Encephalopathy. Vascular encephalopathy – foci of necrosis in the brain

Having seen the word “encephalopathy” in a doctor’s report, patients begin to look for answers to questions about what it is, whether it needs to be treated and what consequences it may have. Parents of newborn babies are especially concerned, since most of them know that this disease is somehow connected with the brain, but not many have any idea how exactly.

What is encephalopathy and what types does it happen?

Encephalopathy is damage to brain cells caused by damaging factors and leading to dysfunction of brain structures. Is not independent disease, but a syndrome that can be caused by many reasons. Most forms of encephalopathy progress rather slowly and are easily treatable once the precipitating factor is eliminated. Some forms, for example, toxic, hepatic, diabetic encephalopathy, without treatment, can lead to coma and death.

The development of brain damage is based on its low resistance to prolonged absence of oxygen (brain death occurs within 6 minutes after the cessation of blood flow) and high sensitivity to toxic agents. As a result of acute or chronic hypoxia (lack of oxygen), cells die, which leads to impaired brain function.

Hypoxia can develop as a result of:

Toxic effect on the brain may be due to:

  • influence of toxic substances received from outside (alcohol, drugs)
  • toxins formed inside the body during various diseases (liver and kidney diseases, diabetic ketoacidosis, severe infectious diseases).

Almost any violation of the internal constancy of the body can have a damaging effect on brain cells. Due to the nature of the causative mechanism, the following forms of encephalopathy are distinguished.

  • Hypoxic encephalopathy develops as a result of the cessation of oxygen delivery to the brain. This group includes perinatal, post-resuscitation, asphyxial encephalopathy.
  • Vascular (dyscirculatory) encephalopathy occurs when blood flow through the vessels of the brain is disrupted. It includes venous, atherosclerotic, hypertensive forms.
  • Toxic - due to poisoning by various poisons and chemicals (lead, carbon monoxide - carbon monoxide, chloroform, etc.), alcohol, narcotic substances.
  • Toxic - metabolic– due to poisoning of the brain by metabolic products that are not excreted from the body. There are bilirubin encephalopathy in hemolytic disease of newborns, hepatic in hepatitis, uremic in acute or severe chronic renal failure, hyper- and hypoglycemic in patients with diabetes.
  • Post-traumatic develops immediately or some time after skull injuries.
  • Radiation – due to exposure to ionizing radiation.

Encephalopathy in children - perinatal encephalopathy (PEP)

This form also called hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy. This is a disorder of brain function that develops under the influence unfavorable factors, acting on the fetus from the 28th week of pregnancy, during childbirth and up to 8–10 days of the newborn’s life.

The severity can be mild, moderate and severe. According to the course of the process, acute (up to 1 month), early recovery (3 - 4 months) and late recovery period s (12 – 24 months).

Causes of encephalopathy in children:

  • factors leading to brain hypoxia during pregnancy– chronic diseases of the mother (diabetes, heart defects, pyelonephritis, etc.), infectious diseases (influenza, rubella, tuberculosis), bad habits, stress, toxicosis, gestosis, threat of miscarriage, intrauterine infections.
  • risk factors during childbirth– , a long anhydrous period with the risk of infection of the amniotic fluid, swallowing and inhalation of water by the child, rapid or protracted labor, .
  • risk factors in the first days after birth– infectious diseases of the newborn, surgical interventions, hemolytic disease.

Signs of perinatal encephalopathy

  1. Mild encephalopathy in children. It manifests itself as a syndrome of general excitability - the baby is restless, often cries for a long time, sucks poorly, sleeps little, often wakes up, often regurgitates (regurgitation is considered normal in an amount of no more than 2 tablespoons, after each feeding, regurgitation is allowed in a fountain no more than once times a day). Muscle tone can be either increased or decreased. Convergent strabismus may be observed.
  2. Encephalopathy medium degree gravity. Manifested by one or more neurological syndromes - syndromes of depression of the nervous system, movement disorders, hypertension, convulsions, hydrocephalus. Depression of brain activity and a general decrease in muscle tone are observed. In the future - increased flexor tone (the baby's arms and legs are constantly bent and pressed to the body), strabismus, a bulging large fontanelle, marbling of the skin, the symptom of the “setting sun” - a visible strip of protein between the iris and the upper eyelid (can also occur in healthy children). The child's sucking and swallowing are disrupted, he sleeps poorly, cries out in his sleep, and often screams monotonously and piercingly.
  3. Severe encephalopathy manifested by complete depression of brain functions and consciousness, the child is in a precomatose state or coma.


In the maternity hospital, the child is examined by a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, and, if necessary, a neurosurgeon. A study of blood gas composition, acid-base status (ABS), analysis is prescribed cerebrospinal fluid(lumbar puncture), neurosonography, duplex scanning vessels of the head, radiography of the skull, electroencephalography, CT or MRI of the brain.

After discharge from the maternity hospital, the child is observed by a neurologist every two to three months. As speech develops and the baby’s personal characteristics manifest, supervision by a speech therapist, child psychologist and psychiatrist may be necessary.


Therapy for hypoxic brain damage begins in the maternity hospital during the acute period, then in the recovery period it is carried out in the clinic or in the hospital by pediatric neurologists.

  • Detoxification and anticonvulsant therapy, drugs that improve metabolic processes in the brain (cinnarizine, cortexin, solcoseryl, pantogam, phenibut, piracetam, etc.) are prescribed.
  • Drugs that reduce intracranial hypertension(mannitol, diacarb).
  • During the recovery period, courses of massage, physiotherapy (for the collar area), physical therapy, swimming, and manual therapy are provided.

Consequences of perinatal encephalopathy in children

A mild degree of encephalopathy can pass without a trace or lead to the development of minimal brain dysfunction, which is manifested by hyperactivity, absent-mindedness, restlessness, and impaired attention of the child. This is sometimes called (SGDV).

Moderate and severe forms can lead to delayed motor, speech and psychomotor development, neurotic reactions, astheno-vegetative disorders (malfunctions of internal organs and weakness of the body). More dangerous and severe complications are epilepsy and.

Can there be consequences of perinatal encephalopathy in adulthood?

Neurologists believe that encephalopathy untreated in infancy can lead to the development of adolescence vegeto – vascular dystonia, migraines, epilepsy, and in adults - to an increased risk of stroke.

Prevention of perinatal encephalopathy

Prevention of the disease begins at the stage of planning and managing pregnancy. This is a refusal bad habits, good food, walks fresh air, treatment of chronic and infectious diseases, correction of placental blood flow insufficiency, correct attitude and readiness for childbirth, competent management of childbirth by an obstetrician.

Vascular (dyscirculatory) encephalopathy

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DEP) is a chronic disorder of the blood supply to the brain caused by damage to the blood vessels of the neck and head. Develops mainly in adults and older people; after 70 years, the risk of cerebrovascular insufficiency increases threefold. Every fifth patient at an appointment with a therapist for diseases of the heart and blood vessels presents characteristic complaints.


  • The cause of the atherosclerotic form of encephalopathy is atherosclerosis of the aorta and carotid arteries (in 60% of cases)
  • The cause of the hypertensive form is arterial hypertension
  • The cause of the venous form is a violation of the venous outflow from the cranial cavity due to venous thrombosis, stagnation of blood in the jugular veins due to diseases of the lungs and cardiovascular system. pulmonary insufficiency(bronchial asthma, severe obstructive bronchitis)
  • Encephalopathy of mixed origin, in addition to the above, can lead to:
    • stroke
    • chronic heart failure
    • heart rhythm disturbances
    • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
    • changes in the wall of blood vessels in diabetes mellitus

Symptoms of vascular encephalopathy

  • In the initial stage

encephalopathy is manifested by general symptoms that the patient takes for overwork. He's worried general weakness, fatigue, irritability, sudden mood swings, sleep disturbances, drowsiness in daytime and insomnia at night, flickering of spots before the eyes, hearing impairment. Memory impairments are possible, especially everyday memory; the patient does not remember why he entered the room, what he wanted to take, etc. He becomes distracted and cannot concentrate on the work at hand. Dizziness and gait disturbances may occur.

