Therapeutic sessions oris charging gastrointestinal tract water. Orisa healing sessions

Oris - Healing video sessions - [The latest spiritual and cosmological ideas about the universe and “man”, DVDRip]

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Description. We present to your attention Orisa video treatment, unique in its power and capabilities, for almost all diseases.

List of video treatments

1) How to use Orisa treatments

2) The principle of action of Orisa treatments

3) Charging water, including swimming pools from everything

4) Treatment of the prostate gland

5) Oris - eye treatments

6) Insulin injection

7) Activation of the immune system

Orisa healing sessions

I present to your attention the unique healing sessions of the famous healer - Orisa

Here is what Oris himself writes about himself:

“I am not a Teacher or an Initiate, I do not have any students. But I have a Teacher and there are High comrades who sent me and entrusted me with this very important mission. They are the true authors of books, therefore, when I write “we” then I mean first of all them - the Spirits of Light constantly collaborating with me... You should not focus on my personality, because on Earth I am NOBODY, just a person who had to do my job very well. I am just one out of many."

How to use Orisa healing sessions.

Download the file you need and begin your Orisa healing session.

Treatment of prostate adenoma 21.6mv DOWNLOAD

This is very strong treatment, which has many positive side effects from practice. Therefore, do not be surprised if, in addition to the fact that the prostate adenoma begins to decrease in size and then completely disappears. There have been cases of complete disappearance in 3 sessions inguinal hernia, hemorrhoids, improvement of intestinal functions, motor function, returned to normal vegetative system, restoration of potency and other sexual functions. During this treatment, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands, or place them nearby. This will charge the water. (author)

Treatment of cysts and all types benign tumors 14mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of minigitis 13 mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of heart disease 15mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of cystitis 19mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of chlamydia 20.3mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of sacrolumbar radiculitis 13mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of toothache 12.8mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of gonorrhea 17.6mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of polyarthritis 20.3mv DOWNLOAD

Dissolving kidney stones and charging water DOWNLOAD

Normalization of the spleen, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system DOWNLOAD

Strengthening cardiac function after a heart attack DOWNLOAD

Strengthening the function of the left ventricle of the heart DOWNLOAD

Normalization of cardio-vascular system DOWNLOAD

Harmonization energy centers and channels DOWNLOAD

Charging water and pools from everything DOWNLOAD

During this treatment, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands, or place them nearby. This will charge the water. This water can and should be drunk as an addition to the sessions. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, on the refrigerator, because the electromagnetic field of the refrigerator can destroy the structure of the healing thought form that will be attached to the water molecules (author)

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages 14.3mv DOWNLOAD

Harmonization energy channels and centers DOWNLOAD

Treatment of bowel cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of brain cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of lung cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of cancer of the digestive organs DOWNLOAD

Treatment of esophageal cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment malignant tumors brain DOWNLOAD

