Is callus dangerous after rhinoplasty? Complications after rhinoplasty With this treatment, one procedure is sufficient

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Having undergone rhinoplasty, I came across some important points that are not written about on the Internet, but the final result of the operation largely depends on them.

Many patients who have already had surgery begin to worry about the issue of scars.

On various sites, in the description of rhinoplasty, it is written that there are two types of operations - open and closed rhinoplasty, with open rhinoplasty an external incision is made in the columella area, the scar with open rhinoplasty, although visible, is almost invisible and disappears completely after about a year, and with With the closed approach there are no visible scars. All this is true, but... there are some nuances that relate to subcutaneous scars during closed rhinoplasty. That’s why I wanted to get more information about them. I received the answers from my plastic surgeon, Andrei Ruslanovich Andreishchev, and below I tried to convey his words.

It doesn’t matter whether you perform open or closed rhinoplasty, tissue dissection occurs in any case. In the very place where the rupture is made, blood collects after the operation, this blood is then gradually replaced by scar tissue. There may be a thickening in the place where the scar formed. This point is very important for the nose, especially if the patient has thin skin. This thickening can create unevenness and a wide back, wide tip. For many patients, a particularly “dangerous” place is above the tip of the nose, where the thickest scar is formed, due to which a certain orientality of the nose may appear, which is not common among the Caucasian race.
What should be done to prevent this?
Firstly, be as careful and as gentle as possible to injure the tissue.
Secondly, the fight against swelling. This is a plaster cast, exclusion of physical activity, steam rooms, saunas, etc. This is done because during swelling the skin thickens and the scar forms more noticeable. You also need to ensure that there is no additional damage or hematome.

If a scar does appear (and it manifests itself in the form of a small, easily palpable and sometimes visible thickening or bump), the doctor can influence it within six months while it is forming - make it smaller, thinner, more accurate. To do this, special injections are made into the scarring area.
With closed rhinoplasty, it is easier to control scarring than with open rhinoplasty. And although it is believed that scar formation takes six months, in reality rhinoplasty takes slightly longer. And if you look at photographs of patients, 8-10 months after surgery, there are still minimal changes.

I hope that this information will be useful to someone, and that I did not convey the doctor’s words in a very clumsy or distorted way.

Of course, there are plenty of examples when the patient is already fine and has never received any magic injections and has never heard of scars, but I myself am not one of those lucky ones, but a classic example of a patient with thin skin. Having had rhinoplasty, at the beginning I had no idea why I needed to fight swelling so much, I thought it was just so that my nose would quickly take on its final form, that the swelling would go away anyway in six months, and when the doctor gave me the first injection in that same I thought that the “dangerous” zone at the tip of the nose was just a little whim, so that the swelling would go away faster and the nose would acquire its beautiful straight appearance. But when, a month after the operation, a lump suddenly appeared on the back of my nose, on the side of the place where the hump used to be, and below the depression, I panicked. I thought I hurt my nose. It was then that I heard for the first time such a phrase as “a subcutaneous scar began to form.” Even though the doctor reassured me, I was still worried that the lump was not going away. Andrei Ruslanovich gave me injections almost every month for six months at the tip of my nose, this area worried him more, and only twice in the area of ​​the bump. He said that when the scar is formed, the nose will become denser and the bump will not be noticeable, and so it happened, already in the third or fourth month after the operation, it became almost invisible in appearance, it could only be felt a little, and then gradually the nose really became denser and she stopped being noticeable and bothering me. The tip also became straighter.

In the first photo you can still see that very “dangerous” area that so often worries patients, where I was given injections.

In the second photo, the place where the bump was is indicated; it is not noticeable, but the depression in the picture is still visible.

I would like to advise those who are going to have rhinoplasty, trust your face only to the most experienced surgeons!!! After all, removing a hump does not mean making the nose beautiful; it is also important that the incision itself during the operation is neat and that no complications arise later. And after undergoing the long-awaited operation, follow the instructions and regularly go for check-ups with your doctor. Let him finish his job and perfect your nose!

When a person really wants to change his appearance for the better, he resorts to all sorts of methods. This includes rhinoplasty. But the problem is that after any surgical intervention it is possible. In rare cases it develops callus after rhinoplasty.

