Rose hip petal jam, recipe, beneficial properties. Rosehip jam beneficial properties

Homemade sweets are an excellent alternative to store-bought goods, which often contain a lot of additional ingredients. chemical components designed to increase shelf life and improve taste qualities. Desserts made with your own hands can be not only very tasty, but also healthy. This also applies to preparations for the winter, for example, various jams. So, today we will talk about jam made from rose hips, or rather from the petals of its flowers. You will be offered to prepare according to a proven recipe, and we will also tell you about the beneficial properties of jam.

The useful rosehip, which bestows us with its fruits, looks very attractive during flowering. Plus it just smells great. Not only berries, but also the petals of this plant contain many useful components. They, like fruits, can also be used to improve the health of the body and even for therapeutic purposes. Jam made from them can be a wonderful delicacy. Well, if you cook it without heat treatment, then completely healing.

Preparing jam according to the recipe from rosehip flower petals

To prepare delicious jam, you need to stock up on the basis for it - directly with flower petals. You will need a liter jar of such raw materials. For this number of petals you need to use a liter of ordinary clean water, as well as seven hundred grams granulated sugar.

Prepare the petals - sort them out, eliminating all damaged, dark and ugly areas. Place water on the fire, bring it to a boil and dissolve the prepared sugar in it. Then dip the rosehip petals themselves into the prepared syrup. Stir gently and bring to a boil again.

Remove the finished jam from the stove and leave at room temperature until cool. The finished dessert can be placed in sterile jars, sealed with sterile lids and placed in the refrigerator for storage.

Another jam option

To prepare such an amazing dessert, you need to prepare three hundred grams of rosehip flower petals, two hundred and fifty milliliters of water, eight hundred grams of granulated sugar, and half a lemon.

Sort through the petals, eliminating possible debris and damaged areas, if any. Grind the prepared raw materials using a blender or food processor.

Place a pan of water on the fire, add sugar and heat, stirring, over medium heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour the prepared flower petals into the prepared syrup, add freshly squeezed juice from half a lemon. Bring the jam to a boil, then reduce the heat to low. Cook, stirring occasionally for half an hour. To check the readiness of such a dessert, you need to drop a drop onto a saucer and evaluate its thickness.
Place the hot jam into sterile jars, seal with sterile lids, and then store in the refrigerator.

Raw treat

This jam is prepared without cooking, so it is especially healthy. The absence of heat treatment allows you to preserve everything useful qualities dessert. To make raw jam, you need to use a minimum of ingredients - two parts petals and one part granulated sugar.

First of all, prepare the petals. Go through them carefully so that there are no injured areas. Afterwards, rinse the plant material and spread it over a towel to dry. Periodically stir the drying petals, so the process will go faster.

Rub the washed petals until soft, adding granulated sugar to them. During this grinding, the sugar should gradually dissolve. Place the finished dessert in sterile dry jars, seal with sterile lids and place in the refrigerator for storage.

Useful qualities

This delicacy contains many useful substances, therefore brings great benefit health. After all, from the petals unique etheric and also fixed oils, which have astringent, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties. Jam also saturates the body with organic acids, glycosides, a number of flavonoids and tannins. Among other things, it contains a certain amount of anthocyanins, wax and quite a lot of ascorbic acid.

Thus, consuming jam will help readers of Popular About Health strengthen the body as a whole and increase immunity. This dessert will speed up recovery for various colds and will help cope with neurasthenia. Its moderate consumption will benefit digestive tract, will help increase appetite and improve the functioning of the pancreas. In addition, there is evidence that such a delicacy will be very useful people with hypertension - high blood pressure. This jam also has a positive effect on the composition of the blood, removing excess cholesterol from it. Some healers advise eating it for heart attacks or pre-infarction conditions, and also with ischemia and strokes.

It is worth noting that useful petals When taken, jam can sometimes be harmful. It may cause individual intolerance reactions. In addition, you should not eat it when diabetes mellitus.

Thus, jam made from rosehip petals can become a very tasty dessert that improves your mood and adds a special zest to your winter diet. But in addition, such a dessert also brings enormous health benefits.

Rosehip is a plant of the rose family that has a large number of varieties.

