How to Activate Brown Adipose Cells for Fast Weight Loss. Hardening and brown fat

Adipose tissue refers to connective tissues with special properties. Develops from mesenchyme. After birth, renewal occurs due to adventitial cells.

There are two types of adipose tissue: white and brown. Buraya adipose tissue typical only for early childhood. In adults, it may be located in the mediastinum, along the aorta. White adipose tissue is found in subcutaneous fat, in the omentum, and in the stroma internal organs, orbits.

White adipose tissue consists of adipocytes (lipocytes) containing one large drop of fat. Lipocytes have a round shape, in the center there is a large drop of fat, and around there is a narrow rim of cytoplasm containing mitochondria, the Golgi complex, the ER and the rod-shaped nucleus.

Cells brown adipose tissue contain small droplets of fatty inclusions, many mitochondria with lamellar cristae. Mitochondria here are distinguished by their small size, dense matrix, and expanded intermembrane space. Such mitochondria are able to actively take up water and swell, while with the help of the thermogenin protein, the uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation is enhanced and heat is released. In the center of the cell is a rounded nucleus containing euchromatin. The brown color of the fabric is given by iron-containing pigments - mitochondrial cytochromes. Brown adipose tissue cells are surrounded by a lotnumerous capillaries.

This photograph (Figure 20) shows a fragment of a brown adipose tissue adipocyte containing a section of cytoplasm and part of the nucleus. It can be seen that the nucleus is located in the center of the cell, has a round shape, and contains euchromatin. Pores are visible in the karyolemma. Mitochondria with lamellar cristae are numerous. Lipid inclusions are filled with homogeneous content.

Brown adipose tissue is involved in thermoregulation.

White adipose tissue - ensures absorption from the blood, synthesis and accumulation of neutral lipids. Performs trophic function related to providing energy reserve to water reserve in organism.

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Figure 21 - Osteocyte (10,000x magnification):

core; 2 - cytoplasm; 3 - plasmalemma;

4 - process of osteocyte; 5 - lacuna


Osteocytes- these are mature, highly differentiated bone tissue cells. They have a branched shape, a dark compact nucleus and weakly basophilic cytoplasm. Some osteocytes have developed membrane structures, others are located on various stages destruction.

Osteocytes are located in bone cavities- gaps. Their thin processes pass in the bone tubules that penetrate the ground substance. With the help of these tubules, the exchange of substances between osteocytes and blood occurs. Osteocytes do not divide but participate in metabolic processes, renewal of intercellular structures and maintenance of ionic balance. Osteocyte function comes down to participating in exchange and transport about cessah And regulation of mineral composition bone tissue.

The electron diffraction pattern (Figure 21) shows the structures bone tissue: cell and intercellular substance:

1. Osteocyte lies in a cell (lacuna). In addition to the osteocyte body, the lacuna contains an amorphous component of the intercellular substance, which communicates with the fluid in the bone tubules. Outside the cell there is a highly mineralized electron-dense intercellular substance. The cell has a process form. The processes lie in the bone tubules. Two processes are visible.

Core The osteocyte follows the shape of the cell body. Nucleoli are not visible in the nucleus; heterochromatin predominates (the activity of reading information from DNA, and therefore synthesis, is low).

Cytoplasm osteocyte scanty. Around the core, single cisterns and bubbles are visible.

2. Due to strong mineralization intercellular substance does not allow electrons to pass through and looks completely black. Since the osteocyte does not synthesize intercellular substance, there is no non-mineralized bone tissue in this electron diffraction pattern.

Figure 22 - Fragment of striated muscle fiber

(13,000x magnification):

S - sarcomere; A - anisotropic disk; I - isotropic disk;

Z - telophragm; H - light stripe in the center of the A-disk

in the middle of which runs the M-line (mesophragm)

Fragment of striated muscle fiber

The electron diffraction pattern (Figure 22) shows a fragment of the myosimplast. Muscle fiber- is a structural and functional unit of the striated skeletal muscle tissue, which develops from the myotomes of the somites of the mesoderm.