  • At the second stage

DEP begins with more pronounced neurological and mental disorders - unsteadiness of gait, instability when walking, “shuffling” of the legs, trembling of the limbs, increased tone muscles, neurological urination disorders, tearfulness, touchiness, elements of aggression. Memory deteriorates significantly, the patient is unable to perform the same amount of mental work.

  • Third stage

characterized by an inability to navigate in place and time, severe mental disorders, disorders mental functions. The person is unable to work and loses self-care skills.


The doctor prescribes laboratory (general blood and urine tests, blood tests for glucose, cholesterol levels) and instrumental diagnostic methods. The latter are shown:

  • ECG, daily monitoring blood pressure and ECG
  • electroencephalography – recording electrical activity brain
  • rheoencephalography – recording of blood movement through the vessels of the brain
  • echocardiography – ultrasound of the heart
  • Ultrasound with duplex scanning of the carotid arteries, intracranial arteries and veins
  • X-ray and MRI of the cervical spine
  • MRI of the brain

Treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy

In order to stop the progression of brain dysfunction, it is important to identify and treat the cause. For this purpose, antihypertensive drugs (Hartil, Prestarium, Concor, etc.), cholesterol-lowering drugs (rosuvastein, atorvastatin, etc.), diuretics (indapamide, Lasix, Diacarb), and medications for the treatment of diabetes mellitus are prescribed.

To improve cerebral blood flow, vascular drugs are used - cinnarizine, cavinton, antioxidants - actovegin, solcoseryl, mexidol, vitamin E and ascorbic acid, nootropic drugs that improve metabolism in brain cells - piracetam, nootropil, vinpotropil, pantogam, Neurox, Cerepro, etc. These drugs can be used in tablet form for a long time (several months) and in courses in the form of injections.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy

Represents the consequences of cranial – brain injury, which can develop in children and adults weeks, months and years after injury. Develops in 70–80% of skull injuries.


A mild concussion, as a rule, does not lead to encephalopathy. The causes may be a concussion of 2 or more degrees, contusion, brain contusion, fractures of the skull bones with crushing of the brain substance. Such injuries occur in car accidents, falls from a height, assault, and domestic injuries.

Signs of post-traumatic encephalopathy

Symptoms may appear within a few days of the injury. These include:

  • severe headaches, accompanied by nausea, drowsiness, and a feeling of weakness. Painkillers are ineffective or have a short-term effect. Pain may disappear when changing body position
  • dizziness, imbalance, unsteadiness of gait, falls, “staggering” from side to side
  • memory impairment, decreased reaction speed and concentration, impaired mental functions, inability to analyze and draw conclusions
  • psychomotor retardation, depression, asthenia (exhaustion of mental functions)
  • seizures


To assess the degree of organic brain damage, an MRI is required. The remaining studies are prescribed according to the observation plan drawn up by the doctor (blood tests, ECG, x-rays).

Treatment of post-traumatic encephalopathy

Treatment in acute period trauma is carried out in the department of neurosurgery, neurology or traumatology, depending on the nature of the injury. After discharge, the patient should be observed by a neurologist in the clinic, and in case of severe symptoms, be hospitalized annually in a hospital.

Therapy is carried out by the same groups of drugs - vascular, antioxidants and nootropic drugs.

Toxic encephalopathy

This form occurs as a result of the action on brain cells of toxic substances received from the outside and toxins formed in the body during certain diseases (toxic-metabolic form).


  • In newborns– bilirubin EN for hemolytic disease of the newborn, fetal alcohol syndrome with brain damage, EN for pregnant women taking drugs, anticonvulsants, antidepressants, neuroleptics.
  • In children early age and teenagershousehold poisoning medications, alcohol, gasoline and mercury vapors. Children under three years of age often develop toxic encephalopathy against the background of ARVI, influenza, intestinal infection and is called neurotoxicosis.
  • Adults may experience acute or chronic, professional or domestic poisoning with carbon monoxide, mercury, lead, manganese, carbon disulfide, gasoline, pesticides, and medications. Most often in adults, toxic encephalopathy develops with systematic consumption of alcohol and its surrogates and with methyl alcohol poisoning.

Symptoms of toxic encephalopathy

In 65% of newborns jaundice develops, but only in 1–5% does the bilirubin level increase so significantly that it can cause organic lesion brain. Its signs are drowsiness or lethargy of the newborn, suppression of reflexes, including sucking and swallowing, disturbances in the rhythm of breathing and heartbeat, spasm of the posterior occipital muscles, and a high-pitched cry. Symptoms of severe encephalopathy are stupor or coma. Opioid (narcotic) and drug encephalopathy manifests itself in newborns with similar symptoms.

Acute toxic encephalopathy in children and adults it occurs with a single exposure to a toxic substance in a large dose. It manifests itself in conditions ranging from mild stupor, lethargy or agitation to convulsions, severe respiratory and circulatory disorders with death.

For chronic intoxication Characterized by persistent headaches, nausea, changes in blood pressure, general weakness, irritability, impaired sensitivity in the extremities, dysfunction of the pelvic organs ( involuntary urination and defecation). Severe encephalopathy is characterized by severe mental disorders, such as delusions, hallucinations, aggression, and seizures and loss of consciousness.
Acute alcoholic encephalopathy, or Gaia-Wernicke encephalopathy, develops almost immediately after delirium due to daily consumption of large doses of alcohol. The patient sees hallucinations, hears voices, refuses to eat, talks to himself, does not answer questions, and shouts something sharply. Characterized by trembling of the limbs, falling when trying to walk, sudden muscle weakness. The disease usually lasts from 3 to 6 weeks, but with a fulminant course, coma and death occur after 3 to 5 days of symptoms.

For chronic alcoholic encephalopathy, the initial signs of which develop within a few months constant use alcohol, the patient notes a pronounced feeling of anxiety, depressed mood, weakness, worsening sleep, trembling of the eyelids, tongue, and limbs. As alcoholism and brain damage progress, nightmares begin, volitional and intellectual characteristics decrease, depression appears, lack of taste for life and a feeling of complete weakness. Depression develops, hallucinations, loss of consciousness, and convulsions often occur. On last stage alcoholism, when the body's reserves are depleted, complete personality degradation and alcoholic dementia occur.


In the hospital, blood and urine are tested for the presence of a suspected toxic substance. An MRI of the brain is indicated to assess the extent of its organic damage.


For bilirubin encephalopathy, phototherapy is prescribed, intravenous administration blood plasma, antioxidants and nootropics, glucose solutions, Ringer and vitamins, exchange blood transfusion (ordinary jaundice of newborns, without hemolytic disease and without encephalopathy does not require transfusion).

In case of acute and chronic poisoning, detoxification of the body is carried out, vascular and nootropic drugs are prescribed. Treatment should be carried out only in a hospital, especially in children and adolescents. Alcoholic brain damage is treated jointly by narcologists and toxicologists.

Why is encephalopathy dangerous?

It is quite difficult to predict in advance how encephalopathy caused by one or another causative factor will behave, since the brain, due to its plasticity, has powerful compensation mechanisms. But it has still been proven that severe forms of this syndrome complex cause persistent neurological and mental disorders, for example:

  • vascular encephalopathy is a cause of dementia in the elderly, or senile dementia, in 10 – 15% of cases
  • post-traumatic epilepsy develops in 11–20% of patients who have suffered a TBI
  • bilirubin encephalopathy can lead to infantile paralysis, and hearing, mental and mental retardation. A neurologist will be able to diagnose symptoms of such consequences already in the second month of a child’s life.

Acute forms of severe brain damage are dangerous because they lead to cerebral edema, coma and death.

Vascular encephalopathy of the brain - what is it and how dangerous is it for humans? This pathology is not an independent disease; its manifestations are associated with disruption of the normal nutrition of brain cells, lack of oxygen and nutrients. Read this article to the end to find out how it appears vascular encephalopathy of the brain, what it is and what it can lead to.

Encephalopathic brain damage leads to functional pathologies due to lack of oxygen against the background of vascular disorders.

general characteristics

Among other types of encephalopathies, vascular encephalopathy is characterized by slow development, which makes its diagnosis difficult. The disease occurs as a result of diseases of the blood vessels that supply the brain, leading to a lack of oxygen in brain cells.