It is widely used in medicinal purposes. Everyone knows an infusion of rosehips, which contains a large amount of vitamin C. Rosehip petals are also used, long time preserving them beneficial features, which have a beneficial effect on the human body. They should be harvested during the flowering period - in May-June. An amazing aromatic jam is prepared from rosehip flower petals.

Jam made from whole rosehip petals

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 100 g prepared flower petals;
  • 900 g granulated sugar;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • 2 g citric acid.


From a whole rosehip flower, cut off all the petals with scissors so that their white Bottom part remained on the stalk. Shake the petals well to remove pollen and wash.

The next step is blanching in boiling water for 5 minutes. Next is cooling.

Prepare syrup using the blanching water.

The next step is to dip the rosehip flower petals into the syrup. Cook until done. Acid is added before the end of cooking.

Jam made from crushed rosehip flower petals

The following components are required:

  • 100 g flower petals;
  • 100 g sugar.

To prepare the syrup, prepare:

  • 500 g sugar;
  • glass of water.


Trim the petals in the same way as in the previous recipe. Grind them with sugar in a 1:1 ratio until smooth.

The next step is preparing the syrup.

After boiling the syrup for 5-7 minutes, immerse the prepared gruel from the petals into it and cook for 10-12 minutes until ready.

Rosehip flower jam with lemon juice


  • petals - 250 pcs.;
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 kg;
  • lemon;
  • water - 750 ml.


It is necessary to collect brightly colored rosehip flower petals, intact. First you need to rinse them, then squeeze them out.

The next step is grinding the petals with 0.5 kg of granulated sugar.

Prepare with the rest of the sugar and 750 ml of water sugar syrup, in which boil the petals until soft.

Squeeze the juice from the lemon and add to the almost finished jam. Boil the syrup to the required thickness.

Raw jam from rosehip flower petals

This jam is not boiled, so it retains the beneficial properties of rose hips. Stored in the refrigerator.

Wash the petals and let the water drain. Grind until soft with granulated sugar in a ratio of 2:1 (2 parts petals, 1 part sugar). The sugar should completely dissolve.

Place the raw jam in clean, dry jars, cover with lids and refrigerate.

All the flowers are gorgeous! Each flower is charming in its own way and keeps in
some secret to yourself. It could be healing properties, beneficial
affecting the body and aromatic qualities that have their own
special magic that affects the emotional and psychological background

Rose and rose hip, which is very often popularly called
Bulgarian rose, just like each of the most wonderful gifts of nature -
contain extraordinary healing properties. More than one hundred years
Rose petals are added to tea precisely because of these properties,
which thanks to them has a truly enchanting aroma and beneficial
influencing physiological functions adds strength to a tired body,
slightly calming and intoxicating.

Rose hip flower drink
- this is a separate story, almost a legend. From time immemorial,
village healers advised people suffering from heart disease
make a drink from rose hips. Drink made from flowers brewed in boiling water
rosehip - rich in vitamin C, has a calming and relaxing effect
action. This drink is useful in general and for the whole body, but
can also be used in for preventive purposes- for health and
longevity, strengthening the immune and cardiovascular systems. On prescription
medicine man dried flowers rose hips had to be brewed with boiling water and drunk
such healing drink after meal.

The rosehip itself -
this is just a treasure trove of nature, about which we know so little and so rarely
we use. Rosehip since time immemorial, even by our great-great-grandmothers
and was used by great-mothers as a means to improve exchange
substances in the body and even against bleeding gums (periodontal disease) and
anemia (anemia).

Today doctors recognize
the fact that rosehip is magnificent prophylactic against
many diseases. Doctors have proven that drugs manufactured
from rose hips have diuretic, choleretic, anti-inflammatory,
antisclerotic and hemostatic effect.

roses have always been very important great importance, thanks to them
a specific aroma, slightly intoxicating and intoxicating. Russia does not have
such vibrant customs and traditions as, for example, in the East, which
tie rose flowers and intimate relationships lovers. Moroccan
customs, for example, include practices such as foot washing
beloved on the first wedding night with fragrant rose water, a bath with
rose petals, dance of a Moroccan beauty for her beloved with a rose on
heaving, pert chest.

