How to get rid of the smell of smoking in an apartment. The smell of tobacco in the house: reasons. Eliminating fresh smoke smell

Cigarette smoke contains many carcinogenic substances. When they come into contact with oxygen or mucous membranes, they begin to exude strong smell. Gradually, they accumulate, and an unpleasant cigarette smell is constantly felt from the mouth. It is not audible to its owner, but others immediately perceive it. How to remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth?


The main reason for the appearance of unpleasant odor from cigarette smoke- introduction of smoke into the mucous membrane. This leads to changes in acidity, the surface of the epithelium and increased formation of microbes. Gradually, the balance of the mucous membrane is disturbed, and a microflora disturbance occurs.

There are many dental diseases that cause bad smell, but this does not apply to cigarette smoke.


The smell in a smoker's mouth is specific. It intensifies when going outside when there is freshness around. If you smoke constantly, it is impossible to get rid of the smell of cigarettes forever. Temporary disguises are used. There are many products that provide an instant cosmetic effect. They will have to be used constantly after each cigarette smoked. Unfortunately, the tobacco “aura” will haunt smoking man constantly. The smoke is very caustic and immediately gets into your hair, clothes, hands and other things.

Ways to get rid of odor

Complete hygiene

Cleaning your teeth is done after eating and smoking. The ingredients in toothpaste can temporarily block the smell of cigarettes. After a while, the unpleasant aroma will again emanate from the lungs. Largest accumulation toxic substances noted in the crevices of the teeth and on the tongue. The organ must be washed with a special plastic spatula.

Important to know: The gaps between teeth can be well disinfected with mint dental floss.

Chewing gum

This excellent remedy to combat unpleasant odors. Thanks to the increased production of saliva, the oral cavity is washed. Along with the secret comes a large number of bacteria, and the smell is washed away. After smoking a cigarette, rinse your mouth plain water, then immediately chew the gum. To enhance the effect, you can chew one plate, and after a few minutes use a fresh one.

Important to know: In eliminating the smell of tobacco, fruit fillers have best action than mint ones.

Cough lozenges

They are used not only for prevention viral infection throat, but also to eliminate various odors. The lollipops contain strong aromatic and refreshing ingredients. They can be alternated with chewing gum. It is better to use antiseptic lozenges that do not contain sugar. This will relieve the enamel harmful effects glucose and caries development. Special lollipops “Antipolitsay” are especially popular. They belong to a biologically active air freshener.

Important: The composition contains eucalyptus oil, licorice root and other components. Thanks to them, odor-carrying molecules are destroyed.


Some products help quick elimination smell. Citrus fruits have this effect - lemons, oranges, tangerines, grapefruit. The pungent aroma acts instantly and for a long time. A small piece of orange or lemon is enough, but only with zest.

Interesting: It is in the peel that the increased content acids and oils that give a pungent aroma.

Coffee beans

Coffee has a thick and tart aroma. If used in finished form after smoking, it doesn’t cope much with the smell. It is recommended to use fresh grain product. You should not chew whole halves of coffee, as this can lead to microscopic injuries to the enamel. You need to grind a handful of seeds in a coffee grinder. For one oral treatment, half a teaspoon of coffee powder is enough. Chew fresh ground coffee for about 20 seconds, then rinse your mouth thoroughly with plain water.

Important: Do not overuse coffee to eliminate the cigarette smell. Gradually, the enamel darkens due to the pigment content and becomes covered with an unpleasant yellowness.

Sunflower seeds

This product has a lot of fatty saturated acids. They give a persistent and specific aroma. The seeds perfectly cover the smell of cigarettes after the first handful. After using them oral cavity It is necessary to rinse with plain water. This will prevent it from getting into fine particles product between teeth.

It is worth noting: Many nuts have the same effect, but nutmeg is used with caution. This product contains toxic acids and may cause an allergic reaction.

Dried cloves

The buds of the clove tree are used in cooking to give dishes a specific aroma. They have a spicy taste thanks to the essential oil eugenol. Smokers just need to chew a few cloves to wash away the smell of smoke.

Interesting: Cloves can be replaced with bay leaves. Even when dried, it retains a persistent aroma. After using it, it is not recommended to drink or eat for a while, then the effect will be maximum.

Ginger slices

The product has a tart, pungent taste and is excellent at combating bad breath after smoking. First, the root is cut into small slices and placed in a jar. It is stored under a tight lid in the refrigerator. After each cigarette smoked, ginger is thoroughly chewed.

Important: Use ginger with caution if you have mucosal diseases gastrointestinal tract. The components of the root lead to irritation and can increase the symptoms of gastritis and ulcers.