The vascular type of encephalopathy also develops for other reasons; they are classified as follows:

  1. Atherosclerotic against the background of general cerebral atherosclerosis.
  2. Bilirubin resulting from jaundice.
  3. Congenital arising on later pregnancy.
  4. Hypertensive caused by the development of hypertension.
  5. Hypoglycemic resulting from a deficiency of glucose in the blood.
  6. Hypoxic, occurs due to metabolic disorders leading to oxygen starvation.
  7. Diabetic, is caused by a long course of diabetes mellitus and is accompanied by asthenic syndrome.
  8. Radial, due to severe radiation exposure.
  9. Acute psychotic azotemic(mental disorder with overexcitation of the nervous system).
  10. Hepatic, due to chronic inflammation liver, viral nature.
  11. Portosystemic, develops against the background of portosystemic shunting and is reversible, with temporary mental disorders.
  12. DEP caused by a complex of reasons, including atrosclerosis and hypertension.
  13. Toxic, due to long-term use drugs with neurotropic properties.
  14. Traumatic, develops after a head injury.
  15. Venous type encephalopathy, caused by a slowdown in venous outflow from the cerebral vessels.
  16. Encephalopathy due to Martland syndrome, typical for professional boxers.
  17. Encephalopathy after prolonged loss of consciousness or coma (postanoxic).

Thus, the disease is distinguished by the fact that it is caused precisely by disturbances in the supply of oxygen to brain tissue due to vascular diseases.

Symptoms and manifestations

An outside observer can suspect a disease in a person by characteristic features indicating mental disorders.

With encephalopathy there are multiple symptoms mental disorders:

  • lack of initiative in labor activity;
  • insomnia at night;
  • fast fatiguability
  • viscosity of thinking;
  • ringing or noise in the head;
  • monotonous, incoherent talkativeness;
  • impaired coordination of movements, dizziness;
  • general depression;
  • lack of desires, including life;
  • tearfulness;
  • drowsy daytime state;
  • narrowing the range of interests;
  • decrease in vocabulary;
  • memory impairment and confusion;
  • frequent or constant headaches;
  • emotional instability.

Behavior reveals a significant decrease in intelligence; even in simple situations, patients with encephalopathy experience difficulties with decisions and actions. The slow and gradual decline of intelligence ultimately leads to severe dementia.

DEP is caused by a lack of blood in vascular bed, its slow current.

There are atherosclerotic, hypertensive and venous forms or types:

  1. Atherosclerotic discirculatory encephalopathy occurs as a result of the development of atherosclerotic changes in the walls of blood vessels supplying the brain. Atherosclerotic plaques form on the walls great vessels emanating from the aorta. These vessels narrow their lumen, and the volume of blood entering the brain becomes insufficient for its normal functioning. Dystrophy of nerve cells and their functional impairment. At cerebral atherosclerosis As a rule, higher mental functions suffer.
  2. Venous encephalopathy caused by congestion in the cerebral venous system. This phenomenon is due to the fact that the veins inside the skull are compressed. Excessive filling of the venous bed slows down the overall blood flow and impairs the supply of fresh blood saturated with oxygen to the brain. Nerve cells suffer from oxygen starvation and cease to function fully.
  3. Hypertensive discirculatory encephalopathy is observed already at a young age, since high blood pressure due to narrowed arteries of the brain leads to insufficient blood circulation in the brain structures, which leads to a noticeable decrease in intelligence and emotional instability. The disease is aggravated by hypertensive crises, which accelerate the development of pathology.
  4. Mixed discirculatory encephalopathy called a combination of hypertensive and atherosclerotic forms. In this case, atherosclerosis affects the main blood vessels, that leads to high blood pressure blood in them. The mixed form appears in people in adulthood and old age. This form of vascular pathology also leads to dementia if therapeutic and preventive measures are not taken.
  5. Vascular leukoencephalopathy of the brain differs in that it is the white rather than the gray matter of the central nervous system that is affected by degenerative processes, that is, not the nerve cells themselves, but their fibers and connections. Symptoms of the lesion are similar to classical encephalopathy.


Since encephalopathy is vascular reasons develops gradually, then for greater accuracy of its diagnosis it is customary to distinguish three stages of the disease:

  1. Cerebrovascular accidents at this stage are reversible. Appeared pathological changes in structure and function nerve tissue are insignificant, their symptoms are nonspecific, they resemble many other diseases, from simple overwork to the consequences of injuries. The first stage of pathology, discovered during diagnosis, makes it possible to reduce brain dysfunction to a minimum with the help of conservative treatment and physiotherapeutic procedures, and a rationally organized work and rest regime. Pay attention to the following symptoms:
  • the appearance of noises in the head;
  • persistent aching headaches;
  • the appearance of frequent and sudden dizziness;
  • restless sleep, insomnia;
  • memory problems;
  • lack of interest in learning new things;
  • unsteady, unsteady gait.
  1. Characterized by attempts to tighten self-control over one’s behavior. The attitude towards other people changes, and a feeling of unfounded anxiety appears. The patient begins to commit spontaneous, thoughtless actions and loses his social status. Symptoms that appear in the first stage of the disease intensify:
  • noticeable weakening of memory for recent events;
  • uncontrolled spontaneous actions and behavior;
  • pseudobulbar syndrome appears, that is, uncontrolled movement of facial muscles, sudden tearfulness or laughter for no reason;
  • dissatisfaction with others, anger appears;
  • constant depressed state of mind.

At this stage of the disease, loss of socialization, conflict, and inability to engage in permanent work become noticeable. Such patients are disabled, their capabilities are limited.

  1. Stage of dementia, dementia. Patients become limited in their abilities, and basic mental functions are lost. DEP at the third stage of acquired dementia is characterized by the following signs and symptoms:
  • the ability to walk independently is gradually lost;
  • spontaneous emptying of the bladder and bowels;
  • manifestation of symptoms of Parkinson's disease, loss of personality;
  • inability to serve oneself and eat food independently;
  • complete disinhibition of remaining mental functions;
  • complete loss of intellectual abilities, dementia.

When the third stage of encephalopathy occurs, the patient is unable to exist without outside help, is profoundly disabled. At unfavorable conditions, the period from the first stage of pathology to the onset of the third is approximately 5 years.

Discirculatory encephalopathy leads to irreversible senile dementia in 10% of cases. The video in this article demonstrates characteristic behavior patient with senile dementia.

Diagnostic procedures

Encephalopathy caused by vascular insufficiency of the brain requires the earliest possible diagnosis of the disease.

To confirm the initial diagnosis that the doctor makes when initial examination and examination, the following are prescribed:

  • laboratory tests of blood, urine, physiological tests;
  • instrumental examination methods.

In order to establish the presence of signs of advancing encephalopathy, the following is carried out:

  • electrocardiogram at rest and during exercise;
  • measurement of blood pressure over the course of the day;
  • taking an electroencephalogram;
  • performing rheoencephalography;
  • ultrasound examination of the vessels of the head and neck;
  • Carrying out echocardiography of the heart using an ultrasound machine;
  • computed tomographya;

Diagnostic procedures allow you to classify the disease and prescribe treatment as stated in the instructions.


To treat dyscirculatory encephalopathy, medications are prescribed that lower blood pressure and improve metabolic processes. The price of the drugs is acceptable for treatment courses.

Table. Medications

A drug Purpose Mechanism of action
ConcorAntihypertensiveThe main therapeutic effect is to reduce the tone of the smooth muscles of the arteries, expanding the lumen of blood vessels
AtorvastatinAnticholesterolSuppress cholesterol synthesis in the liver
DiakarbDiureticsPromote the removal of fluid from body tissues due to the removal of sodium ions
CavintonImproves cerebral blood flowStimulate cerebral blood flow, inhibit the enzyme Phosphodiesterase, improve the dynamic characteristics of blood
ActoveginAntioxidantsReact with active radicals, converting them into low-active radicals, preventing premature aging
Vitamin E
VinpotropilNootropicAccelerate the synthesis of RNA and DNA in nervous tissue, proteins, help speed up transmission nerve impulse, influence energy processes in cells

In addition to treatment with medications, encephalopathy is treated with other means:

  • acupuncture;
  • physiotherapy;
  • manual therapy;
  • surgical treatment;
  • bioresonance stimulation;
  • laser therapy.

