How long does estrus last in dogs and how does the dog behave during and after estrus? This strange behavior of a dog during estrus Complications during estrus in dogs

It is impossible to accurately answer when dogs come into heat, since the body of each animal is individual. Moreover, puberty depends on the dog’s constitution, breed, living conditions (food, temperature conditions, etc.). In most cases, estrus (or estrus) occurs after the teeth are replaced, at the age of six months to a year.

Attention: if it is intended to produce offspring in the future, then the owner needs to pay close attention to the first estrus in order to know what heat to breed the dog for. The first mating takes place on the 3rd empty space.

Sometimes owners wonder when their dog stops going into heat. Estrus continues throughout life and does not end at any particular age. With old age, periods of rest increase, the frequency of empty nests per year decreases, but the dog is still capable of conceiving and giving birth to puppies.

What symptoms can you use to determine when you're in heat?

The onset of estrus can be determined by a number of signs:

  • increased activity and playfulness of the pet;
  • the dog “forgets” many commands and refuses to obey the owner;
  • asks for a walk more often due to increased urine output;
  • vulva (loop) swollen;
  • Traces of discharge appear on the litter.

Estrus in dogs conventionally occurs in 4 phases, which are repeated cyclically throughout life and have characteristic symptoms.



1. Proestrus

The loop swells, the discharge is noticeable and dark in color. The animal pays attention to the opposite sex, but does not allow it to approach itself.

1-2 weeks

The discharge changes color to pinkish. The dog takes the appropriate instinctive position when a male appears, stroking the back. Allows the male dog to come to him.

3. Diestrus

The swelling of the loop disappears, the discharge stops. The dog becomes calmer.

2-3 months

4. Anestrus

Rest phase

3-5 months

How long does estrus last in a dog?

You can determine how many days your pet's heat lasts by observation, since the data can vary significantly among different animals. On average, the duration of empty space varies from 20 to 30 days. The shortest is the first heat, which can last about a week. In this case, the owner requires increased attention to the animal in order to be able to plan mating in the future.

Differences in estrus among different breeds

Features of estrus in dogs are determined by the animal’s belonging to a particular breed. So, if the dog is large, then the first puppy can be up to 13 months or more, while in representatives of small breeds it occurs earlier.

Estrus lasts longer in large bitches than in small dogs. And the intensity of discharge in the latter is more pronounced than in its larger counterparts.

Features of discharge

Discharge during estrus is caused by hormonal changes and is normal. In the first phase of the cycle, they are bloody and can have different intensity - from insignificant, hardly noticeable, to abundant. The appearance of an odor is also considered normal, but it should not be too strong. A few days later, in the second phase of the cycle, the discharge becomes lighter and then completely colorless.

Experts advise teaching your dog to lick discharge from the first estrus. You can purchase special underpants for your pet. If the animal flatly refuses “underwear,” it is better to remove carpets from the floor in advance and cover the furniture with fabric.

General condition of the dog during estrus

During estrus, a dog experiences hormonal stress, which manifests itself in changes in its general condition. Most of the manifestations are normal and disappear as estrus ceases.

Psyche and behavior

Each animal reacts differently to changes in physiology. Some dogs become overly affectionate and friendly, others fall into a depressed state (howl, whine, avoid others), while others, on the contrary, begin to show aggression towards their brothers, other animals, and people.


Most often, a disorder of appetite manifests itself in “whims”: the dog chooses what to eat, eats less than before. Some bitches may refuse food completely. Experts do not advise force-feeding an animal, since its entire body during estrus is aimed at conceiving and bearing puppies. Gradually your appetite will return to normal.

Body temperature

Quite often, dogs’ body temperature rises during emptying. An increase of up to 0.5˚C is considered normal. If the thermometer readings are higher, you should contact your veterinarian.


Due to high levels of estrogen, the innervation of the bladder sphincter is reduced. The result is involuntary loss of urine. Incontinence goes away when the dog's hormonal levels return to normal.

Features of the first heat

The first heat in dogs can proceed unnoticed: the discharge is mild, the duration is not long, changes in behavior may stop suddenly, and the release of the egg may not occur. At the same time, the owner must mark such a void for further mating planning.

Other symptoms will help determine whether there is a heat or not. For example, the dog will often begin to sit down to urinate and lick the noose. Even before the onset of estrus, slight purulent discharge from the genitals is possible, which is considered normal. If you pay close attention to your pet, you may notice “oddities” in behavior.