Each fiber is covered sarcolemma, consisting of two layers: inner - plasma membranes and external - basement membrane, into which reticular fibers are woven. Numerous nuclei occupy a peripheral position. Sarcoplasm contains inclusions of myoglobin and glycogen, free ribosomes in the form of polysomes. There are lysosomes, many mitochondria, a well-developed agranular ER (Ca++ depot), and no cell center. Triad is a complex of one invagination of the plasmalemma (T-tubule) and two cisterns of the agranular EPS (L-tubule). Provides excitation from the plasmalemma to the EPS membranes.

The main volume of sarcoplasm is occupied by the contractile apparatus - myofibrils, which are special-purpose organelles. Myofibrils consist of myofilaments arranged in parallel rows. Myofilaments are filaments of contractile proteins. Thin filaments contain actin, tropomyosin, troponin. Thick filaments are made up of myosin. The ordered arrangement of myofilaments gives the myofibril a transverse striation (regularly alternating dark and light discs are visible).

Sarcomere- this is the structural and functional unit of the myofibril, the area between the telophragms (Figure 23.1).


Figure 23.1 - Sarcomere of striated muscle fiber

(175,000x magnification):

1 - mesophragm; 2 - thick myosin filaments;

3 - thin actin myofilaments; 4 - Z-telophragm;

5 - part 1-disc; 6 - M-line; 7 - A-disc; 8 - sarcomere

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filaments") fnlamta You)

Figure 23.2 - Scheme of the structure of myofilaments

Sarcomere of striated muscle fiber

The electron diffraction pattern (Figures 23.1, 23.2) shows a sarcomere - a structural and functional unit of the myofibril of striated muscle tissue.

Sarcomere- this is part of the myofibril between the telophragms (Z-lines). The sarcomere formula is 1/2 I-disc + A-disc +1/2 I-disc. The crosslinking line of adjacent sarcomeres (Z-line) consists of the proteins alpha-actinin, desmin, and vimentin.

Myofibrils consist of myofilaments arranged in parallel rows. Myofilaments- these are threads of contractile proteins. Thin filaments - actin, tropomyosin, troponin. Thick filaments - myosin. The ordered arrangement of myofilaments gives the myofibril a transverse striation, i.e., regularly alternating dark and light discs are visible.

In polarized light dark rims detect birefringence (anisotropic, A-discs). There is a light stripe in the middle of the A-disc H-strip. There are only thick myosin filaments, which are attached in the center of the A-disc to M-lines (mesophragm)

Light wheels called isotropic(I-disks). 1-discs consist only of thin filaments. A telophragm is visible in the center of the disk (Z- line). This is the site of attachment of thin filaments.

During contraction, thin actin filaments penetrate deeply between the myosin filaments and move towards midline. In this case, the width of the I-disc and H-band decreases, but the A-disc does not change.

Figure 24 - Differences in structure and configuration

intercalated disks of the heart muscle

(76,000x magnification):

A - intercalary disc in the atrial myocardium;

B - intercalary disc in the ventricular myocardium;

B - layered structures such as desmosomes of the intercalary discs of the ventricles

Why brown fat“good”, but visceral - dangerous to health? When is it time to sound the alarm and start watching your diet? How to get rid of “bad” fat? What can it lead to? a large number of body fat? Together with nutritionist-endocrinologist Natalya Fadeeva, we are looking into these and other issues.

Natalya Fadeeva

There is nothing useless in the human body. Fat is also important hormonal organ. For example, during menopause in women, it partially takes over the function of the ovaries and produces sex hormones, which protects the woman from the development of osteoporosis (decreased bone density) and fractures. Fat produces different hormonal active substances: resistin, adiponectin, leptin and others. Their functions in the body are being actively studied by scientists.

A person cannot live, much less reproduce, bear and feed a child without adipose tissue. Exist genetic diseases, in which a person practically does not have this tissue. Previously, such people could barely survive, but now medicine supports their viability.

White fat

This is the type that people first think of when they talk about fat. White fat is otherwise called white adipocytes - the cells that mainly make up adipose tissue. White fat really has White color(or slightly yellowish) - due to low density of mitochondria (permanent components of the cell, the source of cell energy) and a small number of blood vessels.

The main functions of white fat are to store energy (it is generally the largest source of energy in the body) and produce hormones. For example, the hormone adiponectin. It makes the liver and muscles sensitive to insulin, which means it reduces the risk of diabetes and heart disease. If a person gains weight, the production of adiponectin slows down or stops altogether - this can trigger the development of diseases. Fat also produces the hormone leptin - it regulates appetite and hunger. But this does not mean that the more white fat in the body, the better. Too much of it leads to leptin resistance. Result: constant feeling hunger and excess weight.

It is normal for a man's body to be 15-25% fat and a woman's body to be 15-30%. If the number exceeds the maximum, this indicates obesity - you need to reconsider your diet and think about training.

Natalya Fadeeva

nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

White fat is the fat that is found under the skin, around the organs. As a rule, it accumulates in one droplet in the cytoplasm of the adipocyte cell. The main function of white fat is to store energy during periods of hunger.

Brown fat

The exact opposite of white fat - brown fat does not store energy, but helps to spend it. This type of fat owes its properties and color to close connection with mitochondria. Some scientists tend to classify brown fat more as muscle than as fat per se. If you activate this fat, it will begin to burn white fat.

Scientists have found that thin people have more brown fat than people with overweight. Although there is little brown fat in the human body. For example, a person weighing 68 kilograms has 20-30 kilograms of fat. But only 500-800 grams of it is brown fat. And even this amount can burn from 300 to 500 calories per day - this is enough to regularly lose 450 grams of weight per week.

Scientists are working on a drug that would activate brown fat (the drug will help in the fight against obesity), but they still urge not to consider this a panacea and not to forget about sports and proper nutrition.

Natalya Fadeeva

nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

Brown fat is fat that is located in the kidneys, back, shoulders, and neck. Its amount in the adult body is very small. In the body of a newborn, its amount can be much greater and reach 5% of body weight. Brown fat protects the child’s body from hypothermia, since its main function is thermogenesis (heat production).

In structure, brown fat differs from white fat in the large number of blood vessels and iron, which gives it its characteristic color. By increasing the amount of brown fat, you can speed up metabolism, increase energy expenditure and maintain normal body weight. You can increase its amount only by hardening the body - but the process starts only if you do this regularly, and from childhood.

It is brown fat that helps you lose weight - due to its thermogenetic effect, spending energy to keep warm.

Beige fat

In the course of research, scientists found that beige fat is a unique type of cell. They believe that white fat can turn into beige fat, which means it will help get rid of overweight. that catecholamines - hormones released during stress and colds - help transition the process of converting white fat to beige. . During physical activity muscles secrete special proteins that trigger this process.

Natalya Fadeeva

nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

Beige fat is actually a transitional form of fat, from which, under the influence of conditions, external environment can form both white and brown fat. The latter will happen if the body is in conditions low temperatures and requires additional thermogenesis. Beige fat was discovered not so long ago, and its role in the body is being actively studied.

Subcutaneous fat

Subcutaneous fat is the layer of fat that lies just under a person's skin and makes up 90% of all body fat. In many sports and medical centers you can measure the amount of this type of fat. Long-invented methods will help reduce its level - reduction fast carbohydrates and “empty” calories and regular high-intensity exercise.

Natalya Fadeeva

nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

Subcutaneous fat protects the body from hypothermia, accumulates energy in case of hunger (cells can accumulate great amount energy), in women it is intended for pregnancy and breastfeeding, has shock-absorbing properties and is considered a hormonally active tissue.

The accumulation of subcutaneous fat depends on gender (women always have more than men), age (increases with age, decreases in old age) and eating habits(increases with physical inactivity and overeating). Excess accumulation subcutaneous fat in the thigh area in women increases the risk of disease reproductive system And varicose veins veins

It is subcutaneous fat that is blamed for cellulite, which is completely normal structure subcutaneous fat in women and depends on the amount of female sex hormones, the structural features of connective tissue in women. Cellulite does not require treatment at all from a medical point of view. The presence of cellulite is a female gender characteristic, and its absence indicates the predominance of male sex hormones.

Visceral fat

The most dangerous type of fat for health. Visceral fat is white fat that is found in abdominal cavity around organs, liver, pancreas, heart, intestines. Researchers have found that visceral fat secretes retinol-binding protein 4, which increases insulin resistance. This, in turn, leads to glucose intolerance and type 2 diabetes.

Large amounts of visceral fat in the body have been linked to the development of breast cancer. colorectal cancer, heart disease, dementia. It is not entirely clear how dementia is linked to fat. Perhaps it has to do with the hormone leptin - produced by white fat - and its negative influence on the brain. , Candidate of Medical Sciences, Researcher research department at The Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, California, she identified the link between the presence of visceral fat and the development of dementia in a study where she analyzed data from more than 6,500 people.

To estimate the amount of visceral fat in the body, you need to determine your waist-to-hip ratio. Measure your waist and hips at their widest point. Then divide your waist circumference by your hip circumference. If the number is greater than 1.0 in men and 0.85 in women, then the fat level is too high.

Nutritionists recommend increasing the amount of unrefined foods, protein, unsaturated fatty acids, whole grain and fiber - their practice shows that this will help significantly reduce the level of visceral fat. It is also important to sleep 7-9 hours a day and exercise. , What effective method fight belly fat - do cardio regularly.

Natalya Fadeeva

nutritionist-endocrinologist, doctor of medical sciences

Excessive accumulation of visceral fat (abdominal obesity, android obesity) leads to fat cells cannot cope with such an amount of fat (visceral fat cells cannot, unlike subcutaneous fat, accumulate fat in large quantities) and it enters the blood in the form of cholesterol, triglycerides and lipoproteins. This causes problems of cardio-vascular system(atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes), obesity of internal organs. And also fatty hepatosis, development metabolic syndromes, gout and other disorders.

You can get rid of “bad” fat if you follow the basic principles rational nutrition and move daily. For women, it is important that the waist circumference is no more than 82 centimeters, and for men - no more than 94. A significant increase in waist circumference - bad sign. He says there is more “bad” fat in the body than necessary. Prevention of abdominal (upper) type obesity - maintenance normal weight bodies throughout life, balanced diet and regular physical activity.

Adipose tissue is a specific loose tissue connective tissue with a predominance of adipocyte fat cells (from the Latin adipem - fat, Greek cytos - container). Fat cells are held individually by reticular fibers. Their accumulations (clusters) form lobules, bounded by fibrous connective tissue septa and surrounded by a rich capillary network. Adipocytes in an adult contain 90% of the body's fat mass, although they make up about 25% total number cells. Thus, the structure of adipose tissue is represented not only by fat cells (adipocytes), but also by other types of cells - stroma-forming connective tissue cells and a capillary network. Fat cells account for 75% of the volume of adipose tissue.

Adipocytes are typically spherical in shape but vary enormously in size (20-200 µm in diameter), are embedded in a tissue matrix, and are specialized for storing and releasing energy. Excess energy entering the body with food is absorbed by adipocytes and stored in the form of fat (lipid) droplets.

The bulk of the total amount of lipids in fat cells are triglycerides (95%), consisting mainly of oleic and palmitic acids and to a lesser extent (5%) diacylglycerols, phospholipids, non-esterified fatty acid and cholesterol. To accommodate lipids, adipocytes are able to increase their diameter by 20 times, while their volume increases several thousand times.

However, fat cells do not increase in size indefinitely and indefinitely. After the maximum capacity of the adipocyte is reached, which is 1 nanoliter, i.e. 10 -9 l, new fat cells are formed from the pool of progenitor cells. Since about 90% of the cell volume is occupied by a fat drop, its small dark core takes on a flattened crescent shape and is pressed against the edge of the cell, and a thin cytoplasmic rim is pushed to its periphery.

Mature white fat cells contain one large fat droplet, but multicellular cells have been described containing several droplets, which later still merge into one. The cell is surrounded by a thin basal film. Small vacuoles are located along the periphery. Mitochondria are few in number, the Golgi zone is small, the cytoplasm is filled with free ribosomes, and sometimes lysosomes can be seen. A thin membrane separates the fat droplet from the cytoplasmic matrix.

White fat makes up the bulk of body fat, its function is to store and release lipids (fats and fat-like substances) for oxidation into skeletal muscles and other tissues.

Brown fat is a specialized type of adipose tissue that plays an important role in regulating body temperature. In a newborn baby, brown fat is located in the neck and interscapular region, is limited in distribution in childhood, and its amount increases to a small extent in adults.

The brown color of the tissue is due to the rich vascular network. Appearance foamy brown fat. This is due to the fact that in its cells the fat does not merge into one drop as easily as in white fat cells, but is stored in several small drops. Brown fat cells have an abundance of mitochondria and lysosomes. The core is spherical, located centrally or eccentrically.

In mitochondria, stored lipids are oxidized and energy is released in the form of heat. Since brown adipose tissue has a well-developed vascular network, the passing blood is heated. In humans, brown fat is developed to a small extent; it is present to a significant extent in hibernating animals and rodents.

An amazing discovery was made by specialists in the field of nutrition and medicine: brown fat reserves provide the body with energy, warmth and promote weight loss.

Stereotypes about fats being the enemies of the figure are destroyed by the assertion of doctors that brown tissue burns extra calories.

In the human body, scientists have discovered two types of adipose tissue – brown and white. White fat is a strategic source of stored energy resources and nutrients. It is deposited on the waist and hips in the form of folds.

Brown (brown) fat is the object of attention and study by sports doctors. Previously, it was believed that “useful” brown fat accumulates only until the first year of a baby’s life. Recent studies have proven that it is produced regardless of age. Brown fat converts energy from food into heat.

Brown adipose tissue is fought off even while a person is inactive. The brown number explains the presence of the problem of obesity or thinness.

The structure of white and brown cells is similar, which makes it difficult to study the appearance of excess weight. “Good” fat cells contain mitochondria, which give them a brownish tint. The inner shell of these elements contains the protein thermogenin. It maintains body temperature when cooled and dissipates energy into heat.

The average level of brown fat in an adult body is 0.1 - 1% of body weight. The amount depends on the innate nature and genetic predisposition.

Brown tissue is localized in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, heart, abdominal and chest cavity or around the neck.

What functions does it perform?

The main purpose of brown fat is to transform consumed calories into thermal energy. Brown tissue in the body performs a heating function. Accumulated fat is melted thanks to the cell protein UCP1, which converts fatty acids into heat.

On initial stage process, triglycerides of brown fat are consumed directly, and if they are deficient, the consumption of white fat lipid reserves is triggered. This is how weight loss begins.

When the balance shifts towards brown fat deposits, energetic resources are spent more intensively, under the influence of which a person’s body weight decreases.

Brown fat in its active state consumes up to 300 watts per 1 kg of body weight in adults (or 21 watts per 70 kg of body weight).

According to assumptions, the full activation of all brown fat cells in the body, subject to constant hypothermia, will lead to the burning of 9 to 20 kg of fat per year. The level of brown tissue in some lucky people reaches 50 g, which allows you to get rid of 500 Kcal per day without putting in much work.

Brown fat reduces blood sugar levels – this means that brown adipose tissue helps fight overweight and prevents the onset of diabetes.

How to activate brown fat

To use brown fat to combat the problem excess weight It is recommended to increase its quantitative indicator, improve the intensity of functioning, or combine both methods.

Scientists are faced with the task of creating brown adipose tissue in the laboratory, after which the material must be implanted into the human body. The question is relevant for women and men after 40 years of age, since at this age there is a natural decrease in the level of brown fat in the body.

Physical exercise

Regular exercise increases the rate of brown fat cell formation. By doing physical exercise The hormone meteorin is released, causing the white fat to darken. With increased production of meteorin, weight loss occurs and glucose absorption improves.

Muscle load provokes an increase in the synthesis in muscles of the transcription factor PGC-1a, which transforms white fat cells into brown adipocytes.


Studies have found that during exposure to the cold (about 10–15 minutes), a person loses more energy than during an hour-long exercise on an exercise bike. Some scientists argue for the need to create special “cold spas” that will help people fight obesity.

Hypothermia causes the body side effects, but the benefits of “cold spas” are undeniable. Be careful if you decide to try this method of losing weight.

While "cold spas" are not available, the famous guru healthy image living in the USA Tim Ferris recommends 4 steps to increase brown fat using cold:

  • Combine outdoor exercise and sub-zero temperatures;
  • Drink half a liter cold water in the morning before breakfast;
  • Take a cooling shower or rinse cool water to the waist;
  • Sleep in a cool room (at a temperature of 16 ° ) is normalized, which prevents the problem of excess weight.

Remember that a sudden passion for hardening is accompanied by complications in the form colds. Prepare for such procedures gradually!

Controlling melatonin levels

According to observations, the formation of brown fat cells is accelerated in the body of people taking dietary supplements that contain melatonin. Melatonin is the “sleep hormone.” Melatonin deficiency causes constant lack of sleep, which in turn provokes obesity.

With an increase in the amount of melatonin in human body, the level of “good” body fat increases. Sturdy and healthy sleep helps you lose weight and improve your well-being.

If you decide to lose weight, do not rely on the fact that, lying on the couch, “healthy” fat will independently save you from extra pounds.

To properly balance the types of fat in your body, control your calorie intake in food and how much you burn through exercise.

Your feedback on the article: The problem of how to lose excess weight is always acute. Those who wish to gain beautiful figure

, use a huge number of diets and fasting techniques. Eliminating excess pounds allows you not only to look beautiful, but also to become healthy. After all, the main problems with the proper functioning of internal organs arise precisely because of excess weight. Scientists have determined a method in which weight loss can be achieved using brown adipose tissue, which is found in the human body.

Adipose tissue is a type of connective tissue that is made up of adipocytes. In the human body it performs many functions:

  • protection from damage;
  • conduction of energy;
  • heat preservation.

The bulk of deposits is located under the skin, most of all in the abdominal area. The thickness of the fat layer fat people can reach 20 centimeters. Sami body fat look like small slices.

The most problematic fat tissue is located in the abdominal area. It is found not only under the skin, but also in the abdominal cavity. Large layers of fat are located in the retroperitoneal space. That is why getting rid of extra centimeters in the waist area is the most difficult.

Places where fat deposits accumulate

Adipose tissue is divided into brown and white. They differ from each other in location and functionality. White fat refers to the layer located under the skin. Most often, such fat is localized on the waist, hips and buttocks. A white fat cell consists of one fat droplet, while brown fat consists of several droplets. The main function of such a layer is to warm the body. Largest quantity brown fat in animals that hibernate and are unable to keep themselves warm due to lack of exercise.

Where is brown adipose tissue located?

People who are obese have virtually no brown adipose tissue. It is impossible to visually determine how much brown fat a person has and where it is located. Most often it can be found in the form of small inclusions in white fat. It will be located in the neck, chest and shoulders. In order to find its localization in medicine, computed tomography is used.

Effectiveness of brown adipose tissue in humans

The main function of drill fat is to maintain body temperature. Maximum amount This layer is found in newborns. It centers around the baby's neck, back and shoulders. This helps to cope with hypothermia, since the body of infants is not yet able to regulate heat, consuming it intensively.

Gray fat promotes improved metabolism and protects a person from obesity. Brown cells are activated both due to a decrease in temperature and with the help of nutrition and physical activity. As a result, brown tissue begins to burn white fat deposits in large quantities.

Brown fat maintains body temperature

How Brown Fat Helps Regulate Blood Sugar Levels

The presence of brown adipose tissue is important for patients diabetes mellitus. It has the ability to increase blood sugar metabolism. People who have a large brown layer in their body have reduced content glucose.

Scientists conducted studies that found a protein in brown fat that accelerates the metabolism of white cells. Thus, it can save a person not only from obesity, but also from high blood sugar.

Additional Information! Exposure to moderate cold increases energy expenditure by the body as a whole. This increases the removal of glucose from a person's blood and enhances insulin sensitivity.

Directions in the fight against obesity using brown fat

Thanks to brown fat, white fat lipids are converted into energy. As we grow older, the layers of brown fat decrease. In this regard, in at a young age It’s easier to lose weight than when you’re more mature.

The thickness of the interlayer is affected by the floor and genetic predisposition. For example, men have less brown fat than women.

Women have more brown fat cells than men

As soon as body temperature decreases, brown fat begins to actively work and replaces white fat. This is how heat is generated. This property is used as a method of losing weight. Brown fat is intentionally built up. Because of the cold, metabolism accelerates and excess deposits are burned.

Additional Information! Swedish scientists conducted research. If a person is in light clothing for several hours in a room at a temperature no higher than +15 degrees, this promotes the activation of brown fat cells and leads to the burning of up to 250 calories.

How to increase the amount of brown fat in the body

Brown fat in humans can be increased by regulating this process. There are several methods for this:

  • Increases brown adipose tissue apple peel. Regular use apples help avoid obesity. Ursolic acid, found in the peel, is also found in cranberries, prunes and blueberries. It is this acid that causes tissue growth brown color. It is found in several types of herbs: thyme, hawthorn, oregano, lavender, peppermint.
  • It is recommended to include foods low in fat and high in carbohydrates in your diet. But it is very important to pay attention to the fact that the build-up of brown fat cells is dangerous for cancer patients. The thermal energy generated in the process activates cancer cells. Therefore, in order to suppress their growth, doctors advise patients to switch to a diet with high content fat
  • You can speed up weight loss regular training at a temperature of +18 °C. During exercise, sweat will evaporate from the surface of the skin much faster. This causes a cooling effect and leads to the activation of brown cells. It is not recommended to train during high temperature in room. This can not only reduce the activity of cells, but also slow down their activity completely.
  • Responsible for the functioning of brown fat cells human brain. To maintain activity, you need the proper functioning of the brain neurons that are responsible for the feeling of hunger. It is important to avoid overeating and fasting. Reducing calorie intake does not help replace white fat tissue with brown fat. If the daily amount of calories is exceeded, white fat reserves increase, and the activity of brown cells decreases.

The increase in brown cells is affected by correct routine day. They become more active if a person spends less time in artificial lighting. It is recommended to take walks more often, spend time on fresh air. If you are constantly exposed to artificial light, then the activity of brown fat cells decreases. In this case, the chances of losing weight are lost.

Important! Increase the amount of adipose tissue with age Brown becomes impossible. In older people it disappears completely. Also, problems with enlargement occur in men; their bodies naturally contain a small amount of brown cells.

Knowing that adipose tissue can be white and brown, observing simple rules, you can maintain health and a beautiful figure without grueling hunger strikes and long-term diets. Nature itself gives a person the opportunity to start the natural process of losing weight.