Conversation with students “Dangerous habits. The most dangerous habits of a “healthy lifestyle”

Every time we turn on the TV, we are bombarded with information that is “good” for our health. Talk shows, programs, documentaries, all this encourages you to take charge of your health, but quite often the information in certain resources contradicts itself. One source claims a glass of red wine a day is good for you while another claims it doubles your chances of developing diabetes, one show claims eggs are healthy while another claims they are the epitome of evil . So who should we believe?

Unfortunately, there are quite a lot of controversial topics in the world about the benefits or harms of certain products. One way or another, first of all, it is best to consult with your doctor and stick to the lifestyle that seems most comfortable to you. However, there are also a number general rules, which are suitable for everyone, and today we will introduce you to them.

You're still sleeping without taking off contact lenses?
Admit it, you've probably had situations when, for one reason or another, you didn't take off your contact lenses at night. This happens, but for some people too often. So what's wrong with this? According to doctors, sleeping in contact lenses can lead to much more serious consequences than dry eye syndrome: for example, infectious inflammation cornea, which can even lead to complete loss vision. Additionally, sleeping in contact lenses makes you more susceptible to giant papillary conjunctivitis, which causes contact lens allergies.

How to avoid this? Try to always wash your hands before putting or removing contact lenses from your eyes, change your contact lens solution daily, take your lenses out of your eyes every time you go to bed, and be sure to get regular eye exams from your ophthalmologist.

Still not moving enough?

Many people believe that 30 minutes of exercise a day is enough to stay healthy. But it is not always the case. Many office workers spend eight to ten hours a day in a sitting position, and sometimes even more. Research has shown that even with regular physical activity Sitting for so long increases your risk heart attack or stroke, since sitting still for long periods of time affects the levels of fats and sugars in the blood.

How to avoid this? To spend your time more actively, you don’t have to change your place of work, just change your way of thinking. Get up from your desk as often as possible, take breaks, and walk up and down the stairs. If you work from home, consider purchasing a treadmill or exercise bike. Remember that any kind of movement is better than no movement.

Still haven't updated your sports wardrobe?

Do you think that going to training is already half the battle? This is true, but if you do not update your equipment and clothing in a timely manner. Worn-out clothes can put a fair amount of stress on your body: old T-shirts can chafe, socks can cause painful blisters, and worn-out sneakers can mean you won't be able to exercise at all in the future.

What to do? Treat yourself to new workout clothes and make sure you have sportswear for every season. Make sure you purchase breathable shoes and socks before purchasing. And don't wait until your sneakers look worn out. They generally should be changed every 300-500 miles driven or every 6-9 months.

Still roasting in the sun?

We hope that on this moment You forgot about tanning beds because you already know how dangerous direct ultraviolet rays can be. However, many people still allow themselves to be exposed to the scorching sun without proper protection. And if the risk of cancer does not seem so serious to you, let’s use your pride. Exposure to UV rays is known to damage your skin's DNA, resulting in freckles, age spots, wrinkles and sagging skin.

How to avoid this? You don't have to avoid the sun completely, just learn to protect your skin from it. harmful influence. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using sunscreen with SPF15, which protects your skin from UVA and UVB rays, 20-30 minutes before you plan to go outside. This procedure must be repeated every two hours of exposure to open sun. If you spend long time under straight lines sun rays, get a wide-brimmed hat or an umbrella.

Still not getting enough sleep?

After long hours at work and the decision family problems, the best thing that can happen is to fall into a carefree sleep. Besides chronic fatigue, other symptoms of sleep deprivation are usually slow to appear. However, lack of sleep carries more health risks than you think. As a result, not only does your alertness and concentration decrease, but your mood also changes, you become prone to depression, and your hormonal background and decreased appetite control. Add to this dark circles under the eyes, wrinkles and premature aging skin.