What is callus?

The human body, after any external intervention, compensates and creates a margin of safety. In the case of rhinoplasty, a callus develops in the place where the bone fibers were damaged. Excessive tissue growth occurs, which is why the nose after surgery may appear even larger than before. Approximately 12% of people who have undergone rhinoplasty are susceptible to this. Approximately 30% of them go under the knife again to eliminate any deficiencies that have arisen, including overgrown tissue.


Plastic surgeon, Pavlov E.A.:

Hello, my name is Pavlov Evgeniy Anatolyevich, and I am a leading plastic surgeon at a famous Moscow clinic.

My medical experience is more than 15 years. Every year I perform hundreds of operations, for which people are willing to pay HUGE money. Unfortunately, many people do not even suspect that in 90% of cases surgery is not required! Modern medicine has long allowed us to correct most appearance flaws without the help of plastic surgery.

Plastic surgery carefully hides many non-surgical methods of appearance correction. I talked about one of them, check out this method

Bone callus should not be confused with classic callus, since it is not a coarsened derivative of soft tissue. A callus is a growth of bone tissue that has developed as a result of improper healing of the injury site. This process, despite its deviation from the norm, is natural and allows the bones to heal after any injury or damage.

In fact, this phenomenon is quite rare, but such a problem can affect literally anyone. And the fact is that even a doctor cannot predict how each specific organism will react to surgery. Therefore, this side effect is not the doctor’s fault.

This complication does not belong to the category of those diseases that are life-threatening. But to prevent the development of callus after rhinoplasty, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures. If it has already begun to develop, then a timely visit to a surgeon and subsequent adoption of measures can, if not eliminate it, then prevent excessive growth. This will also avoid pain in the area and serious health consequences.


The nose, in its anatomical content, is represented by three types of tissues:

  • Soft;
  • Cartilaginous;
  • Bone.

During rhinoplasty, a portion of any of these tissues is removed. Since any operation associated with nose correction damages its internal structures, the body begins to react in a standard way - it turns on its protective mechanisms. Bone tissue has its own characteristics of structural regeneration. This process consists of three stages:

  1. Connective tissue forms around the damaged tissue.
  2. The finest fibers of bone tissue begin to form.
  3. Next, the formed fibers are replaced and subjected to strengthening. This happens due to calcifications.

It is because of this last process that callus growth occurs at the surgical site after rhinoplasty. Usually it is small. The most common formation of this defect is observed after grinding or removal of bone tissue.

Our readers write

Topic: Fixed my nose

From: Ekaterina S. (ekary*** [email protected])

To: Site Administration

Hello! My name is Ekaterina S., I want to express my gratitude to you and your site.

Finally, I was able to change the shape of my nose. Now I am very happy with my face and no longer have complexes.

And here is my story

From the age of 15, I began to notice that my nose was not what I would like, there was not a large hump and wide wings. By the age of 30, my nose had grown even more and had become quite a “potato”, I was terribly complex about this and even wanted to have surgery, but the prices for this procedure are simply astronomical.

Everything changed when a friend gave me one to read. You can’t imagine how grateful I am to her for this. This article literally gave me a second life. After just a few months, my nose became almost perfect: the wings noticeably narrowed, the hump smoothed out, and the tip even rose slightly.

Now I don’t have any complexes about my appearance. And I’m not even shy about meeting new men, you know))

The size of the growth depends on how severe the injury was to the bone, as well as how much cartilage and soft tissue were damaged during the operation. The speed and intensity of the increase directly depends on how a particular organism will react to such an intervention, as well as how quickly and actively the regeneration process will take place.

There is an opinion that callus after rhinoplasty also occurs in cases where a doctor with insufficient experience performed the operation. That is, its increase is associated precisely with medical practice and their secrets and developments in this area. But in fact, if your body is prone to intensive regeneration of bone tissue, then no experience will insure you against a possible complication, which is represented by two types of cells: the endostome and bone-forming cells in the periosteum.

