Born on October 28th character and destiny. React more calmly to jokes directed at you

Scorpios born on October 28 are significantly more open than most of their zodiac sign brethren. Active, endowed with bright emotions, you try with all your might to leave a mark on this world. High intelligence and insight help you filter out unnecessary information and get to the bottom of any matter. Your strength lies in your ability to combine the cunning and strategy of Scorpio with the leadership qualities reflected in the number 1. Having set a goal for yourself, you strive for it, without stopping at any obstacles.

Most often, those born on October 28 are actively interested in their health and immediately respond to the slightest symptoms of illness. Perhaps they should curb their curiosity so as not to go overboard and become too preoccupied with diseases. These people need to learn an important lesson - the body tries to heal itself. In particular, a cold does not require serious intervention: just drink hot tea at night and drop it into your nose. In addition, it should be remembered that judicious use of medications can be decisive for immunity to disease. Those born on October 28 are encouraged to develop their culinary skills - they have both the patience and meticulous attention inherent in excellent cooks. Moderate daily physical activity will be of great benefit: walking, swimming or cycling.

Those born on October 28 firmly believe in the need for preparation. Before they say anything about a certain topic or devote their time, money or energy to a career or business, they try to understand what difficulties may be associated with it. In addition, they continue to persistently investigate the issue after the case has begun. Perhaps, more than anything else, those born on this day do not like confusion because they were unprepared. Their efforts can reach neurotic extremes when they begin to experience fear of meeting deadlines, arriving on time, maintaining control and order in their work.

Zodiac sign October 28 -

Element of the Sign: . Your Zodiac sign is ranked among the signs of the Water element, which are distinguished by the following qualities: devotion, responsibility, pride, caution, resistance, swiftness.

Planet Ruler: . Her “gifts” to Scorpio are a connection with deep mental processes and transformations: psychoanalysis, deep personality changes, extrasensory gifts, death and rebirth. The planet in exile is Venus. Responsible for confidence in the kind attitude of others towards them, in their sincerity, as well as jealousy.

Those born on October 28 are Scorpios. Representatives of this sign are complex, contradictory natures. Scorpios are characterized by rigidity, strength of character, and integrity. Those born on October 28 are distinguished from other representatives of the sign by being more gentle. They can not only make compromises, but they themselves tend to offer compromise solutions. Scorpios born on October 28 are rational. They know how to handle money and make savings. The desire to create a financial base can become an end in itself for Scorpio. In this case, the representative of the sign becomes a true materialist.

Those born on October 28 may find themselves in a rather difficult position when they begin to apply their standards to the assessment of others or impose their own attitudes on people they do not know well. To maintain their health, they need to be calmer about the fact that others sometimes make fun of them; after all, laughter allows you to correct small flaws. Most people born on October 28 do not make a distinction between their career and personal life; however, some of them go to the other extreme and take household chores lightheartedly. Perhaps life is easier for the latter, but both require understanding from loved ones.

For those born on October 28, it is extremely important to know what is behind certain phenomena and how things are going. In their opinion, they are constantly concerned about how to improve the professional qualifications of their colleagues. It is paradoxical, however, that they are completely indifferent to people in their mass; they may experience antipathy towards the crowd. Those born on October 28 are very demanding in personal and friendly relationships, but they need to be sensitive enough to allow others to formalize the terms of their union. Excessive rigor and instructiveness also does not contribute to establishing contact with growing children. Finding out the truth is a recurring central theme in the lives of those born on October 28th. After this, they can allow themselves to become sarcastic and mocking individuals (and therefore become unpopular). They should not be curious when they are not being taken into account. They will be able to fully satisfy their interest in a roundabout way.

For the most part, those born on October 28 know how to handle money and intend to create a reliable financial base for themselves. They know how to invest money and how to save money. The concentration of power is only important to them if it can be used to continue working and benefit their family, social group, or perhaps all of humanity. However, they should be careful not to limit the spontaneity of others (and for some, their own spontaneity) with rigid norms and control.