Rose petals find their way
place and in love magic and in love games. The bed is strewn
rose petals, which came to us from the West, caresses in which lovers
can use not a feather, but a cool rose with its velvety
delicate petals.

Rose petals and rice at weddings
shower the newlyweds. A beautiful and solemn moment remains in the memory
not just by observing some norm or custom, but as one of the most
vivid memories.

From rose petals and rose hips even
making jam! Didn't you know? To make this dessert
fresh flowers are collected, after which they are laid in thin layers in
jar, sprinkling each layer with sugar and pressing tightly with a spoon. Then
put the jar in the refrigerator and after a while, when it forms
the syrup is poured into a separate glass container, and the petals are again
covered with sugar. The aromatic syrup thus obtained from
rose petals and rose hips, very useful for heart disease and anemia,
it is added to tea and how medicine against stress.

Here are a few recipes for making jam from rose hips petals (you can also make jam from tea roses):

1. Jam from rosehip petals (or roses).

To prepare you will need:

125 g petals

1 kg granulated sugar

1/2 liter of clean water

5-8 g citric acid

Dip the washed petals into pre-prepared syrup, brought to a boil. Cook in one batch. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add citric acid. Pour the prepared jam into jars.

2.Jam and petals.

Ingredients for cooking:

250 g petals

200 g granulated sugar

1 g citric acid

Sprinkle the peeled petals with a thin layer of sugar, add citric acid in parts and leave in a cool place for one day. Then mash the petals with a pestle until smooth. Place in pre-prepared jars. Sprinkle sugar on top. Store in the refrigerator.

3.Jam and petals.

0.5 kg petals

2 kg granulated sugar

juice of 2-3 fresh lemons

3 glasses of cold water

Peel the petals, add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar and pour in lemon juice in parts, grind until smooth. Use the rest of the sand to prepare syrup. To do this, mix water and sugar, add the prepared mass of petals to the resulting mixture and simmer fire. The finished jam takes on a transparent color. The jam is ready.

What can be prepared from rose hips? It can be a decoction, infusion, rosehip tincture, compote, oil, syrup, tea, jam! Starting a conversation about delicious and fragrant jam, one cannot help but recall how beneficial rose hips are for the body of men and women. This is where all the attention is focused. Indeed, this preparation for the winter will become a real source of vitamins and valuable substances. But each bush can produce a harvest of 1-3 kg for up to 15 years. It can be used for both medicinal and preventive purposes, drunk simply for pleasure and to satisfy the need for sweets. If you prepare such a delicacy as jam correctly, you will get an unsurpassed dessert.
In fact, it is not at all difficult to prepare jam from rosehip flowers and berries, the recipe and benefits of which will be the topic of our conversation today.

Rose hip jam - benefits

No matter what parts of the plant you use to prepare this delicacy, it will be incredibly healthy. It is no secret to anyone that this particular berry is considered the leader in the amount of ascorbic acid it contains. It helps strengthen the immune system, especially in winter period when overcome by colds and viruses. Large fruits are of greatest value, as they contain a lot of vitamin C and are very easy to clean from seeds and lint.

Rosehip jam perfectly improves performance, relieves fatigue, gives vigor and strength. Tea with such a dessert will allow you to restore and heal the body after stress or after intense exercise. physical activity.

Traditional healers It is recommended to use this product if you have circulatory problems. Have you noticed that your palms or feet are cold in the hottest weather? Or maybe when your body temperature rises, your head burns and your feet freeze? This is one of the first symptoms of a circulatory disorder. Drink tea with rosehip jam more often!

Jam is useful for disorders of the pancreas. And, of course, indispensable for flu, colds, and many others infectious diseases. It accumulates in the flowers of a blossoming plant. maximum amount useful components. A sweet dish prepared from them saves you from bronchitis, sore throat, and stomatitis. It normalizes arterial pressure, and also reduces bad cholesterol in blood. This preparation is irreplaceable for people facing cardiovascular diseases.
It seems that this number of listed properties is quite enough to be tempted and eager to make jam for the winter.

Contraindications for use

Let us immediately note that in large quantities this product is not consumed. It increases blood pressure, so hypertensive patients need to be careful when adding it to their diet. It is not recommended to eat jam for those who have stomach problems, diagnosed increased acidity, ulcer.

Expectant mothers should not eat rosehip dishes; during pregnancy, this can cause abortion. Women should also abstain during menstruation, as eating these berries may cause profuse bleeding.

After eating sweets from this plant, be sure to rinse oral cavity, because ascorbic acid in excess quantities will simply destroy the enamel on the teeth.

Do not eat this jam in large portions every day, as this may cause a decrease in insulin production by the pancreas. As a result, biliary excretion will be impaired, it is possible inflammatory process in the liver.

Rose hip jam - recipe for fruits and petals

Rose hip petal jam

To make jam from flowers, you need to take 1 cup of these parts of the plant. We will need sugar and water in the same quantities, one glass each. Flower petals are carefully separated, placed in an enamel saucepan, and cool water and add sugar. All this should be cooked over low heat with continuous stirring.

At the beginning of cooking, the flowers have a slight purple tint, then they become withered. This shortcoming can be corrected by adding less than a teaspoon of citric acid at the moment of boiling. It will retain a pleasant color and emphasize the aroma. You need to cook for at least 30 minutes, stirring. The petals should become soft, but not completely fall apart. From this amount of ingredients you will get a small jar of jam. It can be closed and left for tea drinking over the winter.

Rosehip jam

For the recipe we need 1 kg of berries, 1 kg of granulated sugar, 1 liter of water. We wash the berries well, sort them and remove any spoiled ones. Each berry needs to be cut lengthwise into two halves. Carefully remove the seeds. Fill the pan with water, pour the peeled fruits into it. When loose fibers appear on top, carefully remove them from the surface of the water. Keep this decoction on the fire for 3-4 minutes, then strain it into another saucepan. Pour sugar into the broth, let it dissolve, and then add the rosehip halves. Bring to a boil, leave on fire for 3-4 minutes. Then remove from the stove and leave to cool for 6-7 hours. Put it back on the fire and simmer for 15-20 minutes until you get the desired consistency. Divide the resulting mass into glass jars(it is more convenient to use small containers). Roll up, wrap well, turning the lids down. They need to be kept warm. After a day, put the rosehip jam in a cool place and store it until you want to try it. delicious dessert during the winter tea party!

If rose hips have bloomed in your garden, then it’s time to cook something tasty, aromatic and very healthy jam. To do this, you need to collect 200-300 grams of the most beautiful and bright petals, and prepare them correctly.

By the way, since rosehip petals are quite light, this amount will be enough to make one liter of jam.

How to make delicious petal jam

When collecting, the petals are carefully removed from the inflorescences one at a time in order to preserve the ovaries and get a harvest of rose hips by autumn. It is best to collect the petals in the morning or after rain, when they are freshest and most fragrant.

Next, they are thoroughly washed in running water, clearing them of pollen and impurities, and sorted, cutting off the white tips with which they were attached to the inflorescence. This procedure is quite troublesome, but it will relieve you of bitterness. The finished rosehip petals are covered with sugar in a one to one weight ratio and then placed in the refrigerator for four hours.

During this time, sugar syrup is prepared. Pour 350 ml of table water into a stainless pan and add 350 grams of sugar. The syrup is heated and brought until the sugar dissolves.

When the petals are steeped, you can grind them in a blender to make the jam more tender. Then add some of the syrup and bring the jam to a boil.

If you do not want to lose the aroma and color of the jam as soon as it begins to boil, it must be immediately removed from the heat and cooled. After six hours, add the rest of the syrup and bring the jam to a boil again. After which, as before, it is immediately cooled. After another twelve hours, the jam is boiled for the last time, adding the juice of half a lemon.

At the end, the finished rosehip petal jam is poured into sterilized jars and sealed with lids. Hot jam in jars is gradually cooled and then stored.

Video. Rosehip petal syrup

Using rosehip flower jam

The easiest way to use rosehip petal jam is to simply eat it with tea. However, thanks to its unusual color And magical aroma, it will be an excellent addition to any baked goods, as a coating for cakes, making yoghurts, as well as pancakes and pancakes.

In addition to rosehip inflorescences, you can use tea and traditional roses in this recipe, but if they grow in your garden and are not purchased or gifted in the form of a bouquet.

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