Vascular encephalopathy is a disease in which brain tissue is damaged due to prolonged oxygen deficiency. The pathology is characterized by the appearance of multiple foci and develops slowly against the background of various vascular diseases and neurological disorders. The danger of vascular encephalopathy is that it can be recognized at the initial stage by primary signs pretty hard. Loss of time in such cases leads to the development of irreversible processes in the brain structures and limitation of the patient’s vital functions.

Vascular encephalopathy refers to cerebrovascular diseases, therefore in ICD-10, depending on the causes of occurrence, it is assigned one of the codes I60-I69.

Stages, as well as accompanying symptoms and signs of vascular encephalopathy

The disease develops in several stages, each of which has characteristic signs:

  1. Compensation stage. At this stage, the brain tissue is slightly damaged, so neighboring cells are able to compensate for their functions. The patient begins to develop mild neurological signs, but it is impossible to diagnose disorders in the brain structures. The first symptoms of vascular encephalopathy are:
    • stuffy ears and;
    • fatigue, muscle weakness;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • changes in blood pressure;
    • forgetfulness;
    • mood swings – tendency to depression, irritability, tearfulness.
  2. Subcompensation stage. The pathological process spreads to neighboring brain cells, thereby forming lesions. During instrumental diagnostics, changes occurring in the brain tissue become visible. At this stage, the symptoms become moderately severe, and the patient may experience:
    • increased headaches, attacks often end fainting;
    • a decrease in intellectual abilities, mental functions and professional skills as a consequence;
    • mental disorders - panic attacks, impaired consciousness;
    • increased muscle weakness;
    • decrease in cognitive functions such as swallowing reflex, speech, memory;
    • lack of coordination, externally manifested in a staggering gait.
  3. Stage of decompensation. Massive destruction of nerve cells leads to brain atrophy and the occurrence of irreversible processes in its structures. Symptoms characteristic of the previous stages of the disease are supplemented by aggravating symptoms:
    • progressive decline in intelligence, memory and development of dementia;
    • restrictions in movements due to weakness and numbness of the limbs;
    • inability to work and take care of oneself at home.

Vascular encephalopathy: treatment of the disease

When the disease is diagnosed, it is important to start treatment at the initial stage. Depending on the degree and extent of damage to brain cells, the following types of treatment may be indicated for a patient with vascular encephalopathy:

  1. Maintenance therapy– prescribed at the initial stage of the disease to inhibit the process of cell death. This includes:
  • changing your diet (limiting salt intake, fatty foods, carbohydrates, spicy foods, animal fats);
  • weight adjustment if you are prone to overweight and obesity;
  • changing your daily routine (preference should be given to regular walks and active recreation);
  • refusal of such bad habits like drinking alcohol and smoking.
  1. Drug therapy– prescribed in the middle and last stages of the disease to relieve disturbing symptoms and stop the process of damage to brain tissue. The patient is prescribed a course of medication that includes the following groups of medications:
  • drugs that normalize blood pressure;
  • diuretics;
  • nootropics and neuroprotective agents;
  • painkillers;
  • antioxidants;
  • drugs that normalize vascular system and blood thinners;
  • B vitamins;
  • drugs that lower cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • sedatives, antidepressants.
  1. Physiotherapy– prescribed in conjunction with drug treatment to stimulate the functioning of nerve cells and improve blood circulation in brain tissue. Procedures that may be prescribed for vascular encephalopathy include:
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ozone therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • electromagnetic stimulation;
  • plasmapheresis.
  1. Surgery– necessary in case of acute lack of oxygen in the brain tissues and the rapid progression of the disease. To restore blood flow, the patient may be indicated for endovascular surgery - vascular stenting. This type of operation refers to a minimally invasive surgical intervention, during which the load on the patient’s body is minimal.

Treatment for vascular encephalopathy is selected by a neurologist in accordance with the nature of the damage to brain tissue and the degree of advanced disease.

Traditional methods of treatment

To maintain brain structures and inhibit the process of cell death, you can consider taking folk remedies along with drug treatment. These are mainly herbal infusions and decoctions that help nourish the brain, as well as improve metabolic processes between its tissues:

  1. Clover infusion. Herb flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. poured into a liter jar, after which it was filled with vodka. The infusion is left for 2 weeks in a dark place. It should be consumed three times a day in diluted form shortly before meals: 1 tbsp. by 0.5 tbsp. water.
  2. Onion tincture. The juice squeezed from onions is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 2. The resulting mixture should be taken shortly before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp.
  3. An infusion of valerian, lemon zest and chamomile flowers. Zest of 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. Mix dried chamomile and 2 valerian roots together and crush. Pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials and leave to steep for 1 hour. When chilled, drink the strained drink twice a day, 1 glass.
  4. Hawthorn infusion. In 1 tbsp. boiling water in the evening put 2 tbsp. hawthorn fruit and leave to infuse overnight. Accept medicine Needed in the morning shortly before breakfast.

The intake and dosage of herbal infusions must be agreed with your doctor, taking into account possible side effects.

The danger of vascular encephalopathy is that it is quite difficult to recognize it at the initial stage based on primary signs. Loss of time in such cases leads to the development of irreversible processes in the brain structures and limitation of the patient’s vital functions.

Vascular encephalopathy refers to cerebrovascular diseases, therefore in ICD-10, depending on the causes of occurrence, it is assigned one of the codes I60-I69.

Stages, as well as accompanying symptoms and signs of vascular encephalopathy

The disease develops in several stages, each of which has characteristic signs:

  1. Compensation stage. At this stage, the brain tissue is slightly damaged, so neighboring cells are able to compensate for their functions. The patient begins to develop mild neurological signs, but it is impossible to diagnose disorders in the brain structures. The first symptoms of vascular encephalopathy are:
    • headache;
    • ear congestion and noise;
    • fatigue, muscle weakness;
    • sleep disturbance;
    • changes in blood pressure;
    • forgetfulness;
    • mood swings – tendency to depression, irritability, tearfulness.
  2. Subcompensation stage. The pathological process spreads to neighboring brain cells, thereby forming lesions. During instrumental diagnostics, changes occurring in the brain tissue become visible. At this stage, the symptoms become moderately severe, and the patient may experience:
    • increased headaches, attacks often end in fainting;
    • a decrease in intellectual abilities, mental functions and professional skills as a consequence;
    • mental disorders - panic attacks, impaired consciousness;
    • increased muscle weakness;
    • decrease in cognitive functions such as swallowing reflex, speech, memory;
    • lack of coordination, externally manifested in a staggering gait.
  3. Stage of decompensation. Massive destruction of nerve cells leads to brain atrophy and the occurrence of irreversible processes in its structures. Symptoms characteristic of the previous stages of the disease are supplemented by aggravating symptoms:
    • progressive decline in intelligence, memory and development of dementia;
    • restrictions in movements due to weakness and numbness of the limbs;
    • inability to work and take care of oneself at home.

Vascular encephalopathy: treatment of the disease

When the disease is diagnosed, it is important to start treatment at the initial stage. Depending on the degree and extent of damage to brain cells, the following types of treatment may be indicated for a patient with vascular encephalopathy:

  1. Maintenance therapy is prescribed at the initial stage of the disease to slow down the process of cell death. This includes:
  • change in diet (limiting salt intake, fatty foods, carbohydrates, spicy foods, animal fats);
  • weight adjustment if you are prone to overweight and obesity;
  • changing your daily routine (preference should be given to regular walks and active recreation);
  • giving up bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking.
  1. Drug therapy is prescribed in the middle and last stages of the disease to relieve disturbing symptoms and stop the process of damage to brain tissue. The patient is prescribed a course of medication that includes the following groups of medications:
  • drugs that normalize blood pressure;
  • diuretics;
  • nootropics and neuroprotective agents;
  • painkillers;
  • antioxidants;
  • drugs that normalize the vascular system and thin the blood;
  • B vitamins;
  • drugs that lower cholesterol levels in the blood;
  • sedatives, antidepressants.
  1. Physiotherapy - prescribed in conjunction with drug treatment to stimulate the functioning of nerve cells and improve blood circulation in the brain tissue. Procedures that may be prescribed for vascular encephalopathy include:
  • magnetic therapy;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ozone therapy;
  • acupuncture;
  • electromagnetic stimulation;
  • plasmapheresis.
  1. Surgical treatment is necessary in case of acute lack of oxygen in the brain tissue and the rapid progression of the disease. To restore blood flow, the patient may be indicated for endovascular surgery - vascular stenting. This type of operation refers to a minimally invasive surgical intervention, during which the load on the patient’s body is minimal.