Prevention cancerous tumors. Effective treatment herpes DOWNLOAD

Against malignant tumors. Radius max. air.treated about 1m. DOWNLOAD

My world

Album: bioenergy treatment Orisa

7602:09ORIS: Powerful healing for the rejuvenation of the body and all its systems 2302:09 ORIS: Powerful treatment for the rejuvenation of the body and all its systems 2325:28 The principle of action of the Oris treatment. 1800: 59 YouTube - 53 Powerful activation of the immune system 1603: 50 YouTube - 56 Normalization of the function of the peripheral nervous system 2905: 13 Treatment of migraines and headaches pain2202:53Treatment. Anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. Video on RuTube -3403:29YouTube - 27 Treatment of toothache1504:18YouTube - 54 Normalization of the cardiovascular system1505:56YouTube - 163 Treatment. sclerotic changes in the heart-vessel. system1306:49YouTube - 62 Anti-inflammatory and wound healing1503:58YouTube - 153 Treatment of heart disease3103:33YouTube - 140 Treatment of stroke1805:31YouTube - 152 Treatment of polyarthritis, salt deposition in joints3905:35cleansing the liver and charging water2202:10how to use treatments2103:48l treatment of bronchitis with asthmatic 1506:48 treatment of hypertension 1705: 25 Liver cleansing 503:39 YouTube - 157 Treatment of brain cancer 1506:08 Treatment of uterine fibroids and prevention oncological diseases female reproductive system. Video on RuTube -1403:30YouTube - 63 Prevention of cancer, treatment of herpes 1404:04 Treatment of inflammation of the appendages 1706:16 Powerful treatment for burning fat in the body. Video on RuTube -1705:00Restoring the functions of the eye lens 25004:37Diseases. Vision. treatment of glaucoma and internal eye.da1506:50YouTube - 141 Treatment of cataracts new5903:40Normalization of the central nervous system1503:33Normalization of the functions of the peripheral nervous system. Video on RuTube -3512:02Oris. CLEANING ENERGY CENTERS AND CHANNELS2004:05138 Refocusing session on rejuvenation of the body 9 Oris 20102003:09ORIS: Impact on deactivation of the aggression gene in the DNA wave structure. Video on RuTube -1304:57132 Refocusing session on liver cleansing 9 Oris 20103005:05 YouTube - 02 Oris - Restoring the functions of the eye lens 1402:09 ORIS.Powerful treatment and rejuvenation of the body.1103:43129 Refocusing session in the direction of Synthesis Human Qualities 81 Oris 20101905:22125 Refocusing session for cataracts 81 Oris 20104103:59116 Refocusing session for atrophy optic nerve Oris 20102303:12 Treatment sessions Orisa. Regeneration of bone tissue cells1201:39 anesthesia session for all pain

Orisa healing sessions

Dear Brothers and Sisters

Treatments for many diseases are recorded with Oris. Videotapes with treatments can be purchased from us (section "How to contact us").

This section contains both audio (MP3) and video files of treatments. Video files are in DivX 352x256 format and are no more than 25 MB in size. If you have a stretched picture on your screen, you need to configure the frame format with an aspect ratio of 4:3 in the video player settings.

Each treatment must be viewed at least 7 times during one session. Then the thought form of treatment will be able to more effectively influence the pathology. The treatment range is approximately 3 meters. Some treatments have a whole room, but you need to be in the area of ​​the direction of the TV or monitor screen or just the speakers if you turn on the treatment from the player. It doesn't matter if there are walls in the way of you from the monitor. For example, you can point the monitor at the wall behind which you have a kitchen and where you plan to spend some time. If you believe that you are outside the treatment zone, then your very attention to the fact that you are being treated allows the thought form of treatment to work with your astrosome. This has already been verified by observation, when a person, being outside the impact zone, remembered that treatment is underway, when the thought form immediately began to work with the astrosome, even at a distance of more than 5 meters.

During treatments, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands or place them nearby. This will charge the water. This water can and should be drunk as an addition to the sessions. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, on the refrigerator, because the electromagnetic field of the refrigerator can destroy the structure of the healing thought form that will be attached to the water molecules. Also, this water cannot be heated in electric kettles due to the same effect as with a refrigerator.

Note 1: The numbers on the right are the file size in megabytes

Note 2: the blue floppy disk on the right is a duplicate link for visitors who are prohibited from downloading multimedia files.

Dear Russians, do not download materials from here, to download, please go to this page.

Oris healing sessions

2. Normalization of the function of the central nervous system

3. Cleaning energy channels

4. 112 Vision correction and treatment of strabismus

5. 174 Burning fats

Effective when viewed 7 times in a row.

Born as Sergey Vasilievich Tsvelev on January 25, 1954 in the village of Maryinka Donetsk region. In 2008, he changed his first and last name to Oris. Currently lives in Yalta, Crimea.

In 1978 he graduated from the agronomic department of the Crimean Agricultural Institute. M.I. Kalinina.

For many years I studied seriously and in depth various types oriental martial arts and wrote, based on his own many years of training experience, three large books that made up the collection “The Path of Karate - from Student to Master,” which was published in 1992.

In the early 1990s, Oris wrote and published three unique series consisting of 30 books: “Diary of Transmutation”, “Life Between Lives” and “Contacts on the Eve of the Year 2000”, as well as the books “Wanderings of the Soul”, “Soul in the Zodiac” ", "Life without death", "Soul and Space", "Soul in other worlds", "Aliens" and others.

In 2000-2005 wrote the books "IISSIIDI" in two parts, which represent general ideas teachings about chakra personalities, how specific forms self-expression of the Collective Cosmic Mind, which constitute one of the aspects of the rational-sensual and self-conscious basis of the entire multidimensional Universe, including the basis of the Aggregate Consciousness of all living beings of the Earth.

