Hallucinations in sleep. A waking dream or hypnagogic hallucinations is a portrait of a phenomenon. Modern interpretation of sleep

Dream interpretation of hallucinations

Hallucinations may occur due to various reasons: fatigue, acceptance psychotropic substances, mental disorders, etc.

But the dream book perceives hallucinations as receiving financial rewards, which the dreamer did not hope for at all.

Non-existent vision

The first thing to say is that dreams in general can be hallucinations. Scientists are still arguing about this topic.

I dream of mystical pictures

When we are immersed in an unconscious state, we may see a picture that seems to be reality, but in fact it is not. Remember how often, when you woke up, you could not understand that you had just slept, and everything that happened to you was just a dream?

Gustav Miller's prediction

This dream book is a leader among dreamers’ requests.

Miller believed that hallucinations in a dream, which were somehow mystical and unclear, promised the sleeping person an imminent illness. You may also experience troubles in business.

I saw spirits in a dream

If in such a vision other people were present next to you, then you should be careful in communicating with other people in reality.

It is possible that they will show excessive aggression, and you will have to worry a lot.

If you dream of a hallucination, the dreamer should pay more attention to his relatives. Miller believed that the family was suffering from the complete indifference of the sleeping person.

There was some kind of spirit in the hallucination - you will be able to find meaning in life. At the same time, the presence of a clergyman, a church, or its attributes in your incomprehensible dream can predict the onset of difficult times. Higher power give you instructions to be tolerant and not to lose your human qualities

in a tough fight.

Interpretations of other predictors Whatever situation you dream about, it is worth considering it in different interpreters. How more points

vision you gain, the clearer the picture will appear before you.

Interpreter of Sigmund Freud

I dreamed of strange pictures

The psychologist believed that if you dreamed of a hallucination, then you would not be able to realize your sexual fantasies, since an insurmountable obstacle would appear on the way. When you decide to diversify your sex life

, then the partner will perceive the proposal with caution.

Interpreter Mindel Why see hallucinations in a dream? Soon in you'll get into trouble.

What else can the vision promise you:

  • unclear pictures - troubles with your significant other, the dream book believes that one of you has completely forgotten that it is also necessary to give, and not just take;
  • see blurred faces - aggression will be shown towards you, but you must understand that you should not respond to such attacks with force, think about other ways.

Modern interpretation of sleep

Do you dream of unclear pictures that suddenly become reality? Soon all household members will be happy.

Taking a hallucinogen in a dream and hearing strange sounds means you are in danger of a serious and incurable disease.

You just can’t wake up, get rid of the vision - you trust completely the wrong people who should.

They will let you down greatly and hurt you.

Seeing a hallucination or a mirage in a dream means delusions.

Modern combined dream book If you hallucinate in your sleep

- this means that you will soon receive a monetary reward or your salary will be increased. If in a dream a hallucination suddenly becomes reality - this means that in your family life

the complete idyll that you have dreamed of for so long will come. If you had an auditory hallucination in a dream

- this is a sign of a very serious illness approaching you, perhaps even incurable. Perhaps the dream foreshadows the death of someone close to you. If in a dream you can’t get rid of a hallucination

- this dream says that you are opening your soul to the wrong people, they will let you down. Remember that not every person who can speak smoothly is good.

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov Hallucination

- delusion; publicly admitting your mistakes. A warning dream: you need to be extremely careful with alcoholic beverages, you might end up drinking yourself to death.

Dream book of the 21st century Hallucinations in sleep

- a harbinger of success, monetary reward, profit, promotion.

If you dreamed:

Dreams from Friday to Saturday

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning. When you wake up, look out the window. Tell in open window

: “Where there is night, there comes sleep. All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out. Don't tell anyone bad dream

before lunch.

Hallucinations - hint to you that you may be forced to admit that you are wrong.


What happens to hallucinations during sleep?

In a dream, hallucinations became reality▼

If hallucinations based on the plot of a dream come true, the dream book says that your family will be so prosperous that your expectations will be more than justified.

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Did you dream of a Hallucination, but the necessary interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Hallucination in a dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    Hello. I dreamed today a strange dream. I have never seen such a dream.
    Here is how it was. At first I sat in the kitchen in my girlfriend’s apartment, (she lives with her parents) where there was no one, and drank a small amount of beer (although not a fan). Suddenly I received a call on my phone, I picked it up, but I couldn’t hear the voice clearly. I realized that something was wrong with someone, I left the house, got on the bus and drove to the park, got out, and there I got to the bottom of some huge guy, he threatened me with his finger, and I grabbed him and broke him. his hand. Then after that a fight broke out, where I immediately realized that this thug turned out to be a boxer, and knocked me out with one blow with his left hand (this was very noticeable). The feeling in the dream was completely unpleasant, almost like in reality (I didn’t fight with boxers, thank God). Silvery ripples flashed in my eyes, like on a non-working channel on a TV, there was a buzzing in my ears, horror, I was lying completely helpless. I realized that I needed to get up, but I could not move, even my breathing stopped for a while. I didn’t feel any pain, just lethargy and the feeling that I was torn like a piece of rag. I didn't lie around for long. Having recovered from such a stormy pastime on the cool rubble, I stood up, and it became even worse - auditory hallucinations. I stopped being aware of anything, I didn’t pay attention to anything except these glitches. The sound of young mothers passing by strollers seemed to me like the turbines of fighter jets, the birds chirped like the growls of dinosaurs, and the rustling of leaves on the trees like a huge Niagara Falls simply drove me crazy mixed with these sounds. Then I had to wake up, it was simply unbearable. Here. He described everything exactly.
    It’s not clear what such a dream could even mean?
    Thanks in advance for your answer.

    • Andrey, the fact that you saw such a hallucination in your dream probably means that you may soon be confused.

      I dreamed that I did some actions in a dream that my loved ones seemed to know about, and when I came to them, we started talking about it and they started telling me that I didn’t do it. That I was talking not to people but to dolls! I walked towards them along the street, but very slowly because it was difficult... but in fact the city had long been flooded and I was swimming towards them... and when they started telling me about this, I began to remember that these were really dolls and I wasn’t walking but swam!

      We were flying on a plane, we fell, there were 4 of us left, savages found us in the wreckage and gave us knives, then we fought off the wolves and hid in standing nearby a brand new car. It turned out that these were not wolves, but people who were trying to help us; we were poisoned by something on the plane, when the doctor was doing a blood transfusion and feeding some of them...

      Hello. Thank you, this would be very interesting, so I will start. The last thing I remember in detail: in a dream I offended my mother with something, but it didn’t seem important to me. I went up to my room, and in my dream it was as if some kind of clouding had happened, the image had become distorted, general condition as if I was violently drunk. I turned around and saw on my table a catalog from which a professional video camera was sticking out, I began to click on it and saw in it recordings from the life of a person whom I almost knew (only in a dream, not in real life), then the camera disappeared in my hands , (and I still regretted that I didn’t have time to steal it) and raising my head I saw this man sitting opposite me, from somewhere I initially knew that he was a hallucination, we chatted a little, and then I asked him who he was and what he wanted from me, to which he remained silent and smiled, and I just kicked him out... but he didn’t leave right away... After that, I felt the urge to run and calm down my mother, who was offended at me, and when I ran up to her, this state, (as if I got drunk hard), it intensified, I turned around and he was standing in my room, and I know that no one sees him except me, I come up and just accompany him to the door, behind him there is a black clot in the room, and I tell him that he would take it (And he does) and eventually leaves the door. And as he left, this state began to disappear... and soon I spoke with my mother and the dialogue with her made me remember that I was dreaming. and I woke up... Things like that. It will be very interesting to find out what this dream meant, if it meant anything at all, of course, thanks in advance.

      Hello! I fell asleep during the day and dreamed that my friend and I rented a house and the apartment was very nice and there were 3 shower rooms. We were drinking in a dream and I started having glitches that she didn’t see, I dreamed that my mother was sitting next to me so silent and advised me something, I wanted to hug her and she didn’t let me…. something like that!

      Hello! On the night from Sunday to Monday I had a terrible dream. I realized that these were hallucinations. In the dream there were a husband, daughter, sister and many other people I didn’t know. They mocked me, laughed, I tried to scream and couldn’t. I tried to take the child by the hand, it turned out that I was taking someone else and they were just laughing. I asked my husband to help me, I cried, and he laughed and disappeared. I tried to beat them, scream, but it was no use. I had such a dream for the first time, it was very scary.

      I dreamed that I was sitting and watching a cartoon. An unfamiliar cartoon to me.
      Then I found myself at school. There I began to realize that I was hearing strange sounds. Quite bewitching. It’s like I’m going into a trance. Not particularly pleasant sounds. Very often such sounds are inserted into horror films. In those moments when a person, for example, has a nightmare based on the plot of a film and wakes up. Coming out of sleep is accompanied by such a sound. At first this sound is quiet, then it gets louder and louder. Increasing, slightly squeaking sound.
      So... I heard this sound in my ears. I wasn’t scared, but it was quite unpleasant. As soon as I began to understand this, I told my friends about it. One of them said that if you watch something for a long time cartoon. She said its name. It contained the word Philip, and in my opinion his friends or something like that. If you watch this cartoon for a long time, hallucinations (auditory) will begin, and then I remembered that the cartoon that she called me is today I looked. But again I remembered that the same word was present in the title. I felt strange. But I didn’t pay special attention to it.
      Then I found myself in the studio where I dance, or rather in its dressing room. For some reason, I was naked and wet, as if I had just come out of the shower. I was very angry, because I was very tired of these hallucinations. I sat on the bench and asked for a towel. There were girls from the team around, with whom we had recently had a very strong quarrel, as well as a friend of one of the girls. I asked him to leave, but for some reason he did not leave the locker room. I told him about my problem. he started to say something, but I don’t remember what. Then I ended up somewhere else, but I don’t remember where. Then I also complained. to your problem, although it has disappeared quite a long time ago. The hallucinations probably disappeared already at school, but all this time I could not move away from them, I was so afraid that I didn’t even notice how they disappeared.
      Also, last night I woke up often, three times to be exact. And I saw the studio director. where I spend quite a lot of time. A dance studio. The director’s figure appeared, but then disappeared again. I wasn’t scared at all. I thought it was just an illusion, well, it was an illusion.
      Now, this morning I didn’t feel very pleasant about this whole situation. I didn’t suffer with her.
      IN Lately I have problems, I often get upset. Maybe it's because of this.

      I had a dream in which I had hallucinations, like bottles were flying, the ceiling was leaking, I heard voices that weren’t there. And this all happened at home. In a dream, my parents said that I had gone crazy from nerves (in reality, I actually have a lot and often stressful situations) and wanted to show the doctor, which I categorically refused. And that's it, I woke up. What could this dream mean?

      But at night I drank a diuretic herb and I dreamed that it gave me a hallucination, a state like during anesthesia, some kind of incomprehensibility and weightlessness, I shouted to my husband what was wrong with me, fell out of bed, but it didn’t hurt, he picked me up. When I asked him in the morning he said that everything was calm

      I dreamed that I saw others people and friends which are not nearby. they were surprised at this... my hands went numb, I wanted to open the door, I couldn’t, squeeze my palm, too... I screamed hysterically

      I dreamed that someone gave me something to smoke (I don’t smoke myself) and hallucinations began. And then I saw my friend completely drunk and we were hurrying home. We didn’t make it on time for the last bus and I called a taxi (an acquaintance), while thinking “does it work at night or not, since it works mainly during the day.” In the end, I didn’t get through to him. Awoke.

      Had hallucinations. I was in my apartment with my girlfriend, and suddenly THIS began, there were poltergeists and the walls of the house were distorted (right down to the very layout of the apartment) and objects changed places and it was as if the wind was lifting curtains of objects, I saw souls and all sorts of creatures that seemed to me It seemed like they wanted to devour my soul, but they couldn’t kill or harm me; they could only influence my psyche. the girl saw something from what I see, but didn’t see something (she saw about 50% of what I saw; roughly speaking, she only saw poltergeists such as moving objects). I lost consciousness there and came to my senses again, I don’t know where from, but I had some kind of device in my hands that recorded the rating of the anomaly in the apartment, and I also told my girlfriend that before there had never been more than 5, there were maximum essences and minor distortions, but here there was 18.41 in the rating, although the maximum was already considered 10, that is, it was off scale. We couldn’t get out, oddly enough, the girl was almost not afraid, she just sat with bated breath and watched it, we couldn’t get out, even Entrance door She moved all the time, and as soon as they tried to get up, everything began to shake and knock her off her feet. I saw these entities as they were reaching out to me as if they were trying to say something, and I was clearly aware and calm in the sense that they 100% could not do anything to me, because of this I was even balanced, but from what I saw I still came to horror, I didn’t finish the dream and woke up seeing this.

      I dreamed that I was an alcoholic and I had delirium tremens children's toys were moving in their sleep. There were wine glasses on the table with very long legs and wine in them next to them. unknown woman looked out the window

      I dreamed that my nails changed color periodically. They grew on my chest long hair, and there were swans on my feet!!
      Some people were running around the unfinished house and throwing cement from shovels.

      Hello, Tatyana! Yesterday I had a dream that I was hallucinating. As if I'm in the park with friends, as if I'm taking some kind of substance (or not, I don't remember well) I start seeing cartoon characters and feel dizzy. I accept this as reality, although I understand that these are hallucinations. The dream was colorful. I don't remember the details well. I had never seen such a dream before. What does it mean??

      night. Dark. I went outside for a walk. The area is real from life. On the way I meet an acquaintance from my street, he is running, in a hurry to get somewhere. And I'm starting to feel like I'm sooo drunk. He stops, but he needs somewhere. Other acquaintances are walking, one of them stops and the first acquaintance asks this second one to look after me, and the second one begins to prove to everyone that I am not drunk. Then it seemed like a jump. The same characters on the other side of the house. We talk, I drink coffee from my home cup. And I see a lot of big ants, they are all climbing towards me, no one else sees them, I start to run, while carefully placing the cup on the grass, they catch me, hold me, I seem to understand that this is a hallucination, but I continue to scream and struggle . And they began to call fools. I woke up from this in a terrible state of panic.

      I'm sitting in a cafe (where I think it's McDonald's) with a classmate and a classmate (I rarely communicate with them). They quickly ordered themselves some long rolls (like the ones from Subway) and ate. It took me a long time to choose. Then they brought it to me. I haven't started eating yet, I looked at doorway on the left and I see another classmate (we communicate a lot with him and are friends). He was generally wearing a jacket and a hat and walked back and forth above the floor level (maybe on chairs, tables or a windowsill). I was glad that I saw him and wanted to invite him to us. I approached the doorway, he looked back at me, I waved to him, and he waved to me too. Then I look at my classmates at the table, they don’t understand what I’m doing at all. I lead my classmate to the doorway and ask if she sees anything. She answers in the negative. I realize that I am hallucinating. We go to the table and eat. I also joke that this is some kind of nonsense and I will still wake up. I don’t remember further. In general, you can count on the milling fingers how many times in my entire life I have been able to remember a dream so well.

      I dreamed that I was getting ready for work and wanted to boil porridge (rice, buckwheat), and I saw worms in it, they were crawling, there were a lot of them, I swept them up and threw them in the trash. For some reason, my aunt was with me in a dream. The event is transferred to another place, like a store, a cafe, and I work there as a waiter (in reality I work as an engineer in a construction organization) and I serve a dish of spaghetti macprona, and when I serve it to people, I see that instead of pasta there are earthworms, tin, brrrrr.

      The dream was very strange))
      I remember that I was walking with my brother, but the playgrounds were very distorted (in better side). More precisely, he didn’t walk, he just walked. Then he and I approached a bus stop (again, distorted, it was somehow bright, like in the game Sunset Overdrive), and I noticed a Samsung smartphone in the trash(!). It was a phablet (I don’t know the model). I rummaged further and found an Asus tablet. I don't know the model either. Next, my brother and I approached some worker to ask to be escorted home (in general, I didn’t know why we did this, we only found out later). I took a few steps and saw Sochi in front of me (!). I just went crazy then and said:
      - “Something is bugging me today.”
      But the worker then seemed to evaporate. After that, I silently took 9-10 steps, not believing my eyes. And at the very end, I found myself back in Omsk. A second later the dream ended.

      P.S. Sochi probably seemed like a dream to me because I dream of living there and am looking for as much information as possible.
      P.P.S My brother and I are 13 years old.

      I dreamed that I was sitting in a room of a large building, and I was sitting on a steam
      after which I instantly find myself in China. I feel dizzy and everything is swimming before my eyes. The police detained me. I found myself in a psychiatric hospital when they told me that I was running around the room, something strange was happening to me, and they called an ambulance. After which I was in the hospital and she came to me ex-girlfriend. It all felt like it was reality.

      I recently broke up with my boyfriend. (I dated him for 3 years). And so I had a dream that I was hallucinating and that in the dream I understood that all of this was a hallucination. I see him come to my house, say something, mock me, I see him walk and we talk a little. Then he leaves, and I understand this is a hallucination...What could this mean? Perhaps I'm confused myself..??

      I was rocking my little son in my arms and suddenly I saw that a small monster was running towards me, in a dream I understood that this was a hallucination, but I felt horror. the monster had sharp claws with which he clung to my hand, and I tried to strangle him with the same hand. I also asked my eldest daughter to make sure that I didn’t do anything to my son, since both the son and the monster were dressed the same and I was afraid of getting mixed up.

      I dreamed about how I came to my grandmother. She said that a surprise was waiting for me, and when midnight came, we went somewhere. Halfway there we got into some kind of cart and rode along the rails. We entered a tunnel and soon crashed into something. I lost consciousness. When I woke up, I was lying on the sofa. They told me that my grandmother died. I began to cry a lot, but then my grandmother entered the room. I was very happy and began to hug her. Everyone looked at me blankly and asked why I was hugging the air. And then I realized with horror that this was a hallucination and my grandmother had died. I panicked, and then I woke up all wet, in tears. In fact, grandma is alive and well.

      I signed up for a wrestling school, but didn’t attend classes, and when I found out that there would be competitions, I decided to go to them. I came to school, saw a classmate there, she didn’t really want to make contact with me. I saw her in one clothes, and literally a couple of seconds later she was in another. there were a lot of people whom I saw for the first time. then I suddenly started feeling dizzy and feeling unwell, I called the guy, he came for me. in his car there was a man whom I saw for the first time. I sat in the back seat and this man sat down facing me, with his back to the direction of travel, looked at me intently, then his face contorted and he split into two. Then I started feeling dizzy and lost consciousness... then I woke up

      In a dream, I tried some kind of product on my tongue that was spilled on the floor. And after that, the layout of the room began to change. The lights blinked and the light bulbs burst. And then the lights turned on and everything was back in place.

      I had a dream that after a few sips of Pepsi my teeth began to fall out. Either 7 or 10 of them fell out, I went to the hospital, then I realized that it was a hallucination because in the mirror I saw my teeth again. The doctor prescribed me pills for hallucinations name I don’t remember. She said that I should drink it before bed

Sleep is a time of peace and quiet. By at least, That is how it should be. Most of us go from a state of wakefulness into a cycle of deep, slow sleep, and then dreams during the rapid eye movement (REM) phase. But when the boundaries of these phases are unclear, sleep can turn into something scary. In fact, some sleep disorders belong in horror movies, not in your bedroom.

Sleeping beauty syndrome

This sleep disorder does not have a fairy tale ending. Kleine-Levin syndrome is a rare neurological disease associated with excessive sleep, strange behavior and confusion. About 70 percent of people who suffer from this syndrome are teenage boys. The syndrome occurs in waves when the person sleeps most of the day and night, but between such episodes he appears completely healthy. An exacerbation of the disease can last for several days, weeks or even months, during which the person feels drowsy. When the patient wakes up, he experiences confusion, disorientation and apathy. In some cases, uninhibited sexual desire occurs.

Although the cause of the disorder is unknown, some scientists believe it occurs due to dysfunction of the hypothalamus, which helps regulate sleep and body temperature. To date, there is no treatment.

Night terrors

The horrors you see in your dreams can be very different. For some people, this is a killer who is chasing them with an ax, others in night horrors can see themselves naked in public place. The common thing is that at some point a person suddenly wakes up. However, when night terrors go beyond occasional irritation, you may develop a sleep disorder. People who suffer from night terrors often wake up in a cold sweat and with vivid memories of nightmares. In such cases, they may even be afraid to go to bed.

Stress and sleep deprivation are common problems with this disorder. IN severe cases consultations may be needed or sedatives to calm the underlying anxiety bad dreams. However, to expel night terror, most people will be content to relax and go to bed on time.


About 15 percent of adults sometimes get up and start walking around the house in their sleep. This disorder is more common in children. No one knows what causes some people to wander at night, but stress and sleep disturbances are often key factors. Genetics also plays a role: close relatives of sleepwalkers are 10 times more likely to develop the disorder than the general population.

You are unlikely to see a sleepwalker walking around the house with his arms outstretched in front of him. Most of them are able to move around, open doors and even move furniture with ease. But although such actions do not harm a person, sleepwalking itself can be very dangerous. One study, published in 2003 in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, found that 19 percent of adult sleepwalkers were injured during their nighttime excursions. The biggest danger is a fall, so if there is a sleepwalker in your house, experts recommend hiding electric wires and keep the patient away from stairs.

Exploding heads syndrome

This disorder occurs during the phase deep sleep when a person suddenly wakes up, struck by a sharp, loud noise. Its range ranges from crashing plates to explosions. To the person who hears them, it seems that they occur either very close to the head, or inside the skull itself. In this case, the person does not feel pain. Doctors don't know what causes exploding head syndrome, and it hasn't been shown to cause any serious illness.

Sleepy hallucinations

We're used to seeing strange things in our dreams, but what if we're awake at the time? So called hypnagogic hallucinations occur during the transition from wakefulness to sleep, or vice versa. People report hearing voices, experiencing phantom sensations, and seeing a person or strange object in their room. People often see insects or animals crawling on walls.


Nightmares can affect not only the person who sees them, but also the people who are close to him. Unlike the night terrors that occur during the phase REM sleep, nightmares happen during slow periods, usually at the beginning of the night. They are most common in children. During a nightmare, a person may experience a fever, he may suddenly sit upright, with with open eyes, although in reality he does not perceive what is happening around him. The person often screams or cries, and it is impossible to wake him up and console him. In some cases, nightmares are mixed with sleepwalking. After 10 or 15 minutes, the person usually falls asleep again. Most remember nothing about these episodes the next morning.

The cause of nightmares is a mystery, but irregular sleep, fever and stress can trigger them. Fortunately, nightmares usually disappear as the child grows up.

Sleep paralysis

During the rapid eye movement phase, the muscles of the body become motionless. This temporary paralysis keeps us from acting during sleep so that we cannot harm ourselves. Sometimes, however, paralysis persists even after the person wakes up. You know you're awake and want to start moving, but you can't. To make matters worse, sleep paralysis often coincides with hallucinations: people usually report feeling someone's presence as well as suffocation. Even today, some researchers suspect that stories of alien abduction may be explained by sleep paralysis.

Conduct disorder during REM phase

If sleep paralysis is an example of immobility, then the so-called REM behavior disorder is too much activity during sleep. Sometimes the brain sends the wrong signals to the body and people act out during sleep. They may scream, fight, or even get out of bed and run. After waking up, they usually remember their dreams, but forget what they did. Given the severity of these impulses, many of them end in injury. This disorder occurs most often in older people and can also be a symptom of Parkinson's disease, a degenerative neurological disorder.

Nocturnal eating disorder

Sure, you can have the willpower to deny yourself sweets throughout the day, but how do you control it when you're sleeping? People who have nighttime disorder eating behavior, they empty the refrigerator while they sleep, and the next morning they have practically no memory of this event. Some people may injure themselves while cutting food or cooking it on a hot stove. Others eat raw ingredients, such as frozen foods or regular butter.

The disorder is poorly understood, but, like sleepwalking, it manifests itself during the slow-wave sleep phase. Drugs that increase dopamine levels may help stop unconscious nighttime snacking, doctors say.

Sexual insomnia

This disorder was first described in 1996 during a case study. Sexual insomnia syndromes can range from annoying (loud sexual moaning) to dangerous (aggressive masturbation) or even criminal (sexual assault or rape). Scientists suggest that sleep deprivation, stress, alcohol, drugs and physical contact with a partner in bed may play a role in the occurrence of this disorder. But no one knows why some people respond to these triggers with sexual behavior.


If previous frustrations have caused you to reconsider your once positive attitude to bed, think again. Insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, can cause irritability and lack of concentration during the day, and long-term sleep deprivation can be downright dangerous. Lack of sleep is associated with obesity, high blood pressure and heart attacks, among others unpleasant symptoms. In addition, driving a car in a sleep-deprived state leads to accidents.

The good news is that most of the disorders on this list can be cured, and even if you have one of them, you should not rush to classify yourself as crazy. Often people believe that for these events there should be psychological reason. They think there must be some kind of Freudian answer to solve these problems. But modern science does not support this opinion and believes that sleep disorders arise for physiological reasons.

The most important and interesting on the topic: “Seeing a hallucination in a dream” with a full description.

If you have a hallucination, this means that in the very near future you will receive a substantial monetary reward. This could be a salary increase, an unexpected bonus or an inheritance. If you saw in a dream that a hallucination suddenly becomes reality, it means that a long-awaited idyll will come to your family. Most likely, you are already tired of constant conflicts and have long dreamed of harmony and tranquility - this dream guarantees them for you. An auditory hallucination in a dream is considered a bad sign, foreshadowing an impending illness. If you had such a dream, be extremely attentive to your health. You face a very serious, perhaps even incurable disease. Also, an auditory hallucination can predict the death of a person close to you. If you can’t get rid of an obsessive hallucination, it means that you are used to being frank with people who do not deserve your trust. Remember - a decent and honest person is not always hidden behind an attractive appearance and sweet speeches.

Hallucination in Miller's dream book

Vague and strange hallucinations in a dream predict illness or disorder. The appearance of unknown persons in such visions warns the dreamer about possible worries and worries in connection with the aggression of people from his close circle. If you dreamed of hallucinations, then take care of your loved ones, do not forget about them. Right now they really need your advice and participation. Seen in a dream loved one in white clothes - to his serious illness. If you recognize the figure of a priest in your hallucinations, your existence will take on a completely new meaning. Most likely, troubles and worries await you. Try to maintain kindness and humanity in difficult circumstances and soon your life will definitely become better and richer

Hallucination in Freud's dream book

Hallucinations are a symbol of insurmountable obstacles that stand in the way of your sexual plans. It's hard to say why, but all your attempts to diversify your sex life will end in complete failure.

Dream Interpretation of A. Mindell

What does Hallucination mean?

You had a dream Hallucinations - You seem to think in a dream that you are seeing hallucinations - your affairs will become disordered; yours love relationship questionable: some of you have forgotten that love should be cherished by two, some of you expect that the other will always forgive. Some vague faces appear in the darkness - get ready for manifestations of someone’s aggressiveness; think about whether manifestations of evil should only be met with fists

Psychoanalytic dream book

Had a hallucination in a dream, what is it for?

What do Hallucinations mean in a dream? 1. During the dreaming process, everything we see is slightly distorted, and sometimes real hallucinations occur. As a rule, we take the events that happen in a dream to be real, although the scenes can change in the blink of an eye or be transformed, we see one thing, and after a few seconds we realize that in front of us is something completely different, but it all seems absolutely acceptable to us. Only after waking up and analyzing the dream, we sometimes understand how strange it was: things, for example, were endowed with the properties of completely different things, feelings were exaggerated, our own actions- defy logic. Dreams can create their own reality, distort objects and images so much that Everyday life it would look absurd. But you need to remember such dreams. They make it clear that we are endowed with much greater thinking capabilities than we think. 2. From a psychological point of view, freeing the mind and allowing it to work without any restrictions allows the emergence of hidden memories, images and thoughts that can only be used in dreams, in real life Nothing would come of it. 3. Hallucinations experienced in dreams can be direct messages from the unconscious.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.

Hallucinations during sleep are called

parasomnia. These are unusual behavioral manifestations that occur during sleep. Sleep hallucinations are visions experienced during sleep that are not reality. Happens more often in dreams visual hallucinations. But olfactory, auditory, gustatory, and tactile sensations can also be observed. In addition, visions occur in which a person seems to be falling, swimming or flying.

It is quite difficult to distinguish dreams from hallucinations during sleep. A person may not understand whether he is sleeping or awake. If the visions are scary or unpleasant, they may be perceived as nightmares in a dream. But there is one difference. When a person sees a nightmare in a dream, when he wakes up, he is clearly aware that it was just a dream.

Most often, hallucinations are characteristic of the period of waking up or going to sleep. Then they are called hypnagogic. If such visions appear during daylight hours, this often indicates the presence of narcolepsy. In people with narcolepsy, phenomena such as sleep paralysis, sudden craving for sleep, and hypnagogic hallucinations may occur during daylight hours.

Often, sleep paralysis and visions appear in the same period of night, but on different days. In addition, such visions are often combined with sleepwalking and sleep-talking.

Sometimes a person wakes up in the middle of the night and sees motionless pictures of animals or people. At the same time, a person often does not realize that he is no longer sleeping.

This type of vision is not uncommon; about thirty percent of people have experienced them at least once in their lives. Their appearance is more typical for people young. The older a person is, the less often such phenomena occur. More often they are observed after strong experiences, with


And also in an anxious state.

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Any hallucinations associated with sleep are parasomnia. Parasomnias are unwanted events that occur during sleep. In addition to hallucinations, these include grinding teeth, sleepwalking, sleep-talking, etc. Hallucinations in sleep are imaginary, but very realistic events. Most of them are visual, but there are also sound (even musical), gustatory, olfactory, tactile and even associated with the sensation of movement. Hallucinations can be confused with both dreams and reality.

Hypnagogic hallucinations or daydreams

Hypnagogic hallucinations are visual illusions that usually appear in the evening before falling asleep, when the eyes are already closed. Often this period is called half-sleep and is located between wakefulness and sleep. Therefore, they are closer to the type of pseudohallucinations than to true hallucinations, since they do not have a connection with the real situation. The phenomenon is also typical for healthy people

. This condition occurs infrequently and lasts from a few seconds to several minutes. This condition can also occur when you don’t get enough sleep. How long does a person need to stay awake for hallucinations to appear? Sometimes they begin to appear on the second or third day without sleep. Otherwise, this type of hallucination is called Lhermitte syndrome. In common parlance you can also find such a definition as a waking dream. There is no clear definition of the concept of a waking dream, and often outsiders understand by it completely different phenomena: hallucinations that occur during sleep paralysis , and hypnagogic hallucinations before falling asleep or after waking up, as well as lucid dreaming

and even dreams. However, it is more correct to use the concept of waking sleep specifically in relation to hypnogagic hallucinations. This type of hallucination was first described in 1922 by the French neurologist J. J. Lhermitte.

The phenomenon can be observed in both children and adults. Some adults see them from time to time throughout their lives. Sleep researchers believe that everyone has hallucinated at least once in their life before falling asleep. During the period of remission, there may be no visions for several months, and sometimes even years. Visions are vivid, so often a person who has experienced this state can remember this all his life.

Hypnogagic hallucinations can be multiple, single, scene-like, and sometimes kaleidoscopic. Visual images (most often, these are moving people and animals reduced in size) are characterized by mobility, kaleidoscopicity, and quickly change their shape, size, and location in space. Those suffering from hallucinations act as contemplatives who lack a sense of fear. The person maintains a critical attitude towards visible images . A person can simultaneously perceive real world

along with dream-like experiences mixed with it (for example, visual images echo real voices or noises breaking into the dream).

In ordinary dreams, the person himself is a participant in the events taking place, while this is not typical for hypnagogic hallucinations. It’s as if a person is watching a movie that the brain is showing to him. The person does not tense up, but calmly reacts to what is happening. This is an uncharacteristic state of sleep. Besides all this, a person is interested in what he sees. The observed pictures during such visions are quite definite, detailed, and there is no blur in them.

Auditory Simultaneously or separately with visual hallucinations, auditory hallucinations may also occur when falling asleep. A person may hear voices before going to sleep saying individual words

or coherent phrases filled with semantic content, individual tones, short musical passages. Phrases are heard clearly and loudly. Hypnagogic hallucinations in healthy people are physiological and functional. Such night voices in the head arise against the background of the existing external stimulus

and is perceived together with it, without merging, as happens with illusions. For example, in the sound of a ticking clock or the sound of rain, the patient can hear the voices of people. Dominant hallucinations indicate the presence of mental trauma, which caused parosomnia. For example, someone who has lost a loved one hears their voice. If auditory hallucinations begin to communicate with the sleeping person, talk to him, demand an answer - this may be a symptom serious illness

Less common, but also occurring, is such a hallucination during awakening. If hallucinations occur while going to sleep, they are called hypnagogic, if during awakening, they are called hypnopompic. However, in the specialized literature, the term common to both conditions is usually used - hypnagogic hallucinations.

Who experiences hypnagogic hallucinations?

Hallucinations before falling asleep are quite common. More often they occur in puberty and among young people. For most, the frequency of episodes decreases as they get older. However, in older people, hypnagogic hallucinations may appear along with other manifestations of insomnia. Hallucinations at night are common in patients suffering from narcolepsy. The following factors are the most common causes of their occurrence:

  • taking narcotic and toxic drugs;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • anxiety and stress;
  • insomnia;
  • emotional disturbances.

The syndrome occurs as a result of irritation reticular formation midbrain. Sometimes short-term hallucinations at night can occur in patients with epilepsy. Hallucinations often occur due to lack of sleep. Sometimes migraine attacks can cause Lhermitte syndrome. Also, hypnagogic hallucinations are observed with local damage to the brain stem in the area of ​​the third ventricle and cerebral peduncles as a result of hemorrhage, tumor, and with superior basilar syndrome. Also, the pathology may have an inflammatory-intoxicating etiology.

Hypnagogic hallucinations in children

Particular attention should be paid if you see that your child is experiencing hallucinations before bedtime. This can be evidenced by his story that yesterday before going to bed he saw his aunt, who said something or the dog came. The child’s psyche is still very immature, so it can produce such pictures if the child is emotionally overloaded after an active day. This is usually evidence of stress or emotional overstrain. For example, such hallucinations or waking dreams are known when, having experienced the death and funeral of a grandfather or grandmother, a child sees them before going to bed.

Since hypnagogic hallucinations can frighten a child, the child’s psyche should be protected from the influence of stress and emotional overstrain. IN otherwise Sleep pathologies can lead to insomnia, bedwetting, and the child asking his parents to go to bed at night.

What to do with Lhermitte syndrome

If hypnagogic hallucinations do not cause any discomfort and occur rarely, then you can simply forget about them. If they call increased anxiety interrupt your sleep, after which you experience daytime sleepiness, you should consult a doctor to establish a routine and get recommendations for restoring healthy sleep.

What you can do on your own to restore your sleep and rest patterns:

  • go to bed at the same time;
  • before going to bed, avoid strong emotional impressions;
  • do not abuse alcohol and smoking, avoid drugs;
  • before going to bed, take a walk in the fresh air;
  • do not overload the stomach before bedtime;
  • arrange it correctly sleeping area: ventilate the room before going to bed, remove all light irritants, buy a comfortable mattress and orthopedic pillow.

What is a waking dream

The phenomenon of a waking dream is well described by Jack London in the novel Straitjacket. Sentenced to death penalty agronomy professor Darrell Standing is subjected to regular torture in a straitjacket, with the help of which he eventually learns to travel through time and around the world in a transform between sleepy state and reality.

There are many practitioners who try to practice this state. A waking dream is the line between reality and sleep, when the body seems to be already asleep, but the brain still gives all the signals characteristic of wakefulness. The state in a dream and in reality differs in that in a dream the brain is already completely asleep. How to induce a waking dream?

To avoid headaches after waking up, you need to learn some safety rules:

  • do not set an alarm clock with a sharp sound;
  • It’s better to be woken up by soft, gradually increasing volume music or a friend with a light touch;
  • for the first time try to fall into a waking sleep for 2 minutes and then gradually increase the time of waking sleep to half an hour;
  • Try not to let anything bother you during this time.

How to induce a waking dream

  1. Turn on a night light so you don't get disoriented when you wake up.
  2. Take a lying position on the floor. You can lay foam or a blanket. You need to lie on your back, stretch out your arms, and close your eyes.
  3. Breathe exactly 3 seconds per inhalation and exhalation. Slowly increase the length of your inhalation/exhalation until you feel dizzy and see black spots before your eyes.
  4. Try not to think about anything, imagine a peaceful landscape, the chirping of birds, the sound of a waterfall.
  5. Do not move under any circumstances. At some point you will feel immersed in a state between sleep and reality.
  6. Now open your eyes. From this point on, have your observer friend begin counting the time.
  7. Now you will find yourself in the unreal space of your subconscious, your mind will wander in the labyrinths of the subconscious.
  8. After waking up, you don’t need to get up suddenly. Adapt a little to reality.

This is a very interesting and unusual experiment.