This type of bone tissue takes about a year to form. Therefore, at the very first prerequisites, you should contact your surgeon, who knows how to reduce the intensity of the process and direct it in the right direction. The callus after rhinoplasty in the photo will help you understand what this defect looks like. In most cases, this is the appearance of a hump. Note that if the bone tissue was not touched during the operation, then the complication does not appear.

How to remove callus after rhinoplasty?

When bone tissue grows on the nose, it appears to be of several types at once. Manifestations of this defect include:

  • The appearance of a hump;
  • Subsequent deformation of the noma, and the change can be clearly visible from the front;
  • Swelling.

Naturally, such manifestations of beauty do not add to the beauty and dissatisfaction with the results of the operation appears. These phenomena worsen the aesthetics of facial features. If the defect is severe, repeat rhinoplasty will have to be performed to remove bone tissue at the site of the growth.

The appearance of the first symptoms makes patients very nervous and consult a doctor. At the same time, there is a fear of revision rhinoplasty. Please note that this is done very rarely. First, the patient should try preventive measures that help cope with the problem for most people operated on in this area.

Stories from our readers

Fixed my nose shape at home! It's been half a year since I forgot what a hump of the nose is. Although it is generally accepted in society that appearance is not the most important thing for a man, I really didn’t like my nose. In addition, I also work in a field where appearance matters, I work as a wedding host.

Oh, how many consultations I attended - all the doctors quoted exorbitant prices and talked about long rehabilitation, but for me this is in no way suitable because weddings happen all the time, especially during the season. One day I had an appointment with Dr. E. A. Pavlov. He told me that in my case it was quite possible to do without surgery, it was enough to wear a special corrector every day. Here is an article in which he describes this method in detail. I obediently wore the concealer every day for several months and was amazed at the results, judge for yourself. In the end, I’m very glad that I was able to get by with “little blood”

If you have the same problems with finances or don’t want to go under the knife, then I recommend reading this article

By the way, the doctor can recommend some measures even before the operation. Therefore, carefully observe his wishes and instructions. But the main measures, of course, fall precisely on. During this time, you must visit the surgeon at least five times so that he monitors the regeneration process and can promptly notice certain changes in the process of tissue healing.

Secondary correction is prescribed, as mentioned above, by approximately 30% of the total number of people with complications of this type. First, the doctor must review the picture in detail and study the features of the process. During the operation, special measures are taken by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the human body. This helps prevent secondary growth of bone tissue.

What do we have to do?

At the first signs of callus after rhinoplasty, certain measures are mandatory. First of all you must:

  • Visit a doctor. In general, even under normal circumstances, visits are required in the first, second, third, sixth and twelfth months after surgery. In case of force majeure, an additional visit can be made. If a deviation is detected, the doctor will prescribe treatment.
  • If the doctor has prescribed treatment, then you must follow it strictly and strictly according to schedule. Otherwise, the therapy may simply not give the desired result and there is no point in blaming the doctor’s abilities in such cases.
  • People under 18 years of age are susceptible to tissue hypergrowth. Therefore, they are not recommended to undergo surgery. This is explained by the fact that the body continues to develop, and with it the tissues. With this type of intervention, by removing one defect, there is a risk of getting much larger problems. The patient's readiness for surgery is determined only by the plastic surgeon. An experienced person will refuse if the conditions for the operation do not meet. In such cases, we do not recommend looking for someone else who will allow it.

Diagnosis and treatment

Before wondering how to remove callus after rhinoplasty, it must first be confirmed. This is done using an x-ray, which shows the presence or absence of a defect. Based on this, the doctor must build a therapy tactic. In the image, the defect manifests itself as a special membrane located at the site of tissue damage.

Now let's talk about what to do to eliminate the defect. The rehabilitation process is quite long. The main goal of therapy is to prevent further tissue growth. There are a number of techniques and procedures that help cope with this defect. Moreover, they should be undertaken immediately after the operation has been performed. First of all, this is taking medications that should reduce inflammation of the intervention area, as well as enhance their nutrition. Patients who develop callus may be prescribed:

  • Treatment with medications;
  • Operation;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

Let's take a closer look at these types of interventions. The rarest way to fix the problem is surgery. It is prescribed only in extreme cases. But drug treatment and physiotherapy can be used in combination, which will be discussed further.