Since 2001, Oris has written 555 song lyrics to popular tunes of the 20th century. All of them are combined into two collections under common name"My Testament". These songs encourage a positive perception of life circumstances, an altruistic lifestyle and unconditional love to everything that is happening.

In 2006, two volumes of his books with the general title “Good News” were published, which marked the beginning of the creative stage of working with information of fundamentally new, higher quality content. As a result of numerous answers to questions from readers based on the materials in these volumes, a new cycle books "Immortality is available to everyone (volumes 10 - 15). Comments on the fundamentals", which formed part of the issiidiological Knowledge - the latest cosmological ideas about the Universe and man.

Thus, from 2009 to the present, Oris has been working on a series of books on Iissiidiology. This cycle will include 20 volumes. To date, the following volumes have already been published:

Volume 1 – Interaction of Information and Energy as the Root Cause of the Creative Activity of the Focus of Self-Consciousness and the Universe as a whole.

Volume 2 – Cosmic Qualities as the Basis of the energy-informational manifestation of all Form-systems of the Universe.

Volume 3 – Diversity of Forms of creative realization of Cosmic Man.

Volume 9 – Dictionary of IISSIIDIOLOGY terms

Volume 10 – Fundamental Principles of Immortality

Volume 11 – Energy and biological mechanisms of refocusing Self-Consciousness

Volume 12 – “Modern” dynamics of the “Universal Focus of Self-Consciousness”

Volume 13 – Psychogenetic conditionality of the manifestation of the “human” Form

Volume 14 – Principles of resonant structures of Self-Consciousness

Volume 15 – The Conscious Path to Human Worlds"personal" Immortality

IN this moment the author is working on the fourth volume of Fundamentals of IISSIIDIOLOGY. This series of books reflects the latest iissiidiological ideas of the author, in accordance with which the information in the books “Good News” will be significantly deepened, expanded and supplemented.

I present to your attention the unique healing sessions of the famous healer - Orisa
Here is what Oris himself writes about himself:
“I am not a Teacher or an Initiate, I do not have any students. But I have a Teacher and there are High comrades who sent me and entrusted me with this very important mission. They are the true authors of books, therefore, when I write “we” then I mean first of all them - the Spirits of Light constantly collaborating with me... You should not focus on my personality, because on Earth I am NOBODY, just a person who had to do my job very well. I am just one out of many."

How to use Orisa healing sessions.

Download the file you need and begin your Orisa healing session.

Treatment of prostate adenoma 21.6mv DOWNLOAD
This is a very powerful treatment, which has many positive side effects from practice. Therefore, do not be surprised if, in addition to the fact that the prostate adenoma begins to decrease in size and then completely disappears. There were cases of complete disappearance in 3 sessions of inguinal hernia, hemorrhoids, improvement of intestinal functions, motor function, normalization of the autonomic system, restoration of potency and other sexual functions. During this treatment, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands, or place them nearby. This will charge the water. (author)

Treatment of cysts and all types of benign tumors 14mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of heart disease 15mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of sacrolumbar radiculitis 13mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of toothache 12.8mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of polyarthritis 20.3mv DOWNLOAD

Dissolving kidney stones and charging water DOWNLOAD

Normalization of the spleen, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system DOWNLOAD

Increased cardiac function after a heart attack DOWNLOAD

Strengthening the function of the left ventricle of the heart DOWNLOAD

Normalization of the cardiovascular system DOWNLOAD

Harmonization of energy centers and channels DOWNLOAD

Charging water and pools from everything DOWNLOAD

During this treatment, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands, or place them nearby. This will charge the water. This water can and should be drunk as an addition to the sessions. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, on the refrigerator, because the electromagnetic field of the refrigerator can destroy the structure of the healing thought form that will be attached to the water molecules (author)

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages 14.3mv DOWNLOAD

Harmonization of energy channels and centers DOWNLOAD

Treatment of brain cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of digestive cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of malignant brain tumors DOWNLOAD

Prevention of cancer. Effective treatment for herpes DOWNLOAD

Against malignant tumors. Radius max. air.treated about 1m. DOWNLOAD

Each treatment must be viewed at least 7 times during one session. Then the thought form of treatment will be able to more effectively influence the pathology. The treatment range is approximately 3 meters. Some treatments have a whole room, but you need to be in the area of ​​the direction of the TV or monitor screen or just the speakers if you turn on the treatment from the player. It doesn't matter if there are walls in the way of you from the monitor. For example, you can point the monitor at the wall behind which you have a kitchen and where you plan to spend some time. If you believe that you are outside the treatment zone, then your very attention to the fact that you are being treated allows the thought form of treatment to work with your astrosome. This has already been verified by observation, when a person, being outside the impact zone, remembered that treatment was underway, and immediately the thought form began to work with the astrosome, even at a distance of more than 5 meters.

During treatments, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands or place them nearby. This will charge the water. This water can and should be drunk as an addition to the sessions. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, on the refrigerator, because the electromagnetic field of the refrigerator can destroy the structure of the healing thought form that will be attached to the water molecules. Also, this water cannot be heated in electric kettles due to the same effect as with a refrigerator.

≫ More information

Fight inflammation Bladder in women and men it is carried out using the same medications, but the regimens are different. To date, one has not been developed universal medicine from cystitis, to obtain the desired result you have to select products individually. For chronic cystitis and the acute form of the disease, approximately the same products are used, with adjustments for the timing of their intake and dosage. The duration of the course of treatment for cystitis is determined solely by the doctor; rash independent actions can cause significant harm to the body. Even the use of herbal products should be agreed with a urologist or at least a therapist.

Rules for prescribing medications for cystitis

Effective treatment for cystitis in women and men is only possible with integrated approach to solving the problem. Use of medications in mandatory should be supported by changes in routine and nutrition. Doctors say “drink plenty of fluids” during therapy for a reason - the speed of recovery really depends on this point. Do not think that when using large quantity water against the background of cystitis, the tablets will not be absorbed in the proper volume. This technique will only increase the effectiveness of the chosen remedy by flushing the bladder and removing pathogens from the body.

You should not use products that have already helped someone to treat or prevent cystitis. The list of medications must be selected individually in each case. Even powerful ones antimicrobial agents do not always give the same result, because much depends on the type of pathogen and the degree of its spread. You should not try to cure inflammation using only herbal infusions and other products traditional medicine. They are really different high efficiency, but they manifest it only in combination with specialized medications.

The treatment of cystitis in women, who are not as responsible as men in following prescriptions, deserves increased attention. Many patients try to take the products prescribed by the doctor only for a period of time. acute period illness or according to a changed pattern, fearing adverse reactions from therapy. As a result, the effectiveness of the products used decreases, and the process becomes chronic. Only a urologist should decide what to drink for cystitis, in what doses, for how long and with what folk remedies the chosen treatment option can be combined.

Basics of antimicrobial therapy

High quality and fast treatment Bladder inflammation is difficult to imagine without the use of antibiotics. Even in those in rare cases when the disease is provoked by a non-infectious factor, to pathological process pathogens quickly join. To select the optimal remedy for cystitis, urine culture should be performed to test for sensitivity to antibiotics. While waiting for test results, you should take products wide range actions. Like the rest medications, these products are prescribed only by a specialist.

Monural – one-day antibiotic

According to many doctors, the drug Monural - best medicine with antimicrobial properties for cystitis. It is relatively inexpensive and only needs to be taken once. Numerous positive reviews confirm the effectiveness of the approach and its safety. This option Therapy is well tolerated even by small children; the drug is contraindicated only in children under 5 years of age. Monural is prescribed even before test results are received, and it helps even with hemorrhagic cystitis.

Monural has one feature that allows you to quickly cure cystitis. Just one serving of the product, prepared from 3 g of product, remains in the bladder for 48 hours. This is enough to have a devastating effect on most existing bacteria. Medicinal product in powder form, it should be diluted in a third of a glass of water and drunk 2 hours before or 2 hours after meals. It is best to take Monural before bed after emptying your bladder.

The product is available without a prescription, but should not be used without a doctor's approval. Taking the product does not allow drinking alcohol. If a diagnosis of recurrent cystitis is made, one day after taking the first portion of the product, you should drink a second one.

Taking antimicrobial products by mouth

If taking Monural is considered inappropriate or the product does not help, you should use other antibacterial drugs. When choosing a medicine for cystitis in women, doctors give preference to the mildest and safe means. Determining the type of impact on male body, should be considered concomitant diseases and provoking factors.

The most commonly used antibacterial drugs for cystitis are:

When choosing medications, you should not focus on their cost, even if your financial situation allows it. Sometimes the latest, very powerful product copes with the tasks much worse than cheap products that have been proven over the years. It is better not to listen to what medications have been used by others, but to strictly follow the advice of a urologist.

Instillations with antibiotics

In some cases, antibacterial drugs for the treatment of cystitis are best used not only in the classic way. At severe course diseases, doctors recommend a procedure for women and men in which medicinal products injected directly into the bladder. The approach is called instillation, and for its implementation medications are used in the form of solutions. Such sessions are usually carried out only in a hospital setting under supervision medical workers. Sometimes, with this type of treatment for cystitis in women, antiseptics or anti-inflammatory products are used.

Medicines based on plant extracts

It is mandatory to use medications consisting of plant extracts to treat cystitis. Therapy can be carried out with tablets, teas, capsules, syrups and even gels. In some cases similar drugs Cystitis can be treated without antibiotics. But this approach is applicable only for mild forms of the disease without severe pain and fever. Despite their naturalness and safety, the products are prescribed by a specialist.

The table lists what can be used to treat cystitis in women and men:

Name Operating principle Features of application
Canephron The product has pronounced analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. When taking the product there is a risk of transition acute form in chronic conditions it becomes less. The product is available in the form of pills and solution and must be taken over a long period of time according to an individual regimen.
Phytolysin Product in the form of a paste based on extracts and essential oils. Relieves spasms and inflammation, facilitates the outflow of urine and the removal of sand from the bladder. The mass is diluted in water and taken orally. It is not intended for external use.
Cyston A multicomponent composition that enhances the effect of antibiotics, relieves inflammation, fights microbes and facilitates the flow of urine. The most effective natural medicine to dissolve kidney stones.
Lingonberry leaves The components of the composition fight the symptoms of cystitis, strengthen local immunity, do not allow microbes to gain a foothold on the mucous membrane. The product can be taken without a doctor’s prescription as a preventive measure.
Monurel A product based on cranberry extract - has an antimicrobial and diuretic effect. Actively removes bacteria from the body. Must be taken in courses over a long period of time.

Listed herbal preparations They also help a lot with chronic form diseases. . If positive dynamics are obvious, treatment should be continued to full recovery. In case of absence positive results the product changes according to the specifics of the situation.

As you complete therapeutic courses based on natural products you need to undergo regular tests to assess their effectiveness

Nuances of symptomatic therapy

Taking antibiotics eliminates the cause of the disease, but they begin to act only after 2-3 days. All this time must be additionally spent symptomatic therapy to alleviate the patient's condition. When asked what pills to take for cystitis to eliminate pain and problems with urination, the attending physician will best answer. Their list will depend on the form of the disease, severity clinical picture And individual characteristics body.

Fight inflammation

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) fight local inflammation, reduce elevated temperature, thereby bringing significant relief. The most commonly used products are those based on ibuprofen. They are called differently: Faspik, Nurofen, Ibuprofen, Ibuklin. Good and quick effect gives Diclofenac. Which the product will do in a particular case and how to take it, you need to agree with your doctor.

You shouldn’t listen to people who say “I take anti-inflammatory drugs for cystitis without consulting a doctor, and they don’t give any benefit.” side effects». Long-term use Such products or their incorrect combination with other medications can cause damage to the kidneys and liver. It is strictly forbidden to use such products independently during pregnancy. In this case, it is generally better to treat the disease strictly under the supervision of a gynecologist.

Elimination of pain and urinary retention

Taking conventional analgesics in this case may not give desired effect, it is better to give preference to antispasmodics. They will relieve spasm of smooth muscles, which causes pain and problems with the outflow of urine. Tablets for cystitis of this type can be different: Drotaverine, Spazgan, Spazmalgon, Baralgin. The well-known No-Shpa also gives a good effect. If you are predisposed to inflammation of the bladder or its chronic course small yellow pills You should always keep it with you.

Within a few minutes after taking the drug, a noticeable improvement in the condition is noted. Painkiller tablets for cystitis are taken once or according to indications; you should not take them in long courses if nothing bothers you. The above products usually go well with antibiotics and other medications, but it will still be better if they are prescribed by a specialist.


Taking antibiotics often causes dysbiosis, so specialized treatment is often accompanied by the use of probiotics. It would be a good idea to strengthen your immune system with synthetic drugs or traditional medicine. At the same time as taking medications, a course of vitamins may be prescribed; their list depends on what medications are used and the goals being pursued.

Traditional medicines in the treatment of bladder inflammation

When treating cystitis in men and women, tablets are not the only way obtaining the desired result. Traditional medicine has a high degree of effectiveness. Today, there are several dozen effective approaches. To choose the best one, you should consult your doctor.

Here are just a few options on how to treat cystitis with natural remedies:

The listed methods will give durable and bright positive effect only in combination with directions from traditional medicine. By using folk remedies can even be cured chronic cystitis. True, this will have to take several months or even years.

I present to your attention the unique healing sessions of the famous healer - Orisa
Here is what Oris himself writes about himself:
“I am not a Teacher or an Initiate, I do not have any students. But I have a Teacher and there are High comrades who sent me and entrusted me with this very important mission. They are the true authors of books, therefore, when I write “we” then I mean first of all them - the Spirits of Light constantly collaborating with me... You should not focus on my personality, because on Earth I am NOBODY, just a person who had to do my job very well. I am just one out of many."

How to use Orisa healing sessions.

Download the file you need and begin your Orisa healing session.

Treatment of prostate adenoma 21.6mv DOWNLOAD
This is a very powerful treatment, which has many positive side effects from practice. Therefore, do not be surprised if, in addition to the fact that the prostate adenoma begins to decrease in size and then completely disappears. There were cases of complete disappearance in 3 sessions of inguinal hernia, hemorrhoids, improvement of intestinal functions, motor function, normalization of the autonomic system, restoration of potency and other sexual functions. During this treatment, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands, or place them nearby. This will charge the water. (author)

Treatment of cysts and all types of benign tumors 14mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of heart disease 15mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of chlamydia 20.3mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of sacrolumbar radiculitis 13mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of toothache 12.8mv DOWNLOAD

Treatment of polyarthritis 20.3mv DOWNLOAD

Dissolving kidney stones and charging water DOWNLOAD

Normalization of the spleen, gastrointestinal tract, central nervous system DOWNLOAD

Increased cardiac function after a heart attack DOWNLOAD

Strengthening the function of the left ventricle of the heart DOWNLOAD

Normalization of the cardiovascular system DOWNLOAD

Harmonization of energy centers and channels DOWNLOAD

Charging water and pools from everything DOWNLOAD

During this treatment, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands, or place them nearby. This will charge the water. This water can and should be drunk as an addition to the sessions. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, on the refrigerator, because the electromagnetic field of the refrigerator can destroy the structure of the healing thought form that will be attached to the water molecules (author)

Treatment of inflammation of the appendages 14.3mv DOWNLOAD

Harmonization of energy channels and centers DOWNLOAD

Bowel cancer treatment DOWNLOAD

Treatment of brain cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of nasopharyngeal cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of digestive cancer DOWNLOAD

Treatment of malignant brain tumors DOWNLOAD

Prevention of cancer. Effective treatment for herpes DOWNLOAD

Against malignant tumors. Radius max. air.treated about 1m. DOWNLOAD

Each treatment must be viewed at least 7 times during one session. Then the thought form of treatment will be able to more effectively influence the pathology. The treatment range is approximately 3 meters. Some treatments have a whole room, but you need to be in the area of ​​the direction of the TV or monitor screen or just the speakers if you turn on the treatment from the player. It doesn't matter if there are walls in the way of you from the monitor. For example, you can point the monitor at the wall behind which you have a kitchen and where you plan to spend some time. If you believe that you are outside the treatment zone, then your very attention to the fact that you are being treated allows the thought form of treatment to work with your astrosome. This has already been verified by observation, when a person, being outside the impact zone, remembered that treatment was underway, and immediately the thought form began to work with the astrosome, even at a distance of more than 5 meters.

During treatments, you can fill jars with water, hold them in your hands or place them nearby. This will charge the water. This water can and should be drunk as an addition to the sessions. It does not need to be stored in the refrigerator, on the refrigerator, because the electromagnetic field of the refrigerator can destroy the structure of the healing thought form that will be attached to the water molecules. Also, this water cannot be heated in electric kettles due to the same effect as with a refrigerator.