What to do? Make sure you sleep at least 6-8 hours a day without interruption. Stop consuming caffeine-containing products eight hours before you plan to go to bed. Finish work 4-6 hours before bed. And try not to use electronics at least an hour before going to bed. Don't sleep with the TV on or in noisy environments.

Still not flossing your teeth?

Inflammation of the gums does not always appear immediately; most often it comes with age. Flossing helps prevent this disease and can also help avoid complications such as thickening of the artery walls, pancreatic cancer and stroke.

What to do? You can purchase a special device on which to attach dental floss. This one is with him the process will pass like clockwork.

Still forgetting to have breakfast?

The myth that breakfast is the most important technique food is, of course, a thing of the past. But the bottom line is that all meals are important because they are responsible for providing the body with timely energy resources. However, many of you probably often eat breakfast haphazardly or do not have breakfast at all. This behavior does not bring anything good, starting the day with low level insulin, you try to make up for lost time at lunch, which most often leads to overeating. Research published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who skipped breakfast most often suffered from excess weight and obesity.

What to do? Make sure to consume a balanced portion of food within the first two hours of waking up. It's not as difficult as it seems.

Still biting your nails?

The habit of biting nails most often develops in nervous and anxious people who are in stressful situations. But she is not as harmless as she might seem to you. Each such action brings oral cavity hundreds, if not thousands, of pathogenic microbes. In addition to increasing the chances of contracting some disease, the habit of biting nails is fraught with the development of bruxism, accompanied by headaches, gum degradation and tooth loss.

What to do? Is it enough for women to always paint their nails, because few people would want to spoil such beauty? In addition, you can cover your nails with unpleasant-tasting substances or always carry a nail file with you, using it at the first urge to bite your nails.

Still slouching?

At first glance, poor posture only has a negative impact on the opinions of people around you. However, it also causes much more tangible harm. There is no doubt that slouching is much more comfortable than sitting up straight, but your spine is willing to argue with that. Your head weighs approximately 4.5 kilograms. A slouched posture causes the neck muscles to experience enormous stress, which can then manifest itself as pain in the lower back, neck and head. To avoid this, simply learn to sit up straight.

What to do? If you notice that you are starting to slouch, try changing your body position by leaning back in your chair. Invest in a quality office chair; make sure it allows you to work comfortably.

Still smelling your food?

Another negative factor affecting our health - high speed with which we eat food. Sniffing food before eating it is one of the bad habits that you should get rid of. It takes our brain 20 minutes to understand whether we are full or not. Therefore, if, after stimulating your appetite, you eat food too quickly, there is a significant risk of overeating. In addition, this may cause acid reflux, bloating, discomfort and gas.

What to do? Don't wait until you're hungry to the point of exhaustion. The hungrier you are, the faster you will eat. It is advisable to eat in small portions 3-5 times a day, this will be enough to maintain appetite for normal level. Force yourself to spend at least 20 minutes eating. Ultimately, this will allow you to eat less but feel more full.

Do you chew all day?

Do you skip breakfast and lunch, but spend your days nibbling on bars, cookies, candies and washing it all down with Diet Coke? Then you are in danger. This behavior causes the body to fail to respond to natural hunger signals and instead be in a state of constant food consumption, leading to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease.

What to do about it? Try to stick to five meals a day, dividing each into equal amounts of calories. Try this approach for a few weeks and you will see the extra pounds begin to fall off and you will become more energetic.

Still ignoring strength training?

We've all been taught that cardio is... the only way fight against overweight. While they burn extra calories, strength training is aimed at building muscle mass. For this reason, many people, especially women, refuse strength training for fear of gaining serious weight. muscle mass and turn into the Hulk. But things are a little different. Women have much lower testosterone levels than men, so they are physically unable to develop serious muscles. Strength training will only help you develop existing muscles, which will continue to burn calories. Additionally, strength training improves strength bone tissue and help in the fight against dementia and diabetes.

What to do? It's simple, add strength training to your schedule, focusing on your arm muscles.