Scorpio man - born on October 28

Men with a birth date of October 28 can be proud of the following traits: such a gentleman is mysterious, sensitive, sexy, thorough. The Scorpio man is independent, decisive and powerful. He does not take into account other people's opinions and does only what he considers necessary. He is passionate and impetuous, prone to adventure and risk. Among the typical hobbies of representatives of this sign are extreme sports. A Scorpio man can be conquered either by a bright and unpredictable personality like himself, or by an unattainable and mysterious girl who will be outwardly indifferent to his advances and will force him to fight for his favor.

Scorpio woman - born on October 28

Women whose date of birth falls on October 28 are endowed with the following traits: such a lady is attractive, aggressive, emotional, gloomy, mysterious, wise. The Scorpio woman is a charming, passionate and attractive person. She is constantly surrounded by fans who fight for her attention and affection. Women born under this sign are amorous and romantic. They give themselves over to their feelings without looking back, they are ready to do anything for the sake of their lover. Over time, they become jealous and demanding.

Birthday October 28

People born on October 28 are Scorpio according to their zodiac sign. They have soft features and a good disposition. Excellent conversationalists and friends. The hard work and patience of those born on this day can only be envied. Those born on October 28 with the zodiac sign Scorpio face a great many tests of strength. Only diligence and the ability to steadfastly endure troubles, which these individuals are fully endowed with, will help them overcome them and emerge victorious from difficult situations. The ability not to become embittered helps them move towards happiness, overcoming all the trials sent by fate.

Individuals born on October 28, zodiac sign Scorpio, have the ability to calculate all the moments and predict the development of the situation in advance. Without an initial assessment of all possible consequences and their own capabilities, they will never take on a new project or solve a non-standard issue. All this is due to the fact that people born on October 28 are rendered completely helpless by any non-standard situations. They simply do not know how to cope with unforeseen circumstances.

Scorpios, born on October 28, zodiac sign Scorpio, have a unique system of ideological views and judgments. In addition to independently following their prejudices, they tend to impose their opinions on others. And they often become upset when faced with rejection of their position. Personalities born on October 28 with the zodiac sign Scorpio have a very hard time accepting jokes directed at them. Words spoken with humor are perceived by them as reproach or ridicule. Which subsequently leads to resentment and disappointment in your friends. It is important for them to learn to perceive humor as part of the generally accepted communication process, and to understand that a humorous saying addressed to them in no way diminishes their dignity or makes them less significant individuals.

Often Scorpios born on this day are torn in choosing priorities between family and work. By placing them in equal positions, thereby complicating your life. In the race to climb the career ladder, they forget about family responsibilities, thereby causing misunderstanding among their household members. And without support from them, they lose interest in the profession.

Individuals born on October 28 of the Scorpio zodiac put forward very high demands not only on themselves, but also on their environment. In an effort to maintain control over all aspects of their lives, they choose the path of moralizing. By teaching, they strive to make the world around them better, and in return they receive only discontent and reproaches. Success awaits them in the field of finance. Having an excellent instinct in choosing a profession and further immersion in work makes them excellent specialists in their industry.

Love and Compatibility

In a lasting love match, you are a passionate, demanding and devoted partner. With unremitting persistence, you achieve the object of your attention, but do not enter into a relationship until you are sure that the person can be completely trusted.

The ideal match for Scorpio would be a representative of the constellation Pisces or Cancer. Pisces - just as sensual, but easily giving up leadership, will become faithful companions, capable of extinguishing the excessive temper of their other half. Cancers, who are ready to give more than they receive, are also suitable for Scorpios, who will appreciate the mystery and nobility of their lover. The most difficult thing for Scorpios will be to build relationships with Aries, Leos and representatives of their sign. Two born leaders will constantly fight for power in a couple, which will sooner or later lead to the end of the romance. No one will want to make concessions or submit. However, in these cases, a short but bright and passionate romance is possible.

Work and Career

Active, intuitive, emotional people are born on October 28th. They differ from other representatives of the sign in their openness. Such people are not inclined to hide their feelings or restrain their emotions. Sometimes openness plays a cruel joke on them. But the ability to approach life's troubles with humor helps those born on October 28 cope with troubles. It is unusual for such people to withdraw into themselves. They are more likely to be extroverts than introverts. In life and work, those born on October 28 skillfully combine strategy and cunning. This provides them with the opportunity to achieve success in any endeavor with relative ease.

The work of Scorpios born on October 28 is distinguished by thoroughness. They carefully prepare any operation. Only planning and quality preparation, according to representatives of the mark, can be the key to successful implementation of the project. Scorpio feels comfortable in the role of a subordinate and a boss. He is in his place everywhere. Scorpio the subordinate is executive, responsible, and pedantic. The Scorpio boss is demanding and strict.

People born on October 28th have a zodiac sign of Scorpio. They have a strong attachment to their home and family. Their powerful energy allows them to influence and control people, as well as achieve their desired goals. Scorpios born on October twenty-eighth will not give up theirs if they truly consider something in this world to be theirs. Men and women show a strong possessive instinct; on the way to the goal they do not take losses into account. They need victory, even at any cost.
In this regard, individuals born on October 28 in the sign must learn one of the main lessons of life in order to understand that victory at any cost is contrary to the norms of social communication. If desired, these individuals can achieve everything they want without even resorting to extreme measures. The mysterious, magical power of Pluto, which patronizes these dark personalities, helps turn even the not fully formed desires of the Scorpio zodiac sign into reality.

Those born on October 28th in the zodiac sign Scorpio comprehend the secret sciences

Those born on October 28 have a talent for the occult sciences. They are mystics from birth, and this provides them with a unique, and at the same time, completely real opportunity to learn the incomprehensible secrets of life and death, birth, development and slow extinction of everything that is created and exists in the universe. The most strange and alarming feature inherent in these individuals born in day October 28, are mysterious deaths that often overtake them quite suddenly. Their birth is no less mysterious and frightening. A year before the birth of Scorpio, someone dies in the family, making room for Scorpio, who is preparing to come into this world.

Love of those born on October 28th

In love, individuals whose birthday is October 28 are passionate and insatiable. They are able to drink their partner to the bottom, leaving only one shell. Women who live with a Scorpio man ultimately become frigid, and men who choose women of this zodiac sign as companions risk completely losing their masculine power.

Compatibility of those born on October 28 with other zodiac signs

Since people according to the Scorpio horoscope are difficult, ambivalent, easily excitable natures, who do not tolerate comments and criticism in their direction, they need marriage partners who are calmer, balanced and objective. The union of two Scorpios is extremely unfortunate; it will bring them a lot of suffering. Those born on October 28 will get along with Virgo, Pisces, Capricorn and Cancer. Marriage of Scorpio with the zodiac signs Aquarius, Libra, Aries and Leo is hardly possible.

What year of the beast will it be according to the eastern horoscope?