Fresh breath can be maintained with special refreshing sprays. They are sold in pharmacies. It is better to use natural fresheners without added alcohol and sugar. After smoking a cigarette, two injections are enough, but before that it is better to rinse your mouth with plain water.


Regular dairy products do a good job of counteracting the stench of cigarettes. Ingredients and milk fats instantly absorb odor molecules. Just eat a small jar of yogurt or rinse your mouth regular milk. Also, lactic acid products are necessary to maintain the microflora of the oral cavity. This will prevent the development of anaerobic bacteria, which cause other odors.


Natural Home wine has a delicate taste and smell. This low alcohol drink Easily removes various odors. If you spill some wine indoors, the fumes long time will be in the air. To eliminate the smell of cigarette smoke, do not drink wine. They rinse their mouth for a few seconds and spit it out.

Important to know: It will only help eliminate the cigarette smell natural product from pure grapes without alcohol content.

How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes in an apartment - video

Inhalation of a strong unpleasant odor causes fatigue in a person, headache, nausea. One of these “flavors” is the smell of cigarettes, which is very poorly tolerated by non-smokers, but smokers practically do not notice it. Tobacco smoke penetrates everywhere - it permeates curtains, carpets, clothing, human skin and hair, and it is not so easy to remove. There are several effective methods get rid of the smell of tobacco in the apartment.

Why is it so difficult to remove the smell of cigarettes?

Tobacco smells strongly due to the resins it contains, which are concentrated in the smoke and settle on things. Home textiles especially “love” tobacco smoke; the smell eats away and remains for a long time in furniture upholstery, curtains, bedspreads, blankets, and carpets.

In addition to headaches, nausea and fatigue, constant inhalation of an unpleasant odor smoking leads to irritation respiratory tract, which leads to frequent respiratory diseases, their more severe course. The fact is that due to the resins and burning that permeate the air, the mucous membranes are constantly irritated, and any virus easily settles on them and instantly multiplies.

Standard air fresheners will only mask the problem for a while. More effective means will help completely remove the smell of tobacco from your apartment.

Quick Methods

Such methods of getting rid of the smell of cigarettes will be effective if the tobacco smoke is fresh and has not had time to be absorbed into surrounding objects. First you need to do a small quick test:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly with baby soap. Please note that you cannot use antibacterial soap or with strong-smelling fragrances in the composition. Wait for a few minutes until your hands stop smelling like soap.
  2. After this, walk around the room, running your palm over the walls, carpets, and upholstery.
  3. If the smell of cigarettes does not remain on your hands, then the methods quick removal tobacco “aroma” will work.

The following methods will help you quickly remove the smell of cigarettes:

  • provide a constant flow of air in the room, or better yet, create a draft by opening windows and doors, this will help the smoke disappear faster, and the resin contained in it will not have time to settle on the surfaces of walls and furniture;
  • hang wet terry towels in your apartment, which perfectly absorb any odors;
  • Wash textile products (curtains, bedspreads) or hang them outdoors for a day to air;
  • hang clothes that smell of tobacco smoke on warm radiator heating for several hours;
  • dissolve one tablespoon in a bucket of clean water ammonia, soak a rag in the solution and wipe the surfaces (floor, furniture, walls, if they are not covered with paper wallpaper);
  • light it on a plate bay leaf as soon as he starts smoking, walk with him throughout the apartment;
  • Place orange zest or coffee beans in several plates and place them in different places in the rooms;
  • put on a saucer a small amount of sea ​​salt(for example, which is used for baths), add three to four drops to it essential oil;
  • Light an aroma lamp with essential oils for several hours.

Advice! Works best with unpleasant aromas essential oil of fir, pine, lemongrass, lavender or clove.

Effective ways to get rid of ingrained odor

To eliminate the old smell of tobacco, which has managed to deeply permeate objects, textiles and furniture located in the room, more radical methods. In particularly advanced cases, you may even have to update the decoration on the walls and ceiling, the covering on the floor, that is, make cosmetic repairs.