Treatment for vascular encephalopathy is selected by a neurologist in accordance with the nature of the damage to brain tissue and the degree of advanced disease.

Traditional methods of treatment

To maintain brain structures and inhibit the process of cell death, you can consider taking folk remedies along with drug treatment. These are mainly herbal infusions and decoctions that help nourish the brain, as well as improve metabolic processes between its tissues:

  1. Clover infusion. Herb flowers in the amount of 1 tbsp. poured into a liter jar, after which it was filled with vodka. The infusion is left for 2 weeks in a dark place. It should be consumed three times a day in diluted form shortly before meals: 1 tbsp. by 0.5 tbsp. water.
  2. Onion tincture. The juice squeezed from onions is mixed with honey in a ratio of 1: 2. The resulting mixture should be taken shortly before meals three times a day, 1 tbsp.
  3. An infusion of valerian, lemon zest and chamomile flowers. Zest of 1 lemon, 3 tbsp. Mix dried chamomile and 2 valerian roots together and crush. Pour a glass of boiling water over the raw materials and leave to steep for 1 hour. When chilled, drink the strained drink twice a day, 1 glass.
  4. Hawthorn infusion. In 1 tbsp. boiling water in the evening put 2 tbsp. hawthorn fruit and leave to infuse overnight. The medication should be taken in the morning shortly before breakfast.

The intake and dosage of herbal infusions must be agreed with your doctor, taking into account possible side effects.

Consequences of vascular encephalopathy

The progression of the disease and the formation of foci of dying cells in the brain tissue entails irreversible consequences for the patient.

In the subcompensation stage, the patient experiences a limitation of vital functions. He can perform most daily tasks, but cannot completely refuse outside help.

The last stage of vascular encephalopathy has more serious consequences. As a rule, by this time the patient has already been recognized as disabled. Against the background of the underlying pathology, he has high probability development of Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia. A person becomes completely dependent on outside help in everyday life, and is considered unfit for professional activities.

Choosing a doctor or clinic

©18 The information on the site is for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a qualified physician.

Encephalopathy of the brain: symptoms and treatment

Encephalopathy of the brain - main symptoms:

  • Noise in ears
  • Headache
  • Mood swings
  • Weakness
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Speech Impairment
  • Deterioration of vision
  • Increased fatigue
  • Drowsiness
  • Memory impairment
  • Tearfulness
  • Hearing impairment
  • Depression
  • Hallucinations
  • Deterioration of sleep
  • Brain swelling
  • Blackout
  • Hot temper

Encephalopathy of the brain - pathological condition, in which due to insufficient supply of oxygen and blood to the brain tissue, the death of its nerve cells occurs. As a result, areas of decay appear, blood stagnates, small local areas of hemorrhage form and edema forms meninges. The disease mainly affects the white and gray matter of the brain.

Encephalopathy is not an independent disease, but occurs against the background of other diseases. It finds itself in different age groups: both adults and children. Its course is undulating and chronic. Sometimes the phase of deterioration is replaced by a temporary improvement in the condition, but the prognosis of the disease is disappointing: such a disease is incurable, although many people live quite long lives, following the medication regimen, systematically monitoring blood pressure indicators and using folk remedies for prevention, which significantly reduces Negative consequences diseases.

Causes of encephalopathy

The development of the disease is slow, however, there are exceptions. For example, with severe damage to the liver and kidneys, as well as with malignant hypertension, the disease progresses suddenly and rapidly. Currently, encephalopathies are classified based on the reasons for their formation:

  1. congenital (perinatal) encephalopathy. The causes of its occurrence are genetic metabolic disorders, entanglement of the umbilical cord, infectious diseases suffered during pregnancy, birth injuries;
  2. purchased:
    • discirculatory. Occurs with non-inflammatory damage to the meninges, causing insufficiency cerebral blood supply, as well as in the presence of cerebral vascular pathologies. It is divided into atherosclerotic, venous, hypertensive and mixed encephalopathy;
    • progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy. The reason for its appearance is damage to the blood vessels of the brain and disruption of their microcirculation, as well as the presence of arterial hypertension;
    • toxic encephalopathy. Occurs when the body is exposed to toxic substances. There are alcohol, drugs, Wernicke and medication. So, alcoholic - develops with toxic damage to the meninges, the cause of which is the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Wernicke encephalopathy occurs with vitamin B1 deficiency;
    • post-traumatic or “Missed Strike Syndrome” (MSS). The cause of its appearance is traumatic brain injury. Often found in athletes involved in boxing, karate, football, etc.;
    • radial Occurs when the human brain is exposed to radiation;
    • progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy. Occurs with the progression of the JC virus (lymphoma, AIDS, leukemia);
    • metabolic. Its appearance is associated with metabolic disorders in the body. There are hyperosmolar, hypoglycemic, hyperglycemic (or diabetic), pancreatic, hepatic, uremic, etc.

Unlike congenital encephalopathy, acquired encephalopathy appears during a person’s lifetime.

Symptoms of encephalopathy

Recognizing the onset of encephalopathy is problematic. After all, the condition that precedes its development can be characterized by symptoms that are common to humans and are temporary in nature, such as headache, dizziness, and tinnitus. At first, this may be mistakenly associated with changes in weather, excessive physical or mental stress, or severe stress. But if you do not pay attention to them, you can allow the disease to progress, since even such symptoms can indicate a deterioration in cerebral circulation.

By nature, the symptoms of encephalopathy are very diverse. But its most common signs, with the exception of the above three, are:

  • general weakness;
  • increased fatigue;
  • tearfulness;
  • lack of initiative;
  • sudden mood changes;
  • depression;
  • hot temper;
  • clouding of consciousness, memory destruction;
  • deterioration of vision and hearing functions;
  • poor sleep;
  • obsessive desire to die.

When visiting a doctor, such patients often have difficulty pronouncing some words, their speech is verbose, their range of interests is narrowed, and there is a desire to sleep during the daytime. These are the common and most common symptoms of encephalopathy. You should also know that each type of disease has its own set of symptoms.

Thus, the development of discirculatory encephalopathy is characterized by 3 stages, characterized by a certain set of signs:

  1. compensated stage. Here, the appearance of general symptoms is observed, such as dizziness, memory loss, and headaches.
  2. subcompensated stage. Symptoms are more pronounced and clear:
    • constant headache;
    • incessant ringing in the ears;
    • worsening sleep;
    • tearfulness;
    • state of depression;
    • lethargy;
  3. decompensated stage. The main symptoms of this stage are life-threatening morphological changes in brain tissue.

Progressive vascular leukoencephalopathy can lead to the development of dementia. Symptoms of this encephalopathy:

  • headache;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • memory impairment;
  • dizziness;
  • the appearance of phobias;
  • psychopathy;
  • the occurrence of hallucinations;
  • asthenia.

Toxic and, above all, alcoholic encephalopathy is dangerous, destructive impact toxic substances on blood vessels human brain, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • long-term, acute psychoneurological personality disorder;
  • an increase in the volume of the ventricles of the brain;
  • congestion of the meninges with blood;
  • cerebral edema.

Post-traumatic encephalopathy is dangerous due to the latent course of symptoms that appear long after the injury:

It should be noted that the severity of these symptoms will be stronger, the more severe and dangerous the injury. Radiation encephalopathy is characterized by 2 types of disorders: asthenic and psychological. Symptoms that characterize progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy:

  • violation of higher brain functions;
  • a disorder of consciousness that can lead to dementia;
  • epileptic seizures and ataxia are rare.

This leukoencephalopathy is the most “aggressive” of a large number of encephalopathies, its prognosis is disappointing - death.

Symptoms of metabolic encephalopathy:

  • confusion;
  • absent-mindedness;
  • drowsiness;
  • lethargy;
  • speech disorder;
  • the occurrence of hallucinations;
  • disturbance of worldview;
  • coma - as the disease progresses.

