Why dream of a doorway without a door. Interpretation of sleep: door

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Seeing a Door in a dream

The door, like the gate, is a symbol of the female genital organs, the genital opening. Their symbolism is quite close.

If you are standing in front of closed doors, then you want to make an offer to the object of your aspirations to engage in sexual relations, but you do not dare.

If you stand in front of a closed door, pull the handle, and the door is not locked and opens easily, then your friend has long dreamed of sexual contact with you and will gladly meet your desires.

If you forgot or lost your house keys, then all is not well in your sexual relationship. Show more affection and tact in your relationship with your partner.

If you cannot open the door, then you may have sexual dysfunction.

If you varnish, paint or upholster a door, then you are very jealous, and in most cases unreasonably, and easily excitable; your sexual encounters may be brief due to premature ejaculation.

If you are installing a new door, then you dream of frequently changing sexual partners.

If you walk out the door, then your sexual partner is boring you, and you want to break up with him.

If there is someone in the house, but they don’t open the door for you, then you have a serious sexual conflict with your partner, you are unable to establish a sexual relationship; To improve your relationship, you may need to contact a specialist.

If you are afraid to open the door, then you have a strong fear of starting a sexual life, or having sexual contact with this partner.

If you open the door to someone, then this indicates your sexual dissatisfaction.

If a man finds a door open in a dream, then he cannot forgive his girlfriend for previous sexual relationships.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

Seeing a Door in a dream

Represents an ambivalent symbol. It is necessary to determine whether it opens the way to a positive or negative context. However, it indicates a state of indecision that can lead either to positive investment or to regression, that is, to vitality or mechanicalness.

Interpretation of dreams from the Free Dream Book

What do dreams mean Door

Door - Open - be careful! You are being lured online for their own purposes. If the door is in the house, then in business, if in transport, then in marriage, if from home, then in a financial scam. Closed - ignorance of some laws hinders you.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric Dream Book

Meaning of dreams Door

Door - dream of open doors - guests. Looking for a door and not finding it is a difficulty in business. The door creaks - an unpleasant visit.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

What does a Door mean in a dream?

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles.

If doors themselves open in front of you in a dream, this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you.

A dream about an open door foretells a woman that she will soon have a new lover.

Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened.

Seeing new doors in your home means adding to your family or changing your lifestyle associated with new problems.

For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son.

Doors that slammed in front of you and those that you could not open are a sign of failure.

Looking for and not finding the door to your own home is a sign of obstacles in business; for patients, such a dream predicts that their illness will last a very long time and may end in death.

Stopping near a closed door in a dream and ringing it or making a phone call means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect to be disappointed.

Seeing open doors in a dream means a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident.

Locks on the doors mean the machinations of ill-wishers.

Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women.

If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly swung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble.

Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and loss of a loved one. For some, the dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creaking of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit.

A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will welcome with open arms.

Burnt out doors in a dream portend a great misfortune that could happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream.

A dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses.

Walking through a door in a dream is a sign that you will do something that will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dream that in a dream you entered the door of your parents’ house, then your worries will subside and your soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones.

A dream in which you saw a door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person.

For spouses, such a dream means divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse).

Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Expect bad news - this is trouble knocking on your home.

If you dream that you are trying to close a door and it falls, then beware of an accident.

If a door falls on someone in a dream, then that person is in danger in reality.

See interpretation: house, fire, key.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Door dream meaning

If you dream of an open door, your soul is wide open. If you dream that you are standing in front of a closed door, you are holding a stone in your bosom. Closing the door yourself in a dream means you have closed all your escape routes.

Interpretation of dreams from the Big Dream Book

What does a Door predict in a dream?

If you see a closed door in a dream, it means frivolity.

An open door means that you are always welcome to have guests.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Dreams

What does it mean to see a Door in a dream?

If in a dream you enter the door of the house in which you grew up, this means that happiness in love and harmonious family relationships await you in the future. However, any other door you enter promises you disappointment in love and betrayal of a loved one.

Interpretation of dreams from the Love Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Door

Seeing an open door in a dream foretells success and a warm welcome, while a closed door portends disappointment and trouble. A door with a lock on it means meeting unpleasant people. A door with creaking hinges means an unwanted visit. A broken door means a generous offering, a burning door means the illness of someone in the household. Putting out the burning doors of your house in a dream means meeting with friends on a sad occasion.

Not finding doors near your home is an obstacle in business.

Locking the door with a key means marriage; if the door is not locked, you will get a new admirer. Simply closing an open door means disappointment and trouble.

Entering a door in a dream indicates that your efforts to get rid of unwanted visitors will lead to nothing. Entering the door of your parents' house portends a cloudless existence surrounded by kindred spirits.

Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting things in order. If in a dream a door flies off its hinges and falls on you, this means danger that awaits your friends.

Standing in front of the doors of some establishment in bad weather and not being able to get inside means in reality doing stupid things and behaving like a capricious child.

Looking through the peephole while watching what is happening on the landing means that in the near future you will have difficulties that will lead you to insomnia and a nervous breakdown. Closing the door with a latch means you will refuse to help neighbors with whom you are at odds.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

What does the door dream predict?

If in a dream you enter a door, your attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers will be in vain. If the door unexpectedly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it and injures someone, your friends are in danger.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Dream meaning Door

secret, front, back, side, locked door (corresponding meaning).

"doors wide open" imprudence, hospitality.

"wait with the doors open" invitation. “All doors are open to him” - complete favor and success. “Peeping through the door lock” is an intrusion into someone else’s life, indecent curiosity. “Closing the door in your face” is sudden rejection.

Miss an opportunity, a chance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Idioms

Seeing a Door in a dream

If you dreamed that you were entering a door, you have ahead of you futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

If you looked at the door at night, in the pouring rain, avoid unforgivable actions and frivolous meetings.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

Dream prediction Door

Symbolizes the beginning or end of something.

Seeing the door from the outside: an indication that you may have to take on some new business or that you are thinking about it.

Closed door: abandonment of plans.

Sometimes such dreams indicate that you are at risk of making an irreparable mistake, and this can result in a serious loss.

Wandering along the corridor in search of the right door: a sign that you cannot concentrate on any one thing and it is high time for you to decide on your plans.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Why do you dream about the Door?

To see a large and tall door means wealth and nobility will soon await you.

Seeing a richly decorated door means an impossible dream.

Opening the door means luxury, unjustified expenses.

Unexpectedly opening doors mean happiness, benefit, good luck.

Creaking doors mean an unpleasant meeting.

Seeing an open door to your home in a dream means lack of self-confidence and deception.

Looking for and not finding doors near your home means an obstacle in business.

Closing the door means danger.

The door crumbles into pieces - to an unpleasant situation.

They knock on your door - for upcoming important events in life.

The doorbell rings - bad news.

If you open the door and there is no one behind it, it means big trouble.

To see a beautiful door handle - soon you will have an interesting acquaintance.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 21st century

Seeing a Door in a dream

A closed door means that you will not be appreciated.

Frustration, troubles, obstacles.

An open door means favorable circumstances, shared love, a generous gift.

New doors - to a new activity.

Burning doors of your house - to the illness and even death of one of the family members.

Searching and not finding the door of your own house means obstacles in business.

Slowly opening doors - love (for a woman) and getting to know a woman (for a man).

Opening doors mean success in all matters.

Entering the door means trying to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers.

Seeing others coming and going means complications in solving your problems.

A door that has fallen off its hinges is a danger to those around you.

To break into a door is to do something contrary to the laws.

Interpretation of dreams from Rommel's Dream Book

What does the dream Door mean?

If the door was opened with one’s own hand, it means a speedy recovery.

If for some reason it doesn’t work out, the disease will continue for some time.

In all other cases, this dream is associated with the moral problem of choosing an action. In your actions you must show firmness, perseverance and perseverance.

A knock on the door means you are being studied, be attentive and careful!

Opening the doors means a surge of new strength.

Interpretation of dreams from the Newest Dream Book

Seeing a Door in a dream

Opening a door in a dream is a luxury, unjustified expenses / a way out of a difficult situation / committing adultery.

Seeing an open door in your house means uncertainty and painful forebodings / deception on the part of a friend.

The door in your house opens by itself, creaks and hangs on its hinges - bad conscience / friends will betray you / danger.

Locking your door is a big danger and will require a lot of courage.

To see someone else's door locked - friends will turn away / you will find yourself an uninvited guest.

Breaking a door means you will encounter an obstacle on the way.

To see a richly decorated door means to desire something unattainable.

To see a small door in your apartment is something secret and prohibited in your life, something that you try to hide even from the people closest to you.

Some creatures pass through it - the personification of vice.

There is a knock on your door - you will be called to an important task / a good embassy / the main events in your life are coming.

It rings - bad news.

Being locked up somewhere means don’t trust your friends / bad future / generally always bad.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

What do dreams mean Door

The door symbolizes opportunities for the implementation of plans and plans, bad and good news.

A closed door is an obstacle on the way.

Open the door - find a way out of a difficult situation.

Someone breaks down your door - danger, betrayal.

Interpretation of dreams from

A door is an interior item that is necessary in our lives. It helps us close ourselves off from external irritants. In dreams, the door is also a symbol of protection from future mistakes or our internal fears. Why do you dream about a door and what events does it warn about?

What does a door mean in a dream: to difficulties or success?

In reality, this barrier plays the role of protection. She warns us from troubles and protects our loved ones from uninvited guests. In dreams, this item helps us avoid future conflicts.

Entering reality from a dream

In the world of dreams, doors or gates mean the emergence of a new and great love. In addition, if you interpret the dream correctly, you can protect yourself from future mistakes and difficulties in your work. Dreams are our subconscious, thanks to which we have the opportunity to change tomorrow for the better.

Why do you dream about entering a door?

This is a sign that may herald a new beginning. This dream can be interpreted in different ways, the main thing is to pay attention to the details.

  • Entering an open entrance in a dream means that there will be a career advancement in the near future. Success at work is guaranteed.
  • Trying to enter a closed one means that new relationships with the opposite sex await ahead. If you manage to enter, then mutual understanding and love await you.
  • Entering a dark doorway predicts difficulties with loved ones. Perhaps someone close to you is gossiping about you.
  • Entering a bright door means that you may soon meet an old friend whom you have not seen for a long period of time.

Dream Interpretation: open door

Open doors portend success in your endeavors.

After such a dream, you can safely start any planned business or business.

  • A wide open door symbolizes a new relationship with a woman.
  • A gate with a small opening means difficulties in finding a new job.
  • If you dreamed of an open door with a wide opening, then an offer for your dream job will be waiting ahead.
  • If a girl had a dream with an open door, then next year she will get married.

Why open a door in a dream?

A very important point is whether you open it from the outside or from the inside.

  • If you open the door from the outside, then soon you will experience betrayal from a loved one or gossip at work.
  • Opening from the inside of your home, this dream can mean both disappointments and pleasant surprises. Who you open the door to and what feelings you experience will help you correctly understand the nature of the dream.
  • Opening it with a key means a pleasant acquaintance with the opposite sex. In this case, the door means the feminine principle, and the key is masculine.

I dreamed of a closed door

Closed gates are mostly dreamed of by people who are timid and not very sociable.

  • If you see a closed door outside your house in a dream, then this is a sign of disappointment in yourself.

Perhaps you hurt a loved one and are tormenting yourself with thoughts about this act.

  • A closed barrier from inside your home warns of great danger.
  • If you dreamed of a locked door, then in the near future there will be a meeting with an unpleasant person.
  • If an unmarried girl had such a dream, then she will soon have a happy marriage with a rich man.

What does it mean to close a door in a dream?

The word “close” is always associated with the end of a period.

If a person closes a door in a dream, it means that he wants to end a certain stage in his life.

This can be related to both relationships and work. To correctly understand the meaning of this dream, you need to remember the details.

  • Old - to the immediate loss of an old friend.
  • A new door is meeting your future spouse.
  • Wide - overcome obstacles on the way to the goal.
  • A creaking door means unpleasant guests.
  • A narrow opening means troubles in your personal life.
  • A broken door means problems that will be difficult to solve.
  • With a bright pen - to financial well-being.
  • Colored - to unrealistic desires.
  • White - good news.
  • A black door means a quarrel.
  • A door with a key means a new addition to the family.
  • With a barn lock - to wealth or an increase in salary.
  • Passage to your home means good and warm relationships in the family.
  • An opening at work means an immediate demotion or dismissal.
  • The car door is for a long road.
  • A door in the attic means advancement up the career ladder.
  • The front door means good relationships with family.
  • Interior – a person withdraws into himself.

The door won't close

If in dreams you try to close an open door, but the door does not budge, then in real life you will not be able to escape from problems. It will be almost impossible to complete the assigned tasks at work.

For a girl, this dream means that she may soon lose her virginity.

The door won't open

Trying to open a locked door in a dream means failure in any endeavors. If you are planning a new business, then it is better to forget about it in the near future. You should not try to explain your rightness or point of view to your loved ones, they will not hear you. At work, your opinion will not be authoritative.

What does it mean to look for a door in a dream?

Trying to find a way out of the deadlock.

  • If you are very ill, and in a dream you cannot find a way out of your room or home, it means that the illness will not subside in the near future.
  • Finding a way out of someone else's house means a long wait.

Door in a dream other interpretations

Interpretation in folk dream books:

  • Ukrainian

A dream with doors is a kind of obstacle to achieving a goal. Dreams in which you have to open or close doors mean overcoming difficult life situations.

  • Russian

People who feel unprotected from enemies dream of open doors. Closed is a sign of secrecy: you do not want to reveal your secrets to close people. Girls dream of doors as a sign of love.

  • Gypsy

There is a way out of any difficult situation, but it must be found. A locked door portends difficulties in searching, but there is always a key. If all the doors are open, then financial problems will not threaten you in the coming year.

Door: Miller's dream book

  • If strangers try to break into your door in a dream, it means you have become the hero of gossip.
  • Entering the house in which you were born means warm relationships within the family, mutual understanding.
  • If the door breaks and comes off its hinges, then in the near future troubles and troubles await close friends.

According to the modern combined dream book

  • A strong and heavy door means that wealth and fame will soon await you, and your opinion will be authoritative for others.
  • If you hear the doorbell ring in a dream, then unpleasant news awaits you in the near future.
  • Hearing a knock means important events in life will happen soon.

According to the dream book of spouses Winter

Doors are dreamed of at the beginning or end of certain periods in life.

  • If a person closes the door in front of him, this means that he wants to end a close relationship with a loved one or quit his old job.
  • If it opens easily, then new prospects and successful acquaintances lie ahead.

We should not forget our dreams, they tell us about the future, show our feelings and true inner world. Based on certain details, a person can understand how to overcome his problems and where the solution is hidden. Sleep is our world, our subconscious.

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles.

If doors themselves open in front of you in a dream, this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you.

A dream about an open door foretells a woman that she will soon have a new lover.

Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened.

Seeing new doors in your home means adding to your family or changing your lifestyle associated with new problems.

For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son.

Doors that slammed in front of you and those that you could not open are a sign of failure.

Looking for and not finding the door to your own home is a sign of obstacles in business; for patients, such a dream predicts that their illness will last a very long time and may end in death.

Stopping near a closed door in a dream and ringing it or making a phone call means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect to be disappointed.

Seeing open doors in a dream means a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident.

Locks on the doors mean the machinations of ill-wishers.

Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women.

If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly swung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble.

Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and loss of a loved one. For some, the dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creaking of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit.

A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will welcome with open arms.

Burnt out doors in a dream portend a great misfortune that could happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream.

A dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses.

Walking through a door in a dream is a sign that you will do something that will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dream that in a dream you entered the door of your parents’ house, then your worries will subside and your soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones.

A dream in which you saw a door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person.

For spouses, such a dream means divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse).

Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Expect bad news - this is trouble knocking on your home.

If you dream that you are trying to close a door and it falls, then beware of an accident.

If a door falls on someone in a dream, then that person is in danger in reality.

See interpretation: house, fire, key.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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A person who sees a doorway in a dream may soon encounter obstacles, and depending on how the dream ends, you can find out whether he will overcome them or not. A dream book will help you find out why you dream about a door; you just need to remember all the details of the dream, its mood and ending.

A dream in which you have to close the door behind someone means, according to the dream book, a subconscious desire to protect yourself and your loved ones from ill-wishers and evil tongues. Locking the door means fighting people who are stronger, thereby dooming yourself to greater danger. It will take a lot of courage and willpower to resolve the situation.

A dream in which you have to lock the door with a key is interpreted by the dream book as an imminent marriage or a meeting with a person who will most likely eventually become your life partner. Locking the door is interpreted by the dream book as a desire to find peace and be alone. Also, this dream may be an indicator that you are trying to get away from problems, instead of immediately solving them.

According to the dream book, closing the door from the inside means fighting your own fears. For a woman, this dream means fear of an unwanted pregnancy or fear that a guy will exchange her for another. For a man, this dream promises an unpleasant conversation with his girlfriend, which may end in a breakup if the young people do not sincerely talk to each other.

A dream book will help you find out why you dream of an open door. This dream has two meanings: the first is a call to action, the second is a person’s readiness for a new relationship. A dream in which the door to an apartment was open can warn of uninvited guests, as well as psychological and subconscious readiness to start a family.

According to the dream book, an open front door in a dream means that you will soon receive a lucrative offer to participate in a profitable business, which will actually turn out to be a financial scam. You should not give in to persuasion and promises of quick and easy money.

A dream in which you happen to open a door with a key, according to the dream book, means that your ability to find a way out of the most difficult situations will help you cope with the difficulties that have arisen. For a man, such a dream means that he will still be able to win the heart of the girl he has liked for a long time.

A dream in which you heard a knock on the door means pleasant and long-awaited news. Knocking furiously and loudly on a door in a dream means a forced conversation with a request to repay the debt. Also, a dream in which you have to knock on a door speaks of vain and unfulfilled hope. Knocking on a closed door means vain attempts to justify yourself and prove your innocence; ill-wishers have “worked hard” to tarnish your name in front of the public.

Why do you dream about the front door? According to the dream book, if the entrance doorway is open in a dream, it means quickly and painlessly overcoming obstacles on the way to achieving your plans; if it is closed, it means that obstacles on the way can confuse you and force you to change your goals.

A new door in a dream symbolizes the beginning of a new and important stage in a person’s life: starting a family, having a child, starting a new project, moving to a new home. A dream in which an old doorway appears, according to the dream book, means that those things that you put off “until tomorrow” can no longer wait, and if they are not resolved today, as a result you can fly out of work. Also, such a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a relationship that does not bring former pleasure, which should be abandoned in order for a new hobby to appear.

Why do you dream about a broken door? Such a dream means that your future career is in the hands of other people and your immediate future depends on them. In order to achieve the desired heights, you should learn to interact with them.

If in a dream you dreamed that a door was being broken into, it means that there is a traitor in your immediate environment who will soon reveal himself. This person is taking revenge on you because you once destroyed his love in your youth. Breaking down a door means that the time has come for decisive action and how you behave during this period depends on the future. The dream book advises you to get rid of those friendships and relationships that are a burden to you and no longer bring the same lightness and pleasure as before.

A dream in which there are many doors is interpreted by the dream book as the need to make a choice and finally decide on the question that is now hanging in the air. A long pause in resolving this issue is inappropriate, since the chance may pass to another person. A corridor with doors seen in a dream represents a large selection of opportunities that must be taken advantage of. This dream may also be a call to implement long-cherished plans.

Why else do you dream about a door in a dream?

A dream in which the door does not close no matter how much effort is made, according to the dream book, means that no matter how much you want to refuse (hide, hide) from your obligations, it will be impossible to do so.

Why do you dream of ringing the doorbell? According to the dream book, a doorbell ringing means unexpected news; this dream can also promise urgent matters that require only personal presence. In order to achieve success, you should increase your self-esteem and engage in self-education.

If you had a dream in which unknown people are banging on your door, then it means unsuccessful attempts to prove your point of view, or persistent attempts by people to convince you that they are right. The Dream Interpretation assures that such a dispute will not bring clarity, but will only affect your relationship with colleagues.

Entering the door in a dream foreshadows futile and unsuccessful attempts to get rid of persistent people who slander and throw mud at you. The dream book warns that the fight against ill-wishers will spur them to even more active actions; the most effective way to harm them is not to pay any attention to them.

Seeing keys in a door in a dream means a new love relationship that will most likely end in a wedding. Also, such a dream suggests that your heart is open to new feelings and relationships, and soon a person will appear who you will like very much.

You can find out the interpretation of the dream “door”, as well as what it means in a dream, by paying attention to the material from which the opening is made. A glass door in a dream means a lucrative business offer, which in reality turns out to be a deception and a scam. A dream in which you dreamed of an iron door, according to the dream book, means the presence of a secret well-wisher who protects you from the attacks of enemies. Wooden doors in a dream indicate that your attempts to protect yourself and your family from the attacks of ill-wishers will be in vain.

A dream in which you dreamed of a white door is interpreted by the dream book as a sincere desire to help your loved ones, as well as an openness of soul and the ability to forgive. Such a dream could mean a good opportunity to get involved in your business.

If you have to knock down a door in a dream, this means achieving what you want through titanic efforts, and this is why people around you will respect and be a little afraid of you.

Why do you dream about a door without a lock? This dream is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious feeling of insecurity, fear of change and responsibility. Relatives and friends will help you get rid of vulnerability and self-doubt. As soon as you overcome this barrier, promotion up the career ladder is guaranteed.

If in a dream you had to replace the door with a new one, it means that a new addition to the family is coming soon. If you had to paint a door in a dream, it means that you are too jealous, in most cases unjustifiably, and you risk losing your soulmate. A dream in which you wash the door in your house promises a pleasant meeting with family and friends, and also means your readiness to take all matters into your own hands.

A house without doors in a dream means a dead end situation from which you cannot find a way out. The dream book advises turning to family and friends for help, you can untie a tangle of intrigues and neglected cases.

Why do you dream of holding the door? This dream represents isolation and fear of opening up to people, which can lead to a lonely life without entertainment and communication. A dream in which you have to look for a door means a dead end situation from which it is impossible to get out on your own. Also, such a dream means that you should not open your own business now, because you are not mentally prepared for such things.

Hiding behind a door in a dream is explained by a subconscious desire to escape from problems, fear of being face to face with competitors (rivals, enemies), as well as fear for one’s reputation.

If you dreamed of a secret door, and through it you got into the long-awaited room, it means that even the most controversial and confusing matters will soon be resolved. According to the dream book, such a dream indicates that you are in harmony with yourself and your desires.

Why do you dream about a door in Miller's dream book? Entering an opening means unsuccessful attempts to get rid of ill-wishers and enemies. To see in a dream the same entrance opening as in childhood and enter it, the dream book foretells success in business and subsequent endeavors. Seeing a dream in which people enter and exit an opening means difficulties when trying to restore order in their affairs.

comments 34

  • I dreamed that someone was opening the door with a key, I thought it was my husband and ran out to meet him. But it turned out to be my late grandmother. She angrily pushed me and slammed the door in my face. Maybe someone can help me understand what this dream means.

  • This dream was very long, and I remember it, not all parts, but mostly everything. At the end, before they woke up, all my friends and other people ran away, it was the dead of night, and only the children remained, they laughed loudly and played. A lot of children. I ran to my entrance, dialed a combination of 6 numbers (I also remember them) to open the doors to it, opened it, but could not close it, the magnet did not work, which seemed strange to me. And I knew that someone or something was preventing this. Therefore, I simply held the doors, supposedly they were closed. But then it became strange to me that it became quiet, and no one opened it, I wanted to quickly run to my floor, but I opened the door, and three women were just standing there, two were holding a stretcher on wheels, and the third was just standing, smiling sweetly, and looking at me, I understood that they had come for me, but I didn’t understand why they just stood there. Then I realized that for me this war (I still didn’t see what we were fighting, but I knew for sure that this was not an ordinary war) was over. I want to remind you that this is only the end of the dream, which is not even the 4th part of the dream, it was very long, and I remember many details: what we said, what we did, what we thought about.

  • Dirty Ramirez:

    I dreamed that I opened the door with the keys to a car that was not mine. Stolen. The door didn't open, it was broken. I knocked her out. She turned into a mirror and my face in the reflection was burning with fire. I sniffed a couple of hairdryers and felt better. We talked to the door all night. What would that mean? I also dreamed that a girl’s corpse was brought to my morgue for an autopsy and I fell in love with her. What to do?

    I dreamed that there was a house and a door, and behind it another door, and so I opened door after door. There were many of them. The door was on one side, then on the other side, then right and again right in front of me, and I felt that it was too late to go back, I was lost. And I opened it again and opened it.

  • Today I dreamed of many doors, but I still couldn’t find mine. I went into the entrance, went up to my floor, and there the door is not mine and I can’t open it, but I leave the entrance, I think maybe I’m in the wrong house, but no, the house is mine, the entrance is mine, I go back into the entrance, and there everything is completely different It became as if every time I enter the entrance I find myself in a different reality and I cannot find mine and my door is not there. This all went on for a very long time in a dream, I left the entrance, came back, went up to my floor, but the door was still not mine, in the end I found my door, my reality, finally coming home. My husband began to ask why it took me so long and didn’t believe my story, I had the feeling that if I left the apartment again I wouldn’t be able to find my door, fear mixed with the feeling that I was going crazy. But when my husband and I left the apartment, everything repeated itself, and we were already looking for our door together, he, of course, already believed me then, and together we found our door and it was all over. The first time I looked for the door with my mother, but then it disappeared somewhere. The whole dream went in this spirit, it was like a mystery, and after it, when I woke up, I was somehow not very pleasant, but with the feeling that everything would be fine.

  • I had a dream as if I was running away from people who want to kill me. I run into one room, there is a door with a key. I open the door with the key. There is a door again, and so I run for 20 doors and I have wild fear. And only when I close the first door with a key does it become easier for me; after running through many rooms, I run out into a blooming sunflower, and in between there are many flowers. I fall to the ground and I feel light and free, why such a dream?

according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you enter a door, this foreshadows your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers. The only door you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you happiness in the future and an environment of kindred souls. If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings. Seeing others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order; For peasants and politicians, this dream is full of especially bad omens. If the door unexpectedly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it and injures someone, the dream portends danger to your friends.

Why do you dream about a castle?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

to see - fulfillment of desires; to enter - unexpected happiness, a wedding with a recently acquaintance; living in a castle means wealth, (for a woman) an unwanted patron; leaving the castle (leave) - breaking promises, breaking personal or business relationships; flaming - good consequences; closed gate - interference, obstacles independent of the sleeper, rock; loss of place (in the old service).

I dreamed about a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a castle means that you will be the owner of a significant fortune, enough to live the way you want. This dream will tell you that you have intentions to become a great traveler, there is a thirst for communication with people of many nationalities. Seeing an old castle overgrown with ivy means a penchant for romantic tastes. You must be careful to enter into a suitable marriage or training. After such a dream, your commercial affairs may decline. To dream that you are leaving the castle means that you will be robbed or you will lose someone close to you.

I dreamed about a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a castle in a dream means confusion. If you open or close a lock, it means that you will soon discover that someone is harming you. If you are in love, you will find a way to defeat your opponent. In addition, you will have a successful trip. If you see that the lock does not work, you will be ridiculed and humiliated in love, and the risky journey will not bring you benefits. Fastening the clasp on your bride's necklace and bracelet foretells that you will have doubts about her fidelity, but subsequent events will completely destroy them.

Castle in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A castle is a symbol of indecision, isolation, barrier, obstacles. A dream in which you lock the door means spiritual emptiness and an attempt to escape from solving problems. Seeing a broken lock in a dream is a betrayal of friends. Seeing a castle without a well in a dream means you are too arrogant, so you may not count on a quick solution to the problem in the near future. If in a dream you saw a castle of an unusual shape, you will witness interesting events. Seeing a fallen castle in a dream means that in reality you will be able to unravel some secret or prophecy.

I dreamed about a key

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing keys in a dream means unforeseen changes. If you lost your keys in a dream, unpleasant events in reality will sadden you. Finding the keys is a sign that family peace and revival in business await you. Damaged keys portend separation, the cause of which will be death or jealousy. If a young woman lost a clasp from a piece of jewelry in a dream, this promises her a quarrel with her loved one and anxiety because of this. If she sees a door that is not locked with a key, she will make a new submissive admirer. If she sees in a dream that she locks the door with a key, she will get married, and if she sees that she has lost the key, then it is possible that she will damage her reputation by her inability to think and act sensibly.

Key in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The key means finding solutions to problems, wanting to solve problems in an easier way. Opening a door with a key in a dream is evidence that great discoveries will be made in all areas of knowledge in the future. Perhaps a time machine will be invented, with which people will be able to travel to the past and future. For the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a difficult situation from which he will try to find a way out. Finding a key in a dream is a sign that great things await you. Most likely, you will move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure a comfortable existence for your family. Perhaps you are about to meet a person thanks to whom your life will change for the better. Breaking a key in a dream means that in the future the inhabitants of the Earth will receive a terrible message about a cosmic accident. Most likely, the space station will suffer from this accident. If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, it means that in the not too distant future you will have the opportunity to make an amazing trip to many countries. On this trip you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. Seeing two keys in a dream is an unexpected turn of events. Losing the key means finding yourself in an awkward position. To dream of someone giving you their keys is unexpected help in a difficult situation. A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing difficult trials. To see a golden key in a dream means that the efforts you have spent searching for the truth will be rewarded as you deserve. Seeing in a dream how you are looking for the keys to your house - in reality you are trying to find a solution to your personal problems.

Why do you dream about the key?

according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

answer to something, solution; to lose - squabble in the house, loss of a lover; find - get away from troubles; unlock the door - fall under suspicion; separation due to a quarrel; new love will not live up to expectations; locking the door is a good personal choice; avoid publicity; broke - a false decision or hope; on the table - to a quarrel, clarification of family relationships; clean water is the answer to everything; muddy - you will find out the secret; see Castle.

The meaning of a dream about a deadbolt

according to Freud's dream book

Locking something with a bolt in a dream means that in reality you are trying to avoid the advances of a person for whom you do not feel an ounce of sympathy. He disgusts you just because he dared to “set his eyes on” you. Opening a bolt in a dream - this dream promises you an acquaintance with a person who will make significant changes in your life. It is he who will become the indirect “culprit” of your renewed life, and there is hope that you will have a very close relationship.

The meaning of a dream about a latch

according to Freud's dream book

Closing the door - soon some event will happen as a result of which you will want to end any relationship with your sex partner. If in a dream you, on the contrary, opened the latch, it means that soon your complex, which poisons your sex life, will finally disappear. This will happen after you are convinced that your doubts and fears are groundless.

I dreamed of a latch

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are closing the latch, this means that you will not respond to someone's urgent request for help. Seeing a broken latch portends a disagreement with your best friend. This dream could also mean an illness awaiting you.

Expert answers


I dreamed of an unfamiliar workplace, a spacious store, like a construction store. We didn't have toilet paper, so the team tried their best and brought a lot. I came with a very, very large light-colored bag. When the time came to close the store, it turned out that there were no locks on the second door at all, and an aunt with three ill-mannered children entered it, but they managed to send her away. I informed my boss that there was no lock and woke up. What is this for? (K, Svetlana)

The dream means that in reality you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs and would like to change a lot, but you need to be careful in making decisions. Judging by the fact that there was no lock on the door, all obstacles in your path will be easily removed, even if they initially frighten you.


I dreamed that I was approaching a huge high door, pushing it - I wanted to open it. It is very heavy and I can barely open it a little, but at the same time I ask someone on the other side to help open it. I still squeezed through and end up in an unknown place - along the way I come across some people whom I am afraid of, like a brothel. At the end, a drug addict stalks me and wants to inject me with a syringe. I’m afraid and see him as a classmate, so I take off my scarf. He didn't inject. Why is this dream? (Natalia Garipova)

The dream means that in reality you are experiencing difficulties in achieving some goal or are in a situation that is difficult for you to solve without outside help. It sounds like you're having a hard time coping with what's going on. You would really like to get away from your circumstances and relax, but you just can’t do it.