Sometimes the first heat occurs with virtually no obvious signs. However, fertilization is quite possible, so you can’t relax: you need to carefully monitor the dog and not let him off the leash.

Vaccination during estrus

There are mixed opinions regarding vaccinations for dogs during estrus. Some experts claim that it is possible to vaccinate an animal during this period. The procedure does not harm health, and estrus does not affect the development of immunity to any disease.

Others, on the contrary, argue that during emptying, additional effects on the body are undesirable. It is believed that the animal’s immune system is weakened at this time, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

The owner must decide whether to vaccinate or not together with the veterinarian. In this case, many nuances must be taken into account, for example, the dog’s health status, chronic diseases, estrus characteristics, and others.

When is the best time to breed?

To determine the day of estrus on which mating can be carried out, the owner needs to know the date of its occurrence. The period from the 11th to the 15-16th day is considered the most favorable. Also, currently in veterinary pharmacies and clinics you can purchase a special test that shows ovulation.

Estrus and spaying

Dog breeders have many questions regarding animal sterilization and estrus. Can intervention be performed if the dog is in heat? Experts do not recommend performing surgery during this period - you must wait until the end of the emptying period. The female dog can be spayed 14-20 days after the end of her heat.

Another question: can there be a heat if the dog is sterilized? With complete spaying, when the bitch's ovaries and uterus are removed, estrus does not occur. If during the operation the tubes were only cut or part of the ovary was left (accidentally or intentionally), estrus with all its manifestations remains.

Estrus after childbirth

The onset of estrus after giving birth in a dog can be expected in approximately 120-150 days. This period depends on the number of puppies born and the duration of their feeding. Sometimes it drags on for up to 6 months or more. Signs of estrus after the birth of puppies are the same as usual. It is not recommended to carry out mating, since the animal’s body must recover.

False heat

It manifests itself in young dogs and is characterized by the absence of ovulation with obvious manifestations of empty stomach. Mating the dog at this point will not lead to fertilization, since there is no egg. A special “sign” of false estrus is its abrupt cessation. This estrus is within normal limits and does not pose a threat to the dog’s health.

Hidden heat

This type of emptying in dogs is also a normal phenomenon, although rarely observed. Hidden estrus is characterized by the absence of discharge. However, the egg matures and is released from the ovary, so if mated, fertilization will occur.

If there is a hidden heat, the dog should be shown to a veterinarian. In some cases, it is a consequence of disorders of the thyroid gland - hypothyroidism. With this disease, not only discharge, but also other signs of estrus may be absent.

Anxiety during heat: what to do

Sometimes changes in a pet's behavior during heat lead the owners into a state of shock. The dog may howl, mark walls, furniture, whine, not listen to commands, and so on. It is useless to scold her. Through experience, dog breeders have developed several methods that help calm a dog during heat.

  • Walk longer.
  • Distract with a game.
  • Dip into water.
  • Give a sedative.

The latter option can go in two directions. The first is to use hormone-based products, the second is to give the dog a herbal preparation. Among the hormonal agents that directly affect estrus, one can note Sex Barrier and Sex Control. Among herbal plants, preference is given to motherwort or valerian.

Does a dog's stomach hurt during heat?

Dog breeders often wonder if a dog experiences pain during heat? Concerns are caused mainly by the pet’s restless behavior, whining, lethargy, and apathy. Experts have different opinions on this issue. Some believe that you should not attribute human sensations to an animal, others recommend giving an antispasmodic, for example, no-shpu. In any case, if the dog does not allow you to touch its belly, squeals at the same time, often hides and whines, you should show it to the veterinarian.

How to control your dog during heat

To prevent accidental mating, avoid health problems, and get healthy offspring at the scheduled time, the owner must control the dog's estrus. To do this you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • enter each estrus into a special calendar, noting the peculiarities of its occurrence (how often, what kind of discharge, etc.), the start and end date;
  • do not let the dog off the leash while walking;
  • make sure that males do not approach your pet (you can buy a special drug that neutralizes its smell);
  • use special underpants;
  • it is advisable to choose places for a walk with a minimum of animals;
  • exclude visiting exhibitions;
  • Avoid swimming in ponds.

Dog pants

Special products help to maintain order in the apartment - underpants for dogs. Among the positive aspects of these devices, not only the absence of “tags” is noted, but also the prevention of infection in the bitch’s genital tract. The negative side is the fact that most animals do not like to wear “underwear”: in an attempt to remove them, the dog can chew or swallow them. In addition, during licking (which occurs instinctively), the panties will quickly become wet, which will require frequent changes.