Diagnosis of the disease

Successful detection of encephalopathy is facilitated by complex diagnostics. To do this, it is necessary, firstly, to first study the patient’s medical history. And secondly, test the patient for:

  • coordination of movements;
  • memory state;
  • psychological condition.

These studies can show the presence of changes in the patient’s psyche, and if third-party diseases are identified, the doctor will most likely be able to make a preliminary diagnosis.

In parallel with the above studies, the patient is prescribed the following tests:

  • general blood analysis. The key here will be the blood lipid level. If its value exceeds the norm, then we can judge that discirculatory encephalopathy of the brain in the patient begins to progress;
  • metabolic tests illustrating the numerical values ​​of glucose, electrolytes, ammonia, oxygen and lactic acid contained in the blood. This testing also includes numerical measurement of liver enzymes;
  • autoantibody testing, which shows the presence of neuron-damaging antibodies that contribute to the development of dementia;
  • blood pressure monitoring;
  • test to detect drugs and toxins in the body (in case of toxic form);
  • measuring creatinine levels - allows you to identify abnormalities in kidney function.

For a more accurate picture of the disease, studies are also carried out using methods such as:

  • Ultrasound Dopplerography of the vessels of the brain and neck. Shows the presence of pathological blood circulation, helps identify abscesses;
  • ultrasound scanning - to detect plaques or spasms in the walls of blood vessels;
  • Ultrasound monitoring allows us to identify the cause of the formation of blood clots and the location of emboli;
  • computed tomography, MRI - to find tumors and brain abnormalities;
  • electroencephalography - to identify brain dysfunctions;
  • rheoencephalography - to assess the condition of blood vessels and cerebral blood flow;
  • X-ray of the spine (cervical spine) with functional tests.

To make a diagnosis, not all of the above studies are prescribed by a doctor. Indications for a particular study are dictated by the severity of the disease and certain difficulties in making a diagnosis.

Treatment of encephalopathy

Treatment of encephalopathy is quite long. Its duration depends on the duration and severity of the disease, on the patient’s age and the presence of concurrent diseases. During the year, the patient needs to undergo treatment in the amount of 2-3 courses (inpatient and outpatient). Its main directions will be:

  • drug treatment. Includes the prescription of drugs that optimize cerebral circulation and neuroprotectors. This treatment is a course (1–3 months);
  • physiotherapeutic treatment. Includes acupuncture, ozone therapy, electrophoresis, blood irradiation, treatment using magnetic therapy techniques;
  • surgical treatment - designed to improve blood flow to the brain by performing endovascular surgery to dilate the affected vessels.

Successful treatment of the disease is facilitated by correction of the standard of living, which includes:

  • refusal of alcohol (in the alcoholic form), drugs, smoking;
  • low-fat and salt-free diet;
  • body weight adjustment;
  • motor mode.

Treatment of encephalopathy can also be carried out with folk remedies:

  • 1 tbsp. l. green onion juice mixed with 2 tbsp. l. honey taken before meals minimizes the effects of the disease;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. clover flowers, brew 300 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours. Use 3 times a day (30 minutes before meals). This is a folk remedy for noise in the head;
  • 2 tbsp. l. rose hips per 500 ml of boiling water - kept for several hours. It is an excellent folk remedy for the treatment of encephalopathy.

And although such a powerful disease as encephalopathy is a shock to a person, if you follow the doctor’s recommendations in combination with treatment with folk remedies, you can not only minimize the consequences of the disease, reduce the number side effects, but also improve the prognosis of the disease, as well as the quality of life.

If you think that you have Encephalopathy of the brain and the symptoms characteristic of this disease, then a neurologist can help you.

We also suggest using our online disease diagnostic service, which selects probable diseases based on the entered symptoms.

Failure of the body, which is characterized by the progression of deterioration of blood supply to brain tissue, is called ischemia. This serious illness, which predominantly affects the blood vessels of the brain, clogging them and thereby causing oxygen deficiency.

Migraine is a fairly common neurological disease accompanied by severe paroxysmal headache. Migraine, the symptoms of which are pain, concentrated on one side of the head mainly in the area of ​​the eyes, temples and forehead, nausea, and in some cases vomiting, occurs without reference to brain tumors, stroke and serious head injuries, although and may indicate the relevance of the development of certain pathologies.

A concussion is a pathological condition that occurs against the background of receiving one or another specific head injury. A concussion, the symptoms of which are in no way related to vascular pathologies, is accompanied by a sudden disruption of brain function. What is noteworthy is that when an injury occurs, a concussion is diagnosed in about 80% of cases.

Alport syndrome or hereditary nephritis is a kidney disease that is inherited. In other words, the disease affects only those who have a genetic predisposition. Men are most susceptible to the disease, but the disease also occurs in women. The first symptoms appear in children between 3 and 8 years of age. The disease itself may be asymptomatic. Most often diagnosed during preventive examination or when diagnosing another underlying disease.

Acclimatization is the process of adapting the body to a new climate and environmental conditions. This process is observed quite often in children after several days spent at sea. The symptoms of this disorder resemble the common cold.

With the help of exercise and abstinence, most people can do without medicine.

Symptoms and treatment of human diseases

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All information provided is subject to mandatory consultation with your attending physician!

Questions and suggestions:

What is the danger of cerebral encephalopathy, treatment methods

Congenital or acquired encephalopathy of the brain is a pathological change in nerve tissues in which their basic functions are significantly impaired. The disease is secondary and occurs against the background of other deviations and anomalies.

What is organic brain damage

The term organic pathology means several diseases of primary and secondary factors of occurrence, having one general manifestation- damage to brain tissue. Vascular encephalopathy of the brain is a more accurate definition, indicating the cause of the disorders and existing abnormalities.

Variants of organic brain lesions

Depending on the cause that caused the organic damage, it is customary to distinguish several main types of pathological changes.

  • Discirculatory encephalopathy is a pathology manifested in insufficient blood supply and progressive impairment of the basic functions of brain tissue. Changes in the cerebral cortex of an organic nature develop slowly over years. There is a multifocal disorder.

Treatment of dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the brain consists of using conservative therapy, aimed at stopping atrophic processes and improving blood supply.

IN Lately Alcoholic encephalopathy of the brain is increasingly observed, which is also classified as a pathological disorder as a result of toxic poisoning. As a result of constant alcohol abuse, irreversible changes occur, leading to the appearance of auditory and visual hallucinations and coronary disease.

Metabolic encephalopathy is observed in patients suffering from excess weight, often accompanied by atherosclerosis and other disorders.

Therapy on late stages deviations have an unfavorable prognosis.

How does organic brain damage manifest?

The signs of encephalopathy in children differ significantly from the symptoms that appear in adults.

  • 1st degree – there is no early organic damage clinical manifestations, therefore, it is diagnosed accidentally, using instrumental research methods. The first stage is characterized by deviations in the pulsed electromagnetic activity of the brain and minor changes in the structure of tissues.

Brain encephalopathy is especially difficult to diagnose in the elderly. They attribute fatigue, dizziness, forgetfulness and other symptoms to inevitable old age.

Most experts agree that focal encephalopathy has general symptoms, allowing one to suspect the disease even in early stage. These include:

The following manifestations are typical for perinatal (congenital) organic damage:

  • Cramps – Occur when body temperature rises or as a result of other irritants.

Residual organic brain damage of perinatal origin is quite difficult to diagnose. It is even more difficult to identify the cause that led to the development of deviations. Therefore, the attending physician will conduct differential diagnosis, in order to identify the likely source of developmental anomalies.

What are the dangers of encephalopathy of the head?

The initial stage of encephalopathy responds quite well to conventional methods of therapy. The patient is prescribed conservative drug treatment, lifestyle and eating habits are adjusted.

Organic brain disease in children

Organic damage to the brain of the head means that the changes were caused by a secondary factor. Speaking in simple language, the disease is a consequence of:

  1. Birth traumatic brain injury.

Children with organic brain damage are irritable and tearful. There are convulsive phenomena, disturbances in the functioning of internal organs, big size fontanelle and delay in its closure.

Is it possible to cure cerebral encephalopathy?

Drug treatment of encephalopathy brings good results, provided that the catalyst factors that gave rise to pathological changes are eliminated. For successful therapy it is necessary to identify the disease vascular origin at an early stage. After the examination, necessary treatment is prescribed.

