs. This is the basic, simplified essence of the method. Special maps have been developed - diagrams of the projection zones of the human body on the iris. Their coincidence with organ diseases convinces the most inveterate skeptic. Although even now many leading ophthalmologists see something somewhat shamanic and frivolous in iridology.

According to the theory of iridology, natural and healthy eye colors are only brown, blue and their mixture. Other shades and tones, no matter how beautiful they are, are sure signs of the disease. For example, green eyes are a real pathology! The genetic basis of the green iris is blue, to which yellowness is mixed - a symptom of some functional disorder most likely liver disease.

However, the color of the iris is not uniform. For example, the shell may be covered with light, almost devoid of pigmentation specks. This means that the body has increased acidity levels, which can cause arthritis, rheumatism, asthma or stomach ulcers. By the way, normalizing acid levels is not so difficult, you just need to give up baked goods, milk and sugar. If specks appear on the iris that are darker than the main pigment, it’s time to pay attention to the digestive system, otherwise you cannot avoid the accumulation of toxins, gastroenteritis, constipation, and gallbladder diseases. In addition, dark dark spots indicate a disorder of the central nervous system.

Pigment spots on the iris can have more than just the shape of specks. For example, circular or semicircular strokes on the iris indicate that a person is experiencing stress. Clearly visible rays diverging from the pupil warn: it’s not working well. colon.

You should also pay attention to the outer edge of the shell. If a “scaly” rim is visible around the iris - a circular blurry darkening - then this is a symptom of insufficient hematopoiesis, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis. Dots on the protein surrounding the iris indicate a tendency to allergies. The so-called “stress ring” or “nerve arc” - a thin strip outlining the outer edge of the membrane - means excessive physical stress or mental anxiety. White color along the edge of the iris is a sign higher level cholesterol and sodium, which leads to poor artery health, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases.

The iris of the eye has a ring-shaped structure. The rings, diverging like circles on water from the pupil to the outer edge of the iris, can be divided into three main zones. The inner part reflects the work of the stomach and intestines. The middle one is associated with the pancreas, gall bladder, heart, adrenal glands, pituitary gland, autonomic nervous system, blood and lymphatic vessels of the abdominal cavity, as well as muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. Finally, from the external zone one can judge the condition of the liver, spleen, kidneys, lymph, lungs, nasopharynx and oral cavity, urethra, anus, genitals and skin. In this case, the shell of the right eye corresponds to the right half of the body, the shell of the left, respectively, to the left.

Our eye is like a fabric: longitudinal and transverse threads intertwine, forming one or another texture. Iridologists talk about eyes like this: “silk”, “linen”...

The “silk” iris is made up of soft, straight, tightly intertwined fibers that radiate in even rays from the pupil. The owner of such a shell can be envied! After all, he is physically strong, energetic, strong and able to resist diseases. By the way, by the texture of the iris you can judge not only the health, but also the character of a person. Thus, “silk” eyes indicate determination and efficiency, however, they also indicate stubbornness and insensitivity.

The "flax" type iris consists of sparser and wavy, but still fairly evenly distributed fibers. Those with “flaxen” eyes are more susceptible to illness, more malleable both physically and emotionally. Such a person is more sensitive than a “silk-eyed” person; he treats others with greater sympathy, but does not forget about his own person.

Rarer types of shell include “Hessian” with a sparse texture and large tears in the fabric. Owners of such an iris are not distinguished by physical strength, they have a slow metabolism and weak connective tissues. But these people know how to relax and easily experience stress. A “net-like” iris, reminiscent of lace or cobwebs, is also rare. She makes a disappointing diagnosis: extreme physical weakness, nervous exhaustion, pain.

Over the course of life, as well as due to past diseases the texture of the iris changes. Usually, the older a person is and the more sick he is, the more sparse the fibers of his iris are.

However, despite all the successes of the new science, any competent ophthalmologist, when examining a patient, is unlikely to limit himself to diagnosing the iris. And there can be no two opinions about the fact that many diagnoses can be made based on eye symptoms. Although ophthalmology is considered a narrow specialty, this narrowness is a very relative concept. The retina, the light-receiving plate, is part of the brain.

The organ of vision consists of the most diverse tissues; accordingly, there is no pathology that does not at least indirectly affect the eyes. All diseases connective tissue- collagenoses, in particular rheumatism, can have ocular manifestations. An old truth: everything that affects the joints also affects the iris.

Jaundice, as a rule, is first diagnosed by ophthalmologists by the appearance of subicterus - microyellowing of the sclera.

Thyroid diseases - convex sparkling eyes- Graefe's symptom. As English experts first said, a person is only as old as his blood vessels look. With biomicroscopy of the epibulbar conjunctiva, the walls of the vessels are clearly visible and it is possible to evaluate microcirculation. As for the mucous membrane, a person generally has only one, that is, all parts of the mucous membrane are connected. Thus, if there is gastritis, the mucous membrane of the eye - the conjunctiva - will definitely react.

Examples of iridology

Diagram of the projection zones of the human body organs on the left and right irises

Right iris Left iris

Changes in these zones - structural and color - indicate the presence of the disease.

The iris, or more correctly "iris", refers to the vascular tract of the eyes - a delicate, spherical membrane rich in blood vessels and pigment. The iris, as the anterior part of the vascular tract, is located between the cornea and the lens. In its center there is a hole - the pupil, which acts as a diaphragm, which reflexively regulates the amount of light entering the eye.

The diameter of the iris is on average 11 mm, thickness 300 mm. One of the main functions of the iris, in addition to its participation in the outflow of intraocular fluid, is the regulation of the amount of light penetrating into the eye through the pupil. So, on any iris you can see its structure, i.e. a number of anatomical formations:

1. Pupil - acts as a diaphragm, regulates the light flux entering the eye. The pupil diameter is on average 3 mm, but can range from 2 to 8.
2. The pupillary border is a very beautiful dark fringe Brown. It is an undifferentiated retina (the first layer of the retina - the layer of pigment epithelium) - passes to the ciliary body and forms the pupillary border. The pupillary border often gives iridological symptoms.
3. Autonomous ring - a broken line that divides the iris into 2 zones - the pupillary zone and the ciliary zone. The autonomous ring is a projection onto the surface of the iris of the small arterial circle.
4. Pupillary belt - the zone between the pupillary border and the autonomous ring, consisting of thin radially located fibers (trabeculae). Its width is 1-2 mm.
5. Limb – otherwise “the root of the iris”. At the root of the iris (along its circumference), there is a large arterial circle. From it go vascular arcades to the center, which, merging, form the small arterial circle of the iris. The limbus is directly connected to the cornea.
6. Ciliary belt - the zone between the autonomous ring and the limbus. Width 3-4 mm. It intertwines mesodermal strands - trabeculae - irises. Large trabeculae correspond to vascular anastomoses (connections) between the greater and lesser circulation of the iris in the depths of the iris. Small trabeculae do not contain vessels and are small mesodermal strands. Normally, the ratio of the sizes of the pupillary and ciliary girdle is 1:3 (the pupillary girdle is 3 times narrower than the ciliary girdle).


The pupil is a hole in the center of the iris that regulates the light flux perceived by the light-sensitive structures of the eye. Determines the state of autonomic nervous regulation, emotional activity, assessment of the level of light adaptation, reactivity. Some pathological processes in the body can affect the size of the pupil.

Miosis - pathological narrowing pupils (pupil less than 2 mm), associated with damage or irritation of the autonomic innervation of the eye. Most often, miosis is associated with age. It can occur in older people and in infants - physiological miosis. Miosis is also observed with farsightedness, intoxication, and brain diseases.

Unilateral miosis can occur with Horner's syndrome - together with ptosis (drooping of the upper eyelid) and enophthalmos (recession of the eyeball). Horner's syndrome occurs in tumors of the nasopharynx, brain and spinal cord, mediastinum, aortic aneurysm, syringomyelia, and multiple sclerosis.

Mydriasis - on the contrary, pathological dilation of the pupils (pupil more than 6 mm), associated with excitation of the sympathetic nervous system (with fear, pain, excitement), also with diseases (hyperthyroidism, myopia, pheochromacytoma, intoxication, brain diseases).

Anisocoria is uneven pupil size. It happens with diseases of the nervous system, with osteochondrosis of the cervicothoracic spine, in patients with somatic diseases (pulmonary tuberculosis, pleurisy, aortic damage). It can occur in practically healthy people. In this case, usually the right pupil is wider than the left.

The shape of the pupil can be changed from round to oval with a different direction of the major axis, according to which these changes are called oval-vertical, oval-horizontal and oval-diagonal. The most common is the oval-vertical shape. Various changes in the configuration of the pupils occur in the presence of vascular diseases of the brain or a predisposition to them.

Local deformation – pupillary flattening. Sectoral constriction of the pupil in a specific area. In diagnosis, the localization of flattening is important, which may indicate a diseased organ.
Pupil decentralization is the displacement of the pupil relative to the center of the iris. The pupil usually shifts in the direction opposite to the weak organ, i.e. Opposite the place of displacement are diseased organs.

Pupillary border

The pupillary border is a pigment fringe, which is a transitional area between the pupil and the inner edge of the iris.

Typical forms:
1. Evenly thickened - has the appearance of a densely pigmented black wide border (size 4.8 mm at 36 times magnification).
2. Evenly grained - resembles a black necklace of large beads spaced evenly (size 4.8 mm at 36x magnification).
3. Halo-like - consists of 2 rings: internal (distinctly pigmented) and external (thinned, light brown or gray like a halo) (size 4.7 mm at 36 times magnification).
4. Unevenly thickened - characterized by varying thickness of pigment along the border (size 1.9 mm at a magnification of 36 times).
5. Unevenly granular - consists of a set of beads of various sizes; there may be gaps between the beads, sometimes looking like “moth-eaten” (size 1.8 mm at 36 times magnification).
6. Thin - characterized by a narrow border of pigment, which may be absent in places (size 1.0 mm at 36 times magnification).

The shape of the pupillary border indicates the state of the immune system. This is the main sign of the body's resistance. With age, the width of the pupillary border decreases, which is associated with an age-related decrease in immunity.

The widest border is observed at a young age, then it gradually decreases (approximately 2 times) towards old age. The pupillary border is sensitive to pathological processes and is very labile. Diseases change the shape of the pupillary border, turning it from normal to pathological (forms 3-6), characterized by local or diffuse loss of pigment. The presence of a well-defined pupillary border in elderly people indicates a high level of immunity, adaptive protective forces body and good health.

Conversely, identifying pathological forms of the pupillary border, especially with diffuse loss of pigment, primarily in young people, makes it possible to judge chronic, long-term diseases.

The shape of the pupillary border, in addition to a general assessment of the body’s resistance, can also have an iridological interpretation:

a). An orale-like pupillary border often occurs with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Especially with chronic gastritis with reduced secretory function.
b). A thin pupillary border is considered as one of the signs of cancer alertness. But it can also happen when the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system decreases: the wider it is, the higher the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system.
c). With local loss of pigment, an area of ​​thinning of the pupillary border may indicate the pathology of the organ to the projection of which it is related, especially in combination with other iridescent signs.

Autonomous ring

The autonomous ring (“sympathetic corona”) is the zone between the pupillary and ciliary girdles. Anatomically, in the area of ​​the autonomous ring there is a small arterial circle covered with large radial trabeculae. The autonomous ring formation is dynamic, since it can contract and increase in volume depending on the continuously changing size of the pupillary belt and the pupil. When the pupil dilates, the pupillary belt narrows greatly and the anterior surface of the iris descends steeply towards the pupillary edge, which makes it difficult to inspect the autonomous ring.

When the pupil constricts, the pupillary girdle expands, as a result of which the line of the autonomous ring becomes clearer and more pronounced. With average sizes of the apex of the autonomous ring sympathetic tone normal, with a rounded and flat top 0 reduced, with a high and wide top - increased.

The diagnostic value of this zone is exceptionally great, firstly, because it is an indicator of the activity of all visceral systems, and secondly, because it serves as the main guideline for topical diagnostics organs.

Smooth and jagged forms are variants of the norm. Retraction and bulging of the autonomous ring when it is pathological forms indicates the projection zone of a weak or diseased organ. Sometimes bulging of the autonomous ring indicates hyper- (increased), and retraction indicates hypo- (decreased) function of the organ. The bulk of deformations of the autonomous ring in bronchial asthma topically belong to the projection zone “lungs - bronchi”; in atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities - to the projection zone “brain - pelvic organs”. A very characteristic feature peptic ulcer The duodenum showed local retraction of the autonomous ring in both eyes on the “5.00-7.00” meridian. Diagnosis by the iris of prolapse of the transverse colon, and less often of prolapse and displacement of the stomach and other organs, is very promising.

Example of iridology

With a sharp prolapse of the transverse colon and simultaneous prolapse (sagging) of other abdominal organs, mechanical compression of the sigmoid colon, and often the cecum, as well as the ovaries, uterus, and prostate occurs. Congestion and dysfunction of the pelvic organs develop. On the iris, a decrease in the upper and lower parts pupillary girdle. There is a kind of flattening of the autonomous ring in the vertical plane.

Under these conditions, as a result of mechanical pressure, the blood supply to the corresponding parts of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted, toxic metabolic products are deposited in them, and gas retention occurs. Doctors are well aware that the pressure of gases accumulating in the intestines is not so harmless phenomenon.

It can cause dysfunction of any organs, including the cardiovascular system. Many cases of sudden death of practically healthy people in young and middle age have been described. Death occurs suddenly, in the middle of the night, usually after a large dinner and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and other liquids. The cause of death is supposedly heart failure, but an autopsy reveals the intestines overstretched by gases and the heart compressed by them.

Great importance in the diagnosis of diseases they have signs of local bulging of the autonomous ring (elongated shape). In most cases, the pathological focus should be looked for in the projection zone of the organ where the protruding part of the autonomous ring has shifted, for example, the right iris expresses the state of the right parts of the heart, the left - the left. The ratio of the frequency of local bulging phenomenon (LPP) on the left and right irises is on average 3:1, i.e. on the left, deformation of the autonomous ring is observed 3 times more often than on the right. And this is not surprising, because the left parts of the heart bear a heavy load. Pumping blood through big circle blood circulation (throughout the body) in contrast to the right sections, which saturate the lungs with blood. Therefore, the frequency of pathological phenomena of the left heart in the clinic is much more common.

Of considerable interest is the study of mental illness using the iridology method. The most typical change for this group of diseases is the protrusion of the autonomous ring into the medullary zone of the iris, which occurs in 75% of cases, and in some patients this is a double protrusion without rupture of the autonomous ring (“horns symptom”). The symptom of rupture of the autonomic ring indicates the irreversibility of the pathology of the corresponding parts of the autonomic nervous system. In iridology, it is important not only to assess the shape of the autonomous ring, but also its type or, more precisely, its purity. There are clean or so-called slagged autonomous rings. A clear ring is characterized by clear, distinct, and usually thin boundaries.

Such rings are found almost exclusively in healthy people. The majority of patients are characterized by slagged rings, the distinctive feature of which is unclear and pigmented boundaries. These rings lose their typically linear appearance and turn into wide stripes, raised above the surrounding stroma, resembling a parapet. These rings are painted a darker color. Depending on the width and intensity of the color, it is fashionable to talk about slagging of the autonomous ring (first, second and third degrees).

