Chinese knotweed. Medicinal properties and uses of polygonum multiflorum. Procurement of medicinal raw materials

Fallopia is a rather interesting and unusual plant. Its variations apply to both perennial and annual species. Fallopia is a climbing plant. The genus has more than 20 varieties. Belongs to the Buckwheat family. Most often found in subtropical or temperate climates.

Fallopia is a rather interesting and unusual plant

Fallopia is often called such an interesting name as “Russian grapes.” This is due to the lush flowering that adorns the vine. It is often used in decorative purposes, covering old structures and unsightly buildings. You can also find it on fences.

A woody climbing plant sheds its leaves before the arrival of winter. The shrub has pointed, heart-shaped leaves that cover long lashes. A young plant (the first 2 years) does not exhibit very active growth. But after this, with the onset of the next season, the vine quickly grows beyond a short time. At first summer period and until autumn the bush is decorated with small creamy-white flowers. It looks quite impressive.

Fallopia is often called such an interesting name as “Russian grapes”

Polygonum multiflora (another name for this plant) blooms mainly in September. Fruit ripening occurs between October and November. They resemble a small triangular nut of a dark brown hue.

Polygonum multiflorum is widespread in the subtropics and in areas with a temperate climate. Its homeland is East Asia. It grows well in moist soil in well-lit areas. Reproduction can occur either by seeds or by vegetative means.

Gallery: fallopia (25 photos)

Sakhalin knotweed (video)

Chemical composition of the plant

Polygonum root contains many useful substances and elements that are valued both in folk and in professional medicine. Includes a large number of tannins, phytosterols, glycosides, lipids and proteins. The base contains essential components that have positive impact on the human body.

Fallopia has many medicinal properties that are worth taking a closer look at. The plant is included in the base of capsules called “Fo-ti”. The drug is a natural extract and has a natural spectrum of processing. For cooking they are used exclusively safe methods. Natural processing allows you to preserve useful components raw materials.

Polygonum multiflora (another name for this plant) blooms mainly in September

Use of the product in medicine

The plant has many medicinal qualities, and therefore is often included in the basis medicinal drugs. This species has an immunomodulatory, rejuvenating and restorative effect on the body. The use of drugs such as Wu-shu removes harmful toxins and wastes and normalizes hematopoietic processes.

Multifloral knotweed is an excellent tonic. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. Fo-ti contains a large amount of capillin, which has a beneficial effect on intestinal motility. Thanks to the use of Fo-ti capsules, the level of blood viscosity decreases and the heart rate decreases.

The plant is often used to treat senile sclerosis. The healing properties of knotweed are manifested in the fight against obesity, eliminating intestinal diseases and even anemia. Highlander also helps get rid of problems such as:

  • frequent dizziness;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • noise in ears.

The plant is used for problem hair. Natural ingredients, included in its base, perfectly cleanse the liver and kidneys. Wu-shu is often used in the treatment of eczema and furunculosis.

Japanese and Chinese medicine long time use the plant in their innovative developments. Experts use it as an anti-aging agent. Preparations based on this type are available in different forms: powder and capsules. You need to take Wu Shu products according to the instructions specified in the manufacturer's instructions, or as recommended by your doctor.

Highlander - perennial buckwheat (video)

Use of drugs

Wu Shu is used in the presence of many diseases. Medicinal properties knotweed help relieve the symptoms of such complex disease like tuberculosis. Often the root of the plant is used at the stage of the disease when it has spread to the lymph nodes.

Fallopia helps fight cancer. Capsules are often prescribed for initial stages diseases. Medicinal properties have a positive effect on the healing process and alleviate symptoms.

Wu-shu is used to eliminate inflammation of the prostate gland. The use of capsules helps to cope with hair loss and prevent premature greying.

Features of the drug are: natural composition, the absence of toxic solvents and the natural cultivation of the plant. The capsules are made from natural vegetables. The composition of the drug includes 100% multifloral knotweed.

Encyclopedia of Medicinal Plants

Polygonum multiflora

Polygonum multiflora- a common folk remedy in traditional preparations Chinese medicine for the treatment of tuberculosis; has a rejuvenating effect, cleanses the liver and kidneys, improves blood composition, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and cardiotonic properties.

Latin name: Polygonum multiflorum, Fallopia multiflora.

English name: Chinese Knotweed.

Chinese names: He shou wu, Fo-Ti.

Family: Polygonaceae, buckwheat.

Synonyms: Fallopia multiflora, Xo shu vu, Fo ti.

Parts used: root, rhizomes.

Botanical description: Polygonum multiflora is a climbing perennial herbaceous vine 2-4 meters high. Grows wild in high mountain areas with cool climates and at the foot of rocky mountains. The leaves are light green, the flowers are white, bisexual. Blooms in September-October, bears fruit from October to November.

Photo of the medicinal plant Polygonum multiflorum (Fallopia multiflorum)

Habitat: Polygonum multiflora is common in East Asia– China and Korea.

Active ingredients: Polygonum multiflorum rhizomes contain anthraglycosides, zmodin, emodin methyl ester, polygonic acid, proteins (1.1%), starch (42.2%), lipids (3.1%).

Useful, medicinal properties and applications

Polygonum multiflorum root included in dietary supplement BBC , produced by international standard GMP quality for medicines.

In China, No shou wu (Knotweed multiflorum root) is shrouded in mysticism. It is believed that a hundred-year-old root preserves the youth of the face, a two-hundred-year-old root gives a slim body and inexhaustible vital energy, and three hundred years old - immortality. But if we talk about the root as healing agent, then it undoubtedly has a pronounced tonic, adaptogenic, antioxidant effect, which slows down the aging process. Highlander is a recognized remedy for gray and brittle hair, gives a rejuvenating effect and promotes weight loss.

Polygonum multiflorum promotes skin regeneration, normalizes pigment metabolism (removes dark spots), causes skin elasticity, smoothes wrinkles, strengthens subcutaneous tissue. Strengthens the overall immunity of the body, slows down the aging process. Polygonum multiflorum has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the reproductive and nervous systems, so it is used for menstrual irregularities, neurasthenia, anemia. Acting on adipose tissue, normalizes weight and is therefore called the “herb of longevity”.

The root extract contains capillin, a choline compound that enhances intestinal motility and inhibits the reabsorption of cholesterol. Polygonum multiflora is rich in lecithin, is able to prevent cholesterol from settling in the liver, prevents the retention and penetration of fat-like substances into the inner lining of the arteries, thereby reducing the degree of sclerotization. Highlander is able to reduce the amount of absorbed cholesterol, reduce lipid levels and blood viscosity. It also reduces heart rate, reduces the load on the heart, protecting against myocardial ischemia.

Polygonum multiflora has a rejuvenating effect, cleanses the liver and kidneys, improves blood composition, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and cardiotonic properties. Polygonum multiflora regulates arterial pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, stimulates adrenal function and intestinal motility, stabilizes activity nervous system and muscles, strengthens tendons, ligaments and bones, stimulates blood circulation in the brain, improves memory.

Polygonum multiflora is used for:

  • obesity
  • insomnia
  • tuberculosis
  • senile atherosclerosis
  • neurasthenia
  • skin diseases, furunculosis, eczema
  • to normalize weight
  • for smoothing wrinkles
  • to strengthen tendons, ligaments and bones
  • to cleanse the liver and kidneys
  • to stimulate intestinal motility and digestion

Contraindications. Polygonum (Fallopia) multiflora is contraindicated in case of liver disease, pregnancy, and lactation.

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  • As for decoctions of peppermint, today there are also plenty of recipes for them. To prepare a decoction from the above-ground part of this plant, you need to take two tablespoons of the raw material, pour it with one glass of milk and let it boil for one minute. After this, the broth should be left to infuse for half an hour, after which we filter it and use it for lotions or compresses in the fight against hemorrhoids or ulcers. This decoction can also be used for enemas.

    Recipe for a decoction of the roots of this plant: take one tablespoon of raw material. Fill it with one and a half glasses of water and leave in a water bath for half an hour. After ten minutes, strain and take one tablespoon in the morning, at lunch and in the evening before meals.

    If a person has any inflammatory disease genitourinary tract or he suffers from nervous exhaustion and weakness, then the following recipe will come to his aid: take three to four tablespoons of knotweed, pour the grass into a thermos and fill half a liter boiled water. We leave it to infuse for four hours, after which we take the resulting infusion half a glass four times a day. It is very important that the reception this tool was carried out a quarter of an hour before meals. It should also be noted that this infusion helps speed up the process of conception. It can also be used to restore metabolism.

    In case of painful menstrual cycles, make yourself this infusion: take one tablespoon of a mixture of knotweed, horsetail, silverweed and centaury and steam the raw material in one glass of boiled water. After sixty minutes, strain the infusion and take it in small sips throughout the day.

    among the people various means with peppermint used to treat malaria, flatulence, diseases Bladder, dropsy, old ulcers. Quite often with folk remedies With this plant it is possible to get rid of hardenings and tumors.

    Polygonum multiflorum root is one of the truly effective remedies for health. Moreover, the mountaineer is unusually useful plant in Chinese traditional medicine.

    Polygonum multiflora is a climbing perennial herbaceous vine that grows wild in high altitude areas and at the foot of rocky mountains in cool climates throughout the year.

    Other names

    The Latin name of the plant is Fallopia multiflora, other names are Polygonum multiflorum or FoTi Root. The Chinese name is 何首乌 or He Show Wu, He Show Wu, Ho Shou Wu, He Show Wu. All listed names are synonyms.

    Beneficial features

    Polygonum multiflorum regulates blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, so to reduce and stabilize blood pressure You can use a decoction of the root. In Chinese traditional medicine, the plant is used as a rejuvenating, antioxidant and liver and kidney cleanser, improves metabolism, helps with constipation, strengthens tendons, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and hypocemia, a plant useful for both men and women, restorative reproductive system.

    Drinking Polygonum multiflorum tea strengthens muscle and skeletal system, has a positive effect on hair enzymes. It is believed that drinking the infusion makes hair color brighter. This plant helps dilate blood vessels and heart coronary artery, lowers blood lipids and stimulates the generation of red blood cells, used in the prevention of heart disease and senile anemia.

    Directions for use and recipes:

    1. 10-20 g of root per day is boiled 2-3 times in 0.5 liters of water: the first time - 40 minutes, the second time - 30 minutes, the third time - 20 minutes. The resulting decoctions are mixed and divided into 3 doses per day, an hour after meals.
    2. If the first method is too time-consuming, you can make an alcohol tincture. 250 g of root is infused in 1.5 liters of alcohol for 20 days, shaking occasionally. To strengthen the liver and kidneys, stimulate blood generation, improve hair color, drink 15-20 ml 2 times a day (morning and evening).
    3. Boil 20-50 g in broth or add to porridge.

    Polygonum multiflora should be taken regularly for several months, the result can be seen after 2-4 months of use.

    The infusion is dark in color. The taste of the infusion is astringent, bitter-sweet.

    Contraindications: loose stools, sputum, pregnancy, only for those over 18 years of age.

    Side effects and precautions: The recommended dose of knotweed for an adult is 10-30 g per day. Like any plant or medical product, the highlander has side effects. In rare cases, taking this plant can cause diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, and in case of overdose - numbness of the limbs and skin rash. When severe forms side effects, please stop taking it immediately and consult your doctor. First of all, everything is very individual.

    Buy polygonum multiflora

    can be in the form of plates of dried black root, 3-6 mm thick, up to 5 cm long, up to 2 cm wide. Packaging 100 and 200 grams.

    Delivery to Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg and other cities of Russia and CIS countries

    Polygonum multiflorum or Fallopia multiflorum - perennial herbaceous plant, belonging to the Buckwheat family. IN natural conditions Polygonum multiflora grows in the countries of East Asia (Japan, China and Korea) in high mountain areas in cool climate zones. In traditional oriental medicine Preparations based on it have been widely used for centuries to treat tuberculosis, diseases of the liver, heart, kidneys, and blood vessels. It is believed that the plant has positive influence on all organs and systems of the body, has a pronounced rejuvenating and antioxidant effect, allows you to delay the aging process and improve health. ABOUT healing properties this unusual plant Eastern peoples have created many legends. IN medicinal purposes They use the roots and rhizomes of Polygonum multiflorum. Among other names of the plant, the following are known: Chinese knotweed, flower knotweed, Fo ti, Ho shu wu, Russian grape, longevity herb.

    Botanical description

    Polygonum multiflora is a climbing, herbaceous, deciduous vine that can be found primarily in high mountain areas, foothills and crevices. The plant prefers moist soils. It is suitable for sunny areas or partial shade. Reproduction is carried out by seeds and vegetatively (by shoots of rhizomes and by dividing the bush).

    The length of the plant can reach 4 m or more. Active growth begins only after reaching the age of two. The life span of Polygonum multiflorum is hundreds of years. The root system is powerful and taprooted. The stem is woody with branches. The leaf arrangement is regular. Petiolate leaves, dark green. The shape of the leaf blade is heart-shaped or ovate with a pointed tip slightly curved downwards, size from 2 to 8 cm in length. The edges of the leaves are entire. The lower leaves are collected in bunches.

    The plant blooms from late August to October, starting from the second year of life. The flowers are bisexual, white or pale green in color, located in the axils of the leaves, collected in a branched paniculate inflorescence. Pollination of flowers is carried out by insects. The fruits ripen in October – November. They are triangular or obovate nuts, dark brown with a glossy shiny surface.

    Interesting: Polygonum multiflora can be grown for decorative purposes, to decorate fences, rock gardens, flower beds, unsightly buildings and house facades.

    Chemical composition

    The roots and rhizomes of Polygonum multiflorum are used as medicinal raw materials. The following useful compounds were found in their composition:

    • glycosides (stilbene, emodin, rhein, fiscion, chrysophanol, etc.);
    • tannins;
    • phytosterols;
    • alkaloids (lysenyl, pergolide, lisuride, bromocriptine);
    • organic acids;
    • flavonoids (kaempferol);
    • lecithin;
    • lectins;
    • proteins;
    • capillin;
    • starch, etc.

    Interesting: Only fallopia roots that are 50 years old or more are suitable for use for medicinal purposes. In general, it is believed that the older the root, the more wide range it has biological activity.

    Beneficial features

    Polygonum multiflora root has the following types of pharmacological effects:

    • adaptogenic;
    • tonic;
    • restorative;
    • antioxidant;
    • regenerating;
    • immunomodulatory;
    • sedative;
    • hemostatic;
    • anti-inflammatory;
    • cardiotonic.
    Remedies from the root of the plant stop the aging process, increase immunity, improve memory and mental abilities, and have beneficial influence on the nervous and reproductive system. They are used for problems with conception, impotence, disorders menstrual cycle, menopause, neurasthenia, anemia, insomnia, disorders cerebral circulation accompanied by dizziness and tinnitus, to prevent age-related changes brain

    Fallopia helps with disorders of gastrointestinal motor function and metabolism. It stimulates the hematopoietic system, has a cleansing effect on the liver and kidneys, enhances intestinal motility, prevents the reabsorption of cholesterol, its accumulation in the liver and penetration into the walls of the arteries. The plant is useful for the prevention and treatment of senile atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, as it normalizes blood pressure, increases vascular tone, prevents the formation of blood clots, reduces heart rate, levels of lipids, sugar and cholesterol in the blood, and also reduces its viscosity and improves its composition. Polygonum multiflora reduces the load on the heart and is effective means to prevent myocardial ischemia

    Interesting: In China, there is a belief according to which it is believed that the root of polygonum multiflorum at the age of 100 years helps to preserve youth, at the age of 200 years it gives vital energy and makes the body slim, and at the age of 300 years it gives immortality.

    As an anti-inflammatory agent, Polygonum multiflorum root has been used externally for treatment. acne, eczema, furunculosis, stomatitis and others inflammatory processes V oral cavity. The plant is also used for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It helps strengthen bone tissue, ligaments and tendons.

    The medicinal properties of polygonum multiflorum root can be successfully used in for cosmetic purposes. They help to significantly improve the condition of the hair, prevent its fragility and earlier appearance of gray hair, and make the color more saturated. They also help rejuvenate the body and normalize weight, accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, eliminate age spots, increase skin elasticity and smooth out fine wrinkles.

    Polygonum multiflorum root powder or extract is produced by many manufacturers in the form of capsules or tablets as a dietary supplement. In this case, you need to take it in accordance with the attached instructions.

    Procurement of raw materials

    The roots of Polygonum multiflorum are harvested in the fall. To do this, they are carefully dug out of the ground, cleaned of soil residues and foreign impurities, washed under running water, cut into small pieces and dried.

    Raw materials prepared in this way should be stored in a dry, cool and dark place for 2 years.

    Methods of application

    The root of Polygonum multiflorum is prepared for medicinal purposes. alcohol tinctures, decoctions and infusions. You can also use the powdered root of the plant by adding it to small quantities for food.

    Root decoction

    To obtain a decoction of fallopia roots, place 15 g of dry plant material in a saucepan, add 500 ml of water and boil over low heat for half an hour. Then it is allowed to cool, filtered and taken as directed.

    Vodka tincture of roots

    Chopped dry roots of Polygonum multiflorum (25 g) are poured into a bottle and filled with vodka (500 ml). Infuse the mixture in a dark place for two weeks. After the infusion period, the tincture is filtered and consumed 30 drops 2 - 3 times a day daily for at least one month.


    Before starting treatment with Polygonum multiflora, you should consult your doctor to prevent various complications. Contraindications for its use include:

    • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
    • severe liver disease;
    • swelling;
    • children up to 12 years of age.

    It should be taken with caution by people suffering from joint pathologies (gout, rheumatism, arthritis), hepatitis, urolithiasis and skin irritations. While taking polygonum multiflorum root extract, a short-term feeling of numbness in the limbs is possible. Side effects may occur allergic reactions, diarrhea.