How to determine organic brain damage

Diagnosis of encephalopathy includes the use of several instrumental research methods.

  • REG - rheoencephalography is intended to determine the condition of the walls of blood vessels and arteries. Helps identify venous encephalopathy affecting the vessels of the central nervous system.

Doppler sonography is traditionally used to diagnose organic lesions in alcoholism.

Consequences organic disease brain on MRI are reflected in color changes. The image clearly shows any neoplasms, as well as the condition of the blood vessels.

Angiography helps to identify chronic encephalopathy caused by atherosclerotic changes. CT signs indicate the localization of the pathology of the vascular system, as well as the location of the thrombotic plaque.

Traditional methods of treating organic lesions

Treatment methods for encephalopathy consist of four main areas that help achieve a significant improvement in the patient’s well-being.

  • Lifestyle adjustments – minimal brain dysfunction can be easily treated without the use of medications. To improve the condition, it is enough to eliminate risk factors.

Together with the patient, a diet is developed, the nutrition schedule is adjusted and the correct daily routine is drawn up. The consequences of alcoholic encephalopathy cannot be eliminated without the patient completely giving up alcohol. Smoking and drugs are prohibited.

Neuroprotectors, B1 vitamins, vasodilators and diuretics are required.

When prescribing surgical intervention, it is taken into account that encephalopathy after surgery is quite common. Therefore, instrumental therapy is a last resort and is carried out exclusively when the patient’s life is threatened and gross organic disorders of the cerebral cortex are diagnosed.

Treatment of encephalopathy with folk remedies

Treatment with folk remedies is carried out using decoctions and tinctures of fruits and plant roots, known for their hypertensive and diuretic properties.

  • Rose hips are brewed and drunk as tea. For greater effect, before brewing it is better to pound the rose hips in a mortar.

Nutrition for cerebral encephalopathy

Diet for encephalopathy is mandatory. Without proper nutrition, it is almost impossible to achieve improvements in brain function.

The exact list of foods that should not be consumed will be compiled by your attending physician. To improve brain activity, you need to increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits. Good influence Walnuts also have an effect on brain activity.

Prevention of cerebral encephalopathy

The diagnosis of organic lesion is made to patients in case of significant violations brain activity. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to healthy image life: exercise, eat right, read a lot.

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What are cystic-gliotic changes in the brain, why is it dangerous?

What is a cyst of the epiphysis (pineal gland) of the brain, possible complications, treatment methods

What causes cerebral vascular sclerosis, possible consequences and therapy

Is a cerebral pseudocyst dangerous in a newborn and how to get rid of it?

What are the basal ganglia of the brain and what are they responsible for?

Encephalopathy of the brain

What is it - the term itself, cerebral encephalopathy, serves common name(collectively) reflecting the severity and consequences of brain damage (decrease in the volume of glial cells and neurons, atrophic processes in the brain, significant functional disorders).

It is usually diagnosed by the nature of dystrophic changes, manifested by pseudoencephalopathy, cerebropathy or encephalosis, due to acquired or natural non-inflammatory lesions, from which absolutely no one is immune.

The etiology of the development of the syndrome will help to better understand what cerebral encephalopathy is.

Etiology of development, causes

Encephalopathy as a disease is not registered in any medical registry, including the WHO classification system.

Encephalopathy of the brain is a syndrome of pathological degenerative changes caused in the cells of the nerve tissues of the brain long-term violation blood supply, which causes oxygen starvation (hypoxia), pathogenic factors or diseases.

The etiology of development is due to an abnormality, congenital or acquired pathology due to internal or external influences.

Congenital pathology of encephalopathy syndrome, this is a consequence of the negative impact on the fetus in different stages its development. Conditional:

  • genetic defects;
  • pathology of the development of the central nervous system;
  • hypoxia or birth trauma.

The first signs can appear immediately in postpartum period, or over time, in the form of characteristic changes. This form of the disease is fraught with serious consequences, often leading to disability.

Timely healing techniques allow you to significantly correct violations, thanks to the high ability of compensatory processes (reversibility) of the child’s body.

Acquired encephalopathy is diagnosed much more often. The emergence is promoted various factors etiological genesis. In particular, with complicated background autoimmune (systemic) disorders that contribute to the formation of ischemic brain disease.

Despite the many forms of manifestation of encephalopathy, they all have general mechanism development, manifested by:

  • Brain hypoxia, which provokes processes of cerebral circulation disorders, causes disruptions in the functions of the arterial and venous systems (reduced blood flow to the brain and difficulty in its outflow);
  • The development of hemorrhagic stroke (hemorrhage), which often causes cerebral encephalopathy in older people;
  • Adverse effects of toxins affecting the metabolism and composition of nerve tissue structures;
  • Acute course of malignant arterial hypertension, manifested renal pathologies or gestasis (late toxicosis in pregnant women - nephropathy);
  • Subsequently, long-term cardiovascular operations or as a consequence of cessation of breathing, in case of clinical death. All this disrupts respiratory functions, blood circulation and tissue metabolism.

Such reasons for the formation of cerebral encephalopathy in adults explain the similarity of morphological changes in its various forms, manifested by:

  • the formation of small necrotic foci;
  • diffuse or cerebral atrophy of the brain;
  • plethora and swelling of the brain and its membrane;
  • increased proliferation of glial fibers.

The severity of the disease and the location of the lesions, the integrity of the vessels of the white plates depend on the cause of the development of encephalopathy medulla and vessels of the gray matter of its cortex, the severity of the circulatory disorder.

Discirculatory encephalopathy of the brain and other types

Encephalopathy in adults can manifest itself in many types and forms.

  1. Post-traumatic – consequences of brain injury.
  2. Toxic – the result of the influence of toxins of various origins (bacterial, neurotropic).
  3. The radiation form is caused by exposure to ionizing factors.
  4. Encephalopathy of cerebral vessels is the result of chronic vascular damage.
  5. Discircular is the most common form of the disease.
  6. Metabolic (hepatic, diabetic, etc.), as a result of dysfunction of internal organs.

Dyscirculatory encephalopathy of the brain deserves special attention. It is characterized by the slow progressive development of pathological processes in the cerebral blood supply system caused by cerebrovascular disorders.

In turn, it manifests itself in four types:

  • venous pathology;
  • hypertensive;
  • atherosclerotic;
  • mixed.

Sometimes discircular pathology manifests itself together with hydrocephalus.

Symptoms and signs of encephalopathy

Clinical signs of pathology are varied and depend on the severity, degree, form of the disease, and brain changes of a dystrophic nature.

The earliest symptoms appear:

  • Intense pain widespread throughout the head;
  • Pulsating noises in the ears;
  • Emotional disorders and inappropriate reactions;
  • Insomnia (insomnia) and lethargy;
  • Constant fatigue and absent-minded attention;
  • Memory problems.

The staged development of symptoms is determined by the stage of the pathological process.

1) The compensated first stage is manifested by cerebrasthenic symptoms (emotional lability, increased excitability, insomnia, headaches, dizziness), mental disorders (asthenodepressive and paranoid syndromes).

2) In the subcompensated second stage, symptoms worsen and the condition worsens. Signs of coordination disorders and intentional trembling (tremor), symptoms of impaired visual and auditory functions, and convulsive epileptiform syndrome (seizures) are added.

3) In the decompensated third, severe stage, brain disorders are noted due to symptoms of cerebellar damage (disorders of coordination movements, inhibition of tendon and periosteal reflex functions, pathological changes in the mechanism of maintaining a certain posture). Severe mental disorders are noted.

Signs extensive damage brain structures are manifested by rapid, violent mental symptoms, followed by apathy (with frequent loss of consciousness) - obvious signs pulmonary infarction, obstruction of the pulmonary arteries, or stroke.

Which doctor deals with encephalopathy problems?

If signs of pathological processes are detected, you must consult a neurologist. Specialists are directly involved in the treatment of pathology, depending on the causes of brain disorders.

  1. If the causative factor is due to atherosclerosis and hypertension, the participation of a cardiologist is necessary.
  2. At endocrine pathologies, in particular a consequence of diabetes, requires consultation and treatment with an endocrinologist.
  3. It is necessary to contact a hepatologist if liver pathologies are the cause.
  4. Treatment by a nephrologist is carried out for renal failure.