Still on a yo-yo diet?

Despite the well-known negative effect Yo-yo dieting, billions of women put themselves through this challenge every year. Constant weight loss and gain is quite a dangerous thing. Moreover, they are one of the factors that provoke the appearance of type II diabetes.

What to do? Stop dieting. No matter how trivial it may sound, this is the only right decision. Stick to it healthy image life, divide your meals into five meals, eat a balanced meal with high content fiber, protein, vegetables and healthy fats. It will take time for your body and metabolism to adjust, but after a few months you will definitely notice the results.

Bad habits– are contagious. Bad things tend to stick on their own, but good habit try to educate yourself, it’s not easy. In addition, one bad habit very often leads to another: after smoking, you will want to drink, then obscene language will seem something natural, and then you can punch someone in the face.

But bad habits are also different. There are those that do not critically harm a person, his personality and destiny, with which it is quite possible to live. But there are truly dangerous bad habits that inevitably make a person fallen, destroying his life to the ground. These are the habits we are talking about in this article.

But before moving on to the topic, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the articles:

Regarding bad habits, I would like to say the following. Almost every “happy” owner of a bad habit somehow justifies this addiction. Most often because it is his inner desire, need, etc. But, as one wise man said, one must distinguish the pure desire of a person’s soul from an instilled addiction, which has grown into a destructive addiction, and distinguish desire from common sense.

That’s right, because as the habit grows and seizes power over a person, it turns into a deadly addiction, turning a person into a slave, a person into a spineless fallen creature.

The most dangerous bad habits and their causes

Let's consider bad habits both from a universal human point of view and from an esoteric side.

Obvious negative habits that destroy human health (body) and psyche:

1. Drugs: destroy the body, consciousness, will, and soul of a person. Drug addiction, from an esoteric point of view, is both a punishment and a test (temptation) for the soul - for aimlessness and. Therefore, drug addicts are people initially predisposed to this vice.

To the man who got into drug addiction– it is necessary to work on oneself, first of all, spiritually: this is the meaning of life, understanding, the value of life, etc.

2. Alcohol: They also destroy the body, brain, make a person weak-willed, destroy (human energy), the structures of consciousness responsible for controlling oneself, thinking, and intellect. Of course, alcohol addiction also destroys a person’s destiny.

The causes of alcoholism can be very different, but the essence is the same - it is the suppression of the aspirations of the human Soul, based on the weaknesses and vices of the person himself, and on psychological violence from the outside. The causes of alcohol addiction probably deserve a separate article.

3. Smoking: directly destroys the body, brain, and energy of a person. Direct killing of oneself, which cannot be justified by anything. According to statistics, millions of people die from alcohol and smoking every year in the world, more than in all the wars of the last 50 years.

One of the internal reasons for smoking is. All people who smoke for some reason consider themselves “very smart”, they like to create the impression that they know everything, know more than others. Thus, for some reason, they are trying to level out their self-esteem, calm down, and create the impression that they are fine. And they themselves are not smart enough to put together an elementary logical chain of such a slow but inevitable suicide as smoking.

Psychological and emotional negative habits that directly destroy a person’s psyche and destiny:

4. Complete absence control of negative emotions. In other words, when a person gives himself the right to any negative and completely justifies it, to any of its manifestations, without realizing all devastating consequences. If this is an insult, then the person allows it to swell to the scale of furious revenge; if this is hysteria, then the person freaks out until he loses his pulse, pushing himself on his own. Instead of making efforts to eliminate the destructive negativity and solve the problem itself.

It's a terrible habit. Dealing with such a person and relying on him for anything is almost impossible. It's like a bomb that can explode at any time. But not only the person himself is destroyed, but also those close to him who have to deal with him also suffer. After all, such a person, who has absolutely no control over himself, in a fit of anger can kill or maim anyone, even his own innocent child.

  • Read more -

5. Laziness and total irresponsibility. Even a very talented and intelligent, but very lazy person can ruin his life and lose all the opportunities that fate provides him. Laziness of mind, first of all. Laziness to think, laziness to solve your problems leads to the fact that they accumulate and turn into a snowball, which will ultimately crush a person. Laziness and irresponsibility can turn a super promising person into an alcoholic homeless person and leads a person to other destructive habits.

  • More details –

6. Withdrawal into negativity, depression, self-flagellation, withdrawal into oneself. It is too bad habit, how more people goes into himself, into depression, so to speak, the longer he stays there. A correct solution it is impossible to find in the negative.

The problem is that people get used to it, they get used to suffering and the condition and pain become a drug without which a person can no longer live. But a person who is accustomed to living in a state of suffering and pain does not understand that apart from self-destruction, nothing good happens, nothing good. This is a stupid waste of time of your life, and the destruction of your soul and your body. a person simply eats himself away, like a cannibal eats his own soul - he slowly eats it.

There are many other negative habits that greatly spoil a person’s life, health, everything. Therefore, you should not indulge them; you must strive to be sincere with yourself in order to see obvious evil.

It is important to understand! That any addiction, vice, bad habit has its own serious spiritual (internal) reason, which is the root of the problem. By correctly identifying the root (primary cause) and eliminating it, you can free yourself from the problem itself (bad habit, addiction).

It often happens that this very root cause is not obvious and a Spiritual Healer will best help in identifying it. See more detailed articles:

And I would like to end with a statement from Confucius “Overcome bad habits It’s easier today than tomorrow”.

Best regards, Vasily Vasilenko

Bad habits prevent a person from successfully realizing himself as an individual. Most of these habits negatively affect either the person with the habit or the people around him. In any case, you need to try to deal with this problem as quickly and effectively as possible, so that it never bothers you or those around you again. In this rating we will talk about the most bad habits and addictions.


To some, profanity may not seem like such a bad habit, but just an element of the language that is Lately are being used more and more often large quantity of people. Even on the air of many programs you can hear the “beeping” of obscenities. The use of obscene language not only shows disrespect for those present, but can also become a habit when obscene words slip through every 5-6 words. Such behavior is unacceptable in a cultural society, and even more so in the presence of children who repeat everything after adults.


Coffee is a very popular and beloved drink by many, but its frequent use can also be called a bad habit. Coffee can aggravate hypertension, some gastrointestinal diseases, is absolutely unacceptable for most cardiovascular diseases and for damage to the retina. But all this is true only when the coffee is clearly overdone. You definitely shouldn’t drink coffee with alcohol or mixed with tobacco smoke. This is a big blow to the cardiovascular system. In general, as with any other food, you should not overdo it with coffee. Everything is good in moderation.


Sleep is a vital necessity. Its absence leads to serious health problems. Symptoms of lack of sleep can be: dark circles under the eyes, slight swelling of the face and loss of skin tone throughout the body, the occurrence of unreasonable irritability, low concentration and absent-mindedness. Races are also possible blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, loss of appetite and stomach problems. A person completely loses an adequate reaction to what is happening around him. weakens protective function body, there is a delayed reaction to external factors, which causes low productivity. Gastritis, stomach ulcers, hypertension, and sometimes even obesity – these are the companions of those who are forced to stay awake for a long time.


The harm of diets is that after spending some time on them, the body will rearrange its work and slow down metabolism, and when a person starts eating again, fat is deposited not only where it was before, but also in new places, in organs, which harms them . It happens that a person goes on a diet without taking into account his health, thereby harming his body. Due to constant changes in the body to our diet, the functioning of the heart, joints and immune system. Diets often result in increased spending on food and time spent preparing it. In terms of psychological stress, diets are also very harmful. Possible suffering from failure, associated feelings of guilt and shame, pain caused by the ridicule of colleagues and family, a feeling of weakness, inability to pull oneself together. All this is difficult to experience and sometimes leads to depression to a greater extent than the presence itself. overweight and the inconveniences associated with it.


More than 30 thousand people die every year from various resistant diseases. Unjustified use of antibiotics leads to an increase in mortality, as the number of severe forms and complications infectious diseases due to the developed resistance of microorganisms to antimicrobial drugs. Essentially, antibiotics simply lose their effectiveness. For example, at the beginning of the antibiotic era, steptococcal infections were treated with penicillin. And now streptococci have an enzyme that decomposes penicillin. If earlier it was possible to get rid of some diseases with one injection, now a long course of treatment is required. Disease resistance to antibiotics is caused by the fact that these drugs are available and cheap and are sold without a prescription. Therefore, many people buy antibiotics and take them for any infection.

Many people interrupt the course of treatment prescribed by the doctor immediately after the symptoms are relieved, and those microorganisms that have become resistant to these antibiotics remain in the body. These microbes will multiply rapidly and pass on their antibiotic resistance genes. Other negative side uncontrolled use of antibiotics - uncontrolled growth of fungal infections. Because drugs suppress natural microflora body, those infections that our immunity had previously not allowed to multiply begin to rage.


Computer addiction is a broad term that refers to a large number of behavioral problems and impulse control. The main types that were identified during the research are characterized as follows: an irresistible attraction to visiting porn sites and engaging in cybersex, addiction to virtual dating and an abundance of acquaintances and friends on the Internet, playing online gambling and constant shopping or participating in auctions, endless travel on the Internet in search of information, obsessive playing of computer games.

Gambling addiction may seem like a bad habit for teenagers, but it is not. Adults are equally susceptible to it. Network reality allows you to simulate a creative state due to the endless possibilities of searching and making discoveries. And most importantly, surfing the net gives you a feeling of being in the “flow” - complete immersion in the action while switching off from external reality with the feeling of being in another world, another time, another dimension. Since there is no official diagnosis of computer addiction yet, the criteria for its treatment are still sufficiently not developed.


This disease is associated with addiction to all kinds of gambling, such as casinos, slot machines, cards and interactive games. Gambling addiction can manifest itself as a disease and, which happens much more often, as one of the symptoms of another mental illness: depression, manic states, even schizophrenia. The main symptoms of gambling addiction are: obsessive desire play constantly. It is impossible to distract a person from the game; most often he forgets to eat and becomes withdrawn. The circle of contacts is sharply reduced and changes almost completely; human behavior also changes, and not in better side. Often there are all sorts of mental disorders. Usually, initially a person experiences a feeling of elation, but later they are replaced by terrible depression and decadent moods. Gambling addiction, like other diseases, is curable. Although it is incredibly difficult to get rid of it. This may even take years. After all, gambling addiction has a similar psychological nature to smoking.


Some men and women are not at all ashamed of being sexually active, so they, by all means, try to get sensual pleasure by having sexual intercourse with different partners. One researcher studying adolescent sexuality noted that in personal conversations with many teenagers who are promiscuous, it turned out that, in their opinion, they live without a purpose and are not very happy with themselves. He also found that young people who were promiscuous suffered from “self-doubt and lack of self-esteem” the next morning. Often those who have entered into illicit sexual intercourse, attitudes towards each other change. The young man may discover that his feelings for her have cooled somewhat and she is not even as attractive as he thought. In turn, the girl may feel that she was treated like a thing.

Messy sex life quite often the reason venereal diseases. The vast majority of patients become infected as a result of their own sexual promiscuity, engaging in casual sexual relations, promiscuity, that is, in violation of established norms of socialist morality. As a rule, a person prone to premarital and extramarital sexual relations is not demanding of himself in other respects: he abuses alcohol, is selfish, indifferent to the fate of loved ones and to the work performed.