Pants for dogs vary in models, fabrics, and designs. For example, there may be products with a hole for a tail, with pockets for pads, cotton, synthetic or nylon. Before purchasing a dog, you need to take several measurements: hips, tail circumference and others. It’s great if the product can be tried on. When purchasing, you need to carefully inspect the panties to exclude tight elastic bands and straps, thick seams and other nuances.

In what cases should you contact a veterinarian?

The owner must be extremely attentive to estrus in dogs. Situations may arise when you need to show the animal to a specialist:

  • frequency of estrus – more than 2 times per year;
  • before the age of 2 there was not a single heat;
  • estrus has become more frequent compared to previous years, the intensity and volume of discharge has increased;
  • there is no estrus for a long period of time;
  • estrus does not stop (especially in an adult animal);
  • during a period when there should be no estrus, purulent discharge with blood and a pungent odor is observed;
  • presence of dark discharge after estrus.

It must be remembered that during estrus, microorganisms can penetrate into the dog’s reproductive organs. Due to changes in the condition of the animal during the emptying period, the inflammatory process can develop unnoticed, and subsequently become threatening. Therefore, in case of any deviations, you should immediately contact the clinic.

When a four-legged pet goes into heat, not only the animal is deprived of peace. The owner of the dog also has to deal with worries and unwanted events. A trained pet becomes capricious and uncontrollable, constantly looking for adventure. Dark red mucus is released from the animal's loop. This moment sometimes causes inconvenience to the animal owner. Caring owners ask veterinarians whether it is possible to bathe a dog during heat.

External manifestations of estrus (estrus) are the tip of the complex “iceberg” of canine physiology. Under the influence of hormones, the animal's behavior changes radically. To avoid problems, it is important for the owner to know what to do with the dog during heat.

Estrus first begins in dogs at six to twelve months. It is a sign of puberty for the four-legged “bride.”

Here are the signs by which you can tell that your dog is going into heat:

  • the appearance of bloody discharge from the “causal site”;
  • increased loop size;
  • frequent urination;
  • persistent flirting with male dogs. This behavior will be noticeable in a dog at the height of estrus (from the ninth to the fourteenth day of this period);
  • wayward behavior. An obedient pet turns into a wild, disorderly creature. The dog does not respond to the owner's commands;
  • decreased appetite.

Frightening changes in dog character

A sensitive person understands what is a test for his dog. He is unlikely to have the desire to scold the animal for disobedience. But sometimes a bitch behaves in such a way that an inexperienced owner can become confused.

It is not uncommon for a cute dog to turn into a rebel. On the street she tries to run away from her owner. The bitch is also “capricious” indoors and shows disobedience.

Other oddities sometimes arise in the behavior of the four-legged “bride.” The dog becomes overly intrusive, pestering its owner with affection day and night.

When a dog goes into heat, the animal may behave with other females. This is how the ancient instinct operates, forcing dogs to see a rival in each individual of their sex, and a “fatal passion” in each male dog.

When should a bitch be shown to a specialist?

Realizing that estrus is not something to joke about, you will begin to be attentive to the well-being and behavior of your pet.

With the appearance of a dog in the house, the owner has a lot of troubles. And they only increase when the pet goes into heat, or she carries and gives birth to offspring. During estrus, a characteristic discharge begins from the dog's loop, which can cause some inconvenience. Then the question arises, is it possible to bathe an animal and how to do it correctly?

Bathing is necessary for your four-legged friend, as it prevents skin diseases. Wherein, . For example, it is strictly not recommended to bathe your pet in extreme cold. need to be bathed more often than with a short undercoat, because the latter's coat has the ability to self-clean.

Swimming during heat

You might think that it is mandatory to bathe your pet during heat. Everything is not so simple, because during this period the pet is prone to infections and inflammation of various internal organs, and bathing can cause these problems. So, is it possible to wash a dog during heat?

It is possible and necessary! Hygiene is important always and everywhere. Moreover, a dog's heat is accompanied by urination, and hygiene procedures are really necessary to prevent infection.

After bathing, you should not allow your animal to lie down on a cold floor, as your pet may simply catch a cold. In addition, if you put special underpants on your dog after it has bathed and dried, and also change the bedding, then illness can be avoided, as well as stains on the carpet.

A dog should not be allowed to swim in an open body of water during heat, as the risk of contracting the disease in this way is quite high!

After heat

The expectant mother needs to be washed from a very young age, starting from about two months. It is recommended to wash it approximately twice a year. But for long-haired dogs, at least once every two weeks. At the same time, regardless of the breed, you can wash it additionally as needed.