  1. MONKEYS - 1920 zodiac year/ 1932 zodiac year/ 1944 zodiac year/ 1956 zodiac year/ 1968 zodiac year/ 1980 zodiac year/ 1992 zodiac year/ 2004 zodiac year/ 2016 zodiac year
  2. ROoster - 1921 zodiac year/ 1933 zodiac year/ 1945 zodiac year/ 1957 zodiac year/ 1969 zodiac year/ 1981 zodiac year/ 1993 zodiac year/ 2005 zodiac year/ 2017 zodiac year
  3. DOGS - 1922 zodiac year/ 1934 zodiac year/ 1946 zodiac year/ 1958 zodiac year/ 1970 zodiac year/ 1982 zodiac year/ 1994 zodiac year/ 2006 zodiac year/ 2018 zodiac year
  1. BOAR / Pig / - 1923 zodiac year / 1935 zodiac year / 1947 zodiac year / 1959 zodiac year / 1971 zodiac year / 1983 zodiac year / 1995 zodiac year / 2007 zodiac year / 2019 zodiac year
  2. RATS - 1924 zodiac year/ 1936 zodiac year/ 1948 zodiac year/ 1960 zodiac year/ 1972 zodiac year/ 1984 zodiac year/ 1996 zodiac year/ 2008 zodiac year/ 2020 zodiac year
  3. Ox / Bull / - 1925 zodiac year / 1937 zodiac year / 1949 zodiac year / 1961 zodiac year / 1973 zodiac year / 1985 zodiac year / 1997 zodiac year / 2009 zodiac year / 2021 zodiac year
  1. TIGER - 1926 zodiac year/ 1938 zodiac year/ 1950 zodiac year/ 1962 zodiac year/ 1974 zodiac year/ 1986 zodiac year/ 1998 zodiac year/ 2010 zodiac year/ 2022 zodiac year
  2. RABBIT /Cat/ - 1927 zodiac year/ 1939 zodiac year/ 1951 zodiac year/ 1963 zodiac year/ 1975 zodiac year/ 1987 zodiac year/ 1999 zodiac year/ 2011 zodiac year/ 2023 zodiac year
  3. DRAGON - 1928 zodiac year/ 1940 zodiac year/ 1952 zodiac year/ 1964 zodiac year/ 1976 zodiac year/ 1988 zodiac year/ 2000 zodiac year/ 2012 zodiac year/ 2024 zodiac year
  1. SNAKES - 1929 zodiac year/ 1941 zodiac year/ 1953 zodiac year/ 1965 zodiac year/ 1977 zodiac year/ 1989 zodiac year/ 2001 zodiac year/ 2013 zodiac year/ 2025 zodiac year
  2. HORSE - 1930 zodiac year/ 1942 zodiac year/ 1954 zodiac year/ 1966 zodiac year/ 1978 zodiac year/ 1990 zodiac year/ 2002 zodiac year/ 2014 zodiac year/ 2026 zodiac year
  3. SHEEP/GOAT/ - 1931 zodiac year/ 1943 zodiac year/ 1955 zodiac year/ 1967 zodiac year/ 1979 zodiac year/ 1991 zodiac year/ 2003 zodiac year/ 2015 zodiac year/ 2027 zodiac year



Born on October 28: meaning of birthday

The people this period reveals to the world are distinguished by their kind, gentle disposition, hard work and patience.

And star patrons make these traits even more pronounced.

Your life will not be easy if you were born on October 28, your zodiac sign is Scorpio, and he will ask you very strictly. Until you prove by your diligence and ability to endure hardships without becoming angry that you are worthy of happiness, he will subject you to tests.

Such persons are accustomed to calculating and planning everything in advance; they will never get down to business without properly assessing the prospects for its development and their own strengths.

The fact is that zodiac sign of people born on October 28, makes them literally helpless in the face of surprises and unforeseen circumstances. They must calculate all the risks in advance and have a backup plan, or better yet several at once.

It should be noted that Scorpios, who were born on October 28, have their own unique ideological position and system of values, which they apply not only in their own assessment of phenomena, but also actively try to impose them on others.

For their own good, they need to take it easier on jokes directed at themselves and come to terms with the fact that not many people can understand their train of thought. It is important to learn to look at the world through the prism of humor, realizing that even when they make mistakes, they remain significant and unique individuals.

In your opinion, is the influence of the zodiac sign noticeable in the behavior of people born on this day?

October 28: influence of the sign Scorpio

As a rule, those born on October 28 cannot decide on the priority of what is more important - family or work, treating these aspects very responsibly and valuing them equally. It happens that they prefer work, forgetting household responsibilities, and get angry if their household does not understand them.

Such persons put forward excessively high demands on the people with whom their fate brings them together.

At the same time, they consider themselves competent in all matters and have every right to teach others, which does not characterize them from the best side.

Powerful ambitions are alien to those born on October 28: the zodiac sign represents their instructive tone as the desire to make everything around them much better, they are not tyrants, but those who strive to keep everything under control.

In addition, they will always be successful in financial matters, because they have an excellent instinct that allows them not only to earn money, but also to increase it.

On October 28, 1967, one of the most sought-after and extraordinary film actresses, Julia Roberts, appeared to the world. After graduating from school, she went to New York, firmly deciding to connect her life with cinema. Her film debut took place in 1987, and two years later she was nominated for an Oscar for the first time for her role in the film Steel Magnolias. And a year later she played in a film that made her famous throughout the world and made her the main Hollywood “Pretty Woman.”

The people this period reveals to the world are distinguished by their kind, gentle disposition, hard work and patience. And star patrons make these traits even more pronounced. Your life will not be easy if you were born on October 28, your zodiac sign is Scorpio, and he will ask you very strictly. Until you prove by your diligence and ability to endure hardships without becoming angry that you are worthy of happiness, he will subject you to tests. Such persons are accustomed to calculating and planning everything in advance; they will never get down to business without properly assessing the prospects for its development and their own strengths.

The fact is that the zodiac sign of people born on October 28 makes them literally helpless in the face of surprises and unforeseen circumstances. They must calculate all the risks in advance and have a backup plan, or better yet several at once. It should be noted that Scorpios, who were born on October 28, have their own unique ideological position and system of values, which they apply not only in their own assessment of phenomena, but also actively try to impose them on others. For their own good, they need to take it easier on jokes directed at themselves and come to terms with the fact that not many people can understand their train of thought. It is important to learn to look at the world through the prism of humor, realizing that even when they make mistakes, they remain significant and unique individuals.

As a rule, those born on October 28 cannot decide on the priority of what is more important - family or work, treating these aspects very responsibly and valuing them equally. It happens that they prefer work, forgetting about household responsibilities, and get angry if their household does not understand them. Such persons put forward excessively high demands on the people with whom their fate brings them together. At the same time, they consider themselves competent in all matters and have every right to teach others, which does not characterize them from the best side.

Powerful ambitions are alien to those born on October 28: the zodiac sign represents their instructive tone as the desire to make everything around them much better, they are not tyrants, but those who strive to keep everything under control. In addition, they will always be successful in financial matters, because they have an excellent instinct that allows them not only to earn money, but also to increase it.

Zodiac sign October 28 - Scorpio

Those born on October 28 firmly believe in the need for preparation. Before they say anything about a certain topic or devote their time, money or energy to a career or business, they try to understand what difficulties may be associated with it. In addition, they continue to persistently investigate the issue after the case has begun. Perhaps, more than anything else, those born on this day do not like confusion because they were unprepared. Their efforts can reach neurotic extremes when they begin to experience fear of meeting deadlines, arriving on time, maintaining control and order in their work.

Those born on October 28 may find themselves in a rather difficult position when they begin to apply their standards to the assessment of others or impose their own attitudes on people they do not know well. To maintain their health, they need to be calmer about the fact that others sometimes make fun of them; after all, laughter allows you to correct small flaws. Most people born on October 28 do not make a distinction between their career and personal life; however, some of them go to the other extreme and take household chores lightheartedly. Perhaps life is easier for the latter, but both require understanding from loved ones.

For those born on October 28, it is extremely important to know what is behind certain phenomena and how things are going. In their opinion, they are constantly concerned about how to improve the professional qualifications of their colleagues. It is paradoxical, however, that they are completely indifferent to people in their mass; they may experience antipathy towards the crowd. Those born on October 28 are very demanding in personal and friendly relationships, but they need to be sensitive enough to allow others to formalize the terms of their union. Excessive rigor and instructiveness also does not contribute to establishing contact with growing children.

Finding out the truth is the central theme of people's lives on this day. But they shouldn't be curious unless asked. In the end, they will be able to satisfy their interest in a roundabout way. Those born on October 28 intend to create a strong financial base for themselves. They know where to invest their money. A touch of power is only important to them if it can be used for gain. They should not limit the spontaneity of others (and for some, their own spontaneity) with rigid norms and control.

Love and Compatibility

The need for action and a thirst for varied experiences suggest that you have a wide range of interests. Although you are a true idealist with clear and strong ideas about love, restlessness and impatience can add tension to your relationships with loved ones.

However, a sense of duty and devotion indicate that you are willing to make sacrifices for those you love. If you have an unusual relationship with your partner, circumstances may change quickly and you must adapt to them.

Work and Career

You combine subtle intuition with analytical thinking, and you can make a career in any field that requires a creative approach to business. You will enjoy research activities, classes in philosophy, psychology, metaphysics, etc. And based on your technical ability, you could work with computers or become an engineer.

Those born on October 28 will also enjoy lecturing, teaching, or literary activities. Although you have undoubted leadership qualities, you would be better off collaborating with colleagues or finding a reliable partner. The desire to help people also motivates you to work as a team.

Health and Diseases

Those born on October 28 are attentive to their health; symptoms of diseases do not go unnoticed. Sometimes they should curb their curiosity so as not to turn into a fanatic about their health. It is important for such people to understand that the body strives to heal itself. For example, a cold is not something catastrophic; drops and hot tea are usually enough. In addition, they should understand that medications only in reasonable quantities can help strengthen the immune system.

With patience and meticulous attention, those born on October 28 can become excellent cooks; they have all the qualities for this profession. Moderation in physical exercise will not harm them - swimming, walking, cycling will have a beneficial effect on their well-being.

Address the gentle traits of your character, develop them. Sometimes you have to accept things as they are, without further analyzing them. Demandingness and prudence are good in moderation. Does not suppress spontaneous emotions. Your enemies are fear and anxiety.

Zodiac sign of people born on October 28th: ​​Scorpio. The sun on this day is usually at 6° Scorpio. Behavior type: fixed. Astrological element: water. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Horoscope for people born on October 28

Character according to horoscope

Understanding what is hidden behind this or that phenomenon, finding out how things work - all this is very important for those born on October 28th.

They are convinced that they are actively engaged only in how to improve the lot of the people, although in fact they are not very concerned about the masses and sometimes have some hostility towards the crowd.

They should not require people to think the same way they think themselves, or to use the same thinking tools.

Learning to accept irony and jokes directed at themselves and targeting their little phobias can seriously help maintain their health.

Most of them behave equally reserved at work and at home, but some can go too far and behave carelessly in the family.

Love by horoscope

Any kind of relationship is taken very seriously. But at the same time, they must be sensitive and allow the partner to also take part in building the relationship. Problems may arise if those born on this day are overly demanding of those closest to them.

Career according to horoscope

As a rule, they are excellent financiers; they manage to build a solid financial base through savings and investments. Power and wealth are important to them, but only as a means of advancement in work and helping the family, the social group they belong to, or even all of humanity.

Tarot card born on October 28: Magician

Name of the figure: Magician, Magician, Craftsman. Image of the figure: a young magician (or magician) in front of his table, on which there are tools.

Symbol: one who, thanks to his personal qualities, achieves a goal.

Meanings: will, intuition, eloquence, fruitfulness, indecision, careerism, illusions.

Analogies: Astrology: Sun in Leo; Health: eye diseases, pain in the heart; Professions: craftsman, lawyer, businessman.

Planet of those born on October 28

Sun (2+8=10=1+0=1): source of light and life and the basis of personality. A symbol of warmth, courage, generosity, vitality, passion, energy, pride, dignity, majesty, creative energy. Represents confidence and power, as well as ambition and vanity.

Birthday number October 28

Number 2: indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 are highly sensitive individuals who need stimulation and protection. Distinctive features are vivid imagination and creativity.

Number 8: symbol of capable administrators and economists. Number 8 requires time and space to devote to its own conquests.


Panic attacks, allergic asthma.


Entrepreneur, psychologist, physicist.


Creative, reflective, able to intrigue.


Impulsiveness, instinctiveness, malice.