For many people, overeating is real problem. For severe food addiction Consulting a nutritionist is sometimes not enough; the support of a psychologist, supervision of a therapist, endocrinologist and other specialists is required. The causes of overeating are often difficult to identify and diagnose. Overeating leads to the fact that all organs and systems are overstrained. This leads to their wear and provokes the development various diseases. Overeating and gluttony always lead to problems gastrointestinal tract. Overeating inevitably affects the condition of the skin, on which acne and acne appear. Needless to say, an overeating person is useless not only to those around him, but also to himself. As a result, the desire to move and talk disappears. There can be no talk of anything. I just want to go to bed and nothing else.


Everyone knows that smoking is harmful to health. However, every smoker thinks that the consequences of smoking will not affect him, and he lives for today, without thinking about the diseases that will inevitably appear in 10-20 years. It is known that for every bad habit, sooner or later you will have to pay with your health. Smoking is associated with up to 90% of deaths from lung cancer, 75% from bronchitis and 25% from coronary disease heart rate among men under 65 years of age. Smoking or passive inhalation tobacco smoke may cause infertility in women. Atrophy and destruction white matter head and spinal cord at multiple sclerosis more pronounced in patients who smoked for at least 6 months during their life compared to patients who have never smoked.

Smoking addiction can be both psychological and physical. At psychological dependence a person reaches for a cigarette when he is in a smoking company, or in a state of stress, nervous tension, for stimulation mental activity. At physical dependence requirement by the body nicotine dose so much so that the smoker's entire attention is focused on the search for a cigarette, the idea of ​​smoking becomes so obsessive that most other needs fade into the background. It becomes impossible to concentrate on anything other than a cigarette, apathy and reluctance to do anything may set in.


Alcohol is present in the life of almost every person. Some people drink only on holidays, some like to relax with a portion of alcohol on weekends, and others constantly abuse alcohol. Under the influence of ethanol, which is in alcoholic drinks everything collapses, first of all the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Weak muscles, blood clots, diabetes, shrunken brain, swollen liver, weakened kidneys, impotence, depression, stomach ulcers - this is only a partial list of what you can get from regular use beer or something stronger. Any portion of alcohol is a blow to the intellect, to health, to the future.

A bottle of vodka, drunk in an hour, can literally kill you on the spot. Next time, before you drink 100 grams, imagine your body slowly dying under the influence of ethanol while you have fun. Imagine that your cells are slowly suffocating, that the brain, trying to escape, blocks many brain centers, which causes incoherent speech, impaired spatial awareness, impaired coordination of movements and memory lapses. Imagine how your blood thickens, forming a deadly dangerous blood clots, how the blood sugar level goes through the roof, how the brain structures responsible for intelligence and intelligence die, how alcohol burns through the walls of the stomach, forming non-healing ulcers.


Drug use leads to severe disorders, first of all, the mental and physical functions of the body. IN modern society few people do not know about the dangers of drugs, but despite this, they still attract people, becoming destructive for many. People who use drugs experience insomnia, dry mucous membranes, nasal congestion, trembling in the hands, and the pupils become unusually wide, not responding to changes in the light of the eye.

A drug is a poison; it slowly destroys a person’s brain, his psyche. They either die from a broken heart or because they nasal septum thins, leading to fatal bleeding. When using, for example, LSD, a person loses the ability to navigate in space, he has the feeling that he can fly and, believing in his abilities, jumps from the top floor. All drug addicts do not live long, regardless of the type of drug used. They lose their instinct of self-preservation, which leads to the fact that about 60% of drug addicts attempt suicide within the first two years after starting to take drugs. Many of them succeed.

Popular wisdom assigns habit a large role in a person’s life. “If you sow a habit, you will reap a character; if you sow a character, you will reap a destiny.” Habit is not a harmless weakness and a random trifle - it is the core of a person’s character. Its positive side consists of good skills: for example, always telling the truth, or getting things done to the end.

Bad habits and their impact on health has a negative connotation: they interfere with a person’s life, distort his relationships with others. Harmful addictions begin with individual actions, when a person wants to obtain some benefits for himself, knowing (or not knowing) about the harmful consequences. The apparent pleasantness of a dangerous act forces one to repeat it again and again - the action becomes automatic and is performed almost unconsciously. The inappropriateness and harm of a habitual action, its danger to health, the well-being of loved ones, and the whole society is gradually revealed. But it’s too late: the force of habit begins to control a person, subordinating his will. Addictions are a kind of life traps, breaking out of which takes a lot of work.

People tend to regard many bad habits as small weaknesses. They help some people concentrate and distract from unpleasant thoughts - for example, the habit of biting a pen or nails. Others, with the help of such actions, relax or exchange information relevant to the psyche: the custom is to eat in front of the TV, hang on the phone for a long time, and gossip. Still others cannot overcome the echoes of distant childhood and the flaws of parental upbringing: the custom of picking your nose, licking your fingers, creating a “creative mess” around yourself, hiding socks under the bed. Several years ago, the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion conducted a survey: what bad habits are there and how widespread they are in our country.

It turns out that the most common bad habit among Russians is smoking. In second place is the use of obscene language. Third place - drinking alcohol with and without reason. The list of dangerous skills that can destroy a person’s health, social status, and destiny includes many “innocent” habits.

  • “Indulgence” with drugs and toxic substances.
  • Gluttony, the habit of eating stress, love for cakes and chocolates.
  • Laziness, sedentary lifestyle.
  • Taking medications without control or restrictions.
  • Chronic lack of sleep, nocturnal lifestyle.
  • Internet addiction, virtual communication.
  • Habit of gambling and computer games.
  • Frequent shopping, spending money on unnecessary things.

Each of these customs causes harm, has serious consequences. Of course, the most dangerous for people and society as a whole are the use of drugs, alcohol and smoking. Often the term “bad habits” refers to these addictions.

What are the dangers of bad habits?

The dangers of nicotine, alcohol and drugs in the formation mental dependence, which a person cannot cope with even with the help of medicine.

  • The harm of smoking is expressed in increased risk cancer, cardiovascular, pulmonary diseases. Incurable COPD and lung cancer are the inevitable outcome of the life of a heavy smoker. The passion for smoking is difficult to overcome: a person without a cigarette loses the ability to concentrate, and apathy takes over.
  • Alcohol kills brain cells, primarily those responsible for memory. When drinking, a person disconnects from unpleasant information and falls into euphoria. With each drink, the number of dead cells increases, the brains of alcoholics are reduced in size and wrinkled, and they are characterized by memory loss and personality degradation.
  • Personal degradation occurs even faster from drugs than from alcohol. Those who became acquainted with drugs in adolescence, barely live to be 30 years old. Severe withdrawal symptoms in the absence of a dose often lead to suicide. Drug addicts are capable of committing any crime, become dangerous to society, and are an environment for the spread of HIV infection.
  • The habit of overeating in combination with in a sedentary manner life leads to obesity, which poses a health threat fat people. Having realized the harm of overeating, they are no longer able to stop the growth of their gigantic weight. It causes heart disease diabetes mellitus, destroys joints and spine. A person at the stage of obesity has problems with social adaptation; it is difficult for him to get a job, start a family, or maintain friendships.
  • Chronic lack of sleep, the habit of having fun until the morning has the most negative impact on human health: the brain does not receive the necessary rest and begins to fail: memory deteriorates, Creative skills. Decreased performance is complemented by being late for work, the eternal lack of time - all this affects career growth. Lack of sleep is an indirect cause of hypertension, gastritis, diseases nervous system.

Prevention of harmful skills

The best prevention of bad habits is the example of adults: parents, relatives, teachers, people who are idols of youth. No posters or beliefs will teach children good manners if they are not supported by the actions of the teachers themselves. A smoking dad will not convince his son that smoking is harmful. Frequent drinks and feasts in the family form the child’s confidence that fun and celebration are inextricably linked with alcohol. In families where every word alternates with obscenities, it is useless to lecture about the culture of speech.

And yet it is necessary to warn about the dangers of bad habits. And this is best done in adolescence, when the child critically perceives information and forms his own model of behavior. Visual promotion of a healthy lifestyle should not only inform, but also stimulate thought. Manuals that compare the brain and liver of an alcoholic, the lungs of a smoker with organs healthy person, on a subconscious level form a feeling of danger from bad habits. Great importance has a convincing and understandable description of the processes in the body that occur under the influence of bad habits. In discussing videos and films about the real destinies of people who have become victims of addictions, it is necessary to involve popular and respected personalities among teenagers - athletes, musicians, Orthodox figures.

A few rules for breaking habits

  • Find motivation - clearly formulate why you need to free yourself from a harmful skill: how bad it was with it, and how good it will be without it.
  • Make an action plan in case temptation arises: you need to replace it with another pleasant action. Example: “If I feel like smoking after lunch, I’ll eat a portion of ice cream.”
  • Make a bet that you can get rid of unpleasant habit. You need to argue for something valuable that is very difficult to part with.
  • Gradually reduce the size of harmful passion: if earlier I played until 2 am, now I will sit until 12.
  • Find a new hobby, get a pet.
  • Learn more and more about the harmful consequences of your addiction.
  • Take actions that are the opposite of your habit: instead of smoking, eat sunflower seeds or lollipops; instead of a computer - a book, instead of shopping - a trip into the forest.
  • Get rid of “provocateurs” - avoid friends and acquaintances who provoke a resumption of previous behavior.

Before a bad habit turns into an addiction, it needs to declare war and win the battle.

For a healthy lifestyle. Today we'll talk about bad habits, about their destructive effect on our health and emotional state. Bad human habits are an automatic action that causes damage to the body and is difficult to control. A person is at the mercy of his harmful desires and, as a rule, denies them negative impact while other people are completely free from such influence.

5 common bad human habits

To understand the nature of the emergence of bad habits, understand that any unhelpful action that manifests itself, for example, due to an imbalance in the nervous system, will soon lead to an ingrained bad habit.

What habits are the most common and stand out from the rest?

1) Alcoholism and drug addiction

The worst bad habits. They not only kill health, they destroy personality and lead to self-degradation. Those suffering from such habits are even identified in separate words- alcoholics and drug addicts.

I won’t talk about how alcohol and drugs poison internal organs, we all know that. But they also affect the brain, anxiety, responsibility, and humanity disappear, giving way to pleasure and fun.

I'll call this habit stupid. What is the pleasure from inhaling butane, cadmium, nicotine? Nowadays, to surprise someone, it’s enough just not to smoke. And only the weak cannot control themselves and quit.

If the desire is really strong, then the person quits not on Monday or the last pack, but right now.

3) Overeating

A complex problem that has two sides: physical - impaired metabolism, inconvenience due to excess weight, stress on the body; psychological – emotional disorders, constant stress(find out), difficulties in following a diet.

This problem requires the help of two doctors at the same time - a nutritionist and a psychologist.

4) Habit of biting nails

Today, sociologists are still figuring out what motivates a person to take such an action. Possible reasons enough to calm down, to concentrate, to think things through better. It's a terrible habit.

First of all, it's eaten great amount dirt under your nails - that's the danger. Secondly, the shape of the nail plate deteriorates. Chewed nails are always noticed, they look worse and good impression they don’t create anything, and the person is perceived as unbalanced.

5) Clicking joints

It would seem that such an action is harmless; the majority of people tried to do this in childhood. In childhood this is understandable; there is only one excuse – ignorance. But in adulthood, it’s time to know that this kind of habit injures the joints, they lose mobility, so there is a risk early offensive joint diseases are increasing significantly.

Of course there is more big list bad habits, which is constantly growing and surprising. These include such bad human habits as picking your nose, addiction to the Internet and games, using profanity, spitting on the ground, and so on.