This is a radical method. It is prescribed only after other methods have already been tried and have not yielded results. In this case, the doctor must prepare for the operation and think through ways to remove bone tissue so that new growth does not occur. The operation is also prescribed if:

  1. Periodically there is an increase in temperature;
  2. There is increased swelling;
  3. Redness occurs.

All these symptoms should be associated exclusively with callus and other complications after correction. But it is worth noting that removing callus does not guarantee you will completely prevent the situation from recurring. Only after a year will you be able to determine whether the repeat operation was successful for you. To avoid recurrence of the situation, follow your doctor's recommendations.


Drug treatment involves the use of a number of drugs that are designed to reduce swelling and help nourish tissue. These are mainly glucocorticosteroid hormones. But they can also prescribe strengthening agents, painkillers, and so on. Most commonly prescribed medications:

  1. Diprospan - injections that are administered subcutaneously. They will reduce swelling and inflammation and promote scarring.
  2. Kenalog.
  3. Traumeel S - to relieve swelling and as an anti-inflammatory agent. It is widely used in therapy against callus formation after rhinoplasty. This is a homeopathic medicine in the form of tablets or drops.

The doctor may also prescribe antibiotics immediately after surgery, which will protect against infection, which can also cause excessive tissue growth.

Physiotherapeutic procedures

With the help of physiotherapy, treatment is very long. But it is considered one of the most effective. In this case, the patient must be under the supervision of a doctor. In the process of physiotherapy, the patient not only improves the resorption of callus, but also accelerates the process of tissue regeneration in general. The procedures include:

  • Electrophoresis with appropriate drugs;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Phonophoresis with the appropriate drug;
  • Thermotherapy.

These procedures are prescribed only in the absence of contraindications. If a person has an increase in temperature, then most of them cannot be performed. Therefore, consult your doctor to avoid harm to your health.

Bone callus in the photo

Rhinoplasty (correction or reconstruction of the nose) is a kind of art.

Not only must the surgeon take into account all the relevant aesthetic proportions and unique features of the patient's face during the operation itself, the surgeon must also anticipate how the patient's face will change throughout life so that the final result does not disappoint him or her.

On average, the rhinoplasty procedure takes up to 2 hours and ends with nasal packing using hemostatic sponges and the application of a plaster splint. However, the operation is not always successful.

Immediate post-operative problems after rhinoplasty include:

  • Airway obstruction: Postextubation aspiration of blood may cause laryngospasm. This may require treatment with muscle relaxants and reintubation or positive pressure ventilation.
  • Anaphylaxis: May occur when using intraoperative antibiotic medication.
  • Visual impairment: Transient and permanent visual impairment sometimes occurs after local anesthesia and injection of vasoconstrictors.
  • The most obvious and slightly annoying symptom after rhinoplasty is nasal congestion. It occurs due to intranasal edema and persists for the first few postoperative weeks.
  • Persistent swelling: Initial facial and nasal swelling and periorbital bruising may persist for 10 days. And persistent swelling of the face and numbness in the tip of the nose can occur after external rhinoplasty and last for several months. This is not a problem if the patient has been warned in advance.

Some of the most common "delayed" problems after rhinoplasty include:

  1. Bump on the nose.

    This complication appears due to the specific reaction of the periosteum to damage during surgery. If a lump appears, you should contact your plastic surgeon again.

  2. Deformation of the cartilage or soft tissues of the nose.

    Cartilage deformity occurs when too much cartilage tissue is left behind after surgery. Soft tissue strain occurs when a surgeon removes too much soft tissue from a patient with thick skin, causing the skin to subsequently not contract and stretch properly. Scars (scars) appear in the nose area.

  3. Deformation in the form of an inverted "V".

    Occurs due to improper inward fracture of the nasal bones or inadequate support of the upper lateral cartilages when the nasal hump has been removed. The center of the nose is destroyed and the nasal bones are visible to the naked eye in an inverted "V" shape.

  4. Deformation in the form of an “open roof”.

    After the surgeon has removed the nasal hump, the free edges of the nasal bones can be felt (palpated) under the skin. The nose looks asymmetrical.

  5. Excessively shortened nose or saddle nose.

    This problem after nose job occurs when the surgeon has removed too much of the supporting structure for the nasal area. This can lead to a number of disorders associated with changes in the tip of the nose. If over-resection occurs at the front of the nasal septum (the structure separating the two nasal cavities), the tip of the nose may fall back, resulting in an overly shortened appearance, like a pig's snout. On the other hand, over-resection can also lead to the opposite problem, in which the tip of the nose droops, losing its L-shaped support. This shape is called a “saddle” nose.

  6. Beak-shaped deformity.

    This term is applied to fullness (of varying degrees of severity) above the tip of the nose along with an unnatural relationship between the tip and the area above it. Causes of this condition may include: inadequate support of the nasal tip, improper removal of the cartilaginous hump, or scarring above the tip of the nose.

  7. Wide tip and bulbous tip.

    If too much supporting cartilage for the tip of the nose is removed during surgery, it may collapse and appear too wide or too prominent. Excessive scar tissue formation can also lead to these two aesthetic problems after rhinoplasty.

  8. External valve collapse.

    A narrow area in the internal structure of the nose is called the “nasal valve.” For normal, unimpeded breathing, it is important that the entire valve area remains open. While internal nasal valve problems can occur during hump removal, external valve collapse occurs when too much tip cartilage is removed during a rhinoplasty procedure.

  9. Disproportion between the wings of the nose and the columella.

    "Columella" is the name of the structure that separates the two nostrils. Ideally, this area should be only a few millimeters below the edge of the nostril. In all patients, the wings of the nose are either normal, drooping, or retracted, and the columella is either normal, retracted, or sagging. Many people experience alar-columella disproportion (for example, due to a very long caudal septum), but rhinoplasty, such as excessive resection of the caudal septum or resection of the nasal spine, can also cause it.

How to care for your nose after surgery

Bruising and swelling are a normal part of facial recovery after nose job surgery. Their appearance and severity depend on a number of factors: whether the nasal bones were broken (osteotomy), the degree of dissection of soft tissues, whether the operation was performed open or closed, how old the patient is, how thick his skin is, etc.

Obviously, not many of these factors are within the patient's control.

However, the extent of bruising and the severity of swelling can be minimized by following these tips for caring for your nose after surgery:

  • Avoid any blood thinners for at least 2 weeks before surgery, and do not resume taking them until your doctor says OK. These drugs include (but are not limited to): aspirin, ibuprofen, anti-inflammatory drugs, heparin.
  • Avoid multivitamins, herbal remedies, teas that contain high levels of vitamin E, ginseng, ginko - these may cause increased bleeding.
  • Avoid hot foods, teas and other liquids for 7 days after rhinoplasty.
  • If you have a bleeding tendency, a family history of bleeding disorders, or a family member with a bleeding disorder, you should discuss this with your doctor before surgery.
  • When lying down, you need to hold your head so that it is higher than your heart. This will help minimize swelling.
  • Avoid smoking for three weeks after surgery; it can negate efforts to take care of your nose after surgery, as indulging in this habit impairs healing and causes swelling.
  • Visiting a tanning salon or prolonged sun exposure during the first few months after rhinoplasty may cause the skin of the nose to become red or "spotty." During the first few months after rhinoplasty, patients should wear sunscreen or a hat to prevent the above-mentioned problems.
  • Some patients who had severe breathing problems (for example, due to polyps and adenoids) before surgery will notice improvement immediately after surgery, even if swelling is present. But sometimes swelling can make it difficult to sleep the first few nights after surgery. To avoid this, your doctor may prescribe a mild sleeping pill.
  • In the first weeks after rhinoplasty, it is advisable to use a humidifier, as well as use saline solution (salt water) to prevent the formation of crusts on the mucous membrane. But you should not blow your nose until your doctor gives permission to do so.
  • Women who have undergone rhinoplasty are not recommended to become pregnant for a year until their nose is completely restored.

Within 2-3 weeks after surgery, about 70% of the swelling will disappear, and after about 6 weeks after rhinoplasty, 80 to 85% of the swelling will disappear. The complete disappearance of swelling may take from several weeks to 6 months.

After rhinoplasty, the nose will continue to grow; this is a natural process that cannot be prevented. However, the nose grows quite slowly and repeated surgery is unlikely to be required.

Hump ​​plastic surgery has one goal: creating a new nose shape. Rhinoplasty changes the patient's appearance and is a cosmetic surgery.

Rhinoplasty is performed for the following pathological changes:

  • Presence of a defect from birth.
  • Traumatic damage to the bridge of the nose.

To remove the hump, you need to consult an otolaryngologist (ENT). The price for the operation consists of the cost of anesthesia and the amount of work.


A selection of photos of patients before and after hump removal.

Rhinoplasty of the nasal hump is contraindicated under the following conditions:

  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Tumor processes of any localization;
  • The presence of endocrine disorders, especially the parathyroid glands - so that a hump does not remain after rhinoplasty;
  • Dismorphophobia syndrome - an obsessive desire to change one's own appearance.

To prevent a hump from appearing after the operation, the procedure is performed for people over 18-21 years of age, since the growth of the cartilage plate continues until the age of 21. Otherwise, a relapse is possible.

The average price for plastic surgery with fillers: 20-60 thousand rubles, for surgical removal - 60-180 thousand rubles.

Types of plastic surgery

The method of nasal hump plastic surgery is discussed during a consultation with a plastic surgeon. Taking into account your wishes, the doctor will fully determine the scope of the required operation, because often it is necessary not only to remove the hump, but also to correct some other aesthetic defects.

Currently, there are 2 ways to correct the nose:

  • Rhinoplasty of the nasal hump – correction of the shape of the nose through surgery;
  • Injection of fillers based on hyaluronic acid or collagen.

- This is a fairly gentle way to remove a hump. Using a thin needle, a drug is injected just above or just below the humps, filling the subcutaneous area. Thus, the line of the back of the nose is straightened. The non-surgical technique has its pros and cons.

Rhinoplasty of the nose with a hump is the most effective correction method. There are a number of nuances and restrictions for performing such an operation: it can only be performed by persons over 18 years of age, and there are also a number of specific and general surgical contraindications. It is worth noting that rhinoplasty requires a long rehabilitation period.

Operation process

Preparation for surgery occurs as follows:

  • A consultation with a surgeon is carried out.
  • The patient takes tests at the clinic or at his place of residence (tests are considered valid for 10 days).

Carrying out the operation:

  • The patient comes to the clinic, enters into a treatment agreement and pays for it.
  • The patient is placed in the ward.
  • The doctor applies the necessary markings and photographs the patient to compare the result after the nose job is performed.
  • Intravenous anesthesia is administered.
  • The operation is performed and lasts 60-120 minutes.
  • The patient is left in the ward for a day (the time spent in the clinic can be increased to several days, if necessary).

What's next?

After plastic surgery of the nasal hump is performed, a special plaster bandage is applied to the nose, thanks to which the cartilage and bone fragments are fixed in the new position.

The recovery period after rhinoplasty lasts several months. During this time, swelling of the nose may persist, and breathing may be difficult. After the operation, it is prohibited to take hot baths, visit swimming pools, saunas, perform intense physical activity, or wear glasses with oppressive or heavy frames. Airplane travel is also prohibited.

After rhinoplasty, it is important to protect your nose from external influences as much as possible, since the fused cartilage and bone tissues remain fragile during the healing process and can be easily damaged.

The shape of the nose will take 6-12 months to form, during which time all swelling will subside and final healing will occur. The results obtained will last a lifetime; no additional procedures are needed.

Possible consequences

The postoperative period largely depends on the work of the plastic surgeon.

Click to enlarge

Possible complications include:

  • Deformation of the septum;
  • Loss of smell;
  • The beginning of the inflammatory process;
  • Breathing disorders;
  • Dry mucous membranes.

With complications, heavy bleeding is most often observed, swelling increases, body temperature rises, and headaches are possible. The appearance of any symptoms of complications requires urgent medical attention.

Often, any complications can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of the plastic surgeon.

Kira (34 years old, Nakhabino), 04/09/2018

Good afternoon Tell me, is it normal if after rhinoplasty I have a low temperature for several days? They didn't warn me about this at the hospital!

Hello! A slight increase in temperature after surgery is normal. Typically, in the first two to three days after surgery, the temperature remains at 37-37.5 degrees. The temperature should drop on the third day after rhinoplasty. If this does not happen, we advise you to contact the clinic where you were operated on.

Georgy (36 years old, Moscow), 03/21/2018

Hello! Please tell me, is it possible to return the nose to its previous shape after a bone fracture? Thank you!

Hello! Yes, rhinoplasty allows you to return the nose to the desired shape, but plastic surgeons do not work with bones. Rhinoplasty can only visually improve the shape of the nose, make it smaller or change the shape of the nostrils. ENT surgery will help change the bone.

Vigen (32 years old, Moscow), 03/18/2018

Tell me, how long does it take for the nose to heal after plastic surgery?

After surgery, bruising and swelling may occur, which may spread to the eyes or other parts of the face. Swelling goes away in 7-10 days. At this time, physical activity and exercise are not recommended. Immediately after the operation, bleeding (from the nose) may occur, but this is only a consequence of soft tissue trauma. Bandages, as well as splints, are removed 14 days after surgery, and tampons are removed during this period. Some patients experience severe pain when removing tampons, so pain medication is often used. Within a month, swelling of the mucous membrane can be observed, so breathing will be difficult. After the swelling goes away, breathing will resume. On average, the result after surgery can be assessed after 6 - 8 months. In rare cases, the result of the operation is assessed after 12 months.

Alevtina (24 years old, Moscow), 09/15/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I have a very small nose. Is there any way to increase it? Will this affect breathing?? Thanks for your answer, Alevtina.

Hello, Alevtina! Rhinoplasty can help solve your problem. We can enlarge your nose, maintaining its shape or changing it based on your desire. Come to us for a consultation and we will discuss the expected results of the operation. Rhinoplasty will not disrupt the respiratory processes, since the structure of the nasopharynx is taken into account during the operation.

Alexey (30 years old, Moscow), 09/13/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to correct facial asymmetry (due to a strongly curved nose to the right) with rhinoplasty? Thanks for the answer, Alexey.

Hello, Alexey! In practice, rhinoplasty will help you regain symmetry, but an in-person consultation is necessary to get an accurate and clear answer to your question. You can make an appointment with us and we will conduct a full examination and discuss the likely outcome of your rhinoplasty. It is also important to understand whether the nose is crooked from birth or due to injury

Lyubov (35 years old, Moscow), 09/06/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! My daughter has a very large nose and she suffers greatly because of it. Is it possible to have rhinoplasty at 15 years old? How will surgery be different at this age? Thanks in advance, Love.

Hello, Love! Unfortunately, rhinoplasty is performed only from the age of 18. The reason for this is the growing up and formation of the child’s body. The formation of the skeleton is completed, and this process must be completely completed before surgery occurs. Try working with a psychologist, and then come for a consultation when your daughter turns 18.

Evgenia (25 years old, Moscow), 09/01/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! Is it possible to straighten a displaced septum and remove the hump at the same time? Problems arose after a broken nose. How long will rehabilitation last? Best regards, Evgenia.

Hello, Evgenia! Yes, it is possible to carry out both operations at the same time. Only in rare cases are two stages prescribed, which are carried out at intervals of one month. The postoperative period takes about two weeks, during which time bruising and swelling should subside. Hospital stay usually takes no more than three days.

Olga (22 years old, Moscow), 08/30/2016

Hello, Maxim Alexandrovich! I heard that the result of rhinoplasty can be affected by the condition of the skin. This is true? If I have problem skin, should I not have rhinoplasty? Thank you in advance.

Hello! Yes, the condition of the skin is one of the factors that are taken into account before undergoing surgery. The fact is that poor skin condition can lead to unpredictable complications during the rehabilitation period. You can undergo treatment with a dermatologist, and after that make an appointment with us for a consultation, where we will discuss the advisability of surgery.

Hello, Galina! There are two types of rhinoplasty: open and closed. In the first case, a barely noticeable mark may remain on the septum, but with proper care they disappear after some time. In the second case, all manipulations are carried out without violating the integrity of the skin. Which type of rhinoplasty is appropriate in a particular case is decided only by a plastic surgeon after reviewing the tests and examination.