By the way, you will have to. It is necessary to remember that, because during this period the dog’s immunity is weakened and cannot resist infectious diseases as before.

It is tar and cannot be used to wash an animal. Soap dries the skin and does not kill insects, contrary to the opinion of some dog breeders. In addition, tar soap leaves behind an unpleasant odor, which the animal will not be happy with for several more days.

A dog in heat can be washed. It is sold in pet stores, and you need to choose a shampoo that contains the following components:

  • Egg yolk;
  • Lanolin;
  • Lecithin.

If the shampoo contains insecticides, then you need to be careful, because it can dry out the skin, although flea prevention is a good thing.

A few days before the expected date of birth, it would be better to refrain from swimming!

During pregnancy

Water treatments are not recommended for a pregnant dog unless necessary.. And it is strictly not recommended to wash the animal after the fourth week of pregnancy.
If bathing is necessary, then this must be done very carefully, and then place the animal in a warm place without drafts. You cannot go outside after the water procedure. It is recommended to use a mild shampoo, but not flea treatment.

After childbirth

It is not advisable to wash a recently born dog unless absolutely necessary. You can wash the puppy completely, about a week after giving birth. When bathing, you should not use cosmetics, so as not to provoke allergies in puppies.

After the bathing procedure, the dog needs to be dried before it goes to feed the puppies. If she has short fur, you can simply wipe her with a towel.

After castration

If the animal has been castrated, then water procedures are allowed only from the moment when the suture has completely healed. This usually happens after two to three weeks. Do not get the seam wet or wet the wound to prevent infection.


Bathing your shaggy friend usually has hygienic purposes. A properly selected detergent, as well as compliance with the rules and recommendations, will make the procedure comfortable and enjoyable for your pet.

When a pet reaches sexual maturity, the owner requires extensive knowledge not only in the field of animal physiology, but also awareness of the peculiarities of behavioral reactions. Many questions arise regarding the advisability of vaccinations during the hunting period for an animal and the rules for monitoring the sexual behavior of a sexually mature individual. All this is worth finding out before the first heat.

Read in this article

When does a dog's first heat start?

The timing of the onset of the first estrus in a female is a conditional value and depends on a number of factors: breed, constitution of the animal, individual characteristics, climatic conditions, etc. As a rule, maturity in dogs occurs between 7 months and one and a half years. Veterinary experts consider the average age for the onset of estrus to be 6–10 months.

Experienced breeders know that in large animals the process of physiological maturation takes longer, and therefore in representatives of large breeds the first estrus can begin at one and a half to two years. In small individuals, sexual maturity occurs earlier and can be observed as early as 6 months.

Onset symptoms

Veterinary experts note that the first estrus in females often begins after the change of teeth and is characterized by mild clinical signs. Discharge from the genital loop is insignificant, which in some cases complicates diagnosis. Under the influence of hormones, the animal’s behavior changes: the dog becomes disobedient, overly playful, reacts poorly to commands, and is reluctant to return home from a walk.

The onset of puberty in dogs is often accompanied by symptoms such as difficulty urinating. The pet often sits down, urine is excreted in small portions. During a walk, the animal can relieve itself 8 - 12 times. This phenomenon is due to the fact that through urine the female leaves chemical marks for males.

The owner may suspect the onset of estrus in the pet by her excessive attention to her genitals. The dog often licks the perineal area, especially after waking up.

In some cases, the owner may observe the pet’s aggressive behavior towards fellow dogs and even family members. Often, animals before estrus, on the contrary, become overly affectionate, emotional, contact, and sometimes intrusive.

Stages of heat

Veterinary experts distinguish 4 stages of the reproductive cycle in dogs:

    • Forerunner. Proestrus lasts on average 10 days. In large breeds, this stage can last up to 14 days. Under the influence of hormones, blood fills the genitals, which is observed in the form of redness and swelling of the vulva. At this stage, the owner may notice bloody discharge from the genital opening.

The dog's behavior changes. An obedient pet reacts sluggishly to calls, ignores usual commands, becomes playful, or, conversely, becomes lethargic and apathetic. However, the female does not allow representatives of the opposite sex to approach her, and often shows aggression towards male dogs.

    • Estrus. The period is characterized by ovulation and is the most responsible for the breeder. During this phase, bloody discharge from the external genitalia of the female becomes colorless or completely disappears, and the genital loop greatly increases in size. The body is set up for procreation, and the dog allows the male to be caged.