Most susceptible to absorption tobacco smoke and resin textiles. To get rid of cigarette smell:

  1. Wash small items, such as curtains, pillows, bedspreads, soft toys, bed linen, towels thoroughly and keep them in the cold for two to three days. When washing, use detergents with strong pleasant aroma And big amount fragrances The smell of washing powder or liquid detergent disappears quickly, but an atmosphere of freshness and cleanliness is created in the apartment for a long time.
  2. Soak white bedspreads, bed linen, towels, tablecloths for which chlorine-containing bleaches are allowed in the “Whiteness” solution. The duration of the procedure is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. After this, rinse the products thoroughly in a warm clean water with the addition of two tablespoons of baking soda.
  3. Helps get rid of cigarette smell Activated carbon, which has excellent absorbent (absorbent) properties. Place several tablets on saucers and place in different places rooms.
  4. Absorbs rice odors well. Pour a small amount onto plates and place them around the smoky room in several places.
  5. Dry cleaning can help rehabilitate winter clothes with fur.
  6. Leather products become saturated with tobacco smoke very quickly. To remove the smell, wipe the product weak solution vinegar. If this method fails, then take the item to the dry cleaner.
  7. Wash upholstered furniture (sofas, armchairs) and carpets with a special washing vacuum cleaner. If it is not there, then treat it with a product intended for hand washing, and after drying, vacuum it.
  8. Regular baking soda copes perfectly with any strong odors. Sprinkle it in a thin layer on carpets and upholstery upholstered furniture, leave for 24 hours, then remove the remaining powder with a vacuum cleaner. The method will be effective if this treatment is repeated two or three times.
  9. For long-pile carpet, use a mixture of baking soda and a strong-scented shampoo. For three to four tablespoons of shampoo, take 1-2 teaspoons of soda, stir until foam forms and apply to the surface with a brush. After treatment, rinse well clean water and dry the carpet.

Important! Be careful about the composition of the fabric you intend to process. Some materials, such as viscose carpets, deteriorate when wet and cannot be treated with products that contain chlorine or soda.

To remove the smell of cigarettes from moisture-resistant wall surfaces, use the following methods:

  1. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and regular table vinegar. Wipe the mixture onto walls, windows, doors, floors, baseboards, mirrors and tables. Before treating ordinary paper wallpaper on the walls, vacuum it, then gently wipe it with a soft cloth soaked in a mixture of table and apple cider vinegar.
  2. A mixture of three liters of water, half a glass of ammonia solution, a quarter glass of vinegar (table vinegar) and a quarter glass of baking soda will help remove odors from surfaces and clean them of plaque. Dampen a cloth or sponge with the solution and clean the surfaces. There should be no streaks left on glossy polished or lacquered furniture. Pour out the dirty mixture, make a new one and continue processing.

Paper absorbs cigarette smoke very well and quickly, so all magazines, notebooks and newspapers will have to be thrown away. If this cannot be done, then put them in a box and place them in a well-ventilated place, for example, on a balcony for at least 30 days.

How to remove from clothes

Clothes that smell of tobacco are unattractive, and the unpleasant smell irritates others. Often the “aroma” of cigarettes is so strong that it cannot be drowned out by perfume or removed by prolonged airing.

There are several ways to quickly and effectively deal with the problem:

  1. Wash things more often and hang them to dry outside or on the balcony, so they will absorb Fresh air.
  2. Sprinkle your clothes with regular baby powder, leave for a few minutes, then shake out thoroughly.
  3. A jacket, skirt, trousers or dress made of leather perfectly absorbs odors. Add a little vinegar to the water, soak a cloth in the solution and wipe the item. After processing, hang it in the open air for ventilation.
  4. Place lemon or orange zest in the closet where you store things.
  5. If you can't use folk recipes To get rid of the smell of cigarettes (for example, on a sheepskin coat, fur coat and some types of fabrics), then take them to the dry cleaner.
  6. To enhance the effect, hang a wet towel next to the clothes hung on the balcony for airing. It will absorb the smell of cigarettes very quickly, then wash it.
  7. To remove stubborn cigarette smoke, pour water (approximately 10 liters) into a basin, add washing powder or liquid detergent, and add a glass of ordinary nine percent vinegar. Soak the smelling clothes in the solution for a while (from two hours to a day), then wash as usual and rinse thoroughly.
  8. The smallest particles of tobacco that are stuck in clothes can be removed with a vacuum cleaner.
  9. Any foreign odors Muffles coffee perfectly. Place a cloth bag filled with coffee beans or ground coffee in smoked clothing for several hours. After this, the thing will smell like coffee, not tobacco.
  10. In a room where clothing soaked in cigarette smoke is lying or hanging, light aroma sticks or candles. The best aromas to get rid of the smell of tobacco are grapefruit, lemon, orange, and lime.
  11. Buy peppermint in the form of herbal tea in bags at the pharmacy. Place them in your clothing pockets.
  12. Household chemicals departments in stores sell sprays that help eliminate the smell of tobacco. Spray your clothes with the product and it will acquire a pleasant aroma.

Advice! In the cold season, when heating devices are on, coffee will be an excellent flavor for both clothes and the entire apartment. Simply place the grains on a saucer and place next to or on the radiator.

Tips and recommendations will help prevent the absorption of unpleasant tobacco odor and remove existing ones:

  1. In a room where people smoke often, do more general cleaning. This will prevent smoke from settling on the surface of walls, furniture and floor coverings.
  2. Cigarette odors from clothing, mattresses and carpets can be removed by placing them in the sun on a hot summer day.
  3. Smoking outside, on the balcony or near the kitchen hood.
  4. Before throwing it in the trash, empty the contents of the ashtray into a bag that you tie tightly.
  5. Ventilate your apartment more often.
  6. Never store cigarettes in your pockets. The smallest particles of tobacco have a disgusting and very persistent odor.

Most effective method get rid of the smell of tobacco - quit smoking. This will not only make you smell good, but also look great. And also maintain health long years, preventing the emergence of many the most dangerous illnesses.

There are situations when you need to quickly get rid of the smell of cigarettes in your apartment. For example, smoking hosts expect guests who become uncomfortable if the house smells of nicotine. Asthmatics and allergy sufferers may experience worsening illnesses. Often, when moving, new residents are forced to solve the problem of the lingering smell of tobacco. Sometimes you need to remove smoke that came through the window from your neighbors.

The ingrained odor must be removed from curtains, upholstered furniture, carpets and clothing.

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    Cleaning products

    Smoke tends to penetrate deeply into textile fibers. Tulle, curtains, carpet and upholstered furniture are impregnated with it. This creates a persistent smell of tobacco in the apartment. Therefore, cleaning should begin by washing all fabrics, and then dry things well on the street or balcony.

    Strongly smelling pillows, bedspreads, blankets and soft toys can be soaked in a solution of water and bleach. Possible in “Whiteness”.

    Having finished washing, they move on to cleaning carpets and upholstered furniture.


    Tobacco smoke firmly eats into rugs, fleecy carpets and rugs. To get rid of it, the coatings are cleaned with a mixture of shampoo and baking soda. After the carpet has dried, the remaining soda and shampoo foam are collected with a vacuum cleaner.

    A guide for beginners - how to smoke a pipe correctly?


    To prepare the solution, take a glass of apple cider vinegar and mix it with ½ glass of water. The resulting mixture helps to effectively remove the smell of cigarettes from various surfaces: from furniture upholstery to varnished cabinets and cabinets. At the end of cleaning, ventilate the room. The smell of vinegar evaporates quite quickly.

    The vinegar solution is also used in cleaning wallpaper. To do this, wring out the dampened rag well and wipe the wall with smooth movements without strong pressure.


    To get rid of the smell of cigarettes in an apartment, regular baking soda is often used. It is poured onto the carpet, parquet or linoleum and waited for 24 hours, after which it is vacuumed and wiped off the residue. IN difficult cases The procedure is repeated 2-3 more times.

    After treating fleecy coverings with soda, the ingrained odor is removed household chemicals. Experts advise choosing products that contain enzymes that promote the decomposition of organic matter. At the end of the chemical treatment, the textile or carpet surface is vacuumed again.

    Soap shavings

    One more useful tool serves in the fight against tobacco odor regular soap. It is cut into shavings on a fine grater and mixed with 5-6 teaspoons of soda. The resulting mixture is used to wipe the surfaces of upholstered and hard furniture.

    Cleansers and moisturizers

    In order to completely get rid of the smell of cigarettes in the apartment, you need to wash the windows, plastic frames and mirrors. A regular glass cleaner will help with this. If the window cleaner does not contain alcohol, it can also be used on wooden surfaces.

    After finishing wet cleaning, be sure to dry all fabrics and carpets. IN otherwise The tobacco amber will be replaced by the smell of mold.

    Air purifiers

    Experts recommend buying special devices to clean the air from pollutants. The filters of these devices deposit harmful substances, fungi and microbes. Devices with carbon filters will help rid your apartment of the smell of tobacco.

    Another option is an ozone generator. Ozone absorbs unpleasant odors well. To eliminate tobacco odor you need:

    • close all doors and windows in the apartment;
    • turn on the device and leave it working for 2 days;
    • on the third day, open the windows and ventilate the ozone from the room.

    Attention! There should be no people or pets in the apartment while the ozone generator is operating. Ozone vapor is harmful to the lungs.

    Wet towels

    There is an old method from my father that will help get rid of the acrid smell of cigarettes in the apartment. It has been known since the times of the USSR.

    Several towels are soaked in cold water and hang throughout the apartment: on clotheslines, bedside tables, doors, cabinets and the backs of chairs. Towels absorb the acrid smell of tobacco smoke and increase indoor humidity.


    Aromatization as such does not remove the smell of tobacco from the apartment, but it does eliminate it. It is best to do this after general cleaning of the premises. Some people scent the room before guests arrive.

    Coffee beans and citrus fruits

    Coffee and citrus fruits are considered the most effective natural flavors. You can cut the peel of an orange, grapefruit or lemon, put the slices in several vessels and place them throughout the apartment.

    Those who don't like the smell of citrus fruits use coffee. First pour onto saucers whole grains and place the container next to the window. When hit sun rays the aroma of the beans fills the room. When the smell of the beans wears off, you can grind them and repeat the procedure..

    Aroma oils

    Essential oils are good at eliminating the persistent smell of tobacco. In combination with sea salt, their effect is enhanced.

    Buy sea salt and essential oil (preferably with citronella scent) at the pharmacy. Then pour the mixture into any glass vessel and add 3-5 drops of essential oil on top.


    There are special anti-smoking options on the scented candle market. They contain eucalyptus, citronella, lavender, and extracts of various herbs.

    To remove the smell of tobacco from an apartment, you need to place 2-3 candles in each room.


    There is another way to temporarily eliminate the smell of cigarettes from a room, but it is only suitable for those who do not mind the aroma of perfume. For this you need to spray a little perfume on the cooled light bulb. When the light is turned on, the bulb will begin to glow and the perfume will begin to evaporate.

    Instead of perfume, you can use the same essential oil.

    Important! Under no circumstances should you spray perfume on a burning light bulb. This may cause the flask to explode, resulting in injury or injury.

    Chemical mixture

    There is an old, proven recipe that allows you to effectively clean the air in your apartment:

    • mix ½ cup vinegar, ½ cup ammonia and ¼ cup soda;
    • pour 3 liters of water into the solution;
    • Wash the floors and wipe the furniture with the resulting mixture;
    • For complete cleaning, repeat the procedure the required number of times.

    In the process, you should completely get rid of tobacco stains. Otherwise, when they dry out, they will give off an unpleasant odor again.

    Cleaning products for clothes and hats

    Tobacco smoke penetrates not only carpet or textiles. Smoky clothing also creates a persistent odor.

    Soda and vinegar

    These essential home remedies can rid your clothes of the smell of tobacco. The procedure consists of the following steps:

    1. 1. Pour water into a basin at the maximum permissible temperature, add 250 ml of vinegar and the same amount of soda.
    2. 2. Soak linen or clothes in the resulting solution.
    3. 3. After 60-70 minutes, pour washing powder into the basin or add gel.
    4. 4. Carry out normal washing.

    If there is no baking soda or detergent in the house, one vinegar will suffice. In the basin with hot water pour 4 glasses, put down the clothes, leave the bathroom and close the door. As a result of the interaction of water and vinegar, steam is created, which removes the unpleasant smell of tobacco from clothes and linen.

    You can replace vinegar with soapy water, but its effect will be much weaker.

    Odor Absorption Spray

    In stores you can find special sprays that do a good job of absorbing unpleasant odors, including cigarette odors. Such sprays do not mix with smoke, so they can be used if clothing is not heavily saturated with tobacco.

    Drying sheets with baking soda

    There is another one folk method, allowing you to remove the smell of tobacco smoke from clothes:

    1. 1. Place 2 drying sheets in a plastic bag and add 2 tablespoons of soda.
    2. 2. Clothes that smell of cigarettes are also placed there, after which the contents are sealed.
    3. 3. After two days, open the bag, take out the clothes and shake off the remaining soda from them.
    4. 4. Place the items in the washing machine tub, add powder or gel, 100-150 ml of vinegar and wash as usual.

    Coffee grounds

    Coffee grounds are used to remove the smell of cigarettes from fur hats, fur coats and collars:

    • the fur is placed in a polyethylene bag;
    • add a plastic container filled with coffee grounds to the bottom of the bag;
    • the structure is hung on a clothesline or hook and left for 2-3 days;
    • As soon as a noticeable smell of coffee comes from the clothes, take them out and air them in the fresh air.

    Cleaning leather goods

    A solution of water will again come to the rescue and white vinegar.To remove the smell of cigarettes from leather items, you need to:

    • soak a rag in the vinegar solution;
    • squeeze it well;
    • wipe leather products;
    • air your clothes in the fresh air.

We learn how to quickly get rid of the smell of tobacco smoke in the apartment.

Even the most avid smokers have a negative attitude towards the old cigarette smell and smoke. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of the smell of tobacco in an apartment is now of interest to many.

Former smokers and non-smokers understand that getting rid of the smoke and smell of tobacco is simply necessary. This is one of worst smells, which you can imagine.

How to get rid of tobacco smell in an apartment. A non-smoking person reacts very sensitively to the smell of tobacco, which is deeply absorbed into furniture and textiles. Smoking has a detrimental effect on human health.

The need to inhale unpleasant odors is a severe test for a person, causing feelings of fatigue, nausea, and headaches. One of the most unpleasant odors is the smell of tobacco smoke, tobacco, and cigarettes. We are, of course, talking about non-smoking people, because smokers practically do not notice it. Once you have been in a smoky room, it is not difficult to get rid of the haunting smell - you just need to wash your clothes and wash your hair. What to do if you have to live in this very smoky room?

Probably the smell from cigarettes and tobacco is one of the most difficult odors to remove. Tobacco smoke penetrates everywhere: into carpets, rugs, curtains, clothes. Therefore, it is very important to know effective ways to get rid of the smell of tobacco in an apartment.

Situations are different. Let’s say you managed to rent an apartment inexpensively, the former residents of which smoked in every room. Or a smoky apartment, for example, was inherited. Well, or the owners themselves, who “smoked” their apartment, finally gained strength, quit smoking and soon discovered what horrible smell reigns in their home. What to do in all these situations? How to get rid of the ingrained smell of tobacco smoke?

They say that wet sponges and towels can draw out odors even from furniture. Maybe it will really help get rid of the smell of tobacco and tobacco smoke? In any case, it won’t hurt, so the first thing you can do is place plates with wet sponges in all rooms and hang wet terry towels. Well, then you need to start general cleaning.

Eliminate tobacco (cigarette) odor you can do this: wet several cotton kitchen towels and hang them on the doors in all rooms. Wet towels quickly absorb the cigarette smell. In the room where smokers smoked, it is advisable to remove the curtains and wash them. If there are sofa covers, you can also wash them or at least hang them out on the balcony to air.

The floors must also be washed with water, to which ammonia must be added. This will also help eliminate the unpleasant smell from cigarettes in the apartment.

There's another pretty one effective way eliminate the smell of tobacco and cigarettes. You can take a very ordinary bay leaf and set it on fire in an ashtray (washed of ash). Smoke from bay leaf overcomes the smell of cigarette smoke. So, with a smoking leaf in an ashtray, you need to walk around all the rooms and fumigate them. Very quickly there will be no trace of the smell of tobacco left.

We eliminate the smell of tobacco and cigarettes - we do general cleaning!

How to get rid of the smell of tobacco if it is already firmly entrenched in the apartment? The greatest difficulty is removing tobacco odor from textiles and carpets - they are the ones who retain, according to experts, up to 70 percent of the total tobacco odor.

Of course, if you renovate the apartment, paint the ceilings, re-glue the wallpaper, replace the doors and floor coverings, then there will be no smell - it will simply have nowhere to come from. Wood absorbs odors, so wooden window frames will definitely need to be painted or replaced with plastic ones. In general, repairs are an effective but drastic measure. But what if there is neither time nor opportunity for repairs?

Textiles, carpets, etc. Fabrics absorb odor most strongly, so first of all you need to wash curtains, bedspreads, blankets, etc. It is better to buy new pillows or have old ones cleaned. It is also advised to leave unpleasant-smelling pillows in the cold for several days, but this is unlikely to help (tested from my own experience).

All carpeting needs to be cleaned. The easiest option is to wash carpets and rugs with a vacuum cleaner using an aromatic shampoo. If there is no washing vacuum cleaner, you will have to do the cleaning manually.

Products like “Vanish” clean and remove odors from carpets very well: first you need to vacuum the carpet, then prepare a container with water and foam and distribute it over the surface with a mop. It's okay if the surface gets wet - after that the carpet will definitely not smell. When the carpet is dry, it needs to be vacuumed again.

In winter, you can clean carpets outside - roll them up, take them out, load them into the car and take them to a vacant lot covered with untouched snow. After such snow cleaning, the carpet will smell not like smoke, but like fresh air.

The upholstery of upholstered furniture also needs to be cleaned - with a vacuum cleaner or a special cleaning agent (the same Vanish, for example).

If possible, it is better to replace bed mattresses with new ones. But if that doesn’t work, you need to knock out the old mattresses. How to knock out upholstered furniture and mattresses? Take a piece soft fabric(for example, flannel) measuring approximately 50 by 50 cm, soak it in water (you can add essential oil to the water) and squeeze it out thoroughly.

Place the fabric in a straightened state on an area of ​​the mattress or sofa and gently tap the fabric with a beater. All dust coming out is immediately absorbed by a damp cloth. Of course, you need to periodically rinse it, wring it out again and continue cleaning the mattress or sofa.

The mattress cover, if it is not removable, also needs to be cleaned with a damp brush (you can add a little shampoo or liquid soap).

The clothes, of course, also absorbed the odors, but you don’t have to do mass washing - gradually all the clothes will be washed. But things like sheepskin coats and fur coats should be dry cleaned - otherwise the smell will remain.

Soft toys need to be washed - by hand or in washing machine. When rinsing clothes, blankets, soft toys, sofa cushions, etc. It’s worth adding a fragrant air conditioner - let the house now have more pleasant smells.

Surfaces that can be washed. To get rid of the smell of tobacco smoke in the house, all moisture-resistant surfaces must be cleaned: including ceilings, walls, window sills, floors, windows, etc. You should add a little vinegar to the washing water - it removes the smell of tobacco smoke well. If there is “washable” wallpaper or paint on the walls, they also need to be washed. Well, walls covered with non-moisture-resistant wallpaper need to be vacuumed and then walked over them with a slightly dampened cloth (it is also advisable to add vinegar to the water to moisten).

Books. Paper absorbs odors very well - if a lot of books were stored in a room where they smoked, they probably absorbed the smell of tobacco smoke, and it will be almost impossible to get rid of it.

Books, unfortunately, cannot be washed or cleaned. There are three options here: first- put books in a closet with very tight doors; second- organize a library on the balcony for at least one winter - during this time the smell will disappear, albeit partially (books on the balcony/loggia can be stored in boxes or in a closet); third- say goodbye to paper volumes and switch to reading electronic books.

How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes and tobacco smoke? Perform aromatization!

As you know, we knock out a wedge with a wedge. Our apartment is already very clean, but smoke smell still reminds me of myself. We will defeat him with “fragrant weapons” - other, much more pleasant smells.

Folk remedy to get rid of smell in the apartment: pour freshly ground coffee into bowls and vases, place them around the house, leave for two weeks, then replace the coffee with fresh coffee. This can be repeated many times until one day it turns out that the smell of tobacco and cigarettes has disappeared forever.

It is also believed that salt is good at drawing out unpleasant odors. fresh bread, grains of rice, but we probably won’t decorate the apartment with vases of rice and salted bread.

You can drip your favorite perfume onto all the lamps in the house (this should be done when the lamp is not on). When the light turns on and the lamp warms up, the aroma will intensify and spread throughout the house.

Devices for eliminating the smell of tobacco and tobacco smoke. An excellent, but very expensive solution for aromatizing smoky rooms is to purchase an air freshener. Modern air flavorings They work on the basis of cold, not hot (unlike an aroma lamp) evaporation. Dosage, as a rule, is automated - while the owners are sleeping, the fragrance continues to gently “inject” a pleasant smell into the air, distributing it using a fan. A wonderful air fragrance that has earned many positive feedback, - Venta RB10.

Instead of flavoring, you can buy a so-called air washer - humidifier and air purifier in one device. What you need for your home is a household air washer, which will create in the rooms the atmosphere that reigns in a forest clearing after rain - the rooms will be fresh and humid. Smell of smoking You definitely won’t feel it, at least while the air washer is working. By the way, modern air conditioners also have the function of removing unpleasant odors - such as, for example, Panasonic air conditioners with an advanced air purification system.

Gradually cleansing and humidifying the air sink and air conditioner will do their job - the apartment is completely get rid of the smell of cigarettes. Of course, not everyone can afford to buy a separate device for each room, so the location of the air washer can be changed from time to time, moving it from one room to another.

An economical idea is to buy an aroma lamp. The best thing mask the smell of tobacco smoke essential oils l lemon, grapefruit and orange, as well as oils with pine aromas. Moreover, citrus and pine oils can be mixed - and the house will smell like New Year, but the “aroma” of tobacco and cigarettes will not be noticeable.

You shouldn't think that home scenting- this is a “dead poultice”, and smoke smell will never leave. After all, the same fabrics, wallpaper, fillings for upholstered furniture and mattresses, wooden doors, etc. - all this will absorb new odors over time and completely eliminate the old ones. So scent as much as you like and let fresh air into the house more often, that is, ventilate the rooms.

Air freshener Ambi Pur Airy. The line includes anti-tobacco. Kills all odors!

How to get rid of the smell of tobacco and tobacco smoke that enters the apartment from the entrance?

The optimal solution to this problem is to install new and additional rubber (or foam) seals on front door. The house will become quieter and warmer, and unpleasant odors, including the smell of tobacco and tobacco smoke, will no longer penetrate the apartment.

If the door is already quite old. It's time to replace it with a new one. After installing the door in the apartment, you can do a general cleaning and scenting - and enjoy the absence of the smell of tobacco smoke!

How to quickly get rid of the fresh smell of tobacco smoke?

If guests come to you and smoke, you need to open the window wide and ventilate for 15-60 minutes. If you have an air conditioner installed, you should turn it on. At the same time, you can moisten a thick terry towel in water to which vinegar has been added (1 tablespoon per liter of water), and wave vigorously wet towel in the air. After this, rinse the towel, moisten it again in water and vinegar and hang it higher in the room where you smoked. Then you can light a scented candle and... cook something in the oven. Yes, yes, the aroma of food cooking in the oven completely overwhelms smoke smell, especially if you are preparing meat with garlic or vanilla cake.

How to reduce the smell of tobacco and cigarettes in a room where people continue to smoke?

It's better to smoke open window, exhaling the smoke outside, but the smell in the room will still remain, albeit a little less noticeable. While smoking, you can light scented candles and regularly run an electric air washer. Installing an air conditioner with an odor removal function will also be beneficial.

1) Furniture, floor and walls need to be washed thoroughly with clean water with added acetic acid. The proportions are as follows: for 0.5 liters of water - 100 ml of vinegar. After washing, ventilate the apartment well to remove the vinegar smell.

2) Paths and carpets needs to be processed baking soda, because such products perfectly absorb odors. The procedure is simple: pour dry soda onto the path, and after 15 minutes vacuum it.

Tobacco smoke smells unpleasant, especially when you smell it in your apartment. It is difficult to get rid of it completely by simple ventilation, so you need to resort to additional methods. How to remove the smell of cigarettes from an apartment? Let's figure it out.

Aromatization of the room

The simplest homemade flavoring is orange peel. Put it in bowls and place it in the rooms. You can do the same with coffee beans. This remedy will be effective for 2-3 days.

Use essential oils to mask the odor. You can buy them at any pharmacy. Take a handful of sea salt, drop 4-5 drops of your favorite oil into it and place it in the place where there is an unpleasant odor. You can also light an aroma lamp.

Perfume will also help get rid of the unpleasant smell of cigarettes in the apartment. Spray your favorite perfume onto a cold incandescent lamp. When you turn on the light, it will heat up and the smell will fill the whole room. If you put perfume on a hot light bulb, it will burst.

Shampoo and soap

Using shampoo you can quickly remove the smell of cigarettes from the carpet. Lather it up and brush the pile with a stiff brush. Regular scented soap also effectively removes the smell of tobacco. Finely grate it and mix with water. This solution can be used to wipe furniture, wash toys and clothes.


Baking soda perfectly absorbs the smell of tobacco from any surface. Sprinkle it and leave it for an hour. After this, vacuum and wet cleaning. For better effect You can add baking soda to the ashtray.


This cereal effectively absorbs both moisture and odors. Pour the rice into an open container and place it in the desired room. You can decorate this as a piece of furniture and pour the rice into decorative jars decorated with ribbons and beads.


This product is great for textiles. Soak anything that smells like tobacco in chlorine bleach. Keep in mind that not every fabric can be treated this way. Therefore, please read the information on the label first. After soaking, wash normally.

Wet towels

The towel method will not only remove the smell of tobacco from the apartment, but also humidify the air. Take large terry towels and wet them. Hang it around the apartment and wait for it to dry. After this, wash the towels.

Furniture cleaning

You can remove the smell of cigarettes from upholstered furniture using dishwashing detergent. Dilute it with water and use a brush to clean the entire surface of chairs and sofas. Vinegar can also help remove odors from upholstered furniture. Pour two glasses of this product into a bucket of water and treat all surfaces with the solution. You can get rid of unpleasant odor using essential oil. Fill a basin with water and drop it there favorite oil and dampen the rag. Place it on upholstered furniture and tap it with a beater.

Wipe all shelves, cabinets and bedside tables with a damp cloth soaked in a solution of liquid soap and water. In addition, you can use a solution of soda or vinegar to treat surfaces and remove unpleasant odors.

Cleaning walls and floors

Painted walls can be easily washed with ammonia. Add 100 ml of this product to a bucket of water. Soak a rag in it and wash the walls as high as possible. This method can also be used on the floor, but it will be more effective to clean it detergents with a strong odor or a solution of water and vinegar.

If there is constant smoking in the room, then these measures must be repeated regularly and combined with ventilation. Ashes of a bay leaf in an ashtray will also help reduce the spread of odor.