If surgical interventions are necessary, the problem of brain disorders is solved by a neurosurgeon.

Diagnostic techniques

To identify the causative factors that caused encephalopathy and determine the depth of damage to brain structures, a number of instrumental diagnostic techniques are used:

  • REG diagnostics (rheoencephalography) – examination of the cerebral vascular system.
  • Ultrasound examination of vascular pathologies (subclavian, vertebral carotid arteries).
  • Methods of MRI examination of the brain (angiography, tractography).
  • General tests and liver biopsy examination.

Treatment method for cerebral encephalopathy

The treatment protocol, in each specific case, is selected individually. Based on complex therapeutic treatment according to pathological manifestations, severity of expressed symptoms and underlying disease.

The primary task is to eliminate the cause that caused the pathological changes.

Acute and pronounced processes are stopped:

  1. By mechanical ventilation methods ( artificial ventilation lungs);
  2. Removing toxic substances from the body - by hemodialysis;
  3. Blood purification using hemoperfusion (extracorporeal detoxification).

Treatment of cerebral encephalopathy with drug therapy is determined mainly by the severity of symptoms.

  • anti-inflammatory drugs, steroid hormones and NSAIDs;
  • multivitamins – “Aevit”, “Alphabet”, etc.;
  • diuretics (diuretics);
  • anticonvulsant drugs (if necessary) - Phenobarbital, Phenytoin.

To improve cellular metabolism, nootropic drugs are prescribed - Paracetam, Cerebrolysin, Pantogam, Noopept and amino acid preparations - glutamic, folic and ascorbic.

To improve cerebral blood flow - “Cavinton”, “Cinarizine”, etc.

  • Methods of manual therapy and acupuncture;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, ultraviolet blood, etc.);
  • Individually selected exercise therapy exercises.

As surgical treatment endovascular techniques are used - intravascular operations that eliminate vascular obstruction (vascular stenting, vasodilation by angioplasty, aortic balloon valvuloplasty).

Stem cell treatment is the most effective method in restoring brain functions. This technique activates the process of tissue regeneration and helps restore the functions of damaged brain neurons.

Consequences and prevention

For each type of encephalopathy, the consequences are individual and correspond to the main symptoms. Most severe consequences are observed in the toxic form of the disease, when severe brain damage is irreversible. Common consequences include:

  • neuropsychic disorders;
  • development of hypertensive hydrocephalic syndrome;
  • violation nervous regulation in the human body.

An important factor in prevention is mental stability. This is facilitated by activities without physical strain, pleasant, quiet music and calm movies without aggression.

Soothing bath procedures with the addition of sea salt help preserve the vascular system. Improve blood circulation – cold and hot shower in the morning, long walks.

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Symptoms and treatment

The information is provided for informational and reference purposes; diagnosis and treatment should be prescribed by professional doctor. Do not self-medicate. | User Agreement | Contacts | Advertising | © 2018 Medical Consultant - Health On-Line

Today, many people are worried about all kinds of vascular diseases. And this is not just like that, because statistics show millions of people dying from these ailments. This article will discuss vascular encephalopathy. You probably need to know what symptoms of the disease exist and how treatment is carried out.

It should be said right away that this disease affects. It can be not only congenital, but also acquired.

How can you acquire a disease? First of all, by abusing alcohol. Anything can happen after an injury. All this leads to brain damage. Elderly people are at particular risk.

Causes of vascular encephalopathy

How does the disease form?

The disease is formed due to the fact that the brain does not receive required amount blood. That is why hypertension often leads to the problem in question. As for injuries, infections and pathologies, they are not so often the causes. These are rather exceptions to the rule.

How to determine the presence of a disease

The disease can be divided into several stages. For compensatory, subcompensatory, decompensatory. The first one is considered the most initial. The symptoms here are the simplest. But this is also very bad, since many can simply ignore them and not go to the doctor. So what are these symptoms? The patient begins to feel pain in the head and hears noises. He begins to lose his memory, forgets about some noticeable moments. Insomnia is noted, bad thoughts creep into the mind. Yes, and increased fatigue.

Many people experience such signs. They are not willing to go to the doctor, so very often it is not possible to detect the disease on initial stage.

As for the next stage, it is marked by incessant pain in the head. In addition, all this is accompanied by fainting. Memory deteriorates even more. Professional skills and knowledge that have been acquired over the years are often lost. In addition, movement and speech disturbances can be observed. Limbs become weak. Such symptoms are already significantly more significant. It is simply impossible to ignore them anymore.

Now let's look at the decompensation stage. As you understand, all the signs already listed are getting worse. The patient almost completely loses the ability to think. Independent movement difficult. A person is needed for maintenance. Naturally, treatment in this case will be much more complicated.



Modern equipment allows you to easily identify the disease at the initial stage. In this case, Doppler ultrasound can help you. This is duplex scanning. It is enough just to look at the vessels of the neck, the column of the brain. To obtain complete information, an x-ray is required. All this will not take much of your time. It is only important to contact trusted clinics. Those that are equipped with modern equipment. This way you can easily avoid mistakes when making a diagnosis. Yes, and save your own time. Indeed, in most state medical institutions there are heavy queues.

Naturally, an MRI is required. The vessels of the brain and neck are examined. Blood and urine samples should be taken for analysis. A spinal cord puncture is almost always necessary.

How to cope with the disease

As you understand, under no circumstances should you carry out treatment yourself. Even if you choose the right medications, there is still a high chance that you will confuse the dosages. You'll end up hurting yourself even more than before. But you can change your lifestyle to make the treatment more effective.

Initially, you should change your diet. It should contain as little salt as possible. It is important to avoid consuming fatty foods. All this leads to increased cholesterol. It is necessary to monitor its content on an ongoing basis. Be sure to maintain an 8-hour sleep schedule. Arrange for a walk. At least several thousand steps. This will not only improve internal state, but will also improve your mood. In addition, you will be able to get rid of excess weight, if any.

Naturally, it is impossible to cope with the problem without taking medications. First of all, they should be directed to lower arterial pressure. As you know, cholesterol actively contributes to the development of the disease. So you should take medications that lower its level. You should take products that reduce headache. Absolutely all patients require medications to improve vascular health. Don't forget about B vitamins.

Any professional doctor will confirm to you that you need to take medications throughout your life that normalize the chemical composition of the blood and remove excess cholesterol. So you don’t need to think that you will be able to avoid the consequences. Naturally, the process will be incomplete without physiotherapy. It involves electrophoresis. In addition, a course of massage in the collar area is prescribed.

Folk remedies

They also help brighten up the fate of the patient. As already mentioned, vascular encephalopathy occurs due to the fact that there is a problem with blood circulation in the brain. As you probably know, hawthorn berries can help significantly in this matter. Tomatoes and herbs will also indirectly be saved.

Beet juice

Beet juice helps a lot. To increase its effectiveness, you should add a spoonful of honey to it. If you don't like it that way, you can simply eat this chewy product before meals. Just a couple of spoons will be enough. What other problem might be bothering you? Usually this is a pain in the head. There is no need to take any newfangled medications that cost a lot but are not effective. It is much better to use clover flowers.

All these folk remedies must be taken for a month. After this, a break is taken for about 4-5 weeks and everything is repeated.

Do not overdo it. Honey and berries can cause allergies if consumed in excessive quantities.

How to protect yourself

Very often the disease is acquired. All this happens due to a wrong lifestyle. First of all, you need to give up heavy consumption of alcohol and smoking. This makes the vessels as fragile as possible. If your diet doesn’t have enough B vitamins, just buy them at the pharmacy and consume them. These are the basic conditions for not subsequently suffering from vascular encephalopathy.

In addition, balanced activity is necessary. Professional sports never made blood vessels healthier. It is associated with extreme loads. Blood flows through the vessels with incredible activity. But fast walking, gymnastics, jogging. All this will make your cardiovascular system stronger.

And, of course, we must not forget about checks with a doctor. After 40 years, you need to visit a doctor and undergo diagnostics at least once a year. Although the norm is to visit a specialist once every 6 months. Urine and blood are given and blood pressure is measured. There is no need to wait if you begin to experience the first symptoms described in the paragraph earlier.