First degree – the boundaries of the autonomous ring are visible, i.e. there is a lot of slag around the autonomous ring, and the border is visible. Second degree - on some segment the boundaries of the autonomous ring are visible, but on some not, there is a lot of slag around. Third degree - there is no boundary of the autonomous ring along its entire length, there is a lot of slag. The phenomenon of slagging indicates trophic disorders in the corresponding area of ​​the iris, indicating dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. In this case, the activity of the sympathetic nervous system is primarily affected.

A dystrophic rim is a black, often dark smoky rim, located at the very periphery at the root of the iris (limbus). It is located in a belt, connected to the skin. The dystrophic rim has different widths and an uneven cone-shaped shape. From the peripheral part of the rim, several cone-shaped tracks of irregular configuration very often extend inward with the apex facing the pupil. Dystrophic rim varying degrees severity is observed in all patients and in a significant proportion of practically healthy ones. A dystrophic rim is observed in inflammatory diseases and intoxications, i.e. In all cases where there is excessive accumulation of toxic and medicinal substances in the body.

The more distinct the dystrophic rim, the more pronounced the toxemia and the more intensely the metabolic apparatus of the skin works. The appearance of a dystrophic rim indicates an excess of toxic material and retention of waste in those organs in the projection sector of which the rim appears. A dystrophic rim indicates incomplete activity and decreased blood circulation in organs and tissues segmentally associated with this area of ​​skin.

If the Dystrophic rim is found in the lung area, this means that the lungs are filled with toxic metabolic products, which, due to a decrease in the cleansing function of the skin, kidneys and other organs, cannot be removed from the body. Basics diagnostic value:
1. This is the projection zone of the skin, it occurs with skin diseases (neurodermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, etc.)
2. Appears during inflammatory diseases, intoxications, when a large amount of toxic and medicinal substances accumulate in the body, during vaccination.
3. Indicates waste in those organs where the dystrophic rim is more pronounced. It is more common in the projection zones of the liver and lungs.
4. In newborns, a dystrophic rim indicates a decrease in resistance, which may occur due to the mother taking medications during pregnancy.

Adaptation rings and arches

Adaptation rings and arcs are concentric grooves (depressions) in the peripheral parts of the stroma of the ciliary belt. They can be closed - adaptation rings and open - adaptation arcs. They reflect the tension of the sympathetic nervous system. You can judge from them:
1. about the reactivity and defenses of the body
2. about the psycho-emotional state of a person (severity of emotions, predisposition to neuroses, psychosomatic disorders and diseases)
3. about a predisposition to organ spasms.

Shapes of adaptation rings.

1. Concentric rings - evenly spaced in a circle. The most common version of adaptation rings. Their owners are mostly impressionable people, they are often withdrawn, do not show their emotions, experiencing them deep inside themselves, giving the impression of a balanced, calm nature. Containing emotions causes tension in the nervous system, which can lead, first of all, to the emergence of neuroses, psychosomatic disorders and diseases (peptic ulcer, coronary disease hearts, etc.).

It is necessary to pay attention to the number of adaptation rings and the degree of their expression:
A). One or two rings, and on dark irises up to three - a manifestation of the norm, a sign of a good constitution of resistance.
b). Three or four rings are a sign of decreased defenses. It happens in closed people, as well as with great emotional overload; they often talk about a predisposition to neuroses, psychosomatic disorders and diseases.
c) Five or six rings or more are a sign of a decline in the body’s defenses. Typically occurs when there is listed diseases, as well as for thyrotoxicosis.
2. Eccentric rings - directed to the projection zones of various organs. For example, contact of eccentric rings with the limbus at 12 o'clock occurs in epilepsy and parkinsonism.
3. Oval (or vertical) rings - adaptation rings with a large vertical axis. Occurs with hereditary neurological diseases.
4. Adaptation rings in the form of links of a broken chain - located linearly in the ciliary zone. Occurs in severe spastic conditions of organs projected in this zone.

Adaptation arcs (incomplete adaptation rings) indicate a predisposition to spasms. Often found in migraines in the projection zone of the brain; for bronchial asthma and bronchitis with an asthmatic component in the area of ​​the bronchi and lungs; for coronary heart disease and neurocirculatory dystonia of the cardiac type in the projection zone of the heart. One or two arches can connect two organs. The beginning and end of the adaptation arc on functionally interconnected organs (ovaries-mammary glands, uterus-brain), which makes it possible to establish the pathogenetic mechanism of damage to these organs (which is primary). Sometimes the primary affected organ can be identified by the lighter beginning of the arc.

Inflammatory and degenerative signs.


Very common and extremely important signs of the iris include splitting and depressions in its stroma.

In literature, they are called lacunae (from the Latin Lacuna - recess, failure) or crypts (from the Greek Krypte - recess, underground passage). This is the most common and most important sign. Lacunae can be hereditary (80%) or acquired.

Stages of formation of gaps.

1. Tortuosity of trabeculae (tortuosity) in some part of the iris at the onset of pathology.
2. Disintegration (discharge, loosening, cracks) of trabeculae. The appearance of large gaps between trabeculae.
3. Prelacuna. The bottom of the trabeculae begins to connect.
4. Lacuna.

Lacuna– this is a genetically inherent weakness, i.e. predisposition to pathology or the presence of pathology. In the latter case, by the type of lacuna, one can determine the stage of the disease (acute, acute, chronic or degenerative process) or, more correctly, the severity of changes in organs (minor, mild, moderate or severe). Gaps are assessed according to the following parameters:
- localization
- dimensions
- depth
- form
- color.

Localization of the lacuna may have higher value than the sizes. For example, a small lacuna in the area of ​​the pituitary gland may be due to a pituitary adenoma, and a large lacuna may be due to myositis and other less threatening pathology than a pituitary adenoma. If there are several lacunae on one iris, it is often necessary to attach greater importance to the larger ones. This concerns primarily hereditary lacunae and the likelihood of pathological processes occurring in them.

Based on depth, superficial and deep lacunae are distinguished. The more pronounced the inflammatory or degenerative process, the deeper the lacunae. By the degree of deepening in the iris, one can indirectly judge the acute, subacute and chronic stages of the disease.

The shape of the lacunae is very diverse. There are pinpoint, slit-shaped, diamond-shaped, leaf-shaped and other lacunae. Sharp corners of the lacunae may indicate an acute process, especially if it is a superficial lacuna - more often it is a diamond-shaped lacuna. Rounded lacunae, more often oval shape, they talk about how long ago the process is. Leaf-shaped lacunae often occur with genetically determined weakness of the organ, i.e. This is a hereditary lacuna. If a light ridge appears along the edge of the lacuna, it will indicate that the process is old. Inside and outside the lacuna, anywhere in the ciliary girdle, trabeculae can group, stick together, and become covered with a white coating. This is a symptom of a “curl” or “strand of hair” - a sign of a pronounced inflammatory process.

The color of the lacunae is of great diagnostic importance. A light color may indicate an acute process, and a dark color may indicate a chronic process.

Changes in the structure and color of the iris during inflammation and degeneration of organs and systems are to a certain extent associated with the activity of the pathological process and the time factor.

Stage of acute inflammation:

Swelling of trabeculae, waviness, disintegration, whitishness on light irises and a yellowish tint on dark ones, areas of darkening or clearing.

Increase in acute inflammatory process. All of the above signs are more pronounced. Superficial lacunae may form.

Their edges have a polygon shape (sharp corners). The shallow bottom seems to be covered with a lattice of light fibers.
Resolution of the process (completion of the inflammatory process and restoration of trabeculae).

During the transition to the chronic form, the following stages take place.

Stages of subacute inflammation:

The gaps deepen and become more dark color. Pigmentation may appear at the bottom of the lacuna and along the edges.

Stages of chronic inflammation:

Increasing the size of the lacunae. They become deeper, darker. The polygonal shape changes to oval. The lacuna may have increased pigmentation at the bottom and along the edges. With gross changes in the organ, the black bottom of the lacuna is visible - the boundary layer disappears and the posterior border layer of the iris is visible. Cracks in brown irises (equivalents of lacunae) have a radial direction. They often begin at the pupil and cross the pupillary belt and autonomic ring. If the crack in the iris does not end abruptly, but its color becomes somewhat lighter, this means that the disease continues. If the crack ends suddenly, and its color contrasts sharply with the surrounding stroma, we can talk about the completion of the inflammatory process and scarring.

Toxic stains

Toxic spots are pronounced areas of the iris that are yellow, orange or brown in color and have:
Large sizes, uniform structure, often cut or angular edges. Upon examination, it seems that they are inserted into the stroma of the iris like well-fitted tiles into a parquet floor. The main diagnostic value is signs of intoxication (i.e., it indicates poisoning of the body with various exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) toxins. Their manifestation is based on insufficiency of dissimilation, i.e. insufficiency of excretory processes in the body.

Endogenous hyperpigmentation looks like separate white clouds or a whole belt adjacent to an autonomous ring from the outside (the so-called “sour cream symptom”). Serves as a sign of a pronounced autoimmune reaction of the body. Figuratively speaking, such a matte belt in the middle part of the iris resembles a “field after a battle.” This is a topolable sign. It may change or disappear under the influence non-drug therapy.

Exogenous hyperpigmentation characterized by a yellow or brown (usually light brown) color and is located in any part of the iris. It is associated with a violation of the elimination of substances entering the body: large doses of medications, alcohol, tobacco, strong coffee and tea in large quantities. It often occurs with chronic colitis and a decrease in the antitoxic function of the liver.

Dark spots

Pigment spots are areas of the iris of various colors and shapes with clear boundaries, often round in shape, smaller than toxic spots. They are very important topical and diagnostic signs of the iris and therefore are of significant diagnostic interest. These are topostable signs. Most clearly manifested in diseases that occur with severe pain syndrome. For light spots – not so much Big changes organs, with large and dark spots - there may be gross structural changes, including tumors.

Age spots are divided into 5 groups:

1. Light pigments.
2. Dark pigments.
3. Brown-red pigments.
4. Red pigments.
5. Pigments of the “presentation tobacco” type.

Light pigments– yellow-golden in color on light irises and green-rusty on dark ones. They can talk about not very long and not very pronounced pathological process, about organ weakness.
Dark pigments - can be uniform or in the form of a swollen mass, reminiscent of cauliflower. As a rule, such spots occur with a predisposition to cancer or the presence malignant process.
Brown-red pigments are most often of hereditary origin and indicate a predisposition to pathology.

Red spots- indicate hemorrhagic conditions and changes in the blood formula.
Pigments of the “presentation tobacco” type are spots of light or dark brown color in the form of granules (scattered or grouped). Dark, fine-grained particles are released that resemble ground black pepper (a symptom of crushed pepper) - one of the signs of cancer alertness. Larger pigment particles often have topical diagnostic value. In principle, we can talk about the degree of damage to the organ - minor for light and superficial spots and coarse for dark and large ones.

Toxic radiation

Toxic radiance is a wedge-shaped dark-colored area of ​​the iris elongated in a radial direction from the center to the periphery. Like adaptation rings, they are depressions in the stroma, but with a radial direction. Main diagnostic value:

1. Toxic effects from the intestines, spreading to other organs and tissues (intoxication).
2. Disorders of metabolic processes in the spine (osteochondrosis).
3. Weakness of certain organs and systems in the projection zones of which the rays are located.
4. Asthenic condition, especially in combination with adaptation rings.
5. Organ spasms.

1. Asthenic radial fissures - dark lines extending from the pupil or from the autonomous ring. Being located throughout the iris, they can talk about intestinal pathology (chronic colitis) or an asthenic condition (especially in combination with adaptation rings). If they are present in the projection zone of some organ, they will talk about the weakness of this organ.

2. Hyperemia furrows – extend mainly from the autonomous ring, the apices of the furrows (tops of the triangles) face the center. They talk about stagnation the organ in whose projection zone they are located.

3. Stepped radial grooves - usually starting from an autonomous ring, often running in pairs and intermittently. They talk about the presence of sclerotic processes (cerebral atherosclerosis, etc.).

4. Peripheral grooves - represent a thin line-slit. They start from the autonomous ring. More common in certain areas. Characteristic of spasms of organs in the projection zones of which they are located.

5. Pupillary zone grooves - small dark grooves located in the pupillary zone. They occur with pathology of the parasympathetic nervous system, which manifests itself in organs projected in the sector in question.

6. Cracks of the autonomous ring - more often they resemble a triangle, the tip of which rests on the autonomous ring or slightly intersects it. Indicates the presence of ventebral block (osteochondrosis with ventebral block).

Greatest practical significance have asthenic radial fissures, cracks of the autonomous ring and peripheral grooves.

Lymphatic rosary

Lymphatic rosary - white or yellow spots that resemble lumps of cotton wool. They are located close to the periphery of the iris in the projection zone of the lymphatic and vascular system.

Physiologists consider the lymphatic system to be the most important, as it performs transport, hematopoietic, and neutralizing functions in the body, and delivers hormones to the site of their action.

Lymphatic rosary occurs when:

Metabolic disorders
- Reduced body resistance
- Overload with toxic products
- Predisposition to frequent colds
- Diathesis and allergies (yellow lymphatic rosary)
- With a predominance of sweets and starchy foods in the diet.

It is necessary to pay attention to the location of the lymphatic rosary and its color. A lymphatic rose garden in the projection zone of any organ may indicate a disruption of lymph flow from the region, the projection zone of which is located nearby, and a decrease in the functional state of this organ: nasopharynx, bronchi, lungs.


Acidosis is a whitish coating on the iris. It happens with toxic-dystrophic changes accompanied by acidosis (acidification of the body). Acidosis may appear in the iris as a chalky iris sign, a creamy iris sign, or a white radiance.

The symptom of “chalky iris” is a whitish-blue, whitish-gray or whitish-green iris with veiled trabeculae. Brown-eyed people have a yellowish coating. It speaks of the accumulation of lactic and other acids in the blood, i.e. about acidosis.

Main reasons: frequent colds, joint pathology, consumption of large amounts of acid-forming refined foods, especially meat foods.

The “sour cream” symptom is endogenous hyperpigmentation of the iris in the form of bleached white clouds or an entire belt adjacent to the autonomous ring from the outside. A sign of a pronounced autoimmune reaction of the body.
White radiance - white rays diverging radially from the autonomous ring to the periphery, reminiscent of white radiance. Occurs when metabolism shifts to the acidic side. The main reasons: rheumatism, joint pathology, frequent colds, skin pathology.

Case studies

These examples show that iris signs arise long before they develop clinical manifestations diseases. And if it develops, they allow you to accurately determine the localization of the pathological (painful) process.

Patient P. (10 years old). No complaints. Denies any history of chronic diseases.
On the iris there are signs of chronic pyelonephritis (In the photograph in the lower part of the iris under the pupil there is disintegration and darkening in the projection zone of the kidneys).
A few months later, against the background of a common cold, severe pyelonephritis developed, requiring inpatient and long-term outpatient treatment.


Patient M. (47 years old). Complaints of general malaise, lack of appetite, sudden weight loss, sharp spasmodic pain in the epigastric region (upper abdomen).
On the iris there are iridescent marks (dark brown spot with blurred edges and intense color - next to the pupil) in the area ascending department large intestine (in the area of ​​the hepatic curvature - a favorite place for oncology). The clinical examination method detected the oncological process at an early stage of development.

You can carry out a preliminary diagnosis through self-testing using the electronic atlas of an iridologist. For this purpose, for each pair of iris images, the atlas contains an anamnesis, a “model” conclusion from an experienced iridologist and the results of clinical studies.

The atlas contains 44 reference images of the iris for 22 constitutional types and subtypes. Each pair of images of the right and left iris is accompanied by detailed comments: a verbal description of this type of iris, typical pathologies, preventive measures (lifestyle, diet), homeopathic medicines.

Ayurveda. Philosophy, diagnostics, Vedic astrology Yan Nikolaevich Razdoburdin

Diagnostics by the iris of the eye

Diagnostics by the iris of the eye

...If your eye is clean, then your whole body will be bright.

In Ayurveda there was and still is diagnostics using the eyes, or rather, the iris of the eye. This examination is called iridology. The iris, that is, the “iris,” is the most sensitive part of the body, therefore hereditary factors, diseases of internal organs, toxins, stressful situations leave various traces or signs on it. By examining them through a special device or magnifying glass with high magnification, the diagnostician can draw a conclusion about the person’s state of health.

The knowledge of ancient healers was increased in the mid-19th century by the Hungarian doctor Ignaz Pekzeli. He became interested in iris diagnostics after an incident that happened to him at the age of eleven. While walking, the boy saw an owl blinded by the light and decided to catch it. A struggle ensued, which ended with Pekceli breaking the owl’s paw and immediately saw a dark stripe appear in the bird’s large eye, on the side corresponding to the broken paw. The boy took the owl home and diligently treated it. As the paw healed, the stripe also turned pale, turning into a small dark spot surrounded by white stripes during the owl’s recovery period.

The principle is as follows. Each section of the iris is associated with a specific internal organ. If in the area of ​​any organ on the iris there are lacunae (pits), pigment spots or any other signs that distinguish this segment from the rest of the surface, then it is concluded that something is wrong in this organ. Having studied a huge number of people, scientists have determined which signs indicate inflammation, which indicate an ulcer, which indicate a lack of blood circulation, and which particular set of signs is most often found in oncological pathology. And after an iridodiagnostic examination, people are often stunned: “How could you tell by my eyes that I suffer from migraines, that three years ago I had inflammation of the right ovary and that my mother was suffering from heart problems?!” By the iris you can determine diseases of the spine, stomach, heart, thyroid gland, ovaries or prostate, diabetes, asthma, rheumatism, a tendency to schizophrenia, hereditary diseases, assess the strength of immunity, give a prognosis of life expectancy. And while it’s impossible to talk about a diagnosis exactly, it is possible to identify diseases at such early stages when it is still impossible to diagnose the disease using conventional methods. And most importantly: iridodiagnosis is a powerful screening (primary rapid detection of the disease), which often allows, without painful and not always safe types of diagnostics, as well as unnecessary costs, to conduct a minimal examination of the body, make a primary diagnosis and outline a treatment strategy. After all, fibrogastroscopy (“gut swallowing” in popular parlance) is a very unpleasant and unsafe procedure. In addition, during gentle processing of an expensive fibrogastroscope, a microorganism may remain on it Helicobacter pylori, which, in fact, can provoke gastritis. It is well known that x-rays are radiation, and with ultrasound, too, not everything is so smooth (it is still unknown whether it is harmless or not).

With the help of iridology, it is possible to identify diseases that cannot be determined by conventional methods, as well as diseases that are asymptomatic. Sometimes it is possible to trace the influence of past illnesses on the current state; genetic predisposition; what diseases may develop in the future and how they can be prevented. Iridology will show the effect of stressful situations, toxic substances and medications on the body, whether it is necessary to take medications at all, or is it better to contact natural methods treatment and cleansing of the body.

Elements of the iris

The iris of the eye is a choroid plexus rich in pigment, which determines the color of a person’s eyes: from light blue to black. The iris is very delicate, spherical in shape, located between the lens and the cornea. The pupil is located in the center of the iris.

The pupil is nothing more than a hole in the very center of the iris, which either expands or contracts, regulating the amount of light transmitted into the eyeball from the outside (1).

The iris has a pupillary border - a dark brown fringe around the pupil (2).

An autonomous ring can be seen on the iris. It divides the iris into two zones - ciliary (4) to the periphery and pupillary (3).

Along the circumference of the iris there is a limbus that connects the iris to the cornea (5).

What can you learn from your irises yourself?

In order to examine your iris in more detail, sit in front of the light and take a magnifying glass in one hand and a mirror in the other.

Determine the color, size and shape of the iris. A small iris indicates joint weakness. The presence of a white circle around the iris indicates excess salt or sugar intake. In middle age, this can be a sign of stress. This white circle, slightly raised above the iris, called the “sodium ring” or “senile ring”, indicates the presence of atherosclerosis. If the sodium ring is very prominent and has a bright white color (especially in middle age), this indicates disease and degeneration of the cartilage tissue of the joints.

If your eyes are light, it means that you were given strong immunity from birth. In particular, blue-eyed animals tolerate alcohol well. The roots of this phenomenon go back to hoary antiquity, when the blue-eyed Slavs drank hop mash, which was passed on to their heirs genetically. Black- and brown-eyed people cannot do this - their livers are weaker. So, by the way, you can recognize eastern origin for those with mixed eye color: if 200 g of strong alcohol makes you feel ill, it means your ancestors are from the East.

Changing eye color, for example from blue to green, indicates that the body is polluted.

From birth, different eye colors, for example, one eye is brown, the other green, indicates that their owner is often an extraordinary type. By the way, Alexander the Great had different colored eyes.

Pay attention to:

1. Iris density.

The dense iris resembles the eye of a child's doll: even, smooth, evenly pigmented, without spots. If the iris is dense in the eyes, this is a sign of excellent heredity, endurance, strong immunity. After illnesses and operations, your health will most likely be restored quickly and completely. There is a good chance that you will live to be 80–85 years old, and maybe even 90.

A loose iris indicates average heredity. With great mental and physical stress, such people may experience nervous breakdowns, excessive irritability, headaches and heart pain, spasms of various organs, depression. But if the rhythm of your life is moderate, if you take care of your health, then you will live to at least 75–80 years without any problems.

A very loose iris, in which the fibers are split and there are many “holes” - a sign weak immunity, low degree of endurance. Even with minor stress or stress, nervous breakdowns and the occurrence of diseases are possible. But nevertheless, you have a chance to live to be 70–75 years old.

2. Color drawings.

There is a yellowish color around the pupil - a sign of slagging in the intestines, liver, and gall bladder.

Half rings or rings passing through the entire surface of the iris, around the pupil, indicate that you are a sensitive person, but you hold negative emotions, resentments, and tension within yourself. The nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer from this mental stress. These rings are called adaptation rings.

Spots on the iris indicate disorders in specific organs. In order to determine where the disease is located, look at the pattern of projections of the internal organs and try to determine in which organ these spots are located.

It is believed that a man's right eye reflects the state of his father's genetic contribution, and his left eye reflects his mother's. In women, it’s the other way around: the right iris contains genetic information transmitted through the maternal line, and the left iris through the paternal line.

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Incredible facts

It is no secret that a man loves with his eyes and chooses a physically attractive life partner.

Women have more demands on their appearance and physical beauty than men. Each man has his own standards, ideals and preferences.

But, as a rule, the standard female beauty includes lush breasts, legs from the ears, regular facial features, luxurious hair.

However, there are some other, less obvious signs of female beauty that drive men crazy.

According to psychologists, it is these signs, and not breast size or leg length, that attract men to a woman on a subconscious level.

These are the 4 signs:

Signs of a woman's beauty

Nearly half a century ago, psychologists discovered that a woman's physical attractiveness could be assessed simply by hearing her voice, when visual cues were not available.

An experiment was conducted in which men were asked to evaluate the physical beauty of a woman only by telephone conversation with her.

Previously, participants in the experiment were shown photographs of women and asked to rate their level of attractiveness. They were then also asked to separately rate the female voices they heard on the phone.

It is still difficult for specialists to explain this phenomenon.

Typically, people of the opposite sex are more attracted to a higher-pitched voice. Perhaps most representatives of the stronger sex associate a high timbre of voice with a young, fragile girl. And youth, as we know, is more attractive than old age.

What drives men crazy

2. Limbal rings

We all know that the eyes are the mirror of the soul.

Indeed, the first thing that attracts us in a person is their beautiful, expressive eyes. We like clear eyes with brightly colored irises and no redness, a sign of good health.

In addition, according to experts, those with slightly dilated pupils seem more attractive to the opposite sex.

However, there is another feature that affects how strongly we are attracted to a person. It's about about the so-called limbal rings.

The limbal ring is the dark ring around the iris of the eye. A wide, dark limbal ring is an indicator of youth. Perhaps this is why, on a subconscious level, men are attracted to women with a pronounced limbal ring.

This ring tends to disappear and narrow with age. Changes in the iris of the eye begin around the age of 25.

Some people are lucky enough to be born with pronounced limbal rings. As a rule, they are more pronounced in light eyes than in dark ones.

Sometimes you can see blue rings around dark eyes. But this phenomenon occurs very rarely.

Today we have the opportunity to change not only the color of the eyes, but also the width of these same limbal rings. Contact lenses will help create beautiful eyes and an attractive look.

In Asian countries such as Japan or Korea, lenses that have small dark circles that coincide with the position of the limbal ring are quite popular.

3. Lumbar curve

Recent studies have shown that the lumbar curve is also a universal standard of female beauty.

The evolutionary origin of the lumbar line is associated with a woman’s ability to bear offspring.

If a woman's lumbar line were as smooth as a man's, then during pregnancy she would have to experience muscle fatigue and back pain.

Consequently, the structure of a woman's spine moved her center of gravity slightly back, thereby reducing the physical stress of pregnancy. In addition, thanks to this curve of the lower back, it is easier for a woman to breastfeed her baby.

In other words, on a subconscious level, this sign of beauty in a man is associated with a woman’s ability to bear and feed offspring.

Perhaps this is why men like dresses with open backs, opening that same lumbar line.

4. Correct waist-to-hip ratio

Research by evolutionary psychologist Dev Singh has shown the importance of waist-to-hip ratio. It is this proportion that plays a huge role in the attractiveness of the female body.

In particular, if you divide the centimeters in the waist by the centimeters in the hips, the ideal ratio will be 0.7.

The closer the waist-to-hip ratio is to 0.7, the more attractive a woman's body is considered.

Such proportions are also considered ideal for the process of childbirth. And again we can say that it is for this reason that this proportion is attractive to the opposite sex.