The owner can determine the onset of this phase of estrus by the characteristic behavior of the pet - when stroking the pelvis, the animal sits down and moves its tail to the side.

  • The final stage is called metaestrus and lasts several days. During this period, against the background of a fading hormonal status, the external genitalia acquire normal sizes, and any discharge from the genital opening completely stops. Hormonal changes in the female’s body also affect her behavior - the animal becomes calmer and does not allow individuals of the opposite sex to approach it.
  • Phase of sexual calm. The average duration of anestrus is from 100 to 150 days. In some animals, the period can last up to 6 - 7 months. During the anestrus phase, the pet’s body is restored.

Features of the natural process

Faced with such a physiological phenomenon as estrus in dogs, not only novice dog breeders, but also experienced owners often ask questions regarding the condition and behavior of their pets during this period.

In small and large breeds

Experienced breeders know that the characteristics of estrus in dogs are dictated by breed. Thus, in large animals, sexual heat can last longer than the average duration, which is associated with the physiological characteristics of the body. Discharge from the genital opening in large dogs is more intense and abundant than in representatives of small breeds. The first heat in large females occurs much later than in dogs of dwarf breeds.

How long does the discharge last and how often?

The first estrus, as a rule, is characterized not only by a short duration (5 - 7 days), but also by a paucity of discharge. In some cases, the owner may not notice clinical manifestations in the pet during the first heat. Subsequently, the volume of discharge in the animal increases. Their intensity depends not only on the breed, but also on individual characteristics, living conditions and feeding.

Is the smell and blood normal?

The physiological process is accompanied, as a rule, by minor discharge from the external genitalia. During the proestrus phase, the owner may experience spotting. Large animals can leave behind even small pools of blood. Such discharge is caused by hormonal changes in the body and preparation for the fertilization process. Owners may notice an unpleasant odor, which is due to hormonal changes in the body.

Appetite and its changes

Most breeders and experienced dog breeders note that during sexual heat, dogs' appetite changes. Most often, the owner is faced with a situation where the pet is capricious and eats little. A decrease in appetite during the period of sexual heat is due to the fact that all the forces and physiological processes of the animal are subordinated to a single goal - procreation.

Many dogs experience not only a decrease in appetite, but also a complete one within 2 - 3 days. The owner should not take any measures to correct the situation. As a rule, the pet's appetite returns within a few days. In some cases, some dogs experience an increase in appetite during estrus.

The feeding behavior of females during sexual estrus varies individually. The owner's task is to monitor the animal during this period. At the slightest suspicion of a deviation in health status, you should consult a veterinarian.

Incontinence during heat

In some cases, the owner may encounter such an unpleasant phenomenon in the animal during estrus as. Disruption of the urination process has its own physiological causes. A high level of estrogen in the blood during sexual heat (especially during the first estrus) causes a decrease in the sensitivity of the bladder sphincter, which leads to uncontrolled urination.

As a rule, after the cessation of estrus, the physiological function of the excretory process is completely restored.

Briefs during estrus for dogs


An increase in body temperature in a female during sexual heat is a common phenomenon and should not cause the owner to panic. Veterinary experts note that normally, when a dog is in heat, the temperature may increase by 0.5 C. If the hyperthermia is significant - by 1 degree or more, it is necessary to seek qualified veterinary help and exclude pathology.

Is it possible to get vaccinations during estrus?

In the annotation for veterinary immunizing drugs there are no contraindications for the use of vaccines in animals during estrus.

Veterinary specialists, based on many years of observations, believe that immunizing a pet during heat does not affect the process of developing immunity to a particular infection. Therefore, if the time has come for the next vaccination, and the dog is in heat, then delaying the procedure is undesirable.

Nevertheless, experienced dog breeders recommend routine preventive vaccinations during the sexual resting phase. This opinion is based on the fact that estrus, although a physiologically normal process, still represents stress for the dog’s body.

Rules for controlling bitches and dogs

  • Keep a calendar in which to regularly mark the beginning and end of estrus and its features.
  • During the walk, do not let the dog go, keep it only on a short leash.
  • Choose calm and quiet places for walking without crowds of animals.
  • For large and medium-sized breeds, use special protective underpants during estrus.
  • During sexual hunting, carpets and other valuables should be removed from the premises.

The main symptoms of estrus in a pet should be known to both an inexperienced owner and an experienced breeder. The duration and intensity of the physiological process depends on the breed, conditions of keeping and feeding, and the individual characteristics of the animal.

Useful video

For information about what you need to know about estrus in dogs, watch this video: