When a dog's baby teeth fall out. Feeding during teeth change. The order of eruption of baby teeth

Such a toothy one!

If you don't know how and when dogs change teeth, be sure to read this article, which contains all the basic information regarding this topic.

So, first of all, we note that the change of milk teeth in dogs, regardless of breed, takes place in almost the same mode (only with minor differences in terms). There's only one general feature: large breeds go through this stage somewhat faster than representatives miniature breeds(read how this happens in Yorkies).

All puppies do not have a single tooth at birth. Like newborn children, they only consume liquid food- mother's milk.

  1. When 20 to 25 days have passed since birth, the dog becomes the proud owner of its first milk canines.
  2. After about another 10 days, that is, on the 30th – 35th day, the incisors erupt.
  3. The last baby teeth appear between the 30th and 60th days of a puppy's life.

Some time after all the temporary teeth have taken their rightful places, the new process. So we come to the answer to the question: in how many months or when do milk teeth change in dogs? The change is carried out gradually, not in a month or two, but throughout the entire first year of life:

  1. The first primary incisors, the hooks, fall out quite early, even before the age of four months.
  2. By the end of the fifth month, the replacement of the middle incisors and edges begins.
  3. By six months the fangs change.
  4. The most persistent false-rooted teeth do not give up their position until their owner is ten months old. Nevertheless, slowly, one after another, they fall out.

Thus, if your dog is completely healthy and develops in accordance with all norms, by the end of the tenth month of life he should not have a single baby tooth left. When he turns one year old, his " Hollywood smile“should demonstrate snow-white, strong and sharp teeth.

Another article on this topic you can find .

Further, with age, the crowns begin to wear down a little. Sometimes they are erased almost to the ground. Most often this happens to old dogs who, in their youth, liked to chew something very hard, say, metal mesh when kept in enclosure conditions, or something similar.

By the way, the degree of wear on the crowns is easily determined.

How to help your pet?

How does a dog feel when its teeth change? In most cases, the loss of old teeth and the eruption of new teeth is almost painless. The only discomfort can come from an itchy feeling in the gums. At the same time, the puppy strives to scratch them in the only ways available to her:

  • chew wooden furniture,
  • chew the owner's shoes,
  • tinker with the binding of the book...

If you value your belongings and furnishings, make sure in advance that your puppy has several devices designed specifically for chewing. It can be:

  • rubber bones,
  • teething toys,
  • delicacies in the form of pig ears, cartilage and the like.

Now available in pet stores a wide range of all sorts of inexpensive things designed to protect your things from damage.

Also, sometimes the dog’s temperature rises, but not much, by 0.1-0.3 degrees. Such an increase in temperature should not cause panic, since such a reaction of the body to the changes occurring to it is within normal limits. You should be wary only if the dog has become lethargic, inactive, and has lost its appetite.

If your pet has any of the above symptoms, it would be a good idea to contact veterinary doctor. In addition, a visit to the clinic is necessary if a molar begins to grow next to a baby tooth that did not fall out in the prescribed time frame, resulting in the formation of a second row of teeth on the same jaw. All this is fraught with the formation of an incorrect bite, so it is better to immediately remove excess teeth.

By the way, when choosing a puppy, be sure to pay attention to the condition of its parents’ teeth. This important rule It is better not to ignore it, since all dental problems of a dog are inherited by its offspring. Thus, you can find out in advance how much trouble this or that puppy will cause you in the future.

In the first year of life, puppies are often compared to small children - there is no less fuss with them. But unlike human cubs, by the age of one year, puppies turn into almost adults. Many physiological processes in dogs they pass in the same way as in people, only in an accelerated form. Take, for example, such an event as the change of baby teeth to permanent ones - this is very important point, which worries many “young” dog breeders. How and when does a dog change teeth? What should you pay attention to? Are there any peculiarities of changing teeth? different breeds? You will find out the answers to all these questions below.

Teeth in puppies, baby teeth in dogs

Puppies are born without teeth and with bare gums. But this is normal; sometimes there are exceptions in the form of one or more teeth. You shouldn’t be happy about this phenomenon; it’s not very good, as it may be a sign of some kind of disorder in the dog’s body, for example, calcium absorption. When a puppy is born with a tooth, it should be shown to a veterinarian, and the formation and development of the bone skeleton and the change of teeth should be monitored in the future.

Just a month after birth, puppies begin to erupt their baby teeth. They appear quite quickly, often almost simultaneously. A total of 32 teeth must erupt: 12 incisors, 16 molars and 4 canines. It is necessary to inspect the puppy's mouth for correct location teeth, their shape and number. The condition of baby teeth also affects future molars. The lifespan of baby teeth is extremely short-lived—several months. According to the standard, at about three months of age, puppies begin to change their temporary teeth to permanent ones. In small breeds, teeth may begin to change a little earlier or on time, but in large dogs The loss of breasts is sometimes delayed. It's about about a couple of weeks, maximum a month, if the teeth began to change much earlier or later, then this is a signal about the pet’s ill health.

Changing baby teeth to molars in dogs

The incisors begin to fall out first. Behind them, the “indigenous” or chewing teeth and only after them the fangs fall out. The canines are usually highly developed, strong and sharp. This is both a plus and a minus at the same time. On the one hand, the puppy can defend itself and eat solid food, on the other hand, the fangs are sometimes in no hurry to fall out, which hinders the growth of the molars. Molars are cut along the simplest path, ideally along the canal from the fallen milk teeth. If baby tooth did not fall out on time and sits tightly in the gum, then the molar may begin to grow nearby, behind or to the side. In this case, the molars grow second row or stick out from any point of the gum, curved and deformed. Of course, such a defect is very obvious and significant for a show-class dog.

If the time has come, and the milk teeth are in no hurry to fall out, then the dog should be shown to a specialist; they may need to be removed manually.

The change of teeth ends at approximately six to seven months. Just like the beginning of the change of teeth, the end may be slightly shifted. U small dogs The change of teeth ends a little earlier, for larger ones later, but the change itself goes faster. On average, new teeth grow in 3-4 months after baby teeth fall out.

Features of teeth change in dogs

How correctly and easily the replacement of baby teeth with permanent teeth occurs often depends on the breed, on what the pet eats, and heredity and genetic predisposition.

Poor diet can cause weak jaw muscles. If the load is insufficient, then there is no stimulation of the gums and teeth, as a result they do not fall out on time.
This happens in those dogs that primarily eat soft, semi-liquid food, for example, canned meat. You should give your pet solid food or toys and bones so that the teeth and entire jaw are stimulated.

Often the loss and growth of teeth occurs with disturbances in dwarf and small breeds of dogs; animals with a long and medium muzzle suffer the most. Due to the structure of the muzzle and jaw, teeth are difficult to change. In such dogs, the jaw muscles are poorly developed, because of this the gums become smaller than they should be, and the baby and molar teeth are crowded and begin to erupt in the wrong order.

Normally, the change of teeth should be easy and unnoticed; many dog ​​breeders find out later that this process should have been kept under control. However, a timely identified problem allows you to quickly correct it, preserve the dog’s correct bite, and get rid of possible defects teeth, jaw.

In a normal situation, puppies change teeth on their own, and the owner does not need to interfere with this process in any way. However, unusual cases also occur. It's better to know what could go wrong in advance so you can help your pet in time.

When do baby teeth appear?

Puppies are born toothless. After 20-30 days, their first milk teeth begin to erupt - thin and sharp, needle-like. Don’t be afraid that there is too much distance between them - this will go away when you change to permanent ones.

The first to erupt are the fangs on the upper and lower jaw, then the incisors begin to grow.

By the sixth to eighth week, all 28 baby teeth should erupt - four canines, 12 incisors and the same number of premolars.

In puppies of decorative dwarf breeds (Toys, Pekingese, Chihuahuas), teeth begin to erupt half a month later.

The teething period is painful for the puppy and he needs special attention. It is important at this time to give him enough toys, crackers, cartilage - everything that can be chewed.

At what age are baby teeth replaced by permanent teeth?

The change occurs at about three to four months of age. Baby teeth begin to fall out from the incisors. The permanent canines appear last, after the molars are replaced. Their roots gradually dissolve when permanent roots begin to develop underneath them.

This process goes almost unnoticed by the dog and takes about two months. At the age of six to eight months a complete set has already been formed permanent bodies chewing.

Representatives of small businesses are late again ornamental breeds, their shift may be delayed. Sometimes their molars begin to grow even before their baby teeth fall out. The result is teeth in two rows. In such a situation, baby teeth must be removed to avoid further problems with a bite.

Another problem is typical for dogs with long muzzles (Dobermans, Labradors, poodles, shepherds). Their permanent tooth grows through the canal left by the milk canal. If for some reason the milk one did not fall out on time, the permanent one may grow into wrong place or not grow at all.

A dog's teeth change once in a lifetime.

How many teeth does an adult dog have?

U adult dog 42 teeth - 22 in the lower jaw and 20 in the upper. Each jaw has two canines, six incisors, and eight premolars. Molars on upper jaw four, and on the bottom - six.

Large dogs - Great Danes, Mastiffs, Rottweilers - have additional incisors. This is considered a variant of the norm.

Dogs with short muzzles (such as pugs) have fewer teeth.

A permanent grin develops by the age of one year. The bite depends on the breed. At correct bite the teeth will then wear down evenly without causing any discomfort to the dog.

Types of bites:

  • bulldog-shaped;
  • snack;
  • undershot;
  • normal (scissor);
  • straight (glue-like).

How do puppies cope with the replacement period?

Normally, the puppy does not notice the change process too much. He can lose or swallow his fallen milk teeth, there is nothing wrong with that. He doesn't feel pain.

Your pet may feel discomfort due to itching in the gums. This is the reason for his desire to chew on everything. You need to provide him with more toys, bones and other things to chew on. Pet stores have special toys for scratching gums.

IN in rare cases possible fever, diarrhea, lethargy, poor appetite. With such symptoms, it is advisable to take the dog to the veterinarian.

The right diet

In order for teeth to grow healthy and form correctly, it is important that the puppy’s diet at this time is balanced.

The food that the dog eats must contain calcium, phosphorus, fluorine and other minerals and trace elements. You can give kefir, cottage cheese, vegetables.

It's useful to give sea ​​buckthorn oil, brewer's yeast and fish fat. It is advisable to supplement the diet with a complex vitamin and mineral supplement.

And don't forget about the need to chew something! All food should not be soft. At the same time, it should not be super hard so as not to injure the gums.

Possible complications

There are several types of complications during the period of teeth change.


To avoid the formation of an incorrect bite, it is not advisable to take away toys that the dog clenches in its jaws, and it is not advisable to feed soft food. You need to take care of those teeth that are in no hurry to fall out.

If the dog is preparing for a show career, malocclusion can be corrected with braces. In other cases, it is left as is.

Gum inflammation

Symptoms: severely reddened, swollen gums, drooling, poor appetite. In case of inflammation, too rough foods are excluded from the diet. If the inflammation does not go away, the veterinarian may prescribe a course of Stomadex.

According to our colleagues from the Snow Leopard clinic, one of the most frequent congenital pathologies dental system in dogs there is false polydontia (non-falling out baby teeth). This problem is associated with a delay in the replacement of primary teeth, while the dental arcade simultaneously contains teeth of two generations: primary and permanent.

Most prone to developing this pathology small breeds dogs: Yorkshire Terrier, Russian Toy, Chihuahua, miniature pinscher, Spitz, etc. We also observed this pathology in British cats.

According to modern veterinary science, the development of this pathology is associated with a violation of the mutual position of primary teeth and the rudiments of permanent teeth, caused by insufficient sizes of the upper and/or lower jaws. During teething permanent teeth, the pressure they exert on the roots of the deciduous teeth leads to the resorption of the latter and the implementation of the mechanism of tooth change. In some animals this mechanism does not start.

In all cases of false polydontia, baby teeth must be removed if at least one of three signs is present:

  • Crown height permanent tooth makes up more than ½ crown of milk;
  • The animal has reached 8 months of age;
  • The presence of baby teeth leads to changes in the position of permanent teeth and malocclusion.

Removal of baby teeth is a rather aggressive and extremely painful procedure (as, indeed, most manipulations in oral cavity). It is possible to qualitatively remove a dog’s milk teeth only under deep sedation, that is, under anesthesia. If you do this “live”, the dog will experience significant painful sensations, after which it may not allow even painless actions in the oral cavity (examination, brushing teeth, etc.) for the rest of his life. Excessive fixation during tooth extraction without sedation can lead to various injuries: dislocations and fractures, which is often mentioned in literary sources.

Persistent (lost baby) teeth of an 8 month old Chihuahua, 20 in total!
Sat next to the indigenous permanent

In addition, poor-quality and unprofessional removal of persistent (not fallen out) baby teeth can lead to tooth fracture and leaving the root in the dental alveolus. Moreover, contrary to popular belief, the unremoved roots of baby teeth NEVER resolve, which has been repeatedly confirmed by R-grams of dogs 8-12 years of age and older. Such unremoved roots are the causes of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of periodontal tissues and underlying bone structures.

The doctors of our clinic have all the necessary tools and equipment for removing baby teeth, master modern techniques and ALWAYS carry out this manipulation only under anesthesia.

When do puppies' teeth change? Not all amateur dog breeders know the answer to this question. Most often, the period of eruption of permanent units is painless and almost imperceptible, but if there is negative factors complications arise.

It is useful to know at what age dogs develop milk and molar teeth, and how many canines, incisors and premolars four-legged pets should have. Veterinarians talk about the process of changing units of the dentition, possible dental problems ah and methods for solving them.

Baby teeth

Many people know that adult dogs must have 42 units: canines, incisors and premolars. Some breeds, such as the Mexican Hairless Dog, may be missing two teeth. There are 22 units of dentition in the lower jaw, and 20 in the upper jaw. Any deviations negatively affect the bite and the process of chewing food, which leads to problems with digestive tract.

How many teeth should puppies have? This question often causes confusion among dog owners. Correct answer: 28 units. Unlike adult animals, there is a equal amount canines (2 each), premolars (6 each) and incisors (6 each), a total of 14 milk teeth.

For most breeds the norm is scissor bite. At the veterinary clinic, the doctor tells the dog owner whether the animal has problems with the structure of the jaw, bite and teeth.

When cutting

Puppies are born without teeth. Milk units appear in large breeds, approximately by a month. In small dogs (Yorkie, Chihuahua, Prague rat, Russian toy, Pekingese, toy lapdogs, Shih Tzu and others) first teeth erupt at about 45 days of age.

Puppies try to chew on everything in order to make their gums itch less. During this period, you need to remove from the floor all things that may contain dust and dirt. It is also worth hiding wires, expensive shoes and decor that the puppy can chew.

How to help

In most cases, owners do not notice that they have four-legged pet baby or molar teeth have appeared. Negative points and painful sensations occur due to calcium deficiency, poor care of the dog (exhaustion, lack of vitamins). If the animal has health problems or the body does not receive the required amount useful substances, then the period of eruption and change of units of the dentition often occurs with complications.

Can teething be helped? Certainly! The puppy should receive treats that can be chewed. It is useful to buy special toys for dogs made of elastic, but quite durable material. Cheap balls filled with foam rubber are not suitable: the puppy easily damages the shell and swallows the porous material, which can lead to constipation and digestive problems.

Removal of baby teeth in dogs

Sometimes the first (non-permanent) units do not fall out, but the radical ones are already erupting. With polydentia, there may be a malocclusion, pain when chewing, the formation of tartar, retention and other problems in the dog’s mouth.

If the crown constant unit is already erupting, but the primary incisor, canine or premolar has not yet fallen out, then you need to take the dog to the veterinarian. You cannot remove your pet’s first teeth yourself. so as not to provoke problems with the gums and neighboring units.

It is important to extract not only the crown (the base, the hard protruding part), but also the root. If tartar is present, it is imperative to clean the growing unit to stop the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

By 9 months the puppy should have no milk units left. IN otherwise The growth of permanent teeth is disrupted and an incorrect bite is formed.


In the absence of damage skeletal system and anatomical deviations in the structure of the mouth, regular and proper nutrition, pain and discomfort rarely occur.

Many owners believe that they should not pay attention to their puppies’ milk teeth. special attention: anyway, by 6-7 months the root and permanent ones will erupt. Insufficient mouth care and lack of control over the growth of the first teeth can lead to dental problems. It is important to remove soft plaque in a timely manner, brush your dog’s teeth using paste and a brush with not very hard bristles, and make sure that the gums do not become inflamed.

On the page, look at photos of rickets in dogs and learn about how and with what to treat the animal.

What to do? The solution depends on the nature of the problem. Sometimes it is enough to adjust the diet or take more careful care of the mouth.

Shortage minerals(calcium, phosphorus, magnesium) negatively affects the strength of teeth, especially in older dogs. In puppies, with a lack of minerals, bone density decreases, growth slows down, teeth become brittle, and later permanent units erupt.

If a molar unit falls out, be sure to take your pet to a veterinary clinic and donate blood for biochemistry. It is important to examine the gums to check whether periodontal disease is developing in dogs. Upon confirmation inflammatory process periodontal soft fabric a course of antibiotic therapy and treatment is carried out problem areas solution based on furatsilin.

For removing hard plaque(tartar) you will have to visit a veterinary clinic or grooming salon. Professional cleaning teeth using ultrasound allows you to quickly and painlessly remove accumulated deposits. It is strictly forbidden to scratch hard plaque sharp objects, apply caustic substances: incorrect actions harm the enamel and gums, causing pain in your four-legged pet.

Prevention of dental diseases

The teeth and gums of puppies and adult dogs will be healthy if the owner:

  • feeds your four-legged pet correctly;
  • on the advice of a veterinarian, gives vitamins and mineral supplements, especially when receiving natural food;
  • gives dry food High Quality: holistic and super premium categories;
  • does not allow the animal to chew dirty rags, old slippers, or sticks that have a lot of germs on them;
  • does not give thin tubular bones(poultry and rabbit meat);
  • takes it away from the dog in a timely manner and does not allow the pet to chew maslaki or medium-sized beef bones;
  • regularly examines the mouth, pays attention to the presence of soft and hard plaque, the condition of the gums, and the smell from the mouth;
  • adheres to visiting deadlines veterinary clinic For preventive examinations dogs. It is important to follow the rules established by a doctor, observing the development of a four-legged pet.

Proper eruption of primary and molar teeth reduces the risk of developing problems with the digestive tract. If the canines, incisors, and premolars appear strong, healthy, on time and in the right quantity, then this fact indicates the optimal state of the skeletal system and a sufficient supply of vitamins and minerals. Owners of small dogs need to be especially careful during teething: Small pets are more likely to suffer from various types of dental problems.

How to monitor your pet and care for your puppy while changing teeth? Useful tips in the following video: