I have a dream about my ex-girlfriend. If you dream of an ex-girlfriend whom you loved very much: look for the meaning in the dream book

If in a dream a guy sees his ex-girlfriend with another guy or fans, then in real life his current girlfriend will hint in every possible way about legitimizing the relationship and starting a family, but if in a dream the ex gets married, this indicates that the young man will also soon will meet the girl he will marry. Also, special attention should be paid to whether a guy in a dream meets his ex-girlfriend in secret from everyone - if this happens, then such a dream indicates that among the young man’s entourage there is his secret admirer, whom he does not even notice. But seeing the death or funeral of a former lover means drastic changes in life, while it is impossible to say for sure whether they will be positive or negative, since such a dream must be interpreted in small, especially memorable details. Freud's dream book interprets the meaning of a dream in which a young man sees his ex-girlfriend in his own way. Such a dream may foreshadow a short-term affair, which will be based on an intimate relationship rather than a love relationship. In this case, the partner may be a young lady who has been known to the young man for a long time. But if a guy dreams that in a dream he had an intimate relationship with his ex-girlfriend, then soon in reality the young man will be in for a very pleasant surprise or gift.

So how can one correctly interpret such a dream? First, you need to remember all kinds of details as carefully as possible, since the future of the prophecy depends on their presence. If a guy sees his girlfriend in a dream, it means in reality he is not yet ready to build a new relationship, even if he is in one. The subconscious of a young man tries to return the image of his ex-girlfriend to the guy’s thoughts and says that the guy has some kind of reverent feelings for her, despite the fact that the love may have already passed. If you dream about your ex-girlfriend quite often, this may mean that the young man wants with all his might to get her back and restore the relationship, since he still cares about her. If this relationship cannot be turned around, then it is better to stop dreaming that the girl might return and everything in the relationship will be as before, because it is precisely such thoughts that often do not allow young people to walk peacefully and communicate with other representatives of the fair sex, and enter into relationships. New relationships with such guys don’t work out. It is also necessary to pay attention to what happens in your sleep. If you dreamed that a young man started dating a girl again, this indicates that he mentally went through a period of separation and forgive his ex-lover and himself for what happened. The same interpretation of a dream is given if in a dream a young man asks a girl to marry him.

If you dream of your ex-girlfriend on Wednesday or Friday, then you need to pay special attention to such dreams, since these days of the week are the most powerful in their energy and at this time you can see an important prophetic dream for the future, especially if the young man remembers it well " yatav.

Don’t know what your ex-girlfriend dreamed about? Having looked at Juno’s dream book, we can conclude that conversations and dates with her in a dream foreshadow the future appearance of open and passionate feelings for another person with whom you will start a family. And it may happen that a family relationship will develop with a person you know, whom you have never considered as your other half.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, then the dream speaks of your emotional attachment to her. This is especially expressed when the chosen one has passed and is dreamed of almost every night. This can happen even when you have negative feelings towards that person. Such dreams occur not only to men, but also to women who are jealous of the past relationships of their other half, so each dream must be analyzed separately.

If another lover of a young man saw a dream about an ex-girlfriend, then this dream does not bring anything good to the woman. This dream warns the lady that there are gossipers and envious people around her. Luckily for the woman, she doesn’t dream about her boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend. This only means that envy and negativity can come from anyone, and not just from her husband’s previous chosen one.

If you dreamed about a guy’s ex-girlfriend, the dream means that you lack confidence in yourself and in the future. The dream book also believes that the dream serves as a reminder of the value of tender feelings and romantic relationships, as well as how important it is to protect them.

The movie explains why you dream of a kiss with an ex-girlfriend as follows: many of your current troubles and conflicts are rooted in the past, you just don’t want to let go. Take this sign as a call to move from memories to actions.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, and in the morning the memories torment you and give you no rest, the films explain this by the fact that there is a lot left unsaid between you. The dream does not promise to return love and advises trying to accept each other in a different capacity.

For a girl, seeing her boyfriend's ex-lover in a dream is just a nightmare. Rarely will anyone perceive such a dream indifferently, especially if it is repeated with enviable regularity. Such dreams mean your anxiety and uncertainty both in yourself and in your partner. You are silently consumed by the thought that your boyfriend, whom you love and who (seems to) love you, might go to his ex. But you shouldn’t get hung up on such dreams. Perhaps your boyfriend is just a little secretive, or perhaps he does not want to be frank with you about his previous relationship (and this, by the way, is very correct). And you yourself, on a subconscious level, imagine non-existent events. Calm down. Your dreams only reflect your insecurities, and do not predict an imminent breakup. And do not bother your loved one with persistent questions and unnecessary control. With rash actions it is much easier to dig a hole for a relationship, and an illusory rival will remain nothing more than an illusion that has no ability to influence anything.

But if you can’t imagine your future life without your girlfriend, with whom you broke up, then make peace. And don't be afraid to lose your pride, this is not the case. Why be proud and unhappy, it is better to give in to the little principles and live a happy life.

If a woman dreams of the ex-girlfriend of her current boyfriend, then she is puzzled by questions of the past. Perhaps you don't like the friendship that remains between them, you assume that he continues to date her. You can solve such a dream only by intelligently talking with the guy and getting him to confess, but if you throw a tantrum, you will only ruin your relationship.

What dream speaks of your complete separation from your ex-girlfriend. Before this, you were still trying to cling to the relationship, hoping to get the girl back, although you understood the stupidity of trying, since she had left for someone else. Now you are finally convinced that the relationship is over and will begin to look for a new girlfriend of your heart.

Some interpret a dream with an ex-girlfriend in a different way. They claim that it does not bring anything good. Serious problems, troubles and illnesses await you. Relationships with friends may be upset, you will lose the respect of your colleagues. Moreover, the consequences of such a dream directly depend on how you broke up with her. The worse and more difficult the breakup was, the more problems you face. If you parted as friends, then everything will be limited to small, insignificant troubles.

Spiders are a lot of problems that have fallen, fallen and continue to fall on your head. However, you have excellent friends who will help you cope with everything (they are represented by the symbol of a dog in a dream). As for your ex-girlfriend, you can say that you were equal with her. She supported you in many ways, you really miss this now. It’s difficult to judge her return; perhaps something else will happen.

Let's return to the interpretation of dreams. Seeing in a dream how you dated your ex-girlfriend foretells you a new relationship. There is a high probability that you will restore your relationship with her, or you will get together with another girl you know well, but to whom you have always been only friendly.

Making peace in a dream and becoming a couple again means that there is some unsaidness left in your relationship, something still connects you with your ex-girlfriend. The only way out in this situation is to meet, talk and dot the i's. There is a high probability that everything will work out for you.

If you often see your ex-girlfriend in a dream, this means that it is not easy for you to forget her. Deep down, you want to restore your relationship with her. Most often, you think about her a lot, remembering the happy moments you experienced with your ex-girlfriend. It is these thoughts that become an obstacle to new love. You definitely need to think about whether it’s worth continuing to dream about the past, or whether it’s better to go in search of new love, which will become a new stage in your life.

A married pregnant girl in your dream means that you will soon have to solve a difficult problem. When you watch a pregnant girl being kicked out of the house by her parents, this means that you will listen to moral teachings. If an unmarried young lady dreams of a pregnant girl, then she will soon meet her love. Seeing yourself pregnant in a dream means that you will be forced to refute indecent rumors concerning your person.

The dream book of Nostradamus says that a girl in a dream is a sign of profit. Also, after such a dream, new friends and love will appear in your life. An ugly girl - in reality you should pay more attention to your loved ones, including your soulmate. A dream in which you see a girl floating in the clouds says that changes for the better will soon occur in your life.

If a girl had such a dream, then very soon a rival will appear in her life. And she will not necessarily claim the heart of your loved one. There is a high probability that a girl will want to take your position.

If you dream about your ex-girlfriend, then this means that you have not really come to terms with the breakup and have not yet let go of this relationship in your heart. If in a dream you hug or kiss your ex-girlfriend, then this means that you want to renew your relationship and get her back, but it is still worth thinking about whether a similar desire exists on the other side. If in a dream you swear or fight with your ex-girlfriend, then this portends changes in your personal life, possibly a new relationship. If in a dream you are connected by friendly relations, then this means that your feelings have cooled down and you have let go of these relationships. Are you ready to meet new people? If a meeting with an ex-girlfriend happens by chance, then most likely a new wave of strong emotions awaits you, and their object will be a girl whom you have known for a long time, but did not see in her the object of your sympathy.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend

If you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, then this may mean an upcoming meeting with her, or that she remembers you. Perhaps subconsciously you miss this person, and you are looking for ways to reconcile. For men, meeting an ex-girlfriend in a dream signifies upcoming interest. If in a dream you are fighting with your ex-girlfriend, then this means your difficult dreams and aspirations.

If you dreamed about your ex-lover

If you dreamed about your ex-beloved, then this may mean that you remember her too often, think about her, and miss her. There is an opinion that there is an emotional connection between former lovers for a long time and it is quite possible that she also remembers your relationship. Although, perhaps you will have a meeting with her.

If you dreamed about your ex-love

If you dreamed about your ex-love, then you subconsciously begin to think about your future, a desire awakens in you to change your marital status, and in your dreams you, as it were, sum up your bachelor status, analyze past mistakes, try to draw conclusions, throw out past suffering from your memory and experiences.

Be that as it may, a person cannot live in isolation for the present period of time. And it’s good that sometimes we return our thoughts to the past and experience certain moments. The most important thing is not to live in the past. They say that time heals, and let today occupy the most important place in your life!

One of the most amazing, carefully studied, but still unknown states in human life is dreams. Some people try not to pay attention to them, considering them the fruit of their own wild imagination.

Some carefully record and spend a long time deciphering the plots of their dreams, finding in them parallels and correspondences with real life. The truth probably lies closer to the middle: some dreams are empty and mean nothing, but if the dream was well remembered, the events seemed real, and most importantly, did not leave you indifferent, then you should not ignore such a dream.

If you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, what does it mean?

The people who met us on the path of life and came close enough are not accidental in our lives, they were given to us for a reason and for some reason.

In the bustle of everyday life, we rarely think about this, but when the noise of the day subsides, our restless mind turns off, the voice of the heart begins to whisper something important, which we usually run past. If you dreamed of a person with whom you had a close relationship, it means that he has not left our lives, even if you decide to never see each other again, you won’t deceive yourself.

A life situation lived to the end, like a lesson learned or an exam successfully passed, no longer reminds us of itself. Unpaid debts and unfinished stories haunt us, especially in our dreams. If you dreamed about a girl you once loved, it means she is not exactly an ex, there are still threads connecting her that need to be untied in order to free yourself and move on.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend - interpretation according to Miller’s dream book

Taking into account the context in which the ex-girlfriend dreamed, the interpretation of the dream depends. If in a dream she calmly and indifferently passes by, it means that the topic is really closed and you are free.

But passionate kisses, caresses, and even more so sex in a dream, speak of serious affection, undiminished hopes and desires. Quarrels and scandals, especially fights with a former lover in a dream indicate a continuation of the relationship, because at the energetic level there is a very close connection between you.

Ex-girlfriend according to Hasse's dream book

Why do you dream about an ex-girlfriend according to Hasse’s dream book? A dreamed ex-girlfriend promises a new fateful meeting, especially if you dream of a wedding with her. For an unexpected meeting with an old acquaintance, you dream of kissing a girl.

It is important to observe yourself at the moment of awakening: a good mood remains after the dream - be kind, but painful states can attract trouble. What is important is the feeling with which an affair with a girl ended in real life; of course, it would be right to always part as friends, then you could sleep more peacefully.

I dreamed about an ex-girlfriend - what Longo’s dream book says

If you dreamed that a girl died, it means that a new stage in life is beginning, and the past is over, but dying together in a dream means that the relationship can still be renewed and life will present an unexpected surprise.

Often dreams reflect real events exactly the opposite: if the girl in your dream sobs inconsolably, then everything is fine with her, and if she laughs or sings, then it is advisable to call her and ask if she needs help, because she may be in serious trouble.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend? Freud knows better

Seeing in a dream a person with whom you had sexual relations does not bode well. If in reality there is already another woman, then the same problems that caused the previous breakup are possible with her, and if the man is still single, then it’s time to start looking for a partner so that the physiological needs of the body are satisfied in reality.

Ex-girlfriend in a dream according to Maya's dream book

If you see your girlfriend with a man in a dream, you should beware of blackmail or trickery on the part of business partners.

Intimate relationships in a dream, especially in front of strangers, can also portend troubles, public disclosure of what one would like to hide. Any person who appeared in our dream did so for a reason. Perhaps he is bored, worried, sad, dreaming. Or he hates, wants revenge, curses.

Viewing dreams depends little on our desire, but by acting consciously and nobly, leaving good feelings in the souls of people, we protect ourselves from possible troubles, both in dreams and in reality.

Sometimes in a dream you can see people whom we would really not like to see in real life. Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend? Such a dream can mean anything: your desire to return the relationship, her thoughts about you, and even indicate events that have nothing to do with your love story. As the dream book says, an ex-girlfriend in a dream can be an indication of a real person or simply an image, a symbol of the past or other phenomena and events. So if the day before you didn’t think about this person, but you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, let’s interpret your vision according to the dream book.

Seeing your ex-girlfriend in a dream may mean that not everything has been said and not everything is over between you, but there are other interpretations.

Sometimes it happens that a relationship ends, but your ex-girlfriend still reminds you of herself. He calls, comes to visit, waits at the entrance and even comes into dreams. Of course, if you were the one who initiated the breakup, all this can be stopped with a firm request not to bother you anymore. And if she left first, and now wants to return to you, think about it, do you really want her back?

The situation is completely different if you dreamed of an ex-girlfriend with whom I don’t communicate. Maybe the day before there was some important date for both of you that you celebrated every year, and your subconscious reacted to it in this way. Or you met a girl on the street who is very similar to your ex. In any case, remember all the details of your dream, this may be useful to you when interpreting it.

If you dream about your ex-girlfriend

What if you dreamed about your ex-passion more than once or twice? If almost every night, as soon as you close your eyes, she comes to you in a dream? If you often dream about your ex-girlfriend, this means that neither you nor she has let go of the previous relationship, her feelings for you are still hot.

If she left you on her own, it means she has already regretted this decision and wants to return. If you were the first to suggest breaking off the relationship, then she is very worried and still hopes that you will come to your senses.

In any case, her emotions are overflowing, she suffers, is sad, cries a lot, and constantly thinks about you. He even curses you in his heart. And since you had a physical and emotional connection with her, you feel her impulses and see her in your dreams.

If you dream about your husband's or boyfriend's ex-passion

Or perhaps you are a woman yourself and you want to know why the ex-girlfriend of your beloved boyfriend or even husband is dreaming? This means that you are very worried and are afraid of losing him. You are not sure of his feelings, you doubt his sincerity. Here is the answer to the question of why my boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend dreams.

However, it is important to remember what exactly the person seen did in the dream:

  • A dream in which your ex-girlfriend gives you some kind of gift means that soon, on the contrary, you will lose something very valuable to you or waste a large amount of money.
  • If you find yourself at the wedding of your man’s ex-lover and are having fun there with everyone, then changes for the better will soon occur in your life! But if you are not having fun at all during the holiday, then get ready to face difficulties along the way.
  • If suddenly your boyfriend or husband is the groom at the wedding, then pay attention to your relationship with him. Perhaps a bad streak will soon begin for you, which could end in a serious breakup.
  • If in a dream you attend the funeral of your man's ex-girlfriend, this may mean that he is cheating on you or is about to cheat on you. Try to get his attention and show him how good you are.

What kind of relationship do you two really have?

The most common interpretation is that you regret breaking up with your ex-girlfriend and dream of getting her back.

Why did you dream about an ex-girlfriend with whom you do not communicate. Perhaps the relationship did not end for you, or you still do not understand why the breakup occurred, and are trying to discern the reason in a dream. Perhaps this is a kind of call to action - to find out everything to the end. Get to the essence and let go, thereby opening the door to a new life.

If young people break up, but continue to communicate in a friendly manner, this does not mean that the man does not view the girl as a sexual object. If he dreams of this she, secretly he still sees her in the place of his beloved. He wants to be not only a friend, but also a husband and lover.

What did you do in your dream with the girl you saw?

  • If you accidentally met your ex-love in a dream, this means that the same chance meeting will soon happen to you with a new girl. It is quite possible that you will build a long and serious relationship with her.
  • Or maybe in a dream you secretly meet with your former lover? Then look around. There is a girl in your environment who is in love with you and is waiting for you to pay attention to her.
  • If you meet your ex in public, it means that you may soon quarrel with work colleagues or friends. And if you engage in sexual contact with her in a public place, then beware. Your innermost secrets may become known to your enemies.
  • If in a dream you were physically close, it means that soon adventures await both of you that will remain in your memory for a long time. Perhaps you will participate in these adventures together, and they will bring you closer again. If your ex becomes pregnant, then your new union will be strong and promising.
  • If in a dream you see a wedding in which you are the groom, and the bride is your ex-lover. This is a good sign for you. New things await you, interesting meetings, and various opportunities will open up for you. If she marries someone else, there is no need to worry either. This means that you will soon tie the knot in marriage, and your union will be strong and happy.
  • When you dream about your ex-girlfriend crying, don't try to console her. The more tears, the more difficulties you will overcome in your life, and friends and family will help you with this. Success awaits you in everything.
  • If your ex-love laughs at you in a dream, it means that you have complexes that you need to fight, and you understand it. If you laugh with her, take care of your current relationship. Perhaps you are expecting a major quarrel with your new soulmate. And this quarrel can drag on for a long time.

Interpretation of sleep in various dream books: Miller, Vanga, Freud, Modern

What does it mean if you dream about your ex-girlfriend - why is it? You definitely haven't let her go yet. Inside yourself, you are still living through that relationship, and do not want to accept the fact that it is over. If you see that the relationship will definitely not be returned, but you miss her company, try to remain friends and continue communicating with her.

Also, an ex-girlfriend in a dream shows you that you are afraid to start a new relationship. You feel afraid that again nothing serious and long-term will work out. Perhaps you're just not ready to open up to new love yet. When she comes, you will certainly feel it, and the image of your former lover will no longer loom in your way.

Let's now turn to the most popular dream books, which have been trusted by entire generations for many years. What interpretation do they give to dreams about ex-girlfriends?

Miller's Dream Book - is your relationship over?

  • If in a dream your ex-lover simply passed you by, do not invent yourself unnecessary reasons to meet. Your relationship has exhausted itself and is over for both of you. Turn the page and go your way.
  • But if you saw yourself on a date with a former lady of your heart, and it is even possible that the date grew into something more, then you need to look into yourself. You still have hope that the relationship can be returned, but most likely it is in vain.
  • If you dream of a fight or quarrel with your ex-girlfriend, then reviving passion and relationships will be as easy as shelling pears. Just make sure that you really want it. Read also:

Vanga's dream book - you dream of returning love

While you often dream about your ex-girlfriend, you are not yet ready to open your heart to new love.

If a man dreams of his ex-lover, then he still has feelings for her, she is constantly in his thoughts and dreams. Secretly from everyone, he wants to return his old love. And if a man is now in a relationship with someone else, then he should seriously think about whether it’s worth continuing it, or he can honestly say that he is not ready to open his heart to new love.

If a female person is interested in what a guy’s ex-girlfriend dreams about, then it’s jealousy and self-doubt. She needs to understand that she is worthy of this relationship, that she deserves happiness with the man she has chosen. But Vanga believes that if a man sees his first love in a dream, he will soon receive good news from friends or relatives. This is how this dream book explains why an ex-girlfriend dreams.

Freud's Dream Book - you feel lonely

The main reason for such dreams is the normal physiological need of the body. Moreover, such a dream will not bring with it any positive emotions. If a man is single, it means he urgently needs to find a girl, not necessarily for a serious relationship. Moreover, sexual contact can only be dreamed of by lonely people, according to Freud

If a man has started a new relationship, then the dream shows his dissatisfaction in his intimate life with a new partner. And most likely they will face problems and separation in the near future.

Modern dream book - it's time to dot the i's

This collection of interpretations encourages you to pay attention to your feelings. If you wake up in high spirits, it means you have let go of the past. For you and your ex-lover, the relationship ended, and quite painlessly. And you can safely look for a new life partner, if you haven’t found one yet.

But if you wake up feeling sad and lost, your heart still belongs to the heroine of your dream. You are going through a breakup very hard, although you may not want to admit it to yourself. Now there can be no question of creating another relationship. Get over the old ones, let them go. Realize that they are over. Or you can find your ex and challenge her to have a serious conversation that could lead to rekindling your romance.


I dreamed about my ex-girlfriend - what is this for? When you see her in a dream, think about what you want to say to yourself. After all, all our dreams are a reflection of the current reality, our thoughts and anxieties. Perhaps your feelings for her are still alive? First, try to understand them. Don’t rush to look for meetings with her or break off your current relationship. After all, as they say in one famous film, “In such a short period of time it is possible to destroy the old, but to create a new one is very difficult...”

Video “Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend”

Comments from site visitors

    I’ve been dating a guy for over a year, we live in perfect harmony, but sometimes moments from the past with my ex pop up in my head... I thought that maybe I should return everything, but today I dreamed about my ex with another girl and in the dream I realized that we just weren’t really finished our relationship. I woke up with a completely clear head!

    During my university days, I dated a girl for a long time; we had a serious relationship, although we did not live together. I still often think about her, the other day I dreamed of a conversation with my ex-girlfriend, where she told me how successful her life had been and that she had a very good friend for me. When I woke up, I remembered that I really knew this girl and she fell into my soul. I went to look for her phone number!

    For the last few months I couldn’t live peacefully with the girl, she wanted to break up, I didn’t want to let her go, but in the end we separated. I started a relationship with a new one, and a week later I dreamed that I had made peace with my ex-girlfriend. Now I’m thinking and don’t know whether to try to get my ex back or forget and enjoy the current relationship.

    I’m not superstitious, but after one dream I decided to look into the dream book. But the fact is that I dreamed of an ex-girlfriend with a child. I have been in another relationship for a long time, and recently proposed to my girlfriend. But I forgot my first love for a very long time, the parting was painful. Now I read that this means that everything will work out in a new relationship, I breathed a sigh of relief.

    I started a new relationship after a fairly long period of loneliness, and just as I was moving away from a painful breakup and opening up to a new relationship, I dreamed of my ex with his girlfriend. Yes, in a dream cats scratched at my soul, I was an observer of their lives, I even chased them. I woke up with the realization that I was incredibly glad that a new person had finally appeared nearby, and this meant the beginning of a new life, not a step back!

    So, the guy and I had a bad day from the very morning, we quarreled all the time over trifles, and I also dreamed about the guy’s ex-girlfriend. I don’t know her well, but in the dream she clearly wanted to take him back from me, hinting that she would be obedient and patient, unlike me! But I exhaled, realizing that it was just a dream.

    This will probably sound very strange, but I remained on good terms with my ex. It so happened that they separated mutually, without any quarrels or scandals. Recently I even met his new passion in absentia, and he secretly told me that they wanted an increase. So, I even dreamed about my ex-boyfriend’s pregnant girlfriend, they were so happy in the dream. let everything happen in reality!

    I don’t believe in dreams at all, I think it’s stupid, like many men, probably. But yesterday I dreamed that I was kissing my ex-girlfriend, but we had just broken up. In principle, it is not difficult to guess what such a dream means. But I don’t think it’s worth renewing the relationship, although I still love her.

    I dated a girl for 6 months, broke up by mutual consent, but the feelings just quickly faded away. And recently I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend was pregnant. I try to meet with her, talk about it, find out everything, but she hangs up and runs away from me. I wonder what this would be for.

    I recently proposed to my girlfriend, we are actively preparing for the wedding, I told my best friend, we already managed to mention it. After that, I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend was cheating on me with this friend, and in life they didn’t like each other at all... I told my friend, and he said that he had been dating her for a couple of months, but was afraid to tell me about it!

    I had a similar dream the other day, it was just a nightmare. I dreamed of an ex-boyfriend with another girl, and she is also my friend and knows very well that everything is serious in our relationship. I told both her and the guy about it, they both laughed and said that I have too rich an imagination!

    I got married just recently, everything is just perfect, like clockwork. There was no concern until I dreamed about my husband’s ex-girlfriend. She just still has feelings for him, I know that one hundred percent, although he doesn’t pay any attention to it. But just in case, we need to look at what it means.

    I don't dream at all. Maybe once a year. But this dream just killed me. I dreamed about an ex-girlfriend with whom I have not spoken for 3 years. She looks at me and says to my face that I'm a freak. She tells me about all the things that we had with her in such a tone, as if it never meant anything to her. And at the end of the dream she laughed ominously. Like in a horror movie. I don’t think about her, I don’t remember. Why such a dream?

    I’m not a fan of believing in dreams, but recently I dreamed about my ex-man’s girlfriend, and I can’t even imagine what this could mean in a dream. I broke up with my ex-boyfriend about six months ago, we haven’t communicated all this time, I don’t know anything at all about him and his personal life. And I don’t even want to know, out of sight, out of mind!

    I once had a girlfriend, I loved her very much and simply blew away specks of dust from her, took care of her and always gave gifts with or without a reason. But, unfortunately, she considered that I was still not worthy of her, and she left me. Honestly, I suffered for a long time.
    But after one dream I had hope that she would return. I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend came back, as if she was crying and begging to forgive her, that her behavior was terrible, but she always loved me. And in my dream I just smiled and left her. Do you think it's worth returning it? Or is it better to let go...

    Last week I dreamed that my ex-girlfriend was pregnant and was demanding alimony from me. She and I broke up about three months ago. In the dream, I kept trying to convince her that this was impossible, that I was the father... The timing didn’t fit. She didn’t even want to listen and shouted at me like that... It seems like I’ll soon have a phobia of the entire female gender...

    Last week I dreamed of my ex with a new girl, and that girl was an exact copy of me. In the dream, I was still thinking - why did they leave me to start dating exactly the same. And it seemed like this girl and I became friends, I didn’t even feel jealous, although in fact I’m still very jealous of him. What does it mean?

    Recently I dreamed of hugging my ex-girlfriend. As if everything was fine and smooth with us again, as if we had started a family and she was pregnant. And there was such calm and peace in my soul in a dream, so good... It’s a pity that everything in life is not like that - quarrels, scandals, unreasonable jealousy... Apparently I want a normal relationship in the end

    I've been together with my girlfriend for 7 years. The other day I dreamed that a girl had a boyfriend besides me. Moreover, I seem to know this guy, but I can’t remember who he is. I got so angry with a girl in a dream, I created a scandal. And she responded - well, what’s wrong with that? I've been dating you two for a long time. I am haunted by the fact that I knew this guy based on a dream... What if in real life a girl cheats on me, my subconscious is just trying to tell me about it... I don’t know what to think

    I dreamed of a wedding with an ex-girlfriend, for some reason she was taller than me, she stood motionless and I walked around her, looked, then we found ourselves on the street, there was no one there, she was still as big in a white dress, we walked along the road, she started crying, we found ourselves in the house was empty, she sat down at the table and said that now this is our house. It seems like a wedding, but it was some kind of sad dream

    The other day I dreamed of a crying ex-girlfriend, she was sobbing on the road, I wanted to help her, I couldn’t get to her, the closer I got to her, the further she became from me. Then her legs completely gave out, and she cried louder and louder. I woke up - my daughter was lying crying, I had a terrible dream... It’s unclear where the ex came from

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend in a dream?

A dream about an ex can be interpreted as an unwillingness to forget about your former life partner, as well as about past feelings and moments. If you dream of an ex with a new guy, then the dream book interprets this dream as follows: in the very near future, his new girlfriend will force him to make a choice between their relationship and his bachelor life.

If the dream in which you had your ex-girlfriend leaves extremely pleasant memories, then this means that your relationship is a passed stage. And if in a dream a guy marries his ex-girlfriend, then the dream book foretells an imminent change in his personal life. If you dream that you are accidentally dating your ex-girlfriend in a dream, then you can expect to encounter strong feelings and, possibly, the emergence of a new family union. In this case, your chosen one will probably be a girl whom you have known for quite a long time, but have never considered her as a lover.

It is possible, however, that the relationship with the ex-girlfriend you dreamed about will be resumed for some time. Another meaning of such a dream is the emergence of intimate problems, the main cause of which may be hidden in your past.

Dream Interpretation of the Ex: Interpretation of a Dream from Miller

If a guy dreams of an ex-girlfriend with whom he kisses and hugs, then changes in his personal life await him in the future. It’s very good when you quarrel in a dream. This means that in the near future the guy will have a romantic acquaintance. That’s why Miller recommended taking a closer look at the girls around you.

Dream of the former in Vanga's dream book

Vanga, discussing why people with whom communication has been lost dream of, argues that feelings for the girl have not yet passed. If in a dream a guy saw former classmates or fellow students, then in the near future he will receive news from an old friend.

If you dream about your ex according to Nostradamus’s dream book

Nostradamus believed that such a dream should be feared. He associated this with a love spell. Perhaps the guy was bewitched by the girl. This dream is especially dangerous for a guy if in the dream his beloved is not indifferent to him.

What does it mean if you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

If a guy dreamed of an ex-girlfriend, then this is interpreted as his unwillingness to forget about her and bury all his feelings for her. If she appeared in a dream with her new chosen one, then this means the following: his current “half” is going to force him to choose - either their relationship or the life of a bachelor.

If a guy dreamed of his ex-girlfriend and at the same time he experienced pleasant memories, then the relationship is a stage that has already passed a long time ago. And if he married her, then this means quick changes in his personal life.

A chance meeting with a girl from the past? This means that perhaps soon the guy will experience new strong feelings or even a family union will arise. And the chosen one could be that young lady with whom he has known for a very long time, but never in his life did he look at her as a candidate for his possible beloved.

It is also possible that for some period of time the relationship with the former missus who was in the dream will be resumed. And another interpretation of such a dream is that some troubles of an intimate nature may arise, and their cause will be hidden in the past.

I dreamed about my ex-girlfriend once - no big deal. But if she appears in dreams often, it means that the guy on a subconscious level is not yet ready to end the relationship with her. Somewhere deep down he still has feelings for her and wants her to come back. He often thinks about her, indulges in memories of the time he spent with her. And because of this, new love does not appear in his life. First you need to forget the past - and immediately your personal life will improve. It’s worth thinking: what’s better—dreams about that young lady or meeting a new lover and building a promising relationship with her?

Also, if you dreamed about your ex-girlfriend, you should expect an unplanned meeting with friends or relatives who live far away.

The French dream book contains the following information about such a dream: this is a warning. You should be wary of unscrupulous business partners and blackmailers. The dream is especially bad if in reality the guy and the girl did not break up in the best way. Did the young man dream about his ex-girlfriend and did she cry in her sleep? This means that treason or betrayal is to be expected. If she called the guy by name, it means she remembers him, still remembers him, perhaps she feels sadness and longing for times gone by.

If a guy has sex with his ex-girlfriend in a dream, this means that he will soon form a new union. Hasse's dream book says that this dream also promises a fateful meeting. If the guy talked to her, then the past will soon “resurface” and, it is worth noting, in a not very pleasant way. It happens that in a dream a guy quarrels with his ex - then in reality you should expect a dirty trick from someone who seems incapable of doing such a thing. Fight with her - amazing events will happen in life. Kiss - soon there will be a party where the guy will meet his old friends. Well, there is one more meaning that the dream book contains. I dreamed about my ex-girlfriend and the guy married her - big changes in life.

Why do you dream about your ex-girlfriend?

It's no secret that dreams are sent to us by our own subconscious. In them we relive past events, find ourselves in unforeseen situations and may even find ourselves in our future. Many dreams can be easily deciphered - just open the dream book on the desired page. But now there are quite a few dream books, so the interpretation of the same dream can be twofold.

Take a common case: a guy often dreams of his ex-girlfriend. What is it for? The simplest answer is that he often remembers her, relives old feelings, she has sunk into his soul too much. The subconscious itself imposes on a person his affection in a dream. But not everything is so simple. So, what does an ex-girlfriend in a dream mean?

Some dream books assure: seeing your ex-love in a dream means meeting her very soon, but in reality. Often this can serve as a signal that a friend is also thinking about you and cannot completely get your meetings out of her head. But such a dream should be analyzed even more deeply - it is quite possible that the problem is in you.

Nostalgic for your ex-love? Do you dream of renewing a faded relationship? Then don’t be surprised if your ex-girlfriend appears in a dream. It is your own memory that sends her image, again and again forcing you to relive the events of the past and fantasize about new encounters. If you dreamed that you were together again, and the girl herself wanted to return to you, this is a good sign. There remains an internal relationship between you. Perhaps this foreshadows a real date and reunion.

In a dream where your ex-love is crying, she is having some kind of trouble or grief, there is also a possibility of an analogy with real events. Perhaps a person who was once so close to you actually has a problem, and he could use your help.

What if your ex-girlfriend in your dream is already dating someone else? In addition to your own jealousy and longing for her, this could also mean a new relationship for you. Be patient - and, quite possibly, a brighter future awaits you with your new love.

If in your dream your ex appeared “in an interesting position,” this also means a new romance. Moreover, you still can’t stop comparing your current soulmate with your past one. At the same time, you are tormented by curiosity - how does her intimate life work out?

Marrying your ex-girlfriend in a dream means big changes in your personal life. Perhaps you will start dating someone you have not noticed before. And, who knows, maybe this particular dream will soon come true - but with a different heroine.

If for guys such dreams mainly indicate a subconscious message: “I can’t forget my ex-girlfriend!”, then what could this mean for the fairer sex themselves? How to interpret the appearance of a boyfriend, husband, just a friend or an old acquaintance in a dream?

Often this dream foreshadows jealousy and troubles on the personal front. This is because you, even subconsciously, constantly compare yourself with a ghost from the past - with your ex. Maybe it's time to relax and become yourself?

As for other women from the past, they too may unconsciously emerge in your memory: under the influence of virtual communication, a vaguely familiar face flashed on the street, attempts to renew old connections and establish contacts. And you may soon actually have a meeting in reality.

Why do you dream about a girl you like?

A girl who a guy likes usually dreams of new intriguing events. This could be romantic acquaintances, unexpected meetings, long walks at night. After such a dream, a feeling of lightness is created, the mood improves.

If a girl smiles and laughs in a dream, then this means a pleasant turn in upcoming events. For example, when a guy just got a girlfriend and he had this dream, the relationship between them will definitely develop in a positive direction. If a girl in a dream is sad, cries, or is dissatisfied with something, then unpleasant changes and separation are coming in the relationship. It happens that you dream of a girl who in a dream runs away from someone, hides, or is afraid of something. This means that among the person’s acquaintances there are hypocritical, dangerous people whom one should be wary of. After such a dream, it is recommended to think carefully about what kind of people a person communicates with and reconsider their attitude towards some. Often people think about such questions only after disturbing dreams. If in a dream a young man catches up with a girl, then in real life he is afraid to admit his feelings, carefully hides them, but in vain. Such a dream suggests that you need to take decisive action, otherwise you may miss your love. If a girl ran away in a dream, but the guy never caught up with her, then it is better to end the relationship altogether and start a new one.

But why do you dream about a girl lying on a bed? Usually such a dream means an imminent illness, malaise, or health problems. After such a dream, you should consult a doctor, just in case, get tested and examined. It is better not to joke with such dreams.

When you dream of a girl in a wedding dress, this does not always mean that a wedding is approaching soon. On the contrary, it is a very bad dream. Old people believed that if a guy dreams of his beloved in a white dress, they will never be together. Such dreams often came true, so no one was told about such a dream. There is a belief that after such a dream you need to go to church, pray, light a candle, clear your head of bad thoughts, and confess. Only then can you save the relationship for a long time. People also believed that if you dreamed of a girl in black, it meant a very serious illness. Usually, after such a dream, it was recommended to drink holy water to ward off all the bad things. If in a dream there is a girl in a bloody red dress, then a child is due to be born soon. The gender was determined very easily - by the girl’s hair in a dream. Boys were born with dark hair, and girls with light hair. If a girl in a dream is red-haired, then twins or even triplets are possible. In the old days, such dreams were given great importance, they were taken seriously, so they began to prepare in advance for the upcoming motherhood. Girls knitted clothes for babies, fathers arranged the nursery.

If in a dream the girl you like behaves strangely and even unpredictably, then this foreshadows changes in personal relationships, new dizzying novels are possible. It happens that a girl a guy likes flies in her sleep. This is just a wonderful dream, because it means that soon the beloved will fly to the guy on the wings of love. This dream came true very often; the girls unexpectedly confessed their feelings, explaining this as an unexpected outburst of love. Therefore, after such a dream, the young man prepared for upcoming pleasant events. If in a dream there is a girl with a child in her arms, then such a dream foreshadows an imminent pregnancy. When the child smiles and is happy, the birth will go smoothly and without problems, but if he cries, complications or miscarriage are possible. Sometimes in a dream a girl eats something with pleasure. What does such a dream mean? If this is some kind of pastry, then the upcoming meeting with the girl will be very favorable and warm. A girl who eats bitter foods, onions, garlic, usually dreams of a quarrel between young people, there may be omissions, betrayals. But a girl eating meat dreams of wealth and increased income.

When a girl dreams next to pets, it means that a devoted friend, an honest and open person will soon appear in a person’s life. Such a dream is considered very favorable; it often comes true within a few days.

A girl you like most often dreams of positive events in life. But in every dream you need to pay attention to the little things, they are often very important. Even if the meaning of a dream is not what a person would like, you can always influence events, but dreams cannot be ignored.

Dream Interpretation Sex with ex-girlfriend

Why do you dream about Sex with your ex-girlfriend in a dream according to the dream book?

Why do you dream about sex with your ex-girlfriend? An unfavorable sign. There are events ahead that will bring melancholy and sadness.

A new acquaintance will help correct the situation. An affair with an interesting person will allow you to forget about your previous relationship and surrender to the will of your feelings.

And why the dream that the ex-girlfriend returned?? ? I still love her and wait, what could this mean?


Lilac fairy

Why do you dream of an ex - according to Miller's dream book? Meeting your ex-beloved again in a dream, having a close relationship with him, having old feelings for him - means the onset of indirect consequences of what happened a long time ago. If you dreamed of a kiss with him, you will soon be surprised by something; sexual intercourse - an old conflict will escalate; quarrel - favorable changes in personal life; parting - a new meeting that will end in failure; fight - the appearance of possessive habits in your current partner or the appearance of a new authoritarian companion.

Dika Pobozhyeva

it means that you can’t let her go, you often think about her, so you dream about her

Tell! What could this mean if you dream about your ex-girlfriend whom you broke up with 2 years ago???


Vladimir Zatserkovny

Perhaps she’s just thinking about you or you thought about her the day before or saw her...


Maybe she remembers about you?..

Maria Smirnova

You thought about her, that’s why you dreamed about this person.


If you dream about a person, it means that he is thinking about you.


I separated from my husband 2.5 years ago. And I dream about him almost every other day. Nothing as long as I'm alive. I must admit that I think about him often.

Help! What does this mean if you dream about your ex-girlfriend whom you broke up with 2 years ago???



God forbid that you lose potency in its absence (

Ilona Ivanova

That’s because I can’t stand it and I dreamed about it. If we were indifferent, I definitely wouldn’t have dreamed about it.


something that connected you will emerge,